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Durham Review (1897), 25 Apr 1901, p. 2

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a; if ll [l" i W y y. El Lb pun: the best of health. Speaking d by» illneu and subsequent cure. Mr. Waters said: “For ueven year- ' lufferod great agony from neural- dn. the palm were of a dartlng. ex- cruciating nature. and for day- at a was would be so great that I lured I would lose my red-on. To In- - my misery. I was attacked with rheumatism. and this was clone- ly followed by stomach trouble. My joints and limbs beanie swollen and I was alumna helpless. I suffered from muses; and a decided loathing tor food. I bennme very thin. and van le-luultly troubled with cold awaits. At different time. I was trmted by three physicians with- out revolving anything in the way ul permanent twnetit. I grew dee- polndent and began to think that I would alwayq be u sufferer, when one day my druggint advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He said that wlthin his knowledge there was not a cum where the pills had been used but what benefit hind rolhow- ed, and he added: “That is saying a lot in their favor. tor I have sold over five Lhmtst'hnd boxes. and have not had a runnplnint from anyone: Following his which I procured a "upply of the pills. and after at few wrik:s I could note an improvement in my condition. By the ti.me I land taken night buxm of the pills the nt'umlglu and rheuma- tism hm! antirvly 'iirmppeared, and my atomut'h was (mm more in a Milthy cotFvou. My uppetlte 1m- proved. mud I strtituul in weight and strength dull). It is now over two years since I discontinued the use of the pine. aund all that time I have enjoy“! the twat of health and haw-1ft (all. n." "ch" or pain. no that I think Klimt. I am Halo in saying that my dine in wwnumrnt. In fact. eight boxes of Dr. \Villimns' Pink Pills no- complishml what thrm- lbw-tors had failed to do, and I fer-l I am justified h warmly rovummonding them to others." A very high manual authority has laid that "Iqu-ulgiu is " or)’ of the nerve-u for better bland." Rheuma- tttrm is :llm- nvmz'nizml as u ditgeatee of tho Mom]. ttttd it is bwuuso Dr. Will‘tams’ Pink Pill" ttre above all thugs " blunt-making and blood-em. "chimp math-mo. that tltry so speed- Hy cure thteirs tumbles. But you must get the gunnimn with the full mum- Dr. Williams' Pink Piiite far Pale Peoplr primted on the wrapper around the box. If in doubt. and dirtwt to tho Dr. Williams Med- lclnn Co., ltrm-kvillv, Ont., and the pills will hn sent pautpn‘ul at GO can" u box or an! tunes for $2.50. "opes ot Finding " Fossil Fish With Bouralnx Ilouw Attachment. Dr. “purge Frederick Wright, of Oberlin 1'ollege, has lately returned trum u journey round the world, in the courm- at which he made exten- n‘uo geological ittvetsthratlona in All; to so» If he could get. any new nun on the ambjnct of Noah's Hood. Tho Bible story of the Hood which destroy-a] nearly all the human race has born a uubjm-t ot utmly with Mr. Hal-luau Waters, of 'ttd-ttle Tells of ill Belloffron Notarntttta. Rheumatism and Summon Trouble Through the Axum, of Dr. Wil- III-I' Pink Pills. For years Mr. Hamilton Waters, the well-known cattle buyer. of Rld‘avillefomu was an acute aut- torer from null-nigh. which wu- lat- er complicated with rheumatism and omen trouble. But now. thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, no I. en- has born a subject ot study with him tor tweniyliw- years. He re- port. finding in (ventral Asia " re- llarkahlt- area which gave evidence of inning been liftui from the had ot tho sea at a cmmmrativuly re- colt period. On its mountains Were Mnds that must have been tiepoiit. od by water, and in it, 1.500 tect above the sea-level, In a fresh water Ink». 400 mile long by 40 mil-"s wide, wherein wer" many snail. like that in tho Arteth. Uri-an. Thair hummu- in the lake could be bent uccuunlml for by the ttivory u! n. nnhu'uimwv of [will wlticit brought the Arctic marine animals muth. in be caught in lukmi whmi th" Mir! rose again. Westward. inwards thi- Black Hon. are sum.