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Durham Review (1897), 30 May 1901, p. 2

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H h I Illllillll11 Boers Keep Up the Fight, But Accomplish little. mm ATTAGK l mu. [ Bioorgtgontein, May 24. - It In re- 'orted that the Highland 1ttttuttry Implied a Boer Magm- in the Brand- 'ort district. of the Orange River colony the other day. The Boers Vere routed. They Inst twelve men is killed and 13 in wounded, while twelve 091m wert- rammed. Al-ou Turin-d Boer Position. Pretoria. lay Lu.--) great con. e-ted moreanent undo-r Gen. Bindon “Blood scam the Bo 15 is preceeding It the Eastern Truusvaal. Command- ant vilJotn has ire-n trsiryr $0.525- mit success. . The movomnnu» of the various col. nm under General Blood have been attended with the usual sniping by an.“ parties' ot Burghvrs. The only “no the Boers made any attempt at timid was at n point near Dalman- 1)... when the Carolina commando Attetrtpted to hold off the British un- der Colonel Douglas. whUe their cat. tU and wagons w4-rs~ being driven oft. Britiah had almost turned the . r position wtrrm the Burghers re. Pretoria, May L't.--The troops of tbo Cattle Rangrrs’ (Wu-pa. which was organized by Col. Morgan, have returned to Pretoria from Woiven- Jock. They had a number ot ex- 'etti'atg adventures and several skir- mishe- with one Bow-s, bat by ex- ,colbwt scouting turo succeeded m '0“th through Mm Boer lines with 40330 sheep and 4.000 wattle. The ttgt lou seven killed in the en- “to" with this corps. . WM my “JR-Th? Chronicle 'e " learns that three British: ot- llsora and about a hundred non com- ”loner! otncers and men who were w back trom South Africa. tor var- 10" mudemeaturrs, nre now in Port- ,hnd when. A mahrity ot the pri- aoIerI are apparently ordinary ot- - but the umcers. it is said. are Cottrieted of treasonably sid- with the Boers. One of them is qtsmrieaitly influential to procure they mpreaaion ot the names of all three. Attempts tu discover their Merrtity have hitherto tailed. Mt the place of the present civilian an“. and. provided that the um- ce'rs and men were otherwise quali- fied. prderence would be given to "those wounded in actinn or who had ”Noted in health during the pre- sent campaign. Londou. May P.G.--A L‘npe Town de- mtch says; The Union Castle Line [tanner Norman in taking to Eng- Ind General smith-Doreen and Mr. Erwin. K. C.. who Is to rnpresent Etta] in the conference on thu- ggution of an Imperial Court of Ap- London. May :5.-l'erhnps the most hopeful sign of this (muting collapse of 'the war is the growing disposition of "he burghcrs to tight for the British. “on. French, interviewed at Cape myqrtt, says that hundreds of Boers thaw recently offer-M their services to pth? British, and all expressed them.. when eager to so'ru' under the Brit- tit flag. The hin'w‘rity of many was it to test, and ti. British had no son to regret Inning accepted the offers of the Boortt. tor they proved invaluable scouts. ('uri-msly enough. a telegram from Jtrhaunetetrttrtt offers girlie-r evidence to the some effect. enty-five men of the South African exmartatm1sry and the town guard of Ptytehet.troom, surrounded by the enemy. fought a brilliant defensive notion during a whole day, killing the men and losing two. Among the town guard were several burghers, “who fought with great gallantry." Won. May L'G.