West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 May 1901, p. 8

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I; t" M ii: H me Jai, Jinn? J. A. HUNTER J. A. HUNTER ta, Jpg, &ore When you want anything at all go to The Big Mme. Your money back if put don't like your pur- chase. We my Cash or Trade' for Butter and Eggs. and guarantee to pay as high as anyone else in Durham. Call and get. a Butter Box for 30 cts. Money refunded when box returned. It is a pleasure to look over our large assortment of Silks and Satins. We have a handy way of showing our stock in a few moments. We carry the only full range of colors in Silks and Satins in town. Our Black Silk at $1.25 is a beauty. In this department we might mention--. Velveteen. We cut them on the square or bias. Almost every shade you require. We are prepared to supply your wants. First of all you may re- quire some Soap to clean up. We sell 6 Bars Comfort for 25c. Then you may require some of Robertson's Ready-mixed House Paints or some of our New Wall Papers at say 3e roll. A new pair of Lace Curtains at 25c, 50c or $1.25 per pair. Then a neat Wooden Curtain Pole complete for 250. Then a Carpet-utr inches wide at 25c yard. Whiting, Glue, Paint Brushes, Oils. Varnishes, Glaws.Nuils, &e SOME HOUSE MEANING IDEAS IHE MI mun MII (Mil Every pair warranted, positively non-breakable over the hips, or at the waist line. They are Bias filled, short waist and are posi- tively the best and easiest fitting corset on earth for 82.00. We have the exclusive agency for Durham. We expect the manu- facturers to send their expert lady traveller up to our store for a few days to demonstrate the good qualties of the B. &l. Corsets, and to take orders for specially stout ladies, etc. Call and get a circular. OUR [HDIES' IlflJll AND Iliil This new line is very popular, being made of attractive ma- terials, graceful and inexpensive il Some have Metal Tips. We have a very nice range of Leather and Metal Belts, from 15c each up to 75c each. The Black Patent Leather Belts with gold braid is a very popular style now. Mrres Silk COUNTER I This ninetun in on every bog of the (Quill. mauve Bromo-Qumme mm- t I. M M - a all h on. “I Many women have been reproached for livmg for the sole object of entertai- ing. No one doubts that such an aim IS petty and narrowing. but it is equally certain that it is a woman's duty to understand The Art. of Entertaining. and this forms, the subject of an attract- ive and useful article by LADY JEUNE Tm: COSMOPoLI'rAx for May. Last Sunday was the finest Sabbath day we hare had for Home tune, conso- quently a large number of ladies and toattert1ies we" out. Miss Christens McDongall. who spent some time With her parents. North Lino Glenelg returned again to Duluth. In viewing our cemetery we are sorry to ".r it is in a delapuluted state. headstones aslant, hurdocks would pull out easily now and it would be well if some of them were out of the way- Graves made while the snow was deep are sunken in now and this would be the proper time to tix them up. There were many new mounds made during winter which need repairing. Friend. would do well to look after the resting place of their dead. Arch Butters attended the funeral of the late Mr Russell. in Durham. Miss Jennie Robertson, of Buifttlo, is spending a few weeks mth her mother of this town. We no pleased to find Mrs Me1nues, sr., improving in health after her long experience of Sickness. Miss Mary McDonald. who has been badfast for months is gaining slowly and able tr. be about the house again. Our enumeratnrs say there cannot be any people in the Dominion kinder than the people of Gloualg and Artemesia. We came across Malcolm McInnon barn yard the other day and it looks as much like a. now null yard " anything elm judging from the piles of lumber. Moe is going to build a. largo and commodiom barn this summer which accounts for ali the timber and lumber in readiness. The beautiful weather we have had for the last few days reminds us of the approach of summer. Seeding is In oper- anon for the last few days The storm of Saturday the 20th April was almost equal to any we have experienced all win- ter Ronda are getting dry and passab'e now. The meadow fiehhs are b:ginning to have a beautiful greenish color which m- (licates that growth has begun. Birds are 'sin.eitur, their