- ri-nnu'kuiiiu 'traxel lmm. Iain! "vidr'tttly by wu- water, but XI'HV 77m Incl. abou- the 'retrlevel, which also lvstii'y to l'm' rmtlpnsnv-‘s at ihp tau-this "rust in Asia in votttpartttivrly I‘M'PHL thin-u: Theoo traces iinn'i prmv thut the ntorr of the Nomi is true. but Hwy accord with that awry as told in the Bible. Tho grmtrwt mm} fit-M of the old world In that or northern t'hlnn. Al- though ttot yrrt wrll known as to Its limits an! rPt6out'tig, it would to be trhoro important than all those of the old World put together. Morvover. it in near the mm In a fertile country and in u roginn where Iron ore abounds. Though much less oxtt‘ns'n'e than tho bent of tho American tlekitt, it Is from the :mscmblnge conditions tho mun-t Important dun-alt in the world. Home much of the tangle of the Chime-v question. Whichever of tho poser» gnim control of thll iron, an! ot the laborious Chinese to work it may rontort on a mighty advantmw In ttu, rauu- tor economlc praluminnnco. Aften Seven Years of Great Suffering. Willie-81): pa. what-v an "upinry'"! Pi-Why-or-tion" Jou know that? It’. a kind of a monkey cage; place where Hwy km-p the apei_ttilttdl phia Pres». Th" li'tho- murim. ixltvnig-ntly rv trardcd, awn) to In- prvuy sound his- tory. No one can be sun: any morn. in; that thr. nowulmpors will not an- nounoe tho Jimnm-ry of a fossil Huh with a sailor's [warding hullsz! m. lldo of him, where Jonah might have lodgml thrno (lays in t'otttirarutiv" e.ontrort.-ri. A. Martin, in Harper's Weekly. PERMANENTLY CURED NOAH AND THE FLOOD. Coat In (‘hilm Why Cu'led the Budget. Probably m-L on" por cent. of the British taxpuyrrs who are just now ankasiy dlw-umlng- the [nsslbllity of Sir Miriam "lt.k,w-Ittruvh't4 forthcom- ing budget arr ilwnrt' of the origin of the torm. “must from time im. memorial it was th' custom in Eng- land to put tlt" cr4tiututerg of receipts and oxtrrmtlituros mums-Mm! to Par Humont in " lmHu-r bug. the word hmigr'. helm: thu., lmrrnwml from tin- nM \t-I'nmn H's-rd buugetlw. whirl! “aunties n luttor pursu. Curiously v...mgh, thr. ward has pmnwd hunk ..,_:nin into I-‘rnnI-r from Great Hritulu. "I think I'll have some of those vrullerrt," maid Jones " the lunch counter: "don't you want some 't" "No." replied Smith; "they don't agree with mo." "That 90?" "Yes; I coulrln't even eat the hole in one without gating dyspepsia." Biohtm-What's the medal for? sRtotttta- Piano playing. Biobtm-f didn‘t know you were so proficient. Sketch No. 1 shows the most pop' ular devlce. being the "Red dragon, dreadful" of f'adwttlitubsr, the first King of Wales, A. D. 678. Henry VH. used the red dragon as one of hip: numerous badges. in proof of his direct descent from C'adrralituier, through his grandfather. Owen Tud- or. and at ttmrworth Field this de vice was borne by Henry. Messrs. C. C. RICHARDS & Co., Yarmouth, N. S. (jmnlnml m--Hn January lust. Fr:ut- vin Leclaire, one of the men employed by me wurking in the lumber woods. had a tree tall on him, crushing: him feurfulIy. m, was, when found, placed on a sled and taken home, where Cray" tears worn entertained tor his recovery, his Imps being badly bruised and his body turned black from his ribs to his feet. We used MINARD’S LIhHMrhNT on him freely to deaden the pain, and with the use of three Wattles he was com- plete” cur-ml and able to return to his work. A tetwhvr, wishing to imprnss his Mam “itll the virtue of "trying again." "aid: "Now, supposn someone worn to m) on, slay after day, being good nml dulng gum]. despite all tetuptutiomr and hindrances, what would you cull it 1'" I‘orwverunce was tho word wantml. A multitude of hum!» worn thrust out. Picklng one, the teacher pointed to its owner and mid: "Welt, what one word would clown-lb? my moaning- ?" A "sronotoriotro," /eritieu the mutant torribie. repeating