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Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1901, p. 6

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w: N ll ill who cost lurmlrwln of lives without me lln‘lo wiupsusating advantage. [in country in tin-mlnto. and, lot it In mmembwml. I» Wet has pPrson- All: been rcsporrsible tor most of the tteoolatiora. His Nerves are shuttin- nd. Ho is irritable, unreasonable and coal. oven to hisuwn Iaithlnl follow- “ But his gmntowt lot-ling of bit. torneso is directed against the Dutch ot the Cots" Cn'nny_ A I’rlauncr’a Story. [hurtling their attitude. one of the Boer pricorwrs to whom I was talking. spat on the noor with a Bri. ”mace which tell n tale ot loathing and rwtémpt, and hm aseurcd me "that the sentiment was participated is to tho full try Iii! Into commander. Towards the Transvatslor, too, there in evidently a tevling of distrust. De Wet has moro than one" sent secret- ly for recruits (rum among the Trans- vaalerp. asking tyrem to come and "tst like men and not skulls. as do out of thrir corrtIvatrioU. From tho “to of tho capture of DnWetsdork tttrt Boer knalvr seems to have lost att control or” liimsmlf. According to his own men. ho has literally [logged lllliil [MEEHS BAPTUHHI History wiil In- unspeniring in its omtdemuation hf l= , Wet us a patriot, as It will he rrtthv.s'utHtiC in his praise on command”. HM vanity-tor who continuum of tho strugglc is Hour It: also but an inordinate vanity-- them Into obodionco. File discipline ha. been ntrrnor than that or any German martinet. He was allowed no om to think but Mignon. "Go and take " rifle and light." he said one in! to Stem). who wished to have " Volvo in the plan of campaign, "but Atrgt't talk to nw now." London, April 12.-Rauter'a cor- mm telegraph-z I won able at Doweudorp to gather the Dutch vernal of the Cape Invasion. Fourie, ah, his way down. was very elated, and was riding a horse tor which he refuted to take 150 guinea: when he entered the colony. The Boers - that they never experienced “ch a time. Tiiy were sometimes " many as titrce days without food. Alter lighting tul 'Lark they had to In at night in tin- rum, holding their hues, tro, wwmuwierw, included. Enemy Keeping Up the Worst Kind of Guerilla Warfare. Boer-Ito From Holland to Help tho Boertr-New Zealander Shot Try- Ing to Escape - Ninety Boers Killed” British Retnforeementty. SHOOTINB NATIVE WOMEN Crazy as a liedbug. luny of Ito “M's followers have lot hewitatvn to hint that his mind has bwnme unhinzmi. And. indeed, it lunch in tho raw. it is my wonder. The drain on his m-rws has been some- thing mom than the nerves of man mm stand. linntnl from farm to hum. obliged toslH‘p miles away from his own linm. nnvm- knowing whence would appear tho next pursucr. ho has boon trim] beyond mortal drength. Spvaking to his man one They noknmvlmlgu that their We! in killed, woumlvd, and prison- ers were 701), and that of their con- voy they bruugm. Buck only four Cape carts. Thirty Boers were drowned while rc-wroasing the Drama. When tho invaders return- ed they won in tumors and Fourle had lost his: valuuhlo hortw, and was 'ooumt misrmhw. End before daylight we “khaklu” were at them again. Landon. April 1L'.--Reatter'tg cor- respondent at ('uiusbnrg gives the toltow‘mg intcrcrimg account of DoWet: (My, he told them that he would make the whulv world ring with his .eE"eee, and (wry-y man that fol- lowed him Would he counted a hero. According- to my informant, this was tho most nnfortnnatn speech he has over dlrlivervd. The Dutch mind does not can to heights of lame. They do not want it. Art Home of them 8811] among thonm‘lvrs; "Ot what use will " tro to I"? to call this?" n hero when my tarm in lost." Gradually, my gradually. his man have become dtmatltrfied, and begin to heuitntt1 knowing n. man whoa.) svllishnnsw is an apparent. “on. Buller's Speech. London. April 1.'l.