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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jul 1901, p. 1

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' the 'r( nd mal ‘ provisi ling rs‘ Drode CE. rchased here ‘REE.: â€"f WRENCE. ycle" rProcery erything New . he cordially ane & Co. ight IFs r the infringement escribed and will ROFORTIONS 1s$ DINCG BOOKSELLERS CLE! the DON > opened cut ig in Lower >. McKinnon) OTICE 27, 1901 Fosa cheb »I 60« , &C rI H W «12w may oftice and wn is reâ€" e himself ms of the W H urham mitary ing up ueg, lerk 1 such rtV £1 e A number from town in the absence of anything exciting Dominion Day attended the barn raising at Mr. Angus McArthur‘s Glenely place and witnessed an oldâ€"time exciting race. The captains were Messrs J,. McDonald and J McKinâ€" non the former winning by a good margin. f While in Buffalo last week we enjoyâ€" ed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKelvey, the former being the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, John McKelvey of this town. Mr, McKelvey has been for 7 or 8yrs. in Buffalo and has a good and responsible position with a large cabinetâ€"making firm there having the practical oversight of their highest class of work. The firm employs 80 hands. LAacross®. â€" The League match at Owen Sound on Monday last between Durbam and the county town, went against our boys by a score of 10 to 4, The first goal was won by the lakeside men and the next four by the inlanders, but notwithstanding this heartening the O. S$. team put up such a game that our boys were out classed. The three victories won so far have each gone to the home team proving the truth of the old Scottish proverb "Every cock fechts best on his ain midden." Spectators say the game in its opening stages was a splendid exhivition of Lacrosse Durâ€" ham home men especially doing brilliant work. The result in the league so far is a mix up; Durham can beat Markâ€" dale but can‘t beat the team Markdale can beat, and the closing games of the series will be watched with intense interest. Stonx® CHANGE,.â€"Mr. Jas. Ireland we understand has bought the business carried on lately by Mr. Laidlaw and takes possession this week. Mr. Ireland will be heartily welcomed again to the ranks of Durham‘s business men. â€" It is a case of gain one, lose none,. for Mr. Laidlaw‘s activities will still be exercisâ€" ed in Durham. Form No. 1 examination, or ‘Leav ing as it is better known, is in progress here this week. Messts. J. W. Brown, Hanâ€" over and W. J. Sharp, Holstein, are in charge. 27 candidates began on Tuesday morning and 3 more came Wednesday. The higher examinations continue on into next week when Mr. Brown will be in charge alone. Ix Jux® 1902. â€" It was officially announced on Friday last. June 28 the Grd anniversary of the crowing of Queen Victoria, that the coronation of King Edward will take place next June. Some of the ancient ceremonies are to be dropped, but with such a time to prepare and days of mourning over, a great tunction may be expected. over and W. J. Sharp, Holstein, are in |_ A Suvcorssrut MEETING.â€"The meetâ€" charge. 27 candidates began on Tuesday |ing of the Grand Camp, Sons of Scotâ€" morning and 3 more came Wednesday,. |land in Toronto last week, was one of The higher examinations continue on ; the most successful yet held in point of into next week when Mr. Brown will be !attelldance and interest. _A great forâ€" in charge alone. ward movement is to be inaugurated. | DrowxeEn Ix a CistERx.â€"Last Thurs®| _ Ixpraxa Farxs.â€"If you want to buy day Markdale people were shocked to / a farm cheap, and on easy terms, in a learn that an old and respected citizen, |country where there is a market for Mrs. Duff, had been found drowned in |everything that grows, 92 miles from the cistern. She was subject to faint Chicago, write to Mr. M. A. Dilts spells, and it is supposed that while: Winamac, Indiana, for his list of Indiâ€" leaning over to dip up water, she had | ana farms. 