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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jun 1901, p. 8

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Theâ€" Then you are ready to " go shopping.‘*‘ Every caretul shopper carries her list with her thus saving herg>lf and the merchants a good deal of time. 10 prs. Women‘s Corsets at.. .. 25¢ pr. A new line of Cottonade at.... 19¢ yd. A nice assortment 10c. Flannelâ€"g ; += ME E. .1 :s ra¢acs «<««+.â€" T6 yd. flenslraces,............ .. . 10c. pr. Men‘s Sox, 3 pr. for ... ...... 25. Men‘s Summer Shirts ... ... . .. 35¢. ca. Men‘s Plow Boots ..... ... ..; 90c. pr. ic CITUCKE....:....... ... .. Se. box l moTit..:: ... .. ..¢s 2o 10c bot. Matker Boxes.:............. . 30c, ea. Money back when box returned. We can supply you in almost any style and at a very moderâ€" ate outlay. We have a nice range of Curtain Goods by the yard. Others in Pairs, Chenille Curtains in many shades. Roller Blinds, Complete at 35¢ Curtain Poles, 4+ at 25¢ Our 50c Silks are well worth the cost. Our 25¢ Mercerized Lawns are pretty. Our 15¢c Muslins are perfect.. We can make them up for you if you want us to. The Misses Hughes have charge of our Dressmaking Dept. CURTAINS : Write Down ,):', Run Ov;‘ Big Store BLOUSES : J. A. Hunter ITS AN ADVANTAGE to be able to trade your wool at a store where you can buy such an assortment, inâ€" cluding Hardware, Crockery, Groâ€" ceries, &c. Then, Remember, that we givye you a bill with every purâ€" chase, showing in black and white the amount of produce we received frem vou and the goods we gave you, â€"the money we received from you and thr money we paid you. There‘s no chance of a mistake in our And Pay the Highest Price In Cash or GCoods WOOL way of doing business. Try it. autiful & SERVICEABLE BUY WHAT YOU WANT MISCELLANEOUS LIST TAKE A PENCIL AND PAPER AND HUNTER. We are Showing really ought to interest those ladies who deâ€" sire what is you supply pretâ€" ty CURTAINS,.... PRETTY WINDOWS ! Are possible if TKE NEW GO0DS Miss Jennie McArthur, of Priceville, was the guest of Miss Julia Campbell on Sunday and Monday of this week. Master Geo Noble, of Toronto, is yisitâ€" ing his grandparents, Mr ard Mrs D. Mcâ€" Raoa. For the last week the weather has been very wet and somewbat cold and on low grounds the crops are beginning to suffer more or less from the effects of the rain, but taking all the farms in the locality on am ayerage this kind of weather suits all right for its the life of crops on hilly and gravelly soil. Miss Mary Ann Brown, otft Toronto, our late postmistress in thkis Town is spending a while with ber sisters Mrs Muir and Mrs NcKiznon and others. The 24th was rather wet so that many of the youths were depriyed of their day‘s sport. John McLean, South Line, Artemesia, was under Dr Boyle‘s care for sometime but is better again, Dr Hutton was busy yaccinating in the neighborhood of our Town for a few days last week,. A few weeks ago we made some reâ€" marks on :ndiyiduals who were in the habit of fault finding, &¢., mentioning no body‘s name in particular, but as the "faulty dog always knows his guilt." The shoe fitted the Priceville corresponâ€" denot to the Durham Chronicle to perâ€" fection and he dives into us in last week‘s issue of that paper in his usual impetuous manner. As he is generally known in the locality it is needless for use to bae wasting paper in giying his pedigree. It took him two week‘s to compose his last budget and no wonder that in his own estimation (if not in any one else‘s) it was one of the ablest and most eloquent articles ever produced for the Durham Chronicle. This distinguishâ€" ed writer sequits hineself in a manner that qualifiese him to the highest stanâ€" dard in billingsgate. _ As for being census enumerator as he referred to, we admit the charge and we are happy to inform the public that while acting in that capacity, we didn‘t meet any one possessed with just such sense as the Durham Chronicle correspondent. We are also