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Durham Review (1897), 2 May 1901, p. 5

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4itab int. DURHAM. 'yly,T,yl'ld'/y,', lil/ld Wit”; AY 2, 1901 MIME (ht '14"Y,', 2-3-1 3: Fl, 1-: LINER M MARRIAGE Licenses """Y‘V'F" Eretle "s in Britain USHES " Jt' RIM.“ ermediato In none. Jeet to it: WI cuts - a l E" Table Lutert I)! .. .. . . . . Fittewltitccoutt'twput"'s ttl tgr and 81 Fittewltrtt'coutt't't'P"t""' an 'n' "ti" up: ao each. Out. spring Prints un- mm in. Ive tarry a full lim- nf Stalin: “rm Hul'dnlzuh- “nuts and shoes fur Mm Women and Children. Try a pair if you want a good shoe. Grape Nuw pm- pkg, wr....."". . 20c Honey Pet' ll, s.... ..r.. .r........ ..lm Sulmlu 1'e.vlon Tea pm- Ih. 25. 30 and 400 in II: and ills. purist-ls. Come and we what a lot ot linwun- wr AHEAD , 0F ( TIME ' Big4w Best Talrle unit“: h 4.5 in. wide 3i l yds lung Bk .. 53 .. . . . .. Floor Uilvlnlh l yd wide pet' yd zivv nu. $I.ll). , JAKE KRESS ', Q$$§s$$§s§sss$§sd I have h large number of oiher. prop- erties in town and country and will sell at trade. farm, Milan"; to it cmnpmnyidnd in otti,i.. ed at low tiqures. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING aswellas other financial business carefuuy atten- nn (iurufraxn Road cohv-eriGli ham. This tttty acres is a sump asked. MONEY TO LOAN 314 1..2 per cent and up‘nccording to security and terms. A---- Lot t8, con, it. Bentlnck. mar Louise P. o, In hands. of " Company. Fine place and must go to <mne "He. 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings, gum] land. will sell cheapor trade. Lot 28, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentlnck a splendid improved farm convenisant, to Durham. Very cheap. He has a big list of Property for su, including the following: Repairing of Wilkins. Jewelry. I specialty. w,. A.. MacFarlgne. Fortunes Lot T. con. 3, Normanby, the lee' 3111 my. 10:1. chJ. E. G. R. Glegelg " "IBF-i."""" I u." I Commons he. Anyone sending a sketch ma tttMMI', may quickly ascertain our opinion free . ether In ----- __e_m'..s.rt u nmh-hli untenable. (winging!- quh‘kly -rttutt our Ovuuuu ll“ .-..--__, invention " probably ikitettttte Communica- m ms smcuy ikrnttdetituk Hundbook on Puma pent tree. was“ agency for mung patents. Patents men t ittl Mann a o. receive my! non“. without mo. lathe - -- A. CI- - A A " A-“ A handsomely “hunted woolly. we". ur- cuminn of my iiieitilutg','tli Toma. . a In! 1 four month. " by .13qu 'r"e'll'r'.."'t'G'r' A"aiiiii"ii."Bou by " ”View“ I"!!! magnum New 1ng t “a Walkman. D. In aim-3’s lwtter than to be bebind'it. t is still better to be on time. Our watches rrn in harmony with the wlnpols of this univeru- mu] you can always dept-ml nu mun. 'they are in now! “was too atrd are sold " hamm- ttble prices. HE SELLS CHEAP! l Wnfiflaflmmfs" . H. BEAN MAY BE MADE By Ruling With H. H. Miller, The Hanover Conveyancer Jake Kress. MA)? 2. 1901 :27 in. wide pain 37 " £8 ah' Pea, 27efryre $100k. face Curtains. Mlllli& (lhh'4 Block to Iouic at price Ae., l 00 T.nc "dot t if)! Mc. 3.3" In Mr. Harcourt. the Minister ot Edu. cation, is the hewl of the department which calls for high activities of mind and >peech. The sultjt‘t'i, of education i: as wide "m' the civilized world. and a votuptwhtursiott of it is of necesuity, an enlarging intiuenvv, To litanuge the educational syi'tn of Ontario elf-Jew tin-iv Mr. Harcourt must have not. only l a thorough knowledge of Ontario. hut also " vttttip;vt-tlive kliowletlge of sys- tetns and uu-thotl~~ used in other coun tries It 'is not too much tosuytlatl, Mr. Hurmurl, is " competent Minister of Etlltcatiu-Iu. aud that he has fully apprehended hi~tluties and the work- iugxot' his department. His intimate acquaintance with detail was elumn several times timing the last, session of the Legislature, when the department was' under. wine stress from the oppo- sition. The educational system of On. twin is :l very coneinnute umchiue. and explanations of it might easily become tedious if they were not. well couched, Mr. Harcourt succeeded not. only in keeping the outline distinct, but also in making the details interesting. He expounded the general principle that the educational system is contrived to confer the 'r,reatestqood on the greatest number. and that in these days the greatest number are interested ll) hav. ing a practical education that will tit them for earning a livelihood with the greatest economy of time. Mr. Har, court will douhtless have something to Alabastine MacFarlane 81 Co, say to the public about the. Department