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Durham Review (1897), 27 Jun 1901, p. 1

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L COLLEGE NO and ORGAXNS aymond and Wil n on any tra Hsxover, Neustapr AvÂ¥TON, ALSFELDT, whall Wagons, SIQN m», varney, Neustadt, nd Alsteldt (ON NNON. 0, 1901 Lower Town, @xj thred JUNE 26. NT nfi C N 0E Cast Un ctions. t red Durhan ArM Id Durham ate A M tR it 1 1.10 Hol n t )C U . 13 D n for n th 10 M rt U Ne né W *ta VOL. The REvIEW has been delayed this week owing to the changing of the Byâ€" laws. at Darlings‘ Drug Store. St. Mary‘s Church picnic will be held in Mt, Forest, ou Thursday, July 4th. Your Last CHaxcEr.â€"16 Photos for 35¢ in 4 different sittings. This will hold good until July 13thâ€"in Brown‘s Old Stand. Entrance Examinations are in proâ€"| gress this week with a goodly number | in attendance as asual. Miss Laidlaw has about 15 writing. | T. P. Smith Eye Specialist, will be at the Middaugh House on July the 10th. Mr. Knapp‘s new stable is now roofed in and by its size and great expanse of of roof is a conspicious cbject. ALLAX PaARK.â€"The committee having in charge the annual picme have selectâ€" ed che 1sv of July to hold it. Our thanks are due for a kind invitation. With good weather there will be a great crowd at the Lawn Party at Mr, Louis Smith‘s, near Dornoch, toâ€"morrow Friday. Good speakers, string band, etc. erc. The Epworth League of Christian Endeavor of the Methodist chwhch held‘ a very successful social evening on Monâ€" day last, An interesting programme was rendered by a number of the members of the society. The Rev. Wray R. Smith will conduct a public Review of the second quarters Sunday school lessons, (International series) on Sunday a. m. next. Songs from the Dominion will be used. The Y. P. 8. C. E. had a social evenâ€" ing last Friday evening at which Rev. Mr. Farquharson gave a most interestâ€" ing sketch of his trip to the Assembly and the work done there. South Grey Prize Lists have been out for some weeks. Those contemplatâ€" ing exhibiting should secure one from Secy. Dayidson. This will do for an answer to queries we have received. The sacrament of the Lord‘s supper was dispensed at Burn‘s Ch urch, Rocky Saugeen to a large audience on Sunday I6th. â€" Rev. P. McNab, of Kilsyth, preached fine sermons on the Friday and Saturday. GARpEX Partvy.â€"The first garden party of the season under the auspices of Trinity church will be held on the tawn of Mr. T. G Holt, on Friday July 5, for which a talented programme is being prepared, also ice cream and other refreshments will be supplied. Admission 1l0cts, In case of wet or unfavorable weather a concert will be held in the Town Hall. CoxsErvaTiv® â€" CoxvEexTION.â€"The| Conservatives of S. Grey, met in the | Town Hall, Monday, to nominate a| candidate for the Lscal Assembly. There was a fair representation of deleâ€" gates nearly 100 was one estimate the west being bettea represented than the | cast. â€" Dr. Jamieson was the unanimous | choice of tne Convention. After this | speaches were in order â€"speakers were:‘ J. J. Foy, Toronto, M. K. Richardson, M. P., Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., I. B.l Lucas, M. P. P. and others. | ExTRANCE ExammxarTiONs.â€"The eu-e trance examinations began here Wedâ€"| nesday, with 58 candidates and N. wW. ] Campbell _ and T. Allan presiding.‘ In Markdale there are 20 candidates wirh Geo. W,. Slaughter, Flesherton, | presiding, In Dundalk there are 32\ with Jas. 8. Rowe, Markdale, presiding. | In Flesherton there are 33 candidates with J. A. Speers, Duandalk. presiding. ‘ In Hanover there are 21 candidates with W. W. Tait, Neustadt presiding.. In Neustadt there are 2 candidates with W. I. Huston, Ayton, presiding. The annual statement of the Standard Bank of Canada has ‘vlfit« been issued to the shareholders. e see by it that this Institution has had a very successâ€" ful year. The net earnings in their proportion to Capital exceed those of any other Canadian Bank after paying dividends at the rate of 10 per cent per annumn $50.000 of profits was added to the reserve fund which now amounts to $750,000. The deposits n‘f this Bank are in iaase Ts wowâ€" W enc‘ Saoe e it ies Pure Paris Green $11,000,000. now Farty Morxixe Braz®k.