West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1901, p. 4

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On accountof the large number of smgllpox cases in Ontario it would be wise to have all the young, yea and old to get “counted. Every precau- Mr Herman Haw has the timber all skiddedlorhis framers. He isalways a little ahead of his work. The fram- ers are Neil McPhee and brother of Cedarville. We believe they are good framers Young Neil MoFayden is engaged with the Dean Bros. lthis summer. Neil will make a good iramer as he understands the rule of the square to perfection. We bent the Buyeyille church people are to Lave a meeting in the nuanfulure to claws. an ottieer at the church in his stead. Mr. J. A. Cooper is around assessing our township and pleasing every body. Mr. Andrew Ridden is out taking the census for this division. Mr. James H. Scott of the ll, can has rented his farm, had a sale and sold his stow, by male and has moved up unto the, 13. can. lha Scott settlement. Mr lhch Hall has moved unto the farm yumted by Chas. Stevenson. -- - . +------ Miss Mary F Campbell, or Swinton Park is the nurse pt her cousin Mrs Haw ofthis place who is very ill. Mr Hugh McMillvn is full ot smiles. A girl is the cause. All are well. We wvlcome Mr Thus Wamsley to our town. He has rented his brother, in-law Dan Itobertsont farm. We wish to see Thos imfrove in his health as he has been poor y all last summer and winter. This town is turning grit as they are about to get a post omen. A ttrtt has the contract ot building a veranda around the Bucket: block. Mr Witters will tinitrh it alright. Another young winter this morning, There Wont be seeding for a day or a yet. The Protou Council had a Meeting at Hopevme, about the schools, but we Would like to know what happened Mr. Reeve Corbett. They made a few chance: Mt sections 11 and 14in the loath ttatt come; of the lowuhhlp, but nothing Watt done Won". the other schools. Mr McFayden lost a valuable cow and her can a few Weeks ago. Mr. Chas. Stevenson who lived south of here and formerly In Mount Forest and Dunuuu. has had an extensive sale and has moved away to Maunoba. neigubodtood. ;M rs. G Adam Station's children Kaun- McArthur by tidling on a picket met With a very permits accident. the pielr. " running Into his neck caused a [may wound much am noon messed by Dr. Sneath. Mrs. C. L. Smith Mrs Geo. Castle- Mrs. J. Simpson Miss Helen Cinnamon Miss Mary McArthur Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Mnlock. re- plied in a very appropriate manner in behalf of the Misses McDougalls. ex- pnssing their sincerest thanks to their kind friends and neighhors Speeches were made by Revd’s Mr. Campbell and Groam,Aessrs D. A, Smith. H. Biddel, H. McDonald and an txcellent recitation was rendered by Mr. J. F. Giant. inter. spewed by a good musical programme. Later in the evening baskets were "rought and soon the table was laden with dainty and substantial good things and all did justice to a. good supper, Pray except. this dinner set, as an earnest token of nur love. affection and lasting friendship accumlmnied by our very best. wishes for yum- future happiness. May your years be many and strewn with pleasures and when in the fulness time you meet the eternal decree, may the choicest blessings of heaven be your lot. Signed on behalf of friends and neighbors. Lawton. April lst. 1901 Co Misses Jessie and Maggie McDougnll We a few of your friends having heard with sorrow of your intended do. parture from our midst could not let this opportunity pivot without in some Way showzug you the esteem in which you are held, your cheerful dispositions have cast sunshine about you and your kindness of heart, charity, and chris- tian virtues have endowed you to us and We fully upprecialv the fact that your absence from our social gatherings t-unnot be easily filled. although you yourselves have passed through great trouble yet. you always bore it. with christian fortitudv which has displayed ‘ to In all. that you have ulwnys endeav- _ ored to live its our M .stsr commands us. M. Riddel and A, McDonald presented them with a handsome, semi-porcelain, decorated dinner set of dishes and the following address was read by M198 Belle Skene: On Hominy evening April lat. a large erowd Rathered at the home of Mr. J no. Tumtsuu, Latrnn to say farewell to Miss