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Durham Review (1897), 30 May 1901, p. 6

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H l f if: Prim oven to the Lmristiatt m. the [rut disooverers ot new ideal or inventions were objects ot scorn. (I envy. or persecution. sud not {no Ireqnontly paid the penalty M (or has with their lives. Aristides wu condemned to exile because peopln we tire-d of hearing him called "the ttuni" only death could stone tot) the 'super" wisdum and purity oh sacral-Is. and the Wei of ancient history are filled with similar ex- maples. Winn: the caravols d Chrirrtoptter Colon nailed trom Palo out Into un- known was in neutron ot the New World, what 5mm and Jeers follow- ed on tho brute when filled his swel- ling sails. Less than three hundred years ago Galileo was [mu-d. against " own knowimlgv and tymvietioutr, to nom- inally abjure the that] that the earth revolves around the sun. 3nd hosts a! "thor gram discover- an. to whom the world now does homage. have purl-med their labors under Jhe ban ot the clerics. and the sums and slu'pl'u'lsm of their con- temporaries. ' Behind the bars of Electra. some two ttomir mi years gone. pared' natlessly an inteiteetual booking mun. WUIMUHK "omrtasnt1y to PT- my passer by, “I am not mad," with .such intelligence and intensity that visitors often pauses] to inquire con- cerning him. to whom the guide. shrugging " shoulders and with a mile ot blended compassion and sup- eriority. would answer: "0h thats a poor idiot who thinks ho can run a boat with hot wator." Not a hundred years mg”. Stephen- son's "ti-awning comma" was the derision of the wisencres of his day “I'll!“ - w..- .. ._...V, - and tressertstiou. Scientists laughed gt the impracticable whom" ot the "dreamer," an (loam member of the examining board which was love-t1- ptlng tlm mum, gravely in- quired: “If the onglne were to strike 'ts 00w. w‘mlol it nut be very bad '?" "Aye," was the rubinder. in 54teplt- moon's broad Scotch. "van. bad for .tho coo." had the "Roeeett" was tired, and went up the hill of doubt, and nlUliculty. and disbelief. but did not. as mu prsudicto-d. "com" down Fulton was another visionary, tut. other lunatic. and when on his trial I trip, after a law wtrokps. the pad- t din: of his little side-wheeler (sound t to revolve. the low incro'dulous friends l who had horn reluctantly persuaded w aim-mummy him hung their heads ' Ill shumo- at having been boguiled by i such a lunut'u', and th, wisencre-g who I had ulwsyu Prmtb'ted luilure. sent up 1 blte old. old cry ot than race. " told I you uni But tlmi-r triumph was n [ brim-l mm. tor, as all the world now knows. tho ('li-rmont movai majesti- I rally up the “whim. and the stemm- boat mm " recognize-d (out. But while it was at lmxgtli cnn~ ceded that utenminmtu wvrP adapt- ml to riwr nuvigntiun. the powihility ot thvir mar upon tlu- Hi‘il. was strt'nu- ously liPlliHl by the m~i9ntiuts. (mo of whom. the new. Dr. Dionysus Lard. ner. pnhliuhml u treatise in Wllit'll. to th" cmnplrtc- sntislm-tiou of him- wif and his toitssw sunny. Iw demon- strntvd ttrututstutioallr. pu-Pumnti- rally. arithm"tivullr, algrhrnicully. and gmmwtrivully tho utter impossi- Nlity of constructing a strum THN- ml which could (-rnsu tlw wean. but almost twtor" the ink upon his pre- dictions was dre [nuts gnu' ttw lie to figure and th" Savannah had nto-umml int-rims the Atlantic'. and proved "gain that awn-r1 and sham. unvnns and m-io-nt'ucts. arl- not al. ways lulullibln. This “ubsurd impoqrubi'ity" having frown praeticatrl'r. the doubters wvre or it time silvnm-iL bat th‘r the pro- poem] construction ot iron steam- attipa tinny shuntml thrmeoives hoarse " the nuininitv of tho fools who did not haw wimp Pumiizh to know that Iron would not Hunt on water. But again ttr' jut-r4 and jihad rm'oiled up- on ttw heads of Hip self-satisfied crating. and now. in addition to the thnusundu of mngnificvnt iron skunk urea whim-h ply tiw wntvrn ot every sea. nuni-'rnll\' iron lighting mnehittes ot iii». a stick." "rs whim-h ply tlw watvrn ot every sen. monahmw iron fighting mnehittes ot 12.000 to HJIOD tons displacement. stun-d with mun-mar guns and car. vying (To-Wu of hundreds ot nwn. cnn fight. 