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Durham Review (1897), 25 Apr 1901, p. 4

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f? DURHAM REVIEW. Mr. and Mrs Eadie. the latter a daughter of Mr. Richard Banks, Glen- dg. uniyod in town nn Monday even- ing, with the body of their younmt daughter who died in Greenwood. The child was hulicd in Zion graveyard. The narrowing parenis have our sym- pathy. LIt'l-NHE CoyI.uissio?iERi. --t Annual Meeting of the b'oard was held on Tues- day in Durham having been postponed from Holstein. We must save spam- by stating that the lintels licensed this year are the same .u last, with the very notable rxceptiun that the lrliddaugh "Hunt-0f this town has been granted license only for thiee months, at theeral of which time the license is to he with- drawn unless some much needed im- provement is made in the sanitary surroundings. a defective roof. etc. This is astonishing news and We have no doubt the rroprietor, Mrs; Irwin, will at once use that the fine hostelry is made up-to date. Mr. J. K. Hamilton. veterinary specia- list, had a peculiar experience at Mr. M. Mulloy's, last week. One of Mr. Muiloy's cows was about to cake. anil displayed unfavorable symptom. Mr, Hamilton was siunmoned and delivered her of a calf, the equal of which we are sure has never been in this section. Everything seemed to be reversed. The ribs extesuled trout hawk hope the uppmit» way, exp! sing on the outside the tutestittes, plmnm'h, heart, lungs etc. while tiitrskrtt and hail-lay nu the inside. lite lie-aid MINI legs were almur'.,'eticl used. THe BIBLE IS THE scnoors.--The public school section of the Ontario Educational Association has passed a "solution in favor of the introduction of the Bible as a text book in the school. This causes the Woodstock Ex- press to remark and with considerable force. that if the teachers must teach the Bible, the public is entitled to de- mand that the teachers shall be quali- tied to teach it. The various religious denominations require long years of carelul training from their ministers be" fore accepting them as competent to Snoi'rtn Misrs'rrcrts ti.Moke.--A case will he heard at the court of appeal of the Methodist. church at Toronto is that of the wording of the discipline of the ministers of that body, which makes the letter of the discipline of no effict in convicting a minister. of smoking. M r. Just ice “'illianis laid a case before the chairman of the Victoria District against Rev. w. W. Bacr for using tobacco contrary to the discipline. The chairman of the district. Rev. J. C. Sneer. rolled that the paragraph cited in the case did not. apply to ordained ministers. Technically. these para- graphs did not apply. and the case was thrown out on that ground. Mr. Wilt- iamn appealed to Rev. Mr. Whittington president of the British Columbia Conference, who sustained the ruling of the chairman. and now the court is dealing with the matter, not the merits of the can. in to whether the man arranged should have smoked or not hut upon the wording of the discipline. Another hearing will be given the case by court of appeal. teach. If the average school teacher is competent to take up the work without any training. then the only ccnclnswn is that the religious denominations waste a lot of the valuable time of their ministers. Kim Etrw.oD.---The Toronto Star has published a portrait of King Ed. ward TH, which reaches, we believe, the highest standard of lithography at. tainable on this continent. That this statement is not too strong will be ad- mitted, we think. by those who see the work. The picture shows His Majesty in ofBcinl uniform, with his decorations in their proper colors. As it piece of portraitttre, it is the best obtainable--- better than n photograph " all oil paintings by competent artists must be. The artistic value is heightened by a rich background. which increases in the print the effect of an oil painting. The gold of the uniform stands out upon the picture with striking richness. The picture is 18 inches by 24 inches, a Convenient sue for framing. The pa- per is one of the finest and heaviest quality. No expense has been spared in the work. The only cheap thing about it is its price. According to the price charged for some other pictures of King Edward which has been dir played in shop windows, this one is easily worth " but the Star will send it in a strong tube upon receipt of 15 cents in silver or stamps. Take Laxative Bromo Qumine Tablets All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. E, w. Grove's signature on each box. May 1 Star LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Thursday, April 25, l90l. To Cure 3. Cold in a. Day. "~er w" '50,! o-'.