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Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1901, p. 2

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*1 M} M; my be it alwuld be attended to at once. elm you will Call an easy prey to greater dime. Do not use a purgatlvu in tho hope that. it will put you right. Any doctor will tell you that purgntivos weaken, that they impair this action of the liver and (Tonto chronic cumotipatiou. A tonic is what is hooded to help na. lath: light your battle tor health. and tin-r.~ is only um- nlwuya roliubln mum-failing tonn. and that is Dr. William." Pink Pills. Tlumo pills have in purgndn- .‘tltllull. They make rir'lt, red blood. str -ngtlwn the tired and jam-d Harm-9, and make weak, de- prvsw-d. mushy tired people. whether old or young. bright. active and strong. Among tttoe. who have prov- ed tho health bringing qualities ot Dr. Willlnmu‘ Pink Pills is Miss Emma Chaput, of Lake 'l‘nlon. Ont., who lays: "I cannot thunk you enough tor tho good l have derived through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I honestly lx-lisvvc: that but tor them i would now tre in my grave. My tuuaith was eorupleu.'ly broken down. My lace Will-D nu white as chalk, and If 1 made the least pllurt to do any housework I would almost mint from the exertion, and my Ittvart would beat violt-ntly. so that I feared 1 would drop wiper" I stood. I watt: great narrow-r from ltrsadttvitea and vlizzim-m ag We'll. and my appoint- Was so poor that I ucurroly at" at ill. I triod sow-ml medicines. but they did not lu-lp nu», and than I dv, t‘idvd to iii-ml for wrmv ot Dr. Wil. We in Ind” ventilated buildings with impunity. Sometime. you have a headache. slight exercise (nuance you; your appotito is variable; you are molly irritated or depressed; per- Iup there are pimples or slight er- uptions that indicate the blood needs attention. Whatever the symptom The word. "weak and depressed" exph6. the oondltlnns of "Jon-ands at people in the spring time. It la one of nature's signs that humanity (amt undergo months of indoor Hum-f Pink Pills. I got sh hues and before! “an! thz-m all I was as well an I had ever been. with a good healthy color. " good uppetlw and an 'mtirw, tromlom from tho ailments that had mmln me so "Nun-amp. You may be 191150 tint I will ulw:xy.~4 haw» " warm rpgnr-l for your luvuluuhh» mrrtieirtst" no not r-qwrilm-nt with other no- rallml "r:drete--yott ar0 apt to find it " wustn of nunwy and your henlth worn than twbrrw. You will not he -xporirtwrttinur when you [up Dr. Wil. tiarnq' Pink Pills. Thwy huvo proved 0.er van):- tlw world "Yt't'. and you "Well. now, win “no c-hnck of that himwll’ ' Huur. erkey.‘ just to f', Irish trado.' An' ty own know how t The inscription J t lose Conti-nent During the Winter Months Man Left You Weak, Easily Depressed and "Oat of Sorts.” 0.er va!ac. tlw work man Poly upon it that done for nthuro Hwy " you rnnnnt gut t from your (Innlrr iv11 Dr. Willinnm‘ Ms"titu't vom, Ont.. and “my coat paid at ."10 vent bows for $23.30. at Not Exactly Sick, but Neither Are You Well. "will. the Chinese Wall. The builder ot this World's wont an wan: a grmut warrior 2mpernr. can”! Chi-hwuntz-ii. who lived about two w-nturim lu-furt‘ lhrint. To put u stop to H." invursi'ms of the Tar. turs and “tin-:- northern "Elms he ("alumni this growl! witll-1,rr00 miles m lettqth---to he vrM-lnl. It rrquir. a! ten years to build it, and in his mme- to lime it t-omplatml he work. ed to deutlt tau» of thousands of his lahurvru. Emu wlt-tt “Mum-'1 it proved [walrus n" a mmns of am hunt. Friend _B. yin. made u lump sum a" your mate's cooking? HUHtso--reir. "lend-Waker.' ? Hutwrtr--Nope. Took her loan: of bread. painted 'em black and sold 'em tor old Iron. l'rolmM) "at! Faun-l n Way. "I vnuhl wish," sail the futhtsr ot the ynnm: rnllvgv .wtuUr'nt, "that you had chotrctt mmc- other form ot nth- letlcs than bywllng. Thet develnps A Daughter of Eve. Wife (armed for the operaH-For goodness Salk". why did you get all those now-',' nnz~zlrm.1t um run-rum uf the othor. What do you an to strengthen your tect, arm 1'" - , Whereupon the yuung man, who had spent the evening- In cumin: upon a. 00-01... Hindu-d and Elk. nothing.