West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1901, p. 4

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X it M if.“ , l DURHAM REVISE The friends And immediate neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Siephvnwn to tho number ot about 30 met at, their home in bid them farewell and to present them with nslight tokenof their esteem hefore taking their departure for Idaho. _ " - " mu,“ ........a -_-___ ___ . On motion Wm. L. Dixon was called to the chair. who after explaining the clued of the meet'nx. oured upon Mr. Wm. Ramagc to read the following address : To Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson. on the occasion of their departure from their friends in Egretnont. Dear Friends. Ive have taken thin opportunity of meeting together to express our oppre- 1intion of your many excellent. qua ities both as fliettd. and neighbors before taking your departure from among us. You have both been ever ready to assist and to give your counsel and advice when called upon on occasions of trial and sickness. We wish you on leaning. that every success. prosperity and hup- _ inete may attend you in your new home. We wish you also to accept of this watch and thin butter knife in the same spirit in which it is given as a onall token of our appreciation and esteem hoping that as you look upon them you may still t'emetnlwr your fro-nah in Egreuwnt. You are leaving many good niends behind you who. though nanny miles apart will always be please-d to hear of your continued Well- t'nn-und should we timer met-t again on "uvtlt we liop . that we may all meet togetlu-r “here there is no pan-ling. May that Lind Providence which has always been your stay and support in .1... m... mu .-.mtimn- to 'wr. vnur shield. FAREWELL AND PRESENTATION alwurs been your stay mm suppur. u. the past still ruminue In be your shield. your strength and your never failing portion. Slum-d on behalf tf subscribers A pleasant. lime was spent thereafter in songs, recitation' and speeches by various members of the company, The "National Anthem" and "Auld Lang Syne" Hoard what was voted by nil to - . _ .._:......L.h. mama-u, .7..- __-"'" -__H _ have been a very enjoyable meeting. The gathering dispensed after bidding good bye and wishing God speed and a pleasant journgy to the kind tep'tlti v""""'" J""' In, .._ “n “n... “V, _ WM ing couple. who had been and! good neighbors in the locality fot 40 years or tuore. Thursday, April B, Boi. I tttn Into we win all appreciate the good weather for we have indeed by] a very ruugh "inter. Our merchant Mr. H. Hunt in this to sto around aumn. We are glad to see him so well as he “as wry low at one time. Mrs. Dr. Smith is again laid up with La Haul)“. but. We think with careful unen- WW Mr. Cnmeton McIntosh is at present o-njoying his holidays at the old home- stead. - -- -ard to hear our new tailors and Dress. makers are genmg all the work they are M11010 do. Letter upon letter pours in from awry point in Canada testitying tothe marvelous power of Er. Piteher's Backacht- Kidney Tablets to cure kid. Iley and bladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as tind their origin in a faulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass otevidenceputs ls power to cure these atfiietiom, be- youd a doubt. and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. - Thisis what Mrs. J. W. Hutchins, 'e Portland St., Toronto, hagto sgyt “I cannot say to much tor Dr. Pitch- er's Itaekaehe Kidney Tablets. Be- tore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time. and an acute lameness across the loins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dig.. appeared, Formerly when I did a washinglwas utterly tired out, not having a bit of energy lett. This morning I did my washing in two hours and Idid not mind it. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets, tor I never had anything do me so much good." 1'me weather is here once more. Any readers of this paper can test the merits ot Dr. Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size Nh, per bottle. s M lil‘LYON " A “Of IIT. w o o o --. Dorncch. The agitation against the cignrette E has taken on such widespread propor- tions in the United States that it 'i) tulel'ably certain the trattle in tttew; "coffin nails” must be setiously curtail " if not nltottether uholiobed An investigation just completed shows that. the Legislature in at least thirteen States are considering the adoption of more or loss drastic measures, that elev- en States already have laws on their statute books prohibiting the sale of the paporwrapved weed. and that the The most radical anti-cigarette tuetttn3re yet proposed is now under consideration in theMinnesola Legisk tore. having been introduced by Senator Halverson. one of whose comtitueuls recently died from Imoking too many cigarettes-ld/nd in London Free W. C. T. U. and other organizations are urging the adoption of stringent legis- lation in half» dozen other common." wealths. Said Frederick The Great, “Facts are Divine Things" Such was the saying of a master mind and what applies to things ct state applies with double force to matters concerning health. When it is said that Dr. Pitcher's Backuche Kidney Tablets can. it intelli- gently used cure nll kidney and bladder troubles. and such other diseases as can be traced to u sluggish or imperfect kid- ney action. it is always bucked up by the positlye proof and testimony of some reputable person, some one who is glad and willing to tell the Would the result obtained. The following testimonial of Mrs. W. listen. 10 Fensing St. Toronto, i has the ring of truth, and bears out the helium that it is it cure beyond a. doubt or the young.middle aged, and aged. Mrs. Eaton says :--"Dr. Piteuer's Back- l ache Kidney Tablets have been at the greatest benefit to me. Formerly I bad so much backache it extended to my hips and limbs. At times there Would be an acute lameness in my hips and a burning that causes very disagreeable sensations. I find that [am much invrgoreted Since I need . bottle of Dr. Pitcher’s Beckuche Kidney Tablets. my back has recovered from its lameness, and I am sleeping well at nights. From my experience in Irving the Tablets I have much eoniideuee in them. and ran highly recommend them." Any reader of Ibis paper can teat the merit of Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing 2 cents postage tome Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. ltraulttr s.aze50 was per bottle. Will those to whom we have sent Accounts in the last few weeks, and who have not yet responded plenu- oblige at once. We have to than those who hare attended to this um] matter, not small to no by any means Please renew early and nhlige the pullisher. Businees may he transected at the ottice 111 Upper Town or at. the omce in Darling's Drug Store, Lower Town, where we have phone connection Call at either plece otrtd have . tark. Upper Town Phone No 6 Lower .. Phone No s. THE 316A KETTE TABOO. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. il, MlLLlNERY til, SEEDS! ifu,vvnvvnvvevvnvvvvwevvvvv1 Miss Agues Henry and Mrs Wm llrown returned lately from QuAppelle. Mum. from a lengthuned visit to their c,i,,tut. Mary (Mrs Walker) Pleat-ed to hear ther left her slightly improved after a unions illness. Mrs Jno Lawrence is improving nlowly'l after a long ithtess. II Mrs D Hamilton. we are glad is able to be around again after Illness. In.ic.x McKenzie. uho lms been mi Alpena, Mich, returned home last week. I Miss M Gordon npent Easter holidays with her parents in town. Mrs Juo Benton at is expected home this week. She went. to Guelph to attend the funeral of her sister. Miss Eliza Wilder from Alpena, Mich. is at present on a mm to Lor grandparents Mr and Mrs Wm Wilder. We hear that some of our neighbors from the twentieth visited the home of Mruncl Mrs Phil Lawrence one evening last week. 110m Heurrtue merchant from Robb was around the corners last Sunday. Mt' and Mrs Wm Hunter visited their daughter Mrs Jas anther one any this week. The censusman has been around and wmnta to kuhw ' the age of the young ladies. the occupation of the Glues and the number of eggs' a hen lays, and he says he can only rely cn the unswor lo the middle question, Almost a MIRACLE OTTAWA. Sept. 9th, 1896. To the Phrcnoline Medicine Co., Ltd. Ottawa. GwsrrL1orEs,--I hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable yheqmatic yemegy. Phrer‘mline. “new.” . m "W V ,7 ,, , My son Gordon, who Is " years old, has been a sutterer from inflammatory rheu-i matism for the past two years: was so had at times that he had to he carried about, on a mam-ass ', was attended by two city doctors apparently without the slightest henefit; spent. 