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Durham Review (1897), 23 May 1901, p. 8

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f Jii 5; k Our Jem Jars. Try one Suit for Your Boy! The very latest brand of cloth- ing on the market, made Specially tor boys. Every ounce all wool. No shoddy, no cotton. Double knees and double swat, and all the seams are sown with pure linen thread. Ive, sell Coat, Vest or Knicks together or serarately. J. A. HUNTER ta, 21:9 Jiore It's a little early tor these, but it will pay you to buy them " the old prices. Preserving sea- son is coming, buy the Jars and Sugar now. They will both be dealer this season. Who ever hoard ot buying Hardware or getting Dressmaking dom. tor Butter and Eggs or Wool. We don't depend on any one line tor a living and can afford and do sell goods much cheaper than other smaller stones. then if your purchase is not satisfactory every way you gr: your money back. Wool at present is a little cheaper than last season, the rea- son being that the United States wok none ot our last year's crop. Unless the Americans want our wool this season it will likely go lower yet. We no buying wool attain and hope you will call as usual and give us an opportunity to bid on it. Our trade ptiee will be a little higher than our cash price, and the beauty of it all is that we give you such tremendous range ot goods to sch-ct from. CLIP EARLY AND SELL IN THE EARLY MARKET Boys' Clothing. A Word About . . ta, Jai, Jinn? J.A. HUNTER Wool l. Wool ! We Close at 6 p. m. Except Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mlle! BOXES I" 506 Mi. pr, "tfir,) F " r/f, //, h ( may BRA Nn. ) ' o I /! ///// (”/5 is Advancing Every Week l Muss Annie McArthur, of the Glen, vis- ited friends around hero for a couple of days last week. Sorry to hear of Master Alex Alice be- ing under the weather with infhunmatiarn of the lungs. The prayer-meetmg held in the Grange Hall lass l'uesday evening by the Rev Mr Furquhamon was very largely attended. Mr Juo Moffat sold five head of cattle last week which balanced the scales at 6690 lbs. Jnck is the one that knows how to feed cattle. When mun first [and the want o'clnes The wind and cauld to tke m twisted round aud round his waist The tartan philabeg. And music firtrt on earth was heard. In gaelic accents deep, When Inbal in his oxter squeezed The stomach o' a sheep. Mr McLean. of Port Elgin. was the guest of the McFayden's on the Annual last week. OTICE is hereby given that E - N .mont Council will meet 'il'ofitl",", 27th mat. and not on Wednesday, 29th as per adjournment. WhenAdam in his garden {an \Vhene'er the day was close; The dish that be tor supper 'ook Was always Alhole brose. When Adam frae his leafy bower . Cam oot at break o'dtsy, He always for his morning term A quaich o’usquebae. And when we Eve he'll had a crack. He'll teak his sues-hen horn, And on the tap ye'll wool mieht mark A penny braw Cnirngorm. The snoeshin mull is tine my frien'a, The snoeshln mnllis grand. We'll teak I hearty sum]: my friends. And puss} the hand to hand. Mr Jos Firth " returned home last Monday after In absence of two weeks. Mr Clna ll Moffat visited Molds in the Glen one evening Inst week. The Edge Hill Sunday School opened on the first Sunday In May. Mr Thus Banks superintendent. Pleased to hear that Mr Wm Mchck- en. who has been ill, " recovering nicely. Mr. James Scott is moving Into the Post Ottiee building. behaving bought the little house. horse and old cart with the rest. He is very quiet and steady and will get used to the business. Mr Bob; Edge lost l valunble mare last week. Mr. P. Arkell of Teeswuter has been in this neighborhood for some time selling a coach stallion to a syndicate, and has succeeded at n good tigure. Mr. Rich Hall of our neighborhood 18 one of the fore- most men In the purchase. Mr. Geo. Binnie the, Reform Candidate met some of the leading Reforms“ here on Saturday evening 18th. regarding the coming campaign. We