-in the House rd om: Mr. Brodrick informed ain Norton that he was at mt preparing a scheme tor the employment in tho military depart- ments of the Wnr Office of retired and other orntrors as milltary clerks 20-11 Combined Movement " Mar Columns 1.. Progress to Clan Bun": 'I‘nsuvnnl - Vlljoen’n Brother Ctsrttared--Boe" Attack London. May L'.T-uenertu Sir Hec- tor Maodonald, dim-ussing the plan " campaign in South Africa, ap- proves of the withdrawal ot outlying “trims and tellse tin story ot how the Highland Light Infantry neatly tricked “What. The infantry were national M. Wi-Iwnpr. and were about to twat-unto that place and mum westward to llllnburg, on the main Blovmiontvizi line. when bewetl undo up his mind to attempt the; capture of the little garrison. The Boer loader mar-rho! south with about 5.000 mprt. Fortunately Lord: Kitchener hoard cf the project. and ate J.espstehed Gown] Maedonabl to 0"th retreat). with the result that Jerr once. at all nwnts. the slim guer- Illa chief was foiiwi. It would have “iron courting disaster to have Suited was: trom St opener-into the 'anns of the waiting: DeWet and his powerful force. so the Highlanders dipped away eastward Instead. trek- ked Into Bamwlnnd. marching south 'through Mafekhng. and crossing Into me Colony u Pelic- Drift. Thence . marched via Remind! to Mt Got Through the Boers Mn". tort}; Earth. but si, Gr with. E-ploynenl of Wounded. l-priooned for Treason. Now now": Was Foiled. tgmtttt-Dorrtert Sulled. Burgh on Fight Boers. JE2l2lill bad at Alum! Nora}. _yhlch It van a lplendid feat. In Banno- land the Mulder. were received wlttt evident welcome. The Baum bran- Iratcrniud with the British ”Idle" and marched with than theough 3mm territory to the “when: of the ear-spunk“ mule ottaraeterisrtie of the Bunk) warrior. The Cape papers report how the Seaforth Highlanders have shown tpeir foprecustion lat the {Ionic deed of a. lady In rescuing and Incoming one ot that comrades. During tight- ing In the tweets ot Jageretoettein on the Iitttt ot October last, Private Brown, it appears. tell wounded out- eide a house in which lies Newton resided. Hearing groans. she went outside to ascertain the can“. and when Brown saw her he cried '"For God's sake. Indy. pull me out of this." Miss Newton at once took hold of him under the arm! as well as she could, l and dragged him into the verandah, l out of the line ot fire. Bullets were flying along the street thickly at the time, but Miss Newton remained with the wounded soldier. doing what she could for him until the ambulancv arrived. The men of the Beatorth Highlanders gratefully remembered thisact of mercy, and when they suc- ceeded in ascertaining that Miss Newton had migrated to Grahams- town they sent her by post a beau» tiful gold bracelet watch, bearing this inscription: “Presented tn Miss A. J. Newton from the Seaforth Highlanders. in admiration of her heroic conduct in assisting their wounded comrade under tire. 16th ‘October. 1900.” The gift was ac- com1mnied by a letter, dated Preto- ria. March 20th last. from 'Rergt.- Major Gain in which he says: "it always touches the heart of a. sol- dier when a. stranger renders assist- tance to his comrade when wounded or in difficulties: but when such aid is rendered by a Lady, and under such dangerous conditions. it appeals more strongli lo our feelings than anything done in the ordinary we) on the neld of battle.“ It" adds that their only regret was that their tuuurnanuinq Ortitit. (with! not IH't'- sonully ntukrs the- presentation with the publit'it) it 1ivsirved. A superior force of Boers made n drlerm'med attack on n convoy be- twuen Tentert0rrp and Pom-hot- Intruum. May 23ril. but was driven ort. Our loss was tour killmi and :30 wounded. The comm-y arrived in sunny. London, May 2tk-Tli" War Ollie;- received the following trom Lord Kitchener, Uated Pretoria. Macs: Some Severe Fighting. New York, May 2ti.