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Durham Review (1897), 23 May 1901, p. 4

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an " hetr,rp {new an ilgll'cuuu' huh. I In; n-cum they can_puinu tool progressive? government, 'ct careiu.lly guarded public properly, or wisely invi-stcd_ public funds. prudent mantyremi'nt of the many public lustituil')“ .u.mler their Curr, is 0110 ot which any mulls“? may be Freud. and we have no doubt thattlw .hureu'tsus, ii'no'. thousands at C e.iiiil l . ' mw . _ rig l" tan .,.s who will rally to _.,. inevzmgs of Jam 11, next will tind menial-hrs amply rewarded by a brill- iant exposition ot the management ot public affairs. [The name of G. W. Ross was in. ehtdM in this article amongst the visiting ministers, in a good part of this issue when a telegram from Tor. onto announced that other arrange- meme had been made. Mr. Ross will visit the Riding Iater.---hki. Review.] South Grey is who honored on the nth ofJane by a visit trom two mem- bers of the Ontario Cabinet who will address public meetings on the issues of the day at Hopcville and Holstein. The two members are the Hon. J. M. Gibson, Attorm-yb'eneral, and Hon. Mr. Latehtord, Minister of Public Works. 1901, to lay below the people an ac. count of their stewardship. This is an important duty of all governments who wioh to kl-(rp in touch with the popular lunar, and the n-stmint thch this clay of reckoning imposes has of- ten been found to be prodaetivvotgocd results. Seeing there can only be one session more of the present house, and an ttlee- tion held before the summer of 1902. it has been determined to utiiize that of 1901, t, lay below- tho people an ae. 1901, to lay below the pet count of their stewardship. important duty of all g who Wish to keep in too popular miss», and the rest this day of reckoning imp ten been found to be modut DURHAM REVIEW! illi)illlll0)lll up Mr. Ross, the premier of the first proviruw in the Dominion, is tl states- man ofthe first rank. who in vloquenee, in breadth and in perspierlity of thought is not surpassed in the Domin- ion. He has risen to this high position by the hearty consent ot his fellows, without regard to political leanings. Beginning lilo as a school teacher, l he gradually rose in his profession“ through various oftiees of Insipeetorship and was especially actin: in connection with the founding and regulation of the Model School system of this prov- ince. Entering politics he soon row to the ministry and his past life and at- tainments marked him out as a fitting successor to late Hen. Adam Crooks as Minister of Education. In this sphere ln- remained for many years. making important changes and being tis'reely attacked by the opposition on several occasions, but his armor was found invinciblo and he held the ottiee long Giriij,chio sc-e ryery opposition lived down. Many felt when he was elevated to the Premiership, and resigned the Education portfolio, that his chief life work was bt'hinll him, bat it is a strik- ingtvstiinony to the activities of the man that the achievements oi his later years hid lair to eclipse his past Without a doubt his work as Minister ofr'slaeation had tar reaching effects in developing the tmentality of the province, and there is equally little doubt that the measures oi his prem- iership years will go much farther than any or his predecessors in deyel oping the material resources ot his native province. The activity shown in New Ontario alone is greatly to the credit oi him and his government and the general excellence of his measures is shown by the tact that the opposition how little or nothing to criticize even in sins of omission or commission. ll, in, Mr. Gibson has had a long and honorable career. Mr. Latchiord is one ofthe llCWt'l‘ members and both are able exponents of the public trusts committed to them. Mr. Binnie. tho candidate of the Re- lorin Party in this riding is particular- ly fortunate in having such a brilliant pair oi Ministers C' title tu thy-hiding in the may month oi'June. It is a com- pliment to him and to the Whole riding to haw them with us. and we trust that the mcetings called at llopeviile and Ilvlstcin will be numerously The Ilopeville meeting will begin about 1.210 p. in. TN llolszvin one at Hp. m. Thi- tormvr will be an Open airdetnonstration for which an active continuum: is