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Durham Review (1897), 23 May 1901, p. 1

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Mit "NON. Lower Town {9’96 Iiss Dick tu? you o MILLINEm MMER AY Iii, 1901 " RDON. whacnv h OPENING l )RGANS, and Wil Ms M It A LIBERAL Girt--hast week Hei. Mr. Farquharson received the sum of tt20 as a subscription to the Common Fund branch of theCentury Fund. The donor is Miss Millie Ector. of Beaumont, N, w. T. who has thus shown her loy- alty to the Fund. and also to the church \ht' used to worship in by this handsome gin. A still] of still) was sent by Dur- liain 1'reur.vivriatt congregation to this furul. l.\ii'oi:'ri\'o Li'MuHit. The supply of dry ('llll :it the Furiiitiiie Factory is getting low and the week two cars of dry t‘llll luiulier were tvcviiuul from P,rlttuustott. A ('.ll' of oak luluher. con- minim: Irg0) ilct, has also been laid in stock. The factory. under Mr. i'uton's toua,u,rt'trrt'nt, seems to he on thvhisrhvoitd to sucrose. It", more and iiioie of valuable 1uvrtituve is being turned out and the demand is growing. “Humor: CAMP, Captain Snider of No. tCo'y, 31st Regiment was in town Saturday and was very busy collecting tyotttt? half dozen odd t.ittesof the old kind to send away to the. department. The Co. are to he served with the new Lee-Enfield Itithe. lit-own belts and Oliver equipment doing away With the annoyance of pipe clay. The sensible more made by Col. Teltiiid last year in securing for his men the privilege of wearing shirts and straw hats on duty is likely to he Widely adopted this year. The whole game of war is becoming in. lensely practical and there is no tune to spend on aesthetics. The Goderich commander is instituting another prac- tical more. by having his men march to can-p in London all the way from God- erich. and as a practical exercise, sub- ordinate officers are required to draw out in detail the requirements of such a tent. Commissary, waggons halting pla- ces. tents etc.. etc. We would suggest to t'ol. Telford to have the northern and eastern companies march to Durham and entrain here. while Durham. for a likeexercise could foot it to Mt. Forest. and join the "boys" there. Great scheme! and we give the advice gratis‘ .too. If something more practical still ". wanted by way of training they might be all marched to the west of the l town, and invited to cross the Saugeen, and come to a stand still at Cork town I hill to dry oft. The experience of their countrymen in B. Africa could then by faintly appreciated. Goon HoRsEs.--While remount stat. ions are being talked of here for the British army the question of good horses should he a live one. Mr. James Paton. proprietor of the fine imported horse "Jasper" has hills out throughout Egremont and Normanhy announcing his route for the season. Jas. Hoy is manager. See hills for pedigree, etc. Reports from almost all pomts in Ontario to the Globe show that fall wheat has wintered in comparative safety. On light soil the plant is healthy and under heavier conditions. where the land is rolling. the promise is good. Only on level fields where ice formed there are patches where the plants are killed. On the whole an average crop may safely be counted on. Bl'mr F'tsc,Ettrc--Bome w. ladies of the Presbyterian church met at the manse on Thursday last and prepared articles for the bazaar to he held next Show Day in the Town Halt where the ladies Will also have a. dinner and tea as proved so popular last, year. Enough attention in not paid to the destruction of black knot on plum trees and it is no wonder that it is increasing at such an alarming rate. It should he dealt with promptly. There is a heavy tine for those who neglect to do so. Miss Dick invites: all lovers of the bountiful in Millinery to visit her show mums on Lambton St. Experience. taste, and a knowledge of the needs of the community, enable her to satisfy all come-rs. A call solicited. FRESH Fun AT THF. FREEZER. -Miles Wilson has cotrst,antly on hand fresh fish. Will be pleased to :u-t-mmnudnte farmers and others at any time. Re- uwmlwr the place, IN‘HI‘ the south end of the town 1 Martosr.E.