-'-.,---. TREE Pricr1so.-This week " am- jority of Upper Town. residents have set about tree planting in earnest and hurt employed Mr. John Black to do the work at so much per tree. w. can not too strongly urge on those not yet supplied. to make the work uniform throughout Upper Town by having their property fronts planted with maples. On "big" days when we dee crate with evergreens. how we all wisely remark how nice it looks, pity it was not tug way all the time, and so on. Now is the time to have it so t let us plan fir the coming years and no council or connoilmnn will lose a vote if they would take steps to have the hill on both sides. opposite town property at least, planted this week or next. We cannot work at this all summer and civic pride prompts us to offer this suggestion of a much needed improvement. Now who will father Goon saws FOR FAttsrERig.-A gentle- man named Mr. Itamsden, represent- ing The National Federation of Meat Traders in England is at present on a tour of Canada and the States. He is reputed to be well posted on the ques- tion of meat and meat markets, and we give part of atui.ntetwiew With him by a Toronto Star “porter which goes to show that Britain may lift the embargo on ('amuliun cattle going into Britain. Part of the interview was as follows: "What are the chances, Mi. Itamsden' of the pi Hem embargo on our Canadian cattle being' removed?" asked M r. Craw- it? ford. "I think we have a pretty clean bill of health." "l'iidoubtedly you have. Most lili- donbtedlv." reiterated Mr. Ramsden. "I have liaisons for believing that the em- bargo is in " good way for being re- moyed, though it may take it little time. Our association is in very close touch with the great agricultural as- sociations in England-- the Royal Ag- ricultural and the Btnithf1eld Associa- tion, of which His Majesty King Ed- ward the Seventh ls honorary president you know. His Majesty was President as the Prince ot Wales you will remem- ber. Well, we meet with these associa- tions, and we are impressing npon them that it is against the. best interests of the British cattle trade to continue to mulct the Canadian trade With the high duty imposed by the United States in passing through to Great Britain. "Besides that, Britain never befcre was under such an obligation to her greatest colony, Canada. it: she is at the present time. We realize that, and if for no other reason, the present embargo should be removed. I lit-lieyo in fact that something will be done before very long." Hr. Rmusden's assurances on this point were received with a good deal of satisfaction by the cattIeman present. Report, for S. ti. No 10 Glenelg and Artemesia. tth-Jessie MrRat'. Mary Butter. Annie McRae, Leo Sullivan. 3rd _Malcohn Multan Nellie U'Hearn. 2ud--Jooo'Hearu, Matthew Butter, Edgar Paterson. James Hughes. Jr 2nd-Maggie. Martin. Jennie Ryan. Sr Pt 2nd Lizyue Korhy. C'overdale Pater, n. Jr Pt 2nd Joe O'Hearn. Ist-Tim Ryan. Golden Paterson. Thousands of young tnd, middle-aged men ere troubled with this disease-many tytoonssitelr. They my have a smart- inc mention. expel]. twisting stream. sharp cutting puns " times. alight dir chem. dngculty in commencing. week omens. emissions. and 311 the eymFtoms of nervous ttllitt,tg here s', RIC- TURE. Don't let actors experimenter: you. t cutting. stretching, or tearing you. his will not union. " it will re- turn. Our NEW ME WID TREAT- MENT nbeorbe the etncture tissue; henceremoveethe stritttmtrt.entmmrqt.lr. It can never return. No pain. no "ttir. ine, no detention from budneee by our method. Theuxnelorqnnaneetrennh- ened. The new» ere invwonted. end the Min of manhood returns. M. SI'IJJVAX. Teacher, ..-.- OTTAWA. Sept. 9th, 1890. To Mr Phrrnolim' Medicine Co., Ltd. Uliuwu. Grv.iTr.ExrFs,--l hardly know how “test. to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumatic remedy. Phrenolitse, My son (lot-don, who is " years' old, has been a sulfervr from infratnmatov.vrheu- matism for the past two years'. was so had at. times that he had to he cal-tied almur on a math-ass: was attended by tav" city doctors apparently without the slightest Iretuxfit: spent, 10 days at Caledonia Springs, rame home with no marked improvement ; took three bottles of a, Homeopathic remedy now living extensively advertised. which did not, relieve him in the least. I was he- gmning to give, up all hope of his recov- ery, when by chance. I mentioned the case to a friend who strongly advised me to give. Phrenoline a trial. I did so, with the result that when my boy had taken only half a bottle he was ah e to