-ienernl Sir Bit Bakers hull". speaking: last evening at Pl.smoutu, Puloglzed the ulstanoe which Canada and Aus- tralia had rt-ntlvrml Grcat Britain In forming in South Atrica " third Enghtt-trpoakirtur nation. "Now natiunn are springing up around as." ho mid. "and must be al- lowed to do what is proper for them.. elves. Rramnnhlo concessions must be granted to thou). We must not repeat the orr'ur which lost us Am- qurlett. The hrs. groan child of the Etnpiro was last bee.- a fine, crowing. lusty boy was not given. anongh row. and was allowed to think ditroavut in small muttnrs from " parents." Tho following: ' htri:ctg from \olnnw i, South Afr-mun le-apnu-h of Ficli Marshal Lord litlurts. V. c., prv- sentm! to both “mm s ot the lmpvriul Parliament, Frhruurv, 190l. show the rotenm‘es by his lu-rdship to the work ot the [WWII Canadian T'.egi- Ient. and tho officers and men rot the tteqroetd swcml sprvice battalion, who have thn 'lisitrtguielted honor anon; Canadians to he personally Paco-mended to thrs, tavorabl? con- sideration of ma Majesty's Bowel-n- .ent try the then "ommagtderiqshiet In In!!! Attica: ROBERTS "ttAi.sFPi (ANADIANS. Names Brought to Notice of WarSeo- Ari! Beadquurbrs, South Aft-ion, Denim and "is Burghors. LTC; hulk. as do a. From tho [X'Wetsdork 'ltave lost The Capture of Printsloo. London. April 12.--A despatch dc- ncribing tho recent capture ot Com- mandant Prinaloo says: “This re- doubtable Commandant’a horse was shotv under him, and tu, was cap- tured bythc Imperials before Ite could get clear away." Mrs. Crnnjc’a Health. London. April 12.--1 Router mes» sage from St. Helena says that Mrs. (‘ronje's state of health has mused some anxiety. She is somewhat. bet- ter now. but her mind became, at- fected for a time owing to anxiety concerning the welfare of her inm- ily in' the Transvaal. and the recent deaths ot some ot thom. Gen. C'ronjo continues well. Alleged Plot to Kill Kruger. London, April Ill.---' The police of this city," says tho Amsterdam cor- respondent of the Daily ExpreM. "re- cently Rot wind of contemplated) tempts upon the life of Mr. Kruger. One of the pawns arrested in said to have made a confession." for T. A. S. I city, agents Company. st: Montfort, w Constabulary am Vincent I For Realm-king Farms. "loomttortte/ttt, April 12.--'Iyr, Im- perial authorities are carrying out an excellent. scheme for re.stockinir, the country after um war.. _ -- _ - No More "eittroreemetO. London, April 12.--The Daily Ex- prvss this morning says It under- stands that the Government has decided to cease sending reintoree- monts to South Africa. London, Saturday, April 18.- "A serious seditious movement.” says the l’ietermaritzhurg corrospon- dent ot the Daily Mail, “ls spreading among the natives. It is headed by native ministers, who preach the sioc, trim, of 'Atrirn tor Africans.’ and inches the natiqu to throw otr nll European mintrul. The "uthoritic' are carefully watching the propu- qanda, but are reluctant to inter.. tere, through toar of making mar- tyrs of the rimtieuutera." Stock depots are being thaniHm-d on Government farms in the Trans- vaal and Orange River Colonies. Th" undertaking is sum to have bendi- ci.al reenlts. '/lreh'ting',erd,, advanced under a heavy rile fire to within eighty yards ot the enemy's defences. and succeeded In entrenchlng thsunsselvee, with the loss ot two omeertt wounded. sovcn men killed and twenty-seven wounded. A gallant deed, creditable to all who took part In It. War omce. March 31, 190% tytr,-rn the {ongoing deapatehotr, Vos.1, a, 