West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 May 1901, p. 2

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it "hive Years of My Life. 1894 to 1899," the English translation of Captain Dreyfus' autobiographic his- 'ory of the famous affair with which his name is forever linked. is publish- ed in England and America! simul- Omwuuly with the appearance of ttto original in France. Captain Dreyfus describes from first to last tho Inner workings of the great events With which he was associat- ed. The rotary of the degradation acquires a new and vivid interest when told try the sufferer himself. This tout plum on Saturday. Jann- ed. The Mary at the degradation acquires a Dew and vivid interest when told try the tnsrterer himself. This took plug» on Saturday. Janu- ary G. 1919.3. Dreyfus was! marched to the "entre Of the square under a guard 01 tour mm: and a. cor- poral. Lot Mun now take up the thread of the nurra'lvv. 'Nme o'u'er-k nrln'k. General Dar- ran. mmmunlling the parade. gave the order to I-m'ry arms. "I Hu'ferml agonizingly. but held mug" arm-'- with all my strength. "I m'terml ugonizingly. but held myself erect with all my strength. To suntan“ me I called up the 1uettH cry of my wife and children. "As soon as the sentence had been read out. I Mind aloud, addrelo- mg myself to the troom: t _ _. __-_ ".-.," nun“ "'mldieru. they an Innocent man. Soldier. honoring an innouam. Franco. Fire Farmer? ll'ullrc, VhVr" ......._.. “A sergeant of the Republican Guard came- up to me. He tore oft rapidly butwnl. trousers stripes. the Highs of my rank from mp and 4toxes. and then broke my sword Aurora-I his knee. I saw all nurse ma- torinl o-mblu-ms of honor tall nt my [can Then. my whole being racked try a. fourhil paroxynm. but with body net-t. and head high. I shouted ngnin ml again to the minnow and to the usurmblod t-rowd the cry ot my mu! "‘l mu innocent." . "The parade continued. I was oompellmi to nuke the whole round of the mumra I heard the howls of a deluded moh, I felt the thrill which l kln'w must Irs running through those people, slut-o they he- I'Iaved that lwrore them was a con- ..rivtrt trnitor to Fram'v; and I ortrngglmi to transmit to their hearts anotlu-r tttrin-tn-met in my inno- nencr. ' §&*$%$*$$$wwwwwwwww**fiwwwx ' DREYFUS’ OWN STORY. a? sozouout m m. Teeth * _ Tsooooeas4sooirsirota1isoo*i'i4so'4ii1"i" “The rnnn-l ot tlt" .titettu' mama ’the tm‘lnre would be over, I he- tieved. . "But Una agony of that long day was only beginning. "They tied my hands. and a prison van took “M to the Depot (Central Prison of Paris). passing ovnr the Almn Bridge. On running to the and ot the bridge l Haw through the tlny grating of my compartment in the van th" wimlmvn ot the home where szu-h happy yin-ire: of my lite had hem: ape-ml. “:1er I was leaving all my lunppinwni trvhiud me. My grin! huwwl In." clown. -- AW I l‘ulmll in n“. "At tin' ('onlrul Prison. in In)" torn and stripped uniform. I was! drzlgglul trout hall to halt, smut-hos]. photogr urlteti and nwamtred. At Last, _ inward noun. l WM taksut to the Hnntc- Prison anal shut up m a (-on- Vict'i toll." Wife's Fnrewrtl Kiss Refused. Captain Brutus was first confined in the prison at ttw Ile (In Re. Here he was allowed to w rite to and occu- ‘onally reccln- Hails trom his wire. On Februnry that he saw that de- voted wumnn fur the lust tune untll lib restoration. That was the day at for his truuterttttiort to Devil's ”and. one of the Indra 1ltt Stunt 1iales of Health, " wotul misn'mwr tt "She nakel that they tie her hands [whim] her track and let her approach and kids mun Tlu, director gave a much rrmuctl. Alter the interview, “She aakel that they tie her nunuu balm“ her back and 1M her approach and kids tttf'. Tho dirwtor cave a rough rt‘fupnl. After the interview, which was from two to titree o'clock, 1 one sud-hunt) told that l mun! met ready tor my (kw-rune, without either of It." “min: been previously inform" I. The prwaratioiur comot- ed In tunklmt n huud'o of my clothes." _ . I Al... cg..t.st, lll‘llv. At nigh' the nutm- door wwclosed, imdde and out, so that Mary two hours. at guard