West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 May 1901, p. 5

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, 30, 1901 Iassey Harris improvements . Harris Drill, 'uggist. th growvrs urham, store best turn" HARE nip ot rare LINER iii??? SALE; URHAM. of tirst class -----.-. ttt AGE 1 slits. solid ys, these lop where n NI Ill n C arts DOC ' t icenses eatues ' 3:. ar.. A. CllEally'Crayitiilr"tlE?'GEiEE%, il, I NI A toonfidence exists between the people and this Big Store, strengthened no doubt by an experience of , nearly fifty years. We are the third generation ot the same family in this business. We do not ask any credit for the past, but respectfully ask you to come and judge us in our present situation. 0 We can depend upon the people to discover here what is to their own interest. 'We ask your , patronage only when we render you good service. Tire always keep abreast of the times. TWEEDS d YARNS Tum? Linen 31 .. ... . . .ZIK Fum-whiluonuntrl'punessl ooand 81 2: with. Itut. spring Prints are now in. tVeritrrra full line of Sterling Bros Ilmulmndv Boots and Shoes for Men Wottttrtt and Children. Try at pair i: vuu want a good shoe. GROCERIES L‘GLVCALVG'. " I v v _ . I - I. - - 1rllrll-- " 941950430 _f,ii J AT "0lllltPallallCCllEiilllll g (,i-'i(lllllllllliiaE1lllllllllt:eallll- STOIlflg Imuu- Sir,' [Ivy pkg, ., A. .2t)t. '|--I|v\ [ho-1H» A. _.. _ .. .. " 's H uh ('rvlun'l‘ml [WI “I. L.Tr, it“ and WV .11 H, .m4l ll,,. park-(m tr,,i,,c,viu.,cersvliiitiilrrtsrl tinwnrv “v .nn- ‘ul'leIL W. H. BEAN - '"T22Ti'iriltitii).'rit'ii'7ii1 tihui0u%i0WElii7irtfCiciiTCtiTt' wwwwwwwwwwwmmmmww We Qi Mahg 0| Ill" Jill] Fl. S. SCOTT. 3119 long We can give you Bargains. HE SELLS CHEAP t.! Under no circumstances shall we allow our large stock to run down or assortment to narrow The! are 19or's Latest, Newest, Right Priced Good Things which we are showing on our counters. snaps. J assortment. Uilrloth l yd DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., MAY M, 1901 iit' best quality. WE ALWAYS LEAD tde nnhm h c, in. with .. .. M .. OTHERS FOLLOW. for 75e pair. Men's Light Summer Coats, washable, at 75e vach. $2.50 buys a full Suit of Men's or Boys' Clothing. Only a few left. The old price was $5.00. Earn. reg. 81.50, for $1.25. - 12 pairs Men 's 81.25 Pants for 81.00. Men's Blue Denim Overalls with Bib, 38 24 pairs Men’s_Tyeed Pants) nice pat- IS Fierce Lirwd l'nderwear, 81.00 suit face Curtains. in. wide pair w ide per yd nder no Circumstances shall we allow our large stock to run down or assortment to narrow. Each day shall find a better Store, better Stock, better Experience. 19or's Latest, Newest, Right Priced Good Things which we are showing on our counters. We give a check with every purchase, large or small. Here are a few It will pay you to read every item and consider the ads antages to be gained in exchanging Wool, Butter and Eggs at a store where you get such bargains and such an BUIUEI'S BIOCK 60 ht lliht het Iltgllll 206 ll tt lil tlt h; ilhll, t At' " Dr 1 m I Cu . ’IM Y.oc uh Hungarian’andfMillet, Strictly Pure Paris Green, Sulphate of Copper, Whale Oil Soap, and other Insecticides for spraying. 'Gurnip (Seed MacFarlane & Co. 59-fold Corn WE KEEP the fuliuwing of Swedes. 3 --Greystone, ( --Green Top Yellow Aberdeen) --Eh'phant, --Jumbo, -Bangholm, --Skirvings, --Champion, -.IIall's, Westbury King --1mproved Lemming ~Mammoth Cuban, --Mamruoth Southern --White Cape, “mgr! of Midnight, - Compton 's Earl y. 1VHELAS--rn Durham, on Saturday. [plane & (h May 25. Maud Whelan aged 19 yrs. HAzLErr--Near Allan Park, on Tues- Druggists & Booksellers.; day May 21, 1901. Wm. Hazlett aged 67 yrs. ii mos. We have a large assortment ot Horses Blankets, Grey Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets, Flannel Sheeting, Yam 2 and 3 ply. Factory Cotton reduced from Re to ending Varieties in lie yard. Cottonade l't-dum-d from vard. Mack Cotton Hose rcdum-d