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Durham Review (1897), 23 May 1901, p. 2

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li tro Whinh Marla replied that "it w well to be nu the Info aide.” meaning. of (mun-v. the opposite to mrpendlcitit' side. and out all fruit hum our tabla I am particularly [and of mum-n and we- had been mung tin-mu trely, when Maria cams aux-cw an article in the Lancet or can» other mam-M hruerral mylnz they prulm'wl calmer. Instantly we tuba“! hummus”. or course. we had known all along that cucumber and wuturmvlnna Rave one cholera lulu-hum. mu than won- mun-ml on the (ls-15th list mrly in am- hmIOPkN'p- to“ wntnrr. All this rather limited (In (not. but my wit" was ingenious and l-(tuwutml n Creat many dishes that Wo full an”? were all right. and we always hullul the drinking water. Wa had pork and Iii-ans 1sct'ttsiottttll.v, like my New England nnN-srm's. and have in a whlln Maria nllnwml tt ple to Uecorttte our tabla However. one day I run awn-ass an urtlclp stat- ing half tho “'4wa tho World wpre due to indlmmtinn. and New Eng- land ntmnat-‘Em. onus-ml m New Eng- land park and bvuns‘ had ttaosed more Prim" in tho world than we warn nwar» of. "Marin," l mid, with a rabelllou- ntr, "(tuft yo know on» doctors are on the mutual tor a vermHorm amend“ irreerpritis" of what any- one has ants-n or proposes to eat?” I was “using " nmvs stand ()lll‘ day and purrhumul n m-imnlifh' maga- Tme. Th" lint thing: that nrst my 21110 “my an urlirl“ upon thp ill rp- Putt' ll: “hiclo lknlml “3|er shuuld be held. Whrm lww that Dr. Koppe, tt learned and roam-[ml member of medical sorirtirs without number, W tue writn-r and that the exempt was from the D‘-utn:'iw Medietna0.e Wa-hnchrlft tknew it was all right. The length and unintelliglhlllty " tho name gnu» tttr' uupr cwrm'idertrte. I walled until we were at the dinner table and tlw maid had just filled our glasses with our boiled-distilled-her- metically -sealod -mllil- used water, who}; [owned my attack: "Maria." I remorkvd. as we par- took of our dinm-r, "w" must in. 'rttuttl.r “up pork and bonus. Think of the Now England utnmnvh as n tactor in crimo." and I called her attention to the faet that Lo-inhrmm had entirely overlooked thiu in writ- ing hill “l"vmnle Offender." "SUM." mid my wire. who was nl. ways hopeful, "w" lune our brr'ad. moms: bretul--attd I mm sure we boil alt the watt-r Wu use." We remtml cuunly on tho assump- tion that all was well and we wetn- dmouring nu microbvan nun-nulls when. to Muria's horror. who one» day (Harm's-rm! that white bran-l hall a tendency to Immune? diabetes and that bar! and tapewm-m went tu- gether. The utter deamlh‘ that fol- low” Hum tlitaiveriet4 produeert a complete rpm-lion. and we (inward to eat overything. Ink-robes and all. mm. vu- mum the Water and shun- nai as deadly any that had not guns through the 1t'ustilled-tutti-tauttlrt pro- ous. In flirt. Marin haul anon-med it was the tiane nf fruit... God's uwn all: to nnture, but. we ate no grapes. strawberries or ('urrunu tor {Par ot - being 119ml mum for Amendi- attire. It was this time of fruit that I taurmi Stu-ink attention to the fact that purple who ate them things ”and to be as well an an.» who my Immunity from ttptutid. fever, diphtheria and innoumonm. let Alone gtremnture Minimum and other mis, lortuum. to thin saving process. and '0 had often smiled as we remind that we had gut the better of do. hurt ”on and microbes with long me- and short lugs. knowing they could not harm a hunily whoqe. aqua- cu- bevoragn had tteen boiled, din. tilled. nlterod and kept. hermnti- “My 'settle" until use“. Maria tnlkmi much u! thin. I hoard her tell lit-r ”hands m bursts of und- den conriderwo inst how many twins she gave to ttet tun of th" jar to ho qure it was Hunk-1i. I inward iii-r th- iatc on huw “Mil I had iroon in run- '"'uurm'", "Ill! l Huts-mu] while Sh" told how sh" stood th" jar 1ru itu' hunt! to me" if anything run nut. Marin gm! um- and the huttio attri the hvrmo-lin-ully rec-nip»! and stand- mg on thu howl prm'o-s's in mixed In her auditors mind that I (Inter- minul to hart. my rvuwme. “AWltiu.” old Maria. wlth a ottet ot