of Education. He will explain the system, and will prove that a great deal of the criticism ia irresponsible, either coming from people who know little about it. or who are more apt at tear- ing down than at. practical suggestions tor building up. Mr. Harcourt will tell the public these things in crisp, lucid English. which will clear away many misunderstandings. As Minister of Agriculture. Mr. Dry- den is pretty well known to the brawn and sinew of Ontario. the. farming community. He is eloquent in dairy schools, agricultural colleges, farmer's institutes, and other things which have helped to develop agriculture in this province. People will remember that his last speech in the Legislature was in support of " generous grant to the Feet sugar industry-a grant which had in mind not cnly the manufacturer, but also the farmer who does the growing. Mr. Dryden's is a department which hardly demands impassioned oratory, Window Shades 0f fllf ()llllllll() MINISIRY WHO Will snonlv W ()hrlt Where paper cannot be used there is nothing bet- ter mixes with cold water and will not rub off. We. have the popular tints. Have advanceo in price, but we have a large stock in plain, decorated, fringe, lace, and lace and insertion which we will sell at old price. We also have a number of odd shades in pairs or singly at remnant prices. Druggists & Booksellers. PEN PICIIJRES Although politics are a practical " fair. a politician would be in a bad way if he Could not present his ease skilful- ly. The people of Ontario will pros- ently have a chance to judge what the Cabinet Ministers can do in the way of talking, and they'will have, no reason to be disappointed. Talk is cheap, to be sure. but in legislative assemblies it is the surface index at ability to think well and clearly, and, generally, the man who can speak most forcibly is the man who can act with most deci- sion. The thought lies behind the word and the deed in front ofit. This explains why the Cabinet oi any Gov. ernment usually comprises its best speakers. It is important that the acts of aGovernment shall be clearly trans- lated to the public. The Ontario Cab- inet is pretty well equipped with elo- quence. By manv Premier Ross is Considered the most effective English orator in Canada. He is not only a political speaker, but he is in great request at banquets and lunctions of all 3 nts for his easy humor and wide out- look. Nothing of human interest seems to be foreign to the Premier's mind and on all subjects that he covers he sp"aks with the authority of a knowl- edge culled at fiat band. He has a Seotehmau's pttdileetion for facts and an orator 's dexterity in adorning them making them palatable, and yet not sacwitieing their good effect. It may be a matter of disposition or training ; it may bo that the practical questions which the Ontario Government has to deal with-at any rate the most eager s wker for information has never goin- away hungry irom a speuch by I’re- mior Russ. lie always seasons his words with a sprinkling of statistics that are well worth digesting, bat which may lw taken away without marring the speech as a whole. This is one reason why the Premier's ad- dresses are so acceptable to all classes. In this respect he is something ofa contrast to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, another grunt orator, who doesn't always con- descend to figures. Premier 'Ross remembers that Ontario is a very practical province, and his whole pub. lie carver seems to be an avoidance of Hamlet's criticism, "Words, mere words." The Premier's skill in con- densation and precise expression may I be put down to his early experiences as a newspaper editor. It was then he l learned to "boil down," to think close ly, and to do neat literary joinery. It is probably for this reason that his speeches never slop over, never show any pvriervid rhetoric or cxtemporan- eous padding. Such speeches always read well without editorial pruning. This is a rare quality in a political speech. The intention ot the Govern- ment to do a little spellbinding this summer is a wise one. Many people in l Ontario have been entertained by the lPremter’s eloquence in the cause of ltempcrance, moral reform, Canadian history, and the political [issues of the day. Still, there are many who have never heard him. Consequently, it is a good idea to send the Premier into some of the fighting constituencies. it is a foregone conclusion that the Ross Government will gain many new friends by the Premier's clever exposi- ' tion ot the questions of the my. Mr. latchford. Minister of Public