West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1901, p. 8

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" Tho "tttu" .n.merator* are now on tho w" pub ”king questions that some people no not ready tom-wet. Misa Lak, su,ia, who has been in Detroit for some lime. came home to spend I for we.“ With friends here. David ions. of Duluth, visited his coup in Mrs Wm Ellen last Satsrdev. Jacob Burrows. of Paigley, went the Enter holidays with friends bore. Mr Thos Kenn returned home on Mon- day alter Bpeudlnu tho past few days vmb friends In Toronto. am... Maggie Smith and Mrs Black. both of Toronto visited the farmer's parents Mr nnd Mrs J c, Sum!) over Sabbath. Mr and Mrs J W Daubrook. of Atwood, spent the Easter holitU" with the hum”: pucmu Mr and Mrs A Doupe. The Mines Minnie and Ida Kerr. of Mt Forest "sited at. Dr Brown's on Friday Int. Thos Kodulio. ot Godorieh. is here to spend 3 few a.” with his broth." Alex and Win. Alex Show; notion-1y ill with that dreaded disuse consumption. Jacob Smith and Alex Stevens left on Tuesday for St Mary's whore ther expect to spend the summer months. Mrs Thus Keith ':ptast Easter Sunday with Mt Forest lneuds. George Calder was nt Brannon! the and of the week on business. Mr and Mrs Ira Pennock wen the guests (if Harristoa friends over Sunday. Mrs Hosentoter, of Toronto. is at pres- ent winning her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Adams. Mr. Currie. teacher at this place was made “an recipient of the following ad- dress by his pupils on the occusiun of his retirement. for a time on account. of ill health. To Mr Currie Dear Tcaoher. We tool much regret for the ctr- cnmnuncos which mstusod you to In" the ghoul. however I. are glad to meet van hero again and bone that your bum: any be "fhtrimstly adored for you to return. your former place It tho beginning ot the summer term. We enact express our gratitude for the petieuee Ind kindness during the time you were with us and for the enmple set us by you. We beg of you to once t this chair on n token of our esteem emf trust in future years it any recall plenum. remembrances of your pupils " Swinton l Perk School. Signed on behalf of the school. Ethel Campbell Alice Parstow Bert Martin Howard Watson Mr Currie was taken by surprise. In his reply he woke highly of the people of Swinton Park He thanked them very kindly for their mascot end hoped that in a short time he would be more able to ex- press his thanktuluess as it Was almost an impossibility for him to speak. N. E. raw and hlustering. From the reports issued by the met- eorological once at Toronto. it appears that, the snowfall during March lastwas above the average in Ontario. and Que- her, but below the average in the North West, and in the Maritime. Provinces. Indeed on the last day of the month deep snow still covered the ground in Province of Quebec the northern portion of Ontario. and the Lower Provinces generally. Throughout the North West Territories and Manitoba. during the month of March the weather has been for the most part equahle. with very little frost and few severe storms. Cattle are reported as being in good condition. and even now are said to he driven in from the ranges. so that, un- iess unexpected storms occur later on. it i4 supposed that the stockmen will enjoy _ another nrosperous year. From Lots 13 to 17 inclullve on the west *td? of Queen street. me Lots 13 to 17 inclusive on the east and west sides Countess street. on the nm-th side of George street from Lot 18 Countess street to Lot 18 Bruce strvvt invhhiye. From Lots 1 to Lot 7 inclmive on the east and west sides of Garafraxa street. From Lots Ito Lots Won the west side of Unmfraxa street Browns survey. On the south side of Lambton street, From Lot 12 Garuraxa street to Lot 12 Elgin street inclusiye. On the north side of Mill street from Lot 15 to Lot 15 Albert street inclusive. The total cost of such work being ”.53 of which the town share " for era-int! and unsk- W33 All parties interested If: requested to In present and govern that-um. ac- "i'oiaoiiik Gd seeaing' has heguh out \Vest. but. as yet me not very general. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a final court of Reyislon under By Law No. 137 ofthe Town of Durham, known as the Local improvement By Law will he held in the Town Hall Dur- ham on Monday the 29th day of April mm at 1 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of takeing into consideration the final measurements and construction of the work on the following streets. For the week ending April 6th, 1901 Temperature Mm. Max. Mar. 31.......... 