West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1901, p. 5

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hind Iron 'HY Seeds. Mm Was itten DURHAM. the most x', HAY FORKS, etc. MARRIAGE Licenses LINER r ‘\ . , r',"ts; " " DL'RHA.“ IllllIII". o I o a I 'dl IIIIIIIIII Brushes D same Our H uced in! easiest urns ents 'rill,. ese ere - "I , fa .--’ we Big4w Table Linen l’im-u /i't'iiountevrfaiies 81 00 and 81 PG (nu-h. 1hu~~~pring Prints are mm in. " mun-y a full line of Sterling Bros Handtnaile Hoots and Shoes for Men Wsmrrm and t'hildren. Try " pair .if yum mun, " good shoe. Grupt' Nun per pkg. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .20c Huuvy [u-r llc..................-. ..10c yiulrul;t ('vylun Tea per lb. 25, 30 and 400 in + and {.Ih. packets. (‘nnn- and sew what a lot at tinwnre WP gist. "ot. 81."). W. H. BEAN Be I hare A large number of oiher prop erties In town and cuuntr and . - m jade. y will sell Fl 011' iiiult,r.r.rcxe Road eiGFeGetTr ivi%'t ham. This tHty acres is a snap at price asked. Lot 7, con. s, Normanby, the 'Pee' farm, helm); to a. company. and is offer. ed at low tigures. MONEY TO LOAN It41-2 par cunt and up'nocordlng to securlty and terms. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and cONVEYANCINGaswolIas other financial business sinfully atten- ' - - - 64 acres new Allan Park on n Rand. Splendid buildings. b',llttt will sell cheapor trade. . Lot 18, con, 14. Bontinek. mar Lo . P. o, In hands. of a Company. 'A'i't place and must go to some "no. lid; Lot M, Con. 2. W. G. R., Benunck a splendid i"yy'ovef farm convenient to Dul ham. V ery cheap. AHEAD , l)? é TIME ' The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list of Property for Sal», including the following: (hum Rn;\ns.~“7iitih onmmendnhl» vnel'gy (he Provincial goyrvnment is moving in the direction of Good Roads. Fortunes A mange has horn made in the Good Rmuls' Bill now lrefore the Provincial Lngislature. The original draft of the hill Was to spread the million dollar grant over fen years. but that has .heen Cllunltcd and the million dollars will be available this year. There are ”counties m ()nurio. so that the TGN'.' amount. coming top-ch county will 325,000. yds long Repairing of “niches, Jewelry. due" gt special”. W- A.. MacFarlane. Wow Molnar: gttoeh. Take Laxative Bromo Qumine Tablets All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove’u signature on each box. Mar 1 3,rl 931119? s7,:/.en:1._l.r:fI. may»: JA K E K RE SS , ---d m- Uilrlulh l yd wide per yd. t in still better to be on time. Our Watches rrn in harmony with the wheels of tho universe trod you can always depend on them. They are in good case: too and no sold n nuan- ulne prices. h mlwoys "etteCthtyt to bt Raphael". 1mm» uni-huh 45 in. wide HE SELLS CHEAP il Jake Kress. To Cure 9. Cold in a Dar. It!“ MBByMiIgWitI H. H. Miller, W. H. Bean, 37 Cp4 w [ace Curtains. 7 in. wide pair flllllilillE GUIUEI'S BIUBK the "test . 25v 6.30 75c " k. 1 m Nk: Nobody. not even the university au- thorities. ever desired seriously to re- move the. University of Toronto from Government. control. In fact. a men- sule prepared a couple of yems ogo, was never brought up in the Leg- islature becuusethe friends of the uni" vevsitv--some of whom had been rather clamorous that! way-did not like the idea so well when it was set down in black and white. At the present time there has been no effort to upset Pre- mier Ross, argument that the. Govern- ment lllllNI retain a measure of control so long as the Government is responsi- ble to the people fir endowment. funds other university matters. 'Drug 6tore. See our Samples before buying The real question is, has the Govern- ment done enough tor the University? Is the iinancialaid adequate? lsit wisely directed? [n the last ten yems the Government has given to the University 8'rl50,000, or what represents that amount capitalized at four per cent. This means " contribution of 3515.000. Now on top of It, comes another gift of 820,000a year-the maintenance of the most expensive department of univers sity instruction, and a8200,000 building. Such a record can hardly be called niggiirdly. Under these circumstances public opinion Will be with the Govern- ment, in helping the University just enough to help itself. There are many legitimate calls on the public ti cusury, and though education is not the leastot‘ them, the Uniyeisity is not exactly the the whole educational system. There. are 6,000 public schools, l30bigh schools. a large number of Model schools, Normal schools, it Normal Uollege. be- sides technical schools and agricultural and tloirying schools which must. have ti share in these givings. The Universit y is, perhaps, the most important factor in the educational scheme, butgeveu that, could not condone the Government in losing sight of proportion in dist riblit ing the public money. As a matter of fact the Government has not only kept this in mind. hut, has actuallygiven the Uni, versity all it asked, though some per- nickety people do not choose to see it in that light. Jlil R088 Rlllllll PM”. 