the English coat in the fourth quarter. that space shullbe occupled by a device ropresentatlve ot tue Principality of Wales. Nkntvh No. cl, which is said to be nun-t fau'nrHl by thu Herald's (Zul- lt-gv. depicts the arms of Llewelyn up Griffith. last Prlnc" of North Wules, slain at Ituttltlt on the Wye, in 1:72; domed trom Owen G'wynt mid; tho heraldic deaeription being. Quartvrly. or um! gun‘s. four lions pageant guardant. vouttterelmnged. “Red Drngon Dreadful ”May Appear In Raw-rd Vll'e Qunrterllg. mpg-open of a discussion no to the deatrabilitr ot recognising tune prim clpollty of Wales In the British coat ot arm. the London Daily Mall we sent- the accompanying mantra- tionq. An everyone knows. the present royal arms amr-Atutsrterlr, um and fourth gulel. three “on. meant guarannt In pale, or, for England: second or. a lion rampant. within a double treasure. tlorr, eouttterfiorr gum. for Scotland; third More. a. IT? or, atrium urgent. for Ire- All you rmmiru is it, little sugar. a glam of hut wutvr, thirty drops of .hvrvilinc. Tuk" it not. In the morn- ink you will wake up without a cold. Nerviline is good for otircr thintpr-- such as tootlmclw, neuralgia. rheuma- tlsm. For pains inside and pains out- ulde Nervilinr- in simply marvelous. Drnggists sell it. _ - Slobe-I'm not. The neighbors gave it to me when I stopped. Favored by the Hornld'a College. Showing the Arms of Llewelyn up Crrimth. Tm: red dragon was tor tsupporter of the Huum- of Tudor. land. - ___-_,, V“ w The proposal is that mum of Red Dragon Dreadful" in Fourth Quarter. Elgin Ronni, L'lnlat. Co., Que., Catarrhozorto Cures ('utarrh. CHANGING ROYAL ARMS. May 26th. 1893, 'l'u Break Up a Cold. Trying Again. SAL" YER; DU y h L. E3 also the der. urms ot the " is pretty generally accepted that were it not for the softening 1nt1uettee exerted by women our much-ttoagrted modern civilisation would fail to pieces. However, that, woman does not deserve all the credit tor our pre- sent-day humanity is shown by the fact that there is a community where Women never so and where the men are noted for their kindness and hos- pitality. On the coast of Macedonia. there is a promontory, which, because there are no fewer than twenty mon- asteries scattered along the rocky recesses at the shore, is called the "Mountain of the Monks." Here, afar from the modding crowd. beyond the Influence of modern surroundings, of distracting pomp, and hollow vanitiec these ascetics dwell apart from their fellows. In this community there lsn town, called Carrea, which bears con- siderable resemblance to the thrifty Ctllage of our own country. There are business streets lined with little shops and bazaars, filled with busy cus- tomers, coppersmiths, plying their trade, frultercrs offering their wares, all apparently moving along much as we are. But there is never the swish of " skirt, never " Woman‘s face is seen. There are no maidens, no oooing infants, no mischievous little rascals to annoy the fruiterer by pilfering his tempting wares, no busy little mothers nursing their dailies in front of the door. Sincn that day no woman or female animal has lived on the promontory. Only the birds of the air have broken the order, but thls is unavoidable. The good brethren, however, do thelr utmost to see that the wlsh of their heavenly patron ls not disregarded. and when fowl is served on their tables only the cooker?! is perms. albltx No finer trip can be taken than tho watt-r route down the tlt. lmwrenco, passing through the PM) of Quinto, Thmumnal Islands and running the rapidta of the St. Lawrvnco River to Montreal. The Httrnilton-Montreal Llne steamers have Hmnilton at l p. m. and 1brollt0 at 7 p. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. After June 5th, the boats will make threw trips per week, the additional boat on Saturday. We offer very low ratm on this line tor both nlnglo and return tickets. Sn“ mt Omo, (in? or Io'""'"') Luau; Cow rv. MC Plum; J. CHENEY makes oath that he in new ior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY 8L LIU., doip0t.tsittysm in. the Qity of qugdo. Cgpnty A writer in a magazine has this to any regarding the game of Bolt: "It's a. great game. but shtver my niblicks if Ithink it comes up to tlddledy- winks." It is played "with a couple of farms. a river or so, two or three sand hills, a number of implements resembling dentists' tools. a strange language much Iikn Hltrdoostani, any old clothes, and a large assortment of oaths." doing businom in the Chg of Toledo. County and SW0 tefgrprgié: t1yLtlyy.tyfN1flyyt. will pyy Hittu Cntnrrh Cure is when internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system." '4ey.Uy:.ty:.tiytrtia1.a, fre. A According to the superstitious be- lie! it was the Virgin Mary herself who forbade this spot to women. One of tho monasteries contains a mys- terious imfge which is very precious in the PYP.t, of the members of the Greek Church. The legend runs that one day the image or picture of the Virgin called to the Empress Pul- oherla. as she was going to hee dum- tionn saying: "What do Mm, ll woman, here ? Depart from this church, for woman's feet shall no more tread this noor." The Empress obeyed the. injunction, though she had greatly enriched and beuutified the building. The Toronto-Montreal Line-steam- on; leave- Toronto at 3.30 p. m. Tues- dnys, Thursdays and Saturdays from Juno let to June 15th, inclusive, and from Juno 17th daily, except Bun- day. Steamer Wrontu and the new steamer Kingston will make the ser- vice on this line. They are the finest boats in irf‘Sll water. After leaving Toronto the first port is Rochester, Kingston, Thousand Illands and the rapids of the Flt. Lawrence to Mont- rmtl. Between Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Tudoumu'. and tho Samwnay River, tttrl it is the flnm-zt trip rm tho mmtinc-nt. The bouts on this line ('nnnot Iw surpassnl. The Manor [{icholiml Hotel nt Murray Bay urrl the Tndmmac Hotel at Ttnioutiav. are tlw finpstt mnnmwr rnsorts in t'an- min. Both of tluwn hotels are owned and oporatod hy this company. For further information as to tickets, folders. Pte., apply to n. Fast" Chaf- feo, Wooten: Pas-anger Agent, Riche- linu & Ontario Navigation Co., No. 2 King strc‘ot east, Toronto, Ont. The sun's surface in known to ho sublect to greatly increased disturb- ances every eleven years. known as tho sunspot period. Auroral displays nnd disturbances of the earth's mnk- notiirm lmvn " similar period, and th" pictures or the wrunu which have been obtained "how markedly churne- teriatlc varlr‘tim of form (lvpendent also upon tho sunspot pvriod. Bo um: of the prlncipal efforts of scientists of into years has 1seert to obtain plc- turm of the corona with am much .lntuil ns possible. “Yea," nnswm-ed the complacent man-brute, "my friends told me so at the! time, but I didn't realize it until after we were married."-Kantma City Stan "Now you are tired of me and abuse me," subbed the young wife whose husband refused to hire another maid to tnko care of her pet dog‘s. "Yet," she continued. "not two years ago you were just crazy to marry mes" Ono lie must be Hatched with an- gular. or it will soon rain through.-- in - F. t CHE] Sold by Druxzists. The, Hall's Family Pills are Minard’n Unlment cum Diphtheria. Ca tarrhozono Cures Catarrh. Realized Ills Own Madness. NIAGARA To THE SEA Dismrbances on the Sun. A Great Game. "y'Piilé {rd the best. coco" I‘ll QUI‘IIHIUIIIII- II“). .1. CHENEY & CO., NiiiG, o, UN I AKIU HKUI‘IIV so TORONTO It is hard to understand how any- nnn will continue to surfer from Linn:- Buck or any other symptom of Kid, My Trouble tutor so many frank and full statements by rum: well known ln all walks of lite, that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills have tutred them. Dodd's Kud'ney Pills up the only medicine that (“for curvd Bright's Dis. Gaff, Diattatet or Danny. Thousands ot Ctuusdi,ird have triad and proud. and teatUied. A young girl in " Muss preparing tor udmissinn into the church was asked by the pastor how tstti, ought to obey the fifth commandment, to honor her fathrr and nmtlwr. She :IJISWEN‘d promptly: ., I nught to tukn them out tor walks on Sunday. and I ought not to lvt than sm- how muvh more Iknow than tin-y do." Sim nx- panwd an opinion probably tiuito current among young w'opln van. u-rning tlm trreirottrlovumt of knowl- mlgv in thn whim: prttvrutiou.