-- (‘Mcagu Tribune. Rtrqhttml-l thought it would be wall tor you. (incur. to ttare something to cover ,ors.--Pttiladelitltia Press. An lulu-once. The Proh'R-mr 'mm. Ycs, " caterpillar in the moat VOHII'XIIUS llvlng thing. In a month it will '21! about dx hundred ttrr" It own Wright. Dear Mrs. Krrrh-wttose boy did you an) tro was, Harper's Baum Catarrlmznne curve Asthma Cntarrhogone curve Asthm. MinardU Linluwnt Cures Dintnmper Minard's Linitrtcttt cures Diphtheria. THE SPRING FEELING. "envy Wetxttt rimont with other no- ynu urn apt. to find it mum! and your health How. You will not he when you um- Dr. Wil. ills. Thny have proved w world "Sir. and you that what Hwy hau- tlwy will do tor you. an. ttro m-nuino- plus t mud din-ct to thy Imlirim‘ Co.. Brook- tit will b" mailed ma " hm or sis The tobacco plant itself was first brought to the continent. of Europe in 1088 by Franck-30o Fernando». who had been sent by Philip ll. of Spain to invmtignto the products of Mexico. From Spain some seeds of the plant were sent to Portugal. and Jean Moot. who was the French Ambtuv,ador to the latter country at the time, secured some of them and sent them to the French Queen Catherine De Medici. Nicot made a study of the plant and was Instru- mental in spreading a. knowledge of its qualities and the methods ot its cultivation. Entabiluhes Nteot's Fame. All tobacco plants. ot which there are about titty vuri ties, are grouped by scientists under the name ot nico- tuma. and in the analysis made in the French state tobacco inctorien the distinctive element in tobacco was given the name oi nicotine. This term having been universally adopted. Nicot'n fume is secure tor all time to come. though in tact tobacco- unoking would have been Just (1.6 uni~ Vt'l'eill to-day it hit had never lived. The habit of smoking was initiated in England by Ralph Lane, the, first Governor of Virginia, uni Sr Francis Drake, who curried with them to England in 1585 the implnnrnts and materials of to'oactto-turtokuut. which tin-y presented to Sir Walter itnleigh. Governor Lane is b-liwvd to have been tin" first Engiithlin to smoke and Raleigh the sin-uni It is re- t-ordeul Hi the lnttur thnt "he took" " pipe of bdrm-vi it little before he want in tho scaffold'." The eour. tit-rs of (ulnar! Elizabeth caught tin- The French Government last week appropriated (and. tor the orectlon ot a bandage statue in bronze of Jean Nleot. whose name is immor- talized in connection with tobacco. The statue is to be erected in trout of the principal government tobac- co factory In Paris and will no doubt revive the old controversy be- tween the lovers and haters of the weed. which has been currled on ever since Europeans. as a result of the dimmer, ot America. were in- troduced to the pleasures and per- Us of the pipe. The use of tobacco ls now so universal among European pooplw and peoples ot European or. igin that it scarcely seems possible that prior to 1580 no European had ever used tobacco. Meat. tt is quite certain. did not introduce " into y Europe, and his claim to be regard- ed as the originator of either the, cultivation or the smoking ot to. bacco in Europe rests upon very weak foundations. _7 . limblt ti.r,rrrtaiorvsr.u, and wittiin "fly yum-.4 smoking hud lw'uu'a general in England ntvl all over Europe. rise tluties. It l.; u, Purim” tact that in England tho vultivntiun ot tmhuccu ttrf u (Top is proliilntotl by a tax so high nu may: "IU'" Fittwrt with unravel» NOW] that nu Englishman ruuid afford to [.511le it (nu-pt. us Juwph Cltamlaerluitt grows urvhids. as nu ("quwhivv in]. The