W" congratulati- Mr Campbell and E ;;"l‘l’l|ltl‘ll(ll‘lelIL"illllI)‘:'-i‘llli9L('ll']:::';;i1|;:::::fu]]i::xl(ll(; the cottgtvgation Ott the Itappy ttttit tt 1 Ill, cts to clear itself. some ratepayers that 80H!†ttt trlvllow “ml t.strtms.tt.httr i allege that the agreement calls only for with "K" asul have pleasure m Iruhltsh- ir It)? cts and will pay no more. in); the wart" "rul Lirully;uldtvss: l We are not pie iared to say who is To Rev. Mr. 1'amphell. lresponsihle for tliis mix-up. hut, th.e “ear sin i situation calls fora good den of m.un- The “mum.†and adherents of; cipal Wisdom and CIVIC forbearance. Knox Chuvch, Normanhv. 1H1 this i I‘he (lefecuve walks niiisthe made good. â€ct-anon desire to convey to you their I the 1"ti1"/','.t//ti"t/: surely c'att be agreed "ppveciittirut of yoi‘ilr '"i/f,tlty1 and 3:21:11.“ 'te,td,"iltet"ip; 2g,d1'e""""' m iastoral duties. ie or-nei- ieiiig . I . ". _ ' . . . . tc, liighlv conducive to a spiritual uplifting met?,",,", ft,1,efthhaeUive 1t1t,1tltt tis and Jditication of the people and the l.' l?.',' 11hl'tllf e. awn quan Cilltlmi latter to the promotion of a social unity fm "IIT, lots] Wh'ICh completely- :i'"i'i' in the church as a whole. of an indwi. one " 1yice,ce"d',oe,fii, men 'Y.', ,.', dual isurmtive to a nohlei' manhood, a 'f/iii','),,.',',') .“eie to T elieved Ben' eral warmer heart, a truer friendship, a other-saw}. 1eetiltr'ie,1"1eS,t,1ye, f'hur; wider sympathy and a deeper love. danger O‘f 2f"2,tuiot, "emf-I 'itll'") i" The smallgift which we are ahoiit to 1tii'tilsoe1 t denac et t (lytl'ltnili le, y y picseiit to you ii not intended to i'epre- I (“mtl e ban] f.ly.r.fff f: , dd bu. 'llf, It sent aiiv comparative value or relation l por Inet J" aws arefpmise t ey s on C, twtweeit vou and IPI, hut. more as a l in t 'f. iiitereslts o the town, aseuie medium or tone". of the feeling of this l thtyse.l,ves' on l te tttatter. . ponwogzition to you as minister and. The Board of \Vorks on the question pastor. In thrs gift which we now pass I o? the condition .of the water tanks than the hand of the congregation to , made a poor. showing, and very lit-Ces- th.ut ot Your own may a mutual hit-ss- .' sai'y steps‘ were taken to see that these I“: l". ta:. l;p;|<§urtl(l that it ait'otsds ( were put in right condition at once. in gunnine pleasure to ttttwt you on this One of the tankson awestern street has happy and socialm-rasimi and toexprt-su _ we understand heen empty most of the r.» you through this short adapt-es the I wmtep, while others aie three-fourths _,uitirtuurtsvot' the cntire congregation , full. toward you. May a "leviing continue] The prevalence of small pox in the to nttrol your miui,trutious umortgst. I province led the Board of Health to ask Its and mar you llt' long spared to , life l fora grant. of $35 for which the resident of uict'ulness and honor.. May the i [updical ttlen would yaccinale the whole pleasant relations which exist between l school. The council did not see their you and us long continue and may they I way to grant this, and should an epi- not pass without a moral and spiritual demic prevail lunch more ex use will elevation of the congregation and your- be incurred private? for the Bind has selves. Expressing to Mrs. C.a.mphelle the power to 'i'Jlltih'flih yaccination. yourself and family our best Wishes and l The Board of Works was intimated esteem, we are with the nhcinn' of a few tron nn thus May lst, 1901. The good people of Knox church. Normanby can keep a secret as well as appreciate a good thing. They pay their pastor punctually what, they prumise and punctuate the payment ircvusiottrtlly by a present at New Year time. Just now. however. the warmth of their feelings bubbles over between titnes and at last prayer meeting night. at the close, he was completely surpris- ed by the leveuling of a. well kept. setter, to premmt him with a gold watch and chain. Mr. Jus. watson read the ad- dress and Mr. David Leith made the presentation. Dor'r MISS It-Hee. Mr. Farqnhar- sun. on Mmulay night. will give an address, which being one of a series of three on the relationship of Uhlist to Suviely. promises to he most interesting and instructive. Christ. in his, Divine velaiiimitnps is an important. theme, but not less so in he on the human side. “The relationship of Christ to the Home" is the tir-st, of the series, which has Ere-en outlined in the Assemlrly's ('olnlnittm- plan of study for Young People's Societies. Those who heard thelast on Martin Luther, will know what to expmt from Mr. Farquharson. om. sstoek of hats is away ahead of anything shown In town, in variety, style. quality and price. Come and 400 fur yourself. A Loxo ShrEP.