Works, has an easy, genial manner, and beluga. lawyer, he can present a case clearly and succinctly. Mr, Gibson, the Attorney-General. makes no claim to eloquence. As one critic has said, he suffers from an embarrassment of riches. and sotnetimes he hesitates as he chooses the rightward for the right place. Mr. Gibson's matter Will always be found worth considevatiott for. its hard sence and practical tendency. As a chairman of cmmmttee. to get through an anmzmg amount of work, the Attnr ney-General is without, a peer. Mr. Davis, the Minister of Cpown Lands, has always been known ha a "matt? speaker, Hill] business like lirrtut and trenchanry. "u! it does demand a wise head and I. practical bent. However. when the Cabinet goes on the slump Mr. Dryden will tsurprise many people hy his fiuencv. Just give him a subject, and he can coin phrases and scatter adjectives with the best of them. to understand his good comradeship, his heartiness and his breezy candor. The Provincial Secretary is, above all things, a man of affairs-the more af- fairs he can tackle the better he likes it -and he has the reputation of being one of the hardest workers that ever had an office in Queen's Park. Mr. Stratiou. the Provincial Secreo tary, will be a strong card in the tour. It will not take Ontario audiences long ()llll fl)ll()lll(r_(i(jllo)lll)lilii, hgh R088 10 The ful 00- --.- THE. DURHAM REVIEW Butchers' Cmttl-tieveral buyers ihre utter picked lull and were prepued to ply In Illgh as 04.40 If they obtained the right gummy. Whether they were too par- ucuhn'. or whether holders naked bun much, there was not much businon done m that line In the good to choice clash- Export thustle-Cables report disap- pointing an.“ at Glasgow Mid export. uealerti in" hiplug lulu. Liverpool old London will show tb relative impi-veineui. Out] buyer mud [priceo wire Advancing here, while they were declining in the old country; he oouoidered um. cutie won nailing too high in Toronto. om, hind ot particularly choice “on" sold at M,M, but the range of the general market was ubont Mendy iii 84.75 to 05.15 tor clinic. and 94.83 to 84,75 tor medium, including light weigh". The abound was (why iiciive. but, than were not many good clule to he had. The upproaeli ot the HORQSOD ot nonunion is partly responuihlo for the |:tivity, as .liippen no lrrlnging [.0 till iliespuce iliey have taken. Some buyers hm: olreudy purcbuwd iiii uniuy cattle as they need. and will do no moi. bllslulsl nuiil utter navigimon open: Cream Separators, Chums, 81c The run of cattle up the Western Cattle Market tu-day was mun“, but were Was a good demand and the otiUiugs were glue-lily sold. Prices held steady and In sum: classes buyers rutused to do business became they cuuhl not. axon! to [my the punch Anne” my holders. Good eault, wan: Axum; and Lin: luw that. “ch: antral muuu rum) bug 51‘.\ at top prions. rAiport- era “are [can active, ou,h puma! steady. Liana to lucked bulcuen' were .tuug and in keen ueuraud. The receipts at madman to Amen»: butcher; Wem compmrnuyuly Inge and they Weru luchued to mag. Hun: wareqmet and uuclmugeJ. i-‘eedexs hem surady. with a good Inquiry lot ahorL- keep. Medium uuu Hum were macuvo. wwu hum. otleriugs, Mulch cows were aull uuu [here Was an active demand for chum-e unmade. bhevp. lambs, culvus 5nd hugs Were uuuuuuged. The total run WM 53 man, lucmdiug 600 came, " sheep and lambs. 62 calves and 228 hogs. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE MAKING YOUR CHOICE AT THE Wood.................. Bnriey............... ...... Lunba..................... Dressed Hogs. per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Baturr,frob roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. 'ihlrlieys................... Potatoes. per bag....... Pena........................ Oats Eggtr-...........-. Hides. per cwt.......... Calfskins. per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard, perlb.............. Beit, per CWI............ Flour......... Wheat............... Ins.......-. DURHAM MARKETS FROST d WOOD fiWlllll ROOMS Live Stock Market. Toronto. “Hun”, a”. of Best Make and at fair prices. The FINEST & LARGEST SELECTION ever received in town of the well-known and high grade Buggies, Carriages, from the Canada Carriage Co. of Brockville. $333E3333 F""eF""e"tN.t. ' J?" 'tt 50 I}. L. ltl If! _ W. -f.t 70/02 2'rb/hgrst'om? “sea-est»; £33359”; BOOTS. SHOES and. :Ee"ttE3:EB:EEEeSS At Special prices The prices make it interesting. eases”; .'