---Dmqtatvhets to the Sun day a commando of Berra. under the Free State t',onuntrndant Conroy. in marching to attack Ken- hardt. Cape Colony, on Friday en- countered " patrol or Border Scouts who were entrenched at Farmstead The Boers attempted to storm Farm- stead. and the engagement lasted five hours. The Boer" had 15 killed and left 17 wounded. Including Field Cornet Jnnlouw. on the “PILL Tho British had one wounded. Gen. Bundle has captured Then- nn'u MUL' a strong position near Fr,urieetrerk. - 'iiiiriil,dr"i, made an attack on the Cape Mounted Rim-s at a point near Bangor. The l_!ritiuh had six wounded. '1'th Boers derailnd u tram yester- day near Middleburg. Tue vngIm-or was killed and the tirermyl Ity"urvd.. A 1trurpatelt trom tgtanderton Tramsvuul. dated May L"..'., says a de tuclnnent of the Queen'" Mounted 1n funtry laid an ambmh near Amers fort. Commandant. Joauert, “L Magistrate and a'part-y of Burgh "II: GUiiGGeiAuio a brottier of (bmmundant Ben Viljoen was cap- turud. -- .- _ A tight occurred at Dullstrunm. Transvaal. on May :.'0th. when a large force of Boers attacked tho garrison. The British had one om, cor killed and two men wounded. are rode into tho town and refuse] the British demand that they sur‘ render and attempted to escape. The British thereupon fired on them. waundlng Commandant Joubort an! the MamHtrnte. 1uinrorceme'nts camp to the an] of the Born; and the Brit- ish were compelled to retire with the loss of three prisoners. Invaders Active. Middleburg. Transvaal Colony, May 2G.-The commando” of Krltsiniprr, Van Reenan and Fondue demuclwd yesterday before dawn and crossed the railroad. They dashed south. ward, rehm'adlng the more populous districts of Cape Colony. Fouche’s commando has been shnltered and resthng many weeks in the Zuurberg mountains. The Daily Cltronielc says it learns from a gooi source that the Boers are likely to take advantage ot the ammo of tho 11?in Commissioner to conclude peace 90 as to “save their face" Gn the question of their objec- tions to him. Red Cross Medal. Berlin, May 2G.--Emperor William has create-'1 " new decoration tor the members of the Red Prose Society who served in South Africa. It la n medal with a gold pin. on the medal is the inscription: “South Africa. Boer Prisoners Sail for Bermuda. Bermuda, May 26.---The steamship Hawarden Castle sailed from Durban Friday tor Bermuda with three hun- dred Boer prisoners. _ , 189fV1900." Stlll Lurking Among the Hills. London. May 26.-Lord Kittflyen- er'l bulletins are now infrequent, and few side lights are thrown by press despawhes upon the guerilla warfare which is still flickering In South Africa. A second combined movement of six columns is in pro- gress tor the clearance of the East- - - i (1 ._LL TN-r..-.. r..- .-. my -._P_--"""" ern Transvaal and South Delngoa Railway. but the results are not yet known, apart from large captures ”horses and cattle. Two Boer forces are reported in this tiiBtriet--one m-der Brrtha, near Carolina. and the other in the mountains new Majuba. The western and northern districts ot the Transvaal are quieter, but remnants of Debaters and Beyers‘ commandoe-u are still lurking gmong The Bennett’s Gratitude. the hills. The orange River Colony in inlet-ably tree from raiders. but there is a fresh concentration of Butyrilltse in the lumber; dtstrlct ot Cape Colony. Eight or more small mandoea under a.