3 and 4, datnd rmmctively F911 ttth, Feb. 16th, F'eb. 28th and March ttith, 1900, I have drawn uttentlon to um conduct ot tlt" troom during th" nprrutlun tlv-rnln describeu. Mabr s. riGi%C'iiiis-itGictu (‘mm- (than Regiment of Infantry. Aide-uc- (gap. Lieutenant-Colonel W. It. Otter, Canadian Stuff. Aidc-de-Camtt to His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada ; Major L. Bucimn. lieutenant- ootortN, Royal (‘unudinn Regiment "t Infantry; Mador o. C. C. Pannier. lieutenant-color-wt 1(0an Canadian Rpmmrnt of Infantry; Capt. H. l}. Still”). captain 66th Princess Louiar’u Fusiliers: Lleut. uni Adjutant A. n. Macdounnll, captain. Royal Canadian tlogiment of Infantry: 6.559. F's-rat. l'ttun: 8,110. Private J. Kennedy: 7.017. Private H. Andi-owe: 7.0m, Private J. H. Dickson 2 7.043, Prlvutu C. W. Duncnfe; 7.376. Private P. t'. Pats. I confidently rocomnwnd Human I have named to tlw favorable v,otviid- "ration ot Her Majesty‘s Gun-ru- mat. I have the, honor to ho, My Lord. Your mos't olmlinnt servant. Reborn-r. IPielel-Marshn1. Camp Paardeberg, Feb. 28, 1900. At , an. on the 27th the Royal Canadmn Regiment and No. 7 Com- pany, Royal Engineers, eommandnd respectively by Lieut.-Col. w. D. Otter and Lieut.~001. w. F'. Kincaid. sup- py.rtAd by the lat Battalion Gordon It [a now my pleasing duty to brim: to Your Lorddllp‘u notice the Immrs of tho following- officers. non-commis- sionul officers, and men, on account of tho RSI-vices they have rendered dug-jug tho recent operations; t would like ham to mvntion the dia- tinptuitrtted part played by the Royal Canaan”! Regiment in its advance on tho enemy’s tronches on 37th Febru- aaw, and reterred to by me in my 1etryter. No. 3. or the 28th February. Th, Royal Cumneiian Regiment of In- fantry : A public notice has been put up of. terms a penny tor every rat caught. and the inspector ot police has horn kept well employed keeping toil of the captures. _ Otneéwise there is little asur Inn-o at present. 7 - - --, London, April 12.--Graat precaur Nona are being taken here to prevent it possible tho introduction of tlw bubonic plague, which, according tn the lateot cum-cs, is so seriously in- crvaahng in Cape Town. A Nyistroom, Transvaal Colony, S.A., April rS.-All the inhabitants ot this place have been sent to Pretoria. All of the now arrivals of Ron:- priszoners mm well settled at Brawl Bottom camp. The health Is Roca'. For the Widows’ Fund. London, April 12.-Lorne Currirr, the yachtsmun. who ia building thrvn boats from which one will be select- pd as challengnr tor the Seawall- hnlm Cup, annuunres that the other two will he sold for the benefit of thr' South' African War Widows' Fund. Johanncslmrit, April rt.--The an- noum-vam, in the Johtrtuttttrburtt Ga- zette that th" rogular service of pas- senger brains between the. Transvaal an I Natal is suspended till further no- the comes ttalto surprise at the pre- sent Juncture. At this moment we are experiencing gum-ma warfare to the fullest. extent. Numerous in- stances ot the maltreatment and qhootimr of black women 3nd oltttr (Iron “To continually reported with Ministers Preach Sedition. Precautions at St. Helena. Sent. to Pretoria. on ytt that t the S n board April 9t April mil 12.-- & Bone Elder, D 9th I 12.--h cable ' Sons. of this der, Dempster the steamor South African d, passed Cape Verde Cttpo Town, April Ins-MA pr Zt-n- Lund trooper who was with tho Kim- berley column rollownd sumo Bums into the bush. wirre ho was Hill’- ruumimi, capturmi and tliHurmr-d tex- m-pt for a revolver ho hwl in his pocket. The tromwr was tin-n Ivtt in ohm-go of two Boa-rs. Watching his opportunity thp Nz-w 'itvalnmlvr shut mm Boer dend and wounded tho othor. The sound or tho firing brought hill'k the olhor Ron's. who kiilmi tin- trooper on the spot. London, April 1,5.