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Durham Review (1897), 30 May 1901, p. 8

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1% an" 'i""?""""." 'f'lll "e r".','?.',','.?.','"',,?? l Every man, woman or child who it moderate !tPJor.1t.y. Canadian Par- knows anything about circuses. and liaments ttd, Legislatures do not rt'ph'- who ever saw The Great Pan-American sent the Canadian people,--uwv repre- Sh . ill I . l . th t Si'nl Canadian Political parties-bat . oi"?' wil " P1ieh,t,ed, to “new a latterly a third party has been added the lug shows, in all the. r mattn'oie.r.1c'tr to the two old parties of Grit and Tory, and exalted grandeur, will suiely exhibit and the independents are becoming at Durham. on Friday Jule7 and pre- numerous and powerful. If in the cede both exhibitions withthe grandest coming Ontario election the result de- morning street parade ever mien since pended t.solel.v.on the VOW" ot' the two I parades were first exploited.' In the 02d ptw.tits, it tg qtllte possible that)!“ I great shows will be seen several new luss might be d.eh'a.ted .tutti Mr. ll' hit. l features which can not he seeu else- my made premier, but it does not de- l wt Th h h, . a the pcnd exclusively on the old party vote with '.11',' w " ave 89".) and the independents will support Mr. I monster Botalapus pronounce l the h’oss. The independent vote will give greatest, the strangest and mostunique him a majority. and that the lndepeu- l "rarpel to which the deep ocean ever dams will support Mr. Ross as against i gave birth. The Shaggy. fierce though Mr. Whitney is quite certain, for Mr. ', beautiful. horse-riding lion ', Itajah,the Whitney has not proclaimed any poli-euiv,,rgtst horn of limtes. taller. longer, cy "1 wk?" an." action likely tttsr'c'ttt'e, cost moi-.- than the wothl-t'atnous, Juni- them.- ll halghasohe proposed that 91'- , tso-the very lord of beasts. and is worth lit-mas is not doing': A change .o.t lie- the price of admission alone. The Ito. micrwould not cause the slightest Hi , ,odro . ' . change in policy, it would merely be t"l'l',tot'. (lli1"/CC,"r:'l,i2i"itc,eyioe,; . ' . ' . . _ _ . o , I A Lenhd1.'f','g.t2g,tesi a??? thtr1r,i 'ffl',; _ the modern rat-es attached to i"t?"L,'"l't1 ' _ I . _ p . . ‘onre exciting. exhilarating. and in all (government for a quarter ot a Century ' things equal to the best races run on a has been a very careful and i-conomi- l modern race-course. The circus, which cal government. It has conducted the l consists of one hundred and fifty super- basinvss of the Province at a very low : inr acts. given by one hundred super- cost. Compare tin-cost ot the govern- l "" .t,riennhisctiy'tt retinires three full ment ot the whole Province with the i '"r'2',tcee,,.t, will Item" d li but I . . . _ e a en cost ot the gowrnment of the . City of ' study for all because it cr',u',2,'1"'fl'o',e,' Toronto-a government which It5 m the Wild tame and stran e beasts th bands can. Whitney 'g friends The mph have ever Mg” had an 'l/lt,')'.' government of Toronto will cost this many to Bee. The show is great, in your, from .the Treasurer‘s estimates, i everything and small in nothing. The next Provincial election will take place in June, 1902. Of the re- salt of the election there is no great doubt anywhere vntertained,---the pre- sent government will be sustained by a moderate majority. Canadian Par- liaments and Legislatures do not repre- sent the Canadian people, -thvv repre- sent Canadian Political parties,--bat latterly a third party has been added to the two old parties of Grit and Tory, and the independents are becoming numerous and powerful. If in the coming Ontario election the result de- pended solely on the Votee of the two old parties. it is quite possible that Mr. hiss might be debated and Mr. Whit. my made premier, but it does not de- Mrs. Botha is en rumi- " Europe to see ex-Pre. Kruger. and plead with him to use his intiaenee to stay the folly of his countrymen. The old man is beaming more inconsequential and his ability to arouse onthusiasm has gone in Europe. Whether his pres- ence. in tlw United States. which he purposes to visit this year, would de- velop support is very problematical. ---_------- The gtruth seems to be that the Orange liivvr Colony