â€"Saturday | last late sleepers were startled from their slumbers by the ringing of the fire bell and investigation chowed the fire fiend at work on the residence of the Parker farm to the west of the town, occupied by Mr. Thos. McNally and family. _ Mr. MceNally had got up and kindled the fire as usual, and went out to attend to his stable duties and on looking around shnr'}l{ after saw the blaze on the roof. is wife and six children were in bed and succeeded in escaping in their night robes. _ Mr. Duc‘)c. the neares; neigkbor, was first on hand, but they were able to save but little, some bedding on a couple of beds and some small articles,. Thestove, most of the furniture, clothing, flour, etc. are all goue amounting in yalue to several hundreds of dollars and no inâ€" surance. The engine and â€" reels came along, and played a little on the ruins to prevent sparks reaching the barn, For an early morning call and_ out of town, the boys deserve credit. Mr. Mcâ€" ECS CE To ols is ameneme eme YHLT arong, eP "J""" C anninea . to prevent sparks reaching the barn, For an early morning call and out of town, the boys deserve credit. Mr. Mcâ€" Nall{’s loss is to him a seyere one and muc symgathg is felt for him and his family. _ They have secured temporary acecomodations in the Dalglish building Upper Town. The house had a small nsurance on it. Bl,-(Xl) and total assets exceea XXIII. NO. 26 L x M. K. Richardson, M. F. sw ne. convention here on Mondays "'3:*1‘;- ,pt Councillor D. Mclntyre valh to‘n Monday of this week. *:% *C Miss Hazel McGregor is visiting: friends at Hampden this w eok,. /:t o L. B. Lucas, M. P. P. was in town on Monday attending the Convention. . _ Miss Matilda Tellord, left for Tor onto, again last week, to remain for someâ€" time. * Miss Nellie Watt is spending ber holidays at the parental home in Norâ€" manby. s Mr. Dancan McCannell, Ingl ewoo‘, an old parishioner of Rev. Mr. Farqu harâ€" son is visiting him this week. _ a week or two. The Annual picnic at Ritchi@‘s school Glenelg wili be hetd toâ€"morro riday, afternoon. â€"A good time assur@d. _ Mr. Dan McCormack, of Mi '. polis, Minn., arriyed home Friday. ning, to visit his parents for a couple “;‘wgeks. Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, we ro,‘!.reg,‘to hear is confined to the house witxg:i imm. We trust she may soon gek;iu‘ound Mr Geo Shires was back to Neustadt to close the bargain of last we@k, Qut in being a day too late his friend G@o. Wha: ley came out head. 7 Mrs. Gregor, of Mt. Forest Was visitâ€" ing her son‘s wife Mrs. Mar::ll and children at Mr. John Robertson‘s for a few days. y ~ . 8 Dr. Arthur and Jas. Gun, drove nearâ€" ly 100 miles Suaday night to 1 t0. to see about the truth of the nm report of Cecil Gun‘s death. §:: * We regret to hear that M& Wim. Lawson, Sr., is very ill, Dr. Gun and Jamieson are in attendance and we hope to hear of his recovery. & .