relief, there was an internal rluttvr of toys and Iron work. "By any I had the rignt to go nbout in that part ot thr, island." writes ('nptnin Drpyfus, "comprised between tho landing place and the ttttle tttller where the lepern' camp had been, " treelemt space ot less than half an acre. I was absolute-1y forbidden to have these limits. The moment [started nut [was accom- tamed by the guard, who was not to use light of a single one. of my move- manta. Tttss guard was armed with a revolver: Intrr nn a ritie and car- tridge belt wm-e added. I was as- pressly fortriddvn to speak to anyone whomsoovcr. .. At the hvginnlng my rations Were those of a auhlh-r in the colonies. but without wine. I had to do my own rookintg. and. in fact. to do every- thing myself.” Froua the month of April, 1893. until the autumnhtf 1896 he kept a%rarrirttendod for Madame Dniy. fun. This dim-y was seized with all ll.- {ugly iirUu,srradinr, an Suld'u'rs. they uretha- nnuvent mun. Vive la uf tlt" squari- made, would ttt over, l he- Graphic Extracts Fro- the Book II. Pabllollod -dnr--th Lu: Tartan. his papers in 1896. and was never turned over to his wue. He was only able to obtain pmmmasion of It at the time of the henna: trial. In 1003. Ttthe book reproduces it in full. It is a pltlful and painful record ot monotonous sufferlng. , Tortured by 'rerritle Heat. Boon he complains of the territie heat which takes away all strength and energy. On April 27th he re- cord, that the heat has forced lnm to chancel]?! Tatteer..or,Ai1t:. r l Ll} UIIDII§W "In [Luz-unu- u. V. "i rise at daybreak (hall-past live) and light my fire and make tea or coffee. Then I put the dried vege- tables on the tire. and afterward make my bed, clean up my chamber, and perform a summary toilet. At 8 o'clock they bring me the day's ratlona. I finish cooking the dried vegetables. and on meat days place these rations on the tire. Thug all "At 10 o'clock I lunch. Next I wad. work, dream, and. most or all. miner. until 3 o'clock. Then I matte a thorough toiIet. As soon so the heat has diminished, toward 5 o’clock. I cut my wood, draw water from the well. wash my linen. and so on. At ft o'clock I oat me cold remalna ot my luncheon. Then lam locked up. The nlgm in my longest lint, rrTbhq.PBI" u“ uuu ..."'" -e" my cooking la over by 10 o'clock. tor I eat in the evening what 18 left over from the morning. wr _ I lull”- He complains of fever, stomach trouble. ("must for everything. Worn out with fatigue and musty. he finds it difficult to sleep. “Oh! the horrible nights!" he cries". “in food la almost uneatnble. Yet his worst' misery is that he receives no letters from home. At last. on May 2nd. the, mail boat is sighted. "My heart beats as though " would burst. Does the boat bring my wifes letters. which have been at: Cayenne morn than " month'. Shall I read her dear thoughts and be comforted by her words of affection t My Joy was Mindless on finding there were letters tor me at last, but this was noun followed by a. vruel disappointment, when I saw they were letters addressed to the Ile do Re. and dated previous to my departure from Franco. t -- - . l ._‘..m..........,nv Hm (lr'pul'kurc Irv-m _ .u...... He found out nulw-qupnlly that th" “altars haul in “wt been sent hack to France to be read by the C,olsmlttl Ministry. 1w well an by the Minimtry of War. Later his wife was told that aha would have to [mun at the (blunim Mirtbrtr.r, on the25th _ - . .. ,4 _Iy.2..h Aha Ill “I? \Avvnrnmu _.m...B..r'..F. -__H of each month. the lollers which she wished forwardml. She was torbid- don tn make in NIH-VP letters any rvforvmw to the Dreyfus case or Mont» rt-luLing to it, (wen such as were matter" of public ducttroritrrt. Her lettpra WPre rand. studied. “(weed through many hands. and utten sup-‘ prtssrml "ntirely, Those that reached lh‘vil‘n Island, could, of emu-9w. con- lain nothing ot a private eharaeter. Finally. uwlng to this rigid CA't1.Ror- Mtip, she wns (aimed to refrain trom awe-n nwutiottirut any of the "ttortrt tmule tn di (-nwr tlt' truth, IN". those who wpro- inn-"mm! in smothering the [now might turn the Information thus acquired to their own uses. . . .,._.