2ltrictty Cliche Clover and 'Gimothy Jean? at In its railway policy the Ross Gov- ernment has shown itself thoroughly abreast of the time. It has always been quick to anticipate public semi ment and alert to implement it when that sentiment was healthy. Perhaps ; no executive body has kept such a careful gauge of public opinion, or has steered so wise acourse among many eonfiieting elements. In this stage oi our development, Ontario needs rail- ways, and railways need capital to build them. Without discouraging capital. the Ross Government has you kept in mind the fact that railways are, public, utilities and ought some day to be the property of the people if they so choose. Of course the railway question in Ontario is not such a large subject as it is at Ottawa. The Dominion Gov- ernment is tackling the subject brave- ly, but they have a. legacy of mistakes rom the Conservative regime which omplicate the problem tosome extent. n Ontario the subject is comparatively free from these embarrassmelta, and the Ross Government starts with a. 2itaatFar1,a,zvds THE UNIVERSIT Y DISCUSSION. “a -cktt'N, This bargain acknowledges the force of three things which have had much diseassion in the press and on public platforms -the likelihood ot public ownership in the future. Government control at rates in the meantime and in case of purchase, at price to the Govern- ment of cost and interest minus the the Provincial subsidy and one-half of pretty clear field. At Ottawa, they are not prepared to take the public ownership ot railways into immediate favor, although they seem to beswing- ing round gradually tn that direction. At Toronto, Premier' Ross is more enter. prising. He has only Ontario to con- sider, and as tar as " Ontario is concerned he has discerned a growing sentiment for public ownership and a pretty deep-seated one for Government control of railways. This is only natural in the banner Province of the Dominion, the Province which is in the van both in wealth and intelligence. During this Session the Ross Govern- ment has indicated in two cases its capacity to represent a progressive people, Th? question of Government ownership will be. investigated, and if the Invesiiga.t.ion istertiblc, the Tem- mourning Railway Yul likely be a Government i_nstitatior.t in construction, and perhaps in operation. The advis- ability ot G'overnment control is fully recognized in the latest railway bargain made by the Government-. that is the bargain with the Manitoulin and North Shore railway. any Dominion subsidy. London Morning Advertiser:-Onee again Sir Wilfred Laurier has made. a stirring speech, the echoes of which ring the full note of that patriotism of which Canada has given such splendid proof. Further Canadian troops would not be sent to South Africa, he said, but simply beeause they were not now required. As to enlistment for the con- stabulary, what kind of championship of liberty, he asked, was it which would deny to British subjects the right to serve the King ? With firm touch he swept away the suggestions that there was an alternative to the annexation of the conquered territories. He point- ed out that the responsibility for all that has befullen the Boers rested with ex-President Kruger. From the launching of the ultimatum the Boers themselves made the struggle one for the supremacy in South Africa. They appealed to the wager of battle, and must abide by the result. The Boer leaders by their own action laid down the issue of the eoufliet. In the hour of'their first successes British territory was annexed. Bat for the turn of the tide the process Would have continued. The future peace of South Africa would be an impossibility were any shadow of doubt to be allowed to remain on the question of the predominant power. And from Sir Wilfrid Laurier comes with unrivalled force the description of how, beneath the shadow of the Brit- ish flag, that future cirries the assur- ances of freedom indeed. A federated South Africa cn the model of the Cana- dian Confederation will be built up. The sores ol war cannot, indeed, be healed in a day; racial animosities may take some time todie down. But the path is clear. Truly the gallmt lives that have been sacrificed and the treasure that has been poured out so freely will not have been spent in vain in laying the foundations of all that may yet be brought to pass. Under