--Hat, been made to- wards beautifying the town this spring. and it is only a question of time before all our streets will have shade treelfronts of our hardy Canadian Maple. All Upper Town and the face of the hill except to a few places Inns been planted. and it seems desirable that all should be planted at once so and to have uniformity of growth. Mr. Jno. A. Black has set. out a lot this rear. and the question of protecticn to the young trees is now a live one. Watering and mulching should not be neglected and youngsters should be Instructed to avoid swinging on them in play. The cow hy-law we assume will be rigidly enforced, but to _ avoid accidents the safest way will he to l put up guards of some kind. 1 May 15th next the first Australmn parliament. will ('unvene and the To. rontoauthorttum have decided to raise 't"gs in lumnr of the auspicious event. Bluestone for spraying-Whale Oil, Moan, Hellehme. Slingshot and other insecticides at MacFavltute's Drug Store. For Wall Paper and Window Shades go to MacFarhuw's Drug Store. Mr. Crawford is building afine double housennd is now past the first, elm y. C. McArthur. Wall Paper bargains at J. A. Hun. ter's. The Big Store. We want voar butter and eggs. We (my cash. Rush them in. A SURPRISE PRAYER MEETING. Stone contractors will notice an adv't on this page calling for tenders. Adllilonul Locals on Page 5. Cash for Produce at The Big More. Use Searchlight Soap-At Grant‘s. Strictly Pure Paris Green at. Parker’s Drug Store. Local and District News Items.,., VOL. XXIII. NO. 19 Rev. D. L. Campbell Honored. Yours most respectfully Ksox Cannon CONGREGATION. MtArthur. The Board of Works was instrusted with the placing of a few trees on Gar- afraxa St from the market ronnd southward as far as the new Jfi','1'lfl extended. Mayor' Caldee had the statutes at his vlhow and read the law of qualiheation fovcouucillors which com letely bars one of our elected councilllien and if street talk were to he believed several others also. He reminded them of the danger of legislation being called in question if enacted by men not duly qualified and suggested that before im- portant by-laws are passed they should. in the interests of the town, assure themselves on the matter. We are not prepared to say who is rvsponsihle for this mix-u . but, the sit nation calls for a good J1'i'i,) mani- cipal wisdom and civic forbearance. The defective walks must, be made good, th" measurements surely can he agreed upon. but just how the ditference in price is to Ieyntt is a puzzler. _ ylIrttlPCatief,' the measurements are dis. puted, and worse than all the rate per foot. has not been clearly defined and while the council is charging and nrwUs 11.3415 toclear itself. some ratepayers nut-go that the agreement calls only for IO? c'ts and will pay no more. 7 The meeting of this budy on Monday eve-Hing was preceded by a meeting of the Court of Revision dealing with the sidewa1kcorvstructuon of 1900. It ap- peals that some of this is very defective :u'iwing vither from improper construe lion or mistakes II) the proportions in which the material is Inna-d. This i, ttot the only complaint however: in l DIED SUImExLY-Very painful was (the news that shocked the Town on l Monday morning last that Louise, the I second daughter of Barrister J. P. l Tolford had died from an attack of ton- i silitis. Last Thursday. she was instinct I with happy May-tinw life, a bright home blossom all too soon to fade, hut death IS no respecter. She was a little overSymu-s old, and only those who have suffered a similar. los," can realize; the "aching void" the loss of such all child lllt'nllS. 1Ve tendtst. to the lwrmiv- 1 ml parents om (la-pest sytvpathy. The 1 funeral took place on 'l'uvsduy to the) Sougeen (‘enu-tt-ry, which owes a. good deal to Mr. Toma; public interest. and , which to him will have now an itttrtest; more ttuuhu. than lwforo. llvv. Mr. '; Faruuhavson conduit-toil appropriate. set-virus. sfleaking of the tnysterOs Gfi life about. us. as are" in the removal or: bright young lives while in other cases r apparently spent live. lingered on. 1 Nothing hut, faith in Him who said) "what I do thou knowext not now, hntl thou shalt know hereafter.†couldl reconcile us to wrench of parting with l loved ones. i FINE New N'tuuLK.--At least it, will be when erected. We refer to the Knapp House hostelry, the enterprising proprietor of which “lat week had his old stable razed. and work is now in piogrcss on the foundation for another to be built of more enduring brick, which will further enhance the business beauty and utility at the busy comer. Across the street Mr. A, S. Hunter will more the old, and almost historic Stew. art lesidence, taking it to theorist about the breadth of Itself. leaving that corn- er available for something handnonie in the architectural lune. l CArtrtoT.--Intermediate White Field Carrot. 40c lb. at Parkev's Drug Store. I ' Houses are at a premium now in f Durham. 1 A double supply of bamboo fishing ipoles just arrived at half price. All I other fishing tackle in proportion. J. i A. Darling. l AT L.