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Durham Review (1897), 30 May 1901, p. 4

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II 31 DURHAM REVIEW I.ttis twain". Je on e"tboy of the gun-ho SN 'u" iiiiiV Bromo-Q' ' iiiiiinirr'riiiii- to -tr that can. a cold I. on. day lu the olden times the social glass was used more truly then it is now-u-Jaye for instance " logging been. raisinae, tshop- ping been and such like. We remember an aged peraon who we could rely upon an telling the truth and who resided in a neighboring county some sixty yearn ago and whose remains are now laid in the cemetery in this town, that on a certain occasion when havrnq a logging bee which coon-ted of ten or twelve yoke of oxen and enough hands to keep the business going lively. but unfortunately the habits of these days were that nothing could be done without the glass and as sure as two or three were gathered togethei m the shape of abet: the glass was sure to be there also, not to bless them and do them good. soon made and soon were iudul ( we have in they came fr The habits 0 good supply calm. tin-est cask cf good of tonne. a ledbv one c And while we are on this subject anoth- er story suggests itself to us. which we heard from an old gentlemen whom we mnhl rely on as truthful. who is gone the way of all living many years ago, that while at n funeral in the old country. we are not going to my what part be it Eng- land, Ireland or Scotland it matters not: the manner and their custom there was to carry the corpse on spikes by an of the most Wilma: of the country and (hen exchanging: as the distance was from ten and tittevn miles. not on gravel roads as we have in Priceville, but on roads as they came from the hands of the Creator. 'l'he habits of this country werelto have a good supply of provisions by way of oat THcrtim.tY, Mae 30m. 1901. tl ggr2sl Pricevllle. some other body. This is the nary as we heard it and we believe it to be true. Quite e long weye to give aiumtr from Prieeville ncroee theoeeenior news. but your renders will excuse us this time Mr Editor we will any It home the no" time, the. go lore In sin " In am [Oar eorreepmdent drape unto e re~ miniecent mood this week end gives us an interesting glimpee of ye olden time. How we do have Improved In our cue- tome to be sure! We remember being sent for the 6-gal. Keg end not it et Parker‘s too, but In con wee lagged home on e rewboned hone with a sheep- skin saddle that wcnldn't stay in pleoe. (an we remember to our sorrow), the incident related by him unnot be giving as ewey. We we further eunred be is not telling tales on us by the fact tint we went the dey before the "bees." If we didn't do much next day it wasn't beceuee our heed was sortr.-Milil.] Mrs. Peter Brown, Holstein, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Wm. Hunter and son David Hamilton and other friends round the Lake. - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Daley, Jr., listt for Alpeua. Mush., last week, when they in- tend to make their home. Robert Aitkeus is on the sick list at pryymt mytA 50159 rhepmatic pomplaipt. Mrs. Wm. Davis who has been ill for some months is improving we are glad to hear. District officers commanding and commanding others of units are re- minded that by the King's command all the military forces. of the empire are still in deep mourning for her late gracious majesty, Queen Victoria. and that such monrning does not expire until 24th July. In these Circumstances ceremonial displays such as salutes. fen de joie. troopmg the colors. reviews and other milking exemseS. except such as for tactic instruction or for rifle practice. would be an act of serious disrespect to the memory of our late beloyed sovereign." Henry Tucker has rented the Calvert farm on the 18th Con. A load of yuung people from New Eng. laud, visited at Jas. Matthews, beginning of last week. Late word to the Henry family ind:- gates that Mrs. Walker, their daughter, is "covering. Victoria Day was anything but Queen's weather and a. pic-nic planned for the Lake had to be postponed. The prospect of Cement operations at the Lake promises to make it a popular resort this summer. "Owing to the existence of smallpox in certain parts of the Dominion, none but individuals who have good vaccinat- ion marks or who can show evidence of haying had smallpox, will he permitted to come into or winnin in camp. ome ers commanding units will he held accountable for the return to their homes of individuals found unvaccmat- ed. A prtsyer-a"tstirue luld last Tuesday ovemng at Mr. D.Hamilton'a was well attended. Rev. Mr. Campbell conducted the soryicu. Every soldier m other person accom- panying the volunteers to the summer camps must show signs of successful vaccunation. The militia orders contain the following paragraphs one relating to this subject. the other to the formal priiodof mourning for the late Queen: Mr. Matheson gave tho Eccles, family a call last Sabbath. Minn Mary Eccles is dangerously Ill at time ul writing, with an attack of appendi- cms. We, hope she will soon be well again Willie Hunter in the prone possessor of I new wheel of the "liacycle" style secur- ed from Mr. Gordon of your town. Arbor Ihry wan duly recognized by touch" and pupils have and some, nice improvements made. Mr. Sam McMurdn commenced the fence business at D. Mecannel's. Sam is a good fence builder. Mr. Davidson. of Toronto, Volunteer Student will preach at Swinton Park next Sabbath. Mr and Mrs James Hopkins, Mr Brough- ton and his water called in the gburg this week. ll. Parslow and his ‘sister Alice visited IL W. J. Wilson. Booubvillu is a very stirring