0r " at tho rato of [rum IG to :0 knot. an hour. although Farragut and otlmr otrieore. "tspoil the introduction of iron ship into the ttttry. They would bu Um on“ in wiittee and too hot In "umruer-woultl "weat and the ovary- on" on hoard rlwnmutism and other "tom-tr-und hundreds of naval sur- WM ju'uuvl in ttto protest. Just an tt ttttie lntnr tltrrw New York (lm‘turs wallotrd that the elevated Pare would in low than six months Ilrivv one-thir.‘ n! Hm rowillvnts alum: tho tim, lulu Iunutir. us.sltimi. ’ . - w -- _at_.-. The oln-t-trit- u‘ls-srrnph Wm! :Inntlwr'l lawmuilnlit}. 1.iir,htnit:g wus um albtlo- " quullly tn be controlled by tho h.ml ot man. and Murm- "xpori- med ull tho arm-n and iueredulitr which had h'wnt all his Kreat prede- cmnrs along Um thorny path of in- wnt' m nnl "r-c nm‘y. But (‘ungrms t! lvnglh grulxingly and lncrwlulow tr approprlatml a low thommnd dol- - for the cotwtruetion ot a short tigte, and the trlagraph took Ila placP I. the “at of recognized facts and In- ooncvivably “awful inventions. The Mm of 00111.. Lvlegraphy was. howmer, ("on then im-rolihle. There Wm limit» to human lngmmlly. and the puerlbllit} ot bull]: or utilizing a outrmurino vnble lay beyond those " outrttwritto cable lay Ueyonu those limiter. Atti yr" to-day twtteath the - ulmtric win-s girdls- the. world, qgrotsttt which tin-3 Hash their new: h a low apt-numb. . I ,, -AL -.l_‘.§ But "ltett it was at hmgth admit- ted that eimrtrieity could be “and tor trammtt’mg manage» few were rash much to hplirwe that it could. like “In. be utilized as " moths power. This tricksr "trite Could not be har- med ' a put to a wagon and coaaspA1ed to pull a hard. and yet to- -. __ A __ _-.|.... ..l .iset, ‘1“I'"“‘ - _ r""'" '- - - (my oxer thoxunmis of miles of elec- tric railway are daily transporting illlom of pussvnm‘rs: viectrie car- rugrr'o whtrr Mung our streets. and dectric 0-1“;th run our printing "was. and furnish puwPr for ma- dilery of (Her) kind." Th" maximum. v:rapltophonp. and out" inventiuns. lmw- also had to run: down itutedulltr and opposi- tion. and mm wireless telmaphy - aerial navigation are tract by $110 doubt: and disbvllnfs which Na- have our grent explore" in tho resin ot geologic and other mum's! science- reclined upon bed- of roe". Huxley. Tyndall. Herbert Wt. Darwin, and other great Kaitlin". arehaeolottii, and our Imam". had to contend ”an (than!!! od atheism and Bits any. Mount the denunciations of the clergy. end the. frownl of the good but chart-lighted class who could not appreciate the fact that sci- ence and true religion walk always hand in hand. and that each new scientific discovery adds to the strength ot the ('htlntlun creed.“ well an to the enlightenment and Imppinesn of mankind. But with the dawn of a new cycle the mental and intellectual horizon he broadening and expanding. the word "Impossible 'la being cxpung- mi from the lexicon of discovery and invention; the civilized world is scarcely prepared to discredit “to feasibility of any idea which can originate In the twain of man: the scatters and skeptics have been rele- stated. wtth their mummies and tom. sils.to the tsaeturround ot the (lead past; and. with such n mun and such a leellng'. who can luresee the marvelous “Moldings which lie in trtore for the people of the twenti- dtu century? Was the Condition of Miss Gillis for Eight Years. The Best Doctors' and Honpltll Treatment Fulled to Help Her And She Had Almost host Hope of Ever Being Well Aatsin--Merr III-rues! Advlce to "(her Sulerere One of the muss common. In the same time one of the must to be dreaded. ailments wiwharrlictt' the people ot this eountry is nervous de- bility. The mums leading to the trouble are various. overwork or worry being among one most: promi- who. But whatever ttre cause, the r. unlit-non is one that makes life a t burden. Such n satin-9r tor years was " Miss Margaret Gillies, oi Whim Road d Floss. P. k. I. Her lite was one of at- t