- maly, Boot human, PM?" are oportthrt Pfary! Oolgny t'tr/'.e" are opeuwmg In ups wruua. and are successful tstale" in eluding pummlt by mounted Britldb columns. A Britidh patrol is snapped up once in. a. while, but otherwise the Boers accomplish little. While the warfare is tedious. it Is conducted without sun. of examination on the British “do. Endurance matche- endurance. tlllll THE llllKE [If w, Names of Those Who Forming " Suite, THREE LADIES - IN - WAITING. Ottawa, May 26.415- Excellency the Governor-General wan advised yesterday by the Colonial ornce that on the occasion ot the approaching visit to Canada of their Royal mtrh- neelsea the Duke and Duchess ot Corn- wail an] York they will be accom- panied by Captain His Serene High- ness Prince Alexander of Teck. K. C. V. o., 7th Hussnrs, brother of the Duchess, and born 14th April, 1874, nnl the following lunwehuld and Muff: Lady Mary uygon, Lady Kath- arine Coke, Hon. Mre. Derek Koppel, Lvireo-in-waiting to the Duchess. Lord Wenlock, G. U. SI.. G. C. I. F.., lord-in-waiting and “end of the houmshoid. Lityut.-Col. Sir Arthur Bigge, G. C. V. o., K. C. B., l'. M. G., formerly pri- ttttts store-tiny to Her Majesty the late Queen Victoria, and present pri- mt]? secretary to the Duke rot (‘oru- mt . n56§nmunzlar Sir Charles' Cust, Bart., lt. N., M. V. o., an! Honorable Derek Keppel, M. V. I'., "nueerirw. - A -- .A .. .. .. “A Rev. Canon Dalton, U. M. G., do- noNrtic chaplain tuwr to the lute Duke of Clarence and the Duke of t'ornwall, and who m-vompunlod xlwm on their trip to l‘unudu some years ago. tMr John Anderson. K. (t. M. G., twprvsttnCrug the Colonlal orriee. He has been in the public service for many you”. and holds the position of cuter clork. Sir Donald Mturtatur.ie Wallace. K. ('. I. E., nsnistnnt private ram-rotary to the duke, foreign editor of the London Tiny-s. and author of n. standard work on "Russia." Commodore A. L. Winslov. It. h., I'Irmlnandlng H. M. H. Uphir. l'omnmndvr B. (mum-y Fuussntt, Duke of Rnxburghe. Royal Home Guard-s. A. D. C. t'lsevalier E. De Martino. M. T. 0.. marine artist. Dr. A. Manby. physit-inn to ttwir Royal Highnmorerr. Mr. Sydney Hall, artist. DEAN HARRIS HAS RESIGNED. M. "o .1. u. u. Major J. ll. Bur. It. N., artillery, C. M. Cr., l. " C. t'optain Tirrount Crichton, Royal Hurm- Guards. M. V. o., A. D. L'. Well-Known St. Catharines Divine Surprises Ills Congregation. St. Ctrthnrines, Ont., May :i6.-Great run-prise and regret worn r‘xpreusnd throughout the cit) to-duy when it was learned that the Very Rex. Dean Harris, had at high "e this morning read his resignation' to his t'otif0'i'- gullun and also Archbishop O'Con- nur's nooeptant-e. For sump years past the doun's health has been fail- ing, and it was only at the urgent request of tltn archbishop that he has continued so long, as his resigna- tion was sent to tho un-hbinhop some 3'0:er ago. Donn Harris has hem: in n-lmrge of hit. Cuthurmes pariah for the past 17 .wurn. titil during that time by his genial and frivmlly manner has ervioreU tiimrtelt not only to Ms own "oirgregution, but to all classes in the city. He will proucll his fnrv- welt sermon nvxt. Sunday. "iiitiidtriidrrsr, of :wshnarket, has been nppuinm-d to succeed Dean Harris. President Altschensky Allowed 3 Traln to Run Over Him. St. I'ctersburx. May L't.-Presitient Alttmhcnslr.s", of the Khurkolt i'ham- her of Commerce. committed suicide Tummy by allowing a railroad train to run over him nom- At. i’cteraburg. Ho was a financier of great influ- vnmn Ilia death was due to financial difficulties. an: wil embarrass many intatitutiottH. He owed the Volga- lxnrmet Bank tour or tive million roubles. and was President of the Agricultural Bank. The deceased owed about 10,000 roubles. his cred- itorn including tho A. M. Meyer IJis- count Bank. the Mowrow Credit Com- puny. and the Khnrkon Commercial ('ompuuy. He controllel the Donal:- Yur.vett Iron Works. which concern in under-capitalized. The. Imperial Bank will protect those who have suffered from the death or M. Alt- WOODSTOCK MAN SUICIDES whonsky. Found In Woods With Bottle of Strychnlne In His Pot-ken Woodstock. May 'd6.