__,. .,r nio The mup‘wimm wutuhfulnoss ot his gum-div norw '.ntrretrtrP.q to a. hem-b. breaking point. On July 12th ttei criiteg: "Th" martyrdom they make me pndun- in too hmrful. It is their duty to mmrd mt". tn prvw-nt my going mway--if so be that I have Pver Show“ the. intoution, tor the only thing I mix and widh is my honor; --1tut I am follow-mi everywhere; all I do is a mattm- ot Munich"! and rebuke. When l walk. tlrey my I am tiring out than guard who must accompany me. and if I any that l will not low» my hat they threaten to punish mm But in the 9nd the day of light will roam." hater Times. He now wpttruy out the narrative from tho til-w win-n his mary ter- l minutes until light at last began to appear uh tho hm-iznn. But it mum- at first. in such titrul pitortrus that ho hardly knew sviustltot' to rc‘joice or to sorrow :Inmv. In lk-m'mbvr. 1mm. ho learned fur Um first time 90ml: ot the "vents which had passed in Frnnvs'; at the um‘usntiml brought by his hrnthm' :Iguinht (’ummuudant Ksterhuzy, whom hp Uid not know'; , and Buic'ule. ftnt tho- I Him-- inviclvnlu was utill him. ()n J.uuuar.v G. [Hint Ite wle PX-' :nninml hy a tuunmitr4iort of the su- prnmn Court amt to vail's Bland. Growl mm his :mtunininnent at hear- ing for the first that of his pretend- vd comrmiun. Wlwn at last. In June. it was ummum'ml to him that the Supronw Court in Paris had quashnd and annulled th" sputunun pronounced upon him by the noun martial and remanded him to a. court martmlat Rennvs. his joy was boumheua. un- nttorablr. lie imagittod that the day of justice. was at last dawning ‘for him. everything. I thought. and I had not the slightest idea that there re- mained anything to do but go through some necessary legal formal- ities." His first complete understanding of how he ltood was given to him at Roone- by his counsel, Mame Ltt- bori. " learned of the long series of mis- deedc and disgraceful crimes consti- tuting the indictment against my Innocence. I was told of the taero-l ism and the great efforts of noble men. the unflinching struggle under- taken by that handful of men of lofty character. oppodng their own cour-" age and honesty to the cabals of falsehood and iniquity. I had never doubted that justice would be done, thereforv Haiti-o. Luburi's account of these events was a. great blow to me. My illusions with regard to some of my former chiefs were gradually dis- l sipated. and my, soul was filled with languish. I was salted with an over- powering pity and sorrow for that army of France which I loved." Homo flown bout-fa decision totmlna.ted, "ttit " Hut», lw was "" ot his a. heart- 12ttt he A WALL STREET PREDICTION. Keep Your Eyes Open for a Storm in the Funnels! World. Emory [a repeating itself. We bad Just such an experience twenty years 880. alter our recovery trom the Jar Cooke panic, which led to the clan of tho clock exchange for th period of over a week. At that time speculation we. no wild that the price of stock exchange not: wu advanced to ab. normal ilgureo. daily transaction. waned the record. oomblnotionu of railroads and tho laying out of no: -Vq-".. uuu -..- v... -".)V line! were conitamtly announced. "trip dividends and bonuses were de- clared. and were deemed to be no and to the promerlty of this great and growing country. “Ion came the assassination of Garfield and almost ten year- of dull times, with stocks dropping again to a very low level. We mull pan through this experience Main. Railroad wars, signs of which are visible in various sections. will certainly break out when business become! depremed, and the railroad- muat atlug‘gle to get their share of - _ A.iE__, _lAL ---0. - _"'"."."" we wit the trattle in competition with each other. There will be cannons when our crops will partly [all ttttd our export businm will dlmlnlsh, when money will become less plentiful and when labor will bodlerstttitrried and business be full ot unrest. But this Is not all. Many of our great railroad lines have already largely added to their capital stock 3111 bonded 1ndebtedtuyqtt, and have sold their new securities to the pub- lim Others are preparing tor new issues. and when the aggregate comes to be reckoned up at the close 9! this bu w BN.