39 become faimt and fell im. iz NÂ¥ VRRIPICATINX â€" Nathine mara The Dornoch Garden Party we have learned was very successful, about $70 being realized. There was a large atâ€" tendance. good music, and good speakâ€" mg by Rev‘ds. Farquharson, Darham, Campbell, Mulock, Nelson, Williamsâ€" ford and others, Mr, Duncan McLean gaye a recitation, Himunx Crass Coxcert.â€"On the evenâ€" ing of the 12th of July, the Lacrosse Club here have arranged for a grand concert, the stars being H. Ruthven Mcâ€" Donald and Miss Jean Renwick. _ Plan of hall at Darling‘s Drug Store. Admisâ€" sion, 35¢ and 25¢. Watch for other an"~ nouncements. Excorvragr Turx. â€" Our thoughts turn in this broiling weather to the poor candidates writing on their examinaâ€" tions, watching the clock and struggling with something difficualt in Algebra, History, Euclid, &c. In their interest the examinations should be held before Christmas. Woopstock on the first of July 1901, ranks as a city and the occasion was marked by great enthusiasm. She has been dubbed the "" Industrial City." NIAGARA.â€"We are pleased to give space this week to a sketch by Lieut. Torry of the historic Niagara frontier. While at the military camps his eyes and his camera have not been idle. Mi. J. L. Browne received the sad news on Saturday that his brother William had died in Holstein from pneumonia. Mr. Browne through indisâ€" position was unable to attend the funeral. (See Holstein correspondence). VOL. XXIII. NO. 27 * _‘_ _ at Darlings‘ Drug Store. VarxzEy Methodists held their annuâ€" al picnic in Blyth‘s bush on Monday, As usual there was a good atteudance, Pure Paris Green _ _ Tur WEatHuER.â€"Last week and this up till Wednesday evening has been a {heated spell beyond common. The | thermometer has been playing up in the | 90‘s and in some American cities it went ‘over a hundred degrees, Durham had ‘a light shower Tuesday morning which ?did not cool the atmosphere, howev er. ‘Crops in some places are begining to suffer and brown pastures tell the tale, | Hoxors To Bruus FREEMORE.â€"At | the Mt. Forest sports on Monday Mr. lR. Scott won first money in the 3 min. tcluss with his mare Belle Freemore, ont | of 7 entries. ’ The work is progressing favorably. ‘25 men have Ween or are engaged at \ Hayward‘s Falls in preparation for the |\ dam, and surveys necessary for . the railway switch and some of the buildings {nre about completed. Wiru1arxs â€" HEro â€" On Wednesday, June 26, at the residence of the bride‘s parents by Rev. D. Sharpe, Mr. John H. Wiilis, to Miss Bessie R. Herd, al1 of Bentinck. McLAaArTYâ€"LEDINGHAM.â€" At the resiâ€" dence of the bride‘s mother, Bentinck on Wednesday, July 3, by Rev. Mr: Graham, Dornoch. Mr. Jas, McLarty, Owen Sound, to Miss Elsie Ledingâ€" ham. | _A unanimous vote for the byâ€"law is ! much to be desired. It is not carrying }we want alone; it is a unammous vote that will strengthen the cown in its dealings with the company, that will ] encourage the council, that will be fair | to the company, and that will emphaâ€" size in a manner unmistakeable the towun‘s belief in the integrity of their "ugreement with the company. _A unanimous vote. IxporTAxT. â€"â€" A special meeting of the Directors of Durham Publlhie Library will be held in the Library on Friday evening at 8 o‘clock. NEw Oxrtarto.â€"â€" Letters received reâ€" cently from Mr. Angus McKelvie, Liskâ€" eard, in the Temiscaming district, report a rush of settlers to the nmnew district,. Angus employs 20 men in his sawmill and so great is the demand for custom work that he is running night and day gangs, his brother Dan being in charge of one of them. No VERIFICATION, â€" Nothing more definite has been learned as to the disâ€" tracting despatch announcing the death of a Cecil Gun in Boston harbor. There is reason to doubt and room to fear its connection with the family here, and we trust the suspense may soon be endâ€" ed. All would rejoice if happily ended. Dr, Hutton will discontinue his visits to Priceville after this dateâ€"All ac counts due him can be settled with Mr. Neil McKinnon. Sexn» It To Dayâ€"We are olffering the Review to Jan. 1, 1902 for 40c¢, Havye you a friend who would appre ciate its weekly yvisits? Give us hs name and address on a post card toâ€"day. everything that grows, 92 miles from Chicago, write to Mr. M. A. Dilts Winamac, Indiana, for his list of Indiâ€" ana farms. 