---Thy body ol what was supposed to be at first an unknown man was found in a clump of trees on the Ram (arm. just west of the town, yesterday morning. In his pocket was found a bottle con- taining a small quantity of utrych- nine and a tin cup. near him, indi- "ating that he had taken his life with his own hand. The body was well hid~ den, and had probably been where it was found nearly a week. "riGrriiourm, after helm: taken into town the remains were rdeutitied as thaw ot Richard Stinson. a well dig: yer, who had, been working around amongst. tho farmers in the county for some time. He was about sixty- lee years of age. He has a nephew In London, and a sister, Mrs. Law- son, in Kansas City, Missouri. An in. quart was opened yesterday. Vancouver, May 26.--W. L. Daggett, aged 27, committed suicide yesterday morning by drowning himself in False creek. He left several letters to his friends indicating that he was in debt, and was tired of discourage- meat and unable to secure work. He was a Y. T, C. A. worker, and apron- wt mtm' , , _ l h , ' ' DEATH AND DISGRACE. Suicide in Vancouver. "dart-ion. K. t'. M. G.. the Colonial Office. He the public nervive for and holds the position ONTAR are TORONTO SHUT HIS it nlhill SISTER. Toronto Boy in Cells Charged Links; With Murder. GIRL WAS TEASING HIM. Continued to Pull the Trlgger, For- getting the Fltlh Chamber Watt Loneteet--t'she Was shot Between the Eyes - Died In a Few Minutes. Toronto, May 27.--At St. Andrew'" market pnlice stuliun Thumus Ryan, jun, the 'vixttsen-.veur-old non of Thomas Ryan, boot and shoe deal”, at 736 Qnevu strum-t “val, is under arrest, nominally charge] with mur- dering hie sister Irlivc, ton gears of ...,-. The den] “no dun"! with n throe- calibre Smith & “kw-nun Holt-cocking revolver yoetnrday arternooit at the family rmidt‘nz-v. 26 Leonard avenue. Alter dinner y‘sterdny the little girl sat down to plny at “hicks," while hpr brother looknzl Lu and tnik- ed and played with hor. Shortly be- tore, 4 o'clock the bog left the room, uni went up to his bedroom to lirt down for " Mcusp. Girt Got the Revolver. Little Olive, followed him a few minutm IutPr, and hogan touring him, he guys. Finally she took lrom the bureau drawer a rmolvpr belonging to nnulhvr hrotlwr. Harry, who was out. Tltitr in her hand, tsite went back to the ler and pointed it nt her brother Tom. Jumping up, he quick- ly took it from her uul placed it un- der the pillow on llll' bud. Hamil) had he Lain down again when the mirr- chieiouto fingers of the little girl once more gninrvl po'smoiion of tho wou- Load“! It, to Frlghlen Her. Again he took it from lu-r. and. as he uow stun-N. "wrvly lo frighten her away In; drow " box from undvr the bed in which wow sunn- var- tridgen, hath hlunk and h-urlml. One of the landed (mm: In- plaemi hi the last. of the tire (-humlwrn. During this proceeding Oiise had run nut of the rum" and was just hulking in with hvr lwml inside. [hinting the re- vohor at her, the l'rutlH-r, who is now grivt-stritektm, pulled tho trig- ger 1our timer1, whiz-h brought tho loaded "ltumbet. to the humIm-r. [he Deadly Bulk-I. Quite forgetting that Hu- nvxt um- (-onminel " 1ierrth-deuliuur hulk-t. and wh.' and how hw- l-nnnut explain, lie ngmn pulled ths- triggvr, The» bullet rp "i w t‘l tienth- 1m: ing 1:0 unity, and entered the little girl‘s htuad immvdi- tstely betwrum llw ".0'rr. Witha shriek lhntwun lit-arc! h) Mr. tlex. lknwnvlew Hts-nugmplwr. who hum next door, shr- fell in a heap on tho “our. and died in fifteen minutes, just after. Dr. Monro, who was rummonetl. reuvlted the Imuse. Dr. Temple arrived sumo rutrtuto? later, as did also t'oroner Md‘onm-ll. An exumiuatiou was mode, and tlt" bullet was [mun] imlu-ddml in the tqrlrvat column, Inning comp'etel.s sm- ered tlw spinal cord. While this PE- nmlnmiun was being made, Cloronpr