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Durham Review (1897), 2 May 1901, p. 2

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LB it «64 Acheme of an EKoglish Prelate to Proâ€" mote the Cause of Temperance. The people of England are much inâ€" terestod these days concerning the working of the plan of the Bishop of Chester for dealing with the evil of excessive drinking. The Bighop thinks that prohibition does not proâ€" hlbit, and that regulation is much better. As regulation has in view the evll done by drinking, special pains are taken to supply only the purest drinks. The houses under the Bishop‘s scheme are to have a uniform exterâ€" sBal appearance, Aistinguishing them from â€" ordinary licensed houses, noâ€" tices prom nently displayed that food ard nonâ€"intoxicants are supplied at popular prices, the intoxicants to be placed at one end of the bar and the monâ€"intoxicants# at the other, with table«e at which buns, sandwiches, tea, coffee, etc., can be served. In villages the houses are to have club, temperance and _ recreation rooms, aml where space is available a bilDlartâ€"room and library, with backgammon, Jraughts and similar games, are to have also a bowling green and other counter attractions to the bar and tap room The idea is that it is hopeless to try to extinâ€" guish thirst for stimulants, but wise to reduce the danger arising from exâ€" cess or from bad whisky and beer to the minimum. The goodl of the drinker, not the promotion of a theâ€" ory, is the main object. May be often quickly relieved and Its unpleasant consequences averted by taking thirty drops of Nerviline in a little eweetened water. It inâ€" etantly relieves the nausea, and by its soothing and stimulating propâ€" erties calms the stomach and enaâ€" bles it to go on and complete the process of digestion. The action of Noerviline is simply charming, pleaâ€" sant, penetrating _ and powerful. Druggists selt it. HAoâ€"I saw our old nelghbor, Mr Bkinner, toâ€"day. o No discovery in medicine in modern times has proved sucha blessing to women as Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. They act directly on the blood and nerves, invigorate the body, regulate the functions and restore health and strength to the exhausted patient when every effort of the physician proves unavailing. Other soâ€"called tonics are mere imitations of these pills and should be refused. _ The genuine bear the full name, "Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around each box. They are sold by all dealers in mediâ€" cine or can be had post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams‘ Medâ€" leine Co., Rrockviile, Ont. BARROOMS OF THE BISHOP. Heâ€"He‘s intereated in one of these wild cat mining companies. Shoâ€"The idea! I never knew you had to mine for wild cats.â€"Philadelâ€" phita Pross. do sou I have used the pills for seyâ€" eral months and have found more reâ€" lief from them than from the four operations which 1 ‘passed through, apt I warmly recommend them to all women suffering from the ailâ€" ments which affliict so many of my Writing under a later date Mrs. Evans says: "I am glad to be able to tell you that not only has the great improvement which Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills effected in my conâ€" dition continued, but I am now perâ€" fectly well. Ihad given up all hope whem I began the use of the pills, but they have restored me to such health @s I have not before known _ for years. 1 feel so grateful for what your medicine has done for me that I glailly give you permission to putb= lish my letters in the hope that sther women will follow my example and find healith and strength and new happiness through the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pilts." lence. To such the story of Mrs. Frank Evans, of 33 Frontenac street, Montreal, will bring hope and joy, ws it points the way to renAred health and certain release from pain, Mrs. Evans says: "I feel that I ought to #ay a good word for Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, in the hope that my experience may be of benefit to some other suffering woman. I am sow twentyâ€"three years of age, and since my