ueterrutuat look, "has been here all the time. only, like bat-ill and mil-robes. we dlul not. know it. Now we do. nr or? liable to have "Oh .nothing." rt'pliHl my wit". mlllngly. "I have had, in fact, a delightful attormvntt. We went to the park, walked around. drank some of that pore spring water and came "My dear girl I" Irripd. holding up my hands m ttrtritod horror. “It is Worm! that you are aliw. Do F011 know no little that you drink spring Inter? It is too Pure. It does not contain salts and hence the microbe. in It ounnut Ike." t Br KATIIRINI Loam "treq. i mm¢++++++++++++mow " was appendicitis can“. We “to limpIe {oil's and not {admonable tad I) do not {all into the hands at thr Inn-gown. but Marta. said this .0 doe Lu hnr extreme- caution in aux-ting {and for our tabla. "Maria?" tmid," with reigned mum- tude. "yin: an not looking well: what is the matter?" " Pshaw '." nxvlnimod Maria. with a sat of don't-triflo-with-mo air, "Timely! you are crazy. You know we boil all bnr table inter just to got rid d thee microbes, and after lt b boiled WP put-" In” -gtiiuhrtmtt.' Ht, ‘U At all Sm or by nun a: (In uh. MALL a RUOKEL. MONTREAL. tt AI Anti-licrobe t \Crnsade. wome+++++++++mm+ " hm.“ ,miiikiiii"i' a: In "Karin!“ I dried, " I gave my titiiiiiiiiatt rrmnrkval. as we par- Jinn". "grt. must in. pork and bums. Think England ulnmm-h as n my fee moment distilled t dead in - weloue + trtitutlo t [Amun Miss Breeey---irsw did you get your father to In yuu lake [mulling les- sons? 1rouldn't get min intnreuled ut all. Miss Porkpa----Nvitlter mmhl I when Italkml of paints. but whom I milled tho-m "piv:tueuts" he (-nckwi up his ears. Pnuougera (let (“Impact of the Pan- Amerlenn Exposltlon. People tram-Him: tron: the emit and wast will come within the Bone of the direct influence and omit-it of the lun- Amr-rlcun Exposition miles awn,» from tho great atrd glorious spectuclp it.. qoit. Surrounding the matting of the exposition there are humorous teu-. tnri-s that will riv L] the attraction; of tho input show tor public atten- tion, and "erpecially l this true of Niagara Falls. Thar-e in no greater or more Won-lerml "ye-ttstun in the world than tho Fall" ot Niagara. the beau- tiful got-go, uni the dashing. tumult- uous wtttets ot the Whirlpool Rapids. it they are alert, long baton! their train storm at Niagara Falls, puss- aurora over the Grand Trunk Railway Will come in alight of the mighty oh- mrvutiml towpr from which nonwh- light signals will be tlashed to the lilwtrir Tower of the Flxpoeitiott. In tum-y mm min picture the beam of tho powerful pmjmtor “thrilling way of! toward Hamilton, Out. to the». glad welcontrs and Rrpetink to the incoming trnins Lain with lm- manity anxious to new the falls and the l-lxmxeition. Spy-Ming across the won lop-ml guru". the truin will carry its INtirtr..'iPrM in full vimv of the Full» of Niagara an! tho Whirlpool Rapids, white tho rnmarkahle- gorge will strotch out on oitlmr side of tite ttreote'rt railway utvvl arch ttridge in tho world. Tin.» bridge of the Grnnd Trunk Railway at Niagara Falls is one of the wnn'lm‘s ot the locality, and renting, as it riooa, one Fill] in the domain of Kink Edward. the other in Che United States. it tor-nu a por- tion of tlieHndudrtrint hand in the Anglo-Saxon union that forum a real- ization that no matter on which side ot the Niagara wp "with, we are all A minim ne- tan-A merieamt. '. Yon believe, then, alter all, that Shakespeare wrote the play: him self ?" t4lte--mtt to make Murp, the first time Ivonne tun-ms him in iteaven I'll ask him. " But N'potie hrs isn't. there ?" .. Then you can ask him." "Why did Ftrtt break on the 9n- gam-un-nt T' "I don't know. I saw a pained "h" prvssion 0an across his taee one night when sm- asked him it Joan of Am. \\':In ?ionlt's wins: but. of tuning. a Whisk! thing like that wouldn'L vans" it."