most invessunt. misery, and she had tl wine in look upon lu-r mndition as d incurable, when Dr. Williums' Pink r, Pills were brought: to lwr notice.and El to this "te-giving, m'ro' restoring nwdh-ilw. she now owns health and v happiness. Miss Gillis tells of her k illnossumlvuri- as follows: “For the 2 past right , ears my lit" has tNscttone E ot constant. misery. My nc-rvous sys- k tom was 'ihatttuu'd, will I was reduc- ', Hi to a mrrv physical wreck. My . trouhlu hogan in onv of tlmnilnwnts I tint so fi-mliimitly unlit-toil my sex. I I l was irritulrls‘ uni m,rvoursurmialltlro I time, Jill" lite dill not t,'PPttt worthl 1min: For sow-n yours I was under breatmvnt by don-tors. l "vert went to Boaton and t‘ntPrwl a hospital whore l remairwit for sum". time. ll hile there ttw trvzllnwnl tompnrur- il.s benefited mf', but soon my Condi- tion was worsc- than "FPC. Finally my nervous troutslo took the form of spasms which caused morv sunning than words can tell. When thus at- tacked I felt as though I was litvrul- ly lining torn apart. I would tre- unntly become unconscious and Home- tlmm would remain in that condition tor half an hour. I have sometimes had as many as six at them- spasms ( in a week, and no one who hue not, F similarly sufferrd ttrut imagine the I tired. wornout, depressml teelitttt ' whlch followed. Doctors smmed ut- - tPrly unablp to do anything for me, , and those years of misery can never l be lorgotten. len'l hogan taking . Dr. Willimns’ Pink Pills. and In a . short while found them helping me. t Then another doctor told m" he rould t Intro me. I stopped taking; the pills, I and litro tho dog in the table, while r grasping at tho shadow I lost the f substation. [was soon in as wretched " nondition as (In-r. The pills were the n only thing that had PVPI' lwlpod mp "- and I tle-tn‘rmim-d to brain mom r again. I mntinuad to tnke them tor .- nonrlv n'nP months. tho trouble grad- It unlly but snrrl) having: m". until I .p um now in alm'mt pertert ilS‘:liUl and 1., fully relmateesl from whut I at our pi than thought would Prov" it “in of m i vonstnnt misorv. I "ttttttret prutsw Dr. iWillhms' Pink Pills to; Itizttlr, nor lu-ultl. restoring virlmm." In thousands and thnnunndn of Iriet. it has h-r-n pron-d that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills an- the greatest lrlood tmilder and norvp restorer tned.. h-n.l Hoipnt‘" has yet dlsmvormlt The pills net speedily and dimotly upon the Mood and thr nerves. and thus ream tlie root ot the trouble. enact- ing thorough and permanent cures. other me‘d'u-int-w morolv art upon the symptoms. and when the patient reams using them they soon relapse into a condition an Ind as before. There is no troubln due to poor blood or weak nerves whim these: pills Ty A NERVOUS WRECK into " Punditiun my had as before. Then- is no troulrlo duo to poor blood or weak nerves which they, pills will not run. Those who am sick or nil- ing (no urged to give this medicine a fair trial. and an vaniloned against the numerous imitations which some denim offer. The genuinP pills al- ways bur tite tall name. "Dr. Wil- Iiamo' Pink Pills for Pale Prop"" on iiiiGrapper around every Quarrymnn u-éinmimioned to break the newa gentlybjpisl ye he“ that route blast. mum I'" Woman-ttsind" I did. It {might- med me. " "Would or had been near ye to pro- tect ye. mum. It'd just such a [cine lookin' woman at» you Oi loika to pro- tect. mum. It'd me yet ought to marry." . a . I urn I .. . _ “It‘s you ought to be kilt "otoirely for talirin' that way. an' me married to a route mon “if Mkyyfhlnegaf: b I." a - luv.- ..-. .... -.. - v "Och. ya neddn't moind about him, mum. no wan km by th' blast-Now York Weekly. Breaking " Gently. patty"---- "Like a cage of Panthers? Sir‘ teen ounces. Why la"--. "A pound ot puttr"--- 'tiko a done of Inudnnum? Stops tho pane. That reminds me. Why is a hatchet like arnica Y' "One. is a wtndow smasher and the other is a pane killer.” "Oh, no! Thought you'd bit at It. " hits a mail on the head." "Why is tho wreck of u. fruit train" "Gem its dates mixed. Why does a"- “It: doeem't. It only wabbles its aoatrus Can you tell why Pet- bitrrcrw"--- "(louldn't grow any other day. Why is a ballot box"- "Sturt'. What's the difference be- ‘Uween the tin can trust v/Cr, U'VWII run“ v... ___-__ __ "The other can't rust. Why Is a riotous insurroetion"-- "Like a den! and dumb man , One’a mute. and so hi the other mneute. Whats tho aitftsrenee between a macklntosh and a magic]: boy 't" . ,_J hl-A t.