eleventh year I have suflerâ€" ed far more than my share of agony from the ailments that afflict my #exr. At the age ol sixteen the trouwâ€" ble had grown so bad that I had to urdergo an operation in the Montâ€" real general hospital. This did not eure me and a litte later I underâ€" went another operation. From this 1 received some benelit, but was not wholly cured, and 1 continued to sulâ€" feor from pains in the abdomen and bilious headache. A few years later, having with my husband removed to Halifax, 1 was again sulfering terriâ€" bly and was taken to the general hospital, _ where another operation was performed. This gave me reliel for two or three months, and again whe old trouble came on, and 1 would suffer for days at a time and nothing seemed to relieve the pain. In February, 1899, I was again obâ€" liged to go to the hospital and unâ€" derwent a fourth operation. _ Even this did not help me and as the chloroform _ administered during the operation affected my heart, I would sot permit a further operation, and was taken home still a great sufferâ€" er. In 1899 1 was advised to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pillsand decided to Relating the Sufferings of a Lady Who Has Exporienced the Agonies That Affiict So Many of Her Sexâ€" Passed Through Four Operations Without Benetit. Throughout Canada there are thouâ€" wands and thousands of women who undergo daily painsâ€"sometimes borâ€" dering on agonyâ€"such as only woâ€" men can endure in uncomplaining giâ€" A Story of Deep Interest to All Women. Something New in Miring. MISERY AND HEALTH. S‘ck Stomach you? What is he doing One day while he was in a condiâ€" tion of Panic from having, in an unâ€" guarded Moment, eaten gome underâ€" done Ham wh‘ch probably contained the deadly Trichinae, in walked his Brother Thoma®, who was Travelling Awditor for an Investment Company. Thomas was Fat and Sassy, with a Patch of Red on each Cheek. "Ah, Brother," said the Germ Gladâ€" lator, "I judge by your nippy Appearâ€" ance you have been subsisting on Gluâ€" ten and Dodging the Bacilli." _ Now it is wo)l Established that He who begine to scrutinize his Interior Economy and Brood over the Conduct of the Germ#s that he happens to be Chaperoning will get ready, sooner or later, to do what is known as the Appendicitis Act, Every time this Man had a Stitch in the Side, he went and ahaved himself and brushed his Hair and got ready to make a neat, respectable Appearance on the Operâ€" ating Table. Then the Doctor would come and go over him with a silverâ€" plated Tack Hammer and try to loâ€" cate the imag.niry Lumps. It would require an awful Argument to conâ€" vince the man that he was all Right. As might have been expected, he began to get Daffy on the Subject of Nutritive Qualities in Fo»!. This was another wild Tack, for which the Sciâ€" entific Works and the Hoalth Hints in the Paper were responsible. At the Table he would poke suspiciously at the Dishes anlt want to know how much Nitrogen, Carbon, Starch, Dexâ€" trine, Sugar and Albumen they conâ€" tained. It took away the Appetite of those who had to associate with him. Instead of going ahead and eating, he merely monkeyed with Chemical Compounds and used his Stomach as a Retort. He began to exhibit the jerky Mannerisms of a Kansas Reâ€" former, aml it was whispered at the Office that he was slightly Touched. But he was not. He was simply makâ€" ing a consistent Effort to conform to the newâ€"fangled Science of TLAiving, and it was wearing him to a Rack of Bones. "What in Thunder are asked Brother Thomas. "Surely you are aware that the Universeo lately has> been overrun by small Bugs, invisible to the Naked Eyo," said the Learned Brother. "If a Buff Bacillus with a Blue Stinger gets into you it means Lumbago. If one of the six legged Fellows with a plaid Husk starts a Hatchery somewhere on your Preserves, then you may congider yourself elected for Spinal Meningitis, and so ou. There This Man became so worried and apprehensive that he could not sleep of Nights So he began to read up on Nervousness and learned that he would have to let up on Ter and Colfee and Cigars and Pastry and nearly everything else that he really