--The Amsterdam oorretrpondnttt of tho Plt, Mall ro- ltcratvs the slntmm-n that event recruiting has btttstt going on in Hol- land for tho Born. Hrs intimate that this has been gning on on tt ('(lllsid- t-mbls- scale since last .lunuury. and that the new rm-rnitn have been sent. to the Transvaal by way of Swuknp- nmml. in German Smithwvnt Arrva. The "rrrrmrpondent adds that the Brit- ish military offiviuls wlll probably first hear. of this movr‘monl whvn they run into an unnxpw-twl vom- nmndo In Northern Cup) Colony. an attempt was math: to assassinate Mr. Kruger lacks "onfirmatiott. One ntnry is that tho mun who intmidml to kill the torntrw President of the South African Iii-public was arrested bx-roro ho could carry out his purpose. Another yarn. printed in Paris. is that the, uttpmpt to kill Mr. Krugnr was actually made. The Paris mumtu- says Mr. Krtt- gnr wnq stabbed. and mm his assail- nnt has hem arr"titml. The story in Utsvrtsditod, [handing eonrirmntion. General Dartnell found a force ot Boert, under Elnett, Grobelaar. and Henderson, holding a. strong position nt Smaldeel. and after lame lishtlng forced them to retire east. leaving five dead and several wounded on the tieid. Ton prisoners were taken. and all the enemy's wagons and Parts, and several thousand cattle and sheep were captured. The Brit- ish loss was Otto mun wounded. tsir Btadon' Blood-mien command at; his district next Wedgesday‘. Colonel Crabbe mum-med a Boer lancer at Sands Drift thls morning. The enemy fled to the hills. abandon- ing MO nor-sen. besides arms and equipment. Thls commando la moat probably that whlch was reported to be making northwest of Colasburg towards Saxony some days ago. . confirmatory details. The enemy for the most part are now conduct- ing warfare in a. spirit: totally alien to the dictates ot civilisation. and must ineVitablx forfeit the unanim- erution which has characterized our confluet of the campaign hitherto. - Capo Town, April l:£.-.\lidland tar- mnrs assert. that ninety Boers were killtsl m the rr-nont vngage-mont at .lunnenvillp. It in an“ that this is the must crushing blow tho Boer iuvad- o-rs have yet received. anore starting tor Rmunend to Ivortirtlpats' In tho operations now proceeding in the midlands. t'rewe's colonial culumn was addressed by Dr. Smurtt, C'ommbtsioner of Puhlitt Works in tho Spring Cabinet. Dr. 9martt thanked the men on twhalt of tho Cape Govornment tor the map:- mirleent services they hm! rendered tend were nhnut to render to tlie Em. pl rn. London, April C5.--The stun starl- ml by the Express that further rein- roreements will not be sent to South Africa tttttg led to a calculutlon of Africa has led to a calculation or what has been done along that lino since January Ist. In the House of ('ommons recently Mr. Schwann asked whether the Government had .ro- cmvel from Lord Kitchener a demand for 30.000 more men. as well as regu- lar monthly drafts. Mr. Btt,itrirek-No, stir, Mr Charieo Ullke asked the numbn- ot 11ratts and reinforcements lauded in South Africa 9'11ch January. Mr. Brolrick will the numbers land- ml in South Africa since Jan. lat are 1.05:: officers un'l 20,.300 nun-com- misuionetl olflcnrs and men ', 720 offl- cors an! 21,380 men are still at sea. Mr. Pirio asked whether instrur- tlong were sent to Lord Kitchener try tho Government as a. guide to tho negotiations with General Botha prior to tho interview at Middle- burg: if so. what were they. and Could they be laid on the table of the House. Mr. Brodrick said tho Government gave Lord Kitchener no definite In.. otructions tor tho meeting with Gen- eral Botha, for the beat of all reasons, that General Botha proposed the meeting, and Hi. Majesty's Govern- ment were not in possession of any proponl he was going to make. . The Plot to Klll Kruger. London, April 13.