West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Apr 1901, p. 5

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EDI 'MACHINES.----. ks, HAY FORKS, etc. f MARRIAGE Lleonm Sale. P V V 'U' 'U' ". II II II " " e have a]. DURHAM. 133-: yly,', 1Clill LCNER at present ttt w t t RNA.“ ll ._..____. - w_-6a---,s.." eet to ll sh ARI syy,ysi a, cm! In easiest E--, I: , at "T C,.,,) , if Table Linen CA .. ......2.5c, Finn-whin- counterpunes $1 ”Dam! ttl 2.5 each. ()m' spring Prints are mm in. We tarry a full line of Sterling Bros Handmade Boots and Show for Men Women and Children. Try a pair if you want a. good shoe. Grape Nuts per pkg. _ ............,d.0c Honey per lh ........t...me.".". .H0c Salami (Ieyhm Tea per ll). 25, 30 and 400 illlittioo nest Tisl,le oilcloth If) in. wide in ll, and hlb. packets. Come and we what u lot at tinwnre we give fur $1.00. Fioot. Oilcloth 1 yd wide pt-r yd §‘§‘s“s ‘ss$‘§©si W. H. BEAN AHEAD ""A tlliilllilt four; Illllllllll ' tt _. W TIME 2% 'gLt'if. I have A large muuher of miner prop- erties in town and country and will sell on trude. iNSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CoNVEYANmNGwsweuas other financial business carefully utter Lot 7, con. 8, Normanby, the 'Fee' fan-m. twining to a (-mnpnny. and 3% offer- ed at low tigures. MONEY TO LOAN 'tta 1-2 per cent and tart'ateteterrding to seem-Ry and terms. pt-bt-q-. y - V. __ -. -.. -.-...... nu (inmfraxa Road convenient to Dm- ham. This tttty acres is " snap at price asked. Repairing of Watches, Jewelry. . spool-Hy. W. A- MacFarlane. 7],,” TlrtGtyre $100k. Lot 18, con. 14. Bentlnck. mar Louise P. o, In hands. of a Company. Fine place and must go to Sullle “up. 64 acres in" Allan Park on Durham Road. Spandid buildings. good land. will sell cheapor trade. Lot 28..Con. 2, W. G. R., Sentinel: n aplendid improved farm convenient to Dmhmn. Very cheap. He hats a big list of Property for SN, including the following: vds long Fortunes 3111 Di‘v. lot 1. 1P,nrhF, G l Glegelg r w__.-. V "H , "" I COPYRIGHT. to. Anyone sending . “etch and Nation may quickly umruln our opinion [no w ether In Inn-Minn II probably mama. Communion. (Iona strietir comment Budbookon mu pent free. Oldest ngoncy for ',i',Pama',%,t, Patent. tum t tonal: Mann * receive mega! noun, “than chm In the -- --- --_, -“QAAA. V'I'Ivvv-uv - -- A hand-0mm 111119thth - Lane-t Mr. rulnuon of my iiiiif.i1iaT,'tli, Terms. 03 a your: tour months. " d by all unwed"; Alll?, ll? "'M- " up hs r a. mat-non. D. Is always better than tube bohimllit. t in mu boner m be on time. Oar watches rert in harmony with the wheels of the univotno and you can always depend on them. I Li‘hey nm in - " - -- ' ,.__ -A . n. 'Alan‘i- ..u._ - u- _"..'- -- 'Gi2Guii'l"i7G And are sold It roman- ablo prices. HE SELLS CHEAP !! Jake Kress. In n ma 3, Ruling With H. H. Miller, The Hanover Conveyancer JAKE KRESS .33 . )5 "ace Uurtuims. in. wide [mil "rl fl2itll& Gainers Block xm Ft, ac” . u.. )0 tk5c 75(- 1)! k. 1 ll) C 24w 50c IN 35(- 25e Such was the. mung of R Hunter wind and what nmdhs to things (f "uterurplies with donhlulorce to ”hitters concerning health. When it is said [11M Dr. Pitchvr's Backache Kidney Tablets can, it intelh- gently used cure all kidney and bladder troubles. and such other diseases as can be traced to a sluggish or imperfect lud- uey action. it IS always backed up by the positiye proof and testimony of some reputable person, more one who is glad and willing to tell the World the result obtained. The following testimntutl of Mrs. W. Eaton, 10 Fanning J. Toronto, has the ring of truth, and bears out the claim that it is a cure beyond a. doubt tor the young. middle aged, and aged. Mrs. Eaton says :-"Dr. Piteher's Buck- aclw Kidney Tablets have. been of the greatest benefit to me. Formerly 1 bad sq much backache it extended to my hips and limbs. At limes theta would bu an acute lameness in my hips and