%*e'"."-""" ..r w, in, year, the amount of new investments thus offered to the public will foot up to umnzlng figures. The St. Loula & Ban Frunclcoo, the Pennsyvnnla, the Northern Pacino, Union Paclllc. Missouri Ptutirie, and other great sys- -- -- . __-ev _kn..6 L'lmull .M.0-v' --" __ a,” G V tame are ail offering. or are about to offer. grtoetta and bonds for publlc HUG. ln ouch enormous qua.ntitiet' that it la safe to say that they wilt Mtort1y be within the reach ot the humbiesrt eitisen.--Jtomer, ln Leslie‘s Weekly l No finer trip can be taken than the water route down the St. Lawrence, passing through the Bay of Quinta. Thousand Islands. and running the rapids of the St. Lawrence River to Montreal. The Hamilton-Moutreul Line steamers leave Humiltuu at 1 p. m. and Toronto at 7 p. m. Taetr days and Thursdays. After June tith, the bout: wlll make three trips per week, the additional bout on Satur- day. We orter very low rates on this line tor both single and return tick eta. The Toronto Montreal Line steam- ers leave Toronto at 3.30 p. m. Tues days. Thursdays and Suturdnys from June list to Juno. 15th. inclusive, and from Jutte l7th daily, oxcopt Sunday. Stenmvr Toronto and the m-w steam- or Kingston will make the service on this line. They are the “nest. boats in fresh water. liter lenving Toron- to the tir" port is Itoeltenter, King- ston. Thousand Islands and the up pidrs of the St. Lawrence to Mont-) roul. Between Montreal. Quebec, Mar-' my Bay, Tadmmuc. and the Summ- nny River, and it in tho finest trip on the continent. The boats on this line cannot be surpassed. The Manor ltlchnllvu Hotel at Murray Bay and the 'l‘mlmmur Hotnl at Tmlousucuru the limpet summer resorts in Canada. Both of those hotels are ownml and opvrated by this company. For tur. ther information as to tickets. told. vrs. Hte., apply to H. Pastor. (‘lmffem Westnrn Parmenger Agent, Riche- limt & Ontario Navigation Company, No. 2 King street Punt, Toronto, Ont. The Sliipld Au. " hear ot n mun m Kansas who elvuned hump-six rooms-in one day, in order to show his wife that Ite could do it. This was a very demoralizing thing to do. The man whn hills 1gnomirtiottelr to bulld a coal fire. in order to convlnce his wife that it is no use to ask him to do such things. proceeds more closely in accordance with thp real spit-It of his t"ex.--Nsw York Mail a-nd E Kprem' Poison'u Ncrviline, the new and cer- min pain cure, is used with satisfac- tion In aver-y lnstnnor. There in abun- dant roumn tor this. for it performs all that Is claimed for it. Nerviline Is a never-railing cur" tor cramps. pains in sides or back, lumbngu, sore throat, chllblulns. toothzmho. Nervillno is in fart " Burn erndy tor all pains, both internal and estcrttal. Medicine deal- as everywhere. I Horseradish Sauce. It you wish to serve the sauce with fish make as {olknwaz Mix a tea- spoonfnl of mustard with a. table- sponnful ot vinegar, and a little salt : stir carefully into this " quarter ot " cup ot cream and then mix in as much grated horseradish as required to make a thick Bauer. This sum-e “my be made with oil instead ot cream, mixing it with tho vinegar nnJ rat-umninp; it for Frerwlt draw-s- ing. 'the "esuttt.. tq My with and Itostmd up l'xst night to tith' whe ther slur“ got a, new spring bonnet or I'd gm " new suit." " Who won T" " I did." " What kind are you going to get T' " Well, she hasn't docidc-d rrtt whe- ther to have it trimmed with flowers or teathera."--Hnrper's Baum Her Chagrin. Netrb--How did you nnjny tlw opera last night? t Butrintr-verr much, indeed, but my wife thought it abominable. Nebtr--You don't tell me.' BiNustr--Yes; you see. she Wore her new hat and ther wouIdn't permlt her to keep it om-Ohio Stale Jour- Not a Bostonhn. Horter--wtu" an ass Welch In! lie in forever talking about Goethe. I hate a man who is ntwayi putting on airs. ___ _. A U -- . NIAGARA TO THE SKA. "ismTitsL-Tut'tr not It. He has Just found out hpw to pronounce It and naturally he likes to do 1t.