-iliouiapolis Sun. "Oh, t'ertsittly,' I replied with a "ltuckle, "r am willing to keep on making an impromptu tank ot mySPll. but. mark my words, Maria. in a. few month] ”action will apt in here also, and We shall read or water on the brain or aqueous humor of the honrt caused by too much water drinking." And this last looked Jo ivrolnglp Marla did not answer. wire-Bit' 1-didu't buy them; I had them charged. Hutrbattd--8hat do you do when you hit your thumb with I' hammer? You can't swpnr. Miss Gabbeitrh--t don't miss SO much an you think. I have subscribed tor two Inshinn magazines-Baltimore Bum _ "Welt,' tAtdtett Martha. "it In dis- iracfung to key-p up With the ditlerent mania“. We'wnn" boil our water any more. but certainly you will keep on drinking a swat deal ovary day. You know the doctor“ any thwre in no doubt that none of us drinks Pnoug'h water. We ought to drink three or four quarts n day. it is no Noam-ling and hem-{icinl generally." uutsbori-lhm't, you think it was very 'extravagant of you to buy all “he? thing"? 7 -- _ _ Hoax-Thr' doctor told me thad a high fever. Joax--How high ? . Ht as-His hili makes it out to have been a $1.1 one. Wife-No: but Ira." think. with all my might and main, what a perfectly horrid, mean. inconsiderate, selfish brute vou arr not to drive the nails your-Eek. Miss Goodleizh- Sister Gabbeigh, you don't know how much you are unsa- irqr by y". pt_tefn(ling allure!) regularlx. Uothanr-Well. I would rather say he is. Do you remember that Prince Albert coat he's worn tor so many seasons , . ' "Dis*inctirt" "W511. he calls It a King Edward, Church-You my styles " lip-to- date. "t do," I said. "and I am going to write to the German servant. and thank him." - ___ V __._V ...K ,..--..v.i "Thaddeus' said Marin at. length. bracing up against the loss of one ot her pot them-it's. "do i understand we will be too fresh If we drink ' tiliod water? That while we render harmless, the sort of frog broth we are inviting all sorts of potrrsyllattir', perils ?" "I don't lee what you mean." avert-ed Maria, a little cleanly. "r try so hard to keep you well. I bail tho water and fitter it, and then it' is pot--" ' _ "My dear wile." I announced so!- emnly, "this is no time for trifling. WWII the hell and order water treigtt from the faucet ut on the noble. We are drinking in (gamma water a pro- toplasmic poison. I don't exactly know what that menus, but the words are so iodi-titit, that I am lure it is right. Isolated llviux organic elements, cells and all unicellular or- ganisms.’ l went on rapidly, bracing my feet against. the table to give momentum, "are rapidly destroyed In distilled water. They are thererore dead in the water. and in this way we lose the salts and soluble cell con- trtitution." I managed to get thla last off glibly and with a nonchalant air, for Iwas‘ quite proud of the long words and hoped Maria would think it original, I paused to get breath, and while I did so saw Maria pour the compute of her glass back into the pitcher. I am coming 00;]: Gitif Tiairriroi the stomach all on account otatlmt distilled water." trdagit' a pan away tram my plate, "spare me the details. I that it all {and we In)". [wen all wrong. Here FROM THE TRAINS. Alleged Jokes . Just after a big tiger had carried oft a. couple of children and n wo- man from one of the little village. near Allahabad. Mr. wanrer arrived at tho place with It party of hunters who were looking tor leopards. Many of the natives Joined the party and little time was [out in organizing for the waiting chase. l live calf was tied to a post Just outside the village, with the hop" that its bleuting might attract the animal. but this was in vain. tor a hum-n that has once tasted human flush will not again touch anything else. As they were lying in wait fur tln- reuult of the first experimunt a wild cry went through the village, and it wad learned that owing to tho promised protection of the hunting party a. farmer had ventured into his rice fields. which needed his attention, and upturn the very eyes of his wife and children had hum: pounced upon by it big tiger an! carried oft into the jungle. Kverything was at once thrown into turrtfttsrion, A dozen well. known hunters. who had spent years in the junglv. were apparently battled by om- tins-r. and the experi- ence was one which tin-y did not enjoy. 8020mm "Oh, well, then, as a. minder of profeaalonal courtesy. I, ot course, shall stand by What. you tsaid."