~Thv l‘t‘pOl‘l that Killed Trylnq to Eat-ape. ll ulluml Setuts Rev runs. {a :"'rv, rrtf I.) U"(. '7 . :t ':s"ieccsi,2" 5531/1”? v2.39 _ l Si“; fig \ , jit) ' 7 . I l _ IIN " Viv LM , tl Illlll, 's, . _ anmwks. _tii"ii',i'i'iir';; LORD BM} BUR SPMSBURY Ninety "oers Killed. The "eittt'orcetstents. GREAT BRITAIN’S SICK PREMIER. AND THE MAN WHO MAY sttX',F5FiD HIM ', Cap" Town, April 14.--Tio. plngm- jumps to date number 400. There [ haw bot-.11 135 doathn. and 116 can“ Miro and” trmmmnnt. The romaind- l, or haw rnonverml. TORONTO lmsod as an American, on promitr- ing not to fight again. Suvbm-quvnt- 1y he was nrrnstm Ln Lorenw Mar- quez at the mum-st ot the British authorities, undwr suspicion of bring a Boer ngrmt. 60.025 Deaths in South Africa 690 13.734 Missing and prisoners... 17 758 In valida gout home who Pan's. April 14.--"hmrmp: 1ho Burr prison-ms who rpm-nth urrivml in Lisbon from Lorenzo Morqui' says a spatial rietrpateh from thr, Portu- guese capital. "was a y"trng Amcr, man. Mr. Randolph Murtinsvn. ll" Wns ruptured by Hu- British. but re- London, April 16.-Nttrqst, showing the total losses through the WM in South Africa up to tho and ot Hatch were issued from the War Office iut night. Total deaths ...... ... 600 Musing and prisoners. IT Sent hmue as invallde. 1,892 have died ......r."....d.'. Invalids left the service as unfit ...... ...... ...... ItlovmtontNn, April 14.--lt is ro-g ported that the Ilmlth of fannr-r; Prmidvnt Stvyu has broken down.‘ It is also said that ho has mh‘im‘d: all Itorats on t'ort1nt.'ttttirr to surren-f der inunodiutnly. ', "Mr. Martiynson. on being brought here, swarm his roloase. According: In his rrxprrvwrmuationsr, he was nide- de-tta mp to tlol. John Blake. commun- dor of thr, Irish Brigade." Died in captivity ... Died ot disease .........' Accidental ...... ...... [ $25,000 'ttentte for Col. Nteete. Ottawa. April H. --latrrd Strum- (‘mnn has spnl Col. Nam Slm'lln n r-lmqm- for 825,000. as a mark of Mn "pprvciation ot the manner in which the gnllnm t‘nlnnr'l vom- mnmlml Struthoonu’n Horse In South Africa. Montrml, April 14..-h numbnr " bookbinders and tyIrwttortt employpd try C. Beaehemin, the only non-union establishment of its kind in Montreal, have gone out on strike. They de- mand higher wages. President Don- nelly, at the Typographical Union, has arrived here to _try and settle the troublo. ' . _ . For lant month tho deaths, Includ- ing killed in action. were 623; ml.- ing and prisoners, 89; sent home an lnyallda. 3.069. The following are total- tor the whole war up to March 31: oHieemr. Men Killed in action ......... 848 3,583 Died of wound. -......... 114 , 1.187 Romam-r of the Gem to be Prom-m- od to King Edward. London. April 14.--Thr, " Inmvrlal opul," whir'h a wealthy MernlLln is anxious' to prom-n: to the King, but which tho latter is unable in not-rm. owing to the royal I-Liqnultv forbidding th" Snwrvlgn to rousin- u prmmn from it sully-(2L. has quite a romantic hihtury. The miner who dim-ovum! the gem had only " minor's pruwrhinl hrivf possession. It fvll into the hands of a slum. a ramp follower, who appears to have rrvoixuizrwl its value. as who obtained ',%5.000 from tlu. next pttrthttoittr. l'pon the death of the lnttrr his affairs were badly tangled, Involving "otusiderahi" lili- gntlon. whoroupun the gem was transferred to one of the attorneys for coats. Tlurnce it Imperial to the ownership of the mnn who has brought it to England. offering it to the King. M - - The jewel is, from all accounts, " exceptional color and size. l Lon. don flrm of Jewellers ls sum to have valued it at £25,000 ($125,000). while the owner doclaros he would not sell it for double that amount. To oval-comp the difficuity. new" titttiotw are now afoot to get the C'ommortwettltlt of Quevnslund to m:- ttopt the arm. and then prment it to the Kim; in the “any: n! the people. Total Tutu] THE " IMPERIAL" OPAL. Surrender, Says Steyn Strike in Montreal. The boot Legions. hide In Col. "take. Plague (inst: 3.599 71 l 16.98] 17.69.? 