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Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1901, p. 3

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I consummation tho 0.- artd pun-king industry III cilia (has! will be ”I no but corporation no" 'lMill JI (lfflilllllfi (ijlllll IHIS “ME. 000 Last Agrees to nd of Powers " MICHAEL OFF to nlslrat ion ulh Cort-ttr-l" anally-ark to Go. real hurl study AW GROWING match to the Perm. dated a tho, Chi-OI. :greed on the ty [mammal l In. the V"- nnl o! the H95 and thoir Us "at! mm. Al night. and I"! h) trtmtq& wily handled w of Hart) nf the town. ‘.-rn-d to that H- town, and \u-muuly a. "urcked down rrt-mIo-rwl ta “ml At and M Vt uiured. was Maul be mulled Acton» Itsbt Expo-tie“ , Print. and _ -"e It I. lit-haul. the begin a he puree o methods. I. T. Tug!» "eottomitet. " been or nl .lnoticr pull hi- to 'o ”Ported oi. Sun. at- Ming-home. um! to [one '. but In. t the owner "ya the lee- 'rml in the b “Nicer- " m of M815 Metttodtr-- t hr will. run an no hogan to him and rlml trom " a tereast w he could Appellate' tart you gun on n (Hut? ot tor our 'w you; building; l the UH Sutvllanr that trust Run-Mn :he recl- mourn-d b" i th the at "malice mum 01 we down nrma at t wen- Bt doing deal In tnd with low-hired 6 " m max ml an- k last should luwlr. ttre In be"). M, and trimth mndled Frarra ' town. to "In "t, and r it h. but he \o-nlns. mrs by Vere" order m in n l and gnu“ mp0, The; Bull will it 8088' HIGH-GRADE CEYIDN TEA In without exception the only shew In”: pure Ceylon tea on the mat. to. My. All other brandu are Ceylon. and something else. i. e., painted tear of " you: grocer does ttot keep ROSS HIGH GRADE TEA, give up your use on a postal. and we will tell you (me who does. in. Ross Tea Company. 1:43 From street can. Toronto. they Will be Recognized as Compe- teat for the Service. The Militia Department has been “Wind that. a bill is before tho lin- prlal Hausa which proposes on cer- uln conditions to admit medical men otttteeotonlee to the Imperial naval. military and civil senlccs. The bill in question provides that where the examination and course of study an the principal colonial schools ot medicine. am in all respects the same as those practised ln the Unit- anne as those practised In me Law ad Kingdom, and subjevt to the su- 'ttsrvuion of the Ge n ral Magical Coun- ciL medital men trom Greater Bri- taiu. when proved m be properly annulled. shall be mlmissable to uvrve the empire in mm naval and military ma civil tservitws ot the Crown. Tho proposed lrglslutirm is " rec- 1aptltton by Britain of the taut that slam the passing of themedlcal act. 1538. very great. advance has been made in medical education through- out tho empire, and especlally in tho sell-governing colonies. A Statement *ixttitrittntr Progress, Stability and Sum-en. It I. always a pleasure to be able to M'law the rma.ucitu statement of one ot our Canadian institutions, -etauy when that tritateguettt ex- hum- progrmu, stability an! snow-5L1. The annual report. of the Manufac- “new hue. published in to-uuJ's is- an. ll one wuich slmws such uuumk We sign» of carolul luunuge- moot. oommued with a spirit ot pro- pah. that policyholders In it nn- to he owgratuauteg and thus: [unpas- M w unsure nu it tttrel no minimum! guarantee that their “new”; will in well protected. " a 2ear in which competition an. very keen the company received applications 'or insurances ammun- lng to over 33.0001)», (um issued pul- ime. tor 32,610,705). The applicatium ducted by the company as not com- Lng up to Its manual standard was the large proportion ot over 10 per cent. or the applications received. The total volume of business now on the company's boob-z In over $1.1,- WDJU, while the cash income from uranium» and interest has Increased tron #:4969168 in 1894, to $titi'i,7l7 In 1900. Luring tho year the com- pany disbursed to policyholders. tor