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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jun 1901, p. 1

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wer Town. nto T i hi Y is Cast Un ee sections. aind ORGANS mond and Wil rocure« AsUre 1901 ve bi€ Ministers : l1 Wagons neral. L IRT Gâ€" neFayden of lay at Jolhn lay chat iatic ) Umiversity bis parents the North orks. LC GHeo sstres Of AP oY w LV Ir h son are Anvyone Holâ€" 1 W : the > last Hanâ€" 0V 3 on Ti 108C h in Mr n The sammer session of Grey County Uouncil will be held in Markdale next week beginning we believe on June 17. Rev, Mr. Farqharson has beenentrustâ€" ed by the Sabbath School Committse of the Presbyterian church with the preparation of the Annual Children‘s Day Service. VOL. XXIII. NO. 24 Rev. Mr. Graham, Dornoch, preached the preparatory sermon last week in the Presbyterian church and was much appreciated, On Monday last, Mr. Corbett of Mt. Forest, erected a yery fine monument in Latona cemetery for Mr. William Boyle and sons, who purchased from the local Agent J. A. Black. DON‘T FORGET that we pay highest Cash prices for Wool Eggs and Tub Butter at A. 8. Hunter‘s At a meeting of the Session of Dur. ham Presbyterian Church held on Friâ€" day last, the resignation of Dr. Gun as teacher of the bible class was accepted and a resolution put in the minutes expressing the sense of the worth of his services in that important work. For upwards of thirty years he has had charge of the class and has been most enthusiastic in his interest in the young people. â€"In these days of eager restlessâ€" ness it has been the privilege of only the few to maintain the interest during as Jong & period. For the present Rev. W. Farqubharson will take the charge of the work as he has done during the past few weeks. Rev, Mr. Farqubarson is in Ottawa this week attending the meeting of the General Assembly, The Presbyterian pulpit will be yacant in the morning of next Lord‘s day. The important subâ€" jects io be brought before the Assembly in addition to the great Mission Reports will be the Century Fund and the quesâ€" tion as to whether an Elder is eligible to act as Moderator of Presbytery. Schemes will also have to be deyised to overtake the additional work thrown A fine Ready Made Suit for $5,00 at McKechme‘s, on the church, by the great increase of population in Northern Ontario and the North West, as well as in other new parts of the Dommion. The great deâ€" imand for ministers is making a shorâ€" tage in the supply for congregations in Ontario so that vacant charges have to wait sometimes a year and even more before their pulpit is filled, Besides that, the field in the States is proving attractive to many of our men who have found good charges there. Local and District News Items. Mr. J. N. Grieve, Sault Ste Marie, Mich., came to town last Saturday and has been a guest at Mr. and Mrs. S. Arrowsmuth‘s since, If we say he comes as a robber we ask our readers to form no hasty conclusions while we explain the contemplated theft which is to be consammated â€"toâ€"day, Wednesday, in the presence of a clergyman and conâ€" senting friends. There, you know it all now. Mr. Grieve became acquainted with Miss Arrowsmith in Michigan, and now comes to charge acquaintanceâ€" ship into the more ripened connection af matrimonial union. Thus tolose one of matrimonial union. â€" Thus to lose one . of Darham‘s fairest damsels is not matâ€" | ter of regret howeyver. as Mr. Grmevye is t a good Canadian working for Canada under the Dominion Government as em igration Agent in Michigan. For sevâ€" eral years he represented North Perth | in the Dominion house, and was well | acquainted with Dr. Landerkin being | of the same stripe in politics. He is| still serving his country in another | capacity and has been the means of | placing many settlers in our North West. Mr. and Mrs. Grieve have our | heattiest good wishes in their union. ‘ ArtEr tHu® Evext. i As the above shows it was written | before the event. It is now over andt‘ on one of the brightest and most delightâ€" f ful of summer days the haypy cnuple! haye beea made one, Rev. Mr. Farquaarâ€" son performing the ceremony in the presence only of immediate relatives. The bride was attivred in a cream bengaline dress trimmed with cream silk and carried a bouquet of lily of the valley and Hoyea, the latter a beautiâ€" ful flowering plant, being the gift of Mrs. Parker to the bride. _ The travelâ€" ling dress was of navy blue broadcloth, trimmed with Persian applique. _ The bride was the recipient of many valuable presents from friends in Michigan and elsewhere. They left by train Wednesâ€" day evening for Owen Sound. from which point they go by boat to their new home, and again we throw a handâ€"~ ful of editorial rice after the happy ,coupk- Ground Flax Seed at McKechnie‘s. A JUNE BRIDE. i OrEpiIt Avcrion Sacr.