-. Life. At daybreak the next morning the party started. They worked accord- ing to a plan made the night be- tore, that the limiters should separ- ate and beat the entire country about the village. Spencer, anxious tor an adventure, photos nu his bent an old water course. knowing that the Bengal tiger. while resting. in usually to be found at the edge of O forest and near a stream. He had followed the stream tor am much as at mile without any intimation of dan- ger when he suddenly heard a rustle in‘ a. clump of bamboos. and before he could raise his rifle a big animal shot through the air and struck him heavily on the shoulders. He was ren- dered senseless by the shock. and when he recovered his mind he found that he was lying beneath the body of a. mammoth tiger. At the slight- est move of its victim the tiger growled, and Spencer realized that to play the best game he must lie ap- parently unconscious. , It happened several ycarl "o, when Mr, Spencer was in law. It wan before the advent of railroad! iu tint part ot the country near Allahabad. which was an almost im. penetrable Jungle and nboundln: in all kinds of large game. it was in the day when whole villages in the vicinity would be sick at heart our ttw report that a Bengal mixer. the terror of the Indian jungles. had been seen. At the receipt of cueh in. telutrenee crops wouli tw nimmion- od, other outdoor work left incom- plete. and. in (an. nveryrltirttt no- glectml until tube animal was killad. his condition of affairs made a tiger hunt not only a sport bat a Public necessity. The natives. however. were armed with the moat primitive wea- pon. and in Hunt of trouble uIInlly waited the appwaram-p of a hunting party to which they would Join them. when as oscrnrt and assistantl. At a distant suund tho brunt quick- ly grabbed him by the side ot his waistcoat. arrl. varrying him as vas- ily as a cut would " kitten. broke through the weeds und tall rushes at a rate which dispelled all hope of assistance from his mnnrmlus. After going half " mil" tho- animal stoppwl. listvnml. dromu'xl his vit.tlm " ml tlwn lay down hpside him. much as u cat does with " momw. SanN-r had two revolves nnd " knit" strappml to his waist bolt, but he dared not mon- ortouglt to tutlvuse tlu-m. The Proper Spirit. First Doctor-d tion't think it abno- lutols qwfssary go opgrnte.” Beand Doctor-Bat' 1 told them that lt was. Whilr hr' ltt,V (hm-o, importing that each moment might be his last. it camp, to his tttind that in his siulp pocket ho had " miwl-sizml package of onynnno pr-ppi-r. which is always (-urriml by experienced jungle heaters. With a Ponlnwsd hurl) ot drsperation he slowly passed his hand into his pocket an] roacltml the coveted pow- der. As he relruwl the package the tiger opened its Jaws and growled, and with Its ayes glaring furiously was about to grasp its victim again when he threw " handful ot red pep- per full In its eyps and mouth. The beast was immediately frenzied with pain and rolled over, clawing furious- ly. but allowing Spencer to creep away on account of blindness. Them keeping well out of the animal's reach, he sent two well-aimed revol- ver shots into his enemy. which gave a few spasmodic struggles and died. Uttswrord--He is trymg to get up 'r_hetlth foul that ls, pglatable. Ctabghaw-'phat'g ridiculous. The medical profession would never agree that anything palatable wt" wtwltatrmtsetArudtrm ' After the hour of training recent- ly, when complimented tor his re- markable work with animals and the ease with which he subdued the most hostile of man‘s enemies, he leaned back in his chair at the winter quar- tors and smiled at the thought of hi. thus exhibiting bravery. He then re- tated an adventure which he com cider: one or the most thrilling olhiu life. and which ' bee.tttirut fur rug in his mother's home in Australia proves its truth-but truth always too remarkable for the human mind to comprehend. Arthur Spencer. who is in charge of tho lam menuserle which ench you upend- the winter months in Geneva, o., is one of the best knqwn animal trnppers and trainers in Am- erica at the present time. While he in yet a young man. his life has been tun of experiences, any one at which