West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1901, p. 1

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lets tell you bet, won. J,".','.).')',';,.', “all. Alfn be popular bicycle. Racycle and is the it with the sprocket t bearings. Thlt 27 per cent easier rue ban l, Snowball Wagons, ndon. ot PIANO and ORGAXS It New Raymond and Wil tullinzmu lunlh Ev Keehnie L'l’vI-‘u 'rnwx. M'nHAM. no Connection No. " rillit ORDON, TTON M. D., C. M D.' Melina LO, teacher IR" cKINNON. " toxin)” "is cast on made in three actions. and E and OFFICE VEU YORKSHIRE BOAR e" R SALE twer Town. " "I t, M M " ll MN" Ma A "red Mck whnip. Willie Mckechnie ll " M M tO kt BS " Al G rt Ella Edge ll x.\.\'DEI ntinck and 19urvursoor n LLIVAN, my. Elias ‘sman imp iron Baku, ir Waller rising two whet tint yet bern the Imiv Johnnie the. 0n hipping rt Me Ile newsman "waster of 1901 Gertie “Ian in tht deciin, TIN Duns M at' "I ink ll n ll't ort " "NA, _ VY on Sep. 24 and 25. and we think Pros. Edge and Secy Davidson should at once lay plans to capture the royalties for the second day as they will jun. hare 'time to get here. landing at Halifax on the Sitst. Mr. Con Knapp " considerable! trouble and expense on Monday and Tuesday lifted and moved a big maple to replace a dead one near his properly. His enterprise will we hope he “catch- l ing." A move is on front in Upper Town to have hath sides of the street i from the hill nouthward planted with maples. We hope to see this move re- i sult. in making one of the pleasantestl ~xtreetsn in town out of our at present} brick and barren appearance. i Buy your garden seed by the or, uni 1hu+'itrlatto's Drug Store. i An editor of a contemporary says:§ "Send your items of news when thty, are fresh. We Jon't like to puhlish: hirtthftt-r the ch.ld is weaned. a nmr- I ringe after the honeymoon is over, a) denth after the widow has married! again. nor the ttrtttve of an entertain-i mom when the job isdone elsewhere, ml the editor is that ged for admission"'; (‘RlSl'lS BRIDGE Joey County Corn. 3 miuicners. Ries, McKinnon and Gordon i and Bruce County Commissioners, Cannon, Dooley and Fischer. met in1 Hanover. on Tuesday and drove out to [ inspect the Ctispin hmdge and the Sau. i Rev" river at the point where it crassegl the county line. We understand the, corumissiouers decided to engage an; engineer to look over the ground and, give them estimates of the probable; rust of a bridge. We trust. this latest 3 more is the beginning of the end. and and that the end iq ne Ilail’ost NOT 9n BAD -A good story is told of a skeptic who was fond of getting into arguments of religion. Talking to a Salvatmn Army Mule he asked how if she wally believed that the whale swallowed Jonah. The lassie replied that she did n"t know. hut when she unnipat Niagara. the Regiment is to he Assuostvuh---We notice hy a Mt, supplied with the Lee-Enfield rifle, 'Forest paper that Mr. Colin Blyth, of which are to be kept in store. when not [ Nonmmhy. has made an assignment for in Itfie at the verutttental head-quarters fthe benefit of his creditors. We learn tn Owen Hound. I rum another source that an investiga- Bisolxxlso IN 1'iMe.---'1'he Directors i, tion of Mr. Blyth's estate shows him to of the S. Grey Agricultural society' he perfectly solvent. The usual proce- have part of the copy for the prize lust j dure will have to be followed. but it is ready for the printer '. much earlier 1 to he hoped no sacrifice of property will than usual. The show this year will be i result. got to heaven she would ask Jonah. Her male acquaintance was quick to see his opportunity for a joke, and respond- ed with. "But what if Jonah should not he there?" "Oh then," replied the cap" tain. "you can ask him." Major Galloway, one of the No. 2 Dis. staff otficers was in town Friday and made an exatuusntion of che arms and atworttretttettts of No. 400.. 3lst Regiment. We believeat this summer's camp at Niagara the Regiment is to be supplied with the Lee-Enfield rifle, which are to he kept in store, when not in use at the regiment»! head-quarters ttt Owen Hound. uteri-z AssotaArros.