autumnal)". dividends, lurrendwrel policies. uni death chum, the sub- unntial sum of $127,665, added to the reserve hurt for the security of pollcyholum‘a $328,495, and increased at tho Alum? time its surplus by s,67,- ACCEPTS OUR DOCTORS. imumeu tor the past six years was! made by Prof. Dr. James Mills, in which he showed that, while in 1894 tho assets ot the. company amounted to 38.11.3121. they nuw have reached _ tho iargt- “gurus of $2.279,176. As an indication of their excellent char- actce, only some $500 at overdue In- ure-i: existed on the But December in torment of the whole ot them. The oxpenses tor spverui years past have mow": a gradual dual-ease. and in 1900 the Chairan stated that the ratio ot oxpe-nsu wan about " per cent. less than it was two years ago. in every important particular. an pointed out by Mr. R. L. Patterson. it in mown that in the past year when advanoes were made in all than eucntinis which tend toward the building up or a sound and healthy institution. The cash income increased by over $8 i.000; the as- wts by over $463000; the policy re- curve by over 3338.000; surplus on policyholders’ account by over $339,000; an" the luminance in force by over $1,000,010. These are hand- some increases. and lpeak abundant- ly ct the managerial conduct ot the company. affairs by Mr. J. F. Jan- Wat, in managing director. _ L Tho important step taken by the Manuraeturors' and the Temperance and General. in deciding to unite their interests. is one which will, un- l rlouhtedly. tend to secure even I greater economy in administration. uni consequently increased benefits to the policyholders. and, in View of the thorough investigation made by the independent authority into the diaire of both companies. " in con- fidently believed that even greater Il.2',','J1,t' will be made by the com- 'neli companies in the future than ha. been made by either inatitution in the pant. (bl. Dent, tho British army agent, will purchase 1.000 horael here and chi them to England as noon as pos~ 1'lld.' my will also recommend the ottabllshlnent ot remount depots In the Dominion. MW A careful review ot the company's MAN ti KAC"i'b KB "N' LI I" F. Mentor. ot the . "no!" Critic Were Named M’Caiman. Ur. Alexander Carmichael gave the Mow Ruskin Society the other evening the result ot his investiga- tion: into the family name ot Bus- kin. lays the Weatmlnster Gazette. In Glen when. in the Land ot Lorne, about under the shadow of Bea Cru- Hchan. there were at one time sev- eral industries carried on. among which was a cannery. To this tan- nary bark, ot course. had to be brought for dyeing purposes. One tamlly or the district. by name Mc- rhuman. seem to have applied them- selves to the peeling of the bark and bringing it to the taunery. Now, the bark of a tree is called in; Gaelic “rush." sounded '1roosNu" and the men who followed this occupation were called "rutMrerts." and this manomen stuck to the McCalman tawny. l ' This branch of the McCalman fam- ily In the one trom which Ruskin was descended. One member of it migrated to Perthshire and took his oognomen with him. There we know independently that Ruskln's hauler was afterward born, and the later history is public property. It ls interesting to jean-u that . tvt'.' RUSKIN A GENUINE CELT. I“ luwuuv'l-la nu ._-_ -- ___,, so tar back the keen appreeiatrtyt of color was "stumble. the tamlly hating been noted tor their coloring ot the tartan and other home-made clothing. Is Your System in Shape to Carry You Safely Through? The Practice of Taking a Tonic in t Spring In Descended From Our Wile ', Foreman: and Has Good Medical 1 Koo-ment-- A Few Suggestions ( Regarding Health. The practice ot taking a. tonledur- ins: tho inclement weather ot early spring is one that has been bequeath- ed an by our torelathers. who'iived in days when a. sturdy constitution 1 and vigorous health meant even more :than theydo to-day. The custom has tho highest