the British flag, in Sir Wilfrid Laurier s words, there will be equality for all, justice and civil rights for British and Dutch alike. The hope of every mind must be that the termination of the use- less resistance which is wasting the stricken land may come speedily, so that the good work of building up prosperity may be the sooner entered In. The Weak and Sum-ring are Liberated from Disease Lincoln's Tablets NERVOUS, pale and Delicate Women; Worn-out Despondent Men will find them a positive blessing. Tris signqture J? on cveryhbci: o.t tho genuine» Laxative Itrivr,ozt, Maine Tibia:- the romodv that. "'32?" '| ' I in tune (In! PREPARED ONLY BY RECOMMENDED and for Bale by We feel sorry for anyone who ashamed of the town he lives in. "Reuonnhle" is A word that has wide latitude. depending n judicu. - There is one good feature aha It men who but too much, and that u, nu do not really have con-m. di 2vuf, If you suffer from Indigestion Diabetes, Hright's Disease, Nei. vous Frustration or Gem-in Dehility, they will tost, you free JOHN A. DARLING, [lllill)li1 MEDICINE (ll), 50 Queen St, Ottawa Durham. .Out is The no: rativo bu graphic hear stories wolf stories. etc. Here was a peculiar death. Two men Inch cluiwod n. grist mill, one was called to London. and tho other. seizing the opportunity went to take possession. He found "the door was locked hut he sprung a board about ten inches wide. When he was about half way in the homd came back on him and he could neither get out our in, and was found in that position lrozen to death." in the Review two yea"- ugo and we regret eur space will not permit us to publish it in full. It is decidedly Interesting to read personal experience. of the late 40‘s or early 50's of the last century mutated by the parttcipators, hutit is just a little humbling to see how Durham has lost relatively in those years. Walkerton, Paisley and other, places at that time looked toward: Dur. ham an eeort of not them metropolie and we have 2 subdued idea they dont look this way as they once did the ungrateg ful wretches. But wait you. when----) The following extmcls with the fore" going notice will give an idea of Mr Itowe's style and experiences. "Simon Orchard and Samuel T Rowe were the pioneers of Paisley. They had been pioneers of the County of Grey. Mr. Rowe located and rommenced his fanning operations on farm lot No. l, in the Townshipof Nornmnhy and Mr Orchard took up his lot near Orchard. ville in the Township of lgremont. They made great improvements on their farms, which were of light sandy soil. When the new survey of the Dur- ham road to Kincardine was made. many of the settlers went through Brant and through the bush and by the river to Southampton. among them weretwo families named Jasper, one family located on 8. farm near Hanover. the other, William Jasper and hm hm- ther-in-law Edward Bolton located on one hundred acrel each on the east side of the river where Mr. Shaw’s beautiful residence now stands in Walkerton. Jasper and Bolton were the first settlers m Walkerton." The Port IP-in The: of March 21 tsnd 23th contains b gthy nurratlvu of early settlements in this and in Bruce County by Mr B. T. Rowe. Some of it appeared When in 18t2 Mr. Rowe settled in Nornmnhy township. neighbors were miles apart and Owen Sound was com- ir,'.',',',") of two log shanties, one for the ‘rown Land Agent and the other for a. tavern. When Orchard and Rowe moved to Paisley. their nearest neigh~ hors were \ankermn IO miles distant, Kincardine 22. Southampton 15 and Owen Sound 28, Mr. Jasper was killed by a tree shortly after moving to his new fill!" near Hunoyer. Mrs. M. A. Saunders. of Paisley. was the first per" son horn in the township of Norumuliy. When she was nine days old her mother died and was buried in it field, Ilierellve-_ I""" Illlll .. II>1 vr‘un .. __ ... V. ___ _ ' mg no minister ot' cemetery north of Fergus Lo near Owen Sound. seventy- [we miles (I islanl. Coming 'Ghia Week GIVE US A CALL BEFORE MAKING YOUR CHOICE AT THE FROST d WOOD SHOW ROOMS The FINEST & LARGE received in town of the well from the Canada Buggies & Carriages, ay/P-"""""""" -e. FEE Tfftr. " g, k. iit A (PE (t i, Il). J! A PIONEER. r . ' 'okn £wmysione "er-tet. “we " 333333;? BOOTS. a:Ea=aslS3 and! :EiiyT:r:E3:E3=EeSil At>pecialharices Thetprices makelit interesting. i.,mFt:it.6.1"e'e' a F6t. GEES; Comerrand see us in our new store . McArthur, Durham, Carriage Co. of Brockville. LARGEST SELECTION ever ‘the well-known and high grade Toronto,April4.--We Ind 48 carlonda of live stock came into the western cattle yards this morning, including MI cattle. It!) hogs and MO sl.eop and lambs. 