."66tt.ire) :Comefand see us in our new. store . McArthur, Durham, 325 140 4O M 62 18 14 12 12 10 00 tr " 14 " 62 62 65 40 They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Scintim. Neuralgin Lumhngo, and allfnrms of Kidney and Liver troubles. - or srunlous IMITATIONI, Try our Rheumatic i1pecifie or Kidney and Liyec Pills. Hours of sunshine M', Rainfall 01 in. Snowfall 0.5 ttt Genera1ditecticn of the wmd S. E. but very variable. THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Sold by H. Parham Durham Fred-short-usp no consudered ttood property It " to 4.50. um! will readily bring those figures. Medium are quiet at 98.65 to " and light In Shandy at 83.25 to 63.65. The offering were small and trade was inantivo. Hogs-h light run and a steady market. Quotations me unchanged at $6.75 per tnet tor selects and 06.2.": for ligut, and es than was more activity and for a tin. buSanu was brisk. Poor cutle dragged badly." the range of quotations In nu- c'uangd. There in I. keen demuud for tine cattle for tho local trade and even moderately good animal! find a market at fair prion. Ronqh stock no not wanted the market would thtive if they were never offered. Export Bull--aiirrket quiet with I small supply. Prices hold sandy at " to 84.87} tot heavy and 08.50 to " for light. Milch come-TO day's receipts amount- ed to about half n dozen cows, and these were ot indifferent quality. They sold at $25 to $40. A buyer aid he would pay Mo for a choice animnl. but he seemed Lo obtain what. he wanted. Sheep Ind Ltuntsir-motations no un. changed and market is dandy. Bun Was exceedingly small, but than was a brisk demand. Trade in good. Ctrlveit--0iferiugs large and trade motive. Merket is steady, with prices uuchanne.) at $1 to $8 each. fats. 'tlhrat of the midday/I Jfau " For the week ending April 27th, Tempom! un- Mm. A Carts & Democrats Apr. Take the lead evorywhue. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence thaw. that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. ONTARIO ARCHIVE§ TORONTO WEMHER llllllfllll. 27 2.1 MM If 2M Cr c, 40 Mt M (i7 ax 59 59 'm WU] I London Advertirier, Weekly. l arndRevirw "ne war $1.50 REVIEW' lid Weekly Globe II (I) l REVIEW lld Weakly 'oil..... £1.70 , Bl'_l!' ad loam] _ -- - Company and private Funds to Loan on Mongugvs It hwo‘t nuns ot interest. \‘nluutiuu mule My ucumpebeutuud cumin] Valuawr. Concetta” and Agency promptly "tend" to Wills, Howls, Mummy-H, Imus, Wen“ Arman-molly prepared. I~Mum of dove-mad par soxmluuked "tertsnd Executur‘u and AdmiuU- truurs' Amount; prep-wed and and 's'ttwito Court, ammo... l’rubuw ot Wilt: Lotta-u 0! Ad. minumuun uni (iuurduumhip (mined. 3... Ohms Talk! in Reriruy (miner and 'ntler, Dupomd on mun" PUBLIC, comma-cut. ac omee----LOWER 10WN. DURH‘... OFFICE-ati lyre Block. BARRIS TER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY Puluc. couulsuouin. ere. Collections of all kind Farms but: M promptly "Nevada! fo am! uuldg OFFICEo-McKoano'u Old Stand. Durham. Ont. Office, over Gum's store. LowerIown DARLING'S DRUG STORE &eds ./ Jem/s Jem/s ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durumn Pharmacy Calder'. Block. Retudence first door west of the Post Ottice, Durham. TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES London Advertiser. Dnily. and Review one you 32.1 We Q; lUMiN il i)ill M8 D. McF’I-IAIL,/ S. SCOTT. CLOVER. TIMOTHY Mo JILL KINDS OF SEEDS. Money to Loan at regsonaole rates and on terms to sun borrower. " on. persona to reproach! II " Mum" in this cud close by counties. Salary on I your and expat-u. Straight. troni, no more holes» nlnrv. Position airman“. Our veteran“. any bank In my wn. It in mnlnly can work conductod " home. Roi {on-co. Enclose loll-Mdmnd aka-pol envelop. Tm: batman: than)". 0.”... China... Terms modern“. srrotgotttettts for salon. u todtstori,&e.tnttnt, ”a tttttsie at The “anew 06100. Durham. Crotsttondetuto minim-sued there orto linwae P." will be promptly Attended to. Terms Net uppllcutmn to NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, at CONVEVANCER. VALUATOR. Insurance Agent. W1tP.i2.u,.e".ye.r: BRIGHT AN RON on "Frann- tn Nun's-nut '" n "Ann-n Dr. T, G. HOLT L. D. s. J. P. TELFO RD, We can give you Bargains. DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. 'arristor, Jfotarv, Gon- veyanccr, etc" flee..... MONEY TO LOAN Ill, S, DAVIDSON. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOPS. dc., or best quality. Calder 's Block, Durham. Charges Medea-ate m A. l)hlluli(l D. ”CPHAIL. Mopeville P. 0 C. RAKAGE Durham. Private Money to Loon, Lin-used Auctioneer fot the County of Grey. {Hirer the Bank B5

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