metlival endorsement, and the healthiest people are those who iollowit. Thousands. not really ill, needntoniu at this season. Close l-unfinemmib in badly ventilated hum-es. offices, shops and school rounm "uring the winter months, makes pnup'm {eel depressed and "out- lot-sins." Nature must be assisted iin throwing of! the poison that has accumulated in the system, else 1rc'o- l pio tall an easy prey to disease and l are sulj ct to man) discomforts from i boils, eruptions, and similar troubles. I Dr. Wiiiiams' Pink l'ills tor Pale Peo- ple are the best tonic medicine known to medical sell-use. These pills make (rich, red blood and strong nerves. l'l‘hruugh their use it, springtime. i jaded, listless. easily tired men. women and ehiidrvuarr made bright, active and strong. E.iilcmcc of the wonderlul health resttring virtue of lthesv pills is given by Mrs. J.Lang- I l lois. (b/O Lalontuiu street, Montreal, [ win says: "Before i lwgun using Dr. l Wi:liums' Piuk Pills l was under the. l rare of two doctors. who told me my I trouble was den-luping into eon- ilsumption. l was Very pale and I leeble; had no appetite and could _ hardly stand on my feet; 1 was very _ much discouraged, and thought death "airt,ariirriiro in the taa. I had often read -otnr.willlams'l'iuk Pills. and finally deg-law to.try them. Ar. um l had used three boxes myappe- the was much better. amt I felt a litc tle stronger. I continued the use of the pills for three months when [felt fully cured. When i hogan using tho pills. I only weighed W..'. pounds, and when I Uraxrutimted them my weight had increased to 119 pounds. I also gave the pills to my baby, who was pale and sickly, and they made him a bright. may. fleshy child. I think there is no weak or sickly person who will not find benefit from Dr. williams' Pink Pills." It is a waste of money to experi- ment with other mr-called tomes which areallchrap Imitutiomrot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Insist upon getting the genuine. and lt they are not sold by your dealer sent! direct to the Dr. Williams' Moat cine Co., Bruvlnlllv. ont., and the pills will bo main-d pest paid. at 50: a box, or six b.oxos for $2.50; heath came to an: tour Georges in different ways. Th: Ctrat, as most people know, (“I'd of an upoplectic stroke, which soiled him while in his tux-rings on the) way to Osuabruck. m Hanover. While out walking on Oct. G, Woo, the second suddenly stopped short. exclaimed, "My God!" nnd fell on the trrouml--dead. Heart. disease had killed him. Poor George IH., who was aged, blind. and had long since lost y/My.'; "ooo, uuu In.“ H..." v....-_ - son. pagan! peacefully away without‘ tutoring a syllable; he ucemed merc- ly "to haw sank into profound sluxn-\ her." George IV. was sitting upon his bed on tho night of Ms death. when a blood vessel suddenly broke In his “head. "My God t. I am dying!" ha 0!- claimed, than relapsed Into a coma- toso condition. Presently. however, those about him heard him murmur: "This is my death"; and he closed " eyes for the Last time.-Lorndon his eyes Expram. Perhaps bridge whist is an'tnno cent and Inexpensive game, as it is played in Hamilton. but reports from New York are to the effect that it is a pretty stiff game. Per. haps they are not piuyLng real bridge In Hamilton, but only cul. Ga".'2aikonto Star. SPRING WEATHER. Catarrhorsmr cures Othrrhozone cures Influenza. A Snort The Fun r Georges. From Toronto. Lung Trou- M tttHt" .0006. ttet "e i HALF A DOZEN V v , vMMOWMNMOM "Why, what's the matter, daugh- ter t Been man-led but a brief month and weeping so bitterly'. Tell me What In the trouble. Surely yor and Jack haven't quarreled already.have you 't" "No, mamma."l "And he hasn't gone away and left you. I'm sure." "Oh, no, mammal Jack wouldu'Ibe quite as mean as that." “Then what in the world can have happened to make Joa so miserable , In Jack in trouhle--I mean, has he met with any reverses?" m luv- "nun an; ny.