place this sprung especially whilo Archie in around. w. Kinsman and T. Wilson have had bad looking eyes one would think they had been fiehtiuv, but it happens to have been an accident. Our blacksmith had a. few calla from Peter Humilton. of Peterboro. He was in company with our councillor McIn- tyre. He gave us to understand that Peterborough was the greatest place for inundries. factories and manufactures in Out. A few from here attendel the misiug of Herman Haw's barn. Mr Neil Me- Pliee. of the 6th con of Egremont. was the framer. Mr Haw ruined his barnby block and tackle and eyerylhing went well. The block and tackle was owned by Wm Haas and his first esperieueeiu the bumuess. He got. on fine with the work, also with the men and is a very titting man for the business. I would recommend him to any-om that, is raising a building: of that kind. Mr Willie Wilson was teeming his grain to Dnuualk all last week. Oats 3l cts a bus. Willie is visiting his sisters Mrs. Hugh Wilson's of Siughamp- on the firstot this week MUST BE VACCINATEU Henry's Corner. Boothville. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durnam Pharmacy Calder'. Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Oftiee, Durham. D. McPHAIL.) 711/20 Wants ta, 99est .9 , J A K E K RE SS , --- ssd FROST a, WOOD SHOWROOMS Terms moderate. Arrangements females. as to dates. (to. mus: no made at The Review omce. Durham. Correspondence addressed there orto Hopeville P. o, will be promptly attended to. Terms on application to FIRE INSURANCE tf-'"""' o Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. Lower Town Durham D. McPHAIL, Hopeville P. 0 C. RAMAGE Durham. When they want the best Harvesting Machinery, or Cream Separators, or Churns and Washing Machines, or Buggies, Carts, &e., or Stoves, of approved makes. Attended to. Why everyone ! and bright buyers benefit by buying up at the Licensed Auctioneer tot the County of Grey. THE DURHAM REVIEW r o . 'ohn Jbitrotgstosur, flllNillili Agent for the Grey & Bruce Mutual. ONTA We." 0/ the Widdme/I 3touse Jfable. Omce, over' Grant's store, Lower Town BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUELIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. Collections of all kind° f Farms bough1 promptly attended to ___ and sold OFhHCE--Mc1tt lyre Blyli. oFFiCE--Metkertzio's Old Stand Durham, Ont. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Company and private Funds to Lean on Mortgages at lowest rates ot interest. \‘uluntion made by "couoyeteutaud careful Vuluntor. Co!loctious and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements &e,eorreetly prepared. Estates of decanted per- suzzs looked alter and Exeeutor's and Atlmiuis- tratorrr' Accounts prepared and passed Surrogate Court, “name’s, Probate of Wills. Letterw of Ad, tuiustrationtmtl Guardianship Obtained. sour chns unule in liogistny (mice and Titles reported 0mee----L0WER 'lOWN. DURHAM. hum-Inca Agent, Money to Loan at reqsona ole rates and on terms to suit borrower. J. P. TELFORD, All Charges Moderate ”CATHY PUDLIC. CONVEY‘NCER, dc. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER ac, CONUEYANCER, VALUATOFI, MONEY TO LOAN G. LEFROY McCAUL. TORONTO BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. arrister, A'etarg, Gon- veyancer, etc” (iye..... Ill, S, DAVIDSON. Private Money to Loan, l(Urer the Ba nk 1llll(l(llllit We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you to see, reduced in weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the easies t running Binder in the world. - Full line of I’IANOS. ORGANS. and SEWING MACHINES-- We atewell stocked with TURNIPb'OWriRS, SCUFFIJiRS, HAY FORKS. m LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at til. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. gmsflgwxxgxgmxflzmamflxfixxxxxE Our Warerooms are now fully stocked wun massey nams Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. éggxwmawxxmxmxgxwmgsmxgx335 ',, 4t 3tarduaare. as. ifi, fS=,aTrCEIEtTAr.dL22CEQ Do not forget the bankrupt stock of Silverware that we ran selling off at present. Any person wanting SPOONS should not lose this opertunity. H ARNESS DEPARTMENT :Err:r=aD=TC> HARDWARE Just to hand a earload of Nails and an immensc shipment of Building Hardware. READY 2sez=aSlaD PALMS Our weekly shipment of Ready Mixed Paints has arrival. Any person can use those Paints. Paint your Houses Barns, Buggies, \Vaggons and Implements. GENERAL HA‘LRIDWARB Among this week‘s shipment are: Sheep Shears, Cow Bvlls. Clothes Wringers, Carpet Sweepers, Bird Cages. Whips, Paint Brushes, Blacking Brushes, Black Lead. tihoc Black- ing and Fishing Tackle. M,, assortment of gtievrtrrs, Churn: and Wheel gear- row: in 6toek. 1/i(l)tr_/ii3_/,8Cht. ij'::.', MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. arerooms are now ful1ysyrclied with Massey Harris A look through our Harness Department will satisfy you that we sell the quality and at right prices. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, these were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop where you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. ti"TCTC',CC'rat"ft"tt't"t, .9t' t", (t) A SPEGIAL SALE l 'ecstttttt:-e.-e.ss:a:as:aa:sp BOOTS, SHOES and :EiibT7CEBEB:Eg:Ees; irrr"sa"au"ca"'"e"i.er"'.tes gt Special prices 11ii4prices make) --"_- - . |Come and see us in our new store L McArthur, IhtriiiiG" iit interesting. CALDER MAY 30, 1901 EVE! _ quy m: . palm Big TWEEDS " H. " GROCERI ll lt Qi In We can assortmcn snaps HE SELLS CHEAP! Din nev are Of IN‘hl MAY 3 " pairs tern Men 's ith Mem's Pg RIPS at I Mr "

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