happy to hear he has secured a situation, for the evil one always finds some kind of malicions work for idle hands. He informs us that he expects to come back loaded for us. We are always ready for him while he sticks to the truth and decency and for his inâ€" formation we may say that we were asked to reply to his budget of a mounth ago by m large number of the most influcntial men of the town. Its none of his business whether we are a resiâ€" dent of the townm or not as long ‘as we are acting in their behalf as corresponâ€" dent, but as long as we find unworthy aspersions cast upon tho place or the people we shall esteem it our privilege as well as our duty to refute them in the best manner we can, no matter from what source they come. Seeding is nearly a thing of the past and our farmers are busily engaged in putting in their tarnips and potatees. Mrs MeQueen and family from Stayâ€" ner were visiting ac Mrs McQueen‘s broâ€" ther N McCaonel‘s of the South Live, Glenelg, and returned again this week. The Rey Mr Matheson attended the Synod held at ‘Toronte recently. Prof Dr McLeod, Scottish Herbalist paid a yisit to friends at the lake Monday evenâ€" ing last. Mr Alex Wilson has purchased a fing horse trom Mr John MceNally, of Traver ston, Mr Ronald McRae, of priceville, paid a Alying visit to the Lake last Sun.lay night, Mrs John McKay is visiting her motber Mrs Donald O‘henly, this and last week. Mr George Jones has purchased a now mower. Geo is a hustler. Mr William Casy is visiting his cousin Mr Thomas Sullivan this and last week. Mr Angus MeVicar passed through our burg Sunday cvening last,. Miss Mary MeDonald returned home on Friday after a few months absence in Toâ€" ronto. Dan Mcelunes purchased the old Bunâ€" essan Presbyteriau church, which stood on the corner uf his own farm and is to convert it into an implement shed. This good old edifice was built 23 yrs ago and was for a time under the Jate Rey D McLeod‘s pastorate. but was abandoned some 12 or 13 years ago and no seryice of any account held in it since. The most of people are making the ground ready for turuips. Mrs Butter was completing the remodelâ€" ling of hber hotel for the last cooaple of weeks by making some new rooms in front. Our saw mill men bhaye about cleaned up all the logs in the yard as the supply of water is fayorable this spring. John Cameron. who had three of his fingers taken off in Durkam factory, is doing well. He is lucky under the circumstances that he has the use of the right band as he is naturally a smart young man and a good pensman, We hope be will find something in that line of business for to make a livelhbood in future. The 24th of May was celebrated around the stoves as the whole 24 hours were uncomfortable and lots of disappointâ€" ments were the results of the day. We are sorry to hear thas our teacher Principal Blakeston intends to leave after the holidays. Mr Bluakeston was an all round good fellow for he was always ready to assist in promoting any good cause in all branches of society, so it is peedless for us to say that each and all wish him God speed wherever is lot may be cast. The ordination of Messrs John Nichol and Dugald McCormick will take place next Saunday as elders in the Presbyterian church, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late John Mather and others resigning on account of old ace. Irish Lake. Intended for last week. What we would like to know:â€"Who was the young lady that was left at the gate? Mac. must baye been tired ; that will never do Mac. Wait Tom ? Our spring weather has been cold and wet. Some preces of low land have not been put in crop and not likely to be. The Proton Council met at Scarlett‘s Hotel on Saturday June 1st. There was a large number of Petitions received from parties asking grants for roads, A number of our young peopie enjoyed a pleasant eveming at the hcme of Mrs Conelly, wherepfthey were entertained by dancing and music. But, we would like to know where Dunk. found shelter from the rain? Sleep