--Con- gm gutionalist. Budd's Kidney Pill" always L'Ul'P. They never fail. They cannot lull. Years ot trial have absolutely pron-n that there la no ens» of Kidney Com, plulnt, Lame Back, Rheumatism. Lumbugo, Solution, Gout, Nnuralgia, Bladder or Urinnry 'l‘roulplé-n. that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure. Take Laxative Bromo Quiuino Tnbleu. Al lining“: refund the money if it, fails to cure. Ne. . W. Grave's signature is on each box. " I used several medivinca, but noth- ing lever tried smuued In help m" ln the least, until u friend of mites advised me to try Budd‘s Richy-y Pills. I immodlatrly found relief, and was able to resume my work. " I used altogether sew-n boxes he. fore being completely cured. Since then I have never been sick at "tty. I have never had the slightest Inditut, tion of a. return of the trouble." " It glwes me great pleasure to write In praise or Dodd'a Kidney Plllu. and the good they have done me. I am never without them. "I have troen a brreat sufferer with pains In my buck. in the region of my kidneys. Imus very sick. and at tunes could not attend to my work at all. But our haul-Vs darling. whom we ware noon to loso. consoled us. “Stupid old papa l" she twit tered, as sweetly as a bird. “These are for exhibition to the society reporters. Theme is a. 90 per cent. discount." Like many other successful men, Mr. Keane has suffered during his busy Illa a at deal from Kidney Dlsordera. R",'. years he suffered great pain. He wan forced at tunes to quit his work altogether and go to bed. Re used Daddy: Kidney Pills and la well. This is what be my» about it: "It is a litth~ annoying to have lo not up in tho middle ot tlw night and look lor burgluvs," Mfr] Mr. Mvrktnn ', "but Henrietta sums to enjoy lun- ing me do so.” Sydney. Australia, la salt] to be our of the cleanest cities in the world, if not the cleanest. The streets an- thoroughly donned every night, and anyone throwing refuse or waste mu- teu-lal ot any sort on the streets is nrreoted and fined. All the kitchens in the larger reddences are on the top noor, and all tho clothes are dried on tho roof. A Toronto Contractor who was Never Witnont Pnln for You", nnd who had Inn] Times to Quit. Wortr--. Dodd'n Kidney Pm. made Mm Well . Toronto. Ont. April 'Pi-ttFiat.)-- At No. 86 Lippincott street. In this city. resides Mr. W. J. Keane. Mr. Keane Is n. contractor, and is one of the beat known men In his line of business In Toronto. "It has dam! mon- good for mi', in om: work than "her remedies did in years." E. P. Taylor, Smith‘s Falls, Ont. ' "Well. I'm so kind hearted that Um afraid I would be too lenient. I think I'd open the door and tell him that if he didn't get out quietly Honriettn would come down and attend to his eatae."-irumintttcn Star. Now we felt 'vnh'tly relieved.--cln, cinnati Commercial Tribune. The first mention of thread occurs in tho Pate'. where Abraham said to tho King of Sodom that he would not tulip from him so much ms II thread to a s'irse-ltstelu?t, lest he should say that it was ho who had mime him rich. Three times there is special month-.1 of a "curlvt thrrnd. as when the olzlu‘ of Tamar's twins wtwiitrtituruialtoti by a scarlet thrend bound on his hund. and when the spies told Rahal) to put " lim- ni Bear- lot thrvml in tho window trom which Illa nasiated tlmm to escape; and again. when the rapturous writer of tho ('untlcles says the lips or his love are like a thread of Scarlet. on two occuniom