â€"Of Farm is in Ottawa | Stock and Implements, in Durham, on neeting of the . the old Rombough farm, just to the Presbyterian | south of the town, on Thursday June ie morning nf=‘27t,h. 1901. For further particulars see aportant subâ€" { next week‘s issue and posters. the Assembly | H. BurXET. ission Reports | _ (, , F.â€"The local court of this body and the (UeSâ€" | ghout 82 strong met at the Court room der is eligible on Sunday last and marched to the E Presbytery.| Methodist church, where the pastor be deyvised t0| Rey, Wray R. Smith preached an work thrown | appropriate sermon,. â€" The band preceedâ€" at increase Of|ed them with suitable music on their "_t’"i“ and the iretmn, though no doubt it grated in other new | harshly on the ears of the Preskyterian The great deâ€" ‘Indy at that moment seated utf'énof The Entrance Examinations to High Schools will commence on Wednesday, June 26th at 8.45 a m. Mr. Charles Ryan, Divinity Stadent, Huron Cellege, will conduct Diyine service next Sunday afternoon at Aberâ€" deen. Meusrs. McGregor and Shute ard the candidates for election in Niv. Nn..'h to succeed the late Thos. Williscroft as County Commisai oner. The Review to Jan. 1, 1902 for 50¢, This issue has been delayed to ,‘llow of the byâ€"laws on page 4 appearing this week. Homeseeket‘s Excursion to Canadian North West, June 18th, July 16th, July Â¥rd. For further particulars apply to R. McFarlane, Agent, Durham. Dr. Malcolm Black, Paisley, well known here, read a paper on ‘"Puerperal Convulsions," at the meeting of the Grey and Bruce Medical Association in Walkerton the week before last. While mixing with other lads at the drill shed on Monday night some raugh work of the bigger boys broke little Jamie Farquharson‘s collar bone, There will be services every Sunday afternoon at Allan‘s School House and Aberdeen during the College yvacation. Rev. Mr. Ryan will take duty at Allan‘s School House next Sunday afrernoon. THE WEATHER.â€"We call atte ntion this week to the excellent weather report furnished weekly by the kindâ€" ness of Dr. Gun. Kept in a diary these reports would furnish an excellent ep:itome of the year‘s weather. body at that â€"moment seated atâ€""The communion table. This is much the largest parade ever held in Durham. VoLUNTEERsS orr!â€"Captain Snider with a very much reduced company, left for Niagara on Tuesday morning. The order for vaceination almost at the eleventh hour, was the chief reason <f the failure to get a full company, Some have just got it done and the chances are that the bospital staff will be kept more than busy with yaccination paâ€" tients. The company have been supâ€" plied with the new Leeâ€"Enfiecla rifles, and the Oliver equipment, this last being a well devised plan for the loading of the soldier in such a way that the weight of kit and outfit is well distribâ€" uted over the body while on march. . Toroxto Ttu® Tracicatr.â€"Such a title | would well befit Toronto last week. 1 The Aurora bank burglars, Jones, Rice Rutledge were on trial, and while on | their way home from court to jail in a | hack in charge of three policemen, only one of them armed, a confederate, still at large, fiung a hat box into the hack containing _ two _ revolvers. These | prisoners were handâ€"cuffed together ; but the two outside ones had each a free hand, and as the free left hand belonged | to a leftâ€"handed man, they quickly grasped the revolvers and turned on their keepers. â€" Constable Boyd refusing to throw up his hand was shot dead as he grappled. Stewart, the other conâ€" stable inside, with presence of mind flung his hands up and told them to get out waich they did. Still handâ€" cuffed they boarded a street car and struggled with the motorâ€"man for possession Stewart before this having got in good work behind. Other help arrived and they were hammered into ; submission, all badly bruised and Jones, ‘the centre man fatally wounded by \Stewart, _ Next day â€" they _ were \ sentenced to 21 yeats for bank robbery, \ but death released Jones. Stewart‘s ‘evidence made it plain a charge of murder would follow, and Rutledge, on | the way to dinner in jail, rushed from his guards up a stairway and flung himâ€" self 30 feet, headforemost, on a grating below. This ended him and now only Rice is left to answer for the death of one ‘innocent man shot in the discharge of duty. Rutiedge was anatiye of Streetsâ€" .ville and as a boy. was cleyer and not |likely to be criminal. After his first fall, however, his career went rapidly downward, and associations with other {srnoners in the States led him from bad to worse. _ The fight against | society and law can have only one endâ€" | ing, proving the truth of|the good hook‘s | dictum "the way of the transgressor is | hard. Miss McCaanel, of 8. 