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Durham Review (1897), 16 May 1901, p. 8

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n J. A. HUNTER 3719 Jihir (ttore Money back when Box is returned. These are only a tew. We have a large assortment of Remnants in Camus. Shirtings. Embroidery, etc. They are always sold at wry low prices. Consmtwntly the few articles ot stock that are eonstantly being let: over trom season to Season must mch oat and make room tor the new and np-to-date stuff. We don 't keep dl, 'uriosities . . tk. Prints move out at 5c yard. Ith, Cheese Chrth goes at 6e. la. Cotton Hose. 8.}. o, 9h. go at 9e. tkodoz. Cotton Hdkfs nu at le each. hdoz. Men's and Boys' nice Grey Tweed Suits move at $2.50 gait. Our new Commonsense Wide Toe Shoe tits the foot and makes it eornfortable. No more squeaky stiff Sales. This is a shoe for ease and comfort and everlasting Wear. It's fool ish to look elsewhere when you can get these advantages for three-titty. The best is always thv cheapest. " a Sood Rihing For any man. Our new 25c Brace is the best value we ever ofrered in Braces. It is extra wide, heavy elastic, crossed and sewed at back, solid leather tips, good buckles. Try one pair-- that's all you require as they never wear oat. titracer Men's Fine Summer Braces......... Men's Extra F'ine Summer Braces Bought her Sailor Hat, Collar and Tie at The Big Store. She bought n The Sailor tor 500, and knows that our stock is up-to-dnte in every tie/tttg,". There’s n certainty t at you are buying the very latest and best when you bay here. ta, Jihir (ttore J. A. HUNTER thr Boxes [ll 308 felt tfa!12li!st This _iiiiii'i, Young 31 Lady We Close at B p. m. Except Wednesdays and Saturdays. No matter what they eo:" our prices now for the tolluwing few are as toiuws:-L ‘vmwvm‘ 206 hit (it hli Large hail fell in to this burg on Sunday last. Messrs Alex and Arch. McLellan returned from the Grand Trunk, North- Miss Flora McQuarrie, from Grove, spent Sunday with Miss MeLellah, of our town. Mr. John Swinburn, of §our town, wasn faithful employee on the Black estate during the past few Weeks. Mr. It. J. Black is a batchelor corner man this spring. Seeding is about a thing of the with the farmers of our burg. I was going to send you some per- sonal items but will defer that roam othertime. We are not accustomed to seeing our names in print and must approach the manor cautiously. a printer say Very recently that the editor of a paper had no rights, and that even if a subscriber to his journal was in arrears for tive years, the edidor had NO RIGHT to stop his pa- per. But even there if that printer never got that arrearage, he got the sympathy of' his brother printers and he's not so badly fixed as the farmer would be after all. However, we're, getting enlightened in here on the Plain lately, and since we started reading the newspapers we are finding out a lot of things. I would like it some of your other cor- respondents trom rural districts would suggest some method ot getting the farmers to be lIlOl'l' sympathetic to each other, they may be more success- tal than I have been. I believe even the printers have an association of some kind, in which they recognize each other's rights, although I heard It gave me much pleasure and en- couragement to read my first letter to a newspaper, in THE REVIEW last week, aso to notice that you, Mr. Editor, referred to my iirtst communi- cation " being not bad tora start. I had expected to see all your old and regular correspondents, lump onto my little composition and dissect it and ridicule it in divers many ways, but [ no, "they didn't do it, " that also gave me encouragement, and since silence is indicative ot consent. I feel that they are tgatigfied to permit me to join the ranks of the "local corres ndents," and become one of them. go”, it es- caped criticism from all exec t one, "the 'Midway Cor.' to the Ignovcr; Post, " (and he says he's a farmer too.) l He said he sym athized with "Truth- seeker," from lllural Plains, in his backward locality, and did not ap- pear to appreciate the invitation I ex tended him to come down to the "Plain." He feared he might wind up on the "Plains of Abraham." ell. if he goes to Hanover very of- ten I don't wonder at him being a trifle seared of the "Plains, tt because they knock people