would entitle him to notice. Re ttaa traveled in all portions of the globe. routed almost every animal of tho earth from his native lair and had enough hair-breadth escapes to cause him to either shudder at the sight of a. wild beast or fear noth- ing. The latter is nearer the cone. tor he is known to the profession on one of the moat daring of present day trainers. for the Teeth and Mouth " TORONTO Have the Pastors of Some New York Churches. New York pulping. mun u despatch. are regarded generally an the prizes in the clerical protection. aw has been - plainly shown of late. by change- wanna at the lanai elmrcttotr. To be minister in one of the city's big churches is it lucrative and desirable pantie-n. The salaried are large and the perquia'tec often amount to as much; again as the salaries. it is said the late Dr. John Hall had an income ot between 855,000 and 860000 a your. M which his salary amounted to only $25,000. the balance being made up from marriage fees and other incidentally. Dr. Morgan Dix, " Trinity. receives it unitary of 32:3.- ooo and his parquinitu amount to quite as much more as did Dr. Hall B. Dr. Dix hm; also about twenty au- detant elm-ates, none of whom get: less than 32.500 yearly. Mot less than the income ot either Dr. Hall or Dr. Dix, in the income of Dr. 1a'reer. rector ol Mt. Bartholomew'" Episcopal (‘hurr-h. tor besides a large salary, he ottieiates at mun- fashion- able weddings than any other min- ister in New York. Dr. Huntington. of Grace churo, probably comes third on the list of high-priced min- isters. Dr. McArthur, of Calvary ('hurrh, is the best-paid Baptist min- inter in the city. although his salary is not equal to that paid titrUl6' of the Episcopal "mum. Hid fees an- Large, however. The (-uutom of giv- ing big marriage tits is Invreasitig every year, the bigger the fee the more "ompiimentary it is supposed to be to the bride. 'l‘he l‘l't‘lnrh) alum get rich cheques [or the christening of the little ones. B, when it ls re- membered that hamluomn resiiieucee are thrown in with the lnrgv marches in addition to the large salaries, it will be seen that a null to it rich Pity church is not to be despised. It is a pleasant her-tn. and the incumbent is reasonably sure of it for the length of his natural lite. "Oh, Mr.----," the hostess remark. ed, "you must be tired." “Yes. you must be," agreed the lit. tle child: "we nre."-Philndelph|a Telegraph. Beware ot the scandal monger- and shut your ears to what ought not to be repeated. Latest Ribbon Novelty. Have you err-n the very Lutmst rib- bon? It is known us the tplvgruph ribbon. and is u [musing Phantasy of spring. But nevvrthvhss, for the prearnl it is inning lulu-h voguu. It (“clues in all coin”. and has Ult' black dots and dashes of the song of the wires. In gold it is decidedly viii-ct- in, and It is bring much used a: a trimming on light afternoon and house frocks. Perhaps it might he jolt as well to get someone who un- derltands to read the mystic legend it beau. It those who stand at the loom were of a. wagglnh turn. there might be marwlous nwsnnzea hidden behind thes? simple looking decora- tions. A well-known singer was engaged to give a. number of selections at a musicale lately. After the affair was over and the guests were chat. tering in their usual fuhion. the hostess and Ler little girl, a. child ot about five or six years at age, came up to him. Buried Tow" l'nr-overed. Archaeological renew-clam near Culertl htrve resulted in the discov- ery of a buried town of the early period of the Roman Republic. which Manly renomhlm Pompeii. my: a Rome umpuu-h to the Lon- don Daily Mall. The town. which [11th have been it tttvorite resort of wealthy Romans, in in an exrvllent state of pretmrvaMun. Inveeetutation" Itave hen" “in” manual in a publiv building of mag- nificent artistit. "rats"tpirt. It in nvnrly fifty yards long and i-nric-hnd with numvrnuu paintings and Grorrk stumps. The present indications point to tho dist-ornry n! a veritairle aretuusoloqical mine of immense wealth. There meme to be no case or Rheu- 'tm.tiatn, Luv-mag“. Svlatiua. Kidney. Bladder or l'rinary Trouble that thin wonderful medicine Wm not Immedi- ately renew- and pertnttttently cure, and Mr. Gugmm'a wonderful rector!!