\S'r.--Mr Wolfiey is the boss building mover in our town and has this week got the, McIntyre frame which stood on our street. for about u. year moved on to the stone foundation built fun it just, west of Caldwell’s Livery. The vista is now clear and we look with pride on the new McIntyre block in all ils length and fulness. Some critics are wishing it had been a three-story build. ing to justify the width of the wood work around the top story, but all are agreed it is one of. if not. the must, noted l improvements in the building line; that Durham has seen for "may years. I , Dunn SETs.--3 lbs. Dutch Sets for ! 25(- at Patlcer's Drug Store. I: Our Bcots and Shoes me a, specialty. '1 We sell very cheap. . TOWN COUNCIL. itittttrti, n Ivefnrv. Itev. Mr. “Int-ted appropriate r of the mysteries of pen in the tvtuoval of C. Bic-Arthur. s i "There are no elements of speculation n [entering into the manufacture of this “article. It has been demonstrated by :Jrepeated tests and comparisons that r[the highest grade of Portland Cement t i known to the scientific world is produc- t ( ed from North American marl and clay. t _ Our natural deposit at Durham is l j absolutely determined, both in quality Hand extent, Soundings and analyses L: have told the story unmistakably. '§We not only know that, we have a 1%ine, hat we know precisely what is ( in the mine. Unlike a forest, our l manufactured material cannot burn up 1 for blow down. Unlike a mine, We are l (obliged neither to pump nor prop. i ,U'ater is no obstacle. There is no pros- i l', peeting to be done. no chances to be“ taken. In our marl beds there are; known to be many millions of barrels l Iof unmam1faetured cement; there is itheretore an unlimited supply of the Every best raw material. Oar location ‘is ideal. We are assured of the most iimproved machinery operated by zengineers and workmen of long ex-l 'perienee in cement manufacture. and I 'everything necessary to make the ' highest grade of Portland Cement at a minimum cost, and as this article is the best known building material, and manufaetutvd at less cost than any of its competitors (brick, wood, stone, Iepraeotta, etc), the market is on limited, the profits large and certain. Valid hence the industry staple". l t The prospectus enters fully into the ,profits of German and United States :Cement factories, taken from reliable oftielal sources. It says Germany, a, ,cement exporting country, with most ‘of its product still manufactured under _ the old crude and extravagant system, , laboring also under the disadvantages of sharp competition in prices, heavy lexport shipping rates, coupled with the fpayment of immense duties and tariffs :in order to sell her cement in foreign |imarkets, all of' which tend materially Etc decrease the earning power, has ',always made handsome dividends on i, her cement properties. I _ "It will be understood that the above mentioned American plants were Work- lug under serious disadvantages which will not be encountered by the National Portland Cement Company, Limited, as We have no limestone rock to blast, mine, transport, grind, ete., all of which is an expensive process. On the other hand, our raw material is found in its native resting-place in a condi- tion ready to deliver directly to the mill for immediate mixing and burning, without any expense of preparation The United States has also universal- ly good paying cement mills, as will be seen by reading the articles in the prospectus, taken from the American press. Again quoting the prospectus: certainly filled better than at first expected, yet, when the great gain to the local investors was considered. ‘we felt it matter if regret that even more was not forthcoming. Outside places are now having their innings, though local investors are not yet debarred we understand, and those who can should lose no time in securing some of the first stock. The handsome prospectus. lately issued, at page 26, says: i l Reports from Toronto indicate satis- factory progress in stock selling and and those who wish to Secure it at par will not have long to do so. Without a doubt the opening ot operations here will be the signal for a rush of stock takers who may possibly have to be refused. We urged in all good faith on several occasions, that the local stock sheets should be well filled up before being closed. They were New. though we have had our say and have our preferences. we are bound to admit, that since seeing the vast Michigan works we are not inclin- ed to rail atan apparent slowness in starting. To establish such vast works takes both time and thought, for a mistake made in the initiatory stages might cost thousands of dollars. "Have they picked upon the location yet? is now the stock question in town, and intense eagerness is expressed both in town and country, to have this point settled. A DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 9fE01. CEMENT. m iliilttrittt), Q‘s: Men arejust as apt to complain? their ailments as women are, and we often think a good deal more so. "r-T?, To CREAMERY PaTnosm.