--An energetic committee of Markdule cuizens have a big celehrw tion out lined for the ""2tth" the new "Tirtoria Day." SEND H To D.ty--We an» altering the lteview to Jan. I, 1902 for 5th" Have-3'01“: friend who would appre- ciate its wswkly visits? Give us his rtiuueattdtuldvess nn a [nut vavd “why. Our Boots and Shoes we make u, spec- Ialty of. The foot fitted, the eye pleased and the purse considered nt,--C. Mc. Arthur's. Alex. Mchchcrn. Priceyille, would like to get trace of five young cattle. See .' Cattle Astray." last page. 4th col. Try our spring Medicines. the largest bottle and box Pills in the market for a $1.00. Darling’n Drug Store. Fishing Tackle half price at Darling's Drug Store. VOL. XXIII. NO. 21 Local and District News Items. The Heview to Jan. I. low, for Joe Any persons ttshing on the property of the Durham Fishing Club will be prosecuted. Five dollars reward will be paid to any person furnishing such information as will lead to a conviction. J. KELLY. T808. A. HARRIS, The rifle used is the Lee-Enfield, and these of course are supplied under certain restrictions Enough has been said at this time to: bring the matter before the public and I we shall return to the topic as events) progress. _ From afcursory glance at the ‘Gom-r- al Ordvr" we note a few of the require- ments and hope Licut. Torryiwill secure a meeting before long and have de- tails ofthe seheme,'laid before it. There must be a membership of 40 and a mem- bership fee of $1.00 annually. Govern- ment supplies 100 rounds ammunition per man free and extra supplies cost $150 per 100 lbs. a wry remote one, and one we hope that will nc-vcr be seen, still as part of an empire Wt' are proud of, the necess- ity of using firearms may at some time be forced on us and, if not, "ean do, is easily carried ". Lieut. Torry, ofNo. 4 Co., lately re- eeived a copy ot a "Special General Order" relating to the formation of Rifle Associations throughout the country. On Tuesday he roacived the neoessary forms for the enrollment of mumtmrs, and having these it is only necessary that steps should be taken at once to lay tho scheme in detail before the community and endeavor to get one up in Durham. Events in the world of Late have shown the importance of (left-nee and the necessity of being amluaimod to Some extt-nt with warlike weapon-1 In Canada the contingency of de. tending our homes agamst an enemy is A meeting of the representatives of the clubs at No. 5 districc was held on Wednesday evening at Mmkdale. Members present, John Ramsay, of Owen Sound, J. A. Huntennf Durham. A. w. Sproule. Mmkdale. After some dwcussmn it was decided to arrange for a imgle round of matches and the series was scheduled as follows '.--- Markdnle at, Durham, June 13. Owen Hound at Markdale, June 21. Durham at Owen Sound, July 1. Mulkdnle arowen Sound. July s. Owen Sound at Durham, July 12. Durham at Markdaie, July 25. The framing of the necessary timbers will soon be done and brick work com. menced. Barring accidents it should be ready to shelter a. few I teams on the 12th of July. GETTING ON.-O'he, stone work of the foundation of the huge stable in con- nection with the Knapp House is now completed. and an idea can be had of its extent and capacity. C. McArthur is up to-date in the lat. est styles and prices of seasonatulltattr. SPARE TILE Run on the preserlles of Durham Fishing Cluu if you wt: to .\|)5ll‘(‘ your purse. An advet'tisa, ent (in this [mgr does not. mince mama’s. Mr 31cNully, slnwllmkvl' and minder in l'pper Town left Wednesday br 0. Hound. rxpm'iillg there lutiml Emore profit in krvping lhn Inuierstnndllra of the pump!!