to Oe pair. Lvaming, Cuban, Southern Sweet BLANKETS Dont sell all your wool with- out buying your- self a pair of our Pare Wool White Blankets. The wool is cheap but the blankets are cheaper, and a guarantee goes with each pair. Cupid is busy in this locality these days and we expect to see quite a few couples at the ultar of Hyman in a short time (me young knight says he IS tired of driv- ine, ten miles every Week or so, while an- other claims that it IS too bad an drive a team on Sunday that has been at work all week, and another has looked blue ever Since he was disappointed by not getting another farm Never mind boys there's a good time coming. The Cement Co, and building of the proposed dam nt the hulls. are causing quite a talk here and every 0119 intend du- ins: what they can to hurry it on. We are expecting a busy summer. Mr John Cook is doing well at his new Vocation, and Grey Beauty never loukwl better. We are pleacetl to hear that John is likely to make a success tinancially too. A meeting of those interested in tlm beef ring: will be held at Harms wood shop on the 27th of May. Lr'ssEv-.-In Bentinck. on Wednesday May 22to Mr. and Mrs F. Lunney. a daughter. Mr Wm Banks. who had such a. hard tight with sickness is all right again and H at [present framing n barn fcr the Pat. ter-0n Bros. w will make n first Claus Miss Sum}: Jack ls home again from Toronto. where she spout. the winter. We are all pleased to see our fnir friend, but especually her Sunday School class. The young: people of this district are very 11inch disappointed. the wenthermi 1'ietoria day being dreadful. Heavy ruin:- all day. Zumites arc to hold a conceuon the 11 of June, when a good time is expected. A tine program is being arranged by local and other talent, the admission fee bring 15 and 10 cents. It will be held in the Church. Everyone invited. Mr Charles Cotton is at “resent at Zion. Charlie is it great favorite with n11 he meets. Mr Joe Kmsman. Toronto, is at present putting in a good time with friends hero. the Gveenwoods. 250 to 20e DIED BORN. ZION. You have a. decided advantage in being able to exchange Wool, Batter and Eggs " Hardware at this store. Screen Doors, complete. 81.00. Spring Hinges, 15e pair. A few kegs Cut Nails left, at 2le lb. Full stock Tinware, Raw Oil, Boilvd ()il, Neatly-mixed Paints, Var- nislus, &c. Hay Forks Gram. THE DURHAM R1ilW1ilW 'A HARDWARE " Manure Forks, Spades, Se. D. Allan called on Normauhy friend: last week. Mr. Thus. McAllister was visiting Wm Lauder on Sunday Inst. Quite a number from here attend" C L'lyth's sale on Tuesday, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark culled on Egrelnout friends Sunday last, [ Muss Alice Watson paid Min Nellie Gum] a short visit lately. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B'cCulumn Ir. were the guests of the former's pm‘enls one. day during Inst week. D. Allan called on Normnnby friends Master Clurk Mormon of Mt. Forest is at present visiting " grand parents Mr. and Mrs A. Little. Thos, J. P. and Nellie Gmld and Alfred Ilipnley of Humpden were Visiting the farmer's parents on Sabbath last. Mr. and Mrs John Carmm called on Mr and Mrs. W. C. Caldwell lately. Mr. and Mrs. James Eden war-4 the guests of Mr. and Mrs It. J. Eden the latter part of last week. Wood,................ Hariey..................... Oats........................ Lambs..................... Dressed Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live Weight..." Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter, 's"-;h.............. EpJy....................... Hides, per ttwt.......... Calfskiuu, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered per lb Lard, perlb.............. Hit.........-....-. Beet, per cm............ Turkeys................... Potatoes. per bag....... Bram. ..................... Wool............,..... Chick-us per pair..... Shorts..................... Flour., Wheat Peas... DURHAM MARKEI S. l 'a tn' s Varney. L, 'al' [Mess Goons dh srr..rx,, and ( , -mN.