- tion amply panes the truth of thh immanent. [)odd'a Kidney Pills are the only remedy known to octane» that has aver cured Bright's liseaoo, Diubeto-I thr Drew. There hare boon many Kidney medi- clnm offered tor sale in mm Province from “no to time. Some have tailed to oven relieve, a. few others have dun temporary relief, but only one but! cured permanently and complete- ly every case of Kidney Trouble, any that one is! man's Kidney Pills. "t have uaad Budd's Kidney Pills, and although at first I had little tairth, I am happy to any that now I all completely nured of Kidney "amptuint. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills are a (land medicine, and I dull always unnamed them to those who may ttrurteritut a. l wag." 7 nay Pills, and at hut determined to make one more try. Happily tor Mr. Gasman, he had at last found the sov- ereign remedy for a.“ Kidney Oom- plaint- Now ho is well. He an”: mrhast read many advertisement- ot how people were cured ot Kidney (‘omp_lgi_at by the use of Dodd's Kid- Point Au Pic, Qua. Mar 18.--V cial.)--mrnry Gammon is better. TM. announcement win be hailed with pleasure by his my friendl. who knew ot his long illness. ' For rem, Mr. Guguon has suffered with Kidney Complaint. What he has endured it beyond description. Every- thing)” triad failed to cure him. MILEAGNON BETTER. Prominent Quebec Gentleman is Cured of Kidney Duane. Followed the Advice of on Advertise- ment, end Secured Results to Seth- facwry that He has glven Ill- Own Teen-noun] ror l'ubllcnuon. Minard’s Linimonl x-urvs Burns, "te GOOD FAT BERT HS h'Enfant I errlble. Minnrd’n Liniuu-nl lu-li-n-u Neural gin. The “nmnn whn imaginm that all- black roux-king's are who ‘nly kind mold in largo quantities mama pay a vial to ttie Insular) department of the trig "ttops. The "outi_rtt look var) much a.» it a rainbow wore running riot. "ml ttttturl ram-ing- like hues urn not mnro- lid) than the vivacious tints or ttw nvu- NPMNOHN Mocking into which tho up-to-date girl thrusts her pretty little fret. odd years. He has n unmll ineome, from his (hwerunwnl pension. which provides the IN-vvssurit-H of lite. For water ho rPliPs on the [900le in the forest, whirl: he derlnrus to be far Illperior to the wntvr supplied in towns. He Man a vivid mum-um: of events 30 your; awn. but of mod- ern hnmwnings h" litmus "outing.- English I-vahnnge. There an- “THAN. 1mm and hinvuit colors in grant tarirst,v, many cem- broidered with tin.: figure.» of con- traating colors. l'mlnnirmly pretty are grayu and ttttpe in tho 1lenttrramit rib, with tins run-“bum“ in pink. with the foliage in groom. Thu-w little tlorwerw oxtettet to the bunt. top only, tho top" being plain. enact. At every funeral the hauling of mourners’ tea." is one of the chief features of the ceremony. Each of the mourners is presented MU: a sponge with which to map his face and PFeq, and after the tmriat than sponges are presented to the print. who met-se- the tear. into bottles. which he ketr.--Famitr Doctor, I cured tb horn» lmdly turn by a pitehtork with mxums LIN!- H’ENT . Edward l.inliol. St. Peter's. V. B. I cured a horns of the umugv with MINARDS LINIMEN'I‘. The N'wllu luknru am: said to have made a rmnarknble dlncuvc-ry in Ep- ping Formt. where an old man. lie.. lngnnder it bush for lll‘anV 40 years. was (or the first time reckoned tum ong the population of England. A layer of "laws a root 0100]) formed the bed on which this wild man of the woods reposed. A lew nth-kn not up- right formed tln- walls of his habita- tion, and the Imvps of the hull} bush oerved " the walls ot n raw. He had been ten .H-nrs Inc-fon- the must in the Royal Navy. and stilt-rwarda lt )ears in inn Inn-rt'hnnl marina Then ite sought wit hint relzltivm in the vicinity of Kppirus Furs-at. who rp- t-Piu-d him kindly. but, living unwill- ing to trouble thom as a hon rder, hp devided to find hm own unnru-rn. The fox-pat afforded the must uuitnblP re- fuge, and llwré‘fore he has ramped out under a bush tor the but thirty An exec-limit propu-uiiun for pre- venting and rmmning {rm-He. and tan, and which will whiten and refine the skin. in prepare" thug: Pure hum-y ...... ...... ....i ounce. (ilyverlne ...... ...... ...... ...] ounce Rectified spirits _..... .........1 ounce Pure citric acid ...... o....." druchm' Essence of A mbvrpcro.....,tt drops Mix the tint two by gentle bent. Dissolve the acid in the spirits and add the east-nee. When the fir-t mix- ture in cold, put the two tmther and agitate till mingled. This in all!) excellent to render the hand. - and white.