It burning that causes very disagreeable sensations. I tind that I am munch iuvigortvysd since I used a bottle of Dr. l’itcher’n Backuchu Kidney Tablets. my buck has reeoyercd from its lameness, and I am sleeping well at nights. From my experience in wing the Tablets. I have much eoufidenee in them, and can highly reeommend them." Alabastine Said Frmlvriok The Great, “Fan-ls are Divine Things" MacFarlane t Go. Any reader of this pupa: can test the merit of Dr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing 2 cents postage to the Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular slze 50 cents per bottle. Mr. Henderson of Halton has made " suggestion tc the Dominion Govern- ment that instead of placing a very ex- pensive building in some large town in a riding that a lump some he voted for public buildings. which would he divid- ed among the incorporated towns and villages for building for post offices. Take. for instance Grey County nnd in. stead of spending all the public money for this district in Owen Sound let the forty or tlity thousand dollars be divid- ed among Owen Sound, Meaford, Han- oyer. Durlmm. Markdnle. Thornhury and Dundalk. A tive thousand dollar building in any of these places would be suitable for the post, offices and custom houses. As it is now if a town is not a lake port their share of government support is very small. Thousands of dollars are spent every year in harbor works etc. and we think that the inland towns should have some of the govern- ment pap. The present rents paid for suitable buildings for post ofBces etc. would go far to ply the interest on the money required for building. There is iirrTtowit hut what would gladly fur- nish 3 ft ee site for such a. building. Window Shades Where paper cannot be used there is nothing bet- ter mixes with cold water and will not rub off. We have the popular tints, Have advancea in price, but we have a large stock in plain, decorated, fringe, lace, and lace and insertion which we will sell at old price. We also have a number of odd shades in pairs or singly at ranmzmt prices. Druggists & Booksellers. _.-------- The omcial Report of The Bureau of Mines for the Province of Ontario states that our manufacturers of cement have tit'llltll'Nl their experience slowl} and dearly l that of the i'uetotjes tsrrrt' in ex- istence. huge .‘tllttHltIlan money have been spent in pita-rse‘ and (-quion e it, proving us ‘lt’? s and cos ly experin ent, : that ont- l'artory spt'trl five year: of time and much money. aided by them- tsts and experts, before it "tth' trrtisfivd to start its works: and that another spent many thousands of dollars, a visit to twine of the heat Portland Cement Factories in Europe . where they Wt-te admitted as a special favor-and the services of two experts in the enlist: tic- tion of a suitable plant, before they could produce a commercial article. It 14 also well known that millions of dol- larshuve been spent in Germany and the United States in learning and ex. perimenting in the economical manu- facture of a high grade Pottlnnd t'eII-ent; tlietefore The. National Purl- land Cement Company believe they are aspen-tally fortunate in having associat- ed with them a staff of the most prarticul and competent cement engi- neers in the country. who have designed and superintendetl the cot"styttetion of many of the principal and heat, divi- (lend-paying cement mills in North America, and who are recognized as loath-min cement nmnufacture; their hut and (-rownim,r etfott being the tuugttifictutt plant of the I’vninnular Company at t‘ement City, Michigan, which is arknowledged by exports to he the most, modern and best equipped Portland ('enu-nt plant. in the woltd. A thorough inspvctiun of the :properly owned by the National Popt. anl Ceuumt Co, in and near Durham l as been mmlv. and over (me hundred samples of maul have been taken at regular inn-wills at dilfervnt depths which have been subgect to chemical and physical exarnittacion at this lab- oratory. and I herewith make my final 11‘.me on the same. l. The marl was found to be covered with water 50 shallow that it can be dredged without any difficulty. 