origin of this pruhihitiau is still more) curious. it nrimnutml in tut' reign of Charles ll., wln-n Pariiumrut6 passed a Euw brimming tho growth of tobtteco in England for tho mpross purpose of iurururttginp; tral. with thl: new rulnuy of Virginia. Nowadays, when the hoight of srtatesmanship In sup- posed to be reached by passing tar- itt laws intended to kill the indus- tries of other nations with: whom we trade. it SPPtttii almost twyond belle? that in the unenlightened age of Charles H. they should yet have had some nnnugh in see that it they were to build up trade with Vlrglniu they must needs give Virginia. " chant-o tn produce something to trade with. ' America'., Interest in the Weed. The production or tobacco in the United States is now about 725.000,. wu_pqnnds annually, of which about FACTS ABOUT THE WEED iilllllill] SHINE n 1lilfl, France Will Honor Man Who First Utilized Tobacco, oit1rltalt is wnsummi by our own peo- ple and one-hull Pxpurtcd. Some Idea of the rapid increase alum In the world‘s production and consumption of tobacco in {mural-ml trom the (not that the prulucuun of the United States alone has bum: almost doubled nixer 1870. Thin consumption In all countrlm ot which we have any sta- tistics has steadily lnémsed. our Brttlsh eouttittg ur- not so devoted to the wow] as ()uzruulw‘s. Tobacco- chewlng is almost unknown among ttwm. and a» Hmaknrs they are com- paratively Inch-rate. NeVerthelesa tho Britons are now consuming about 32 ounces of trsb:wery pm- capitu. an- nually. which iq inst about double the Itereaspita 'il!oicanno of the Bri. A tall. ortitriottrlookirtp; mun, with n pocketbook in his hand. t-ullcul mum Sum-km, nnd observed: "1 in: your pardon, Mr. Sneeker. but Ibelinve you possess a-ah. Yes'-a black retriever dog with a white patch or his breast." Visions of unpaid dog taxes burst upon Sneaker. and with great energy he replied: " Oh, no; oh, dear, no! Noth- ing of the kind. He is n poor, stray brute who followed me home. but he does not belong to Inn; indeod, I've told the servant to tmlm him to the police station half a down times.” ., Oh. indeed," said the stranger, "that is nil right. then. Only my client, Mr. Robinson, accidentally shot the dog this morning. and I Puma round to compromise the. matter by uttering you tive pounds; but, of cauruc, if he's not your dog-why, good morning." A new and Interesting feature in connection with the Chicago North- western and Union Ptwifie route to California is the announcement that, with the new schedule of the South- ern Pacific Railway, effective March Mat, the new Coast Line between Bart Francisco and Los Angeles was opened. This new line, which is sure to become very popular with tour- ist travel. runs along the Pacific Coast. Vin. San Jose, Santa Cruz, Salinas, San Miguel. Paso Robles. San Luis Obispo and Suits Barbara, where the finest scenery in California may be witnessed. It is confidently expected that the testablishment of this new route will result in a greater part of the Southern California travel at all seasons of the year, going via the Northwestern Union Pacific and the new Pacific Coast Line of the Southern Pacific Railway. Epworth Lengncrs going to the Ban Francisco Convention in Juiy and who desire to visit Southern California will haw- tho privilege of using this new Pacific Coast Line. an“: or ouro, (In? oe TOLEDO, } "a LUCAS COUNTY. . FRANK J.(fmcsm’ makes oath that he is sen- ior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Co., doing businena in the (In?! of Toledo, County and Mata aforesaid and t mt siaid tirm willpay the sum of on: ilFfiiiiriiii DOLLARS for each and every case of Gunman that can- not be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in a presence. this 6th day of December. A.D., l A A. W. GLEASON. f HEAL} Notary Public. Hdll's (taxman-h Cure is 'ttken internally. and new dirm-tly on the blood and mucous "who“ of the syuern., 'ctcry1tyI tttfir-rt/tslit, tree. A The grocer thought th" old man had “mm to milk.) " kick about sum“ pur- cltttso, bat he ha..m't, although he locked Iikn n krir. Wlmt he had run)" to say was: " I sm- washhoards outdoOrN market] at ll vents." .. Yes, sir." "rll give you tun and a half." “Tan and threc-qun.rters." t6 lep." "Then you go to grass and I'll go names the strevt and buy ten dozen shirt buttons torn quarter."