--SteiU Stuart, in May Ledger Monthly. that wiped out a down Cabanas at Paardeberg and Kimberley and Matching, and added the are». of u couplo of Fur-(mean empires to the Britllh mammal-1. The "an who sold the title to a number of British ”mumps and not sell with it the Druid: power to build more qtetun- uhllpa and make more pmo6itr out of their management or nmle. Theooun- try that gave the world the steam engine, the railway and the loci)- motive, the power loom. the tgtttmttbr- lne cable, the Mean: printing press. and the ()ceaniv and the t)eititt as types of the grantee-it (xummerdnl fleet in Hip wurhl. in not to be kaolin! out..own try the enn-rgy her awn chil- dren have developed in other lmdu. The excitetttle Enallnh pres. ls not a type of the Faurlitdt people. Diamonds. 1 mired n horn-z of u had sunning With MINARDS l.l\I.\lEN'l‘. A physician whb has rocently re- turned from Petuda says that the na- tives still believe that human ten" are a. remedy for-certain chronic dio- lrltnln Not Rial-0d by the Sale of. - Few Shlpl. [Konrad own] Mr. Morgan's purchnno at the stock ot the Leylnnd line of Itemhipl has given the hyotcricnl Englilh pron a new tit. The papers are seeing vision- ot Britain’o carrying trade passing under a. foreign flag and wild and many are the “ymvpa” that are being uttered. The dtuution somewhat re- calls that after Coleuso. when the same class of journalists were shriek- ing that the Empire wuain (humeral collapn because hull u battalion of loldiers and eleven guns haul been lock The name shallow minde tribe is roa'ponslble for most of the talk that in being heard of Great Britain‘s commercial power being nearly bro- ken. Great Britain will have to fight harder in the future for her trade than she ha; in the Inuit“ She. never had so many or so keen competitors. and some of her rivals are only Be- ginnlng to feel their way in out- dde markets. The [not in not one to cause lamenting. it should be an inspiration to groan-r "xertiorr,tuut unless the breed haul changed might- lly and in u very sudden way. it will be. The men will Wood in their places luring tolu- death that raged around them all the day of Waterloo were the lather» of those who alter Codetrio and Mngerslono tom bowed themselves to the work Minnru's Linimc-ut ('III'PK Dandruff. BMhurnt. N. B. NO CAUSE FOR ALARM. Tenn, Bottled Tenn. A Census DIN-ovary. Rainbow Houh-ry. This for Frevkles. ('luinloplmr Saunders. Thom-n W. Payne. I ounces .1 ounce 1 ounce " drachm' i Tan-t “(MR nu muvh trom “unim- tf heart as trom Kim-mun.- " lable - ‘Euiymion. A Trifle Tardy. but "ttwer). .. What is tat-1. m ?" "Tart. :10an ability to knnw'ym'vo done the wrong thing without Waning tor somebody to tell Fou Ann $r' doll- it."-A'hicago Record. Mina rd'a Liniment tor where. ,idtijiuGEaairr;i7ttat"eia='ii', iirr'ri"irr" hotly. We and full aim-nun. ham to mat: all In. amulet rem-int of me earh, ort three tor - itiiii.RhTt. Til-LET! u-rn {shod “was” ','iaGiiritGiiiTrGiil'rt'iitii'"i"i'Gi2 i7tiiit'lt'l"e,"llr' my tt'x'lh'llNltd tots - 1‘st native Bromo Quinim- 'lultleta. Al drug?“ refund the lllOIIPy if it fail» lo run. 26c. :. w. Grave's autumnal-e is m. and: ML WWI-c Fe "LE-THE WORST ul- £085! Nil m cured without fail by Baum . PM Can Shiva. lulled [m for 2't coma. Add". Inhnld. 878 Yam at.. Toronto. homo titUF - --. an" __ rTftoiiir17tirr"Giii all)!” donut cub. Box Stl, A curloup marriage Wm rn-t'vnil)’ celebrate! at (:ruchulc-tz. in Poland. when a. pea-mt at tho- ugo of tot led to the altar a tnaiden u! 18 d0tlttV mm Among tho 290 KIH‘NIC united to the wedding were plow“ nuns of the bridegroom by former murrmgou. the eldest bein B t yours old and the youngmt 4t. 