% Mr Monteith, of Stratford, was in town Monday, looking into the Ceméent situation. _ He has taken $1000 worth of shares in the National Portland Cemâ€" ent Co. Mr. Jno. McArthur, Priceyille, was in town at the Conservative Converâ€" tion on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mcâ€" Arthur will leaye for Glasgow next week. Ye Editor, is in Toronto, this week, delegate from the Sons of Scotland camp here to Grand Camp, and may take a trip over to Buffalo before reâ€" turning, Miss Ada Teasdale, \Valke"@n. is a ruest of Mr. and Mrs. WV. B. Vollett for Mr. C. Butters, Priceville, left Toronâ€" to, on Wednesday, by boat for Montreal, from whence he takes ship to Glasgow, and will spend a few months in his native land. We wish him bon voyage. Mr. Wim. Scott, of Toronto, is enjoyâ€" ing an enforced holiday, occasional by illness, with his grand mother Mrs. J W. Scott, Upper town, and Mrs. Chris. Williams and other relatives in Glenelg, l NB AK E: J k * â€" £> *‘ t Te Dr. P. C. Park, of Hamilton, Specialâ€" ist, in eye, ear, nose, and throat diseases, will be at his residence, Mill street Durt ham, on 30th June and 1st July next, where he will receive patients for conâ€" sultation. Mrs. Chas. Urquhart and little daughter May after a month‘s stay with the former‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Whelan, left on Tuesday to visit Laurâ€" iston friends and will return to their home in Beeton on Saturday. Pleased to have a call last week from D. McQueen, reeye of Egremont, who was‘iin town looking after the interest of his towuship in connection with the use of the road allowance through Wilder‘s lake by the Cement Company. Mr. Thos. C. Morton, left a week ago Saturday for Hamilton, to spend a few weeks in recuperation after his severe illness. He was accompanied by his daughter Nellie, who returns to duty again. Heintends to return next week accompanied by his daughter Mrs. Petâ€" tigrew. er of Mr. Wm. Black, to Abraham William Hastings Lauder, both of Durham. Krrryxyâ€"SnxaAwâ€"On June 19th, at the R. C. church. in the south of Proton, by the Rev. Father Cleary, the Parish Priest. Mr. Joseph J. Kelly to Miss Lucy Shaw, eldest daughter of Coun, Shaw. MinpLE&ToX â€" WiLsox â€" On Tuesday, June 2%th, at the residence of the bride‘s father, by Rey. W. Farquharâ€" son and W. Graham, Mr. Albert H. Middleton to Miss Ma.xl H.. daughter of Mr. James Wilson, all of Glenelg. Youra â€" In Normanby, on Sunday, June 23, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Young, a daughter. ivpErâ€"Brackâ€"At the manse, Durâ€" ham, on 24th June, 1901, by Rev. Wm. Farquharson, Frances Letitia; gaught- bade s# i d us 1 00g0 it s PERSONAL MENTI MARRIED. _ ~‘~DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1901. ) fieustadt, (Zg Qut in . Wha: w}s visitâ€" 4N3 Another of these popular June wedâ€" dings took place on Monday afternoon last at the Presbyterian manse, the happy pair being Mr. A. W. H. Lavder, Deputy Registrar, and Miss Frankie Black, daughter of Mr. Wm. Black, hardware merchant in town. . Miss M. Munro supported the bride, the groomsâ€" man being M of the groom. Rev. Mr. Faurqubarson was the officiâ€" ating clergyman and before him and in the presence of a few friends, they toak the yows that made them man and wife and soon after left for Flesherton to catch the C. P. R. for Toronto where they go first on a brief honeymoon trip, A few of the young people gathered to see them off; with the inevitable rice of course, and with abundance of good wishes, and the young couple it is safe to say will be heartily welcomed as citiâ€" zens of the town in a new relation when they return,. Mr, Lauder, "Will" as he is popularly known is a young man of character, of proved ability and public spirited |to a degree. â€" Miss Black is a talented young lady and has never been sparing of her musical ability when required for any worthy object. We wish for the faur damsel, of a most lovable disposition many happy years of wedded bliss in the company of her husband and devotâ€" ed admirer, and we are more than pleased that the abilities of both are still to remain in our good town. Hearty wishes go with them and the REvIEW a second time extends hearty congratulations. A wedding of unusual interest WAS| q;,)miup came too near to be comfortable, ceolebrated at the home of Mr, and Mrs. | / large poplar tree in front of Mr. L. John