making all arrangements. Mr. Binnie we think has done a wise thing in having a summer demonstra- tion at this place, a district usually neglectul as tar as prominent speakers Co. We shall reler in the two issues following this to these meetings, mean. whilcevcryone within 12 or 15 miles should make arrangements to take. a summer day's outing to the -pretty village ot Hopeville on the 11th of Jane. Picnic parties are going there in the forenoon and should the Weath- er favoragreat gathering will take place. The West and southwest of the riding will have their opportunity at Holstein and at another series ct meet- ings ar be held in the fail. . tnd 110 attended (0ch Dxv.-Dirieion Court meets on Wednesday 29th inst instead of Tues day as usual. If people are rich, that ought to he enough without being smart or good looking. A new house keeper can be told by ghe frequency with which she dusts her THURSDAY, MAY 2531(1). 1901. (MM “BERN RlllY. ly the Ont mu an " " can pr ario Ministry haveE 'rvcablv task. The! Jim. tord progressive? i carefully guarded ot wisely invested em: managemvnt of iu.rsr,ijons under a “PW reign in a new century and We l, urn not going to say much about it, but we give candid notice that if any I thing: like thus is attempted at the lre,ginnin,s.,r ol the next century we will oppose it toothand nail. Cant let them got into the habit ofinerettsingitevcry old century that comes along. The session it seems is getting longer and cost of'living much higher than when the indemnity of $1000 was decided] upon. but notwithstanding this, thel . T .. . r indemnity itself is no" a strong mercenary motive to make a manl sacrifice himself on the altar of his eountry.--Later--We sec since writing the foregoing that the Premier has distinctly warned the house that no increase nor extra can in future be looked for. A further jastitieation for this increase was pointed out that in the new Australian commonwealth they are starting outwith an indemnity of 02000. Conservative leader Borden supported the increase, two or three opposed it, as many thought it should have gone to the people, while Mr. Uourlay, Conservative member for Cumberland opposed it as far too small. "No man was fit to be there who would be indemnified with 81500. He ought tobe turnvd out. While I sup- port the gth-rnmvnt in doing it, I con. demn them for not rising to the occa- l sion and making it larger." The 3 report adds "At this the House shouted, llauglzed, and the resolution was put 1 through two stages in halt a minute. l ------- -_-------- ( Illf PREMIER PROVINCE l . "The members of the House of Com- mons and the Senate are to have their indemnity increased from an!) to 81,5al beginning with the present ses~ sion. This step has been determined upon as a result of communications be- tween both parties. There is prac- tically unanimity and a resolution authorizing the augmentation will be introduced to morrow. " Thus quietly has been accomplished an important piece of legislation. Not one threw names at the other, there was no two sides to the question, no midnight oil was burned discussing it, and the legislator Who eontraeted to go there for $1000 quietly takes his $500 more and thats all tin-re is about it. Of coursi- it, is a good tinw to begin, this is the lst session of a new parliament of The Ottawa correspondence of the Globe on Monday contains the follow- ing announcement: i to say that, Ontario, with her cash surp- ‘lns. can show three times the results i that Quebec. can, With her $35,000,000 [ public debt. The management of Ont- ', ario's hnances has been something more 5 than prudent. It has been amazing in l, the extent of value that has been receiv- _ e.l for every dollar expended. Since , Confederation the total revenue of the l Province has been 108 million dollars, and the expenditure in that time a little over 107 millions. That is, the Liberal Governments, which have held power in this Province have handled over 8216,- '(11),0m, with never the suspicion ofa l scandal, and no loss whatever. Ontario bar been fortunate in a long surression of Liberal Premiers who united to a remarkable extent, the qual- ities cf prudence and progressiveness. At the proper time, too, they were not wanting in aggressiveness. It will be a long time before Ontario will forget the splendid tight made by Sir Oliver Mowat and