100 tmlvtrs and a dozen milch 00mg. We had no change in good to choice buteheri cutie. but for the medium and common stuff prices weakened and every- thing Was not sold. There was a. good demlnd tor export cattle. and more would have sold; prices were not qootably changed; and So was the fair quotation for the actual best price but in a paid. Sheep and Lu, were in good demand, at Ibo prices that ruled on Tuesday lust. There it no change in milch cows. but some choice cows are wanted. _ As a result. of a large run. calven were a shade easier. but choice veal culvas ”a naked for. Hogs were unchanged Ind study. “Singers" sell " We per lb; thick fat " 6e, and lights It 6le per lb. Stockers.feolers and bulls were plus tically unchanged. Hogs to and: an; uk, pneo must. be of prune quality uni scale not below 160 nor ubove 200 lbs. The census enumerator". called on a "young" lady and she gave her age as thinly. Ten veins later he called again and she repeated her age as thirty ' ‘Why you were thirty last time I call ed, ten years ago." he protested hotly. "Well," she mud. "I ttttt not one of those unstable girls who my one thing to-day and anot her thing m-morrow. Tallow rendered per lb Turkeys................... Ducks....... ............. a9lP----. Rides, per ttwt.......... Cult-kiln. per lb........ Lard, per tb.............. Sheresptskirsts............... wasaaesr--captrbio, rellnble person In every county to represent large company of solid Bmstreitsr reputation; $936 “My per year payable weekly ; it! per day ubsoluwly “are and all expenses: ntmigut. botuv-tide salary puid each Saturday and CqCttetgN'0 money nn’ . B, __---.- umncnnzn HnHRl-L Dmud Hora, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter. froth roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Pontoon. per ug....... pun: own mum-m, a..- v... M.“ v” .. vuncod each week STANDARD HoUBE, 334 "gunman Ctir., mum». WA?! of Me 'middrnggit 3touse, Carts tl Democrats DURHAM MARKETS I F, per cm............ Live Stock larkeL few cases an eighth more was Toronto. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO M l2 14 14 10 " 10 00 5 " " " ll 'ii' IDARLING'S :52; DRUG if? I STORE i: I Sreds / 9: Jam’s Jam’s OFFICE FIRgT DOOR EAST cr the Durnam Pharmacy Calder”! Block. Random? ftrrst door west. of the Poist dttice, Durham. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collection: of all kind Farms bought promptly attended to and sold CLOVER. TIMOTHY AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS- OFFICEo-McKonzlc‘s Old Stand, Durham, Ont. uonrnv PHILIC, canvznuczn. ac. tm1ee----LOWER 10WN, DURHAM. Conoctious and Agency prymptly “bonded to Wills, beech. Mung-gem Locum, Agreements &c.eortectly prepured. Estates of decemd pe- sons looked Mun-and Executor: and Adam.“- trtWors' Accounts prepared and fused Surrogate Court Buniueu. Prob-me of wu a. latter- of Ad- tuimstration mud Gunman-hip obtained. sour chin nude in Rani-Lay (mice and Titles reported Company um prints Funds to Loan on Mortgage-n n lowest “we ot inure“. Valuation made hy Incompetent and ouch“ Vclunwr. London Advertiser. Daily. and Roview one year London Advtttier, Weekly. endReview one year IlVllW and Weekly Globe IIVIIW and Weekly Mail. . ... ".Crllrw end Helm Weekly arristor, Jretarg, Gon- vayanccr, tlee., etc...” Money to Loan at reasons ole rates and on terms to suit borrower. 0Fi?iCE--Mcltttyre Block. _ -. _ BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. ”on!" PUBLIC. couulcslonrin. ETC. office, over Giant‘s store. Lower Town GROCERIES We ask Insueclion tl ()lll MS Tennl moderate. Arrangements tor "lens, u to than. an. mun: no mule u The Beviov omen. Durlmm. Cormpoudence addressed than orto Horavme P. " will be promptly attended to. ‘armn 0n npplicutiuu La TWEEDS ill YARN noun PUBLIC, coumssnomea K. CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR. Insurance Agent. " on penan- to npnoont no u Mon-(or: In thin ord alone by connuoo. Solon one o you and oxponooo. smug. hon-14o. no more IDIOII tt",T. Poolnon mun-non. Our Monaco. my " tn any I. " to noinly on“ work conduct“ u homo. Ro- toronoo. Enclooo oolf-oddrooood our. gnaw In Milo! Collulr. bop . 3, out. we7'.ec?.'.52,Wl: BRIGHT AN (HON out bermnl to nous-In II In Mann-n Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. All Charge- Mederate DENTISTRY. J. P. TELFO RD, We can give you Bargains. G. LEFROY McCAUL. HARRIS TER. SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN . SCOTT. Ill, l DAVIDSON. McPHA IL) DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOPS, ee., or best quality. JNO. l. DARLING Private Money to Loan. MePHML, tiopeville P. l C. RAIAGE I’m-hum. Licensed Auctioneer fot the County of Grey. “Over the Bank 81.50 81.!!! 31.70 l2"! " , I, Ll tfr,

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