‘$-n-'- "_""'"" a...“ .- .. W, - - "Ono's an overcoat and the other'l a pale tot. Why ii'-, "Stop'. It isn't pronounced that way." "Pronounce " any way I plenso. mu... A clad rag and the other'. a "Pronounce " any way I pleas». Ones a glad rag and the other": a draggled ttut"-- It this critical juncture the Sun- day editor camp In and swore at {he-m. and they broke awtsr--Chi- Cairo Tribune. "iiayi a tyi", No liner trip can be t'Lken than the water route down the St. Lawrence, passing through the Bay of Quinte, Thousund Islands, nnd running the rapids ot the St. Lawrence River to Montreal. Tiw Hamitton-Morttrtsal Line strum": leave Hamilton at 1 p. m. and Toronto at 7 p. m. Tues- days and Thursdays. Alter June 5th. the boats will make three tripe per week, the additional boat on Satur- day. We offer wry low rates on this line tor both single and return tick. eta. The Toronto Montreal Line steam- PM! leave Toronto at 3.30 p. m. Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays from June lat to June Lun, inclusive. and from June 17th daily, except Sunday. Steamer Toronto and thr- uew steam- er Kingston will make the aervlce on this line. They are the finest boats in fresh water. After leaving Toron- to the first port is Itoelwatpr, King- stun. Thousand Islands. and the ra. pids of the St. Lawrence to Moat. real. Betws-en Montreal, Quebec, Mar. ray Bay, Tndouuac. and the Sague- inny River, and it la the finest trip an the continent. The boats on this line cannot be surpassed. The Manor Richelieu Hotel at Murray Bay and the 'I‘udnusnr Hotel at Tadousucure l the finest summer resorts in Canada. (Both of these hotels are owned and opvratpd by this mmpany. For fur- ther Information as to tickets. fold- r-rs. etr.. apply to ll. F'oster, Charree, Weatprn Passenger Agent. Riche. lieu & Ontario Navigation (‘ompany. No. 2 King strnpt Punt. Toronto. Ont. “I wish yon hadn't had your hair out so short, Harold '." exclaimed the young woman, turning from him in- voluntarily. "What difference does it make, dam-eat .."' asked Harold with tender anxiety. - . A --~J --._ ill”, unanch. "You-you have destroyed an illu- Mon," she sighed, "that is all." _ _ A A 11.] "You didn’t think I was a poet, did you, Clara, because I wore my hair long I'" "No, I never auspwted you of being "No." "Then. what illmaiou have I de- Htroyed '?" he ttsited. "Perhaps I should say. Harold," “no answered. with tears in her voice. "that you have uncwnsriously reveal- nd a fact I BPYPr summed. dear. Your ours don't match '."--Fitrtry mot-lee. I r' I At last the Supreme Court of North Carolina. sitting at Raiaigh. has de. oided the well-known Snow will cam from Surrey county. This involved the legality of the will of lee Snow. Other members of this interesting (amily are Hail Snow and Rain Snow. There is no end of odd names In North Carolina. One ot the best known men in Raleigh named his ehil, dren after the States of the Union. and they are among the most promi- nent people here today. among them being Dr. Wisconsin Illinois Rayner and Vermont Connecticut Rorster.) _ Newbern is the home of Sharp Blunt. The home of Simk Quick is in Richmond county; Professor Dread Peacock. of Greensboro. is one of the foremost educators in the State, while the home of Early Dawn in Raleigh. Burnt Cork. The rising curtain dturthred tho tks' ml aggregatan of kettle drums. burnt cork and tttt ennnwn. I "Mr tt.other William." began Bones, “Inn Just obtain-"rt " Jrtt "" a "reet ra.r conductor. He goes try the name ot ‘Ileon' now." "Anr why does your brother Wil. tiam go by the mum- oi 'Mena 2" tr ask. ed the triteruyctrtor. "Because he'tt a Bill of fare." The joke was a new one, and thaw who had dollar seats smiled their approval. BY THE EDITORS. NIAGARA TO THE SKA. Mrs. Linen Whitehouse, of Dover. N. 3., ninety yam old, reads fine. print without gunner-1 and in other re- spect: I. the wonder ot all behold»; Another Illusion Destroyed. Ona-sum,,, of Tar Heels. artist is a. pound of o" ONTA net, did my hair Isa TORONTO INTEL f!fliPllilllllllllfl WINS MI BASE. Under an Unjust Penalty tor Eight Yours. Bel-nu Discus 9;,“on §ogpegco of bench Over an Bond-Sale!