his Administration for Provincial rights. It is due to their efforts that. all that vast district which we call New Ontario is still a part of our heritage. This region contains enormous mineral and pulpwood resources, and at least sixteen million acres of arable land, lwing more than was under cultivation in Old Ontario last year. This great domain, bigger than some European kingdoms, was mved for Ontario by a Liberal b'osu'rutueuC. A good point “a" made by Mayor (Hun- of Newwarket last week, when ht, >hnwed that Ontario. alone of all the Province". had no public debt, but, on the contrary, a handsome surplus. The otlwr Provinces, which started on equal terms with Ontario, ill years ago. hare all piled up a public debt Abba-boo, $35,- REVIEW and Weekly Sun . . . . . . $1.75 REVIEW and Montrgal Weekly Mar........... ."............ $1 hhal fl'lggt. I .75 THE MARL INDUSTRY. Since last week substantial progress has been made in the preliipinati's necessary to the {banding in this town oithis vast industry. Survoym Tray- nor, Dundalk, assisted by our young townsmun onginevr. Mr. Arthur Laid- law, have surveyed thrvc possibly mutt-s for the trolley line from Wildvr's lake to Durham. In none of them have they found sen- ous engineering ditlicities; that by the bank'of the streamlet flowing all these years from the lake to the town, --thoagh tew knew it,---preseM5 of Course the most regular gradient. The other routes strike inland farther to the east of the town, one of them crossing the McGirr and Smith farms. to the east 01 um huwu, __'*l%d v- -.e .7, crossing the McGirt' and Smith farms. Mr. CowhaiL and his engineer, Mr. Bogardis, came over on Monday after. noon train, and have been examining site and routes Very faithfully ever since. No one is impressed more than Mr. Cowham of the importance of mak- ing every step sun- as progress is made, and this should be remembered by those who are showing impatience at the lack apparently of showl and spade work. All is going well, the - - . _. __.:t, ...-.r.BE l,, “\an THF. STRESS or ExA.vt4.---Wt' notice that, most, of the counties iwm' usurp dropping the swing meeting of them Touchrrs' Convitntions owing to the in- terfownrt- it, mum's with the prepar- ntmn of candidates for the various smmm-I' examinations. We question whether the gum is real. The breath ntmn 0f caud'ulatrs im- tlw various smmm-r examinations. We nuvs1ion whether the g-un is real, The "rvsrth ing space about the end of May used to he at (ll-lightful chungv furnishing new vigovtoattacktlte grinding month of une. and the pupils felt it ton. How- Jver we know where the trouhlelies, from experience too, Those having candidates to prepare are generally those expected ts prepare papers fat the meeting and this is the task few like in the spring of the year. Is it set - tied that summer is the best time for these examinations? To many pupils the Joyousncss of spring and opening summer is lost owing to the heavy de- mands made upon them, and a season could be chosen which would not inter- fere with this joyous time and give an added benefit. often longed for, of cool weather while writing. A Crrtccs!-Whose blood does not warm up to see a circus! The' gil and the spangels. the glitter, the clown. the aerobats, the elephant, etc., etc, Dur- ham is to have a circus and already (among the young of course) there is noticeable an undercurrent of excite- ment, especially when they see board- lugs going up for immense display post- as of impaticnee THE DURHAM REVIEW will isooibe over. " they fonyl seri Seeding is now over and our farmers are at a loss to know how to spend tho coming couple of months are 'tis time to “gather in the sheaves. " However planting potatoes donning turnips, Impairing trncrs, hauling manure. and other odd jobs that may ' hob , up, will kcwp LIN-m amused. Nim- showers recently have caused Nature to assume her most wrdant aspect. The stripol woods which bor- ders part of our farms is now a mass of Verdant foliage, our orchards with low exceptions. are blossom-laden and give promise of a bountiful yield. The cows again are heard 'mooing' 1n the pasture, wlwn at vvcntide they watch tor the coming of the milk maid. The lambs trisk and play on the grassy knoll and all combined tend to impress the visitor with the belief that life on the “Plain" is not so dull and monot- onous after