1'IiF.ailsTs' Rummy National Povtlutul (‘oment Company Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: 2. [here is but very little organic sediment, overlying the marl 50 that it would be unnecessmy to do any strip- ping before dredging lor use at the factory. 3. The marl is found in u very finely divided condition, which is an admir- able feature. since it. will require but little grinding preliminary to calcium Lion and therefore cheapen cost of manufacture. It is the humour of The National Cement Company to construct works at Durham which will be the finest pro- duct of the best mechanical and on- gineering skill obtainable. The power generated is to be electrically distribut- ed throughout the plant, which itself will be modern in every detail l the buildings will be models of convenience and equipped with the best and strongeet types of machinery specially designed for this plant. Under these circum- stances, " most, economical and perfect grinding, mixing and clinker burning process is insured. and hence the best product ohtanmhle. The National Portland Cement Company fully realize the magnitude of the undertaking and appreciate the expensive dangers of possible misguided Judgement. founded upon lack of experience and knowledge, 1 in connection with the construction and _ equipment of cement plants. l 4. The marl is of the finest quality, no heller material having liven atsalyz- ed at the laboratory. The chemical analysis which I include in this report shows it to he of exceptional pmiry, be- ing very high in carbonate of lime and low in magnesia. sulphuric anhydride, and contains no mind whatever. 'limi, produce the tinsist avade of Port- land Cement. The average percentage composition of the marl is as follows:--. 5. This mull when mixed with the p.ropewau.tount.ot glay_will. on calama- Clay is u decomposed orthoclnse feld- spar. cansisaing chiefly of silica and alumina, with snullel proportions of the oxides of iron. lime and mngnesia. For the manufacture of Portland Cement, Lime mononions must be within certain deiinite limits. and the silicasutut be in a male of chemical combination, or what is knu_wn at "soluble silicate“ and not in the form of free sand. Careful and exhaustive an- ulysns of the clays suiuuitted show that they include all of these very desirable qualities. while free sand is entirely absent, fill 1llllMIll, Mllllll)laM), I have also made the necessary com- putations to determine the proportion, in which your marl and clay will need to be mixed in order to make cement, which in its final completion, will be equal to that of the best Portland Cement now made. With this report tsend you it sample of cement and a "hriquerte" of Fame. made in my laboratory, from your-marl and clay and by the above formula. "Pats" and "brlquetter" from this cement. when subjected to boiling Sand...........................None ts'iueattHO2).......... .o...... 0.40 Alumina.(AL2CKi)............. .... Iron Oxide(Fe2 03). . . . . . . .. . .. 0.70 Uarhorate of Lime (Ca 003). . . 98.05 MtHtmrsia(Mg0/..._.. ........ .83 Sulphuric Anhydrlde (S 03). ..Truce Continued from Page f. THE FACTORY Fuhhc meeting made by our confrere ast week is a gocd one. It should he called forthwith as the sooner' the question is settled the better. Durham one and undivided must be the motto henceforth. Tme LOCATION. This is still unsettled, as shareholders it is of little consequence where the works are placed, for dividends will not be affected by the location, but as city zens of the town the matter is of ttrst importance as planting it at extreme limit and especially the southern one, will cause a divergence of growth which this town should shun hy all means in the light of past exBerience. The long struggle between 'pper and Lower Town came to an end a. few years ago. Establishing great works at the south- ern limit would be the beginning of another long struggle. We hope that even the southern residents may see the force of our article of two weeks ago and unite in urging the council tosecme u central loominu. The sugsrestion..of a GIVE US A CALL BEFORE MAKING YOUR CHOICE AT THE VEssttr {M'NSmetn On Wednesday. April 17 ul the "muse. Dnrmwh. Mr. Wm. Vessiv, Inn-flu of Durham to Miss Sarah Hannah Ihutsmoor. daugh- lor of Nathan Dunsnmor, of Rocky Snugven. Cream Separators, Chums, &c- of Best Make and at fair prices The FINEST & LARGEST SELECTION ever received in town of the well-known and high grade 'I‘l‘nxnrm..v In Ihydtm, on April 9th lo Mr. and Mrs. Wus, Turnhull, a sun, I therefore conclude that your melt and clays possess; all the essential good qualities, and none of the poor ones, for the manufacture of the htgh. ettt grade of Portland Cement. Youre very truly. Jows Gamma! DEAN. Chemint. water for several hours do not shrink urcrack, but set. quickly and harden slowly. Barley......... Oatw............ Flour......... . \Vheut......... Peas............ Lnmbis......... Dressed Hogs. per cw! Hogs, Live weight..." Butter, fro-h roll per ll: Butter, Tub.............. Eggs.-.-...- Hit‘ar, per cwl.......... calGkius, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered per ll, Lard, perth.......-.... Wood................. Turkeys...... ...... Potatoes. per hu.., Fayww... Beéf, per CWI...... SURE AM MARKETS FROST d WOOD SHOW ROOMS from the Canada Carriage Co. of Brockville. Buggies, Carriages, , ii.ii"i'i"i"i'iii'i ir"iiiiii"iiii. MARRIED. 1ohn a BORN. Fer-ttttttrt": aaaaaaaaa? BOOTS. C. McArthur, Durham, At Special,'prices The prices make it interesting. 53332933253 “messes-E. Come and see us in our new.. store 325 9 Oi) 5 00 l 90 62 40 18 14 ll 00 35 40 12 D SHOES and 10 00 C 94) , 35 6'2 62 45 I) " 14 15 00 9 40 " n H -- V_-v_.__*_, -.. ... the quality of the offerings, but the mark. et held its strengzli. The inquiry for high grade shipping cattle was keen and My: [N were not able to secure all tliev wanted tram tlunin) 's receipts. Them mun large supply ol medium cattle and these worn glow of sale, Chum: lots um qunlenl Mendy at, 84.85 In 55.20. um] mmiium. in. cluding light weights, are wot'th 94.35 to " 80. Toronto. Trade was a little quieter at the West. ern Cattle Market to-day; buyera seemed l to be well supplied with cattle end Were ‘ not anxious to buy " the prices asked by holdem. There we: a utiafactory Volame of business on the whole. but price eon- ceuiena were made in meny ineteneea in orderto diapoae of the nook. Partizular- ly' wan thia the ease with the common and medium grades; the ehoiee to puked lute eold quickly at excellent prince.“ usual. A great many buyers were prepered to take only choice cattle. and the heavy receipts of indifferent "uit, especially In buuhers', made trade drag a little. The ran the pretty well cleaned oat. however, and prices were not materially changed. Exporters Were steady and good to choice butchera' were tirnr Export bulls were quiet and other bulls were steady. Feed. l era and “when: were rather active, with l values well maintained. Milch coma sold a. little laughter. Sheep. lambs and calves were steady, with prices unchanged. Hogs were easier, with heavy offering., The total run was 79 leads, Including: 1.2 00 cattle, 100 slump and lambs. GI calves and 1150110515. Export Cattle-There was less activity in the tydityr.owiug to the falling off In Butehor,,' cattle-Bets found it Jr". ticult to Obtain gum] eattle, as more w.