cheerlul notes of praise. The little" lambs are sknpping.upou the hill-elm and all animate creature: are el- loying the comforts derived from the warm rays of the sun. The sick ones are getting better and those that spent the jung and dreary months u winter on languishing beds of sickness are swim privileged to go about although tar from being in a healthy condition. yet there is mama to be thankful that they were not numbered amongst the many that has penned Away during the last few months. We are informed that Mum) Stone- house pnrchnnod Ilobt MeDonald's farm, Durham Road, Glenelg. This is a good investment for Mr Stonehouse And fam. ily as the farm is so eonvenUnt to them, suits: them better than anyone else. Uur village merchants 1nd all other bun-incl: men are prepared to meet. tha requirements of the rte-son and an able to compose favourably with any other town powesaed with similar facilities. Miss Tena McDonald (Hugh'r) who spent a lulu: time under Dr Bovle'n trent- ment is able to be about again and seems to be as lively and cheerful as ever for when Tenn is compelled to take to her bed it is an unquestionable faetlthat she is sick. All right, now we are pleased to report that she 15 gaining her usual strength and vitality after her long experience of Iickness. Colin McLean will mu his chopper every Snlurday during the busy season an"! further notice. Messrs Donald McMillan. of the South Line. and John Nlcnol of the gravel road ouch lost. a horse lately from itithunrnauon of the lungs. Tins II a serious loss no any time at year. bat more especially a! this mason. Joseph Anssum sold his farm to a Mr Cook trom somewhere down the country and now we are pleased to have Mr Ana. sum as one of our Townsmen a. he has moved to Mr Metlowan's lnuse. Alex McLeod and family are sesidents at our thriving town also. Mr McLeod sold his farm recently to David Hiuelo of the South Line. Glenolg. Planned to have T A Ferguson back again from Choboygau. T intends to commence fuming next year and has rented hil place to Colin McLean for this season's crop only. John McDonald (Hugh's) met with a painful accident while working in a. saw mill at the Soo by getting the index finger taken " and the next. cut in half ways. The young man started off tor home as soon u be got the wounded hand dress- ed and we are pleased to report under the treatment of Dr Boyle, of this town, that ho is getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Mrs Jas McDonald. South Line. Glen- elg. who was staying With her noice Mrs John Ferguson, of Proton intends to come back to her own house and home again this week, b'. L. Glenelg. No mat- ter how well and kind the treatment received elsewhere the natural disposition of luau is that there is no place litre home, let it be ever so humble. So this venerable lady wishes to end her days where she spent years of health and strength, when able to attend to her own affairs. The census enumerators were through with their work some time ago in the adjoining wards near town. g gr2f, Latest Literary News. Prleeville. George Caluert, near Vickers will on Thursdaf' May 2. offer for sale his stock and imp ements without reserve. Terms t--8 months. 2g' rent per an. discount for each on or it amounts. It is fitting for us and we hereby return thanks to the public generally on behalf of the enumet'atots, who mm and all speak in praise of the warmth of their reveption from almost every home. At the same time. as Commis- sioner we heir, to thank the enumet'ators for their faithful services and the will- ingness they have shown to meet all requirements of the Census Act. From the wide variation shown in egg production one or both of two things should receive the olose attention of the farming population. Either, a better. system of recording results should he. adopted or the necks of half the fowl in the country should he wrung. Similar treatment seems Very necessary also in the dairying ranks for plainly many are "keeping" cows and poultry instead of making cows and poultry help to keep them. No Ruler road to progress can he found than the habit of keeping results, and the comparison to he made with previous years will show progress or the need of it. Many interesting points cannot he referred to until ofmually announced from Ottawa. The work has been no sinecure, as we can testify. and we hope the results obtained over all Canada will he gratifying to our national pride and worth the expenditure which will approximate to half a million dollars. The census year was an unfortunate mu- fur S. Grey as tar as fruit, was run- corned. 