--A number of citizens Mtown and vicinity have re- qttt-etetl Lienthnrry to write to the Militia department as to the steps to he taken fur the formation at a Rifle Association in town as proposed by the Depnxtment. The intention we believe is to supply each member with 100 rounds per yr. of ammunition and suf- ticient rifles for the Association's use. We hope the application will he successful. In the meantime Lieut Torry is ready to receive names ot in- tending members. so as to know the numlier of rifles and quantity of :unlnnnitinn to be sent for. Pass in luv“) WrIITEr'ottD DtiAc.-The very sad intelligence leached Mr.und Mrs Hubert Wlutefovd, of Nnrnntnhy, ye-tenlny. that their son. David, haul died the previous evening at Hawkes- bury, of peritonitis. The parents were nearly distracted with grief. never hav- ing known that their son was ill. David, who was a. tenchel by profession, was known to a good many in town. He warn well-built, intelligent voung man, and Iii-death in very sad. The remains will be [nought home. Decca-ed win-Nye": of use. Be had been pdnclpd of the Burke-bury l EMETRRY MEEavm--.A meeting of all those interested in Durham Ceme- tery will he held at the Council Chum- her Durham on Thulsduy evening at 8 p. m. 'Local and District News. ' --- LLIEM' Black Kid Glovessitthant's WA.NTEO.-A smart ymlng girl to Iran] telegrnphing at MavFau-lune'p Drug Htore. All persons owning plots In the ceme- tery or otherwise interested are invited to attend. maul) di<truvtml With gl‘lt'l. nvvvr nau- mg hum" that their son was ill. example of honorable dealing and an “and. who was a teacher by profession, unflinching determination to discharge was known to a good many in town. w.terl'.e choos.es. to. consider " moral He warn well-built, intelligent voung obligation, .and it " .tha.t solely, no man. and his death is very sad. The person having t legal tight to the remains will be [nought home. balances Mr, Z. " about to pay. and Deceased was 26 years of We. He had which amounts to many thousands of been principal of the Hawkesbury dollars. a“ ou? {epqrtel hate been . honored with an itteitatiom we hope to public school for two yum. He taught he in . position to fully "'0" the the Hnmpden whoa] at one titne.-Poqt. lhnqnet in our inane of the 26th." We are selling a man‘s split P1owBootsfor................4 Apnan's Harvest Boot for... ' .. .. " Grain Blueber.......... Awoman'slowshoe............ bt Peb-bal. .............. P.........-' t'arr's Indian Hot-h ten, A girl's for. ' VOL. XXIII. NO. 16 " C. L. GRANT. --dih,ot, - . P. Tau-nab. Secretary. $1.00 1.25 1.75 75 85 A Boi-Ave received it long tele- gram from Minister of Agriculture Fisher on Tuesday, warning us a. Census Commissioner, against. the use by en' uluemtors of aschedule reputed to he being used for the collection of political information. No such schedule is or has been in the hands of South Grey enumerators to our knowledge. and We would be glad to learn of one instance where any of our 38 enumerators saw such a schedule sought for such intor. mation or placed it on record. We fancy they find the regular schedules exacting enough to occupy their time fully without dabbling in politics. BLACK AND GoIm.--Mr. J. A. Hunter, "The Big Store" has led the van in store decorations by having his store front tastpfully brought out in black and gold, thus heading off dame nature who is A little slow in getting her spring colors on. While the outside is attune- tive the windows are, much more so being artintncally draped and having a large number of admirers. Talking of windows. we think we never saw the windows of Durham in general looking so well and having greater care, put on to them. Better than all there are more people than ever' looking at them and host. of all la we. believe that more people than over wre buying in the stores they belong to. DIED IN LoNDos.--The following obituary notice has a. local reference. lt reached us on a post card signed "Friends of Family," and we give it as it came: "There died' in London. on April oth, at the residence of Geo. Hughes, 501 Bathurst. Pt London, Mrs. Honour Gomt-rsali. widow of late Jos. (lomeisull and mother of Geo. Hughes, at, ripe age of 81 ypati. Deceased's funeral was held Thursday April llth and was largely attended by son-owing friemh. She leaves to mourn her loss 5 children of whom 3 attended her deathbed. her daughter Mrs. It. Yet- mart, Toronto junction, Mr. R. Hughes. Buffalo. N. Y. and, Geo. Hughes with whomshe made her home. Some of the grandchildren attended her funeral, also Mrs. B. Vaught and daughter of Mount Dennis and Mr. Geo. Hughes' family. Mr. Archie Hughes well known in Durham as scrap iron buyer is one. of her grandsons. Mr. S. F. Morlock this spring, in' his own premises. is showing considerable enterprise. The large mirror at the hack has received many encomnms and has completely transformed the inside. while the outside is being transformed also hyapaiuting finish of black and gold. BUSINESS IsTEururY.