liked. He put himsel{f on a Diet of Asbestos Breakfast Biscuit, and some other kind of Health Fodder which resoambled the Excelsior Packing that comes around Lamp Chimneys. When he was Thirsty he had a little Sterilâ€" ined Milk or a nice refreahing Cup of wouldâ€"be imitation Coffee, made out of parched Barley. He began to take his Demporature and examine his Blood under a Microscope. When he discovered that a minute form _ of Tadpole was playing â€" hideâ€"andâ€"seek among the Corpuscles, he gave a low Moan and ordered a fresh lot of Inâ€" soct Powder. He began to wear a haggard, perâ€" secuted look. The microbes were hidâ€" ing at every Corner, waiting to pounce out at him. In order to be ablo to stand them off, he consultâ€" ed the Authoritiee and found that it was No Use. The crafty little creaâ€" tures were floating around in the Air, and the only way to Baffle them was to breathe through a Sieve. They were camped out by the Millions on a mouldy plece of Bread, while one Cuble Inchâ€"of Roquefort Cheese conâ€" tained 14,500000 of thom, many of them Bearded and wearing curved Horns, the same as a Bllly Goat. He began to drink Carbolic Acid. It is borrible to know that while one is Slumbering the brutal Bacilli_â€" are climbing up the Brass Bedstead and over the flowered spread, and tunâ€" neling into the System from all Diâ€" rections. When a Man bogins to reâ€" alizo that he is merely a Repository for a large Zo~n of Microâ€"Cannibals he feels Unworthy and Discouraged. Occasiona@lly he would forget and take a Swig of Plain Water, the same as other People were drinking. Then, when it was too late, he would reâ€" call those Pictures of the Germs and he could imagine a whole Menagerie Â¥ those little Animals grazing around through his Inwards and leading bold Expeditions into the most â€" remote Corridors of his Being. After he had thought about them for a while they would seem to be about the size of Oyster Crabs and sometimes it seemed to him he could feel their litâ€" tle Claws tickle when they were doâ€" Ing a Mobile Buck on the gleaming Surface of his Diaphragim. He wonâ€" dered what would happen to him when all of them started to Gnagr their way out. From that Moment he decided that he would not touch any Water unâ€" less it had been Boiled and Skimmed. When he couldn‘t get Boiled Water he would demand Vichy or Deep Rock or a certain Lithia containing .007 Parts of _ Sillykilate of Polarium, which is Good for whatever you hap pen to have at the time. The Man who had been knocking around for Thirtyâ€"eight Years, drinkâ€" ing out of Hydrants and Troughs and eating any old Thing that could be Masticated, was Scared still when he realized how many thousands of times he had flirted with Death. Lecturer explained that when a few Flocks of these Organisms moved into a Gentleman and began to Play House and Nibble around it usually meant that there was going to be another Order for Satin Lining and Silver Handles. f he learned that ordinary Drinking Water and many kinds of Food, such as he had been using, were chuck full of threeâ€"eyed Dinguses with curly Tails and long Feelers. The One night he happened in on a Lecture Course to find out about the Germ Theory of Disease. When the Pictures were shot on the Screen Once there was a thoughtless Man who had been plugging along,. eat ing three Square Ones each Day, gaining about a Pound a Month, and not taking any Care of himsell at alk : U < HE DREADED GERMS. ; A Fable by Gzo. Aoxr. Bacilli ?" "Thig is a cold worl1; a man can‘t get a job unless he has a good suit of clothes." Nq "Well, that‘s logic." "Logic?t He can‘t get a good guit of clothesg unless he has a job."