have not heard the result of the meeting There is to be Marge Reform meeting here on June 11th and is to be addressed by the Premier. Hon. Cr. W. Ross, Attorney General Gibson Mr. Latehford. Minister of Public Works, Candidate George Binnie and others. No shade trees broken this week here. We wonder if any were broken at Price- ville if so the people should lookout tor bad school boys which may visit your town. Our roads are drying up and agents are on the road again. Seeding " about done here. We had nice cool weather to get alone with and prospects look well. Mr Gian Accompgnied by hm daughter Mrs Goldie, of Clnruyille. vioitod It Mr Robs Ector's for 1 couple of days last week. Louis Pollock passed through our burg hut week with a now so: ot harness on his pony. Mr Jae Atkinson visited his son Then in Artomesiu last. week. The Rev Mr Broad will be absent for a week attending the Syuoi. The Rev Mr Kendall, of Conn mll be in attendance next Sabbath. . Mr Archie McLellnn. of Scotch Town. visited friends on the avenue for a couple. of dnys itvrtreek. Mrs Coulter, aged 80 yen-s. pulsed away on May 9th and was buried in the Dundalk cemetery on Saturday 11th. The deceased came to Proton with her husband and family over M yours ago from the county at Hastings. Her hug. band died about 8 years ago. She leaves to mourn her lose two sons and two daughters, who live in Proton. One of our party here planted out some shade trees on the side of the road on May 2nd and on the night of the 3rd they were destroyed by the son of a neigh- bor. [his very strange that parents will allow their family to grow up in such a state. The church chair is revived up and Sabbath School reorganized. And never brought to mm'; - Fer she'll be spoke in Pandise In the days O'Anld Lang Sync. When Eve all fresh in beanty's chums First met fond Adam’s view, The first words that he'll spoke to her Was "Cum at ashun dim.” The following lines were written by a minister in Portbsbin who holds that the Gaehe is the oldest language in the world. Shoulfi Gaelic sneeph he e'or_ forgot Intended for Int woek. Tins wEtex's BUDGET -- ~00. NOTICE. DAVID ALLAN, Clerk. Edge Hill. Boothville. Hopeville. 2W2? Frequently men will mention a. debt they owe you just to keep you from asking for it, still they do not pay you. Whenever two or three have the same imaginary grievance, they congregate to talk over their troubles. People who think they know it all surprise you by their meager knowledge. A person who comes from a. small town never gets over showing tt. In the Lower Provinces easterly winds and fogs preyailed, but the weather generally has been mild and vegetation wall advanced. The average» temperature generally over tho Dominion was higher. last month than the average. In British Columbia, temp. was lrelow average and consequently season is backward and crops are later as also in the North West Territories where frosty nights have much retarded vegitation and con st-quontlv storkmen api' somewhat disappointed. The ice bridge above Quebec. came down on the 19th of the month. and nacigation opened on the 21st. It has been otherwise in Manitoba where the grain has been green and fruit trees m leaf. Snow disappeared in the first week of April and seeding be.. came rapidly very general. In Ontario the Weather has been very mild for Aptil, although frost occured on several nights, hut withoat doing vegitation any harm. In Quebec April has been coal. heavy rains and high winds having prevailed Very generally, to the great retarding of farming operations. Last week'" Ptueeville correspondence of the Flosheiwn Advance has the follow- ing interesting reminder of ye olden time. Rev Mr Kenning, of Hopeville, H hold- ing meeting at New England Hall, Fr:- day nights as ho'clock. "One day this week Mr; H. Watson, in tearing down uceiling in the Commercial Hotel, came across the following rather interesting "store account," and a "duuntsr." 1859 S. D Jan. 2 10.5 lb. of tobaeeo......1. 