---Ver'y pleasing Indeed is the action recorded helow which we take from an exchange. Mr. Zoellner is 'a hrothetuin-law of Mr, Y. F. Morlock of this town: "Mr. E. F. It. Zoellner has issued In- vitations to his personal and business friends in Mt. Forest and elsewhere, to the number of over a hundred, we understand. requesting the pleasure of their presence at a complimentary banquet to he held at the Arlington Hotel, Toronto, Wednesday evening of next week, 17th inst.. when he proposes vrv,lunturily to pay in full all claims on Zoellnvr' estate of 1896. Mr. ffoelluer's conscientious action in wiping out all balances remaining from his assignment of tive years ago not only does him credit, but stands out as a unique GETTING 'rHrtoco-This weeVthe enmnerntors " several manic“ lave completed their enumeration “Marley have with few exceptions been w re- ceived and freely furnished with the information they are after. T Rev. W. E. Norton, Baptist Minister, Owen Hound, is leaving there to accept, the position of superintendent of Bap. tist Home Missions left vacant by the death of Rev, J, P. McEwen. T . spring tonic. 25c a package at Mac- Fnrlane's Drug Store. ii3ttttrtt a splendul DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARMS: DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1901. Would you care to carry on a simple dairy herd teat during 1901 in conjunc- tion with dairymen in different parts of Canada and us here? The only ex- pense would be a spring balance for weighing the milk. We would far. nish you with blanks each month for keeping the record. If Canadian dairvmen are to raise the average yield of their herds and make a profit it must be by tiist finding out what their individual cows are doing. If the cow is not paying her keep and leaving a good profit forthe dairyman either the wnv is no good or the dairy- man is not feeding her properly. If you are really interested in the dairy business and care to go into a cooper- ative test as mentioned above I should be pleased to send you further particu- lars re the same. In any case. I should like to hear from you on the aforementioned points. Yours very truly, J. H. UmsmLE, Agriculturist. " The replies elicited by this letter were of such a character as to indicate the advisability of making the matter more public. With such an end in view, the foregoing is given for pub- lication. It is hoped that many of our dairy iarmem may see the importance and necessity of keeping such records as are suggested, and that they may think it advisable to join in this Co- operative Dairy Herd Record or Test. Any farmer interested may obtain tull particulars by addressing:"---"'), AG' RiCULTU1tIST, EXPERIMENTAL FARM, OTTAWA. " All letters so addressed are carried POST FREE. Your name has been handed to me as that of a farmer who is par- ticularly interested in the production of milk. It is it well known fact that the great majority of dairy herds, it We may judge, by cash returns alone, are losing investments. It is, how- ever. Certain that this need not be the case if tyaftieient care and intelligenee are exercised in selecting and feeding the cows intended for milk producers. Bo, in order to be able to work more effectively towards improvement along this line, I am desirous oi securing some exact information as to the meth. ods of feeding followed in different Karts of Canada. I should, therefore, e much indebted to you if you would write me briefly upon the following points: 5--What use do you make of by- products (whey, tbe.) it you have. any ? I-kind and quality of roughage ration fed to your milking cows in winter. 2-kind and quantity of grain fed your milking cows in (a) Summer. (b) Winter. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tittal mutt of Reygsion under By Law No. 337 of the Town of Durham known as the Local improvement By Law will he held in the Town Hall Dur- ham on Monday the 29th day of April 1901 at, 1 o'elock p. m. for the purpose of [aiming into consideration the final measurements and ccnstruction of the work on the following streets. 3--Oantity of milk yielded per cow yearly. d-Do you use pare-bred bulls? What breed? From Lots 13 to 17 inclusive on the west, side of Queen street. From Lots 13 to 17 inclusive on the east and west sides Countess street, on tho north side of George street from Lot 18 Countess street to Lor18 Bruce street inclusive. From Lots 1 to Lot 7 inclusive on the east and west sides of Garafraxs street. From Lots Ito Lots 10onthe west, side of Gauafruxa street Browns survey. On the south side of Lumbton street. From Lot 12 Gavaiaxa street on Lot 12 Elgin street inclusive. On the north Slde of Mill street from Lot 15 to Lot 15 Aihert street inclusive. The total cost. of such work being $3830.50 of which the town share in for crofsing and angles $351.38. All parties uierested are requested to be present and govern themselves ac- coudingly. We 'Nllllll REVIEW,’ 50 one to new subscribers to end of year The attention of Canadian farmers interested in the development of Can- ada's groans: industrial factor. the Dairy Herd, is drawn ,to the following letter, recently sent out. to a few farm. ers in each province ot the Dominion: "Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Uniform b'oiOperative Dairy Herd Test Record Durham, April 10th, 1901. Dear Sir, NOTICE. WM. ANDERSON. Clerk. 'tiii, tiibttriititt). 81 a year In advance Mr. G. Anderson. from Glenelg. has bought the old Review omee. from Mr. McArthur and intends fitting it up as a dwelling house. Mr. J. J. Bell. one of the four chief Census officers for Ontario, was in town on Tuesday night to confer with Com- missioner C. Itamage on Census matters. Mr. McWilliams. of Owen Sound. was in town on Tuesday and fairly bubbling oyt-r with the good prospects before the town in the matter' of the new Cement industry. Miss Flo Richardson returned to her home in Flesherton. on Monday. after a few week's, mention at Mr. Chas. Brown's Mr. Rutherford, brother-in-lnw of Mr. Neil Mekechnie, was up on a business visit to Durham last week and may in- vest in property South ot the town. Me. Edward D. Evans, uccnmpamied i by Miss Kate McKinnon. of Che-slay; were the guests of the lattvv's sisterI Mrs. Jno. A. Black. the beginning nfi the week. I Miss.Lillie May Larson. left Friday} for a long stay in Indiana with he!" hruthel Mattsfield. She intends taking! up school work with a. view of being all] teacher. This is the slxth of the family: to go over. i Mr. Jno. McFadden and family. late-i 1y of the Roh Roe and fot tum-1y of North ',, Esrremonrirave moved into town, nc-' cupying Mrs Davidson's house on Queen l St. We welcome them to town and trust they may he long spared to enJoy its citizenship. I Mrs. Robert Legate, of l, leshertnn. spent the holiday season with her sister' Miss Coleridge. She was accompanied by her daughrevs, Misses Irene and Lena. the former of whom will remain with her aunt for some time.--Teess water News. Pleased to have a call this week {mm Trooper Geo. W. Ledmghalu. who leaves in a. frw days foe the Pacific province. He takes the REVIEW with him of course. We thank him for a souvenir of his travels and of Pres. Kruger’s whiskeretl face on a Transvaal com. --A committee of the Dominion ealr inet are planning the programme tor the ylsit of the Duke and Duchess of York to Canada next September. This will be one cf the great events at the year should no hitch occur. They arrive in Halitax about Sep. 17 and will be a month touring the Dominion. PERSONAL MENTION- Mr. Frank Livingstone spent Sunday In town. Mr. Brad Jamieson returned on Mon- day to Toronto. Miss Hutton. teacher. left for Port Perry on Tuesday. Timlm-mnn M. K. Benton, Fleshertnn and a gang of men (He loading timber at. the station this week. Miss Hazel McGregor spent it few days visiting Hampden friends. Mayor Calder is in Clinton this week pushing the stock of the Cement Co. Mr, Alex. McKenzie spent a couple of weeks visiting Elma friends lately. Miss Annie McKenzie left last Satur- day to resume her duties as teacher in