â€"Deâ€" troit Free Pregs. The Torontoâ€"Montreal Lineâ€"Steamâ€" ers leave Toronto at 3.30 p. m. Tuesâ€" days Thursdays and Saturdays from June 1st to June 15th, inclusive, and from June 17th daily, except Sunâ€" day. Steamer Toronto and the new steamer Kingston will make the serâ€" vice on this line. They are the finest boats in fresh water. After leaving Toronto the first port is Rochester, Kingsaton, Thousand Islands and the rapida of the St. Lawrence to Montâ€" real, Between Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Tadousac, and the Saguenay River, and it is the finest trip on the continent. The boats on this lina cannot be surpassed. The Manor Richelieu Hotel at Murray Bay and the Tadousac Hotel at Tadousac are the finest summer resorts in Canâ€" ada. Both of these hoteis are owned and operated by this company. For further information as to tickets, folders, etc., apply to H. Foster Chatâ€" fee, Western Passenger Agent, Richeâ€" lieu & Ontario Navigation Co., No. 2 King etreet east, Toronto, Ont. "George, what is this closure that they talk so much about ?" "Don‘t mention it, my dear. It‘s something that you wouldn‘t tolerate In the house for a single minute."â€" Cloveland Plain Dealer. Steamer Hamilton leaves Hamilton April 30th at 1 p. m., and Toronto aime night aft 7 p. m., for her reguâ€" lar trip to Montreal. She will leave on her second trin on Tuesday, May 7th, followed by the Algerian, Thurs#â€" day, May 9th, and theso» will be the regular days throughout the month of May. After June 5th, the boats will make three trips per week, the additional boat on Saturday. From Familton and Toronto, passâ€" ing through the Bay of Quinte, Thouâ€" sand Islands, running all the rapids, to Montreal and intermediate ports. The rates from Hamilton to Montâ€" real, single $7, return #12 ; Toronto to Montreal, $6.50, return _ $11.50.; meals and berth included. Tickets good to return till May 31st. "Then it‘s ali right. No, sir, I ain‘t crazy. I‘m only contrary. Every bogy will teli you I‘m the blamedest conâ€" trariest old skeezicks in the townâ€" ghip, and I geckom I am. I don‘t care a durn, either. Any of the rest of ‘em would have held you up for $£65. I‘d see you in Hannibal, Mizzoury, beâ€" fore I‘d touch a cent of your dirty old money. I‘ve offered to do the square thing, and you‘ve turned up your nose at it, and now if you ever change your mind and want to come on me for damages to your durned old railroad T‘ll law you to kingdom come !" Then he clapped his old slouch hat on his shaggy head and went out, leaving the company‘s agent in a stato of utter collapse.â€"Chicago Triâ€" bune. t "Dd it damage your cowcatcher any ?" L *‘*No, ol course not." "Grease up the tracks any, so as to delay your traing?" "Certainly not." No money loss of any kind ?" "Not a cent. But what in the name of "Great Sceott, no ! I wasn‘t damâ€" aged any. She had the rinderpest, or the glanders, or something of that kind. I intended to kill her anyhow." ‘"‘Then what are you here for ?" "I want to find out whether it damâ€" aged your cowcatcher or not when it a;truck her. If it did I‘m willing to pay or it." N "Are you crazy %" asked the claim agent, glancing uneasily about for a weapon of some kind. The Claim Agent Had Never Seen One Like Him Before. "What was the yvalue of the cow?" asked the railway company‘s claim agent. "What ?" exclaimed the other, the pen dropping from his nerveless finâ€" gers. ‘"She wasn‘t an imported aniâ€" mal ?" .‘NO..‘ "Not even after she was killed ?" "No. She was just a common serub." "And all you want for her is $15 ?" "Who said I wanted $15 ?" "You haven‘t come to put in a claim for damages?" MORALâ€"Never arousa a sleeping Germ. "It seems," said the Sufferer, "that the pesky Things show a Spirit of Retaliation. They get after the People who are trying to Investigate them." "I was offered $15 for her cace," reâ€" plied the farmer. cals, look as if you were ripe for a plain white Cot in the Ward for Inâ€" curables ?" "That is Strange," said Brother Thomas. "I have been all over the Country putting up at bad Beaneries, eating and drinking everything I wanted, from Pie to Pilgener, drinkâ€" ing eightyâ€"sgeven different samples of Well Water in Country Hotels, and raiging Cain generally. I have not carried any Drugs with me. Neither have I sat up at Night to throttle the Animalculae when they came in through the Window. to do me Dirt. How does it happen that I, who have taken no Precautions, am Strong as an Ox and feeling Bogs, while You, who have been making guch an intelâ€" ligent Warfare on the little Ragâ€" are now over 800 Varietie@ running at large seeking whom they may Deâ€" vour. I have figured that it is imâ€" possible