Jessie and Maggie McDougall, on the eye of their departure to their new home, Owen Sound and deeming it a favorable opportunity to show the es- teem for which they we”: held, Messrs “gm” still not a few sick urunnd our MAI-IN REM PRESENTATION AN D ADDRESS “may, April H.390]. BROWNSVILLE Mrs. Gleuvster and Ur. llopeville. ---IN TiIFr--" . Village of Holstein. at Klempp's Hotel at 10 o'clock a, m. When all applications fur Licenses forthe License ycar of 1.001 and 1002 will be cooiderrd. The number of Licenses iasuod for W'ut' Irmo 1.001 was: Tavern Shop T/tye 'y. Du..rh2!n _ if 0 NO TICE is lmrrby given that theBurtrd of License Commissioners for the Aitwnse [Madrid of South Grey Will "we! on Mlit ilt ltt (lit (ll th, MI ---IN TH Fr---. Town of Durham Township of Glenelg .. Normanhy .. Bentinck .. Egrcmunt . .." __ - Proton Town of Durham Township of Wnelg me ‘nunnm mum; j TO HOTEL KEEPERS, iuiop KEEPERS. and all whom it may Concern. bt - Eorumjinhy 10 " 66 Bentinck 3 0 .. Ememont 2 0 .. Proton 3 " Village of Dundalk 3 u " Hanover 3 o IN whom John Lake of the Town of Berlin is applying for new License for the House and Premises. situated at Elmwood in the Tp. of Bentinck, known as the Royal Hotel. a All petitions relating to the grant- ing or refusal of Licenses must be hled with the Inspector at least four days before April 16. 1901. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. THUS. HARRIS, Inspector. Durham, April 2nd 1.901 Village of DuU.iiii" ii Thc upirlteytiotustot. Lit-mixes 100: are as follows t NOT/CE. Any reader of this paper can test the merit of Dr. PiteherT Backnche Kidney Tablets free by enclosing 2 cents postage tome Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. lingular 3128 50 cents per bottle. ----'-ee+ "_-e-. Mrs. Eaton says :--"Dr. Pitcher: Back- ache Klan! Tablets have been of the greatest benefit to me. Formerly I had so much backache it extended to my hips and limbs. At times there would be an acute lameness in my hips and a burning that causes very disagreeable sensations. I iiud that I am much luVigorated since I used a bottle of Dr. Pitcher',, Baclmche Kidney Tablets. My back has recovered from its lameness, and I am sleeping well atuights. From tnrerperienee in wing the 'I'nldets I have much eonfuleuee in them. and can highly recommend them." Mrs. W. Eaton, 10 Feusing M. Toronto, has the ring of truth, and bears out the claim that " In a cure beyond a doubt or the young. middle aged, and aged. Such was the saying of a master mind and when applies to things ct saute applies with double force to matters concerning health. When it is said that Dr. Pitcher's Backaehe Kidney Tablets can, it intelli- gently used.cure all kidney and bladder troubles. and such other diseases, as can be traced to a sluggish or imperfect kid. ney action. it is nlways backed up by we pouitiye proof and testimony of come reputable person, some one who is glad and willing to tell the world the result obtained. The following testimonial of The Misses Wilson from Riverside, Pxotun, spent Easter with their friends here. Said Frederick Therdidai, “Facts are Divine Things." Miss Martha Wilson has gone to Toronto. She will be missed around home. Miss Alice Wilson came _trom Flesh- erton to spend Easter at home. Mr Vim Hill had a fine wood bee last week and got a fine lot of trees disfigured into wood. As usual he furnished the music and the floor. Mr Graham spent an evening at Kinsman's. Mr Sim Williams is having a wood bee to-morrow, Wednesday. We are sorry this week to chronicle such another sad case as the Egan family ofaiew years age. The two sonsot Mr and Mrs John McQuan-ie, of Osprey, formerly of this place There farm is now owned by Neil Clark jr. Those two boys were school- mates of your humble correspondent and all the other young people' of the same range. They are nephews of Mr Angus McDougall ot this place who attended their funeral which took place last Friday. To see the two hearses leave the home at the same time was a sad sight bearing away the bodies of the young men just in the prune of life. We truly sympathize with the sorrowing. We thank the Robb eorr for giving date of the rl'l','i2"tti'ttt, gawk-e are Some here who will at- n . tion should be taken to prevent. . more serious epidemic. BOOTH VILLE mm ht. I ht Tavern Shop 81 a year in "advance Io fm' 1001- I) " OTTAWA. Sept, 