West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Jun 1901, p. 1

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H ! S I IP Fop TT rie ! est T@= Thursday of this week they try conâ€" lusions with Mt Forest in anjexhibition matcb, and the first league match this vear will be played on the Show Grounds here between the home team and Markdale, on Thursday the 13th inst. The ball will be faced at 3 p. m. and our citizens should jot the date down, and make up their minds to encourage the efforts of our your4& men to worthily represent the town. Some good practice work has been done already, they are getting "on to it" with an effectiveness which bids tair to make a creditable showing whenever they meet opponents at home or abroad. The national game is in the air thi vear and the agility and spirit of (Elt:: Izlurham ho;rs will be shown to good advantage betore the se: i ime Mewinhiis: y season is far claiming that his increase of $1700 was excessive, and out ef proportion to other increases and to similar property. Assessor Vollett maintained that the increases were justified pointing out that the post office was drawing revenâ€" ue new, which it did not do in 1900. Comparisons were made with other property, and Mr. Calder retired. The court after consideratior threw off $800 of the increase. Mr. Calder was then invited back and being informed what had been done intimated that he would still appeal against the increase. { PassEDp SUCCESSFULLY,â€"We were pleased to note in last Saturday‘s Globe the name of C. H. DNDixon, Dromore, well up in the list of 2nd year wen who had passed in all subjects, the examinaâ€" tions at the Ontario Agricultural Colâ€" lege on the work of the past year. _ He takes honors in veterinary pathology, veterinary â€" obstetrics, and judging horses, ranking first in a list of 20 honor men. Honors also in Botany and Eutomology, in Horticulture and in Economics. Court or Revistox.â€"Thursday eyen ing last the Durham Court held its first sitting and a few names were added to the roll. Mr. Geo. Ryan appealed from his assessment, and after consideration it was reduced by $500, cthe amount askâ€" ed for. Mayor Calder also appealed, claiming that his increase of $1700 PassEn» Away.â€"Last Friday, Mr. Jas, Laurie, shoemaker, died at his home bere after an illness of a few weeks. He had not been well all winter, and frequencly had difficulty in getting to his shop. To the bereaved friends we extend sympathy. He was buried on Saturday in Maplewood cemetery, Rev, Mr. McGregor, of whose church he was a devoted member and supportâ€" er, officiating,. The Methodist Adyocate says:â€"*"Just at this time the country needs a religion that will make a man pay his debts. Shouting and giving testimony doesn‘t setile accounts with (God and man." Newspaper publishers, by a large majority, will agree with our good Methodist brother. The C,. 0. F. will hold their Annual church parade on Sunday morning directing their steps this year to the Methodist chaurch, where Rev. Wray R, Smith will preach from the topic "Covenant Signs and Passwords." By very decisive votes, Toonto, on Friday last rejected byâ€"laws granting aid to the Exhibition tor new buildings, and for the waterworks. The May number of the Canadian Practitioner and Review contains an interesting article by Dr. Gun on "Dipâ€" theria and Acute Follicular Tonsilitis." ArerperEx BeEr rinc.â€"The i# beast will be killed on Thursday the instead of Friday the 21st of June, first artanged for, Mr. J. W. Crawford is refitting his present residence into a double one to accommodate the increasing demand for houses. Congratulations to Mr, and Mis, John MecKechnie, on the arrival of that June rosebud Sunday morning. Ses birth notice, ‘ Dr. Stewart, of Palmerston, has been chosen as the Liberal nominee by the West Wellington Reform Association. ZI10N.â€"Services will be conducted by the pastor in the Zion Methodist church on Sunday next at 2.30 p. m. PURSE FouxD.