1000 heing an "at?" yrar in this respect. The planting; of forcsr Lives ls going on largely in many districts and will he likely to increase before another census. The last book ot the 38 on mnerators of South Grey, was handed in to our office on Tuesday of this week and the count. is complete as far as an honest dirt on the part of all concerned made possmle, The work was no light task, as many found, and the facts sought for, though to some ap- pouring trivial, are of much conse- quencc in the aggregate. I The oldest ennmerat r Was Mr. Mal. irolm McPhee. of Nornmnhy. who has Ilived through 8 census years and re- members 7 of them, yiz.. from 1tU1 onwards. 'l‘ht-olilest.nelson we heard of was Mr. McPlwe's father. who w:i< 100 years old last, June. Durham has another (‘entenzu'inn in the person of Mrs. Lawn-nee. who pesult.s with her son George. South Grey showed black ‘men. yellow men and white men. though no red as: far as we. know. There were Swiss and Syrians. and Norwegians, as wellas Germans, French and from the isles of the sea. There were a few cases where the “lacinl might" could not be traced out, of this continent, though belonging to the white races, suggesting the necessity of anew name. A surprising variety of "occupations" turned up amongst them heing "none" and "professional tramp." The “religion” column shows all kinds of the Christian sects, some Mahomme. dans, no Jews as- far as We noticed, several are Fhwvthinkers an l 'Agturstrc' and "Atheist" have their representa- tives. The proportion of illitetaus amongst white adults is Rratifyingly small thew lining not more. than two or three families of grown up whites who cannot read or write. For the first time in any Canadian Census an attempt has been made to aseertain the proportions of the 'popu- lation born in rural or in urban district and its value is not so great now as it will be in 1911 when conclusions can be -drawn as to the movement to or from the country and this know- ledge is of great value tostatesmen whose duty it is to examine into any mevement whose tendencies may possibly be injurious. For the firat time also an attempt has been made to find out the agricul- tural resources of the country. not of course as in some quarters is absurdly imagined for any purpose of taxation, but as the basics on which to form es. timates in future years as to the lines agriculture is likely to run in, that so provision may be made in transport- ation, storage Ae., to meet most profit- ably current demands. While the duties have boon arduous and exating where faithful works has been done, it has not been without a touch of humor and many are the stories told of amusing experiemwsand taekfal devices in the prosecution of the. work. Much expressed indignation is being uttered by Consetwatixres becausein- dustries employing less than tive hands are not enumerated on the special schedule. Bat it should be remem- bered that the mumberof manufactur- ing establishments are taken account of and if, nsfeared, there shout! appear to be a falling off' since 1901, the ox- planation can be trathft1'ly given that the enumeration of industries in '91 was little better than a tame, sinee even in some cam-s washerwoinen were returned amongst the industries. Nothing is to be gained by stutfing the census and much is to be lost by with- holding vxact information, and we have been pleased to learn from the enumbrators that only a few instances did ignorance or unwillingness inter- fere with their duties. The results nhmim-d are more valu- able than might at first, sight, appeal. Tukingune tnan'senutttevation only. it, is possible to he a long way out, taking 10 men, the 'tveprtge will he noarm' the truth, and taking l0.000 men the "yet" age will he still noun-r, and will prur- tically furnish a hams Tttl which to build calculations. SALE REGISTER. HUGH MACKAY. Auctioneer. ', THE CENSUS THE Will be for service, for season of 1901 at Lot 9, Con. 2, W. G. R. Bentinck. TERMS: 81.00. LARGE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR Any readers of this paper can test the merits at Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50e per bottle. -0ak Lodge Major 2nd-- lured by J. E. Bu-tlmur. Burford, Out., Farvowed Nov 23, 1899. 