down with planes there. We hear that even the Reeve of that town does not escape from the planes, and that quite recently one of the citizens struck him on the head with a plane and that it was a plain knock-down and out tor 30 minutes. Bat the "Midway " man, after sym- pathizing with us, then informs us that if we have any good news to tell him. he would be pleased to give us a hearing, but if on the contrary We had any troubles to unburden. he ad- vised us to dump them out on the Plains, as they had troubles enough in "Midway." "The old, old Story." discord, disruption, disunion, among the farmers, I always said that's what keeps us farmers poor, we rejoice at each others mistortunes, and are not united enough, and then those town-. fellows they form combines and syndi- catvs and rings and pools and all those things we read about, and they agree among themselves, to do so and so, (and they do-do so and so, and they! , watch for a farmer and when he comes do town, he's alone bird and he getsl‘ into the ring, and he remains till the ring agrees to let him go home. If he brought in a load of wheat he had to 1 take the town price, and if he brought home a load ot shoes, overalls, straw T hats, groceries, ete., he had to pay the ( town price. "So you see," Mr. ( Editor, I was thinking over these things and was wanting to discuss the I advisability and propriety, of pro- moting more sociability and union among the farmers, and thought per- haps the .. Midway Farmer," would be a good subject to reveal my little plan to, bat he has blasted by first i Opes and caused me, to teel a little discouraged by telling me to damp ( my troubles on the Plains, for they have troubles "galore" in his town. t Well, since " Misery lows company, rr I Ilet-l easier now, I thought we were alone. l Mr. Fditor,-Sinee sending you an introductorv note P few weeks ago. we have been very busy. Ours is a rural district and the citizens of all rural. districts, forget the covetous feelings they entertain towards you town-fellows (because you have every- thing so convenient) fora few weeks at this particular time of the year, because unless you sow you cannot expect to n-ztp. And since it neces- sarilly follows, that you must plough and harrow to comprete the sowing, we people of the "Plain " who desire to reap have little time to think of aught else save our seeding. although I hear some pecple say that there are a great many people in town who reap the benefit of what we sow, '. well, be that as it may," there is no idle hands in “Rural Plains "fast now. As c-wr, “TRUTH- Scotch Town, Iuarrie, from Maple SEEKER. " past Thursday, May 30th, 1901 at 8 o'clock p. m. WM. ANDERSON, Clerk. Durham. May 10th, 1901. J. S. BLACK, Clerk. Glenelg, May 10th, 1901. NOTICE is hereby given that the . first, Sitting of the Court of Re- VISIon for the Town of Durham foe the ear 1901, will be held at the Town Bally: Durham, on AND NOTICE is hereby further given that a. business, meeting of the Council will he held at 1 o'clock in the afrernoon of the same day of which all parties concerned will please take notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the first Sitting of the Court of Ile.. vision for the Township of Glenelz. for the year 1901, Will be held at the Town- ship Hall, Glenelg, on Saturday, June lst, 190! Harry Bushmllmf Midland is visiting his sister Mrs John Gruy. Since he wan hero last he has lost the use of his hand by a fall from a. barn. Jag Fdén and John Carson nra at pre sent shinnling Mr Walter Don's barn. Mrs Chas Gadd cullad on'Mrs It J Eden ott_suryitty last. Mrs Wm Clark and Mrs John Carson were visiting Normanhy frtendn lnst week. Miss Vinnie Garld is assisting Mrs Craw- ford with her housecleauing this week, Miss Ethef Eden spent a couple of (buys with Miss Lnna, McCulmun last week. Wm Marsllall' bad the Veterinary down to see one of his cows. It h-s got the purple fever. Mrs T Wallace was visiting friends in ou_r__burg one Jay last week. Mr and Mrs James Eden spent Sun- day last " Wm MeUalmon's. Mr and Mrs Aral: Little visited the fonner's parents this week. Sam Caldwell was the guest of John Cgryon lately. At the recent election for elders in the Presbyterian church here. Me-sru. James Vause. John Nichol Sr. and Dugald Mc- Cormick were chosen. We are not in a. position