- In good order. 't' THE 12TH. -Pvepat'ations are we” un-. det. way for it big celebration here on the 12th of July. Ive, can not say yeti how many lodges will take part, /rhel, ladies of the Methodist ciil/rliv'/ii1i) preparing to cater to the crowds id‘thel Town Hall. F, I 16 fine photos for 350, you can have four different sittings. These prlces will hold good only a short lime. yo do not llllis it. Studio Browne’d Old Stu ml. :' SHALL WE HAVE A RIFLE ASSO.? We want your Butter and Emit and we will pay the highest price therefore. We pay cash.--C. McArthur. ..TT 'VF6E Ks'" "l.". "“"r“ 'l'"?' 'Y." CROP Oc'rLoori.---Splendid Showers till “IN," l, 1902' li ho would be rlth- and dark weather are rushing vegetat- out tt r , ;i0n nmrvellously this week and the re- Il r. (Gilbert. 3lckechnie, Treas. of t.he sult of last weeks slight frost is scmcely National Portland Cement Co., do” to _ apparent. Fall wheat looks remarkably Toronto, on Monday next to unkind a. I healthy and in some places its thickness meeting of the Directors. .' jis causing it to ' 1odgt". Pastures RN ladies Try Darling's Furniture blush 1Rood and dail‘ying institutions must be the best in the market. Darling'( Drug ': having a fine opening. Store. t/ . l --------, __ ~77 50c. will got the Review fro? how till Jan, I, 1902. Who would he’with. llllhMi $lllfllljlli NOTICE. itititttrti, DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1901. ml in February. 1900, to “can, the Financial Secretary of the court, was on accaunt of advances made to him by [ Bean, and not for dues for the last four months of 1899. and deceased was not therefore at the time of his death in 'June 1900, a member in good standing (within the meaning of that term as j detined by the constitution of 1896, and l by reason of the same constitution for jsuch non-payment and without having been reinstated as therein provided ‘withiu four months. has forfeited all iclaims on the order. Thus this case is distinguishable from Dale v, Weston lLodge. 24 A. It. Ml. Not Is the claim sustainable under sec. 40 of the c ,nsti- l tution of FOO, because its provisions as _ to cases of members incapacitated from l attending to business and not financial- ly able to pay dues were repealed, and ‘as provided by the certificate the Mace-used was to be bound by amend- iments, etc., thereafter made. There '; has been no waiver' by defendants and, weredit must be given to the testimony ‘of several witnesses. who swore that ideceased told them he was out of the lorder because he was behind in his dues. Action dismissed with costs. W ‘Kingstone, K. C. for plaintiff, A. J. 'Wilkes, K. Co, for defendants. The sequel to the above is found in last Friday’s Globe. in the legal column, which we give below. The society as was almost certain came out but and the case should be a warning to many who trifle with their payments. TRIAL COURT. Betore Falconhridge. C. J. Jack v. Canadian Order of Foresters. -Judgment (L.) in action tried at Guelph brought by the widow of John Jack, late of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, deceased. to recov- er the amount of a policy of insurance on his life for $1000 issued by defen- dants, a fraternal benevolent. and provi- dent society, on June 29, 1897. Deceas- ed was a member of Court Durham, No. 1-16. and defendants allege that, he was not a memherin good standing at the titneofhis death within the meaning of the policy, because he had not. paid the fee of 65 cents- due for the month of January. 