--Botr- an Transcript. Mrs. Biinlrtr---Boadache this morn- Ing: elt.c'..Bymeh '. Why: paused that ? Mr. Btintrir--I--er--don't know ex- actly. but I remember I had a sort of tad: of blood from holding my head down during that long prayer Sun- day More Last.--Exehamre. Nervlilno (Elves Satisfaction. linord‘l Llnlment Cures Distemper. Bad for the Head. TORONTO He has But No: Fatal This Time, for may Truman Saved. For 3|; Year. a Nowfoundlud In Sultana from Heart a'rotsti-Un- Iblo to Work. and suturing Gm: Pull, II. In firsgo-Mr-Htodd's, Egd-oy Pm. Make. Netw Inn of Clue La Rune. Ntld,, April 29.-. (thraeia0-Mtut, think that. Heart Dina-o In irteurtsttlo, but the fact. that " In curable. is proven by n can that recently came to light in this (place. Mr. Tttoe. Barter makes the ollowlng statement: -- . , "For over at: years I suffered in- tensely with palpitation of the heart, and had to give up work. I could not do anytmng at all. until I new In an advertisement that Dodd'l Kidney Pills would cure Heart Name. I sent for seven boxes. and I have! used five of them, and tun now completdy cured. I can do my work again as well as “or I could. ‘51- 3.111111): until of a. 'speaker, but I have tried to write my story as plutply u ppsagblg. and am doing so becauso I behave that Dodd'g Kidney Pills will cure any case ot ptslptttttion or other Heart Trou- ble, and I think everyone tysrter'y.ttf """ unu I I [Ill]. "' (7| J ‘rllu n‘u--v. --.6 ln this way should be told of the remedy, that I found so successful Mr. Bartel-‘8 testimonial has been voluntarily given for publication, He can have no (whet in giving it. other than the hope of helping some other poor cutter". as pointed out in his letter. If anyone doubts the genuinoneu ot Mr. Barter: testimonial. or the truth of any statement made therein. they are at. liberty to write to him and tind out for them. Elves. Mr. Barter is only one of many in this neighborhood. who luncheon cured by the use of Dodd'a Kidney Pills. but his case is one of the most strlklng. and evidently proves that Heart Disease in the result of Kid. ney Dertuutetnenttr, and can be cur- ed by Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Deranged Kidneys Immense the heart's work, and ”tuss- palpita- tion and other heart troubles. iiiiiivCiiufii/rmG elm; the Kid neys. and thus relieve the Heart. Pekin is rich In remarkable belll.‘ the {mat specimen being located in the Bell Tower on the western side of the Tartar City, and "he. 'Tig'0tutttt44tt, or Temple of the Great Bell. beyond the city wall. The latter contains the great bell of Hahn. (and. by order of the Km- peror Yong Lo in 1415. and hung in the present tower by the Em. peror Waulch in 1578. This gigan- tic object mmwureu 15 {not in height. is 9 inches thick, and has a circumference ot .3t feet at the rim. Ir weighs Gy, tom. and is covered inside and nut with insorlp tlons from the Buddhist outras in Chinese characters. How this huge piece of metal was ruined to its present pmitinn in u. mystery Which has never been mlvetl One of the moat timely and iuti'r- mating of rut-nut publii'ntions in the book just put on sale by the World Publishing (1).. of Guelph. entitled "Queen \ivtorin." It is " compre- hensive story of the noble life and pilo- rious reign of our lute lunwntml Queen. iuviuding a (mum-mm] history of Great Britain. The work is writ- ten by Jolmtoulter, the "miuent London historian. and John l. Cooper. the editor of the Cu nudlun M'tur,asintt; and they huw- ttpared no effort to make it complete and accurate. The book contains over 700 pages. and is beautifully tl nd _ appropriately illus- trated; the letter pri-m is good, and the binding is in keeping with the general excellence of the volume. It is n. work which should find a place in every patriotic Canadian's library. HEART FAILURE How few at that» that talk of the "marriage knot" realise thet the knot was "ver anything more than a. mere nttttre of speech. Among the Babyloqunm} tying the knot was part of the marriage Ceremony. There the priest took a thread of the garment of tlw bride and an- other from that (if the bridegroom and tied them into a knot, which he gave to the bride, than trymboli+ ing the binding nattrro of theuttion which now existed between hersolt and her husband. “Whut nrp you crying “haul. 1'" 1181le " kind-lu'nrtml stranger of n lad standing: in trout of u newspapvr office warping; as if his' iteart would break. "Oh, pa'e Won" upstairs to whip the editor l" "Welt. has he com» down yet I"' pursued tie.T'nyt Samaritan. r “Pieces ot him have," said the boy, with a fresh burst of tears, "and I'm expecting th.e "wt ovary minute."