----._ t "Yee, mamma, that's It! His re- verses. When he was courting me he never left the house till 1'd o'clock or after and now he's reversed that rule and never comes home till about that time."--mchmoud Dispatch. An embarrassed minister gave out the first line ot a hymn: “This world is all a tloating shoe." That did not sound right and he made another attempt: “This world is all a shouting flee." Driven to desperation by the smiles ot his congregation he charged at the top ot his voice: “This world is all a sheeting now." Then he sat down exhausted. while one ot the deacons read: “This world is all a fleeting show." which was the correct version. clergyman are particularly subject to the pranks ot the little word imp, but are not always conscious of It until the omission or evasion has produced a sensation. One deliberate speaker alluded on a Sunday to a church supper which was to begiven in the future, of which "due notice" would be given. That was what he intended to say. but the “imp"sub- imitated "new doughnuts," and the unfortunate man was the recipient of a donation party on the strength ot the supposed hint. These stories recall to mind that of the Eng- lish curate, who drawied out:"Here ,beginneth the fifth chapter ot the Duck ot Bouteronoiny." He tried it several other ways but was unable to get it right. Interviewer-Alderman Swelhed. 1 have come to get your views on the proposed change In the curriculum of tho grammar school. . l t Aii'e"i.gsiii""iiraiiar2 Curriculum t, What's that 't I'm ag'in it. what. over it is. -. .. Alderman Swelhml. reading the re- port ot the interviewer next morn- ing: "Our ditstincruishod townsmau. Mr. M. I'. Swelhed. was found in his charming home, surrounded by abund- ant indication of ripe scholarship and sturdy summon sense. In reply to our reportt'r's question he said: "'I do not desire to force my opinions upon the public, but thisi will say. that l have given to this (inefiun long and studious atten- tiol, imiicrttall examining into the curricula of institutions of learn. ing; both at home and abroad. and. although 1 find in the existing course of study not a. few matters for condemnation, still. upon the whole, I cannot say that I should advise any radical change until I have further time to examine into the subject.’ FF "By George. that rollers not my - ' .__, -e,...4, "By George, that rollers got my exact language, word for word! And he didn't take no notes. neither! By George, what " memory that teller must uavcy'-.Titdrtttr. A curate up north, says rumor, has furnished another example of tho pseudo apology at his own expense. Having preached a very clever ser- mon on the Sunday. he culled upon u certain colonel on the Monday especially to as]: his opinion. , _-- - ... A. ___-.,...", m... “Wu...” .. -...- ..._ -‘._ _ "How did I like the sermon?" said the colonel. "Very much indeed. It’s one of my tavorites." - .. ... __.---., U|IL‘ un an; .q.F_w..-_'. "Ont? of your favorites l" stammered the curate, slightly puzzled. “I do not understand." A _ . . snow STORIES I l story in London Spare Moments runs that a circus paid a flying vlsit to a small northern town not long tur,0, and the prion of admission was sixpenco. children under ten years of age halt price. It was Edith‘s tenth birthday. and her brother Tom, aged 13, took her In the afternoon to see tho Show. Arrived at the door he put down nine-pence and asked for two front seats. "How old is the little girl f" asked tho money-tnkpr. doubtlully. "Well," replied Master Tom, "this is her tenth birthday, but she was not born until rather late in the at- termon." The money-taker accepted the statement and handed him the tlck- etc. But it was a close shave. "How old Is the money-te Apropos of the Jury's verdict in the Marble Bay accident case. rendered recently. in which the plaintiff sued tor only $3,000 and was awarded $4.