-dtrootr. lyu Eagle. v' l , Scum-lain. Have you Neurnlglu? Have you tair ml to get relief? Do not despair; Nemilluc will cure you. Five tlmes greater medicinal power than any other remedy in the world-more penetrating. more muth‘ng. Pain can- not exist It Nervlllne In used. (lures Toothache in one minute. breaks up n. cold in a night. Its action in pain internal and pain external borders ml tho mttrvplloute. Thousands have team'lml to this; neglect no longer; "an Nervlllne. Drug'gists everywhere sell It. I With Spain out ot Cuba, whose to. baeeo furnishes the Cutest quality of cigars In tin world, and our nag over tho Philippines. the home ot the celebrated Manila cheroots and cigars. the United States would seem to have commercial control ot all the best tobaeoo-trrowrng soils in the world. Up to tin present time, how. ever, possibly because the Cuban. and Filipinos have been too much tth. sorbed in arguing with us about their future to give attention to their to. bacco crops, our supply of Havana: and Mullins seem to be poorer in quaJlty and higher in price than ever before. When they get once more upon a firm pence footing we may expect to find our nicotine tempta. tions greatly lnrrottmtd.--Baltimore Sun. New Line to Southern Cullfornla. Nlte-0o you remember the firtrt quarrel you had with your wife? Ho-Ditrtlnetly. Rhe-..Wh.Ht was it about! Hts--Oh, about a kiss. v"shir--. Paint w ! We believn MINARD‘S LINIMENT is tho best. Matthias Foley, Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway. Mo. HRev. It. o. Armstrong. Mulgrave. M". Noxtdoor-I haven'tpeen your piggy” tpr ever so long. _ _ In. Nextdoor-had what has your Pap) got? "What is your brother doing these days. Clarence 'Y' "Oh, he is working wonders." “Is that so?" “Yes; he Inst worked the India rubber mall tor a. dollar.” tone of 1850. The ymrly consump- tion of the weed in this country is 1193396ng TO 91211933 1131' capitu. - thtlo Temrie-atammii has scarlet fever and can't come out. V Littiis Tetrsie-Papts got "trig months, and he can’t come out, either. Sold ty Drukiritits"hilf. 7' -. - Hall's Family Pills are the boat. Cutarrhozone cures Asthma. Catarrhoaotte cures Asthma ne-Yea. s'ho--But Onem1't she like kissing? IF-oh, yrs. Hhe--Why then did trite object? "tr-I was kissing another woman --Yonkprtr statesman. Charles Whooten, Mulgrave, N.B. Plorre Landry, sen., Pokemouehe, Thomas Wasson. Bherrield, N. E Went to Co mpromtse Refused to Appear. A hos t Customer. " P tte Inelnbered . P. I? ti fisyA"Ee0.-,"idiidir, o. .-Tit-Bitte. "I gum thvm all a fair champ. too," said Mr. Doeg to The Echo. "but nothing scum-11 aisle, to give mo even temporary relief. I grew 1kspotulent and (impaired of I'M-r leaving that dreadful pain behind For four yours I tmthsrvd excruci- ating torture. during which time I was scarcely an hour free from pain. Tho trouble commemrod in my back. where it often remained station- ary tor months:, and so intense was the pain that I could not lie down or take rest, but had to .u night and day in a chair. The pain would then remove to other parts of my body. and when ln my knees I was unable to walk, and vonttned corn- stautly to my room. I was treated tor rheumrtimn by several doctors and also tried many modlolnes with- out receiving any lu-mrfit. Almost in despair 1 {rated I would nevpr nguln oxperlvnzre the plcurutr" of be- ing free from palm . . Mr. Dom: certainly doesn‘t look like an Invalid now, and it in hard tor one who