9th, 1800, To the Phrenolirte Medicine Co., Ltd. Ottawa. Grp.xTLE.trEs,---r hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumatic remedy. Phrenoline. My son Gordon, who Is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from inflammatory rheu- matism for the past two years I was so bad at times that' he had to he carried about; on a mattrass; was attended by two city doctors apparently without the slightest benefit; spent 1 days at Caledonia Springs, came home with no marked 'N2,1g','fJl l took three bottles of a omeopathic remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I was be- gmning to give up all hope of his recov- ery, when by chance I mentioned the case to a friend who strongly advised me to give Phrenoline a. trial. 'ttse fRotrertsois Wendy-mixed Almost a MIRACLE I did so. with the result that when my ho had taken only half a bottle he was abfe to get on his bicycle and rude like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in frame of your medicine. and shall do all I can to make known its', value to others. Yours very sincerely; (Signed) REUBEN CLARK THE BIG STORE Hardware Department J. A. HUNTER 'ain is. Ile Nannies h; ta a tell, SEEMS 206 Ill. CHIN [MINDS lit 106k PllllelS IUE Onegwow'n room should thr w {the taste and originality d the rcttipant. Our handsome wall papers will enable you to do this, for these papers will offer you hundreds of designs and shades of the finest quality. We would like to have your inspection of them, for we are sure you will be pleas- ed with the designs and coloring, and hope you will be able to find here just the design to suit your individuality. MacFarlane&Co . SAVINGS BANE. .z'i‘..el-est allowed rm savings hank deposits of $1.00 and up~ wards Prompt attention and every faurilit'r afforded customers living ata distance. J KELLY, Agent. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed ut ('Izrren' rates. Head Office, Toronto. CAPITA L. Authorized. . . . . ..$2.0(m,1x)0 CAPITAL, Paidup. ...r..... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND .. ........ (34mm AGHiNTsrin all principal pomts an Ontario, Quelwc. Manitoba. United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. All Paper purchased here TBIMMED FREE. @ DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS DURHAM AGENCY TORONTO The Review and Globe to Dec. 315L1901 with premium picture 1toCttmulitms at Paardebmg. oo MILDA Y's BOWE It. Our Clubbing Rates. uatri8 a ak We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. IN running Binder in the world. Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements: on all articles. Don’t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, the.“ lllllilil(El were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop “Inn . you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. ---.- Full line of PrANOS, ORGANS, and SEWING MACHINES..---- We are well stocked with TURNIPSOWERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, m: LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 57;. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN q Implement Warerooms. WM CALDF 0gHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEE1-: 1-2?! ci'i'brgu"tseasiasiNrogsiysaetriyigqst4uasqsepgs.xts:tgsetsreyso MASSEY HARRIS MllW, DURHAM. Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose _from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. CALDER mt you to see, reduced it. it. Positively the easiest I have 5 Ian nth-a in town a trade. [ill not T, con. farm, lwlmlg 1 ed gt low tiRut niGuufr-nxu ham. This tit asked. MONEY TO and voice terms. INSURANCE CONVEVN Biendid impn m ham. V81 " mm ttet Road. Splen1 will sell cheap; W13. 00m P. o, In hm place and mu. - Table Lute" Finewhiuu-m each. Our spring Pr We carry a f Me has a ma including the! not 28. Con Best T tM, Fl: Handnn'cdu- " women and you want a gal Grape Nuts l 1braiey .u-l H. “Ida Ceyl "l Fo in ll, and g I Come und W give for “All AHEAD OF TIME Goon In” enemy (In. I 'tBoring in th A change In Bonds" Bill I Legislature. hill Wu In mat over " changed and uvailnhle thit In Qatari”. . coming to " Take Luxal “druggist‘ In cure. 2G OII and] box 8rd Div. lot yds lot ROpIiring 'ie-terik U .... mr (NI 1tualit y l " attended Lower The H Mun HE SELLS CHEAP Ja To Cu: Ll JA In

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