- ooo, is a story told by the late Chief Justice Davie in his life-time. He ot. ten remarked that a Jury's verdict was the unpardonabie tfur-tto one knew what it was. When he was first called to the bar he practiced ln Casslar and had " jury case at an maize held up there. Alter " trial lasting several days, with witnesses from all over the country. the case eventually went to the jury. They were out three or tour hours and eventually the twelve good men and true filed into the court room. “Have $311 your verdict, gentle- man r' asked the Judge. ybe' out "truiitr." “You are ununlmoul, ot course!” they were again asked. “Yea. alt.” replied Mr. Foreman. "Untutimoua, nine to three." And the Judge collapsed. IN IigiyrfIfllWllllhllll, The Happy Ending of a Very Serious and Painful Case. Mrs. Hughes Wan Very Ill - Bloated and In Constant ”leery, She Sauer- ed for Four Years. Before she Used Dodd’u Kidney emu--- She Is Now Well and Happy. Morley, Ont., Aprll 1i.-Mspecial.)-- Nelson Lenar, Ju,tice of the Peace ot thls place. votwlttme tor the truth of the Io!low'mg mtvrvsting story, told by M_r_s. Tl‘u-mus P1Et.t.,e,t," r hp Lulu u, an». L." ..._-.. -_,,c, Yeriritsation, however. will not be necessary to mom: who know Mrs. Hughes, as that lady Is one of the most highly resirritvd residents' of Grey County. Mrs. Hughes says; - A ...tl......_ (ru- nlll‘ "I was a great suHcrer years. I was treated by tour and a speumllat troat tin States. I tried nearly every medicine I could hear ot, h seemed to do me any good. “You." and the foreman. and It WEIIICH ow MU - an; CT'"""" "I was [In bed to: nearly threel years. I had pains up my nplnal col- umu. in my new]. over my vycs. across my back, through my left. side, and occasionally in my right aloe. " For three nights at a tune I would never close my eyes in sleep. I was terrmirtrioatrd, so that Icould not alt up or walk. My age was forty- one when Iwas taken sick. I " I have taken ln all fourteen boxes ot Dodd's Kidney Pills, and now Inm strong, and ubte to do at good day's work, as I have ever been. The doc. tors said I had Rheumatism. They 1811111 that nothing could be done tor me. "I was not able to eat anything. only corn starch and soup of some Kimi, Mv weight had increased from "I was not able to only corn starch and klnd. My weight. had 112 to 147 pounds. I to my normal weight never say enough tor Pills, tor l am satisl saved my life." . an...“ """* .___. There are many ludles suffering as Mrs. Hughes did, although but few may be as low as she was. Deranged Kuhn-ya are responsible for almost all the trouble that comes Deranged Kldncys are rcsponsmw tor almost an the troublte that comes to women In mlddlo life, and no wo- man can afford to be cart-lean. when her kldtwys are In any way threat- (med. iiirat cured Mrs. Hughes ot this very bad case will cure any case. - _ --- . -.... _e _... 4|... nnlu Dodd's Kidney Pills remedy that over cur ease, Diabetes, or Dr have never failed. The postal author-1110's at Brur eels have lately noticwl that the mail bags Uispritehed to the Congo were not being duly rvturued, and utter a lot of trouble they diseow cred the mum. It appears that the colored postman in the Congo Free State make presents ot tho mall bugs to their wives or fiancees. These ladies a'rmply cut out the bot- tom, and by drawing what is left over their heads, and with the us- sistance of n piece of string. tin-y have an ultra modern ready-made costume. The fact that the sacks are furnished with an enormous black seal bearing the legend "Brute. sets Centre" does not disconcert them in the least-Stockholm Sven ska Dagblad. Caturrhozoue is an Elm-lent Remedy for Asthma. Innerkip. ont.