is fairly quiet and pacihid, that the Transvaal is not, and it is in its reeesses.and Mountains that the roving bands ehiefly lurk. North- crn Cape Colony too seems still to give encouragement to the enemy, for no fewer than8 Boer commandos were operating their last week and reported to be successfully eluding British columns sent in pursuit. They were bold enough to make an attack on the Mountml Itifies, and the British had six wounded, they derailed a train at Middlebury and the engine-driver was killed and fireman injured, new commandants sen-m to spring to notice as tart as old ones are captured to be roused by news that "the Boers have attacked a cunvoy" that Bundle has captured a mill, all this is not war. bat what is called "guerilla warfare". De Wet one day was reduced to 40 men, next day he was in command of 4000 with P, guns. And so it goes on; prevarication and misleading state- ment with only an occasional telegram trom Kitchener and that perhaps cen- sored. We have not formally referred to the "war" for sometime, bat as there seem/to be more activity on both sides, a tew words is in place. To begin with then it is no "war" in the strict sense ofthe word. The big army of 2tmJo or more would like nothing better than massing, and campaigning batto be ingloriously watching thous- ands of miles at rail and wire, as most of them are doing. to banishing hither and thither to oppose bandsof boers bent on blowing up trains or bridges, That steady progress is being made by the British seems to be proved by the shiploads of prisoners every now and tho-n reported leaving for some other British colony. The Boers keep no prisoners, loot them and let them Sir Allred Milner, Governor of Cape Colony. is in England " present, and has been roccived by the King and Col. Swy Chamberlain with great ostentation. lie has been elevated to the peerage as Lord Milner, of Cape Town, and at a banquet given by Chamberlain in his honor, it has been plainly shown that he is not being retired, as some thought, but is return- ing, with the prestige of favor and the rvsnlve to see the war to an end. This will give great satisfaction, and de- On the whole sober thinkers are not alarmed at tin- situation but all wish for a cessation of the useless strife and urn-turn to industrial and commercial activity. EU. served) so as he has shown himself to possess the tre" spirit of a Peacemaker, and longs for the day when the two races will pull in the same traces. IHE SOUIH 1lflll(lllll (lllllllll()ll. Bobcaygeon Independent SM] " S PREDICTION The Menagerie will be u. delightful study for all because it comprises more wild. tame and strange beasts than our people have ever before had an oppor- tunity to see. The show is great in everything and small in nothing. 3 "I sue no reason in the world," he went on, "why Sunday excursions should he supported by the law or should be premitted by the law of any country entertaining the views which I belie“: tlw people ot Ontario enter- tain. I do not know what useful purpose they can serve. I think they cannot but lead to dissipation and idle- ness, and very often to breaches of the law which can only be prevented by preserving Sunday. ---Hon. J. M. Gibson was the unani- mous choice of the East Wellington Liberals at their Convention in Fergus recently. Though a non-resident Mr. Gibson seems to have won their hearts eumpletely, for, while grateful for the honor done him at the last election. he never assumed that he was again to represent them and in no way tried to intlt1enee one man toga his way. This unanimity is, then the more gratifying, and bespeaks victory. --Lt. Col Mutrie, M. P. P. was the unanimous choicoof the Reform Corr. wmion ot South Wellington, for the next election to the local House. -------_---.