Graig; “as nctiried by telephone. and after H ing " warrant tor an inquest at t'ourt strevt polio' station, he went to tho Imnw to invvtitirTute. Mr. Downey Heard the Scream. Mr. Downs-3'. wilwn he heard the scream and tom- reprrt of the revol- ver, wont into Llw house. nnd as- sumed purisvoiou of hlm- revolver, fur fear that in his haunt-broken des- pair at mun: lie haul (lune. the boy might and his own life. He also tele- phoned to tlw Mt. Amlrvw's Market police titat'rur. P. U. McKinney went at arm-9 to tulle hump. followed by Flergt. Vaughan, and later by Crown Attorney (lurr‘v. A culmultatlou was sheld, the result ot which was that the murder charge watt laid, and P. C. McKinney mado the arrest, al- arm-ugh it is understood to be merely formal until the (-nronor'n jury re; turn-s a verdict. mo (-ild‘s mother was sleopbng In the npxt room at the time, and an older sister, Miss Arman Ryan was [no-Hug about tshe house. She heard tho two- children play'mg, and says that nothing but the greatest affec- tio'n ever oxustml betwtrrnt them. The little gin-l was a pupil at “yr-man wool, and Thomas works for his ra.. tuber. CHARGE WENT OFF TOO SOON Detective Terney was delablod to collect evidence im t/oo Ittrtie, and took down a statement. “rm-ion was made by the Ind, and which Wm bo put in at the inquest, to Dr hPltl to-night at St. Andrew's Market utntirxn at right o’clock. Owen Sound Man Badiy Hurt by a Loaded Anvil. Owen Sound. May 26.--A serious accident occurred at Kilsyth, a mall village in the township of Derby, about seven miles from Owen Sound. Friday night,by which w. J. Smith. the village blacksmltll. l and John Cannon. the teacher at Kilsyth School. nearly lost their, lives. and will probably lose their eyesight. They had been celebrating Vic- toria day, and towards evening their supply of firecrackers and rockets ran out. Then they resorted to the old method of “loading the anvil." The square hole in the who vil was filled with gunpowder, and a wooden wedge was driven in the holo to ensure the necessary resist- ance for a load report. The first explosion was successful, and the wooden plug was driven through a board in the ceiling. The anvil was removed to the street. and a. sec- ond charge was prepared. The hole was filled with powder. and a short fuse attached. and then the wooden plug was driven into its place. Some loose powder ivaa scattered around the edge of the hole, and as Smith and Cannon leaned over to light the fuse. this ignited, and caused s premature explosion. The wooden plug missed them both,unt the powder cxp'oletl in their tae wUirh were literally ttvpprred W grains. Smith's lvfl mm is in n dt gn'rum- condition, but hath you Pannon's' 'Y'"' urt- {HIM with un: . . _ H: mum“... gl i,r/iiili" pug-1149s of I {hare is d.mgi-r that left totally wind. ”in“: padents are oral and Marine F town. FIVE Klllllf [USE THEIR [WES In a Street Railway Collision at Albany. BOTH MUIORMEN KILLED. Forty Others Injured serioustr--Two Car: Racing for Switch“ Fully . 120 People on Boout--Mrmrted Bodies, Shricklng Women and Children. use ot ttw C'Irs. Sum- of the IDUI‘I' slightly injured of the men. extrivut- ing Lineman-Ives. began to tnite the people out of thv rear (*1)qu n! the two- (‘ars. and nlmust every one ex- tricatod in this “up was badly itt- Jul-ad. The sec-hen" wi're hwrtrendlng. and the wvmml and children who had escaped injury .md death became hysterical. Help had been summoned from East Grpeubutén and vicinity. and in a little time the wounded and dead were hudeJ an extra cars and taken to Albany. 