for any Person to escape them for any Length of Time. Our only Hope is to prepare for the Batâ€" tle by eating petrified Wajlers, drinkâ€" ing Antiâ€"Septic and keeping a priâ€" vate Drug Store in the Closet. For three Months I have been in a handâ€" toâ€"hand Struggle. I am still in the Ring, but I am gatting wabbly. I never can tell what minute a Germ is going to sneak up behind me and SBoak me good. It keeps one pretty Busy when one has to have one‘s Eye peeled for 800 different kindsg, knowâ€" ing that the whole Push has it in for One." Catarrhozone Cures Bronchitis. _ down f;c;m“hli“.u;"o'ent'or lllnargl Liniment Cures Garget in Adversity‘s Round Robin. Cheap Water Trip. A RARE BREED. Naturally . WN I A TORONTO Of{f Cerigo, the island at the souâ€" thern end of_ Greece, divers are bringing up art treasures that were sunk 200 years before Christ. Lucian tells of a ship laden with art spoils that went down on the voyage from Athens to Rome, and it is believed that the wreck has been found now. Besides many bronze statuettes a life size bronze statue resembling the Hermes of Praxiteles has been brought up. Some of the objects are excellently preserved, but others are corrode 3 SOZOD&NT fort he TEETH 25¢ Madame Daniel Lesem (Jeanne Loisâ€" can), the first woman to receive the French decoration of the Legion of Honor, is a novelist and poet, a soâ€" clalist, a believer in free love, and the author of the best French transâ€" lation of Byron‘s poems. Kin.; Ogcar of Sweden is afraid to meet i funeral procession, and wears alway@ a gold ring, supposed to have power ag a charm, which has come Amonggt the passengers one day by an express from London to Brightâ€" on were a commercial traveller and a Salvationist lass. The commercial man began chaffing the girl, and asked her if she believed the story of Jonah and the whale. "I don‘t know," she said; "but when I get to heaven I‘ll ask Jonah if it occurâ€" red." "But," said the funny man, "gupposing he isn‘t there ?" _ "Then," said the girl promptly, "you can ask MINARD‘S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people uge it. HARLIN FULTON. Special low rate sottlers‘ tickets on sale during March and April to points in Manitoba. British Columâ€" bia, Oregon, California and all Westâ€" ern States. Full particulars from B. H. Bennett, General Agent, Chicago & Northwestern Railway, 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. If so, send a letter or postal card to the undersigned, answering the following questions : Where are you going ? When are you going ? Where do you staurt from ? How many are in your party ? Will _ you take your household goods ? "Mro. Blithe seems to be very popuâ€" lar with the gentlemen. They all weem anxious to have a word with her. Is she a brilliant conversationâ€" allat ?" No ; she is not a brilliant converâ€" sationalist ; but she makes every man think he is."â€"Leslie‘s Weekly. Heâ€"EHow innocent Miss Princilla is ! She blushes at everything I say to her. Sheâ€"That len‘t innocence. That‘s refinement.â€"Life. » He has but one answerâ€""Dodd‘s Kidney Pille saved my life, and that after all the doctors had told me I could not get better, and that I must die." "There are two acts yet," said the usher to the man who rather hastily started out of the theatre. "I know. That‘s just the reason I‘m lea ving."â€"Philadelphia ‘Nimes®. Mr. Hall is certainly a living monument to the wonderful curative properties of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills is the only remâ€" edy known to science that has ever cured Bright‘s Disease, Diabetes. or Dropgy. They never fail. Brooklyn Waitressâ€"A copper for your thoughts ? _ Brooklyn Cook (blushingly)â€"Sure, Oi wase thinkin‘ ay a copper !â€"Brooklyn Eagle. No more startling case hbas ever taken place in the neighborhood of Forest, and many â€" questions have been asked of Mr. Hall, in explanaâ€" tion of the very startling statements made above. "I started to take Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, and from the first I commencâ€" ed to improve, and by the time I had taken five boxes I was quite well. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills certainly saved my life." "I lost the power of my legs, and had to be lifted in and out of bed. I was so low that I was not expected to live from one day to the other. "I did not get quite well from that until I got another kick, which causâ€" ed me to pass blood again from my kidneys. "I continued to doctor until last fall, when they told mie I could nct get well, and that I would die, so I quit taking their medicine. Struck Twice in the Same Placeâ€"The Kidn Turned OQut of their Natâ€" ural .gooulonâ€"-l)octorn Said He Would Die, YÂ¥et Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Cured Him. Forest, Ont., April 20.â€"(Special.â€" Probably the best known main in the Townships of Warwick and Bosanâ€" quet, is Mr. Robert Hall, of Arkona. Mr. Hall gsays : "Five years ago last April, I was kicked by a horge in the left kidney. The doctor that treated me said the kidney had turned out of its place, m‘lg I pagsed blood for several days. Robert Hall, of Arkona, Ont Narrowly Escapes Death. Art Treasures From the Deep. KICKED BY A HORSE Catarrhozone Cures Influenza Pleagant Bay, C. B. ARE YOU GOING WEST*? A Strange New Women. A Straight Answer. With the Jokers. , Bernadotte ep " And yet," commented Miss Cayâ€" enne, "people say that women have ton Star. s P es o s P P Andiatnieeliiennmn ie i aerarventnmsecrmge Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds * Miss Bliggins laughed at me when I propesed to her," said Willie Wishâ€" ington. "If Mr. Carnegie finds he isn‘t getâ€" ting rid of it fast enough to avoid disgrace," mused the amateur botaâ€" nist, "somebody ought to tell him to begin experimenting in the raiging of orchide." Richardsâ€"Nothing peculiar in that. Haven‘t you noticed how everybody likes to talk about his aches and paing ? Sort of a safety valve, I supâ€" pose; or is it only a form ol egoâ€" tism ?"â€"Boston Transcript. Srark or Omo, City or Torkno, }_. Lvucas Couxty. FRANK J. Curn®y makes oath that he is senâ€" jor partner of the firm of F. J. CurxEyr & Co., doing business in the (‘“fl of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of CaTARRH that canâ€" not be cured by the use of Harw‘s CaTARRH Cur®E. FRANK J. CRENEKY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in K presence, this 6th day of December, A.D., 1 m A, W, GLEASON, { slnl.} Notary Public umm Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. _ "Yes," _ asserted Clande. " She ought to wear them on her wrists or in the shaps of big brass spikes down her skirt front."â€"Indianapolis Bun. They turned over the pages of the book until they came to a picture of a Dahomey girl with enormousg bracelets on her ankles. "I know it, my son." replied Noah, with a wan smile, "but where are our audiences to come from ?" True! Where were the boys to be found, even, who were expected to carry water for the elephant ?â€"Marâ€" ine Tournal. Callerâ€"Is your little sister the amime age as you? Tommyâ€"Â¥es‘m ; we‘re both eight. Callerâ€"Nongense ! You can‘t be more than four. Tommy "Don‘t they look barbarous and hideoug?" asked Mabel, with a grimâ€" â€"Oh ! but we‘re twin@. She‘s 'fo‘uvrâ€";l;:l I‘m four ; that‘s eighat. ain‘t it ? "I wonder what we‘ll do for a livâ€" ing now ?" said Shem. "Suppose we go into the show business, father, We‘rve got Earth‘s Great and Only Menagerie of Living Wild Animals." At last the ark rested on aolid ground, and Noah and his family, tired of their long imprisonment, went on shore to stretch their legs. This signature is on cvery box of the genuine Lazxative Bromoâ€"Quinine Taviets the remedy that cures a cold in one day We quoted from Mme. Blavatsky and Marcue Aurelius to the effect that fleshiness is not _ necessarily preclusive of happiness. A person, we maintained, may be happy though {fat. Now, at last, we begin to under stand.â€"Detroit Journal. "But what if she also thinks she is cute?