758 43,584 58.026 2.139 V m: Q39)“ t' J "IO, which was: regularly ..shodby I the paying teller. on Thursday Win- ", Urn had plan-0A! an dupzm'ly tho sum , at $530 at the Imperial lktrtk, {Hing l tho same name and rvprd‘m-nting Inm- I selt as being in blur sumo business as 3 he had done in (Am misc ot Um Bank at Commerce. i Chose. Ills 'tone Writ. i With thaw preparations the swind~ '. lor waited tor, the usual rush ot busi- incss at the banks on Saturday to , twist him in awminplinhing his l ticheme. l-Intmrinm the Bank of Com- I moroc- uu Saturdzu morning hedrew ' a. check for but), and at hire request _tlst, Indgcrkmrlwr marked the check. _ “New! or mum: to the paying wlIvr’s wicket to draw the money, ', Winter ulippml out of the. bank. and I by using pawn-Yul acids. suu‘peded In {obliterating the word and figues i '20" on the Hawk. rewriting it for 153,900. Returning. ho went to tho l loam r-ki-npvr‘s place in the iiorticT. rmnninwl there u IIK> l ment, nnl tin-u stepped di- I rm-tly to tho paying-toner with g the chock iii-M in front of him, an It i he had at that moment received it. (The pupnr was "marked" by the ‘ hunk. an?! the paying teller without hesitation handed Mr. Winton _ twvnty-nino orus-luurire0-uoliar hllln. Two Banks Swindled Out of Thousands of Dollars. The Bank of Commerce and the hu- perul Bank the t'tctimtr-<a'eorqe Winter: the Swindler-H w the Deal “is Perpetrated-The Mun sun at Large. Toronto. April t'G.---ny means of u clever swindle two at the mast proml- norm financial institutions in the city. the Canadian [tank of Commerce and the Imporial Bank, wvro on Bat- urday robbel of nmountps aggregat- ing $5,245, and it is not yet known whether utlwr banks may have sut- tered to u, Aruilar extent. The device, which was used successfully on tho banks montiunud. was the "raltritttr" of marked rlwcku, and in bowl in- ntunm-s tlu' sunw swindlor nppvurc-Il. He was. so fur as is Imen. uttac- rmnxmniul I.) (unufmlt-rnu-s, and up bu this morning has eluded ttrrvst. HE OBTAINED 0VER $5,000. Un Tlmrmln,» last " your”: an n who roprvsvntml hitutwlt as Umrgv H. Winton, of St. Juhn's, N. IL. t1PW'at'- n"! at the head otfiv" of Um "ttttk a! Commerce and c-xprm‘sml tt wish to Open; an acmunL He made a de- posit. of $20, and told the ledger- keeper that he was mum-mod with a bicycle company " 7” King street west». On the next day, Friday, he Int-reused his deposit. by $50. and later in the any drew a "hock tor The r0bb°ry was not dim-m'r-red at pitlwr bank until some time ultvr honking hours. and then " 0an In light m the vmnpurlenn always made at the ond of tho any in these banks ot the amount of (-hrquos drawn up. Tho prrx‘miure in some banking houses is (“INN-Ht, ltowever, and it is boll/wed that " similar swindle might have born perpr'trato:i on some of thew and be yt-t undimzuvnred. At the Imperial Bunk the nvimilpr oprtratr?U in exactly the Name way. Iru, cheque there was drown for $10. and this he charged for $2,455. which nmnunt ho "valved In the form of twenty-four $100 bills. tt $50 and a $.5 bill. RAISE" THE BANK illliWi, Tim rinks who mmvvrspd with Win- ton have furnishi-(i the police with a description ot tho swim“ t which was on Saturday night telegraphed to a number of othrr chi-H. Thilt