'Phere um- bulunlres and musicians had been summoned. and mm pusmmce turned into n mnr‘gue and Momma]. As [an as the physicians crnuld temportsrily fix up the wounded they were tah- en to ttreir humps or to the huepiuls. With both motorlnun kiilmi, it was hard to got at the real cause of the accident. but it is pretty well down-mined that it wan caused by an attvmpt of the southbound our to roach a second switch instead of waiting tor the northbound car at the first siding. The curs weigh tltteen tons Pau'h. and are theiarg- pat electric cart, built. but no tright- tul was the crash that both cars wart- torn almost to spiintvrs. Both runs were fillt-ti with Rummy plea- uuro-sopkvrs. including many women and children, returning from the re- creution grounds that the "ew rail.. way has just opened. Among tho passengers in the Routhbound car was Deputy Superintendent Howard J. Rogers. of the State Department of Public Instruction. and his family. J Kilimi-Frttttk Smith. motormnn of car No. 22; William Nichole, motor- nmn of our No. l9; Maud Kellogg; of Round Lake; Annie Rooney. of Stuyvesant Pulls; David Mahoney. mates on the Dean Richmond. Fatally inNrod-4jeorgt, C'. Barry, Troy. hurt internally; Fred. J. Smith. Albany. Injured internally. Seriously iniured-Willintn r'. Bur- ry. Troy, cuts on head; Marie Bur- rie, Troy, leg hroken: Geo. P. Bitt- ner, Mooreville, out and hruim-d; haunt- Blnuwzlt. Albany. leg broken; Dewitt C. PM”. Albany. lurdiy bruis- ed; Mrs. Dewitt i'. PM”. Albany. badly bruim‘d: Charles Peltz, Albany. pulnfully bruhuxl: Howard J. Rog- H-s. Albany. bruimul and cut: Mrs. Rogers. Albany, bruiratd and out; - Rogers. Albany, lug brnkvn; A. W. t'rostltt Albany. hurl interuotl.r; George Lama Albany. badly cut: Fred. Herzog, Albany. tilotl:ier dis- lncatad. Niagara-on-tho-Li. May 26. - A distressing accident occurred this alternonn during tlho prom-M‘s ot the band canon-t gin-n in the town park by tin: Q. o. It. 81nd. In which Samuel Kindle. a lad about sixteen years old, was sevproly intueed. He and another lad were amusing them- selves on one of the swings. when suddenly. when about. eighteen [out from the ground. Hindlo iell. a. was quickly picked up and carried luv: Randall's drug stnn- and Dr. An- derson 'mttrttrotted. Upon pxamlnatlon " was found tint both legs were broken tibove the knee. Temporary bandages warn [unveil nun the injured limbs and the boy taken to his home. Magnotawan. Ont., May 26.--J. H. Nicholson, a young man of this v11- lage, is supposed to have been drowned by lhn upcotllng of a. canoe while crossing Ahmie Lake In a still Wind last Wodnvuday morning. Ins came bu been found on the shorv vupsized, and his mat near by. Par- ties have burn dragging tho lake in the vicinity ot tho accident. but no tar without success. Mr. Nicholson leaves a. wife and two children. He was a member of tho Order of Mne- wheel. ----------- George Rousseau, a millhand. was drowned In Denehene Raptdl. nest Hull. on Sawrdav evening. Be '50 ytherlns, (hilt wood. , l . . Drowned From a Cunoe. ' Dunn. heats are now in the Gou- Marine Hospital in this Fell From a Swing. urn {HIM with unm- 9s of powder, and -- .- their tttt'e'tr, ppf‘rl‘ll wlth is in u dttrt- both Emil”: ho m1! yr-Electric ipnisammm : mm mm. Shall the Confession of Faiths beRevised? " tttrtlBtlf'8 QUEsTION changes In the creed. In- sum. my have a right to be isreuisi, and tlot Assembly I'ulumt urhn‘tl lo mm. their wishes oxide. The wax-M Lu, made progress In evcr3thiug "l-o-. why not In the Itutemeut of rrlmh.