> cried the woman, turning upon us almost savagely. _ "I already woeigh t I gain in spite she moaned. Catarrhozone Cures Coughs and Colds. She contemplated the future with terror. ESBAANGm OPRBBTR EM PCE I believe in obeying the lawa of the land. I practise and teach this obedience, since justice is the morâ€" al signification of law. Injustice deâ€" notes the â€" absence of law. Each day I pray for the pacification of all national difficulties, for the broâ€" therhood of man, for the end of idolâ€" atry â€" and _ infidelity, and for the growth and establishment of Chrisâ€" tianity. I also have faith that my prayer availeth, and that He who is overturning will overturn until He whose right it is shall reign. Each day I pray, "God bless my onâ€" emies ; make them Thy friends ; give them to know the joy and the peace of love." Past, present, or future philosophy or religion that departs from the instructions â€" and _ example of the great â€" Galiloan Prophet cannot be Christâ€"like. ~ Jesus _ obeyed _ human laws. â€" But ninetoen centuries have greatly improved human nature and human â€" statues. That the innocent should suffer for the guilty seems less divine ; and that humanity should share â€" alike liberty of conscience seem« more divine toâ€"day than yesâ€" terday.â€"Mrs. Eddy in The Christian Science Journal. She Advises Christian Scientists to UObey the Law. I have already expressed my opinâ€" on publicly as to the precautions against the spread of soâ€"called inâ€" fectious and contagious diseases in the following words : Rather than quarrel over vaccinaâ€" thon, I recommend that if the law demand an individual to submit to this process, he obcy the law, and then appeal to the Gospel to save him from bad physical results. Whatâ€" ever changes come to this century, or to any epoch, we may safely sub mit to the providence of God, to common justice, to the maintenance of individual rights, and to Govern mental msages. This statement ghould be so interpreted as to apply, on the basis of Christian science, to the reporting of a contagious case to the proper authoritios when the law so requires. When Jesus was quesâ€" tioned concerning obedience to huâ€" man law, he replied : "Render unto Caegar the things that are Caesar‘s," even while you "render unto God the things that are God‘s." A Sold ty Druggists, T5c. _ _ Hall‘s {‘unrx‘llfi/ Pills are the best Minard‘s Liniment cures DMphtheria, atarrhozone Cures Lung Troubles MRS. EDDYS OWN VIEW. C 7/A Proud of Mis Troubles. When *‘Twould be O K One Way to Escape. What Worried Noah. sense of humor.‘"â€"Washingâ€" F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Fatal Delusion. Refuted. 200 poiunds, and of all I can do !" 4. â€"ughué{ strongest and handiest made; the cele nu& *"Lindenwood" extension step laddor; best out for fruit picking, p.int'l: plumbh. and general use; every farmer n one;also painters‘ trestles, paste boards, eto. eto. Illustrated caudo?&nlm, Address the Waggoner Ladder Co., ited, London, Out. CIVIL ENGINEER AND sURVEYING practice forsale. For B.rucnhm. address County Engineer, Simcoe. Ont. “TANTIDâ€"AIBITIOL’S AND TRUST worthy {ouns man to travel for reliable firm; $15 weekly and all expenses guaranteed; firstâ€"class references and $25 security required; experience unnecessary; no canva«sing. Mr. Brown, 194 Main street, office 15, Buffalo. Be d)rogrennive and buy the best, Frost Fence and Gates can be had at no greater chargethan inferior makes. Why not have tae best ? Colled epring wire sets tight. . Heavy steol stays hold up and the Frost Lock necnrelvy juins the two. THE FROST WIRE FENCE Co. Limited, _ _ 1. . wood shop; good opening; terms easy Box i7, Ketflet?;’. Ont. P® C THE WAGGONER EXTENSION LADDER â€"lightest. strongest and handiest made: chasers. This is a docided bargain Address Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 409, Winomea WANTEDâ€"HOTEL PORTER, INDUS trious. willing to hbe generaliv neetol. Ap ways be used for Children Toething. | the child, softens the gums«, cures w and is the best remedy for Diarrhosa. five cemts a bottle good machine for agents BLACKS"ITH SHOP, DWELLING AND . wood shon: rond anening: torms easy. money made. Thousands in use. For terms and prices address STANDARD SUPPLY CO.. Ramilton, Ost For all information as to rates, train gervice, tourist literature, ap ply to agents, Grand Trunk Rallway System. d M. C. DICKSON, District Passenger TO The Panâ€"American EXpOSIbIOn The Grand Trunk is the Direct and Popular Route from all points to Bufâ€" falo. Elegant and Superior Service. Parior, Puilman and Dining Care on through traing. YY trious, willing to be generally useful. A Ll_y_._wlth particulars, Manager, Box 307, Nort It feeds you a little withour any work at all by the stomach. That little may be enough to set your whole body going again ; for it helps you more than it feeds you. If you have not tried it send for free sample, its a~treeable taste will surprise you. Good actions enoble us, and we are the sans of our own deeds.