get on his lm-ycle and ride like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that Ieannot say too much in n-mseof your medicine, and shalido G I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely The May issue of THE DELINEATOR, in addition to showing eighty styles for the month devoted to ladies, girls, babies men and boys. contains much else that will be of interest to women of educat- ion and taste. Among the interesting articles we can name Seasonable Dress Fabrics. the making of Wash Gowns for summer Wear, the Hats of the season. photographs of the Inaugural Ball Dresses, Uotntneneement-0ay dresses, the Etiquette of Weddings. Chafing Dish Recipes (illustrated). Among the general literary articles is the story of "Dickens' Unromantie Love," a biogra- phy of Ellen M. Gitiord, and a review of the newest books. The above mentioned articles do not by means exhaust the ofNrintts which THE DELINEATOR makes to the modern woman. Will those to whom we have sent accounts in the last few weeks, and who have not yet responded please oblige at once. We have to than, those who hare attended to this smul matter, not sum]! tons by any means Please renew early and oblige the put.lisher. Business may be transacted " the office In Upper Town or at. the omce in Darling's Drug Store, Lower Town, where we have phone connection Call on either pltce nnd have n. talk. UpperTown Phone No 6 Lower '. Phone No s. A MAGAZINE FOR THE HOME. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. (Signed) REUBEN CLARK CAPITA L, CA PITA L, RESERVE AG ENTS Ontario, Quebec, .Mani'tolm: I' Males and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking business transuctert Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed "f I'lzrrenf rates. SAVINGS BANE. -nterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facilil? afforded customers living at a distance. J KELLY, Agent. Royalty never gazed on any more excellent wall decorations than this paper designed by the artists to beau.., tify the homes of this country this year. There are so many beautiful designs itis hard to name any speeialyme. We believe you Iwill find just wha you want, and the price will not be so much as to alarm you. They are made. to wear and will outlast the ordinary papers. MacFarlane& Co . All Paperzpurchased here TRIMMED FREE. can it? for a Queen. DURHAM AGENCY DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS TORONTO Head Office, Toronto. , Authorized. . . . . . .$2,000,000 , Paid up. ...-..... 1,000.000 CFUND .$,...s.... 600,000 4 in all principal paints m Quebec, Manitoba. United "s'i'vroztureretstrqurttsiyeereriMrerztstrt1_xteteirsirec'.'-r, Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest Improvements on all articles. Don’t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons will arrwe within a few days, then WAGGONS were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop “In It . you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you to see, reduced in weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the ensign running Binder in the world. _._ Full line of PIANOS, ORGANS, and SEWING MACHINES.--- We are well stocked with TURNIP SOWERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, at: LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at try.. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN WM Implement Warerocms. . IgaggllfiXlllfi2gllgllflll=lgllgegllglgt=lgllMlll=lFill,l'si', MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. Sl=lfilllfilllgllgefWllgllgllgggllggirgigggtgegegg= Just received an immense assortment of Graniteware and Tinware. Be sure you get some of our choice Bak- ing Powder with certain articles of Graniteware. Our store was never as well stocked as it is at present which any person can see at a glance. We have the variety and quality in every line. Jiardware THIS WEEK'S SHIPIENT CONTAINED Clothes Wringers, Chums, Bird Cages, Kitchen Grindstones Stone Hammers, Wrenches Buggy Rugs,§Lap Rubbers, Fence Wire. Cream Separator, Oil, Ready-mixed Paints and Herbaugeum for calves. Unto Jo”: Jingle Wanton for 6etrr, Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. . BLACK 'At .4 '. sit 9%.. W m em _ t to ertws m ttut gran farm ed Ml 8rd Die, on (int-Mn hum. Thi asked. w, Ha Hum Salad MONEY , and up terms. INSURAN‘ CONVE t) w l " place and _ Road. tip will sell ch Lot Mk a Lot 28. ( splendid iw Dulluun. He has a, including AHEA 0F TIM] Fo live Rap-in (Illi- Lot 7.0: fin-nu ttt " Lowe AW quickly I ""9an um:- n m an! [m Puma Am cum In 'tive, t " CHI wuclm wheel. al In" HE SELI CHE The " pe In

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