descrip- tion states that Winton is n young man, about five fret sown inches in height. fair and clmn shuvrn. On all of his visits to the bank ho wore it dark business suit. "tnttusts are Silent. The officials of both banks. and the police were equally reticent with re- gard to the losses. It in known, how.. ever. that the use ot the acids could be detected when the cheques were closely examined. The cwlndler in thought to have reached the United Repeat: the Operation “What In it, Rosie?" “tabled thr u-mpornry mind. oxu'odinx an uvu draped arm in engu- espectMiott of n masculine mistake, ml the we“ 9'rver puny-d the portal open a few int-hrs. "Only a summon-c and complaint.“ answered Drama. plm-ing them in hm dripping digit: Miss Ward"! airwelittm mums ”Hanna! Io a tremuloun treble. M Mr girli‘ glance eqtcountorod Ur Irina" of iN vine'a trainers. " Go Awny, You Horridfrentun!" The rust- orr"rutted promptly. “in Wnrd'n maid. [minding only long enough to turn on tite hot wator in the bathroom, donned hor moot lurid bundnna and known“! on the ammo rary'n shop. Meera Her spun-In; In Bulb. Soon as the with!» Int-Him» Wu! out at sight bovine nun-Ital the min. opened tho. door of the apartment which the maid had bett unlutched. and ”pawl “lung the privaut hull WIGHT Eil lf BATH The splashing of the pollutant fluid guided him to the tilod durum cons:- stated to tho rejuvenation ot “in: Ward's redundant normality. Ha, tupped a! up doer.. . "Why, ,wvu'rc no claimed. "They now-:- "" tho mucous server "You-youve a n "They now- tho procmw III "You-youve "Ho it is um "Go away. Don't you see "No," uneve- His mission mummlishm. the in- truder was quite willing to down-t. Prom-as carver- have no souls. Mina Ward. the pup?" It“! Pluton- ad I." her main droit, performed a creditable lmitullnn of Aphrodite. wriggled into a trale pearl-pink pol;- nulr. glanced npprehem0vely ndown the mlmu- hall and hunk-d to her boudOLr. 'No only recent tttett Iron 5 innu- In innitution by mean- ot 8 rolled cheque was accomplished e few you. ego by one Cart Bauer. who altered a 35 cheque on the Bell of Hamilton to make it read 3500. 111i- cheque we. presented and called at the In- _ portal Bulk. end the qua-Hon who shalt “and tho loan ha.- been before tho court- tor some time pact, and is now in appeal. Bauer we: capture-I dict-ll] after the robbery. and we: sent to Kingston Penitentiary. Tm only paragon known to the local police who use! chemicals to alter a cheque was " mun name" Gardiner. who up united "uettertrtu1iy in Toronto and in Ottawa about o-ichtvun or (went) yam-(ago, nag! than escaped to the New York, April 1i'5.--ile. planter ot par-in epidermis gh"mmed with diam“ drops of 'baPorutreotih' (‘rouom lot a "(In Ward, who sun-auras the white shes In an untrusu. while splashing ppurlivvly in her [nor-whim tub you» tummy. was MIN-and with lugs“ pa p: rs by one Jams»: Ravine.“ _ "ovirte hm! bean prowling about Miss Ward‘s "trartsmyntt' at No. tot. Woegt Sixtymaomi strum-t. a week. All efforts to roach tho nan-u had boon frustrated from” by a "an: maid Uark as Cltmttisri,att night. A grunt “1:11-um ham round! upon him and he swam to deliver the clocu mums In Perton or leave Mu remain" on llw promote". Don't you aim t'm in m.V--t "No," answered bovine, w " gaze. "I haven’t beep States. and the egg-vice; tre. up mn- Haifa! Quite-t. THE ACTRESS IS VERY WROTH. "Ho it is nominated In the bond." "Go away, you horrid crmsturot Don't you see I'm in mr-mr bath T' "No," answered bovine, with avert- " gaze. "I h-rwem’t been Making." "For this relief, much thunk-I" returned tho nan-sac. "Now. won't you please Co away t" There a oomph-u- realisation ot her recmnt peril desoended - her. Sh. lapsod mm ttunoomreiousneam. trom