â€"Small sum of money and laundry ticket, owner may have it by paying for this notice. Harriston last week voted $10,000 as a loan to a boot and shoe factory by a large majority. Additional Locals on page 4. Mr. 8. McUracken has been building a fine new brick house adjoining his own,. Owen Sound voted"$30,000 for Waterâ€" works extension by a substantial majority. Local and District News Items VOL. XXIII. NO. 23 Groceries That Please! oo Pork and Beans with Tomatoe Sauce Sardines, Kippered Herring, Salmon, Tomatoes, Corn and Peas. All first class goods at lowest prices, Use SEARCHLIGHT SoaAr. _ It is recomâ€" mended by all users. C. L. GRANT . Pork and Beans with Tomatoe Sauce irdines, Kippered Herring, Salmon omatoes, Corn and Peas, LAGROSSE .â€"The first Sr 1 st Classâ€"Vaddie Cald well, Mary Wright and Nellie Hepburn aeq., Harâ€" old Aljoe, Mabel Grasby, Delbert Moore and Eric Kelly aeq. Inter mediuteâ€"Maggie Lauder, James Farquharson and Wilfrid Calder aeq. Jr Aâ€"Ethel Matthews, Christina Darby. Ir _ Bâ€"Gladys Whitmore, Marjorie McKenzie. Jr 2nd Bâ€"#lla Kee, Tressa McKay, Elma Holt, Louis Lavelle Robbic Campbell. JIr 2nd Aâ€"Irene Lat-imer. Alister Cameron. Anson Lloyd, Willie Brownâ€" ing, Essie Noble. Sr Pt 2ndâ€"Brock Grant. Ruby Mills, Bella Ector and Clarence Darling aeq., James Vollet. Archie Gray. Jr I2ndâ€"James McLean, Bert Saunâ€" ders, Eya Burnet, Annie Aljoe, Foster Saunders. Sr 2ndâ€"Hugh Hoeley, Robbie Laidâ€" law. Russell Currie, Ella Ector anc Thos. Holt aeq., Ellie Kinnee. JIr 3rdâ€"Fanny Moran, Mary Ritchie, Alfred _ McClocklin, _ Pearl Warner, Albert. McClocklin. Sr 3rdâ€"Annie Cameron, Etta Fox, James Ector, Eyerard McKinnon, John Fox. )7 4thâ€"Arthur Knislo‘zy. Grace “.'illis, Essel Laidlaw, Lilly Walker, Carman Aljoe. _ _ Jr. Leaving Part 1â€"Jessie Farquaharâ€" son, Willie Brown, Duncan McKenzie, Otto Knapp, Mable Hunt. f: Pusuirc Senootr DerartrEXxtT. Sr 4th Classâ€"Esdon Wolfe, Lloyd Bean, Andy Williams, Murray Smith, Arthur Allan and Edith Grant aeq. Jr Leaying Part 2nd Jr.â€"Jessie Munro, John Backus, Laura Hutton, Maud Irwin, Grace Everitt. CONGRATULATIONS.â€"We are pleased to hear that Rev. Jno. J. Hastie, Dromâ€" re, who lately graduated, has receiyed a call to the Presbyterian congregation of Belgrave, in Huron Co. He had preached there as a student and the call came to him quite spontaneously, The salary is $900. We congratulate our old friend and wish him a long and successful pastorate. Rae, Sam McComb, and they will be joined at 0. Sound by Jas, McIntosh. Thus does New Ontario rob the old. Mr. Archie Campbell, Bunessan, who has been at home most of the winter. left on Saturday for Algoma to resume bridgeâ€"building. _ Accompanyi ng him were Mesrs Duncan McNab, â€"â€" Mcâ€" Rev, Wray R. Smith left Hamilton ’ on Tuesday to spend a day or two at the Panâ€"American exposition. Mr | Smith has been appointed to the position _of Secy. of the Sunday School Comâ€" mittee of the Hamilton Methodist conference of which Rev, J. K. Adams of Brantford 1s chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Todd, Grand Valley and Mrs. Todd‘s sister and husband from Woodbridge were in town attend ing. the funeral of theic brother the late Mr. Lauriec. _ Lyman Caldwell, fromâ€" C ' Infantry school, Toronto, and sister, were also in Durham for t heir step-' father‘s funeral. Rev. Mr. Little,Chatsworth, was in town on Monday. Pleased to meet with him, The new manse is in course of construction, and the spiritual edifice is growing as well, judging by the large number who partook of communion on Sunday last. Rey. Mr. Farquharson preached at Glenelg Centre on Sunday afternoon, taking Mr. McGregor‘s place who was officiating at the funeral of the late Jas. Laurie. Mr. and Miss McDougall, of Tiverton, paid a short yisit to their uncle Mr Colhd McDougall and family on their way to the Mt Forest Baptist Associaâ€" tion. Mrs. Jackson and daughter Christine haye left England and are now on the ocean on their way home. Mr. Jno. A. Black has heen the victim this last week of a seyvere cold borderâ€" ing on pneumonia. Rev. Mr. McGregor is this week attending the Baptist Association in Mt. Forest. Mr. Robt. Scott took a husiness trip to Port Elgin on Monday, returning Tuesday. Mr. Archie McDougall spent ginning of this week with Mt friends. Miss Annie McArthur, of Ed is this week the guest of Miss Ryan. Mr. Chas. Ryan returned home last week for the summer yacation. Mrs, Hunt, sr., is visiting her son, Edwin. at Traverston this week. H PERSONAL MENTION Ned INDIANA Farns.