â€" Cerâ€" vantes. { _ * i 1 Whatever else it may beâ€" it is a vacation for stomach and partly for bowels. Unusual question! > If your digestion needs a rest â€"whatever else may be trueâ€"you can get it from Scott‘s Emuvision of Cod Liver Oil. Mrs. Winslow‘s and if you are in the market for fencing we would like to have you consider the merits o(.tfne “PI‘!" Fence. Coiled Wire, made in our own Wire Mill, woven by ourselves, Shipped already to put up, The PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. (Ltd.) A man who has purchased P: Fenci m:.m the best Fence on the n.freta. ne " What we hav‘nt we‘re after *‘ ISSUE NO 18 1901. sCOTT & BOWNE, Chemis®s, Toronto, »0c. and $1.00 ; ali druggists. You _ _ Well? | "What we have we‘ll hold ‘‘ BE UPâ€"TOâ€"DATE. WALKERVILLE, Ont. Agent, Toronto, Ont. Buifalo, May Ist to Novâ€" Ist, 1901. Treated Free. We have made dropsy and ’tu complications a specialty for twenty years. Quick refiel. Cures worst cases. Book of TESTIMONIALS and 10 b‘jé treatment FRER MELPâ€"MALE DR. H. H.GREEN‘S SON#, Box® Artuaxta, Ga. DROPSY CLOTBES WASBR Welland, Ont. p should al seourse Dr. Talmage & s an exhilaration ani %o try its uplifting po You have all heard wotten Son. Have y @aughter? She was Bhe came down ove world. She has que brow was celestial ra was music. Her nan text introduces her. ways of pleasantness, mre peace." But wha fact is that theologi« m G@ifferent efect u effect sometimes n erbs ill, 17; pleasantness An aged Christi *"When I was a y everything. When of age in my creed @Ared doctrines of ri to be 50 years of ag trines of religion. years of age 1 had religion, and no years of age, and thing I know, and Jesus came into th mers." And so I | study of God‘s wo sempletion of the c ef the eternal world for me to drop thi as being nonâ€"essen the one great doct «inner and Christ . Divine Savior. theology unt leaves leftâ€"i and plain s Nef. wpt to throw s chral into our the shutters a blinds that it i «nd there a cr« streams. . The Jesus Christ is €escribable and ever 1 carn find #t. Now, I take the leaves of imy . theo that in the first p wbove all others is religion. . When 1 I have a passion | all the shutters. want to do this m If there are any | morning who are ento their melanc Jlet them now depar fore the fairest and the most raidiant be verse comes in. God world, but God‘s dar her room. Hail, p Hail, daughter of mighty! Come in af thy throneâ€"room First of all, I h sunshine in Chris not know of anyt than the compani funmakers of the Hoods, the . Chi Charles Mathewes men whose entire make sport. They but if you will exa; raphy you w‘ll tin woul there was a Laughter is no sig maniac laughs. T loon among the The drunkard, d «gainst the wall, i There is a te sinful amusem ment. Such m ێay. They sna ©r they pass yo Long ago I qu: for the reason . and «o stupid. of joy. I must l I @lways walik the street, and have crossed ov clety. I like * better. 1 like ment better. Th tian people, 1 : en when by all : to heve died. | who have contis Wwhen the docto have deen dead of their existen the laws of ani but they had U olty of the gosp that kept them Put ten 0 a room for you will frc resounding atrokes of and profou merely . wo say a "Wor which you a@ll the circ the best fo cumstances 0| you go, and, le second floor, 3 give formal sa the hostess a spending the w cussion of the for treading on fort to keep th up to the sign rround with a mothing 1 and then, going bac sume the close goi «@vening, AnC !"" vhe steps, the sla ’b’ satisfaction Ohn, young man 4ry to spend yo Talmage Foun vOou Long T g at & ) hostess ha Her n a m h nel @1 the M

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