-- Exchanges "That tybtrettt-tuirtded looking nan la a wonder. He can tell you the exact dbtnnce to all the plane". their relative. positions In space and all about 'em." "You." answen-d the sooner. “I! you want to stump hint, ask him how tar it l. to the nearest grooer'l or to the momma." It is not. we fancy. generally known tint bottled beer wan accidentally ducavored by Alexander Nowell. head master of Westminster school. cir- cun 1543; he was Mao the author of the Catechism. A curious mllectinn. --'No Lancet, Milmrd's Linint mt cures 1iiirlitltevi" They breathe truth that breathe their words In pain.-Htietttsrd 111.. in. The number of poor relieved last year in Guam. Britain was 792,307 persons Ca tarrbowne Cures Brurtchitia. “Mali Liuimont cures colds. etc. Catarrhozotte Cures Bronchitis Tylng the Marriage Knot. A Beautiful Volume. Inventor of Bottled Beer. 'I‘u Whio the Kditor. Pekln Dells. Stumped. an" “I,” be dis an!!! it "nmrvarriat"* "saint my nae" from of stood“ worOr a York eveninx paptr. Va mum“! the - --- -- haw [coiled to CM“ T" a. my; one which Selma: VIM (m w 313,310”! lo Be 8100 made 8 (""1 ru of Deletnnty'o balloon- - ., _..-hv "ll York evening paper. V“ Milo-pod the tint ball tor two “at! to the centre acid. Bel- lman boiled to Grail. Thom“ lifted 5 my; one which Srinach nailed. and Vnn (role to Sinclair low lino lick. a. ll” made a grand running and: ot iiisietaruttr'o balloon. Donn tou- ed Hickmn'a why pal-or over to Delehnnty. Strung clung crow flip- perl with . still liner. Flick he“ on a not ‘rmmdor to Hansel. Wolverton died. Bernud to Hansel. on a weak dribbler. Doleinnty foisted Taylor'a mbbler and the latter qot a. life. Van clam out a beauty to right 813th merely tiotrhod to Dolnn. Van becnme Quantum and fell ulcep; he "I promptly nailed by McFarland- qotek have to Dcieluuny. Croa' a? hit the left tout line. Dnnohue d . Warner chucked 'ptoornatr' built to Guam. Single hit inuahy to 'rar- lor and never gut m-ar first. Wolver- ton harried Strung}: grnumler over to Deldianty. Flick Haggai the Dan- my tor a triplo in ion venue. Ber- mud glued to Mohxrinmi's boon. Flick got over the pan on Wolver- mn'a long fly to Van. Duinn lobster- ed. Game-l Iittvd one which Flick ‘clu'tched. Bernard Inherit-red. Ber- _ mud tuddied on 'l‘lvonnw' warm gru- m. The Dummy wide stepped Mc- Fnrlnnd’a tthdtt pug-or. and Delehanly and Flick ambled home. McFu-lnnd died. Taylor boomed one which Dono- hue nailed. Van popped up an any one tor Cross. Thomas nipped Sol- bach's rise. Dolan got a tree ride.- Snme paper. Dear sirtr,--1 hum been a guru. - ferer trom rheumnt‘mm. and lately have been oonrined to my bed. Boo- ing your MINARD‘S LINIMENT nd. vortloud. I tried it and got Immedi- ate relief. I ascribe my reltorstion to health to the wonderful power of your medicine. LEWIS S. BUTLER. UNITED STATES ENGLISH. New York In}; Plead- for Purity. - The remainder ot Queen Vivmriu's splendid jewels. other than those be- longing to the nation, was left among Her Majesty's three duughters; and‘ Princess Beatrice. has revolved a: number of special bequests as well. Including some very fine hirniturv which adorned the "uvttero' n! Kent's rooms at Frogmore. and whiehlmd remained there just as they were during the life time of the. hut-hem: and at the time of her sleuth inure than torty yearn am). To the Din-hens of Fife, Queen Vivtoriatre- queuthed a. well-kmqwu lxirtmlt ot the. present. King when n t-lilid; and Queen Alexandra htttt also rel-eutly ‘preaentod her eldest daughter with n beautiful miniature at the Late. Ithmnn Ira-“ml in iewolsi, as I birth- 'ri,iihltitut miniature ot Queen. trntned in jewels. as i, y present. '1'le “any": L. on ""Lho.