8. No. 1, Norâ€" manby, has arrangements made for a grand school picnic toâ€"morrow, Friâ€" day, in Carson‘s bush. We have to thank her for a warm invitation to be present and to occupy the chair. Additonal Locals on Page 5. Purhd DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1901. Mr. Ed. Burnet left Tuesday morning for Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Bert Willis left on Thursday for Sault Ste. Marie. Mre. T. R. Whelan is yisiting at her son‘s J. P. in Hepworth. Mrs. Grasby left Thursday morning for Detroit to visit her daughter. Mr Robt. Scott is away to Listowel and other places for a week or so. Miss Lizzie Caldwell, of Buffalo, is yisiting her mother in town at present. Mrs. J. H. Hunter came home Tuesâ€" day after an extended stay in Toro nto. Mr. Wes, Brown, of Markdale, was over to the circus on Friday. Miss Jennie Stewart, Guelph is visitâ€" ing Durham, friends this week, Mr, Chas. Ryan assisted the Rect »t in the service on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Bayd, from Flesherton, is yvisiting her parents Mr and Mrs. Jno. McFarâ€" lane, upper town. Rev, Mr. McGregor is this week atâ€" tending the Baptist Association in Port Elgin. Miss Jessie Burnet, left on Thursday last for a couple of months visiting Bufâ€" falo and Detroit friends. Mr. Jno. Cameron, traveller, paid a yisit to his home here, over the week end. Mrs. Pettigrew came home Tuesday to attend the wed ding of her sister Miss Arrowsmith. Rev. F. Ryan will spend next week at Synod, in London. Rev. Mr. Graham, of Dornoch, was in town on Monday and gave the KEviEw a pleasant call. Messrs Hill and Ferguson, representaâ€" tives of the Markdale Lacrosse team, spent Sunday in town. Misses Carrie Sulliyan and Mable Muanshaw visited the Laidlaw family over Saturday and Sunday. Rev. F. Ryan, is this week in Dundalk Flesherten, Maxwell, and Ceylon as Bishop‘s commissioner, Mr. John H. Hunter went to 0, Sound on Tuesday on jury duty, Mr, John Campbell, Egremont, is another. Mr. Scottie Munro, who has been for some time in Listowel, is spending a week at the parental home. Rev. D. L. Campbell, of Dromore will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening at 7 o‘clock. Mr. Robt McFarlane jr., left Tueséay for Picton to be present at his brother Archie‘s wedding. Congratulations. Master Edgar Noble, who has been attending the deaf and dumb school in Belleyille, came home Wednesday. Rey. W. P. Reekie, B. A. of Mac. Master University Toronto, visited at Mr. Colin McDougall‘s the ead of last week. Misses Hazel McGregor and Bell Mcâ€" Dougall are ths week attending the Owen Sound Baptist Associacion, in Port Elgin. Mr. Gilbert McKechnie attended a meeting of the Board of the National Portland Cement Co., in Toronto on Monday last. Dr. Jamieson was laid on a last week with what seemed attack of typhoid, buts we are hear he is recovering nicely. Rey. Mr. (and Mrs.) Campbell, Mulock, were in town last Saturday ‘morning seeing their daughter off at the station on an extended yisit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Hanovet were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mills for a con;')‘le of days last .week. There was a fRchinw narty in view but the was a flsT\ing pe{.;"'ty in view but the weather spoiled it. Mr. W. D. Mills, agent for the Imâ€" perial Life Assurance Co,, was in Torâ€" onto last week on Company business, Mr. Mills has Wellington and Dufâ€" ferin sdded to his district and busy will be no name for him. Mr. John Campbeil. sr., Swinton Park drove to Durham last Saturday. He is hale and hearty in spite of his 82 years and enjoyed x chat in his native tongue with Messrs C. McArthur, C. McDougâ€" all. and other friends. His grandson, of the same name of the REvIiEw staff, accompanied him home. Mr. Norman McRae left for Orangeâ€" ville Wednesday morning. Weommittâ€" ed to mention last week his success at the recent Examinations of the Ontario College of Pharmacy. He is now a full fiedged Druggist, and passed a most creditable Examination. At the same Examination Mr. H. Meredith passed inâ€";:gemhonor list. Congratulations to both. PERSONAL MENTION. m 1 on a sick bed emed like an e are glad to The Farmers‘ Institute Excursion will be held on Wednesday, June 26, mext: See bills. Particulars in Review next week. Mr. Dam McDougall, Bentinck, left last week for a trip to the West. He will call on Dakota friends and may possibly extend his trip to the coast. The Town Council had a special meet â€" ing on Saturday night and passed some byâ€"laws re‘latlng to the sidewalk conâ€" struction of 1900. The multiplicity of byâ€"laws of late has greatly added to the work of Clerk Anderson. and the counâ€" cil was entirely justified in incredsing his salary by $2; a month which is a very moderate increase. last week to receive aletter from. Mr, Joseph Stephenson, who, with his wife, lately left North Egremont to remoye near his son, Thos. and family in Idaho. \He is highly pleased with the lJooks of | the country so far, and (writing on May !27) had an invitation to go and pick all i the strawberries he wanted. _ Many here will be glad to know Thomas is doâ€" i ing well, has 210 acres under crop, on a ]snil Mr. 8. thinks will grow anything. ‘: He encloses a blade if spring wheat, 11 | inches Jong, plucked from an ordinary ‘field, which would soon be in head. !