-- "Catarrhozotw 'is certainly " very efficient remedy tor Asthma. It afforded mu grunt relief from the first application, and ulti- mately curen me. I know of nrighboxs who have been benefited to a rsiunlar extent. Mrs. Ed. Callan." Nu greater boon has been extended to Asthmatic!) than Catarrllozone. which is as certain to cure as any- thing in this world can be certain. Its effect is immediate, and its pro- longed use results in a radical cure. Breathe it tor ten minutes four timer, adaranditit fails to cure we will refund the money. Druggists or by mail, price $1.00; small size, Me. A trial sent tor 100. by N. C. Pulsar: & Co., Kingston. Canada, or Hart- au, Connun. “Papal whispered Gladys Richus- mudd, while the rowan: blushes chased themselves across her tace and beat themselves to pieces against her shell-like ears, "papa, the Count. de Hasben asks me to marry "Daughter, I hate to refuse," ro- plied old Itichatrmudd, "but I do not see how our princely fortune could stand the strain of bric-u-brac bills and lawyers’ tees. Couldn't you com- promiao on an automobile and a ticket to 990 Sarah Bernhardt T'--- Baltimore American. Catarrh'dzone cures Coughs and Colds. A weaver. tired and weary, wind. ing his way Ilowly by the banks of the Forth and Clyde Canal to. wards St. Mungo, hailed the steera- man of a paming barge and asked him it he would "tak' him on to Gleam T' "Ou, ay," replied the burgeman. "gin yc'll work yer p59 sage." "A'll do that," angwereathe weaver. with joyful ulncrity. "There, then," cried tty? steersman, at the Lllell. DALW In.» .e_N"il"-"e"'"F ___ -__- same time casting a. rope'i end ashore. "tak' that an' pu' tt Minard's Llnlment Cures Gar-get In cows. "Mitr Strong." he began, “will you be mine? That. P. to ya,rcttr='.'. She had knitted her fair brows In a frown. "Er-that is. may I be yours t" “Yes," she said, with a "niie.-ID- tiiaGfoutr Ban. Ono ot the best effects ot thorough intellectual training in a knowledge ot our own capacitiar.-A. Rain. Usually we praise only to be .eaistsd. -atoctru"atctsul& Catarrhozone curel Bronchltll. Belles of the Congo Me Wan Willing. A Wise Palm- Revised In Time. as. I am now down eight again. I can In tor Budd's Kidney tsatisfied that they -'viiirdA; the only tt' cured Bright's Dir or Dropsy. and they crer tor tour , tour doctors. 1 the United every klnd "I ot, but mun: Cow Dole.“ Beef The all. having nursed sumcientiy l and helm: Ml baby lacs tired ot the weight they had not yet ieuned to carry. lald himself down. On this the cow wilted her position. She turned hall round., and lifted her head high. AI she did no a. some of peril was borne in ma her line nostrils. She recognised it instantly. With a short of anger she sniffed again; then otamped a challenge with her tore hook. and levelled the lance-points ot her home towards the menace. The next momeht her eyes, made keen by 'Grri;iir"GridG, ieteleted the black outlhmol the beetr'te head through the course screen ohtlT Juniper. Without a rat.", healtation, tthe nurttt up her all. gave a. when beliow, and charged. The momrmt elm saw herself detect- od, the bear r080 upon her hlnd- (marten; neverthvlosn. she was in a measure surprised by the blind fury of tlm nttack._ NImbly she swerved to O! TH" utlurn. .umu... mu .-"VW%--. .__ -- avoid it. aiming at the same time a. stroke with her mighty forearm. which, It it had found its mark, would have mashed her adversary? neck. But no she struck out, in the net of shifting her position, a, depression of tho ground threw her of! her hai- nnce. The next instant one sharp horn caught her sinntlngly in the flank. ripping its way upward. while thokmad impact threw her upon her hue . “WI. Grappling, she had her usualiant’s head and shoulders in a. trap, and her gigantic claws cat through the ttetitt and Anew like Knives ; but at the dec- perate dlndvnntnge of her position aim could Inflict no disabling blow. Tho cow, on the other hand. though mutilated and streaming with blood,) kept pounding with her whole - slve weight, and with short. tremen- dous shockl crushing the breath from her foc'll ribs. Presently, wrenching hersrlf free. the cow drew on for another batter- Ing charge; and no she did so the boar hurled heron" violently down the slope. and gained her feet behind a dense thicket of bay scrub. The cow, with one eye blinded, glared around for her in Vain. then, In n partie of mother terror, plunged back to her tttuh-Ah G. D. Roberts. in ‘1 Frank Leslie's. ihwrtt ory1sy1r, 91' or TOLEDO, he. Imam (Jorm'v. f "e" . Flux: J.Curcmcv maken oath that he m scu- lor pnrtner of the ttrm of F. J. CHENEY a UO.. doing busing-u in. Pt (In? 9! 