“ alt the Minor, of “on “as!“ In the Mesasiiw.M.--dM. Deliver- ance by Dodd’l Kidney Pun. Dre-den, May 26.--ttitsiai.)--hntsp McIntosh, proprietor ot the well- known Ctittord Home here. in conver- sation at his home to-day, made . statement that cannot fail to carry with it the weight and influence of thtapeturer. .. . . . , '77GEBTEIiEn," said he, "Dodd's Kid- new Pills cured me of Bright's l/iavase after eightryans of torture." To my his hearers were surprised but faintly ”praises it. Mr. McIntosh looks so m- trom an invalid at the meant time, that the news at his former afrliction with a dreadful mal- adr, like Bright'e Dis-case, Hounds un- real and improbable. Tho oubJect arose from u roan-ma- tion In which one ot the gentlemen present complained of backache. Mr. McIntosh at. once advised Dodd‘a Klkmey Pills. -iaiGruk some further discussion on. the merits of Dodd‘a Kidney Pills can» the statement aha“: (Quoted. -vrtitlu- Bright‘s “Erna? lor over eight yam.“ repeated Mr. McIntosh. "I could _trert+Nit.ttely nothipg to help me. Briglit‘a Disease was incur- ablq I found. My back was u contin- ual ache. My urine we!» of that dark color which in the must alarming qymptom of the diseaiw. “Gentlemen. I tell you I was in a bad way. Bright's Disease mount-l death it you dun't cure it, and l cuuld get nothing to cure it. in tact, I was told it Will! incurable, and believed it. But it ttrtt't. Dodd‘s Kidney Pilitt can cum it. They cured me. I used seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, um! Bright’s Disease loft me. Only tor Dodd'o Kidney Pills you wouldn't see me here before you this minute." luv llclc may”; ..V.. -.._. ____,V,, The {acts as related by Mr. Moln- toah are universally coutirmml by the people of Drank-n. In the Argyllshiro parish of l'um- lodden. at the hill township of Midn- drain. there resides Mrs. Margaret Stewart, who has Inward nor 100th birthday. She was born in Kilninvvr Parish in Itt01, married John stew. art in 1830. and has been mutlwr of eleven children. the youngest of whom only now survivns. “or eldest so". Collin, died about a yl-nr ago nt the age of 80 years. The remaining nine of her family did not surviw infancy. Mrs. Stewart was left a widow as far back as 1836. For many years. she kept tlm farm of Flnoglt-n. near Loch fgcarnrnadalv, in Kilninver Par- ish. and tells how slut was tirittt" towed to do man‘s work on tin- lnrm until her Pldmt non grew up to man- hood, Ahout 26 your" sincp shy, along with her son. took a sharp of \rhln- drain Club Farm. on the Argyll vs- tate, whore sh? has resided Simw. The death of “Pr son now compels lwr to shift to reside in Glasgow with her youngest child. Mrs. Strwnrt knew all her fucuitirs. 'tcs lump-tum Je on evcrrto.x of the genulll Illa 'l.u-~u-v .. v" - _ v, . . - Laxative BromoAluiaine mm the "My tbat cure: a 00:11 In one III, Sir Thomas Lipton. whose yarht. the Shamrock. raced with the Colum- bin tor the America Cup, is a man who has Worked himself up from the very bottom. In his youth he made a trip to America, in which he gainedl nothing but experience After his return to England In» opened up a little provision store with $400, which his parents, working people, entrusted to him. He knew! how to cum-h trade. he knew how to keep it, and, what has proved ot great value in the win- ning of his fortune. he. knew how to seine! his nasintanta No sooner had ‘his nrat store proved profitable than 'this ability bevame apparent. He obtained capable assistance. and open- ed another storm and then another and another. He went to London eventually. and opened