\Vhile a fine place when you get there \|he describes the journey as a very ‘rough one, about 600 miles through rocks and mountains and will also visit France and otner parts of Europe before kis return. This will be Mr. Hill‘s ninth trip across the briny deep.â€"O. S, Sun Mr. John Hill of Balaclava leaves toâ€" wards the end of the month for a protracted vicit to _Devonshire. England, The Canadian Poultry Iteview says: "Mr, T. G. Holt, Durham,} whose poulâ€" try house was destroyed by fire last fall, has a new building that he thinks is about right, and of which we should be pleased to have a description. His barred Rock eggs have hatched well ; from six settings he has sixtyâ€"lour chicks," SUppEX DEaATH.â€"The uncertainty of life was exemplified again when word came to town on Saturday last that Mrs. A. C. McKenzie, of _ Montreal, daughter of Rev. Alex. Stewart of this town, had died suddenly of heart failâ€" ure. The remains were brought to Durham on Monday and taken to the house of her sisterâ€"inâ€"law Mrs. A. Mcâ€" Kenzie from whence they were taken to the New cemetery. _ The sorrowing husband and children, the sister here and aged father, will have the heart felt sympathy of the community in their sudden bereavement. _ The remains were accompanied to Durham by the deceased‘s husband and son. _ A brothâ€" erâ€"in‘law, Mr. Cole, Michigan, was at the funeral, a friend from Fergus and a large number of town and country sympathizers. Rev, Mr. Stewart‘s son Rev. Joseph Stewart, Rochester, came up on the eyening train, ‘ _ The council on Tuesday night met |\and completed arrangements with Mr. | Burnet. _ At the close of their meeting |a deputation waited upon him and |passed over the check for $2800, of | which amount the Company pays $1500, [leaving a net sum of only $130) for the l town to assume. Mr. S. Lawrence, Jr., has completed, or is about completing a contract for ‘the poles necessary to convey the | power from the falls as well as for the 1nrolley. The deeds haye been made | out for the Wilder‘s lake property and \Director Gilbert McKechnic is endeayâ€" | oring to place a contract for 300 cords |of stone. He is also looking after | about a million of brick. Mr. W. L. Falkingham, was in town on Saturday making provision for a few boarders this week out at the Falls where work begins this week. After a few days of engineer work, it is expected that a force of 200 men will be employed at the building of the great dam necessary to give the power. To cook for these men is no light task, but the country will breathe freer and the men will get fat for we learn that the experienced Jack Saundâ€" ers is to be installed in charge. Ii is expected work will vegin this week also in town, on the site purchasâ€" ed by the town council. The selling of stock has been very successful and everything points to the busy summer we expect. These and similar steps are all preliminaries necessary at the inceptâ€" ion of this vast enterprise. brmecifin 50c. will get the Review from now till Jan. 1, 1902 Who would fbe‘twith» out it? § FROM FAR Ioao.â€"We were pleased CEMENT PROGRESS. SPVIiL NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO SHRWELL & LENAKAN A Calt Respoctfully Soticited. en i o o ie im L OR l aus c scavenger © uuder Byâ€"law 402. will be received up to Monda.{, June 24 inst. Duties as defined in byâ€"la w can be seen at Clerk‘s office. War. AxpErsox, Clerk. Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which you are paid, Changes and additions have aâ€" gain been made and we ask our friend to examine closely. The price of the Review is 18 a year in advanceâ€"$1.35 if not so paid,. â€" The amount is small to subscribersâ€"to the publishâ€" er, many smalls count up fast. THE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL Applications for;the position of town o ine ue Cc ccces â€" AAMO > ult PDurkham‘s @reatest Store The public of Durham aud S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. Old customers are cordially invited to call fand see usSin our new store where we hope tomake the acquaintance of many new friends. oft C. Ramage, ® 9 SHEWELL & LENAHAN. And largest Stock of Dress (Goods, Staples, Clothâ€" ing, Boots & Shoes and Groceries. We are giving some extra values in Ladies‘ HMose, Prices range from 8c. to 25¢. in fast colors,. _ Ladies‘ Gloves, 15e, to 25¢c, _ Ladies‘ Vests, 15ec,. to 20¢, Ladies‘ Blouses, 5oc., S8oc., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. The price of cotton is much higher than it has been for years, but we laid in a stock at the old price and will continue to sell at the old price as long as it lasts ; buy a web and save money, WANTED. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Bditor and Preprietor. I. WoKechnie. i WHOLE NO. 1212 ind and B _ gi as it l% '{' o 3: s 4455 3 11

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