1:21:60. SW.',?.,', dung bubble-I in the on“): Toledo, county and ten aforesaid and t t said arm will pay the sum of ONE irtTiiirtrgii DOLLARS tor ouch and every one ot CATARRH that our not be cured by meme. of Bum; CATARRII CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In fl/d presence. this 6th day of December, A.D., t A A. W. GLEASON, ( sun} Notary Public. _ Hull's Cttarrtt Cure ii mken internally, and act! directly on the Mo 'd and mucous surftMrom of the system, Send for testimonial”. tree. F. J. CH ENEY tc CO., Toledo, 0. Sold ty Drugmtn. 70c. Hall's Family Pills an: the best. Russell Sage's Yankee ancestry re. nppcnrs in his face. figure. speech and thought. Ont-o. when Mann-1t- tan elevated stock was below par. someone asked Mm his age. He smil- ed, answered, and added: "But, like tlie Elevated. I propose to go above a. hundred I" _ _ . , To an impertinent friend. who ask ed what was the most philanthropic way ot ullng a large fortune, he rt» plied: "Keep tt vonstantl.r active. in or- dor ta glve employment to the Nana-st number of human beings." When he cave Sage Ball to the Troy Female! Seminary. someone I was cured of lame back. Myer sur. tor-lug 15 years by MlNARD’S LlNI- MENT. Two Rivers. N. B. ROBERT ROSS. I won cured ot Diphtheria, after doctor. failed, by MINARD'S LINK- KENT. Antlgonish. JOHN A. FOREY. I was cured ot oontraetion ot mus- cles by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. RACHEL s'AUNDiDit.b'. Buitor--l have come to ask you for your daughter's hand. Father-Well, the fact is we are pretty crowded here an it is. and I- Buitor--0h, I intend to take her ”my from home it I marry her. Father-oh, well, in that ttture-ttttt you did give me an awful start. my boy.--Bostou Transcript. To Cure 4: Cold In One Day Takts Laxative thomo Quinlnc Tablets. Al Igyiit't; refund the money ifit (on: to cure. tSe. . W. Groves signature is on each box. Ltuire--See here. you're breaking one of the most important rules of the game. Brisser-What't' that? Linirtr-an addressing the ball you should do so In language tlt tor puts- 1ieo.tion.--Marper't' Batar. “Why lidn't..sou prosent it my! men's college 7" Mr. Sage responded quickly: "The women needed it the mart.' Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. Mini gohntroti--How kin I win Jim Jacirron'a love? sootturayer--Why, ev'ry this he calls yo' must go out and get a. pitcher of beer and put a little o' die love-powder In lt, and den tell him to help himself to de beer. De more he drinks do more he'll love ro'; It's simply infallible '.--Pttek. bulbous-la Tbr-your precious Jack my. he's neared a position stalling monkeys up at the Manama ot Natural History. litutttrot . . L ' " a " tllu- uv tmo-ANS, J ack In such a Joker. and: was practicing on you.- km Lite. Minard'a Catarrhozono cures Cold In The all: with procrartinauon truth! with ruirrcHtsiost. mnard’l Linhnent Cure. Distemper. BATTLE ROYAL. Russell Sage as a Wit. Very M “on Relieved. It constantly active, in or- glve employment to the number of human beings." he Cave Sage Ball to the ‘emulu Seminary. someone "x; Linlment cures Diphtheria. J,, a Cold In One Day A Traursgreoston. Brother and Slater. A Sure Thing. struggle for a ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Nerve F and If you have neuralgia. Seotth Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is err ing for food-it is hungry-- and set your whole body going again, in away