- $3,445,793 ; whilst the government of the whole province will cost bat very little more. There is much that the lndepvndants would like done that has not been done. They would like a stronger infusion ot up to-date thought,, but as advanced ideas cannot be ex- pected of the party that prides itSPlf upcn its Tory Conservatism, they will preforee have to support Mr. Ross on the strength of his careful and honest administration of the provincial finan- ces, and he will be retained with about the same majority he now has. --40,a)0,000 bushels of “Manitoba hard" is what is being figured on from the prairie province for 1901, so good is the prospect. EXCURSIONS ON suxmv. A large deputation efclergymen and laymen from many points in Ontario waited on Premier Ross and the mem- bers ot the Government lately and pressed for action restraining the Sun- day excursions contemplated in the Proviruwduring the coming summer. The Premier replied that he did not quite know how far the Governnwnt's pom-rs went in this direction, but if it were aseurtained they possessed the authority the Government would at once put it into operation. Principal Caven, of Knox College, President of the Ontario Lord 's Day Alliance, head- ed the deputation, which comprised many members of the Alliance and of the Toronto general and denomina- tional ministerial associations. besides the members of the Presbyterian Synod of Toronto and Kingston, who adjourn- ed their session for the purpose of tak- ing part in the interview. There Were altogether some two or three hundred persons present. Premier Ross, in his reply, said that in regard to public morality and the enforcement of the laws to that end, they might rely upon the Government serving the people as faithfully as they could and with the same fidelity which any of them would do under similiar circumstances. The Cabinet had but one view with regard to the observance of Sunday. Hi- had himswlf voted against Sunday ears in Toronto, and ttntht similar eireamstamws would do again. (Applause.) The preservation ol the Sabbath was in the interests of workinginen, and also of those who required work done with a clear head. The Great Pan-h meriean Shows. SURELY COMING. W. C. T. U. Notes. ~~ -0- ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons. Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell. Doherty, Thomas and Berlin mamas of PIANO and ORGANS SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil ams Sewing Machines and supplies. 0 . M c K I N N O N . South of Middaugh House Willrinppn _Ploughs,_ number CULTIVATING, Coulter & Scott Drills and We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : everything for farmers} No. t Company, 31st Reg't. will pm ceed to Niagara June ll. Prelimimuv drills will he held May 25th and June Ist, Sch and 10th at Bo'clock sharp. All members are requested to be present. A few good recruits are wanted. o. M. Sxxmm, Capr. No. 4 Co'y, 31st Rent. Hampden. Ont. Mr. Whitwrs is improving his farm bv building a new straight fence along the sideroad which makes a grand ap- poarance to it. Mr, Witters sold a horse to James Shields for a good figure. Mr. Thomas Wamsley is slowly im- proving, Dr. Betten is attending at present. Mr. Lane's arm is mending slowly. Miss Mary E. McFarlane and Miss Mary Clark are expected home from the city this week. The new designs of wall paper are made in heroic proportions. Here are sthc mosthown beautiful wall papers everseen in the wall paper market. The idea has been to give to the pur- chaser of wall paper all that excellence, good taste and judgment can put into papers at reasonable price. We are sure you will find just what you want, All Paper purchased here MacFarlane &C0. [ TRIMMED FREE. 431131 Quite a number "round beter Were surely disappointed nu Victoria day. Many were huildmg on having a good duy'u nut- ing, but were cmnpelled to utay imlouls all day. Notwithstnn-lmg llrmnure had n fine display of iireworgt, m the evening. The human I are bass 1rr'tu'artu'4 (or their roots arnnud here. The weather contin- ues cool um] not much growl]: neverthe- less the fields are beautiful and amen. Mr. and Mrs. S. Petty, North Lina. had the pleasure of entertaining friends-s msL week. We have not heard ufuuy great firh catches yet this sum-on. M'isa S. Inkster visited her sister Mrs) 'i'b"ii7ie'tl'y"'ir'if J, Carson last week. j _ _ WM Mr. Young, ol Humpdeu was a caller at I the lmme of Mr. J. M. Findlay. Suudnyi Durham, May and took in the C. F,. in " GVHIINL'. "" . __ _ Mr and Mrs Wm, Clark. of Taruey, attended spruce hum on Sunday. Mr. J. Hustle. who has been for smue time visiting him daughter Mrs, J. Cusbnie of Mt. Forest returned home last week. DRUGGSTS & BOOKSELLERS 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WILKIxsox PLOUGH COMPANY‘is casth each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. Cultivators, Disc and Spade Har- rows, Seuffiers, Ete. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. J HEROIC PR0P0RTl0llls, MILITARY NOTICE. BROWNSVILLE. Dromore. THE DURHAM REVIEW 00077 -___- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO farmers and others at. any time. Ite, member the place, near the south end of the town 1 The lowest or any tender not necey- sarily accepted. FRESH FISH AT THE FREEZRR,--Milvs Wilson has constantly on hand fresh fish, Will be pleased to :u-cmunmdate Fovtheevection of at woodshed. Kc., at the Public School will heroevived till June 15H). at ICash or (Farmers' Produce. Any pun-sons fishing on the puma-(y of the Durhatn Fishing ('lulI will be pram-ruled. Five dollaps reward will he paid to any pvt-son furnishing such iufotmation as will lead to n conviction. J. KELLY. Tums. A. HARRIS, Pres. Seq-y. :Noticc is hereby given that By-law .‘ No. 402 of the Town of Durham i a by-law for thu'. hater sanitary jcondition oi the Town and closing up iofnll pit eltrsets will come into force \and taku Gift-ct on the 1st day of July next. I Printed copies of this Bylaw may ibe obtained at the Clerk‘s Office and every ratepayer of the Town is re- quoscud to call and make himself acquainted with the provisions of the . by-law, Heavy penaltiesior the infringement j of this By-law are proscribed and will i be strictly enforced. J/ee Grocery Store. Plans and specifications may he seen TENDERS WANTED l' Nothing Stale. Everything New and up-to-date and he cordially invites a trial. The undersigned has opened out in his new building' in Lower Town, (mm door to C. McKinnon) fall lines of FLOUR, FEED, PO BLU) NOTICE. GEO. LAWRENCE. WM. A. ANDERSON, Clerk. fav 27th, 1901. C. L, GRANTS. Secy. NOTICE. GROCERIES, Jte Lower Town, I All Tents are Waterproof. Excursions, on all Railroads. iDoore open at f and 7 p. m. Performance at 2 and 8p. 1 Grand. Golden. Glittering. MILE-LONG Street " Every Day at 10 o'clock A. M. High Dive at 10.30 A. M. and at 6.30 P. M. _ Trained Jaguars, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Bears, Lynaoa, Wild Cam Gri Catamounte, Horses, Stallions, Monkeys and Ponies. MORE THAN ALL THE ADAM-NAMED AND xaursuvrjij" {fir}; FAMOUS ZOOIDGICAL WONDERS. The world 's highest diver; actually fiiruts himself backward from the highest. . point over dived from. The only Lady Four and Six Horse rider the world has ever grace and skill she has no equal. FR/DA Y. JUNE The Girl Wonder! The only Lady Somersault Rider in the World on a back Horse. A Challenge of $10,000 to produce her equal. HERD OTC" TRAINED ELEPHANTS Everything New and Original , ao Cage Menagerie! . Roman Hippodrome! Monster Museum'. Oceanic Aquarium and Congress of Living Phenomena! A BIG FEATURE in a BIG SHOW! Secured at a cost of over $25,000. A Towering Giant among hie Fellows. The very Lord of Beasts. Taller Longer __ Weighs More - Costa more than any other Elephant ever Captured Alive or Brought from hi; Native Jungle'. RAJAB is on Exhibition at all times in the Big Tent. No Extra Charge. One ticket admit. to all the Advertised Shows. Ask yourself the question if BAJAH is not the Largest Living Creature that Inhabits God’s Created Barth. EUROPEAN gliliMlillllli PAN-mgawws Mall CAPT. SANTIAGO. HIGH DIVER 100 EXALTED CIRCUS CHAMPIONS IN 150 SUPREME I H E “.51" i-i-iii/il.', LA 8011M Jii' 'irfftif (ti, If”? 'i(iiii' be I h WI: Wiil Surely Exhibit at l, " SECURED D(- n 'if Ilk! ' 3 ii am, .7 . il)" 2.? The Most Marvelous Monster of the Mighty Seas THE GREAT JUST FOUND'. BIGGEST BORN MARINE WONDER. THE BOVALAPUS DURHAM THE BIGGEST BRUTE ON EARTH! THE BIGGEST BORN OF BRUTESI THE BIGGEST FEATURE YET! . . . . ANNA COOKE, ED NA COOKE, ON JUST ADDED'. MAY 30, 1901 M l 6081 $25,000.00 IO'WERING GIANI AMONG SFEHUWS prOduced. For i. Grizzlies, Parade T! 2.] I'll Ill "" tttt " ph th R. Wt Wt int HM M M IN VOL. ‘lll ttt v la, Local and til WH ttt mumm- the e1 worlhily rem 1tn I'l Dr. tit MI Tl ll MI his Pork um Sardines, Tomatoes, All tirst Uue Itil',') mended by Humid Sulutdu '. M r. I K M tt Ol'l Tl ly M tttdts M ll xt M M I"

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