to my whether than gentlemen will accept the position or not. Quarterly meeting was held in the Me- thodist church hero on the 5th inst. Mr. McCabe was away for a couple of Weeks down to his old home, During: his absence Mr. Neil McKiuuon looked after the store here. The sick in some instances are getting better, but some are yet fur from being well. Miss Chrmtena McDonald (Hugh) who we reported in our last budgetu being about well after a severe attack of illness, in again nimiliarly effected and " lying at her uncles. Mr. James McDuuald. at the Townline. Artemetua, where she receives the best of care and treatment. We hope to see this young lady around again in usual health and activity. Her brother, John, who had some of his fiug. ers taken off is doing well. We sym- pathize with Mr. McDonaid in having his son and daughter laid up at the sums time. We are sorry to Ivar that due of our town bers, Iolm Cameron. met with such a severe accident at the Durham factory by having the titogrsrs taken off. We hue quite a number of retired farmers IE. Citizens whom 'we heartily Welcome and we feel proud for that class of people who have won for them. selves by hard and honest toil while t-ll- ing the soil. means and wnyu to support them in their declining years, and now we deem it an honor to have them swell the number of Inhabitants in our enter- prising town. It is an easy matter to be ftudt-tinding, but if those who engage themselves in such work from time, merely for the sake of making themselves bmtbodies, would mnku more endeavors to find a more lucrative employment, they would not he gaping with their mouths wide open expecting bread to he showered down upon them from the heat- nns without taking any heed to the omn- mand s,riven-" thou shalt earn thy bread with the sweat ot thy brow." DURHAM alll ()f REVISION. Our town is I little quiet at present. owing: to the bu-y season, but neverthe- less people take the advantage of coming out in the evenluus for business and our good business men we always ready and obliging to attend to their valiant. de. mantis. (llllllilil alll 0f REVISION A cool breeze on Saturday afternoon last gave a decided change in the atmo- sphere, and on Sunday people could be seen with their overcoat: and mitts on. Seeding is almost done with tho exception ot some late barley and such like. Early sown grain looks well and is already purl.- ly eoVering the ground. Fnll when lever Ind better appearance n this season of the year. Fishermen appear to be continually on the more in and around our Sau- geen. Fish stories and other yarns held over. Messrs A. Morrison and P. Healy hauled the last ot'their square timber to Durham station last week. Miss Minnie McIntyre is away .to Buffalo on a week's visit with her 513- ter Mrs G. K, Heartwell. Mr. Jas, White is running a portable saw mill in North Grey this and last week. Miss Hazel McGregor is at present the guest ot Miss Jessie A. Beaton em Branch. where they spent the past month loading timber. It 10 o'elock in the forenoon. Varney. Prieeville. -0- THE DURHAM REVIEW The underilmed will keep tor service at lot 32, con. 12, Bentlnck. for the sea.- sou of 1901. a thoroughbred Durham Bull. one of the best specimens from Parker's herd. Pure lightred. Terms: 81 to insure if sold, Insurance rates will be charged. Any readers ef this paper can test the merits nt Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50e per bottle. FRED SHEWELL. Welbeck P. o., March 16, 1901. This is what Mrs. J. W. Ilutchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say, 'l cannot say too much for Dr. Pitch- er's Baekaehe Kidney Tablets. Be.. fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the Ioins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and, in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dis- appeared. Formerly when I did a washingI was utterly tired oat, not having a bit of energy left. This morning I did my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in recommending: Dr. Piteher's Baekaehe Kidney Tablets, for I never had anything do me so much good." Letter upon letter pours in from every point in Canada, testitying to the marvelous power of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kid- ney and bladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such Other