Ayton. . Miss Maggie meford left for Town to on Monday after spending her Easter. holidays here. Misses Kate and Belle McDougall returned home last week after». lengthy visit with their brother in Williamsford, BORN. b'cmutiBER--In Wilhamsford. on the Hill March. the wife of August Hchreiber, of a daughter. SMITH--In Dornoch, on the 17th March the wife " \Vm. Smith jr. of a daughter. Fonmcxaln Holland on the 22nd Mar. the wife of Mr. Fohhck, of at daugh- ter. BOYLE --In Glenelg. on the 24th March, the wife of Mr. Boyle, of a. daughter. Mr. Chas. McAllister. of Mt Forest, spent the latter part of last week in town. Miss Dora Davidson returned no Owen Sound Coll. Inst. the beginning of the week. MARRIED. woorm-Bvcmcc-Tuesday, April 16, at the residence of the bride's father Lythe Rev. Wru. Farquhavson, Dr. N. w. Woods, of Bayfield, lo Miss 31atrssartt F. daughter of Mr. w. Buch. the remedy that our-us n ' um In an. Durlmm LiiiirtrG BrbmoJOuinine Tutu is signgture jg on evctbo5 a" the gunning gg2f, on--- iii 1illtl Mt THE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which You are p? id. Changes and additions have a- gain been made and we ask our friend tocxamine closely. The price of the Review is $1 a yearin advance---) if not so paid. The amount is small to subscribers-to the publish- er, many smalls count up fast. PUBLISHER. sr.5uArcustivscviw-, ILLJ 1411.1 gran: mum ‘I La'irti,i5 fr", " 'e, /rc, /Eo'r-Civr'_,irio'rio'e.i"rf,f ".ls'ii)fci1i/iit.'iiii.i/ii.riiii" tlrflele t Attractive _ij,j, lililjjlifl8 OPENING! if? It i2 patrons will he grat- ihed. The ideas qf fashian centres are at your (limomt here n13. (h Illthtltt l WWW, Her stock has burn "treftdly selected and aim is conyident that in Mate rial Ma k '"ttlt and at the MISS DICK ml‘lliullg/ may: the ladies of Durham. ond vicinity to uttmul her April 3 d. 4 "ml.tulotrirty 'ltt.tpt ..We are scecialists in this line, handling only the best quality goods that are fully warranted and are made by experts to fit the figure and to be necessary adjuncts to stvlish fitting garments. rticuiarization but give you plain gets and figures to deal with. With every line we sell goes our persotel guarantee of merit, our store is synonymous with reliability. Both in price and quality is every line handled by us, hence we don't enter into a lengthy descriptive Opposite Midduugh chm. Lambton tr M ILL! Nhl' Y =::ccy-CORsE"rss-zcr------ For those desiring aEcorset that has stood the test for years and has proved itself to be all that is claimed forvit we would highly recommend the D & A. ' {a easier than inheriting money to save by buying here. “- the tastes of [In MILLINERY ‘A . ROOMS 1‘ f " PRICE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Eiéfétéféféfléfé.5I§91&:T§;4IitTéri OPENING :ilhilireitsf-a"-/hiu_dfrHlFt',"st3' “UL- “L r'..-.,.--'-" -. _ Tt, ttrftgi, mh.fi1'fifi7r91‘:fr+ffi$1'r57h ih'r‘fr -. rm" , d I . . . We ec/mze. J. MCKECI‘INIE. fr" frr, WWI 31931:: It-r/ir-ri-c-di-cdr-ii-iF-c, F: '-'-rr--i"r'-- r," 'frtlttli'tl"'fl"Q'tl'rleiel' Men's FIanuellette Shirts inter- changeable collar for. . . .. ..... Men'sPn'nt Bhirts......, _... ... Black & White striped twill . . . .. Men's night Shirts.... .. ... .... Ctrnt Grocery Store. 'ttlish a” x SHEWELL tl LENAHAN Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year's trade. of Call Rural/all, Julia-(70d, SIlBWELL & LENAHAN. Cash or furmers' produce We draw your atten- tion to the new straight front Corset as here shown. They are the latest and are perfect fitting. Special price WHOLE NO. 1204 Nothing Stale. Everything New and ttp-to-date and he cordially invites a. trial. Tlwundetsigmd has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (muct door to C. McKinnon) fulllincs of Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope tomake the acquaintance of my new friends. by J. A. Shewe” will now he carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shevell & Lenahan. 31”, Wow f, The public of Durham and s. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carriul on .00 FLOUR, FEED, GEO. LAWRENCE. . L. GRANT. -ahiets--- G1t0CER1ES, due tettrtte. , , a H. ' , NUA'.‘ 4/6 'l / (OE?,'?, , 3,141,”: A k , 'tht ‘ a , "s-er------ , Jiutiitiitt ad "LIL: dar 7S 50 Ii I 1

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