Corbet, Murdoch street, Wednesâ€" Elyidge‘s house was struck and had the day afternoon at 2 o‘clock, when their ,,.,., completely peeled off it for 12 or youngest daughter, Miss Louise Corbet. | 15 feet, besides a crack in which only was united in marria.ge to Mr. E. N | the mysterious force could do. A pickâ€" Premlin, 4. P. . stAbON r'tgent at Corâ€" l et fence leaning on the tree had a post betton. Rev. Dr. Somerville, pastor of shattered and several pickets wrenched the Division street Presbyterian church, off and flung long distances. The fan presided at the ceremony, which was light above the door and two big panes i performed in the piesence of relatives in a front window were smashed, Mrs. | of the contracting parties. The wedâ€" Eividge herself receiving a shock which ding was solemnized in tne parlor, | prostrated her for a time. â€" Happily she which was tastily decorated with roses, | is all right again. F;nurguerites, and smilax. The ln'ldel FRUIr OUTLOOK IX NiHAGARA. .];unos1 was married in her travelling suit, a‘ D. Gordon of the Dawson Commussion L beautifully becoming effect of fawn | Company, who has been over ‘!\‘,‘f f':““ ‘ colored broadcloth, and bodice of turâ€" tg;“;;% 1\;)1?,%9335:«: ?:::l:" }::‘ds ‘ml;’f,:w ‘ ‘ quoise blue silk, with point lace trimâ€" | 10«‘)1: ;lt the present time is not nearly so mings. She carriel the customary | good as it was early in the season. shower bouquet of white bridal roses, i Apples in that sectin‘n \}:i{l, het-, says, ;fl.\'](E The | bridesmaid, . Miss L. | Spencer, | m oL.q Th they gave piot you : and daughter of Town Treasurer Spencets | plums and cherries, which promised and the flower girl, little Bessie iTelford.lsuch an abundant yield enrlf' in the of Durcham, niecefof the bride, were| sCaS0N, will, owing to the cold, damp becomingly attired in cost s of ale‘ weather at the time O.f i id e | giy MLviPeq In C208 fE P*"¢ / a mediam yield. Raspberries will not blue organdie, and carried bouquets of l give oyer half a crop. but strawberries l pink roses. The groom wasattended by | qq pears are extra go ad. It was fear Mr. Fred., Corbet, a brother of the bride. l ed at one time that plums would hardly When the nuptial knot was tied, and | be saleable because of the large crop Mr. and Mrs. Fremlin had receiyed the I g"o.‘““fidu,b‘:;s“xfi‘tlge“ Pl;‘l'l“ P:g:‘r"sgt: hearty congratulations of the guests,‘h::.: g(ffie“:‘w;‘y down].)e Therle)e wflf be the party sat down to an elaborate ; money in plums this year after all. wedding breakfast, the dining room and tables being beautifully armnged‘ with floral decorations of cut roses, marguerites and smilax. It is not the intention to use a set phrase when it is stated that the wedding . gifts were numerous and beautiful, They were numerous and many were really magâ€" nificent. Among the very interesting ones, was a magnificeat star of emeralds and pearls, the gift of the groom. The bridesmaid was presented with a yaluaâ€" ble pearl crescent as a memento of the happy union. As the train left the C. P. R. depot yesterday afternoon with the happy couple en ro0ute for Buffalo, Detroit and other points, it was accomâ€" panied by the usual following of ancient shoes, white flower petals, and torpeâ€" does, which had been placed in dozens on the rails by C. P. 1It. friends of the popular bride and groom.â€"O. 8. Times. 3 Mr° Fremlin is a sister of Mrs. J. P. Telford of this town. CECIL GUN DROWNED AT BOSTON TRYING TO ESCAPE OFFILCIALS. Boston, June 2.â€"A stowaway, Cecil Gunn, who arrived on the steamer Virâ€" ginian from Liyerpool, and who was ordered deported by the immigration officials, was drowned yesterday afterâ€" noon in Black Rock Channel, in an attempt to escape to the shore, having jumped oyerboard, thinking to swim to the shore. Gunn was 19 years Old, and claimed his parents lived in Toronto,.