‘ of tho with. "Tiaui, M cure- n‘rola In one I" Burin. Rnd Chem While others get the wool, The worker on mun yield unto The man who ttttte a pull. And yet the one who glory hold-r Beyond his rightful sharp l Must feel he sits beuesth alwonig Suspended by a. hair. I And he who lead» a placid lite 1 Ot bone»! “furl full t Need fowl. perhaps. no envy ot l The man who has a pull. 1 ninth}; Ikdrikrnuipilte in... Kingston. Ont.. May 12:. 1901. l a Pleas" nnnounco to the rl-udora of! this paper that We have just place-l , _ in the hands ot the drug tram- a 25v. i, size of that now {unwind rommly _ T'.tttarrlurgotte. This will In, val-umvl newa to a great many, :u it will smu- j them tho tronluln- of Howling to Kings l ton tor it. " your arugula-t hasn't it I good he can 't" It from s. C. Poirou, King» 5 tIli'", tou, Ont. l STA When you know Jtrtt nrt' an tho right track do not In! any {mint-ea dim your vitriou or "isvour.v,r.e you. for you mumnl toll hnu’ ring". you may be to victory. Haw patience. and stick. 'ttiek, in .wito of awry hindrance. A (‘hinor studvnt be- came I) discouraged m rem"! ted {nil- ures that he tun-w his book away in delimit. While in this gluspondent mood, he saw a poor woman rubbing A an iron rod on a atoms to make a needle. Struck by tho wottderruipa- tlenoo of the woman, he went back tohiq Itudiea with now dvterminauon and became one ot the created; £3110!an in China. tro' “VET ”my ...... _ lung fly to Tatt. Dulrm Iobiter- innlel liftrd (in? which Flick had. Bernard mustered. Ber- huddled on 'l‘lmmlm’ warm - The Dummy Hid? stepped Me- ' ,A -.." Ihlohnnty "Hardly more than .1 year ago." my: the Minnmqvollu, Kan., [essen- nr. "this paper eotttttitted whole col- um of biography. poetry and com dolences dealing with the death of u mlnlster‘s wife In thla county. The preaclwr was married again the other day. whereupon We regret all that poetry." "That meter dot-um sewn m be as large as the old one," commented the property owner. "Ito you think "ill do?" "Don‘t worry. boss." replied the can otfiee employee. roassurlngly; "it'll ntl the UilL"--PhiiatuUthta Re. Cutnrrhowne Cttreq Brotwhitiie. ggr2,1 Spot-In! From Kingston. 0m. Ilnard‘l [Anlmont Cure- Gal-cat \- Caturrhnmnv Cur" Brnrwhitll. The Patience "cu-s the Would Fill the "I". Queen's Jewels. Valn Item-cu. niiasourid, Be- 10' the IM“G' m. the new!!!" :cd;ateli been a tgreat out- "tn, and Intel! 'I'I‘lvk. New “I -~r~"'¢" Oil Stop " WI EMU LSiON Uu. A little coughing is nothing s-the tickling. that makes you can h once, " some dust; not thegleast harm. You scratch an itch, and forget it. This cough is scratching an itch. But the cough. that hangs on and comes ack, is a sign cough is scratching an itch. But the cough. that hangs on and comes ack, is a sign of an itch that hangs on and comes back. There is some thing that makes that itch. Ghamation: a germ ; it's alive ; like a seed in moist warm ground; it will grow if you let It. even in children. Take SCOTT'S HMUL- SIGN of Cod Liver Oil. and the germ will die. -. d" h- not tried IL send fo, _. 1... EST”; NO '20 1901. The good enact. of improved summ- tlon In not!!!" any» and the “up”: inc-mu of knowledgo in regard to the lune! health urn shown nowhere p conch-{vow u in the oxtettttiott at tho average duration of human life am, your. can tho c-xpuvtancy of m. of . male child averaged Imus than " yell. AM that of a bunnlo child t: year». At the prov-mat timo the any any for mom in nenrls " warn and for (mm 48. This menPN that [war lr three yearn have tteen mldml to the forum litetimr or tttPU and two you" and n In" to thnt hf wanna-n The” u e-raqerttrutt in thia tor all Win a” oe-ttest in U-nrlnm: and mad!