tho "tttO" breaking of bonds is likonmi to the hrvnking of " thread. "There is: n: rcnwdy Pquul to Cm turrhunuo tor Cuturrh and Colds." W. J. Rmmit. Movrislsur,.r. “Cntarrlnmmz- fur Brnnvhitis and Cnturrh of tho Ill-ml and Throat him given nu- u perfect cure." Miss Dinti- more. Schutwtt,ucadio. N. S. “(Juturrlhmnw has workml marvnls In curing my little girl of Cnturrh." Mrs. Lorenzo Orchard. Toronto. (Jutarrhownt- alone can perman- ently run-n Cutarrh; it will pay an to glve it n trial. Ccomplote outfit, $1.00. Small alto. 230; at druggists Ar by mall. A trial Rout Cor Ith', by N. C. Polmon & tkr., Kingslun. Cttttarlu. or Hurtrord, Conn. U. S. Whon the bills for Au. daughter's troussuuu began to arrive we fairly "What would F01t do if you rmlly {cum} , burglar l'" A Strong In on His Back Thrown Kidney Trouble. Ca tarrhozone Cures Catarrh. mnard'l Llulmont Cures Distemper. Minnrd'u Liniment Cures Colds. etc. To Cure 2 Cold In One oar A Gentle "tspositiou. Only for Publication Thread In the Bum. (‘nturrh Amurum-v. Her Version ot' It. 1hill UP. Clean City. Here is an old astrological predic- tion said to indlcuto with tolerable certainty the charm-tar of the girl according to the mouth of her birth: If a girl la born in lenlnry slur will be a prudent housewilv. given to melancholy, but ttood-ter-red. If In February. a human-e and nt [eclionate wire and ttrnder motllvr It in March, a frivolous chatter- box, somewhat glvm to quay-rolling. It in April, inconsistent, not intol- littent, but likely to bu good-looking. If in May, lmntlsouw and likely to be happy. It in Juno, lmpotuous. will marry oarly and be frivolous. If in August, amiable. and omen» cable, likvly to marry rich, If in Snplombr'r. "ievrevi., atrable and much liked. Ono (if the must timely and intor- otiug of row-Ht pnblicntimw is the book jun; put on tial" by the World Publishing C:r, of (im-lph. ontitiod "uuoon Tictoriu." " is " 'Nytttpre- housivn story of the huhls- life and glorious rt‘ign of our late lumonlod Queen. including a c'mdnmr-d history of Great Britain. The work is writ.. tun by John Coultnr. the emlnant London historian. and John h. Cooper, tho edit " of the Canadian Mug-axinp; and they have spared no effort to make it complete and accurate. The book contains uvnr 700 page", and is beautifully and apprtpriately illus- trated; the lettrr fin-m is mood, and tho binding is in keeping with tho general excellence of the volume. " is " work which should find a plum! in every patriotic Cunndinn'a library. "Ah, there comes my car," replied the tirtrt, and they parted company. -Athtuty Journal. " In July, pnesnhl." handsome. but with a Milky wmpnr. - It in October, pretty and conuet- tish and likely to Ite unhappy. " in Novomher. lilwrul. Kind, ot a mild dlsposltlon. If in beeemtwr, well proportioned, fond of novelty and vitrttvtttttutt. Two ttertbletnett of the vintil wvru standing on a corner yawn-day. Evidently they warn talking about the extra, services to be held dur- ing the week ot prayer. “I anticipate a great awakening in my church." said the first speaker. "My people nvver go to glen-p," said the other. Now, tho curious features of the cast: are not yet told. Nothing wu known of the boy's abnormality un. til ht, went to school. and them not until they sought. to teach him to write. He wrote inntlnctlvc-ly wlth his left hund. Ho tearned to tours thr characters perfectly, but. co awryone's amazement. inclqung that of his trareuts ho furmcd th" characters upside down. writing from right to left of the paw-r in stead of from loft to right. mu is usual. and from the bottom toward the top of the puppi- when the char- acters covered more than u. llne._ It was not without much trouble that Harry was taught to write at all with his right hand. In tact, at first it seemed Impossible tor him to master the task. But he did no- N'mplish it at length with machet- fort. and in doing an developed the, other wonder of his singular giltu. he wrotr, right aide up with that hand. Special low rnto nottlere' tickets on sale during Mural: and April to points In Manitoba, British Colum- bia, Oregon, California and all West- ern States. Full particulars from B. H. Bennett. General Agent, Chicago & Northwestern Railway. 