'Ad',.',, wen- nlm sup- threo trrtusdehildro. lhirtynlne great-grandchildren. lwan-um- rhllr dren of tho fourth 'teetr'ratrort and {our of the fifth. A" In". iirvihé 2hiEif, Fan-1h: a Wino-A. I. mile. from when on are a} lp,,'lih',2trg.i'Wlih'Adrtht 1,td 'rl. no 'hieuuitototaotis'/G . m tc mit III“ H-922 , My! have. Aye A BOON T0 2,','.c?Y,,"t/1' tiid -ev Giii u.- aii"GG IGTapa" and 'iriU'llJflll,2WhNfard are” new. dog to "latch it." The taunts! mm and "my on tthe Ill-km. and in . Mt time returned. but wreat- Iy without accompluuln‘ the teat toe which Landau!!- had hacked it. The doubting friend wan thstitrttted un- til Land-veer turned the aux"; muuth. and out dropped five orrsurreigrnre. We dog had not unly found Lln- note, but had run into “7er and Human] it at the bank. The Queen lw‘hm ho-nrlnly. the Prince wu dld‘ll. When Loam won “on“; to hurl (the Prince's "qt"fr.h' arrived wiLh I: manage. "His Royal Highness}: i'ttrTF pllmenw. and he hopes Mr, land» was: deed not think that tlt" we”) believe- ant story ubuul Lhr an; and the £5 note." lonmh Supply C... M. (jun-rm". Ont. ',tttratlzhttgttxdtxta1 . .." Ind (I . - would. Ion- the ',Eii2fi'itllCih'; ttf It ft "tttry-dr" M But She Didn’t Take " undunv‘o Yum. he late queen enjoyed u good My. and land's". the must. ot- ten unused Her Inject): The grad. Enter once told the toltowhsq to er Hue-(y and the Prince (km-m: Urged by the mm- of a cums-.9 bu to pm a favorite dog bo n 'wr ere Levt. mid-oer bet Mat a " not. (which he thereupon buried under l and In Wham Park in pronoun d the d“: that Wham they had walla! to Virginia Wake-r he wank] simply tell the dog to fetch it. and the dog would do on. Having awn-I} nrrlvd at Virginia Water. undue” told my ARE YOt IDLE BIT WH.1.lNi', do plea-mum, and prMitulV ri, Write at once to u. M.urshu Co., Tan Importers, L-m km Outtit furnishes]. Food. irtheatth,youtmd nothingbutiot8tapd, your -antsnfthitgltutfood. But,"utettnotqttiteteelkyou wantto get back to when toodiseitough. The most delicate food, that is known to man, is SCOTI‘S EMULSION ofCod LiverOil. Whenusualfoodisabur. den, it feeds you enough to restoreyourstomachr baby them Thetto4y-hui1derisuod, thebo4prestoreris din-hunt-UI. “hr tree M "iiiii'Ait"g8ylhT,Trc-. ofcoduver0il. 933711;”! F0KBALE-a9b'E or m ISSUE NO f31 1901. RaggzarIDLI. OR 'T','.)) ANI' SY ANT your-01!! . it .' m r o.. Pail” W!‘ Ce?., t7,f'i'liilllrll't'l, Inn- THE QUEEN LAUGHED. To Cure a Cold In Out- Day All Intereuilng Wedrtirtx "LE-A VALUANLE RUBIN“ Pftlrrtet.reiv.- dreltArur 'tttur ttrwill EXCHANGE fora (on! Fume!- 'ttytesrettt 2m! . ttr , DROPSY Lte. have made dropsy mam i'.r2P.?,1!et!lo..y . upon-Hy for twenty years. QUICK relief, Cum worst cap-1. Book of Tt"rorobrALrh mm lo 'N" trauma!!! In“ F'"J:s1.Ufer"1-)..',ycsf,Tse Box 0 A1‘LA57A.GA. Nothing no rumplrit‘l} smo- labor and rlulhwom u ad: day To Tff Treated Free. su h- Ph Pry- work tll It, “DOW on» - to :he can... work 0. _ u I h; to cur-h r Dun! [on mt mrtttt qttMeh 10 Orion. no: bel “All; lapel - Eupp‘y 'rtert thunk;- ol Bretgt 1‘er’u _ Only mod & .I'ord. und .0 our. (LL Bt haiku Mum - the \r’ “than hump “Cl, hoop h - hu unw WI his haul and an "Y qtve It me' tum In my on I“ Mn [and he an» of I - 'trat or tt " e8ott Ind b to roll-0 ”In Carta', and of want. u- well " (haw ym Mich h" bel cry .r You no. and -lronomy .nq - med 1 Vanity mud than", ani baud and and "N! vory cum-tun m movonwni Chm tho Brim- - u no ”awn mums .104 The my the owr'rzr bl d the Phlnqtt “nutty. 1oohttt rhea to - tttse athll - axiom-l "Nere II no: And Cogrertt'.c -0 “law N o. M. Mr'ch the world '.tt the - an overwheirus'n “om we tA - to In: on. Shaw qAttct, t' hr Oh 'Mingtun Iluuwared mums!" I cl”? In 'ts, mph) pl cud finds - mun' "ch the ll “mod t'" "groom! ll a 1310‘" Worldly .19 " I and and" Iowan n', mun‘ in In ur-v “my to 0mm There I" - Meier h].\ Ike n Rel not F do! eugrta ' " up “93 Old Um" "the Mn “an phCi" Juan “or! uh! Wrong ttt 1 Y0“ our pm - tho trar W: “ougil for 'vorldy " absurd - the . If a: mid. I]! the MIR Nor-nu d qrttrstt rd that b or God or, I... " on hill! An . "','.1'dl h win about l h d dl (If ts6h and Mt m

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