12 36 Apr. J.----- :99 It General direction of the wind N. SWlNTON WEAIHER Rlilllt HOLSTEIN NOTICE. April 10m 1901. PARK. 30 both il J.A.Hunt:1: rm, . - _'i'iii,. WWI’HI‘ . A 1iU.lyllt It ALT-i F E (i. ill? OUR’S MAKE A ' 1, 'rli i'igtigiiigglfiQfi?-3', FJ, “$9 'il 'itii, . " .â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" - ' I N. .c u {in1iIFfil1r:l%f1tL?-:Â¥=:”L:Â¥EJR 2:, a; ' A}: - "t " . .~.. Kr. mn nu «fiFngEflg-Humj H Ia": -- . 'OU. ‘.;1;:nnifi~iffifi‘%g§lfifl M is: m", but 'iirra, 9175 Balanceon hand...... ...e.....'.. ...... .....; Taxes Collectedfrom 1899...... ...... ........ Taxes Collectedfrom 1900...... ........ Arrears of Taxes Collected in 1900. ...... Dog Tax................ ...b.. ...........' .. Rents Town Hall and Market Ground...... .... Licenses................................... .. Debentures.... .........wr..'.. .... .... ..... Fines............ ...... ...... o............'.. Market Fees from Dec. I, 1899 to Dec. 1, 1900.. SaleefCoaland Planks...... .......... ...... ProceedsofTax Sale.... .... .......... ....... PollTax.......................... .......... Costs for Tax Arrears Collected.... .... ...... . Consolidated Debenture Sinking Fund......... From Premium & accrued interest on Debenture BELL.--0n the 10, Con. Bruce Tp. on Monday Avril I. Lizzie Bell, beloved wife of Chas. McDonald aged 49 years. HtrNTEn-In Durham, on Monday April 8th. Eliubeth Marjory. youngest child of J. P. Hunter, aged 31". DOYLE - SWIGGER - At the manse Chatsworth. on ApriV3 by Rev. John Little. William J. Doyle, to Flora Swigger, both of Kinghurst. McCur.cvs--ornvrut--At the residence of the bride’s mother on Apt'il3 hy Rev. John Little. of Chatsworth. Peter McCallum, of Derby, to Jose- phine. youngest daughter of Mrs. Oli- ver of Keywnrd. DAvrDsos-McCoAo-At the residence of the bride's brother on April 4th by Rev. John Lune, of Chatsworth, Francis Davidson, Wiarton, to Mag- ttie Ann McCoag. ot Lake Charles. Lxwisos---1n Bentinck, on Sunday March 31, 1 Wm. Lawson. a. son. sold...... Of Receipts and Expenditure of the Town of Durham for the year ending Dec. 31, 1900. land...... ...e.....'.. ...... ...... :tedfrom1899...... ...... ........ rtedfrom 1900...... ........ axes Collected in 1900. ...... Hall and Market Ground...... .... ‘from Dec. I, 1899 to Dec. 1, 1900.. and Planks...... .......... ...... ras Sale.... .... .......... ....... x Arrears Collected............... I “-knnfnrp Sinking Fund... ...... MARRIED. ABSTRACT STATEMENT. RECEIPTS DIED BORN. - At the manse , near Durham to Mr. and Mrs. THE MI STORE Lu: Puul'l||aa H..- Me----" days, and the percentage of oil is grow- ing stronger. Farmexs and others for th great distance around the place are cam-lying the oil home in bottles and punt. Grub excitement it caused throughout the community. FILLING U m-Durham has scarcely n vacant house this spring and the de- mand is still for more. The census schedules will show few or none vac- ant houses. We expect building opera- tions on a large scale will begin as soon as the location of the cement plant, is decided upon. TA sormeooT.---Inspector' Harris last Snturday evening discovered some violations of the liquor' License Act it) town and we understand several mtrties are likely to have some unpleasant memories in connection with it. A rare find of coal oil was obtained at Iteddickville, Dufferin County, on March 26th on a. property recently pur- chased by Dr. McGihbon of Honeywood. Thos. Moore. who is the tenant on the place. found that the water was milky and of unusually strong smell. On further examination it was found that each pail of water when allowed to settle was covered with a layer of coal oil in an akin: perfectly refined state. The pungplng has 1ecy1tyyJtt.,,tr,' two $ 4885 41 37 48 6063 62 32 II 91 15 86 oo I94 24 10,000 oo $23073 88 276 05 14 oo 30 oo IO oo 3 59 1128 47 218 76 Salaries and Allowances............... Printing and Stationery............... Insurance............................., Fire and Light...,..........-..-... LawCosts............................ Roadsandnridgcs.................... Charity-...----.---- Debentures..... ..................... Coupons on Debentures paid........... CountyRates..... ................... School Account..........,............ Frontage Tax sidewalk Town Property. Frontage Tax Town's share oi crossings Donationto Band..................... Durham Furniture Co. Loan..........., Market Expenses..................... Miscellaneous........................ Balanceonhand...................... EXPENDITURE. i) iiillli'S HATSr l Genuine Helm column But we might go on through at page describing wailor hats, turbans, child.. ren‘s hats etc. etc. enough has been said to remind our leaders of the passing of the spring millinery season. Visitors will find the ladies in charge moat. con- oidertrte and obligiug and we believe will and their goods " represented and their prices muble. A hat made of black straw braid with fold of Brussels net between the rim and the crown is an elegant mteke up. It is trimmed with sequin, a large how of mauve and green ribbon in from is tasteful as is a wreath of foliage on left side front. Millinery Openings-From Page l. advantage of a fine showroo'n she has a certain charm in the roof lighting. Some pretty decorations make a. pleas- ing impression though in arrangement and surroundings ot the showroom it is not up to the others. Another of "Elite shape," is a pretty black chilfon bar. turned off face with appleque lace facing, trimmed with black ostrich plume. extending to the sides a Inge bow of black ribbon velvet in front caught With rhine-Itone buckle makes an attractive finish. J. A. Hunter TORONTO (halgil thhha AND 823073 88 t 464 56 196 75 644 80 360 02 773 02 lit) 85 2154 39 1206 99 356 oo 2320 oo 14 07 34 74 50 oo 10.000 oo 4246 6; 12 59 88 48 3‘5, _if?ii ',rfii" (til,',; Yi', Mike Heinrich. from Toronto, is spend- ing a tew days with his brotuer-iu-ltw Arch McMilien. The friends are always pleased to have Mr Heurick as he is a foul jolly good fellow. Seeding is likely c, '1» I iittlo behind the time; if the Weather dont get warmer soon with beautiful showers. Jeanie Peters of the 6th is holidaying It present. wnh her cousins in our burg. Michael D McGrath has gone to your town to learn we buxeksnutuiug. Mao III a. very obligmg boy and we wink him the best ol niece-u. The infant child of Mr And Mrs D Me. Mllleu was buried last Saturday. We sympathize with Mr and Mrs McMillan as its only about a. year ago they buried their only son an infant. Poor wheeling. poor Iloighing. Snow to gin any n: mnuy places yet. _Miss;\unie Mot-ism) spent a " day: visiting Owen Sound friends at Easter. tt00u John McDougall. front Toronto. spent a few days " the old [lowest/end in Maple Grays last week. Jas White esq. is ituproviust With his violin lessons rapidiy. An~owasmilh and Gray ate " teachers. The time at Burr 83mm on Saturday evening wan away up high and James still smiles when he thinks of what the future Will bring Woodbees and an occasional taffy pull is the go this and last week. Mr D Bic-Innis, I at!“ known us Me. Gmly. from Hmmltnn was visiting friends in the burg recently and while here pm- clmnad a noble steed trout \Vurden Murchi- bou. Messrs Alux McMillan uuzl Arch Me. Lean are "w9 to Thornbury timber luau!- iug for Mr Tltotntv. Howard. Under and by virtue of the power ot sale contained in certain Inden- tures of mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by James Carson Esq., Auctioneer, at the, Knapp House in the Town of Durham, On Saturday, April 27th, I90l, at the hour of one o'eloek in the after- noon, the following lands and premises: {South of Middangh House ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises [situated lying and being in the Town- ship of Bentinck in the County of Grey, being composed of lot number twenty- three (23) in the fourth Concession of the said Township ol Bentinck. The tollowing improvements are said to be erected on said property ' A log house and a log stable and barn with a frame granary. TERMS OF SALE t Ten per cent of the purchase money at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter without interest ; or it the purchaser so desire, ten per cent of the purchase money at the timeot sale and the balance to be arranged according to terms and conditions then to be mode known. For further terms and particulars apply to EDGAR & MALONE Solicitors for Mortgages. 59 Yonge St., Toronto, Dated at Toronto, March 27th, 1901. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Wilkinson Ploughs, number - _ 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WILKmsox PLOUGH COMPANY "iscast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three auctions. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell. Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and OMANS SEWING MACHINES.“ A large stock of New Raymond end Wil The undersigned will keep for service senson 1901, at Lot 17. Con, 2, Nortuanuy the fine Yorkshire Boar CULT/VA TING, Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and Spade Har rows, Steamers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. --Oak Lodge Major 2nd-- Inn-d by J. E. Btelhour. Burfnrd. Ont., Fatwowed Nov, 23, 1899. 2nd uwners, Brelhnur and Saunders. Buviotd, 3rd owner', Jun. Marshall, Varney, Sire was the impmtul "Oak Lodge Royal King" -30ttL-hred in Nottingham. linglwnd. Extended Pedigree on application. am; Se wihg Machines and supplies. The "nderiqned will keep tor service at lot 32. mm. 12, Bentinck. for the son- mn of 190l. n thoroughbred Durham Bull. one of the best specimens from Parkers herd. Pure lighrred. Terms: 81 to insure if sold, msumm-o rates will he charged. - Everything for Farmers I ._ FRED SHEWELL. Wellseck P. o., March IO, 1901. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY THOROUGHBRED BULL TERM h".-73 cts, J olm Marshall, J r w: Lower Town. Report of P. S. No. 2. Egl'mlmnl, fot the puartm ending of March. 5th Class-Edith Allan, Herbert Mc- Lean. tth (Ilass-anlmn (Grim-sun. Thos. Allan. Thomas Pollock, Tillie Pollork. 3rd Lizzie Griermm. Tillie Grim-sun. Mable Mead, Lizzie Grumpy. Sr. 2nd Lottie Eden, Nellie Allan Melinda Graspy. Kalle Morrison. Jt. 2nd Anni" Crittenden, Aggie Mar- shall. May Woods. Pt. 20d Manley Mead, Archie Allan. Jun. Morrison. Report. of U, S. ti. No. 2 Bentinck and Glenelg tor Mavch 1901. 4th-Anuie McGillivrny. 8rtr-'rerus Newell. Alfred McKechnie. Annie Ritchie and Willie Mckechnie eq., Agnes Ewen. tit 2nd--Minnie Vessie. Ella Edge. Jr 2nd--huggie Morton, Johnnie Newell. Ethel Heughan. Sr Pt 2nd--Neiliie McGillivray. Elius Edge. Frank Collinson. ii. Pt 2nd-timith Ewen, Itilla Duns- mour, VG McKechuie. lst-John Ellison. Herbie Dumuuoor, Noble Bank-y. Andy Vessie. Gertie Morton. Mr. T. P. McGillicuddy is shipping wool this week. Mac says that this is the worst, m a number of years in the wool line. The market is daily declin- ing in price and the probabilities are that the worst slump has not yet bern reached. This is the cry over the uni. "versat world.--confedevate. will he for service: for season of 1901 at Lot 9, Con. 2. W. G. R. Bentinck. TERMS: 8t.00. LARGE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR Trs 'l ---.l t_-let, won Mayfield, got try Gladstone Salesman 26414 , he by British Statesman imp 20833; Dam Pinky by Iron Dukc, Second dam Venus by Sir Walter Scott, third dam, Jessy bv Lancaster Comet. OFFICE HOURS 9-121. m. 2-4 p.m. RESIDENCE and OFFICE -Old Bunk UPVFtt TOWN. DURHAM. J. G HUTTON M. D., C. M, 0. MCKINNON. A Scotch Shor about the popular bicycle. It's the Racycle and is the only one with the sprocket between bearings. Thtt means 27 per cent easier to push. A GORDON, Will vim? Prierville Friday each week from 9 a. m. t. 4 p m. Telephone Connection No. " '?? tell you Member thrttPttritsiat" and Surgeon“. On Mio, Apply to THOS. SULLIVAN, Irish Lake, On MAY MCCLOCKLIN. teacher. FOR SALE. Lower Town. Dt MCDONALD, teacher. thrxet, H. ALEXANDER. Bull rising two J ewuller. , ' Mr. Con I taoultie and c: INA, lifted to replace- n dee Hi. enterprise I lug." A mo, Town to have I from the hill maplm. Wel suit in making “Rummy; " .of the ti. lite, have pun of tht ready for the than usual. " 4m Rep. 24 cud I Edge and My by plans to on the oevond dar dime to ttet he" the ttbn. tevy wilt he her Durham camp at N imam supplied wit In Iris Ida" which luau-n I Dru; tit lh-giuwm IT in use Ill Owe streets in tow 1 IcuIcrI-mv , all [lame inn-n "I brick and hurt (In unl ma ('UIIIII PM M Ills slit “all that Het. male an hin nmmrt m birth min oil ed wit h he thet, ll ti public ach00| 1 the Humpden Cant" mi“ ly was known l He WR." a wel man. and hi. remains wil Decca-rd was ttN M " " ll mg k lurid We are sew ll - t Local am - Plow Boots A.man 's Hm Maj “'Axn .. Peg A qirl'sfor.. ttt. All I "ry Ill attend {In All VOL. wom an ‘5 RIRI rim-I she than tt'lttttt H" tttty princip fl tit who w llv th ti Inllnv tl Pet" Ihe "LT [hull \\ did In ll gram Ill But tl " Mtt

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