must have overtaken him by the Hollow. Try again §Dunk. and don‘t be shy. Joseph Kinsman, of Toronto, was the guest of D Greenwood and family for a eouple of days last week. We know now why Harry Williams had such a pleasant smilo last week. It‘s a girl and all is well Jehn McEachoie, of 1l1th con, has gone to Little Current to work for the season. Pleased to hear that Alex Aljoe is able to be areund again. mr. Jobhn Greenwood and daughter Susan attended the funeral of the former‘s brotherâ€"inâ€"law, in Howick, the beginning of this week,. ~ J H McHFayden was under the weather last week, but is able te be around again. Those that were visiting freinds at a distance from here the past fow days were. Mrs Ira Peonock, to London, Mrs W. S. Horsburgh, to Listowel and _ Brussels, N. D. McKenzie, to Altona, Mr. and Mrs, David Naismith, and children to Brussels. Mr and Mrs James Dennie, of Norb al, were the guests of Mr and Mrs J. D. Roberts and other friends for the past few days. Rev Mr Kenning has been in Torento for some days attending meetings.© Mrs Kenning preached in his absence on May 26th here and at Woodland. Miss Minnie Burnett, of the 4th con.. is at presont visiting her sister Mrs R Vollet of Toronto. HOLSTEIN Intended for last week. The 24th past away very quietly here no excitement of any kind on aceount of the day being so disagreable. J W McArdle, of Markdale, was down at his parents home on Sunday May 26, Wm Morrison wisited friends in Guelph and other points last week. Mrs Jno Moffat and Mrs Jos Firth spent part of last week with their mother Mrs MeArthur, of the glen, who has been ill. Wedding Bells are ringing. A few days more will bring news, Mr Archie Ferguson arriyed home from the lower settiement, having taken sick very suddenly, but we hope kis sickness will not be serious. What we would like to know :â€" When did Archie take the Post Office 2 And where did Boothville Cor see the Peterborough man 2 What happened the gray horge frem the townline? It Boothâ€" yille intends making a picâ€"nic this year,. [Notk sBx E».â€"We think it right to say in answer to the first of these queries that the type and typos of the REvigw office are responsible for the mistake about Archie. The mustake was discoyered and corrected, but not till some mails ltad gone.] J W Firth returned bome from Toronâ€" to last week looking as if city dlife agreed with hite. Arthur Huant of Riverview, spent Friday and Saturday with lhis parents here Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Hunt. Mr and Mrs Gib MoArtnur who haye been living in Michigan this last year are here on a yisit. Mrs Sparks, of Toronto, is bere visiting her mother, Mrs J A Scarlett of the Hopeâ€" ville Hotel, Arch McEachnie is now living in Castle Pinch and is managing the new horse, Cleveland Bay. Victoria day was very wet and cold. No big fishing stories to be told rmow. We notice White wears a broad smile since the arriyal of a certain young lady from the City, Mosquitoes are troubleâ€" some near a bushâ€"eh White? We would like to know what keeps Norman so long after the cows those evenings? I, ask Mary Aun. Hopeville. Intended for last week. W W Hall, Jr, who has been at Sault Ste Marie for two years has arrived home to stay. Mr and Mrs James Main. of Glenelg, visited friends here on Sabbath. A long time has elapsed since our last budget, but we are still on the turf and all doue seeding with the exception of the Murphy‘s. Mrs D McIntyre has again been laid up with Erysipelas, but is now on a fair way of improving. Very wet weather in our midst at preeâ€" ent and the low land is suffering very much. Mr Josepk Campbell is intending to build a house this summer. Joe is a regalar hustler from Proton and will make things hump. Mr Donald McQueen, reeve of Egreâ€" mont, was in our migat and spent Thursâ€" day night at D McIntyre‘s. The north will be pleased to have a call from the reeve, he also made those who are appointâ€" ed pathmasters take the oath of allegiance for road