has not seen him in his sick room bu lie'lm'c- that six months ago he couldn't. walk. "Have you nny objection to mak- ing and signing " written state- ment, of tlu. whole thing tor Publicar- tion in the Evian?" was asked Mr. None whatever, I will be glad to do HI). tor I want, cw” pvrsun sur- foring as I was wibh rheumatism to know that Dunlrl's Kidney Pills will cum them, and I hope that my stat"- ment wtll be read by all such un- fortunates. TMy friend. you should Not rob and Swindle people as you are Doing. Remomber It is heat that you should do unto the Others as you would lee the Others to do unto You." Morai.-aome.body has to Form the Trustte.--Btutimore American. 801m: time after he came to thla pprt he was stricken with rhvuma. them. It gradually grew worseaud worse. till for the lust tour years he has been a. confirmed invalid. and at! a. coummcnce has not been seen in town at all. He has sat night and day in his chair, unable to move or walk a step for months. The pain nmcr left hlm. It omn- menced in his back, and the torture trr. had to but: was terrible. I'rom his back it would smut-times mun: to other parts of his body. His knees were fourfully painful at times. The truth is, that tor tour long yours the Irroi' man did not have a single mouteut's respite from the ranking of this dreadful disease. Mr. Doug says: "It mum's me slum} lit-r to look track upon that. M" ml four years. even the. thought orit is dreadful. Howl I ever lived through itts I do not know, but 1 thunk God that He has at last restored me to health and trtrcuitth with noth- ing of the rheumatism left but the mgmory of it." Mr. Doeg Is a changed man. Hale and hearty. 110 now enjoys every moment ot Ma nvw life to the full. How did the change cumn about? This is the (nu-utiun which Mr. DOW; ia moat delighted to answer. He had tried the treatment of raw- eral phyainlans and mm used almost every medicine known as a cure. for; rhrumatisru, but he got nu re- Le . "One day l rum! in a nmvspapor tho testimonials of some who said they had bean cum! of rheumatism by Dodd's Khlxwy Pills. I hadn't much fulth in anything by this timv, but I sank tor mm boy. of the pills, and ttommrtncrui. I noticed an im provemvnt um! io"pt on, and lork at Inc now." “I! [didn't have uny more Sense than the Others have, Iwonld thank Then tar Bumping m", as Ido Them. Thus [should cut my Eyetueth all the Sooner." STRONG TOWNSHIP SENSATION The Reutoratlon to Health of Win. 000., Who Had Not heft Ill- Room tn Years. Rheumatism of the Worst Kind Completely Cured. Almost everyone in this neighbor- hood knows Mr. Wm. Dung. In 1878 Mr. Doeg moved trom the Township of Osprey, in Grey County. to lot 19 in the thirteenth concession at Strong Township. He has since made many trieatae, and all who know him apeuk ot him in the highest terms. Last spring my "uontion was di- rected to some remarkable run»: ot rheumatism enacted try nodd's Kid- ney Pills, recorded in the public primal I procured a but, and sunn found that they wer" doing m" good, tht I kept, on, till now! can my I am a nvw man rntircly troy. from pain, and have nont’lnuml an tor own- six motttlw, living ahh, to attend to my daily (intim- un the farmnnd mel strong and able tor work. -giri, Bad Mun smiled with Scorn. tusd-pl/ttdi. _ Once upon a Tim? a Good Man re. monstrated with the Bad Man, uny- Evidently the Day of Miracles is Not Yet Over. (Sundridge Echo! The Echo has taken the trouble to lnvestlgute the circumstances and can vouch for the truth of the following intereurting story in its eve_ry particular. I verily helium this grout. Chang:- has been ctrt:cted by the um of Dod'd’s Kidney Pills, and I think it my duty to make this statement public tor tho Dom-m. of anyone at- flieted as I was. Wm. Doug. Sun- dridge._ . f . . m This In a plain, unmruishod state- ment of fact, as we found it, and ovary reader of the Echo. espeélnlly those who knuw how bad Mr. 