3 17 .} lb. of toueeo......1.. 8 17 l lb. m...............114 31 l- lb. oftobtuseo......r 8 June " I plug of tobacco.” ti t6 ltr......... 31 71 .. ri'.......... 46 m 66 Ite.......... 38 60 Rainfall for the week in o. 6. General direction of the wind north- erly to westerly variable and light. Mr Alex Wilson is very ill, at present. We hope soon to hear of his speedy recovery. Mr Jan Swauston, of Toronto Medical College, ls visiting under tlse parental roof. Ilee Mill” of Fairbairn and Rev Campbellof Drouwre exchanged pulpits on Sunday. The Misses McKay‘s. of Buffalo, re- turned home on Monday to nurse their mother who " very ill. I beg to call your attention to the fact that your small acct. of Al 7 S. 5 D. still remains unsettled and I trust you will give the same your earnest. attention, which mll much oblige, The Switner carpenters are busy en- gaged in building a new house for John McI’hail Proton. Mr Harvey Anderson is engaged with Jan Gardiner. Mr John Nelson yisuted. at Mr Alex MeGdlivra.y's Sunday evening. Mr Hugh Morrison, of Riverside, visit- ed at John Calder's tor a. tow days last week. Your respectfully, JOHN Luann. From the foregoing dates it will be noticed that our bare is getting up in years, although it may be “going down" in other respects if the statement made last week by the Ihieevilie correspondent to the Chronicle can be relied upon" Mr Alex McLean, who has spent the past week in Meaford and Owen Sound,, returned' home Wednesday. Mrs A McEncbem. who has been visit- ing her daughter in Muskoka arrived ho.me on Saturday well pleased with her trip. The farmers around here an all done seeding and are busily engaged in getting in their potatoes and turnips. Mr Geo Snell delivered tmrnty-fpnr head of fat cattle tm McKechnie brothérs, Durham,for which he received n hand- some sum. Mr .333 Shields lost a valuable mare 1115' week. futtuit " fall. The "Dunner." Dum Strt,-. Dr. illlillllill BllllEIIN. pel Thy John A. Lamprny. Total wmow Grow; The account. P..? 13 " 15 Ppieeville ..¢. Glenelg, Feb. l0, 1860 _.................-. THE DURHAM REVIEW 60 71 all Lott the premises of the undersigned Int 41, Con 3, S D It Glenelg, about Sunday May 12, 6 yearlings,--t steers, 2 heifers. Two ot the steers are plain- ly spotted white and red, large spots, another is dark red, with a few small white spots, fourth steer has white star on face and half of tail white. One heifer is spotted, has ring-worm round both eyes. the other heifer red. Last seen travelling westward on 22nd Con. Egremont. Anyone giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. ALEX, McEacmms, Prop. May 20, 1901. The undericrned will keep tor service at lot, 32, con. 12, Bentinck. for the sea- son of 1901. a thoroughbred Durham Bull. one of the hest specimens from Parker's herd. Pure light red. Terms: 81 to insure if sold, insurance mates will he charged. - - Any readers of this paper' can test the merits ot Dr. Pitcller's 1laekaehe, Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 500 per bottle. Tr_-e 7 - -"-" ., FRED SHEWELL. Welireck P. o., March 16, 1901. Miss Laura Rawn., of South Bend, who has been ill for over a year is so much improved in health that she Spent a weak in ot1r'vi1llatre with her sister Mer W. S. Hosburglt. Her many friends are all pleased to see her and hope. she may continue to improve in Letter upon letter pours in from every point in Canada testifying to the marvelous power of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kid- ney and bladder troubles of the young. middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as find their origin in afaulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidence puts ts power to cure these afflietions be- yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. This is what Mrs. J. W. Hutchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say, 'l cannot say too much for Dr. Pitch- er's Backache Kidney Tablets. Be. fore using them I had aNmawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the loins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dis- appeared. Formerly when I did a washing I was utterly tired out, not having a bit of energy Mt. This morning I did my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in veeommcmdine DP. Piteluw's Ilackache Kidney Tablets, for I neVer had anything do me so much good." John McKenzie; Medical student. Toronto, came home this week to spend the summer holidays with his father N. D. and sister Miss McKenzie. Mass Minnie Kenn ot m Forest. gisited friends in Holstein over San- ay. ’VUTH‘E is hon-by givrm that the A first Sitting of the (Emir! ot Ite., vision for llw Township of (Henrik; for rlw yvuv mm. Will he held at, the Town- »‘hip II dl, Gletwlg. on Thursday, May 30th, 1901 Mrs Robert Williamson and daugh- ter Maggie of Gordot1ville; wished " the former's parents, Mr. arid Mrs. J no, Horsburgh. heitlth. Saturday. June hi, 1001 AND NOTICE is hereby htrther given that a business meeting of the Council will he held at l (ft-lock in the afternoon of the same day (If which all parties concerned will please take noticv. The weather for the past two weeks has bean fair and the farmers are now through with their seeding in this vie- inity and the a), has showersfof the past few days has caused very rapid grow- th and the trees in the orchards are lovely to behold as they are almost in full bloom. J. S. BLACK, Clerk. Glenelg. May 10th, 1901. WM. ANDERSON. Clerk. Durham. May 10th. 1901. Andrew Siam is now busily engaged preparing tor the erection of a tine new residence; The masons will soon be on this week. Mr. and Mrs Keith spent Sunday with Durham friends. NOTICE it hereby given that. the first, Hitting of the Court of Re- vision for the Town of Durham for the ear 1901. will be hehl at, the Town Hall): Dmham. on THOROUGHBRED BULL (llfllfljl alll 0f EllMll I)llilllllll alll (f REVISION. ONTA BEYON D A DOUBT. Thousands Give Testimony. at, Mro'clock in this furmumn CATTLE ASTRAY. at 8 o'clock p. In. HOLS'I'EIN TORONTO N WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons. palmerstg: Buawics. Buggies from Campbell of London. Doherty Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS, :[ERY'DIG ii'1'erii'NEsi. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil ." Maohines and supplies. amsSewmg o. MCKINNO". South of Middaugh House ' Lower Town. "i'5iiriiraGs/bisi, and Spade Ilar- "ti' N - BEE g- - v... ;: rows, Sculllers, Etc. Also Scotch iiil5ile'i' l , ' Diamond Harrows. o u. Ill, ._ - - . I . a .I. l" --; Wilkinson Ploughs, number C 1 to :20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not . genuine unless the words tt WILKINSON PLOW" CoMPAsv"i . each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in 't1i2/',/dt'l"otntil' We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVATING, Coultur & Scott Dying averything for Farmers .’ All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. ‘51! RECOMMENDED and for Sale by JOHN A. DARLENG, No.4(hmpuny 31st ch'l. will pro reed to Niagara Juno ll. Proliminalv drills will he he'd May .25th and June Ist, Sell and lht h at tio'clock sharp. All members are vettttested to be pt'esettt. A few good rcwruils ape wanna]. The new designs of wall paper are made in heroic proportions. Here are sthe mosthown beautiful wall papers ever seen in the wall paper market. The idea has been to give to the pur- chaser of wall paper all that excellence, good taste and judgment can put into papers at rcasonable price. We are sure you will find just what you want. The Weak and Suffering are Liberated from Disease NERVOUS, pale and Dt4itrate Women l Worn-out Despondent Men will tind them a positive blessing. PREI Man ONLY ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVIH) T up to My 3oth, by the under- signed, for the building of a Stone Porch, at the Rocky Church. Speci- fications of said porch can be seen at The Review Offke or with S. Puther bough. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. May 8th, 1901. MacFarlane &C0. DRUGGSTS 5: BOOKSELLERS ' HEROIG PR0P0RTl0llls, LimMn's Tablets... MILITARY NOTICE. NUHGIE. R) (l()llllllMltr, If Sou suffer from Indigestion Diabetes. Bright's Disease, Ner vous Frustration or Generw Dehility, they will spa you free. S. I’UTBERBOUGII, Secretary. Aberdeen P. 0.. T. W. SMITH, Chairman, Aberdeen P. o. MGM!) EEDIGIK 692,. , o. M. Sumac, Cap'. No. , t'o'.sr. 31st, Rem. Hampden. otrt. TM Drills and Dun ham, Ont. ' 2i = ‘J. G HUTTON, M. D., C. L CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . -.$2,(III.M "'APiTAL, Paid up. . . . . ...- .- 1.000.000 iRESER’V-‘E FUND ... . . . _ . . . . 60o,000 Cash or (Farmers' Produce. AGENTS in all principal points an Ontario. Quebec. Mnnitohu. United States and England. me 'l)lllllllllil RENEW; 'ic/ir/fi",',',,,, 50 cts to new subscribersto 0nd ofyear. A genemul Banking business transacted Drafts imned and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allown! wt Plzrren' rates. SAM BA!!! .nwrest allowed on savings bank deposits of no» and up- wards Prompt uttentinn and every facilitr afforded customer: living at a distance; J KELLY, Agent. Ctra Grocery Store. MIN) M OF EMMA RESIDENCE and OFFICE- Nothing Stale. Everything New and ttp-to-date and he cordially invitcsa trial. DURHAM A GENCY. Thenndersignud has opened out in his new building:- in Lower Town. (next door to C, McKinnon) full lines of Member College Physician: and Surgeon; Ont-no. OFFICE HOURS Will rib-if Primrillu Friday earl. url'ckfrmn 9 a. m. f, 4 p m. SI DENCE and OFFICE 7%! Hunk 1?"th 'l'oWN.1)tHlfrt.M. Telephone Connection No.10 FLOUR, FEED, Head Office, Toronto. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. 9-12 R. m GEO. LAWRENCE. GROCERIFB, aus. MAY 23, (In!!! Cd VOL. xxrr All kitWof Fav" highest murky! uric Butter " ('In' a ll. at. the Big titope. The "ig titore tal week to spud; uf IV Nee 5th page. Miivertou Pi tsuit Local and District gun plum dances m t tioME has hee tinthe: l cm al still. 3 a I know' , photos fur 1 Thaw prim Century Fund of Church was min-n " morning host and till at Elmira. and :94 M had column} work for " he gelling deple" Pt. Devi. Idueltec. Tau KING lh A Md Ward VII is a luv-r ot' but week whsle out m with its nwnvr Sir Th some rough usage trot the craft and ovryi “when. Hr e'uuu thoughtfully win-d tit his safety to preve"I a awry of it. l THY. Rama» mu. lust. weeks issue had that G. w. “this was colleagues in l June Itth no ullegrum Um been catwelh Would v-ulu- I will he (imam the mhc-r tw sure nml will tude talont. promise a an“ I’ll-mu. hn.l.\‘ I more yum“: life. u on Sunday "ttern, ”other. can» Tti, tive haw-led mm dodged. The futi ('luunhers was hi loaded and it u mum-luhlu Imam uncut, puiuwml. wl respeomhlx- hum (ruining for situil; the yuungslmw " due tittte is din-an Groceries That Wtto \\'II.I, , David-um. u gm tuix 'spring, ls nmunwr In the i Volunteer mm lluw "oaths nl Pretdsytety. " ville on titUttratl and at, Hwimu tiervice at Price an" Gnelic. w TOAG. Mr. "at the fot'eitrtt tield opt-Hing. hut in the " In inn-rest churches i m munch out youth; women who may he- l ping Lheum‘lvos fur t expenses, including ' od far by friends of ( that there in nu In (hunches hy hi. visit Ml Ill Hum": Pork and Bonus wi; Sardines. Kippered Tatum. Corn um The Annual t South Grey F1 tute will be hel Hall, Durham, Juue 4, 19or,at, the purpose oil Directors' and l ports; electing 1 ensuing year, i any other busi come before 'ii,") ter the usual FARMER: INST Atl “It! clans good me tgttAitrnt.itiirr h) mended by all users. The Review to Jan Laura Kose, m lege, Guelph. I dress on "Diff Dairy and Hm Them." This interesting mcc farmer within bring his wife or stay at hom come. Miss Rose i engaging spea R. MGR! CE. " " “Mum Melv IV I to H; next (but. tPt " II the I imiua mini: ' wit this pevill tin ill MI All III: tt'ttl {1'31 tl "r

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