--The Mc- Kechnie crennwry will resume opera- tions on Monday next, May 13. The support of all old patrons and as' many new nnesns possible is cordially invited. N. G. & J. MCKECHNII. The death is announced at Orange ville on May 3, of Mr. Jno. Irving. proprietor of tht Dufferin House. He was long a. msident of Orchardville. and step-father to the Caldwell bros. IVe use to remark that if Pinymw wantsan idea in fencing they should examine Rev. Mr. Farquharson's work at. the old cemetery m Upper Town. Did it in quick style too. Tali- signature 2 on cveryAbozr tr the mint. 'her-tUte-Gao--, Mr. D. I). McMillan. Oxford Co., Graduate of Guelph Dairy Schunl, arrived in town this week tv'take charge of the McKechnie rremnery. Mr. McMillan has had several years' experience and comes with the hunt, recommendations. His duties begin on Monday. Mrs. Marshall, with her two children. Olivene and Archibald, arrived from Ottawa. last week, and will spend a few months at, the home of her father, Me. John Ruben-Nun. The train hands from Mr. Lavelle down, treutedtltemselves to a fit4hins,r party on Tuesday. We have net itea rd the sizeof the catches but the water has gone down since. Mr. Wells lms moved into Mr. Limin's old home and Mr. Search into Hinds. Mr. Best, .ht'eman, into MI. Laidlaw's cottage. Geo. McDonald has moved into his new house near Mr \Vhelan’s and we hope will have many comfortable years in it Miss Corn-Lt, aislor cf Mrs. J. P. Tel... ford has been visimng at, her sister's the last few tlays, She is a trained nurse. Miss Allie Grant, of the Priceville school staff, spent Saturday and Sun- day at het home hero. Col Telfovd and mu of Owen Sound was in Durham Tuesday', attending the funeral of Mr. J, P. Telfm-d's little girl. Miss Annie McArthur, ut Toronto, is visitmg at her home in Glenelg and also with friends In town at present. Mr. Loni; Wer'nev left for \Viauton. Monday evening to work in a furniture factot y there. Lax iirifiii ikikikiGiijiiiiraiiiii Mrs. Kepkey, we regret to state. had a severe attack of n neuralgu- nature on Monday night, but is recovering. Mr, and Mrs, E. T. McClocklin visned Fieshcrton friends Saturday and Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Whelan, of Hep- worth. spent, Friday and Saturday last at the former's home here. Misses Nellie and Mable Swallow are home on a visit, from Toronto. From the foregoing, and from the most conservative estimates, We are entitled to the conclusion that the earn- ings of The National Portland Cement Company, Limited, should be far in excess of that ofany other mill in exist. ence to-day. Taking into consideration and esti. mating simply the amount actually saved by our splendid system ot manutacturing, together with the amount saved in preparing for mixing and burning, by reason of the natural condition of our raw material, we find it impcssible to figure the profits, even as low as the highest indicated by any of the factories above mentioned. ': whatever, and when it is understood _ that the plant ofThe National Portland _ Cement Company, Limited. will be equipped with the very latest improv- ed machinery, instead of the old crude and expensive system of manufacturing ' and that the material will pass through the entire process of manulacture with- out the aid of human hands, it mast certainly appear even to the most1 criticizing and conservative business man that the cost ct manufacture will) be greatly reduced, and that the pro-) fits and earnings of The National Port) land Cement Company, Limited, 9 should at least equal the earnings of 1 the mills referred to. i ggitu,1 PER SONAL MENTION- '1:tvcv:rayss l-j-d LiAr-jl'---l.1--j.l-p.cAl-,-1.r-Al,-j.r.-l.r, J.1--l-'.r-, 'LJ L _ ' L _f L- 1,4 WK ’1 r.cyrir,iirrlrr2ircier: (r"1 rmm 7n r1 r1 T'" Tn r". r" T" Tn r "r: r." r - :r- +1 m, flame5199125232avyryryflayyryryryky’19 F Mam .7!!! It May 8th, I up to May 30th. by the under- signed, for the building of a Stone Porch, at the Rocky Church. Speci- fications of said porch can be seen at The Review Office or with S. Puther, bough. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. PUTHERBOUGH, Secretary. Ah-Kees P. 0. Indications are that the 1 auviuir, post is album, over. “my few traces of the rings of egg-I were to be seen on the of Call S7tespeettutty 6atieited. trees this spring. SHEWELL d LENAHAN ENDERS \VILL mi RECEIVED Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year's trade. NOHGE fl) (l()nlll(Mit Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. WHOLE N0. 1207 1901. W. SMITH, SHEWELL & LENAHAN. Wer/per We!†year 'e'"""'"-'-"""""'-.'. Mm‘. -‘m4..,,r. i,,,)';