which she was reau.ctitated only try the strenuous vndenvor ot her oer want and the distillation of mun! aromatics. How a Process Server Out- witted Yolande Ward. "I think that man’s muduct WM perfectly dreadful," tmid the unwill- ing dolpndnnt Inat night. "Wheat Ite rapped at my Bathroom door l "uppoeed the summoua canto from my maid, and when I saw tho paper-n l Imagined some manager had to". an urttent other tor my "ervutea. So ho want m a. m-lglnhnrlng phal- mm'y nnd had rut to tho apart ment a mmamg-w that the maid was wnnu‘d to tulio u taritplote tit. spntch (or hor mMreas. "Any gonllemnnly fudge. " seems to mo. must rehure to rennin! Inch set-Viv". I shrill visa) to have it set xmido." Georg . A. Water. ('ommiu 9iegtrttte in Hotel at. Hull. tartan agency will probably In em- ployed m the much for then " has not yet been local-tuned where Winton lived dun-lug the three days he was In the clty. Ottawa. April 16.-Geo. A. Wat- r-ru, an elderly man. committed m- cidn io Bernier'u hotel. Hull, yea-ter- day, by taking a dose at lwllmlonnn. He was a brother ot Mr. John F. Waters, or the m:rc-tu:y ot State: Department. “weaned claimed to In a journalist. but he want not known in newspaper circles. The (allowing Iottor, unsigned. Wan found in his pocket .' ah, whom it may txytw.rtut-r nut hurry. Certain strung" thing: Chow me there in 'something terrlbly wrong in my Page. For many month I have sultarml itusxprentribty. Ger- min nmwurunvm urn not due to View May God lmw- mercy (- .1 soul. May He ever lwlp than an? and dear to mp, one especially. Fc1low-lournarmu, pray mmment olmritably re my most pititrblo death. Remember the fuelling: ot others. May God lwlp us all. No blame Hos with ammo clue in my death. “ream troubles were merely mnlutnry 'tut-tions from the terrible suffering mused by pro- bably unprecedented ant-mu. Fear That Ho " Drowned. Kingston, Ont., April 14.--httut Bishop, resident of (innanoque. In been missing trom his home for A week. It I: feared "an be nu be. drowned In the Gannnoque River. above the upper tbutt. F DRANK POISON AND DIED. Sun Bark of the Im-Idrnt as, You yn-u‘ru I. m Ilorrld l not Rani!“ all that ‘ren'uro .. she " sud " " Ile cover t but! luv. and him. I wnm lath he " Ctrrt Nahum Inn-m tam. hit him-u Ier cle. d their :11 ID doum t " Why 0n lira! hinm Lady tte, m-hl'ulhwl rollod and wounded In You umlun qot an Mir ”In " Walkman-n, r m.” uh“ tittui, In tn mvthmu Ink qot that I In ttttut folly to 11-] tmt it "tit, urlH oaet-arter n l n rust I \'.:u~ um: Mr tttther St, IIWW w', " 'l7 and “rub "rr" Inns " t um ' l .Vlng put 'F'. l “goth-n th, ;-. h"! a e: th ". M nr, .. You ll..\ ”'0wa A Bhe tthook he Ind A In nve ll "t will a "Be “on MM not Wolfendm .addetet fir, .. Wonmn'r- L 6mmty Fire" “Us?! um! I. III nmnr? Lads Ireriv; . “Wollulth-n Ch! He b \lil " ttttsat l I: hill. It wan m dhvurlu " Boil Sh: m be 'lirtr-n 'bole mutur Rt'," l urn. -ll'd for " '" mm ututcr'ie' tthe, up T, u ttear, than “all alumni: tn “Id this black - law shall have! u At " Magi)?! gen. "I!” 0 . t tMet “I“ M for Us! MRI: is H: mm: not u Inglewood. A sl I' of s lei-ions on. Axum. Bronchitis, dawns. but in rural “(and health, but sch Betor, "Nm I “up a! defeat the d it the but offeris od. mt 'u" swam-m. Thi, 'i nnd throat " ruliovm Slocum's osojell Cara Ouch" h being a poworf I little bit at a v'QrdFrtf4reeewpdlra,"< Q oroal, civ.nsu N' Jamaal Bo., ample w." 1w 0301.! Cam"? bom but In order Ih:t Inn An opportunity cont on request to an l NORM HG sum " Wotfamt ' You '1 tr Why [now no t Motttor, I t cum " Then. I u _tPeiu'eryfriesbtprs A PLO [NW OI“ my Indie "l4 In um wh ll at uncut cure h. " n d m I“. It any turl tt

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