â€"If you want to buy a farm cheap, and on easy,terms, in a country where there is a market for everything that grows, 92 miles from Chicago, write to Mr. M. A. Dilts, Winamac, Indiana, for his list of Indiâ€" ana farms, 5â€"9 on (ilenelg council on Saturday, and ' procured the necessary right of way for ’poles, tracks. &c. on the highway. A like privilege will be obtained from Egremont and the town has taken the initiatory steps to purchase the site from Mr. Burnet and a byâ€"law is being prepared. Mayor Calder and Mr. Laidâ€" law went to Toronto, Tuesday mor ning to expedite matters, and the engineers we understand will be with us next week. J CrmEXNT ProgREss.â€"The fixing of the site last week gave general satisâ€" faction. Mr. Gilbert McKechnie waited LacRoss®.â€"The first league match of the season, in district number 5, will be played in Durham, on Thursday, June, 13, on the fair grounds, between Markâ€" dale and Durham. Ball faced at 3 o‘clock p. m. sharp. Band in attendâ€" ance. VacomaTE».â€"Capt. Snider has reâ€" ceived an imperatiye militia order that only those volunteers who can show proof of successful vaccination or haye had small pox will beadmitted to camp. Coming so late this order will make a very small company from this town. Sexp» ITt To Dayâ€"We are offering the Review to Jan. 1, 1902 for 50c¢, Haye you a friend who would appreâ€" ciate its weekly yvisits? Give us his name and address on a post card toâ€"day, The factory has bought another conâ€" signment of lumber 80,000 feet, from Flesherton and Priceville. Mr. Alex. Crawford left Monday morning for Sault Ste Marie. We wish him success. The opposition has not been slow to qiscover this as shown by the fac that _ _As we have remarked before it is an easy task to speak for the Itoss governâ€" ’ment. Its progressiveness is perhaps the most marked feature at the present time. Its wideâ€"aâ€"wake interest in all that concerns agriculture has left them practically without criticism,. â€" The manner in which it has gone about the development of New Ontario is suffiâ€" cient in itself to disarm criticism, and to win for them the praise and the support of a grateful province. l M. P. P., Minister of Public Works. They have been addressing a series of meelings with great success and we haye no doubt that those who hear them on Tuesday next will be delighted and profited by the presentation of Proyvincial politics they will be able to giye. The Ministers coming are Hon. J. M. Gibson, M. P. P., Attorney General of the Proyince and Hon. F. R. Latchford, an active committee are making all arrangements for comfortable speaking and hearing. As announced on the bills, lunch camn be procured on the grounds, so that those from a distance may start early and be in time for the platform work,. Next Tuesday, weather favoring, there should be a large gathering and a splendid time at the little village of Hopeville in the Township of Proton, where two prominent members of the Ontario Government will address the electors of S. Grey. The meeting is to held in the grove near the village, and The Review to Jan. 1, 1902 for 5 Above DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1901. Reform Demonstrations HON Members of the Ontario Government will Speatk at AT HOPEVILLE AND HOLSTEIN, Tuesday June 11 P _ 7 a + h s‘ L £ f 2 # l msen, § & (@; % l {)' '}’2“; # f ?k * / /4 "lk ," y R /4 l’u i 7) ”* ra,! ind -fia.ijqu.\“', C ACHYY . t n j 2in ‘wisf Vn (‘\ ,‘_;;,/,,,.‘_»_-, ‘ 4 , 4 }} f hMA _ ‘é6A\lt L N) by Bs -_?‘,,‘_}".'