2nd owners. Brethnur and Saunders. Burimd. 3rd owner. Jno. Marshall, Varney, Sire was the importtd "Oak Lodge Royal King" --30t4 L-hred in Nottingham. England, Extended Pedigree on application. The underigned will keep tor service at lot 32, mm. 12, Bentinck. for the sea- son of 1901, a thoroughhred Durham Bull, one of the best specimens from Parker's herd. Pure lightred. Terms: 81 to insure if sold, Insurance rates will be charged. __ - The undersigned will keep for service season 1901. at Lot l7. Con. 2, Nor-umnhy the fine Yorkshire Bam- w. FRED SHEWELL. Wellreek P. o., March 16. 1901. This is what Mrs. J. W. Butchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say, 'l cannot say too much for Dr. Pitch- er's Backache Kidney Tablets. Be- fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the loins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dis- appeared. Formerly when I did a washingI was utterly tired out, not having a bit of energy left. This morning I did mv washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Piteher's Baekaehe Kidney Tablets, for I never had anything do me so much good." The Council met Aprile18tlt pursuant to adjournment. All the members present. Tue new in the c'mur. Minutes of last meeting rend and eoufirmed. Communications read as follows : From C Homage. account. for printing; 5 T Mtsruu,rermve to drainage ; It J Weton. relative to timber on roads; James Staples, rela hive to road scraper ; Robert. Braithwam account lor wood for Mrs Dillon; G Lawrence, account. for flour for Mrs Dillon; showell * Lennhan, eottiu for S McArnhur; c, L McCuul, account for legal services. By-Law No. 404. tixiur. rtstuantrrtstious for members of Cauucll. Committees and Road Commissioners was introduced and read a tiret and second time. MoCsu1msl-MeInnu--.TUt a cheque be issuod on Treasurer for the sum 011409.81 being voucher for orders given by Mr Staples while new; of Glenelg for work done an Gloucrous budge In 1900. Car. Letter upon letter pours in from every point in Canada testitying tothe marvelous power' of Lr. Pitehcr's Baekaehe Kidney Tablets to cure kid- ney and bladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such Other troubles as find their origin iv a faulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidence puts ts power to cure these afflietions be,. yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. Artinitn--MeCtsnnel--That Shewell and Lounhun be paid " for cotiin to: the late Samuel McAnhur. that. being the usual amount paid. Carried. Mecauauel--Mernuis--mvst, Alex Bell be paid 825 on salary " Ausspaor. Cur. MeChuuael--Davis --'1‘hat Thos Lauder be puld 82.75 tor Registration Benches. relative to Treasurer's suretneu for ll . of uleuelg, also “out Bruithwnine $11.26 for TI Cows ot woou for Mrs Dillon, and G Luwrouce 81.90 tor 100 lbs flour for Mrs. Dillou, Curried. 1Javis-iurowsuaiut-cruat the Mumci- pal World be paid 61.00 for legnl service. and that witueas fees he paid as (allows : J s Black 02.10. It T Edwards 31.30. Jas ’Stuplea $1.40 and Thus McFadden 81.00 IOIaLIVO lo McIums nun. Carried. THOROUGHBRED BULL hlecatinel-- 1leInuir-TUt A McLach- Iin be paid 82.10 for gravel for 1900 as certified to by patlnuuster. Carried. Mcchuuael--1htvitr.--TUt G L 1iechyol be paid for cuuduchug unit. for eorporaLou ol Gleuelg. Carried. Arrowruutth--1IcInnis--'t'hat the ac- couutof u haulage lor Printing; Auditors, reports amounting to 310.05 be paid. Cur, Arrowsmith - McCannel - That the reeye and Clerk be a. committee to wait on the Treasurer to his Communication and other matters connected with this Coun- cil and report u next meeting. Carried. MeCannrr-McInuir--Tirat Ily-law 404 tising remuneration of [numbers of mum- cipal Council be now read a 1mm lime. signed.wuled and engromcnl all liy-lnw book. Carried. The Council adjourned. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR REVIEW TORONTO Thousands Give Testimony. BEYOND A DOUBT. TERMS:-75 cts. GLENELG COUNCIL. B. ALEXANDER. J. S. BLACK. Cierk. John Marshall. Jr. jiiiiiii HANK or cannon _ - "ey'""""' Palmerstcln Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. " -ll Dunn-w. Tlrnttrvs and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS s'h'is1r'r's'2 MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil , , .' tr Machines and supplies. ams Sewing c. Mcx'uuou. South of Middaugh House Lower Town. Wilkinson Ploughs, number ""‘r 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinda. Shares, 'f,",'lg1attt',t Etc. Not genuine un ess the yards " WILKINSON PLOUGH Con . '" each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made i't'ft,l'J,'e'iQ,t2n. Coulter & Scott Drills and (htltivators, Disc and Spade Har- rows, Seuftiers, Ete. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods '. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up. ...e..... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND Fe . . . T . . .. 600,000 AGENTS in all prineipnl points m Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United Males and England. A general Banking busim’Ss transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed ut I'm-rem rates. SAVINGS BAY.ta wrst,eres,t allowed on savings hank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every bteilit-r afforded customers living MR distance. J KELLY, Agent. All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. "'.FMt everything for farmers! The new designs of wall paper are made in heroic proportions. Here are sthemosthown beautiful wall papers ever seen in the wall paper market. The idea has been to give to the pur- chaser of wall paper all that excellence, good taste and judgment can put into papers at reasonable price. We are sure you will find just what you want. Lincoln’s Nettle Ointment The Only Guaranteed Cure MacFarlane&Co. DRUGGSTS & BOOKSELLERS RI‘H'OMMENDEI) and fur Sale by SPECIAL ditevtious in every parknge wlll show vou how to cur» lit-hing. Pron-uuling m- Bleeding Piles, Cots- stipation of the bowel: or any akin disease. Price 25C. Ask for Stun ple. PREPARED ONLY BY DURHAM A GENCY. HEROIC PROPORTIONS. It, not, only gives gives instant, re lief, but IL cut-M to may cured hy re- moving the vit-ttse-Const/rat ion. Head Office, Toronto. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball W; ULTIVATING, r fl; Scott Drills and [llllhl.ll MEDICINE (10.. For Piles JOHN A. DARLING. 50 Queen St” Ottawa. [)I'RUAM, ONT a)" We ‘DlIleM REVIEW; it 1lCllu GO cts to new subscribersto end of year. l x J. G HUTTON. Mi a) Cash or ftarmers' produce. (ii 1lllljlifllf iRllllllll. "!"b) Lower Town. J/ea) Grocery Store. RESIDENCE and OFFICE-”M Bunk Elm“: ToWN,DrHtHhM. Nothing Stale. Everything New and 1rp-txrdate.and he cordially invitcsa trial. TheundersignM has opemd out in his new building in Lower Town, (neait door to C. McKinnon) full lines ot Member Collage Physician and Burgeoum Ottt-to. OFFICE HOI‘RS IV ill Nari! Prieevigte 1 week from 9 a. m. A Telephone Connection No. 10 P If I C' E Me mm: o.f her putrum will be grat- ified. T he ideas (ff fashion tretttr.t's are at your diataosal here (h WBUHBSUIW I Ilaglllli, a! the FLOUR, FEED, M I SS DICK cordially inrita the India: of I lurlmm and ril'inity to ottettd Are. Her stock has. ham (awfully selected and Mr in eotyidettt that in Mate rial 3f " k e-up and April 3 'f 4 "ttdfrlloteitte days Oppol " Mddaugh Home, Lambton St about the popular bicycle. It's the Racycle and is the only one with the sprocket between bearings. That means 27 per cent easier to push. A GORDON. .. 1tII,i,t.NFlllY w te?? you 9-12 1.. m GEO. LAWRENCE. MIL LIN ERY ROOMS Glt0CERHiS, de. MISS Mi. MAY 2, 1901 ttPhWf NG 2-4 [Lin Friday each l " m. J Aveiter. agons. t'lr'iit, you and up lulu not pass wstito! elm-"Minn of thi delves. Emu-91 yourself and " esteem. we are , ours 1 Ksox Ca In, lot. 1901. lath-I m the hi m warn wider The .s I" ll Sum app" Ilu-ir pmm u "" "mu-div" to live one. should not t should he III on them in I and it in only all our “was of our hard} Uppe'.' Tum: "ttcept In n fe and it 099mm planted at om of growth. I out a lot lhis put Ill Add! lhw Btwtatttte w wards For wo I “(I In "MFA lay mu gun-limo“! 1 mum tttttttor avoid ()ur s ulythin a vie. m Blues! one tioatt, Heite imsect icidw tt M" Imuw and Sumo cot on Illil pug We want (my (will. Ril'icl Iy Drug Hun Local and " VOL. A SURPKI lt M Mr. 1 ‘ruwf W.UI Pats Rev. D. I Clot art-kind The "I; lin Inn-um 't in “My heat yum M M mu 13th tii ill t lg? um M sh hi

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