-'. ' . Ill ig filigflB. , iiii)i' this pedal: 1/yftinn,! sta 2tl1t'lu,? 0m- giigglli) Short Ends _le!'t Come in and look at our Dress Goods stock. Blacks are tlie favorites this season, and plain colors next. All our best goods are in Skirt or Dress Ends. The Misses Hughes have charm- of our Dressmaking department up-stairs and will make up goods bought in this. store without delay. 900 140 ‘J 00 35 30 12 M 90 90 60 30 14 14 35 1000 M 18 40 90 90 " 14 14 10 50 be 50 12 CO 40 30 90 Sheep and umbs--Trtuie ls dull, the principal Inquiry being for spring lambs. They are firm at 82.50 to M each. Export ewes are a trifle firmer at $3.60 to $3.05 per cwt; other sheep and lambs are um. changed. thxlveie--'I'lMy demand for good veals u strong and the offerings are only moderate in quality. Prices Ire steady at " to " each. Hogs-Market active. with a fairly large rum Priest no unchanged " 97.25 for selects and M.75 for lights and fats. Prospects' In for a steady makes. REVIE‘V and Weekly Globe 'lt1.00 REVIEW nnd Weekly Mail..." $1.70 Milch Cows-Market was more active and there was a good tone. Several fair to good cows were sold and the prices ranged Item $89 to $49 each. Good cows are wanted. Feeders-Market firm, with n strong demand and hilt offerings. Sheri-keep find a. ready sale at $4.25 to 54.75 per cwt, and other weights are firmer. Medium are quoted at " to 84.25 and light are in excellent demand " 83.50 to S4. Stocketu--Market firm With a steady demand. Prices of choica weights of 400 to 800lt,e are unchanged " " to 93.50. Butchers’ Cattle-The keen inquiry for picked lots has caused another Hllghl ad- ynuce in the {moon of that class. They are quoted firm at $1.50 1084.90. aLd some lots of particularly fine stuff sold 10- dh.y at M. Export Cattle-The supply was fairly large and the quality of offerings was Mood. Prices were tirmor owing to the keen demand. Several buyers picked up choice lots to till up space and the prices paid ranged " high as $5.30. The old country markets are in an unsatisfactory condition and the outlook for the export trade is not promising. This market, however. is firm, and as yet no indication has been given of a decline in prices. Choice lots are quoted at 65 to 65.30. and medium, including light weights. at $4.75 M, Export cows are firmer, being: qliot- ed 33 50 to $4.25. Good cow‘s would even bring a. triflis more. Business as the Western Cattle Market to-day was again active and prices were [nub There Was a ates-1y demand for all grades of cattle. particularly exporters and butchers' and the supply was not, large enough. over co Price. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Live Stock Marla-L ads left at Halt Toronto the thing for shelves. Window Blinds, Me each. Towel Rings, 3 for 25e. Curtain Poles, 25e complete Straw Hats for Men, Women and Chil- dren. Oar 50e Ladies' Sailor is quite corn-ct and cheap. Men?, Black Fedora Trat, reg. $1.01) for 75c. Soap, le cake. Toilet Soap. 3for 10e. Wall Paper, from 3e roll. Afew rolls Border at 10e roll. Just Butter Boxes, 30e each. Raisins, 3 lbs. for Me. 1llallllli© © ‘AHEAD i' 0F 1 TIME . l.Clllli;li) (Ill Illli) "U“. t I’l'lil) PAltls (.lHjl-IN. I'Nllls I’I'IH’LI'L t IilllVrllE. HLI‘I'I S'I‘HNIC. INSM'T I'oWIHiIt. uur Flo-Jun hf Wirrh Try Hum-l fur “Hughm-w of (In- 5kin. lit-duo“. Sun burn and Irritation. (ha. AT. FISHING TACKLE. A largo stock at half price. JOHN l DINING, Dispensing 1'hemist, Repaivlng ofytstches, Jewelry. Go I specialty. W- A. Mac Farlane. In " way- better than tube behind it. "in mm better to be an time. Our w Alt-hes I‘l‘ll in harmony with the w heels of the universe and you nun a lunys depend on them. They Ire in good case» too Ind are sold at renun- able prices. BACK liglin fg ht WEEK: YOUR MONEY BK IF YOU WANT IT. ba, Wcjnfyrc gttoek.

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