troubles as find their origin in a faulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidence puts ts power to cure these afflietions be- yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. THOROUGHBRED BULL The Brest chum “girl does when she gues L0 learn to he a professional nurse is to have her picture taken with her nurse’s uniform. We feel sorry for people who always want to talk about their mm affairsund nothing else. The man who starts to tell ynn a story by saying it is short, needs watch- ing. A mam never sees " cash register with- out wishing he had money enough to keep it, going all the time. Nobody ever feels sorry for the man whose taxes are invreased by the. Board of Renew. People from a small town often laugh a good deal at folks who conu- from a larger town. A woumn cannot hosaid to be real well acquainted unless she goes in at. the back door of her neighbor's. Most of the money men can umke goes to pay dregsmaket.'s, hills. Every mam. when he gets old, likes to tell how good he used to be physically. The funniest man on top of the earth is u. hm-rihle liar. Some husmess people use upstairs rooms for "tttces to avoid 1ordees. .. IO.......... 57 02 bb li.......... 55 65 Rainfall fo'r week 0.48. General dir. ection of the wind southeasterly and moderate in force. We feel it our duty Mr Editor to nllanx you kindly for the very Interestinqdes- criptiuu ol the great Cement Mill at Cement city, near Jackson. Mich. We he] sure mu when Durham mill starts we will all be there to see it. Wm Lester. who is working for Mr D Leith. Nurmnnby, paul his parents a viut last Sunday. Houaecleauiug is the ordor of the day with the women "roaud here. Mr Ron Taylor. who is attending the Business College at Owen Sound wheeled dc wu on Friday evening to pay his mother a. visit. The Rev Mr Miller. of Holstein and Rev Mr Campbell "changed pulplts lust Sunday. Mr Andy Hay, who had obtaineJ a. good position near Gall for the summer we are sorry to my bad to return home owmg to ill health. Hm brother Wm Juo went down to till his place. Well Mr Editor it is some time since our town was heard from. Everybody has been very busy lately and not much news. Plenty of work keeps the boys at home. Seeding will soon be a thing: of the past, quite a number have already tiuiatted, the rest expect to tiuish this week it the weather is favorable. While looking at the snow coming down lsv,t Sunday some of the farmers were thinking tho grain would he as well in the bagsyet, but we hope nothing serious Will be the result from it. For the week ending May ll, 1901 Temperature Mm. Max. BEYON n A DOUBT. Thousands Give Testimony. May ilililllllill ill1ljilllt TORONTO Dromore. 74 " 75 70 70 am; Sewing Machines and supplies. South of Middaugh House Palmerston Buggies. Buggiés trom,aunpUri JtEiiii"i', " ”4.1 " agons. Bell. Dsherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO a d , SEWING MACHINES. A lar 6 stock f ' n 9RGANS arm Sewing Machines and supplies. g o New Ray mend and Wil Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinda. Shares, Soieplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words tt WILKINSON Puma" each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller ma CULTIVA TING, Coulter d; Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and Spade Har- rows, Seafflers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. "ii-Nt (ii1ersrsrrhirtg for Farmers f The new designs of wall paper are made in heroic proportions. Here are sthe mosthown beautiful wall papers everseen in the wall paper market. The idea has been to give to the pur- chaser of wall paper all that excellence, good taste and judgment can put into papers at -easonable price. We are sure you will find just what you want. MacFarlane &C0. RE""iiii'iiiiia (10., SPECIAL directions in every package wtlishow you how to cure Itching, Protruding or Bleeding Piles, Con- stipation of the bowels or any skin disease. Price 25c. Ask for Sample. DRUGGSTS 6: BOOKSELLERS RECOMMENDED and for Sale by Use it as directed and Sou will be surprised ill the results. SAVINGS BASH. .znerest allowed trn: savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up-, wards Prompt attention and every' farililv afforded customers living amt distance. l J KELLY, Agent. 