-.s annlvundancu oi tauth/ui stock. l‘lic-s hel,', steady. but sellers found it newssary to occasionally let small lots an at a stattritiee. Thuwe was only a slow demand lor Elle ordinary grades and the principal lethity wnn in the gilt m"ged stuff. Pick, od lots an! steady at “.1010 84.50. and choicv readily brine, 88.85 to ".10. Good are quoted at $8.35 to 93.75. and medium to mmmcn 'ell from $8.M down to 82.50. Exunrt Bulls-Trade inactive. with light offerings. Market Is steady at 84 to " 25 for heavy and $3.50 to " to: light. stoclors--There in a fair inquiry for the what weight. and prices no unchanged it $2.85 to $8.M. Fetoders--slutrtaeep were in pod de. uumd um] steady at " to t4.85, Medium weights were quiet. but light: were active and active and study at " 25 to 33.65. Mileh Cows-offer-ie when only fair and marl-mt showed no strength. Quotat- ions are a little higher, as sale: were made at 045. Sheep “ml Imtnltr--h little run and no change in prion. Business wa. brink while the I" pply luau d um] everything wu sold. Calves- Moderate receipts and an active market. Prices are unchungcd at 31 to " each Hop-Market; (31!de " on account of heavy offerings an] weaker tone of foreign umrln-nn. Selects of 160 to 200 lbs natural weight are P2le lower at 86.25 Fats are unchanged " $6.25. Way! of the ”(diurnal Watt " Carts & Democrats ONTARIO ARCHIVES? TORONTO Live Stock Ian-ken l DA RL IN G 'S DRUG STORE tleeds .7 Jam/.9 Jam/s BARRISTER. soumron IN SUI-REM! COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. couulccloutn. ere. OFFfCh'--ufchtfgre Blttk. Company and mum Fund. to Losing-all [engages at lowest rues of when“. Valuation mule My ucumpotentwd 0mm] Valuator. 1'olletetiotts and Aueuey prumply nth-mini m Wills. need». wrung“. Lemma, Animal“ &e.correetly pupal-d. bane. of dectmaed per was lodged a!” mu! limuknm and Adminis- ll'ucgrrs‘ Account, prepared and mi h'orite Court Busing: l’robnu at (luyl'gla','g', of Ad- miutstrtrtion bud Gamma-Jam» (minded. sear aims mm in Mummy mum- uml Tm" “1de OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durnnm l’lmrnmt'y Calder'. Block. Itetudetu.e first door we" of the Post Ottice, Durham. B‘RRISTER, SOLICITOR. ”can" PUILIC. canvcnuczu, ac. ott1ee--LOWER TOWN. DURH‘... OMce. over Giant's store. Lower Town London Advertiser, Weekly. nndRevipw one year 8LH) REVIEW and Weekly Globe '1.trt REVIEW lld Weekly Mail. . . .. 31.70 'utr.rw “d Mocha! _ - - ARTHUR H. JAG/1 SON Landau Advertiser. Daily. and Review one ynr 82.7 Collrciioo of "(lendr promptly "ttended to TWEEDS d YARNS OFFICEuMcKcnzle'I Old Sand. Durham, Ont. GROCERIES We ask Insneclion 0! our ms S. SCOTT. CLOVER. TIMOTHY AND ALL KINDS or SEEDS. Tcrmn rundown». to dates. Mn mus “than. )ml'hmr. there or to Hupm attended tn. To: unduly can work conduct-d st hour. 1 lore-co. Enclm "it-addr-d ohm "trNogro Tn Donation Count". Dom Chin-.30.. " ' mom: to repmunt nu Man in this "'3; clone by eoutniots, Bnluy = your cud expenses. Stratum. Donal“ no more uolesti an". l’o‘tiou perm-OIL Our when“. any bulk In guy gun. It to arrister, Jrotarg, Gon- vcyancar, ete., tlee..... Money to Loan at rensonaale rates and on terms to suit borrower. we',,"?:?..'.:,.-,?,'."].'.'.'.,!: BRIGHT AN 'RON an "gram” to mum-ant III In Mm." Insurance Agent. DE INT TISTRY. Dr. T. MEET L. D. s. All Charges Mcdezate J. P. TELFO RD, '. MOPI'IA n. We can give you Bargains. NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSuNER u. CONVEVANCER. VALUATOR. wi-.... ..... G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN Ill, l DAVIDSON. DRY GOODS. CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &c. ' or best quality. Calder 's Block. Durham Mi), l DARLING Privlu Money to Loan. MCPHAIL. Hope vllle P. " C. RAMAGE Hun-ham. ‘urlus Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hwy. . Arraugouwntn "wank-u. an t rte mud" n! The New"? ~(kn'rmynmkllg‘o lnl-lronmd l airman il lo P. " P.” will bo n u uppIh-utlmn u 'gticer the Bank Fa rmn (mu ht and nah}, promptly 1st,'0

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