“ the mwl at frond lwnlth Imam. mjlmm- and 'tmiiirrsrenttr are alowly giving way to Pnllghton od and oommtmaonse methods of rar- Lng tor tho body. It in not unwnnm \ahle to expert that by th" mud a! tho par-pent century the :n-r-rnzn du I rattan of human lik may hr faint-d to t at least fifty yours. -I,rslir'r Wl-okly. " you - IO! U mum, in agreeable scar-r a Iowa. ion 'f cough I . Stop it A true enemy will tell you 'd your virtual. and others of your hulls. T0 The. I'igrMirl(iin Exposmon How Sanitatio- Bullalo. " lst to Nog. lst. 190l. The Grand Trunk in thr. Direct and Popular Route from all [mints to But- (do. Elegant and Superior Senior. Parlor, Pullman and Dining “an on throusrtt_t.rtee. A. mum... -_---_'"- For all Information no to rate, train service. tourlnt Illrrnturp. up ply to nm'llti. Grand Trunk Hallway Syoten. . C. DICKSON, "irtrict Pun-om AIM“. Toronto. ont. Calarrlnoumo Curve f Gl Sent on Trlnl ' l P, at whuleu‘u‘vnu. " no'. "xt',M.s I thump rrturd ' ” (ilmmnlmd mm. [_! rt=t-"' (mp-r “.41 do t _ be Hr nun mu I") oz'mvmncmu an (Lo-m n'll‘i A fg'e,1,,",'t'itel"rtT, mm- to tosssel.P " . m _ " k. ' and priva- add "ands lit ll c i s "an STANDARD su-I-u' co.. “mum". on Ct" You IDLE. op, tttjs " m betutr your”!!! w, hand. to Manual- & l o.. ',t,t "att, Ont. Outfit furnidml 'iii-ii-i-lit, Lee',' I Fr.eoGriGrd a“; ‘11.. [lo-d f Audi-en E.H.Bauld, in " ~13 Fo';) SALE A VALI AMll mgr-my with whim-1h" .ndxta e:oppoMtettttttypi1tt'at-' In Manitoba; or will Ext ‘H A Nt how (am Eamon prrfvrr- hunded (10th cull. Hm L’ SPrSS'g,Wr, MEVHA N I. - khan" and others dawning ll ml at.“ Bte. Marie, Ontario und ”M “a -ottst 1pt!etm uni -Gauriat3iuiituio defray Phl" 1N“ Killer. PD. 303381. than 31v M -' .v wee, WORK-ot; To 01:. " mm l, so met: 1',tl'gtrl'ir,i 'dl lave "ev' , I1 Lu , to .3: A... OD! CMrsmnh u.: 'roroer “in ”Old “Mix to y'mrox o'l‘kh meomf; ”Muhao L."') u", "i'Hcc?d)l" . . " Swvn up 1 M's" I THE WAOGONER Emu -itehtotrt, avenge-t and tTC'. " 'i%'l?'ii “a. Ill. I u. . y a. - t, Itron [and Dim-1.1"! m the 00de 1'L'itW,?,'A'l'i'- I “HUN" M “or boat out for fruit pi‘kinc. Mme; iiGrilciiaei ”maul "Cr; ., m ' “rm" " can!» pattstFrrtrttlor. mu boardr It. Ole. “In!“ eatnloete kt.',',.' idtaiyfot,,1' Wm Liaderco..Limitetef, Gi/ttstron _.-..-.-"'. -.-----------""'-r. PRU1Y FARM you Fatik' 4”“. or rim lt-t irt the Ni PomnlIll. " Inc... In mil- from anamo- on we mth nun. mun-In m. " at an " In mu - treaches Will Madam on. - " diurnal um lot- of " in an tk iuit 9‘“ -. 1m. I. . UesridM mu- AM" im Carpenter, P. o. in a. Wm" POR MALE-THF. wtt1ts'l In Win-low) fi a Ill' 8 mon- - '3'. 50 and tor c')',,';:,".':'?,)','.",; “no“ and“. an... u... '..u' m". “a; " tmA “a. M wwvdy for Dmrrhvn 1"" [ii iii n how. And in": runwlgfnjmgu -, Chemists, ..d g. nn 1!! drink”. Treated Free. '0 have we drnpny Ind 1. compilation I 'peril, ter twenty you". Quirk "mt. Gum wont cam. . pool at BREE-iii} Ind 10 pg. autumn! I‘lll F'"he: 1g.GREF,N'touh'9 Box 0 Arul'uAM. h SCOTT'S of Cod Liver DROPSY "fciirtifrd to any lawn hens Lite. pm! for a (no will surprise you Btht'llilid MINES “SHE! A, ANit “my: nus LAN?“ _ __.‘n le', rum“ ' iait,"i'.t,tath1 an N iiddl',tN] my mid!“ " 0mm ii-" Marie. Ont. ’1. four - Bl Gd rout GGL? “a! much“ luau"! L ORN' Haul“ iv“. b. Ott " 'hsatti'teto mm Dr. 1 Indon- tro- Ior moral an Proverb- vi, imam. cu wine. which. or ruler, pr Dimmer and “You." The most ( pod-tied. Tl - I. (In book- of ml of Aerchyt and Quinn": '0tycleirtes by tnnplrnlu volummou- _ mtl tt lama. In 03M. and Kim iv, 2 the radar cm unto out of the and of In“ of III-hes '. worer, he the am the smo Jenna]! hold wi who“. and in Mb“: t non. u: m, when of un 1pm lull. beau m'orful ( “buxom The mu tnation or lowered I Com of ' " our: duct 00 short! wonders ' other "use my. and . mun-1 I otetv. ruler, oumn' ban . " Ibdom n ttme, that Which " Mes, whit the humn “onion. nervoull I bot wplu Ill mode in the I invaders: tor hum. npubnr-u an! ot t Comm. “mum: dome of CIH‘UZP But a the hut them at 'gturderer1 out] tho-I I. "and will”! "my In whom " " the I! tor (“on tl 3mm") more ll ungulr The! l " “TONI Theo! Into and bl port tttl bring in they " when l are not, may!“ Cluck " They m4 rm l4 - randy. your 1mm (rift-9 of the plenty every 1 bill. In N "vtor, large women that t In in clpecti their d (cache employ to chll and!!! two “1% ton a Home liven. null luv-11d wow r mm. {though Inn-mac In; “E u III The If avian br46R II

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