all. A number of tttit' Citizens attended the futwpal on Tuesday of an old lady who lived in " Midway." She fornwrly lived on the border line of our terrirory, but has for the past eight years I'm-n livmg,r With hey tiaughtev, Mrs. Jchn Morris. This old lady had braved for fmir scum- yours and right. the storms and vivisitudvs of life, but at, length vunlvm with the sp-u-v (if time allonml hvr her" ln-lnw. and also with the will of an all wise Providence who does all for the howl, she sought rest in the "rms' of lu-r "Savior." Ths. funeral took piuee on Tuesday, Illst at. 9.30 from the home of hey daughter to the Ayton ct'ttwltu'y. and was very largely al. tumlml by frivmls of several nation- alities and tweeds. We nothuul an item Ht the Hanover Post, recently. and UT' think it worth repealing. It is " suggestion ninth- by sumo long hvaded fellow to the fat'tnvrs, for every than to have his name stamp- ed in a. clear legible way either on " gate by the roadside or on " square piece of board nailed up m n conspic- uous place beside the gate. this would unable- pnssersdiy to know exactly who lived here and who lived there and would save a lot of unepessarynuestions being asked by travellers and would also he interesting as w_ell Ans convenient Fonrhog buyers were chasing each other through our little communityone day recently and each enquired if we had seen the other, but evidently did not want to meet him himself. The price of hogs cannot he grumbled at by the farmers and with plenty of opposi- tion buyers, and the. present demand for our pork we will be satisfied. How. ever we are informed that there is a buyer in the. vicinity of Hampden, who is going to flood our hog market with swine from Manitoulin Island. Sureiy he being a farmer here would not do anything injurmuu to his brother farmers, but we'll watch him and if his actions appear suspicious to the Inves- tigating committee we will tage, him him here and sell to those w o endea. vor to keep up our price. '. Say we try it on the Plain" n. .. Plain name on a. plane board," would not, he a very vxpensiveexperiment even though it did plum useless. TORONTO RURAL PLAIN. TRUTHBEEKER. - Full lined I’IANOS. ()RGANS. and SEWING 5iACHINrii--- Wc are wcll stockcdwith 'rUllNlPHOWriRfi, SCUFFLliRS, HAY Ft )RK S, (a . LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at ir . Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN WM Implement Warerooms. OTTAWA. Sept. nth, 1896- To the I’hrenolim’ Medieim‘ Co., Lid. mm (Pa. G w.sTrmoucs,-I hardly know how best, to express my appreciation of your' valuahle rheumatic remedy. Phrenoline. My son Gordon, who Is o years old, has heen a sutferer from inthuutuatory rheu- matism for the past two years l was so had at times that he had to be eat-lied about on a mattrass ; was attended by two city doctors apparently without the slightest irenefitt spent 10 days at, Caledonia Springs, came home with no marked improvement , took three bottles of a Homeopathic remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not. relieve him in the least. I was he- gmniug to give up all hope of his recov- ery, when hy chant-e I mentioned the ease to a friend who strongly advised me to give Phrenoline a trial. Almost l MIRACLE EELS-Ixiii-33335:D-EE-IEEEEIEEEEEEiii-l Fl/tdy',', (Signed) REUBEN (‘LARK Try our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills. They are absolutely purc- aud healthful. Guaranteed lo cun- Rheumatism, Sciatic". Nournlgiu Lumhago, and all forms of Kiducy and Liver troubles. BEWARE or crumous IHlTATlONs. THE 1?IIRENOLINE REMEDIES Sold by M. Parker, Durham Take the lend everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of pnur sufferers are being restored to health and happjness daily. MAY 23, 1901 3rd Div on Gavaft bun. Th Iskt'd. and up teem terms. IINSURANCES CONV EVAN 1m 7 farm. M ed ot lo, Big Ipleudid Vimpruv Dulluun. Very " acres Hem" Road. - Splendid "I will twil cheapor but 18. con, 14, P. o. MONEY TO L He has a Wig " including the to: not 23. Con. Fort (D ll I I w - ' JA ' - ABBA} m.' in hand we and must lh Repairing of sch ll inlnc Anyone "um - WI Invent-MI " pr um“ l"f14 on up! (no. 110 -iuuiatk uh - ee. 1 A handsomely eyttiqttoet of an: run: “If loo! The Hat: Lower Otalit y Munch-d l HE SELLS CHEAP lake MAY It” lot Sh

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