'Doog was. will agree that It is a case wibhoat parallel In the history of the community. The Latest. Easter. The latest that Eastm- cun tall is pr" Mth. This will happen once in one twentieth century, in 1913. THELAMELEAP Ulnard'l Llnlmeut Cures Guzet In cows TORONTO This is Mr. Doug's written state A Little F able. Fully ulnv-tnnths of cum-s or impair ed hearing arise trom Cutarrttal 1r- ritation. There Is no question as to the efncaey or Catnrrttozotut in mun-u of impaired hearing trom min onus», an the evidence of puny tmtimoniuls simllar to the above mnplmticully proves. Anyone sullerlm: in dais way can test Catttrrhosone by lac-mung IO cents, for which we will promptly mail them trial oatrlt sufficlunt to demonstratn its grant. efficacy. (fum- plete outfit 81: small size 2.30.; at Ilrugglsta, or N. C. Pulmm & t'o., Kingstnn, Canada. and Hartford. Conn., U. S. The [must-maid can Have her labors in suddenly making rmuiy an apart- ment for the arriving gaorit by this arrnngetwmt of the unusv-i Imdmum' Take t-ithcr spare shouts or "flu-ul- turc shoots" of outtun denim. the old blue check. and Hprvud thvm over the bed, covering bolstor and pillows; cuter tho rhichnsm- ur tuih-t table, the writing tabln, Iounpio, and bureau. whatever would be likely to catch the dust. Than wiwu tIre mum is prepared tor tlw nmv guest the wraps are rvmoved and shaken true at dust out the window, and the task of sweeping and dusting he simplifiud. St. Thomas, ont.,--" have used Cuturrlmmne tor impaired boating, and have been much benefited by its awe, nu much so that. 1 can now lu-ur quite well. 1 am recommending it to my rrientis." Thomas “main. Il‘he horror ot it all can tr' in» agiaed. Fresh from hum" Ill Htutt- land, recently rmnm'ud trom the protectlng cum or a {and m':thvr. and dying in agony out than: all “lune with nothing but 419 signing tram of the mum-0km: tort-st. to echo the last prayer.--Torouto Sun. Jamen Juana-u... v- y..-“ "It wan," aid that gentleman. “away bank in the twenties. and the “or! a! I have heard it was told by the late Edward Luck. of Crown Hill. Two young Soowhmen (broth- ers) name to thin country about the time mentioned. and on reaming Toronto. they heard that plenty ot work could be had at the garrison tom of Penetung. They accord- ingly started along the only route then in existence-BY way of Yonge street to Holland Landing, over Luke Simeon. and across the portage between here and Penctung. On the latter part of the journey they had for comp-my a detachment of col- diorn on route to the fort. It was in June. and the block flies were at their worst-what worst moans in this case will be vastly un- derstood by tho low oid- tlmers who remain. The Scotch lads were full-blmwhui. and the files attacked them with o-xvvptlunoi vi- t4otrsnetett. Ono hmumo so ill under the attacks that ho could nmruh no fur- ther; his brother would not leave him, and the torrdiers could not de- lay their march. So the two brothers $rvrc iett IM’hilltl. tlie million] furnish- ing food for [hi-tr mutt4tt'ttitrtt't'. " was two or ther our: Pr" " mm party reached the poiult whvrt- the young men hurl been loft, "mi whvu the putty nrrived both brothers \wrv- found msuti---litisrully killml Ly the- poisonoun bites; oi the wnomous lil- sot-ts." No Tonderfoot Can This story or one of the tragedlel was told me the other evening by James Jameson. of Barrie. _ .. ac... or_gtmgMt. Thr, German m-luulllic l-xpedltlon under Dr. Koldowoyu has discovered in Babylon tho uno'wnt "prooetmion" road ot Marduk, Buys n Berlin oorro- anyudent. The large limestone flags "r the roadway Mar the inscriptlon of Nebuchadneuur and are inlaid with smaller mum-m of red and white stone. The German Helentlnts rrtate that. the tample discovered last. May in the Interior of the Amrun hill la the famous national tvmplo of the Bab.vltrttians. known to history under the name of Enugilm Thotm discov- vrlos will give tho key to many ques- tions concerning thro topography of Bahylom 1'in ainetun is on own-yam! of the "It!