.": CS WB K // h i uts H, C ind "‘-" # WP3 \,‘;}ifi & W l/,j” . 3 . J. M. (GBEBSQXN $ : HON. F. R. LATCHFORD O m 1 Money back it Corsets not up to our Guarantee. i to Durham. _ _Miss Crook will be at our Store on Monday, June 1oth, when she will be pleased to meet as many of our Lady Customers as possible and point out to. them the many advantages of the B & I Patent Bias Filled Corsets. This is a splendid opportunity to leave your measure for a pair of Corsets, no matter what shape or size. n order to introduce this new Corset I we have made arrangements with the manufacturers to send their practical Corset Demonstrator 8 PECIAL J. A. HUNTER, MJSSs CROOLIE Everyone should go early to Hc peville, and catch the whole. The speakers haye to speak in, Holstein at 8 p. mâ€" Here too, a crowd is expected and the Agricultural Hall will likely be taxed to its utmost capavity. _â€"__Mr. Binnie, the Reform candidate will also be on the platform and will make, if we mistake not, his first public address since receiving the nomination. As all know, Mr. Binmie is a close studâ€" ent of public questions, and a firm believer in honest and progressive legislation, and finding that in the Ross government he is an ardent supporter of it. no public measure introduced by the government has been opposed on its | merits, no scandal in the administration | of public funds has been unearthed, and about the only cry we hear is the ‘corruption in West Elgin and other ‘places. This corruption is something |no one attempts to justify, and it is l‘unfair, to have speeches made with the |plnin assumption that the government were cognizant of it. It has been the affliction of both parcies that oyerzealâ€" ous partizans would stoop sometimes to disreputable means to gain an end, but we could not imagine a goyernment condoneing it, far less encouraging it. Mr, Geo, A, Graham, M. P. P., Brockâ€" yille, will also be at the meetings,. He has proved himself to be a powerful auxiliary to the ministers and his platâ€" form addresses are eloquent and taking. He was renominated for Brockville last week with great enthusiasm, GOD SAVE THE KINu. THE BIG STORE. RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 50c. will get the Review from mow till Jan. 1, 1902. Who would be withâ€" out it? AuEx, McEacHERX, Prop. May 20, 1901. _ Lett the premises of the undersigned Iot 41, Con 3, S D R Glenelg, about Sunday May 12, 6 yearlings, â€"4 steers, 2 heifers. ‘T‘wo of the steers are plainâ€" ly spotted white and red, large spots, another is dark red, with a few small white spots, fourth steer has white star on face and half of tail white. One heifer is spotted, has rilleg-worm round both eyes, the other heifer red. Last seen travelling westward on 22nd Con. Egremont. Anyone giving information that will lead to their recovery will be ‘ suitably rewarded. A Calt PRespoctfully Soticited, SHRWELL & LENAHAN Old customers are cordially invited to call fand see usfin our new store where we hope tomake the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Darham aud 8. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. CATTLE ASTRAY. SHEWELL & LENAHAN. # $ * 9 Our D. & A.$fCorsets are trade winners. Have you‘!seen our straight front $| w COPSEES 6 ; : ; «> » ++1« * * s ++«%x + ++ AQLAIY, Another shipment of Prints, in Light 9‘ and Dark colors regular 12¢ for fl Sateen in Light and Dark, worth |21 from 15¢ to 20, this week...... .... 2c, White Lawn in very wide widths, regâ€" mc ular price 15¢, this week...... .... % Good Slot News for This Week. We are showing a beautiful line of Cheviot Suitings, in Light and Dark colors, very suitable for Children‘s dresses, 20 regular #5¢ per yard, this week.... (: THE POPULAR CASH STORE. «) THE POPULAR CASH STORE. rints. _ A awns. _ Sateons. ”ty Soods. I. WeMechnie. orsets. We would all like to 2 be Ideal people, wear @ Ideal clothing _ and : 8888080 e8eee8ee8e 8e WHOLE NO. 1211 # Sdeal # ) +/ 3C cMechnic. : m PX #

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