atoms there until he had sixty in London alone. and. mending over thr' kingdom. he entered every eoruwivutrle town until at last there were 420 Lipton stares in Great Britain. M’mard‘s LUtimettt for tsale Peer"- where. An A rgyllshlre Centenarian. To the clergy who Were studying under him. erqweitslly to those who were at; all shy oropu'rati by his were “I 'w.. Wu; «H "e-tie-F" - - pram-ape. Dr. Stunt»; was always lrlendllnesa ital-ll. A young Curate, a very nervous un-l generally annu- mil- young mun. was on the me of being mmmlm-(l by him, and Dr. Stubbr: muted him to spend a Ila} or two at the Palace tor a few, pro- llmlnury words of advice. Dr. tstubbs loreaaw that "Butler'" Analogios." one of the text-books ot the examina- Mon, was likely to be the young man‘s stumbling block. Bidding him {are well. the. Bishop said. “Above all things. my young friend, don't tor- get. Butler." "My lord," summer- mored the youth, In a flutter of tter- mart-u nu. .un-vu. -- - “â€"nh - -- vousness. "I have already given Your Lordship"' butler halt a Erbwt" Put one pound of sugar into the pan ot the chafing dish and Just - it» with cold water. Stir until well Inked. Light. the lamp and boil slowly wtthout stirring until a clear amp ls formed. Have ready In" a pound of [reality grated coconut". and stir " into the syrup. When it reaches the boiling point draw back a little and boil more slowly for the minutes. New add the welt-tteat- en yolk: of tour eggs. Let ii. re- main over the fire tor a few. me menta alter the eggs are added. but do not let it boil again. Put, into Jelly glasses and serve when cold. This is particularly nice tor luncheon. or mar he carried to a picnic. Do not. an the whites of the ngu. led'. Llnlment cures Burns. Me No walla can hope w keep her age a secret; the years will tell on her. ggr2f, Didn't Forget A Brazilian t5weetmeat. How Lipton Rose. Butler. A Colin-y Between the Pompou- 030 “a Girl A-erlcn. mm [0110qu scene took place the ““- dtv In 3. continents! hotel. - . __ - nun. tho one! Worm" be!“ . Inw- "a -ouf old autumn“ while vary - “9404‘" Awkw- (in: “m- no tltrm' “than" he has“. “which . Women should and my: not rumble." -. ,___..-.a Amen-lob: "oqtr word." "Mark mun collected echoeo once." said America» "But ha new: collected m GO ahead.” "She should be like a. clock In " way'n being regular In her mum. but unlike a clock she should not make herself audible to the whole town." q A ---.. nnnl\lln“_" mug. "Don't stop on my _'fr""" m... mured the Belle of N. . "Why not and that she should hold her hands berm-e her face. and always run herself down. however good her works may be?" "Lastly." concluded the pompous one. “she should be like a snail (“Sounds a bit slow. stopsu't it t" at- pd the git-l) in always scaylnc In no how-w (Oh, my lutrh-knyll. but un- like a snail Inasmuch as she should - ---.. an no.- "rooerty on her not ctbrry baoh.' Here America sat. up suddenly. and peering over her shoulder in an en. deavor to catch sight ot the point where the lhoulder straps of her waning bodice nestled oxrrlr mm her waist-bolt behind. “he said. "WILL I It’ll-ms you can't ammu- me of that, array.' anyway." And Lt was generally admitted by tho not of the company an“ her back and shoulders mun? out of bhe ttretwatlon atrtroluteiy white and Hour. There WM no nmhw (-oncaal- ment about tser.--Weetott, Eng, Mer- vary. We offer One Hundred Pollard Reward fat any C4bm'e of Cuban-h that cannot be cured by Hall's (‘atnrrh Cure. F. J. (fl! EN KY & CO., Toledo, o. We. the undersitrrtod. hem known F. .3. Cheney for the lust 15 years. and believe nun perfectly honorable in kiiiiiiicaLatryyyttitoy and Bnancintir able turn rry outen y oblizetlonn mule by their tlrru. Was? 5; Tmux. Wholesale hruza'hbs. Toledo. \VAIJHSG. KtNSAN a; Mun IN, " now-us .Druzzinln. Toledo. o. Hall's tatarrts Cive In taken internglly. net. inc directly upon the blood and macaw au- faoe of the sworn. 