~|. truth! We revere our futhrrs. Int they were not lnlulliblu Th" trr- rot-ml the Lord are prumhwnt in u“, creed and the love of God should In: x (r an equal plane. A Then the Rev. Dr. Mrkihlu-n tuna. the platform and presented the um. orlty report. He id at tnil. " in mm. with a clear we. a. tine when, and a topical method which sowmvd ,yv reelstlble. It you open Hu- lhmr .. crack, he said. why should it nut up and by be thrown widv "pun M, changes are needed. The lam: of the fathers in the faith at the Mn!» dren. Why try damp-runs pun-n- menu! in this era of I'retiVsttsrluu plusperit) t The nudienco lolkmed him mm the closest possible! attention. He “as not oraloricul. but he was m-ngmm. Ly effective. The heart-rs “ore ht.» a Held of wheat in n. gal" of wuul He seemed to have a, "water; (nor them. and when he took his seat the applause equalled thnt which bad been given the previous speaker. Th" ibev. Dr. Herrick Joirrimon made a really wonderful arm-NIL llv la n Liberal and h-- haw a certain Iu-rmual magnetism which mrr‘m- all Mare it. tor the timo being. up is li man of Weight. and Wlwn he m-ut‘lu (pl " omeech in tarot at rozuu- hurl of rr~ Halon. the audk-m-e cculd ro. lu- held in check. Whether this Wits lrl urnse queues ot a general upprmul of what he RIM. or the result of hi. "loituenre amply lt_wu hard to dvtermlne. For Kevlulon. The Ree. Dr. Charla: L Irwkey 5‘ "Now I. the acoepted tum to spun- the marten [Missal “cum not an own when IO may pretoyterio' tie. mnnd some change. Tho Aurora!!!) Mid be Willing to 110 that WALK? Stink! of the tsrqutttertV' putt-mod were an follows; is safe and consistent. “Inch and not reproach the past. and whm. can“ no dunnor on the ('1ulrv.l,(iw1‘u love of the whole world, tite mum-wt ot the Holy Spun. and thr \nluo- of MI“ MIC! form tho luumiuln-n of the Conic-don.“ The Rev. Dr. William Mrhiitben-- "The Confucian should be made lit-u! on the mbject of elect infants It should be demonstrated to this Eru- oration that God'a Rrttt' [are hold in the act of death and ultvrifim the infant Into tramlormnt on Mum " takes the child trom in ulnthvr- heart." Ttr, Mes, Dr. “Writ ' Imam ‘T [ authorities ot the creei urn not Ir bo Regarding predestin'ni son said: "I do not nrrnimn tw- divitto election. hm t up to the plert is to It: glory. We want nnl dellty to trse truth. 'Pr sided. Our Cunfetoeirm [ tilde elegantly. Lot m- truth on our side. Tho Rev Dr. 5‘!an Creed In the report kuowlndgv up L» am who wrote it t'et.oCtl Throughout nur Mm! 1h n ltr ' In" H'UOI rittett artittt' mbly ottt" 1 M10 MU" PH CEYLON .00.. Sup!“ on up” Felix was pram WP (ah. but W. M upon In. maul "Won't yuu mum " Old but. I I'll“ “' 1 " “NM that you duet." "tis ”Fwd Inn In I“. And [mum ll tN "mu Mm. lath} “Id. "I lhnuhl hr g and ulwn). p. the Good \uluarluu "SALA Wont-min: "If Salt "Not Mr mm]. "W Tiny bot hmtory '00 you l when In? io " up: Fun (‘I who has Jost n you my bton My hum n! l law- An account "And I." I'd-1n moo. “hue u H W him, To-n lug, there will In cm nu? I Jun who”, luau” at tn ”ml. at his " an]. too'. They " have you again» doll 't" Wolfemies tell the ma ttune to a: "H" toreed In hour in Karl-.1 by tom or rr: pm My [anther and we You" tl him his roman: , “n, you wat ware I'" thx w you want in I then: tor? I t lie has cum-0M and if he in ler I!!!" or two, have no Your. mightier nun-l “gnu? with '. Tum hull with»!!! phatnn. an I mum "Hagt In- [UNIS of ttt od; "he hi I Felix lam! ittgt u out)!" m that luv much. "W por Even trg th km " In the only "Cancun Wu- of to art ti Iron II!) he put-lb Frle l httee a "an “In I my" outline M It A onr at". who in I- chum Hp h: erica, I yunv mint " eat " um. "I" “Harman. aim-1 "rl twent " ' l mam “ORV in. l utWr Ara w ttw t) do and least' " "" ado-rd plan" ”NIH t.asdinq u! may vow". TStiq min-m- aul-mill! '" we KM" ‘ip, Will. ooettidonc" A PLO Chou-um V (hr-mum ' will d" Ir," mom. H: m [Input Wottetio' ORE A Strong PURITY ECONOMY is mm “ Arum! ttite 'port um Ver has unn- fun he Mr ll tr DI of Amt rt! ft t Aru' an IX Mr \\ LIN

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