making. Messrs Dugald and Jack Ferguson are busy drawing eand for the erection of a stone wall. Their yells can be heard afar off, but still they are husilers to pitch sand. Mr Neil NeArthur is again in our midst and will likely take in Riverside before long. * BALSAM VALLEY Edge Hill. ++ @â€"++ THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO tss Rosa. Cask or Giarmers‘ Droduce GEO. LAWRENCE. IYew Qrocery Gtore. Any persons fishing on the property of the Durham Fishing Club will be prosecuted. â€" Five dollars reward will be paid to any person furnishing such information as will lead to a conviction. J. KELLY, Thos. A. HarR1Is, Pres. Secy. otice is hereby given that Byâ€"law N No. 402 of the Town of Durham a byâ€"law for the better sanitary condition of the Town and closing up of all pit closets will come into force and take effect on the 1st day of July next. f Printed copies of this Byâ€"law may be obtained at the Clerk‘s office and every ratepayer of the Town is reâ€" quested to call and make himself acquainted with the provisions of the byâ€"law, Heavy penalties for the infringement of this Byâ€"law are (s)rcscribed and will be strictly enforced. Wx. A. AxpErsox, Clerk. Durham, May 27th, 1901. The new designs of wall paper are made in heroic proportions. Here are the most hown beautiful wall papers ever seen in the wall paper market. The idea has been to give to the purâ€" chaser of wall paper all that excellence, good taste and judgment can put into papers at reasonable price. We are sure you will find just what you want. All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. MacFarlane & Co. Nothing Stale. Everything New and upâ€"toâ€"date and he cordially invites a trial. The undersigned has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. McKinzon) full lines of P FLOUR, FEED, DRUGGSTS & BOOKSELLERS HEROIC PROPORTIONS. PUBLLC NOTHLCE. GROCERIES, &c. NOTICE. There are a lot of sheep getting their wool made white as snow toâ€"day Miss B Hardy visited the burg one evening with Mr Shrigley, of Osprey. Their company was highly appreciaâ€" J McQueen called on Mr and Mrs J Marshall on is way to the Institute on Tuesday. Most of the young folks are thinking of taking in the big cirecus in your We are pleased to say Miss Mary Eccles is improving. $ The two gentlemen we mentioned last week are this week away to an eye specialist where they got special attention at Southampton. We hope the result will be in their favor. We had a short call from Mrs Dan MeQueen of Stayner, who called on a number of her friends in Egremont. We were pleased to see Mrs McQueen. Her brother Neil, her mother Mrs Meceâ€" Cannel and her children accompanied her. oN WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies trom Campbell of London. Bell, Daherty, Thomas and Berlin maxes of PIANO and ORGANC SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil ams Sewing Machines and supplies. C. McKINNON. Mrs Hugh Wilsom, of Singhampton, accompanied her brother Will home and spent a week with her parents Mr and Mrs W J Wilson. Her husâ€" band arrived here on Saturday evenâ€" ing and they left tor home Monday. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words ** WirKkrnsox Puovoen Comraxy‘is cast un each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in tiree sections. The farmers around here are in a fever owing to the wet weather, they cant get on the land to make it ready for the root crop. IENID Our reeve Dan Mcgueen was in Boothville last week delivering the road lists. There are some new byâ€" laws this year and no doubt there was room fer improvements. â€" Noble Wilson is our pathmaster and we feel sure the work will be done right as Mr Wilson is a man of good taste and knows good work. Mr W J Wilson sold 9 pigs six mos. and two weeks eid. He sold them for $7.05 a ewt, receiving #118 for the lot. W ho can beat that? J Brown, of Holâ€" stein, was the buyer. South of Middaugh House We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVATING, Coulter & Scott Drills and Caltivators, Dise and Spade Harâ€" rows, Seuffiers, Ete. _ Also Sceotch Diamond Harrows. Querything for Q@armers / The Hopeville meeting will be held in the grove. Holâ€" stein in the Agricultural Hall. Lunch can be procured on the grounds at Hopeville. y s mE " } HON. F. R. LATCHFORD, Minister of Public Works. also by Geo. A. Graham, M. P. P., Brockville, and Candidate Geo. HON. J. M. GIBSON, GrOTD â€" SAWVUV 3 â€"TETT â€" A cordial invitation is extended to all. The issues of the day will be fully and fairly discussed. Come Early. The meeting will be addressed by two Provincial Ministers : HOPEVILLE AT 1.30 P. HOLSTEIN AT 8.00 P. uesday, fwze TI7Ith. Boothville. Binnie. REFORM STRATIIN Attorney General. After spendin, here, left on â€" Â¥r. Neil and 'niu Ailvmie Swinton Park, spent Su Calders‘s. . xr Jas Shields and T busily engagea barnin needing Iime just call be supplied, Miss Martha E. Calder acarillian Sunday week. The wet weather the j has been very untayorable The Trustees of 8 8 No ing on June 1st for the p the contract of building a other repairs. _ Jclhn Dy« tract for which we know a good job. The Swinton Park Bunday School has upened again with a good attenâ€" dance and a full staff of teachers. Mr Thos Knox superintendent. They have a fine new library which will add more to the pleasure of those attending. Miss M A McFarlane visited her grandparents last Saturday _ after an absence of six months. The city agreed well with her. Mr. Russel!, of Central India, preached in Swinton Park last Sabbath and it was a treat to listen to him. He spoke of the customs, laws, dress of the Hindoos and other tribes. Miss Eva Booth spent Tuesday Priceville. Mr and Mrs Riley, of Priceville, 1 ited Mrs Booth last Sabbath. Tuesday. We hepe none of the boys will be any the worse of it as the water is very cold. One year ago last 25th of May since Mr Richard Hanâ€" nam got laid up with Sciatic at the same jcbh. He is not able to work yet. Mr J McMillen was looking at’thé Mickleboro farm near Holstein. J wants a larger farm and better buildâ€" ings. " j //3 +ark, spent Sundi}- -u't“.l-ohn alders‘s. . j Jas. B. Swansteon of Toronto University ter spending a wask «ui 0 â€" 4 "j3 "0r the purpose of letting act ol building a woodshed and airs. _ Jclhn Dyce got the conâ€" ;rhich we know Jack will make Shields and Thomas Watson are JUNE 6, 1901 Nelgog +9 0/ CCC eeng § a week with his parents %ednudcy. for the North d burning fime. . -'.;nyone just call at the Grovye and Wiliow Grove, untayorable to the « Calder visited Mrs. Colin Lower Town. EC CIDNNTGâ€" past two weeks to the farmers, 11 held a meetâ€" NcFayden of , VISâ€" in +A K8 ODash prices Butter at A. ounecil will week beginni Rev, Mr. G the preparat« the Presbyter .appreciated, VOL. Rev, Mr. F ed by the Sat the Presbyt preparation â€" Day Service. On Monda Fovest, erec in Latona c Boyle and the local Ags« Local and At a meeti ham Presby day last, the teacher of th and a resol expressing t his services â€" For upwards charge of the} enthusiastic d people, â€" In t ness it has he few to maint jJong a period Farquharson work as he | few weeks. A tine Read McKechme‘s, this week at General Ass pualpit will hb next Lord‘s â€" jects 10 be I in addition t will be the 4 tion as to wi on the chure population i North West parts of the amand for m tage in the & Ontario so 1 wait sometit before theil that, the fiel attractive t have found g Schemes v:"i: overtake Mr. J. N Mich., came has been a Arrowsmuth as a robber a no hasty cor the contemp consummate the presence senting frier DON‘T FO Ground F1 _ Pork and Bardines, | Tomatoes, All first Use Sran mended by M now coun ship into 1 of matrim« of Durhan under eral y in the acquainted | of the sam still «+ervil capacity “: nlacing â€" ma Rev. Mr. F heattiest g« W ost bet M M whiC new ful M oupl 4 V l at1 sunmnm f1 whert M home, the w as { edi Mr WW U Dom rfort the sUTI urk To nd Mr pol fth A n NiÂ¥ L0

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