'rostitttonitsls sent free Price "e. per we. Sold by all Ilruzrlsls Hall a Family Pills are the bert. Tho new reporter tore his hnir. which was of the prgwr length to proclaim him a journalist He tore his hair. Inning: plenty of it. tor some minutes. _Not that any one rural. owl-n if he scalped himself. but just fur vurioeity he was make-d to Pxpluiu. "In my article describing the ama- teur theatrivnls." its. wuilml. "I wrote: “Miss Vern ilevuneue wore ft. oos‘tilmenvjdlicln rt‘mphusizwd her tit- ness for the pnrt,' and. the printer made it read 'futmfsuf" - Whé'éubdn w:- Iett him "lone with his grief.-Bultimor0 American. Dear Simian-Thu in to NH“, that I have been troubled with a lame back for tifteon years. I have used three hunk-u of your MINARD'S LINHMENT and um num- pletely cured. - . _ --.. _i....ao..e. tn pp. . It in”? mv commend it. f' AN ENGLISH STORY. Alone With Ills Great Sorrow. "All I underutnml it. you and (worm: Wt'rl' riding along In Luv mum think» mg of nothing. when-" "Oh. no: not thinking of nothing. not by a dood deal." "Nothing oonnm‘tml wan your sur- roundings. I mean." "Well. maytw he didn‘t. think of his surroundings. but I ju~'t had to think u little of what surrounded mo." “Oh. well. you weren't known: for any interruption, at any rate. when this mun sprang out into the road and tried to stop you?" “That's right." "Georp', of course. was unarmed. and--' "Oh. no, ho wusn't. Hu had arms; I know he had." I Fra; Gmlidw sh" trlwihod.--Chiett go Post. Kn" \_. -___ It given ttM' great. pleasure to rp- rmnend it. and you urn at liberty l me this in any may to further In In? of your vutuairle madkvtno. Two RINPro. ROBERT Roth. Minnrd's I.iniruent unlit-Wu Neural gin. Boston'n Automobile Fire [Cognac Two nutnmobllv tire onglneu have} been in use In Basin" tor 'sont,"""!" pest. and have nommelt-Iy demotr) titrated their tsuperiority oh'er the ordinary type of engine. In the wln. ter scum they are [uxrtluulurly val, uable. u they are considered bet, ter hill climbers than lunrsedruwn vehlclu. especially in bad weather. In Addltlon, Hwy have muvh no.“ capacity. and are speedier. Mug able. on clear streets. to runaway trot. their accompanying hate carts. At firm they throw u. aver- ture oe shout BTO gallons of water IL minute. or 52.200 gallon- per hour. while harsr'druwn engine. uni-Age has than half that anon-L In W they have played our lc 5a) gallons 3 minute. The: throw one and three-quarter inch. or two. lnch streams. compared with one and a quarter-inch 'itreamttotother engines. The, are usually held ln rmerve and respond to second alarm. "rm hat! dead." mid Mr. Dicker». as he came in and mew. himself on the NHL H _ -- _.'. Wm," replied M I'll col Tur. gluten: .. P/itll'" half of your me manna: He 'ito livos only to benefit mm..." oontprs on tho world a ttenetit when he diea.--Tertuillaa. Another turbine summer. the Km; Edward, has bwn lumwlml on the 31'1"}; brown! How’s This '.' NI tau n Ileruwod & Mun‘n‘. Wholonle k" acpount." mur- Nerve If you have neuralgia, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is cry- ing for tood-it is hungry--- and set your whole body going again, in a way to satisfy nerve and brain from your usual food. That is cure. If you are nervous and irri- table, you may only need more fat to cushion your nerves-- you are probably thin---and Scott's Emulsion bf Cod Liver Oil will give you the fat, to be- gin, with. * Cure, so far as it goes. Full cure is getting the fat, you need from usua food, and Scott's Emulsion will help you to that. A . - -iiiirmi;tttt!tL.1!EL1s, LU blunt. " you "re not tred It, and tor free a... In “can”: um um surprise you UCOTT & ”Writ, Cumin Ankh-dug Action. "Hiram. I an: cowering 5 pro. pound of marriage, and. as you luvs Mn coming to 090 me for nearly " - I thought it would be no morn than right to tell you ot it." “Why. Bella. I-I have always want. ad to act you myself '." - "Why haven‘t you done it t" "r-a haven't (lured to. WIN you marry me, Bella I'" "Yeo." "You dear girl '." ll’mw pauper-1y nllod p.) “Tell mp, now. Bells, who.” propuonl of mnrr'lngv you were ran- alderlmr s" A .. .qB,'.