â€" Globe. _ Two Povular Durhamites Wed. LAUDERâ€"BLACK NUPTIALS. FREMLINâ€"CORBET. JUNE WEDDINGS. Mr. Thos. Lauder, brotherp | Last Wednesday, as we intimated last week, work was begun at the 'Cemeut Works here, when about a | dozen teams started hauling stone from the stone piles in Storrey‘s field near by and dumping them in a big pile ready | for the stone crusher, and preparatory }tn the making of the cement concrete | which enters so largely into the building ‘Of the vast works about to rise here. For the rest of the week there were 15 | teams on, and on Saturday night a | total of 680 loads had been delivered, making well up to 170 cords. Another 100 cords at least will be needed and | plenty more is available, and all free of cost. Directors G, McKechnie has shown considerable executive ability in the crush of the opening operations, and has succeeded in getting this stone lud down at $1.40 a cord, while con:â€" tractors were asking $4.00 a cord, While this was going on Surveyors and engineers were staking out the ground and now the lot fairly bristles with stakes placed 50 feet apart. Among the first things to be done this week is work on the switch from the G. T. R. line. This has been suryeyâ€" ed and the small cutting and grading required will go on at once, and will furnish cousiderable employment to men and teams. Mr. Stanhope, We learn has secured the services of a stone crushing machine and this will soon be in operation. Messrs Gilbert McKechnie and Mayor Calder are both off this, Monday mornâ€" ing, to a Board meeting in Toronto, at which steps will be taken for a further advance. Messrs Calder and Laidlaw were both out last week and secured some good blocks of stock. A Cnoss Carnr.â€"Last Saturday, the electrical storm which passed oyer this district came too near to be comfortable. A large poplar tree in front of Mr. L Elyidge‘s house was struck and had the bark completely peeled off it for 12 0or 15 feet, besides a crack in which only the mysterious force could do. A pickâ€" n Canhks Asonin« an the tree had a post et fence leaning on the tree had a post shattered and several pickets wrenched off and flung long distances. The fan light above the door and two big panes in a front window were smashed, Mrs. Elvidge herself receiving a shnck_\\'hi('h prostrated her for a time. â€" Happily she is all right again. FRUIT OUTLOOK IX NIAGARA.â€"James D. Gordon of the Dawson Commussion 1 F 1 Mn en d s sH FrEsH EisX AT THE FrEEZER. â€"Miles Wilson has constantly on hand fresh fish. Will be pleased to accommodate farmers and others at any time,. . Reâ€" member the place, near the south end of the town A BIG PILE OF STONES. CEMENT OPRRATIONS. ONTARIO ARCHI TORONTO 36 5m SHRWELL & LENAHAN A Calt Respoctfully Soticited. Applications for,the position of town secavenger uuder Byâ€"Jaw 402 will be received up to Monday, June 24 inst. Dutics as defined in byâ€"la w Can be seen at Clerk‘s office. Wax, Axpersox, Clerk. The undersigned will Sell by Public Auction to the highest hbidder for Cash, at Lot 24 Concession 5, Township of Glenelg, on Thursday the 27th day of June, 1201, at 2 o‘clock in the afternoon. t â€"â€"One Bay Mareâ€" now impounded in my Pound unless the said mare is sooner replevied or reâ€" deemed. Dated this 12th. day of June 1901 * UA*‘s *Â¥ * s S AGE ‘The public of Durham aud M Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. O1d customers are cordially invited to call fand see us@in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. Pound Keeper‘s Sale. 0 9 SHEWELL & LENAMAN. WANTED. GOoDFREY McTAGGART, Pound Keeper,. 4+ $ FLAKED PEAS & BEANS $ DISH CLOTH SOAP, a 2 20c. SBEARCH LIGHT large twin bar for 5¢, CORN, PEAS and TOMA® each for C 0 WHOLE NO. 1214 g4%3%%83e48%400%00% % P 25¢ At 100. a Box. C. L. GRANT . TOMATOES 2b¢ BOAP, a 14

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