2 King street east. Toronto, Ont. In all other rupee” the boy ll normal. He is bright. healthy. strong and well, gnocl-nncurnd and active. without any of the slgni unu- gtly wormed to "iiogemeraUrtc" P.': or the 15,000 poun:ls of spruce gum annually harvestul in Maine), 12,000 pounds or more nrv gathered in the month of March. The Wtim picker wears tsteel climbing: spurs on his boots. and In his belt he carries a light hatolwt. whilo strapped to his waist is It bag with a wide mouth for the reception ot thu gum. Climb- ing tho trim. the pwkvr prucmds from limb to limb, clipping oft tho lumps n! gum nu hr Hills them, until ho rmchmo the up. Most ot the rum is crttttritt in the wide-open bag as it falls from tho ttuw, while all that Wool. to tlie ground stands out in such rvlivf upon the snow that it in busily pivkol up. Ravine picked all tho mum on the trov. thr piker hacks nttl FR'ttrs the bark, so that the ttto m'uy prmiuov nnwthrr (Twp. m, mu"... m "er""'--"'"-' bl one. of the best learners in mi claws and one of the brightest child- ren in tho neighborhood where he lites. Minard'a Llnlmont Cure. (large: In oowa. "Say. how's yer hens Iayln'!" Asked Farmer M000". Said his neighbor, disgusted: "They're all lilyiu' ott." A Curious Puzzele "F""" uuwu. nu wuuu~ -..-- . or tail of It, and it the work ot In. left. hand In turned right side up It becomes illegible to him. If he be- gins a drawing or u. lett'exrlnwhl‘? Km 1: ulnw-n. v- - .--_,, one hand and attempt...) to tlnlah It with the other. the result In a. hope- lms tangle. as one part will be the aleolutc reverse of the valley. . If so, send a letter or postal card to the undersigned, “newt-ring the following questions: Where are you going? when are you going? Where do you start from , How many are in your party t Will you take Four household goods t lei Cate rrhozono Cures, Ctt t n rrll. AN AMBIDEXTROUS BOY. Harvestlng Gum in “all”. ARK YOU GOING WEST'.' t HEM ”I‘I Fl' L voLryt lt' When Were You Burn? The Good Man’s .luke. I; All Students of Fe FiALF..--tttm AND “ARE I AN "iautmuns tor N110. Apply to In t "tlil can, StJnoquex. Que. Cormspoaetci"w mln-iu-d THE WAOGONER EXTENSION LADDER ~llzhtest. llf'on tond Immlio-t mndo. the celebrated 'd'r'i','l'fJfld',lT "rtension up ladder but out for fruit pivking. [militant iiiGiiriG and general use; am y farmer no onenlno t,a2tt"2gtt,1gs [lame boards. otax, te.: llluo and cumin no tree. Addmuuw “Anyone:- Ladder 'd,'.'S','ni'liff.' London. um F'"), SA LW, ' RUiT FAI'..hlc IN 1,"d famom Xingu-u district. "thr [winch be: of Canada " ale or en'hungv'. for madman town or city property. Give full dowrirtlon of YIN" W)’ for exalt-mgr. and my w In! PP. “but. .nulocue tree on application. lube“ & Morden. broken. at. Catharine... Ont.. (Tu- BARGAINS IN BELTINH AND 1108!. _ Garden Hoeetat So per toot. N. smith." I' ark and. Toronto. good machine for "onto Io bundle. honey mule. Thousand: In utte. For “a and prlcnuddroac STANDARD SUPPLY co.. "Ill”lol. Ont». [in no otrmtt on the Fm! Forms The coiled writ). allows for contraction and “rm-a. " ith glue heavy._hul_'d uprights “fun. Fruit F0000 has no wind. Mt); 3mntod. THE FROST IRE K .NCE co. Limited. Welland. on OLD STAMPS WANTED. Ho robs himself that spends a women qrier.-A3theuo, i. a. BOY WANTED TO DO LIGHT GARDEN work and help Illend he". Jam. " huh. toacher, Newton Robinson. um. W'igr,ea',/22Tf, TO FEL,, A "017:“" hold Article mud in every family. Lire with can make from .4 log: per duh. Fond ' for ample warth me. nd auto Ind no can the beitottta of the. tirrt introduction I! this article. W. B. Gilbert. 