“ the "lady that care- 'cron, In on. I" " so. send a letter or postal card to the undersigned. tsttriwerintt the following questions: Where are you going? When are you going? Where do you start from t How many are in your party? Will you take Four household goods? A Special low rate setllcrs‘ ticket: on sale during March and April to points In Manitoba, British Colum- bia, Oregon, Cullfvd'nln and all West- ern Staten. Full particulars trom B. H. Bennett. General Agent, Chicago & Northwestern Railway. 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. "My wire done gimme dem," una- wered Simpk|na Colliflomsr. "Hat's de stylishos' kin o' decorations. Dem'l poker dots." The tiemre of Pride. "What'tr dam spots on you ull's for" head ?" naked Erastus l'inklny. "All right, then, we'll tom Mr It." mid Tommy. "Bore goes '. You holler. Heads or tails '.'" blue cyan. How could I then refuge her tears? Sweetly. as rain drops out the sum- mer skies. Upon thodry exitrtenee of tho you". -3. A. Sinclnlr. " Did my poem have the right mun bend (get 7:119;qu the_ppet., 7 “Very well," replied little Emer- son. of Boston. “I propptotrtietsto the falling of tho "bu-rm uppermost."--- Phlladolphla Pram. Yeargipg no wistfully with dimmed “I reckon it did." mull-d the tore. man, "the oditor kicde " out the window and he wears a number 10." MEIER graidiGrftir.GTaiii (‘atarrholone euros Ant hum Catarrttoeotte cures Asthma Cured " Bad Case ot ”carat-us. Ulnard'l Llniment Cure: Colds, etc. KILLED BY BLACK FLIES. g otg? ARK YOU “(DISH WF.tiT'.r The Lnusvd lit-drown. Rent-s From Babylon rot Can Withstand Their Attack bong. Me llalloed. The Tear. --Wturhington Star "Out of the qmwr inn-ail " mmmnn crmturc regarded an; must pun-nu ln aid-time- medium!» than: calm: tlte moat surprising and nuurly tlw moot important intention: Fiscry school- boy knows that tt toad ('un can» warts or make the cow gin: blood, milk. but not trverybody know. that tend. are also powerfully mvdivinal, " is tt fact. Martin Lutlu-r says so “out; are his very would: 'Expert lance him proved the load to be on~ (lowed with Valuabln qualities. If you run a Click through thrw- toads. and, after having dried tin-m in the run. apply them to uny pontilvnt humor, they draw out tho pub-JD. and the malady will dioaptryar.' Pow Adrian always vanity) a bag almut his neck containing dried toad, portrl, coral, cum trngtneattth, Humruml. an- other article». of junk. it did him a power of good, he mid. it wua all that kept him up. Atrl Ic-nt Mm tilluh that they only did that hundrvdu of year: mm. I want to m) tire that when my father was " buy and an? lered from quinny tin-3 use-d to tir liVe frogs about his throut. Thv frog- neurly (‘lawml thr lmh- on, They did not cure thc ‘quinwy. but that's ll detui1."-Rurvv.x Sulln-rlund in Ainslee's. " you have not tried it, send for free marq% In 4.1mm]: taste wiil surprise you. SCOTT & BOW.NP., ' .hcmisu Tough Dune. But Marlin Luther Della-wed In I heto. 'h' I y1T,liil"ie,',t Lars f 1101 ma', P AL “a; _ In ”my [14mm I “will.“ Guanine-v11 (”run _ ___ I PitN't't' rnd do hum-r work Irma Ii) Olin-I mat-hum on 11mm 'rkeL A good madame tor agents to Imam: tntt money Izmir. Thou-and: in [ma For term. 1nd prices addres. STANDARD SUPPLY co.. I'Inlnillnn. (but. We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being rc- freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con- tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor; there is little nutri- ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. W hen it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again-man woman and child. There is nothingclse to live on_9_r_ by. " . The Frost is Going Soon. The Tucy tot-HM Fence is wry de-lnblo If you t ink of mania: {our home lea-Elm. getter wrtut and do so be ore the other can" oM. THE FR1MY \VIRE FENCE Co. Limited. Wcllatui, Ont OLD STAMPS WANTED. Fe . SALEAOLD AND lulu; CAN' ndnncomn for Mic. App l lo hr (hurl can. 