3 Lincoln’s Nettle Ointmentj The Only Guaranteed Cure A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at Irnzrrenf rates. AGENTS in all principal points m 911mm). Ryelsre. VManitnlm. l'nited , ".,t"f"' "'"r""V. sl {states and England. (lllllil)lllll DANA DA CANADA CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .sGirGro CAPITAL, Paidup.-.... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND .".r...... "00,000 HEROIC PROPORTIONS. DURHAM AGENCY. It not only gives Rives instanat re- lief, but It cures to stay cured by re- moving' the ctuise---r'onstipat ion. ON WHE E LIB, 1_Sl,1_atlt,an.1. ap_d Snowball W: Head Office, Toronto. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. For Piles JOHN A. DARLING, 50 Queen Nt., Ottawa. Dvmux. ONT J. G HUTTON, Inc 'iNlllt REVIEW.’ 32333;” 50 cts to new subscribersto end of year. Cash or ftarrners' Produce GEO. LAWRENCE. Ctau: Grocery Store. ass: DEN CE “a ormck LL, mute UPt'Fit TOWN, DURHAM. Lower Town. Nothing Stale. Everything New and ttp-to-date and he cordially invites a trial. Member College Pttraitsirate and Human.- ’54- Oahu-lo. OFFICE HOURS 9-Ns. m. 2--4 p.m. Thetindersigned has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. McKinnon) fall lines of FLOUR, FEED, Will vivit Prim-ville Friday each weekfrum 9 a. m. t. 4 p m. . McKlNNON. Lower Town, . a TRIMMED MILLINERY i . Special attention has been given to Ladies' Bonnets and Chil- 1lllll0 Invites you to visit her Millinery Show Rooms, on [mm I 2ilrll6, Telephone Connection No. ttt dren 's Hate. Something entirely new in White Hats, including Leg- horns, Fancy Braids and French Chips. When she will have for your inspection the very latest in about the popular bicycle. It's the Racycle and is the only one with the sprocket between bearings. That means 27 per cent easier to push. 'ht tell you A GORDON, an Connxx"‘is cut on made in three Sections. MISS DICK SUMMER GROCERIES, de. MAY 16, 1901 Miss Dick M OPENING ! Jewvller. agons. llliluxhl-fl IMI'. l "l No. I th/y, Ills! "11;th Halurtluy and “m vrsry) slime half dozo "dd kind to lend aura)” to Thetlo. are to In» surv Lae-Fmtield Ititie. In Oliver munipnu-nl dnin nnnnyunm- of pipe cl more made by Co'. Te securing for " Inn-u wearing slums uml su- is likely to be unduly a The whole mun- of “'5. U‘IIM'ly prarlivnl and ll mttetut "tt nmllmlicw. cmulnumlu-r is itsstit mi tical Innw'. by luu'ingl mum in Landon all Ilw orich, and as a pin-n1 ic urdilmlo oftthuus urc- t "Ill. in detail the. l'vqllil fettt,eotutuitcsaty. wag res, tent" Nu. Mr. IV,. Cot. TelfotU H. IMVv l eastern mmpaniu-s m: and entraitt heve. whil like exercise could foot and join the "how 'tctteoie.' and we Rive too. " something nu is wanted by way u might he all marched t town. and invited to c and can: to I Maod at LII to city all The e tl'llllrr'ltlll in B. A . upped-M. the high: dl [HUI d! w M a "ut, Fund branch dom.r is Mist N, w. T. wh ally to tite F, she usual In " fund tttr Ila-portal from alum Ontario lo the Gioh wheat has wink-red safety. On light mil (ht and under heavier c the land is mlling. the Only on h-wl fields 1 there two prttritus win killed. On the whole I may “My he vaunted Enough nttetttio" i destruction of him-k k and it, is no wonder It at such an AIM-min: " dealt with promptly. tine for thoe who Ito-g1 Bray FINGERS. s the Preslwuariun chm lunat- on Thursday ll amides for the Imam: Show Day in the Tum ladies Will also have I Improved so popular la Gum) HOMER. A‘H inns are being mlked British army the l horses should he a live‘ Paton. proprietor of 1 home “Jasper" ha. lnl Fight-mom and Not-mt his route for tho “an"! momma-r. t4ee balls fa “Nuns on human» but». and a knowledt the "tttttttttttity. mum comm. A call when A LIBERAL (in-1- Mr, anuhurmu rm Alumnus of Man-huh tion out linet "Tirioria it.., fish "tot" of Ilu Miss Dirk ltotuttiftt1 in Our Boom and Shae. any of. The foot titte and the purse com-id Arthur's. II" tt Alex. McEachern, like!" get tpace of See “Callie Astrar.' Wil Fishing Tackle lulf| Drug Store. Try our spring Mmlu houle and box Pills in '1.00. Darling's Drug VOL. XXI m ift Local and Dislric " " Ill " Int-m -v vlu tt SICK]! " The Ru Pork and Bonus l Sardines. Kippem Toummes, ('urn a All ffort class gm Use SEAw‘mJuuT mended Ity all men Wil " Mise Milli: ll in M 'utittt f the im-us II Ut

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