9 Much": romp“. London. Ont. ‘RUIT F.Atthr. FOR SALE - ONE or m ttttmt m the Ni Penna-sub, . hon... 10 miles tram W,,'futo',i on two ml WI". Whore-in ali. TI of which I. In trut' mostly peaches. Will be acid In one pawl " divided into lotuofmtu N not. tc 'uit I!" chum-s. This In a decided lumi- Asian:- {oqaugu Carpontcr, P. o. be: a. Wine-5 Hume women never find out how heavenly it in to alt In a quiet nu- nor atdrotut a good book until they have experienced the hollow-um M ten. fights and the 61mm of Dunn pug. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and live can. fully every way. - In. Win-low: Root hi Syrup should II w-n be “and for Afi'i'll2iaTllr. M the child. on.» the “In. cum will at“. And in the bet h mod] for Dun-bot. Two." he can . home It can always be stopped-- in the beginning. The trouble is: you don't know you've got it; you don't believe it; you won't believe it-- till you are forced to. Then it is danger. Don't be afraid; but attend to it quick-- you can do it you- self and at home. This is sound doctrine, whatever you may think or be told; and, if heeded, will save life. frGeGrihibToVttu) is, by no means. the dreadful disease it is thought to be--- in the beginning. _. -- FIE! u. - “5307'? "d PWNI. momma. oronto. 50c. and 01.00: all emulate. " Making Fan Tuna" We are making a t record. No othee [lice can compete 'dll'cf2LT with the " Page" We 'tow make our on wire and lo get just in. peculiu quality we and. Hemp. we now {and a still better fence than ever. Prices lower “I. yaar. Better look into it. Not room here (at prices. We also manufacture lawn lencae DC guts. High in quality and low in price. The PAGE WIRE FENCE co. (Ltd.) WALttEtttftLCE, ONT. ' $100.00 each for these ISSU E . N o r l 1 9o 1 If you hnvo not tried It. Bond - ______a- It- ‘M-hl- In-.- Catarrhoromr Cure- ('ulnrrh JACK FROST & CO. The Contrast. LE, in" nude 1"atLtel',t oompiieattorts twee an. tot Many years. Quick Wflt'. Cure. worst emu. Book of :tnnlouuu and lo lags $115.:me Full Fe: H. H.0REEN‘SHON5, Box o Aruxvunh. DROPSY " - Treated Free. hookup the old let- ters Metore Immmd Inc the alumna MI Rot CASH PA") ter them. WANTK1t.0id (kinda. .Nrw Brun- wick, Nam Smut. Hum Edward In hnd. [MIMI Coin-a bin. NB. R. " HANDS. t Hilfhmu M. moth. tbmilion, ont Sent on Trial tl g,tt'ltttt m not In. 2ea, money Mum . G ulmnleod tor. caller end do Wet yer work (MI .nyothor with. on the I lrkot._ A CLONES Blglft “'uhingion rm (WI-n festive, the (hurdles :s “kn-39‘s ditwotr IV. :0: "Now is We and and be of them that do: Ott n antid th [We " morning risen!" friend tr "Ind!“ and Irv]: In the morning (a. Al . Bunch (not thn cymulh In“. Flowers! them B- mesh t - wins, al - tho l; they growv _ they 1min. y glory was n that." I I tUtd with! " out in mild! mor nub?" Charon Milan. w of tomb. and (woe dowr tn the duo "to the t on! Show the dead, s "tttion. 1 (tom int w Jun mr mall " the tiavlorus anions All that nph-e an to (my ‘1 the ttotx he two ll the Mon forth (Mulch-um or II pmms or hold W the family “I all broken the resurreetiot out Father an on"! out. Bro (nu-1 romp out.) deeet---tttey must l mt We 0de - mus! 0Mj ace of that 1 W In dust m (We of reunl w. hushed in 1 Murned. on. (union! And to-dny 1 main or Enter ttou non [ha n than an l, qua-ox. 'crot" Sl Atlanta. the heir“ gum: I" Sae, and - a in and ttlltg l dons. Fl have bvvn kept null times WU ovum life .1. the uh “my m Ctgritst a I MUCH. ' an M wk wll teries r coll n t r y Med pluck If.) i our! 1 taunt! ate, tat -ve. A reaurrertf we um of all the (was of you for querorn Alexant ulna Bless» Inner MI an! Ice ah comm: graves we an nt ttte And you than I a Bttt then you boliv' Cplun. , I"! to Sn I cun'x ll", fr-, down our k.n,i. there uptl.is tr matting down a there up anoth 0.0 flower wh low. another th Chance who - nurh alik humus to" " He In a "qhe tktet ft More I a nun-rev“ mysteries. " the bo raised. h, Flow ers " >.-H-i-HH-: Talma‘e'l are tt "M". th th will W the And a I" an h

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