'dt.gtsoquos, Que. Cormemironactwc solicited 1 --tightoru, “ranges! and huudiml tuade. um celebrated "Littdetuwood" cxtvriiou "ut ladder: but out for fruit picking. Indium, iiiGiilG and general menu-n farmer m n ttg."Ituedte,'hgrtlti; pam- boards. "k. tle, Miu rated MOTH {rug Addr-thr “anchor IAddert‘o.. Amiu-d. Lnndun.0n' T" I) am; tihtoiutiilytinUi aihCGi /iiG'. gunnntnc. Twenty-live dotlssr.. Smut uny- Mt" on manna. W. Ritchie, Tilmnbul'o I famous Khan" district. .. tue pouch beet of Uganda." 0310 or exchangu. for pmdurun town or city property. Give full tip'i11t' of Four property for "chance. Ind my w at up WM". (when: Inn on 'tt'hi,r2e."i McNeil & Monica. broken BL Cat Miner. Ont, (in. B"iil'SHftfa',h1,fyu1.rif,'f, GRADE: IHYNIDP thos; tittrth joints: that annulment ". year'- Mr'lgiP2ri2y,2Tt N HELu A HOUSE hold article med in every family. [in ttr/e an mm from I to W, per chi. Paid for ample wuth . Bend quio rnd no can the bonding of the am intiodurtien of ttsie gnlolo._ w. M. Gilbert, t) Nylon“: Ion-pie. E. tit"mt In the ftt'it Penn-ruin a Winona, no miles from "miltetqt on In " wuys. I!) new in “LBJ ot which In in fruit. meal] peaches. Will be sold In one punt! a divided ittto1otmof15to 20 was te mtit p. aha-em. Thul- I don-idol but-in Adana glplgullun Carpool". P. o. bod can Wm FOR BALI} FRUIT FARMS IN TR. 7 famous Mann district. .. the ln-nt‘h belt BARGAINS IN BELTlNu AND HOS! Garden Hose It ge per foot. N. Smith»! York _ Toronto. IRS isurtik {some Mrs. “'inalow's Boothi Brut shnuld . wu- bo used for dll'elk','l%', hing. In MIMI the dalld. softens the gums. cures wind no“. and in up tear: named] for [Humans Two-w fl; _ V ISSUE NO 19771901- $100.00 ouch fur thee ram? FARM FOR SALE again or m TOADS AS MEDICINE. “’AGGONER EXTENSION and 51.09; 'ul drugsiatr U Treated Free. We have undo 1",',,eg no“. ooatplteattor" u Ipoe alt, twenty yam. Quick all Gum wont cum. Book "_oar nu and fb" b] is acumen: run DR.B.maRerrtrt"so- Box 0 LIMITA.“ Dg3ftETt Imoi up the old In, ten: "More Hummus me the mmum RM get, CASH PA“) for them. “r A NTE}LO|d Canada. Nrw Bruno wick. Noun Moth. Prawn Fidward I. land. urmm Lola-2 bia,otc. It. 3. MASON, allfhmll' st: mum l Amman. 0m. clams mm Sent on Trial Human Wnatsingtou rsprrrl com Dr. Taunugo l Chute “wince: fur I tt -ared to mm. than vi. 2tl. «A: m Your Mend hikes .attmble house. You C, the tvemuws. tty u 'roads. the ('I pub of d-mr. and yc aete or you say alo ml eoqt?" le (we “in. in an varri (scaly dress rustling, - mm. or you s can. of horsvs Mr and told, and pun -timue of th" um The m, qIngtot A mu. much for furniture grounds, much to, comma“. (Illa up that" our In flu-nun Inn. that It in all w been mm In I mom) rown Jew caught on. being In I .ettrd In could take (over of ll, that you In it has! An eternity, he that» the with a pm murula th ho-day I Ye are Now, if yr of mom-y u .1! ct once, mimemw "r' an. no mu much tho til Srgt of “Nah I. odd. and l that “you 21 price." and l “(mm ms The Ii amnvr minions Nltr looked V“ into [Med am my and God launvl Power - km But I has We on t u very h was born roamed: ole many and camel “It! of In No amino» adapted nu oyrlo. hath The exiles _ Kn". Th “It?! of h of con-m- h posed that - grad heaven ttrs mu mag! not. then l “like. the any. ttwrt I.“ of an 1 10.0 trom I Let us: Mary In the calm-ts. of Idlers ur no light" that which What. Mia' “3‘. the l Beth here sun and n (hat t Nun: 'rwtruts All the the rm hold. I full then that ”my net with then that I the R, that Abrrtir Into 1 "on huh Jun had had noun-m1 " mwed on death. Th" I - or we.“ body with 81 run out a I cum: "a ' nu mum h For the Saw, --Brirxgin I‘ he tbttR h ThnuK H Ch h

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