1000. nor paid the fees payable under the constitution and hy-laws of the (Yourt, Durham within thirty days from January l, It”). Held, that de- fendants, who are a registered society. had Hillieiently complied with the terms of R. S. o. ch. 203. sec. ru (h), and indicated with sufficient. particular- ity references to by-laws, eta. copies of which were delivered to the assured: that the payment of 85 made bydeceas- no longer, and he admitted to these witnesses that he was out of the. Order. The case was very fully argued by counsel for both parties. Wm, King. ston. K. C.. Mt. Forest, appeared for the plaintiff, and A. J. Wilkes, K. (k. Brantford, for the defence. Judgment was reserved.--Mt. Forest Rep. l in May ; secondly. that the payment of $5 whivlt was made tn Me Benn, set-ru- tary of (‘nurt Durhmn. was paid on lurcnunt of insurance : thirdly. that the constitution did not apply, as the woustitutinn of 1800 was delivered to Mr. Jack instead of the t'onstitution of IBM, the hunter containing a clause to the effect that. if a member failed to pay in his dues the lodge would keep him paid up, said clause not hemp; in the amend- ed constitution of 1897. Evidence was adduced on behalf of the defence, who called Mr. Bean. that the $5 paid up advances made by Beam from Septem- ber to December, 1000, inclusive. Several witnesses were also called to give. evidence that Jack had admitted) to them that Bean had kept him going for some time and had also told him that. he would pay his (Jack’s) insurance , l, INTERESTING HIGH COURT Catm.--At 1the High Court sittings in Guelph last iweek the luilowmg interesting case from this neighborhood, as reported by “he Mercury. WM tried. 3 Jack w. Canadian Order of Foresters. _-The plaintiff is the widow of the late Hahn Jack, painter, of Durham. and she sues the Order foe $1,000 under an 'endowment, certificate, issued to her whus'hrmd, who was initated into Coupt ‘Durhzun on May 12th, 1897. the I'm-liti- it-ute- lwnring thr date of June, 1897. The plaintiff contends. first, that the 'ins‘urzmrr (lsltml hum the (Iriivrry at the (-m'tifirntr insh-ml of fun” mitiutinn ad of from mitiation tirii Mr. F. ly. Cowharn left this(Wednes. day) morning, after examing carefully all the proposed sites round town. His engineer', Mr. Bogardis, remains oyer to day, to complete some plans for a meet- ing of the Directors on Monday next In Toronto, when the question will be sett- led We expect. The public who want to see pick and spade going have small idea of the dMieultieg of one kind and another that crop up as to apparently the best of sites. Candidate Geo. Binnie was in Hope- ville last week arranging for the meet- ing of June 11th to he held there and addressed by Hon, J.M. Gibson. Hon J. H. mtchford and others. Master Edgar Noble. who has been fora term at the Belleville Deaf and Dumb Institution. is expected home this week. We understand he made great progress while there. Mrs Thos Kerr, of Galt, is visiting at Mr. Dan Edge's. Mr. Binnie's and other friendsin Glenelg last week and this. Mrs Kerr is a cousin of Mrs Binnie, of the Cranston family. Mrs. Jno Cameron and daughter Bella came up from Toronto on Sal: urday to spend the summer at their residence here. MI. J. K, t't'amstott, of Gall, visited Mr. Geo. Binnie. and other Glerwlg friends last week wlule on a business trip to town. The Rev. Wray H. Smith leaves this week fur an extended tvip Including the Methodist Conference in Hamilton and Patt.Anwricatt Exposition Buffalo. Mr. Joseph Allan, Thot'nlutry and sister Maggie, spent, a couple of days last week visiting their aunt Mr. Adam Ruben-hon. Miss Anderson and Mr. Burrows, of Durham. were guests Sunday at M P. A. Allen's.