-,e---, .._“_m‘_ “Your er than! Meetn to or the» complaining women." OI - __""""""""' _ "No," aware"! the Kansas Imo- band. “Sometimes I Wilh one would it down and complain pancpnhly. in- stead ot starting downtown rith an an every time due (an n all? Mt rmmt."--Wtudtitttrton Star. The Shah of may (linen-o. AUCTION SALE ulnar-d1! LUtiment ‘Yo'l-IR. tttram."--' The farm. ohm futon. may”: tHerd much-cry will be out! In one and it not acid en bloc will be oeerod in ”N“..-A.._ L- .--_ " WWW”- Toruu of Mile tor Mm. chm be“)? M tized machinery ton tr, mm. on any . Isle. wildcat therewith make one fourth with!) thirty (inn. balance uncured by new 0- the. prop-en y psi-bl: by mush-mu: with myth-It " 5 per_oon_.. . .. .nd For stock and lmplomenn. All Amount: under will onshnwor “aha mouth-f and. on upmvod Joint not... This“ . treat covenant” of m'qutring A fitrt alga-I (jury te.' my my tarpon. . . - orto '"r"G."ri"ri"GP' ia"radiiiG7"ii;itirto John t Puree. Eula. Loud”. (mm-so. the nuclinnuor, [nu-d ttth May WN WORK TWELVE HOURS A DAY tor small wage: when you an doublo your WI?! and mm any n home by wring no MAIN an A; Co., tea importers. lot-don. Ont The Continental Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. Authorized Cnpltul - 01,500,000 The policies ot this company a- brace every good [nature of Lite I.- lurme contracts. and gnarutuo the highest benefit. in regard to but. cash sun-m". and extended insur- Luce. A noun I " 1t:iii'i,iifit'tiiiiiiie?Si. 1?2eatl,Plt.lfii,?, :mrd. 'Mtd,'ll','ti1',T WOMEN if,,ttf2,gi','.et,", Kimmy: Good agents wanted In this district Hon. J no. Dryden. Gun. B. Woodl. President. Geeteral Manager. N . A BOON TO i1tei,estt,g,eyf,','et,tta. "UNIS“ iaa'aué‘m"‘1;.g.'.mfia;: ruby-'3- malit‘d- Swami-h tye (some 30' ifiRtii fitili,f'leeigiit22iiiiiiiuJie JIM" iiia or A - c, nor e um and. 'g'rghtt'at,r. "ttrtorfrse them-Sunni colon-i Tlll"l'2fl'ltit Magnum rucku- to“ Ink!" . w paw cum " can-w: mp.- foetly. We and full direction- how to nth sud use bymgilon medulla: e.zeh,orth- that tor 25c. Iona-eh supply 0... In. Cathnrlnou. oi. r "est in the Sign. Peninsula, " Wino-A. " miles frttttt unilum on two ml- nn. [macro-in :11.“ of which in II M mostly patched. Wil! be wold in one panel C divided inmlouof mm a» m u; all p- alm-on. This“ . decided tau-min - 4yett.san mm. P. o. box 60. When. Mm. “Wu-low " h‘onlhin Syrup should . van be not! 'a"d'i'i'i'l'/JNJi'd"i'n"c"llll'lu' the (MM. ”In: the (nun. rum wind 1* and In to but handy for bum-mu. T“ I" on a but. zngnnpmq was”: MNR, or m 3:. 134 iGiiGii an“ Preferable. be. "aTGawroi,ky and " compilations . tspeesuur, tor GTiilri yen". Qulck M1101. Cure: worst cases. Book of run-1101114” and 10 by. treatment nu F'"k B. H.GBKEN'BB0NB, Box 0 Armin. aa. Pertria in dying of kid- FRASER a MOORE- DROPSY 1Wt ' ‘hn‘u rumor I' Treated Free. 4 lticuuto 'rrlbuqs (-urM D" ttdraft i'eiiifor'r 5019(2in to no on. Liaioii/ittit A Madman IIRMrHy for ul lmlunn M 'l'l)’ “rod there "Muted in tho to study (can: my after twttf . miqhty hump In. much " there I: don! may good II Orlve mm!- a" of Much: the - nre ttt (our: who up gum " the la eood.s quick "tere 1: urchvrs been ti: noun-ed tor Lord Jenn- " “I worker'- and Mil hon you! an. (hr - and * bunched wit m boron tt " when He and O with” hante " our day! Out tn the lam "trtod or wild o " ttte or deazh In very dine out on a lunch} - breechlu I. on the n. “In" and I “I the mm ad has”. Xe In "and to u .0 hr out! In I. was“ the culled the fun lam. in my a I. C have, I} with broad no "It". Thei "I and kick like . Plum: with sinful non! he on. ant-Hing a In. and In new few t' 'etrned hov at the well I vup of I "Imam m Inn'- soul “Marne" bread "My. I'hrh (to bread. u m Pharisees. “on It wu- u Mel-aloud “I! tian people cunt! hom " God and rel Inn the mould 8" I mould do Inn. MI " of the riqhl hr mun ta name. tn Chm Ct l Sire "il o‘kn I!" I errtasb', "nd .1: r, eftr do In the t " wer - Vow! 'ields, .nd thru ml‘h arrow - know - whtr Them thee N" Tglmm ttttan roor tow his " PIES ttim Would 'o ( - coupe? that in ink: Chow 'ttrough in out throue -ntrol of Ar thin I " nu bow Dr the " ugh nut gh'

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