10 days at Caledonia Springs, canine home with no marked im rovement l took three bottles of a '4217l'l'i'lkir, remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I was he- gmning to give up all hope of his recov- ery, when by chance I mentioned the case to a friend who strongly advised me to give Phrenoline a trial. I did so. with the result that when my boy, had taken only half a. bottle he was ah e to get on his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in FIT, of your medicine. and 311311 do all I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely (Signed) REUBEN CLARK We are Popular We are Popular 1eseroedty fopulm The great and increasing growth of our business is abundant proof of our popularity in the Trade throughout the length and breadth of Durha in In every sense of the word through our cour- teous treatment and the liberality shown our patrons and by our strictly business methods we have earned the respect, the confidence and the goodwill in general. 111 The correctness of our goods is undoubted, the value in every Inc in all departments is the strong argument that strengthens our populari- ty. It is ever in evidence more so at this period of the season when we are kept busy. Our Millinery display is greater and grander than ever. We will exert ourselves to make your visit both pleasant and profitable. from the fact that our stock is by far the largest Henry’s Corner. Durham's greatest Millinery House Vastness, Variety, Value. (il, F,, M®RL®®KD 'ittin my And general to hear u serious CAPITAL, Authorized CAPITAL, Paid ink .. RESERVE FUND Fr STANDARD M OF (lll(ll)l AGENTS in :1ll.prin(-ipnl INHIILS In Ontario. Quulwu .\l.'milnlm. Unitrd States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking business tiutnsucted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est ulloww‘. ut I'm-rem rates. SAVINGS BANE. mien-st allowed an savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up~ wards Prompt attention and every facilit-r afforded cuslunwra living at» distance. lon can hardly compare this stock of wall paper with any other. It is fi er, larger and of adistinct quality not often obtainable for the money. There has been so much care taken in the designing of this paper that you will scarcely fail to get colors and fig- ures to suit. We would like to have your approval. We are sure we will have your order. All paper trimmed free of cost. We also carry a full line of window ishadcs. sMacFarlane&Co . DURHAM AGENCY El Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE? DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS Head Office, Toronto. Try Soods TORONTO INCOMPA RA BLE J K ELLY, Agent. 82,000.000 1,000.(0 I . (“will t v - v - -e-e - __ i: 'iiiiurierswuroiyezrtriyeiruritsiruasirsirsirsirsirsisri' Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don’t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill. then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, thrs: lililllN were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop when ' you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. Ec7.'> “5",!“ Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts I " to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Qll - Gale Prices will surprise you. We. have a new light yassey-HarEis Binder we want you to see, reduccd ir. weight ay.1 Rollgr Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the caskst running Binder m the world. - Full line of I’IANOS. ()RGANS, and SEWING MACHINF.i---- We are well stocked with TURXIP SOWERS, BCUFF1JiRS, HAY FORKS, ctr. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at til. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN w Implement Warerooms. M CALDER ti EEEEEEEEEEEEQEEEEHEEEEEE Xiii W . . =T=--------" " Cu" J lliqSmEai iriE21 L' ih .. aiiaaal' W“? iieaie MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. l hnve o. Inn-Ln. mint in town m 01 trade. farm. helm": 1n ed III low mum place and must g” w 8rd Div. lot T. con on Geerafraxu Road l hull. This titty at n naked. He has a hug list of “eluding the followi 1.0118. con. 14, P. o, in hands splendid hum-m Dat hum . Very " "NS "out . Road. Npholid will sell (-Iu-apur MONEY TO LOAN and up'nccording terms. INSURANCES. Ct CONVEYANCIN Big Fortu OQQ‘QQQQQ , JAKE -...' Fun" each. Our 5 It. 'dl, Fl We cat't'Y Hand" m \"nun'll Lot T, con Lot 28. you w financial bouncy lil energy uu- I "" moving in lite I!” A change bas cu Baal; Uili now LegitiltMt"'t'. Tip hill "as In sl""" errant aver 'ett Y" anotred and the nvsilnhh‘ this yer in ootario. on II. ”in: to ouch 1 Take Laxative All druKKM" ref to cure. War, E - “Ch box. Rgpoiring of W Lower Tow attended l Qualil)‘ The Hanovd in hawk and must u TIME Jake HE SELLS CHEAP !! It r, " tit I” BE MAD] To Cure I Con. 2. W M y Cheap) l' mien nki by m s, No ace but " che A Ila Be ttttt 3a

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