- ~Mf. Forest Rep. Mr. Peter l’nugle. of Dunville, arriv- ed in town Monday afternoon to take a position in Browne's studio. Miss Emma. Moffat afteia few weeks visit with friends in Palmerston, re- turned to her home Friday. The Rev. Wm. Furqulmrson. of Dur. ham, wxll preach in the Methodist church Zion on Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Miss Belle McDougall returned from London, Friday last accompanied by her mece Miss Lam-n Boone. Miss Janet, McRontld. of Hamilton, is Visiting friends in Henrinck last week and this. Miss Sims, of Vickera. visited at Miss A. L. Mturkenzie's, for a few days last week. The Rev. J. Gamer of Hanover will preach in the Methodist, church Durham next Sunday morning and evening. Miss Ada Horn, of London, is visiting her sister Mrs. J. A. Darling. Mrs. Geo. Meikle left this morning to visit friends in Paisley. Mr. Brad Jamieson came home from Toronto Saturday. Miss Jemima Arrowsmith. of Saginaw arr-wed home on Saturday. Mr. John McArthur, of Priceville, was in town Thursday. Miss Lottie Benton is visiting in Dornuch this week. VERY " 1lllil llfllljllflll ity lllllllifllf WHIi Millinery [EN l ou buy a good Hat here you have a style all your own. Secure one now. PERSONAL MENTION- Very pretty hats from $1.50, 82.oo, 83.oo and upwards. Brings out the best artistic taste there is in woman- kind. Not one out of five hundred milliners is a true artist. No better exempli- fication of true merit can be seen than by a visit to Miss Dick's Millinery Showrooms any day of the week and look at the neat conceptions now shown at prices that will astonish you. Miss Dick _,,ii,tttittt), gest that has ever taken place in that part of the country. Among the many beautiful fiotral offerings the most mn- spicuous was one presented by the County Council, of which Mr. Willis. croft, was a. member at the time of his demise. It was a. large sixteen spoke wheel, with one spoke irorlcen out, rep- resenting the number of members of the Council. the mining spoke representing the loss of the deceased member, and was composed chiefly of roses. The pallbemers were Warden Brown, ex- Wardens McDonald, Gordon and Prin- gle, Commissioner N. McColman and county. Clerk 1tuthetford.--O. s. Sun. One SPOKE GONE-The funeral of the late MI . Thomas williscroft, which took placeffrom the family residence, neat Holland Centre. to Mount Zion come- tery. on Friday afternoon, was the lar. of Call S7ttsspesettutts &stirtited. Sflllllllllhl, & LENAHAN A P AIC' i; 1 if. tr' :0 i i' n 2 in r tir" ho ' i. 3 u' . :~“¢gLIrtrrrrt tiutiuttlt i' _._.i,t,ii2jrili'::i.lii', l tt tt EELEEAEJ‘LstJfingthLfiglszgLJfiLJ1.31.... I 31711111 Farmâ€"1rim?r1‘r‘17r7'r17r1‘r1'm‘r‘z‘r-a-‘rir‘fr-l'rrfn‘I i-"', I"! TT r1 Til V i I‘m! ct, gillggpggyzJngng'L‘.’J‘L4;I74.LJ;LJgt.;J;L1:1;J‘LJ'L,J+J.L_J.LJIL_1.L o.c-oir-a.r--U--s.i-ip r":3,21r.1ie1i1rrrn'ry r3.rf'1 rm n r21 rmr“. ren t"n I"! F‘H": r1 rt r1 r“. r1 r“. F1.F.’1 r 31'1”???'l”l"l”l'“1'1”???1'1”? [ 2," (f L.) it: i l, j" u" l in. (f, 4, l C l j" l _ t _ . q I a _ Old customers are cordially invited to call and see usHn our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the néw premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under che firm name of Shewell & Lcnahan. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on SHEWELL & LENAHAN. " ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Our D. & A. Corsets are trade winners. Have you seen our straight front I w corsetsat....................... . . Another shipment of hints, in Light and Dark colors, regular 12e for Sateen in Light and Dark, worth from 15eto20,thia week...... .... White Lawn in wry wide widths, reg- ular price 15e, this week. . . . .. .... wry Seeds. We are showing a beautiful line of Cheviot Suicings. in Light and Dark colors. verv suitable for Children 's dresses, 20 regular 350 per yard, this week. . . . l 0000 3000 NEWS THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Sprints. 2%ons. 6ateens. of. Cororts. f..-..... ' " HHS Week. WHOLE N0. 1209 i\hy . 1”, {a ram: ttess IM! "e0tech,tie. "c0tectutie. '.".f.' le. (it. W. iCL 22 Au, 2.2 as: "trr 32E It 3?! lf IL

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