to satisfy nerve and brain from your usual food. That is cure. If you are nervous and irri- table, you may only need more fat to cushion your nerveF-- you are probably thin--and Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will give you the fat, to be- gin with. " Cure, so far as it gags. to ISSUE N016 1901. Full cure is gettilalf the" tit you need from usu food, and Scott's Emulsion will help you to that. _ u "tthere anuiedigugd for In" b unable tut: will aux-prin- you. won . gowns. Chem n no. and a letter or pout-l on. to the undersigned. “not“: a. lollowlnz questions: Where no you going? When are you can“! Where do you start Iron t Will you take your mum goods? Spool“ low rate oettlen' “out. on sale dull): Manual and April to points In Innltoha. Brnlm Coin-- bla, Oregon, Coulomb and on Walk en: Stat“. Full partieuurs fro. B. H. Bennett, General Agent. Cute.” & Northwestern Railway. 'd 'ruI utreet out. Toronto, Out. Disappointed Admirer-Yo' kin (all Dinah dat if she wants dat chm-r Sam Johnson. she tin pub him. Sm " um Johnson. Bur n... ...-_re ....... w, V _ Mutual Friend-Ho done tolo In! dat ttimse1t.--Htsrpi'r't' Baum. [Ward's Linimeut Cure: Golda. m: ,sete,.tr. tet", taa; Gaiiir.' fiasco in an and prices Midas: "akrrareo SUPPLY co.. FROST FTikdk and (inhe- are tho, moi-r vloeablo. They are shun the ohmmat. no” inn and"; um! weight of muer‘ml med. or. unmanm G: u and Fancy Panel lawn F... a specialty. Our ostariotruu vellum“ about IL THE FROST WIRE FENCE Co. Limited. Welland. OI. B"iigiylifa'flgl'/:i"1 GRADE: DUN” tires; tiurh Joints; ttuemt equipment; nah gull-unto. Twenty-11v: dollurn. Sent. any- tlt" on approVal. W.ttitchie, Tim-burg, n If re use Pun Fence you will him it, not will not be stuck hke the sentient-n in the pie- uuc. The Page Fence is woven In our on (may. from culled var: made by oumelven, on. twice u strong as that used in other fences. Gee this year'l prices, they are lover (hm Ink you -- _------ “A [IAJK FA,e,',hk',t.'ffs'2', (NE DOLLAR '08 new model Gram Send": ['5th In" tho but; Mutation tdi!,',',',',',',",.',!'),; Liberal you. Lo ”In; N. Mei' who“. Silvetmdo sauna. In” yen I pluuu, nu, ..._ .. .V _ The PAGE WIRE FENCE_C0. (M) FOR BALR- FRUIT FARMS IN Till famous Niagara dutnvt. Bt the punch hat of Canada.” sale or exchange. for productive to“ or city property.. Give tull descriggton qt Four Tah', tor valmngv‘. and my I you wattb {Hague (no on uppllmuon. IoNcll & Holden. broken. tik Cash-rims. Ont. (bl. BARGAINS IN BEIJING AND BM. Gsrden Hoe " be per foot. N. “All York stunt. Totem». ARE YOU UOIBG WEST? WANTEDLAG ENTS N am... A my hold Angelo; an.) -i 9972;111:1111. Anlnu'nuun... .v .._____ -"_" -_ _ W hold article as.) in every funny. ea gents can make from N Logger uni. r tor sample wan}. .Yrc. - d quiet red.- can the treri"sitta of the first Introduction " thin ““0105 w. B. Gum-n. 9 “do M Liaai, Ont. --------" F"li2' FARM FOR 'u'ALE-A9NE OF "I 'Utttrtt in the Mann-u Pcnlnluh. at Winona. 10 milem tram summon on are mo. WI". tN tel-cu in all. " of which h in In“. mostly poo bu. Will hank! m One pun! I divided my .lot.n of u, to g m u: Nil: - JA_.) L.___;_ A..- GIVIUBu IIIW unnu- u. w - w“ n __7_ r -- diners. This I: . decide! burgnin Add” Jonathan Canaan P. 0. box no. Whoa Ontario. Jri','e'h'a,"G7dirirakrakrFria7iHii? was: and in at. bed mmody for Din-rho.- - an out a to” ,G1rtiGFtrtirAtip1.rre fiiiis" is NO APRIL FOOL. an. wiusewu..r.tehittc%tr', 1teeee UG; GijiridG 3391 " Stuck on " Feet" Already informed. Toronto. and 'coo: a! ducal. Waugh-mus. ONT br. h Tuna as . v 0 an o to and 1?i,reirc!?e'?i'i"i'iii,Fiil, ' twenty yum-I. Quiet n . Cum worth)“, - 1tyoA_e, FGFiiiarirraraa " a}: tr-ttt till. H"k ll. B.GREIN‘BBO“ Box 0 “when. DBOESY; Ee'y'ou'waix like it, In: genuemul in the ph- tl wind“: M not mm iota money Maud G untamed P11! CLONES um Sent on TM llmllnm. M lb H co

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