5â€"9 Over 50 Durham people attended the Lacrosse match in Owen Sound last Monday. Instead of sacrificing taxes we stand to gain in incteased school taxes, on the property itself and on enhanced value of property near by for all purâ€" poses. The overshadowing event this week is the approaching vote on the byâ€"law which takes place next Tuetday. The delay we understand was caused by a discrepancy between the byâ€"law and the agreement made between the town and the company. The rectification has been made and it only remains now for the ratepayers to sanction by their yo‘es the work of the council and comâ€" plete the part the town has promised to do. We are giving the company no bonus, we are sacrificing no taxes we are simply at an outlay of $1300 spread over 13 years for a site for a large industry something the town has offered for years by public advertisement. THE CEMENT BYLAW. OQurham Review. 4# MARRIED. Miss Mary McIntosh left toâ€"day Wedâ€" nesday, to be present at the marriage of her friend Miss Elsie Ledingham to Mr. Jas McLarty, The Reyiew extends congratulations. Mis. Don. Campbell, Swinton Park accompanied by three of her children visited her sister Mrs John _ Turnbull at Latona from Saturday to Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs A. W. H. Lauder returnâ€" ed on Saturday from their wedding trip, and are at present making their home with his brother Thos G. Miss Nellie Elvidge, Rouse‘s Point, N. Y. is in town on a visit to her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs L. Elyidge for a few weeks. Mr. J. L. Browne‘s brother and wife from London came up for the funeral of his brother in Holstein and visited in Durham for two days. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown, 0. Sound, visited the former‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown Sunday and Monday Mr Brown returned Tuesday. Mrs. Hepburn, with daughter Nelle, is visiting her sister and brother and other relatives in Manitoba. Miss Lizzie Caldwell, who has been visiting her mother Mrs, Laurie, left for Toronto Wednesday morning. Inspector Campbell left on Monday for Meaford where he will for a week or two conduct the High School examinaâ€" tions. hg 4;! & ;(. 6i Miss Kenny, Guelph, left for home last week after visiting the Hunter and Lavelle families for a few weeks. Mr. Moore McFadden and sister Magâ€" gie left Tuesday for a visit to the Panâ€" American Exposition. Mr. Bert Stonehouse and Dan Mcâ€" Donald are sperding a few weeks holiâ€" days in O, Sound. Miss McDonald is up from Toronto enjoying holidays with her sister, Mrs, N. W. Campbell, Mrs. (Dr.) Ed. Lauder, Cleveland, and child, are visiting relatives here for a few months, Mr, and Mrs. Kepkey, spent a holiday in Port Elgin, and saw the great celeâ€" bration there. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Black and Thos. Black spent last Sunday and Monday in Owen Sound. Mrs, Pettigrew, (nee Arrowsmith) is visiting friends in and near Holstein this week. Mr. Geo. MacFarlane, Glencoe, visitâ€" ed his relatiyes here from Saturday to Monday. Miss Maggie Crawford came up from Toronto, on Saturdsy for a brief holiâ€" day. Principal Allan is presiding in Hano« ver this week at the Leaving examinaâ€" tion. Mr. Stephen Todd, Listowel, yvisited Durham friends over the week end. Mrs. Pettigrew, of Hamilton, is visitâ€" ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Morton. Mr,. Geo. Yirs and Miss Sara Gambol spent Dominion Day in Wiarton. We regret to learn that Mr. Wm. Lawson, sr., still keeps very poorly, Miss Ema Werner visited friends in Wiarton last week. Mr. Emerson Kinnee visited Minto friends over the holidays. Mr. Her bert Ball is spending holidays in Dundas. Mrs. Jas. Vollett, Sr., is visiting her son in Sarnia, Di. Park is spending a few days in Durham this week. Miss Calder, Calderwood, is visiting relatiyes and friends in town, DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1901. PER3ONAL MENTION. es ie Ceruesiln, Among the teacne holidays we notice : Grant, Jno. Vollett, 1 don, Maggie Caldwell, Mr. Thos. McComb, , WY ULHAMSIOTG, was in town for a few days last week and this and has wound up the sale of the old Mrs, McComb property to?Mr, John Mullen and sister Miss Mullen. Among the teachers home for the holidays we notice : Messrs Ferguson Grant, Jno. Vollett, Misses Amy Gorâ€" don, Maggie Caldwell, Nora Chadwick, Allie Grant, Aunie McKenzie, Allie Grant, ol Jr. pt. 2nd to sr. pt 2ndâ€"Blanche Reid, Fanny Patterson, Wilhe Wilson, John Brown Charlie Nelson, : recomâ€" mendedâ€"Farr Lawrence, Reuben Watâ€" son, Anne Walker. Sr. pt. 1st to jv, pt. 26dâ€"Martin Wilâ€" son, Edith Patterson, Arthur Lee, George Wilson, Charlie MacKenzie. Intermediate to sr. pt. 1stâ€"Jane Ferâ€" guson, John Davis, Mable Eecles, Mary Hamilton, Goldie Lawrence. »1ary Gorpox, teacher, Intermediate to Sr 1 Mary Billings, Maggie Lauder, Willie Lawrence, Ruby Wells, Jamie Farâ€" qubarson, Jessie Curric, Devena Warmâ€" ington. Joe Warmington, Harold_Volâ€" let, Wilfrid Calder, Maggie MceNally, Maggie Torry, Ethel Matthews, Aggie Becker, Harry Gordon. Jr A to Intermediate Mabel Latimer, Aunie Ecetor, Charlie Harbottle, George Kress,. Cecil Guthrie, Roy Fluker, Melissa Hazen, Vivian Harvey, Annie Vollet, Charlie Matthâ€" ews, John Billings, Eufle Walls. Bessie Saunders, Christena Darby, Edna Mceâ€" Jr B to Jr A Milton Mills. Horace Elvidge, Gladys Whitmore, Marjorie McKenzie, Campâ€" bell McLachlan, Jennie Renton, Sydney Holt, Robert Hazen. Jr. 2nd to sr. 2ndâ€"Promotions will be held in October. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rdâ€" Alister Saunders, Wm. Smich, Robert Twamley, ( recomâ€" mended ). s Jr. 314 tosr. 3rdâ€"Grace Reid, Sara Brown, Anne Nelson, Maudie Hamilton. Sr. 2nd to jr. 3nd â€"Mary Brown, Magâ€" gie Hamilton. Sr 3rd to Jr 4thâ€"Wm, Coffield, Hazel Dargavel, Albert Twamley. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rdâ€"Ellien Coffield, Jessie Stewart. Robert Smith, Hazel Marshall. Jt 2nd to Sr 2ndâ€"Vera Graham. Della McAllen, Frank Twamley. Lullie Nelson,. Sr Part 2nd to Jr 2ndâ€"Dan Vaughan, Annie Stewart. JIr Part 2nd to 8Sr Part 2ndâ€" David Smith, Susan Simpson, Beaty Simpson. F. Graxt, Teacher, | Sr II to Jr III : __Robbie Laidlaw, Hugh Holley, Flint Hind, Charlie Dowling, Ella Ector, Bert Caldwell, Ada Limin, Russel Currie, Charlie Ramage. Eva Campbell, John Nadiger, Thomas Holt, George Lloyd, Frank McKay, Lizzie Kinnee, Oscar Hahn, Edith Nadiger, Effie Barclay. Jr II to Sr II Bertie Saunders, James McLeaun, Anâ€" nie Aljne. Foster 8 unders, Charlie Volâ€" let, Eva Burnet, adie Kress, Nellie Becker. Melbhourne McKay, Willie Gadd. Sr Part II to Jr II Bella Ector, Maggie McCrie, Lottie Daniel, Willie McCrie, Clarence Darling, BRrock Grant and Hazel Guthrie eq.. Wilke Cameron, Ruby Mills, Marion Currie, Archie Gray, Bertha Harvey, Grace Hunter, Jack Davidson, James Vollet, Ida Harbottle. Jr Part II (A) to Sr Part U Irens Latimer, Alister Cameron, Verâ€" non Elvidge, James McLachlan, Willie Browning. JIr Part II (B) to Jr Part II (A) Agnes Ramage, Elma Holt, Ella Kee, Tressa McKay, Robbie Campbell. Sr I to Jr Part II (B) VaddieCaldwell, Mary Wright, Mak: el Grasby. Harold Aljoe, Delbert Moore, Lauretta Ceel, Catherme McDougall, Robert Douglas, Martha Elliott, Campâ€" bell Saunders, Eric Kelly, Mack Saunâ€" ders, Edna Limin, Ronald Guthrie, Mark LECIEY ATN Witson. U. S. S. No. 3, Bentinck and Glenelg. Jr III to Sr III : Fanny Moran, Mary Ritchie, Willie Campbhell, Bertha Sparling, Percy Volâ€" let, ?’earl Warner, Archie Davidson, Marion Gun and Albert McClocklin req, Alfred McCUlocklin, Clarkson McUanfl. Myrile McDonald, Willie Lawrence, John Reay, Frank Becker, John Darâ€" ling, Athol Gordon. Jt IV to Sr IV : Mamie Munro, Grace Willis, Alice Ramage. Essel Laidlaw, Ltg Walker, Daisy Blackburn, Hugh McCrie, Oliver Hunter, Frossard Benton, George Harâ€" bottle, Am.y Kelly, Lottie Harbottle, Carman Aljoe, Rita Irwin, Howard Mcâ€" Donald, Maggie McFarlane, Willie Laidâ€" law, Jean Crawford. 8Sr III to Jr TV : James Ector, Annie Camercn, Willie Farguharson, Willie Elliott, John Fox, Etta Fox, Bea McCracken, Islay Cami)- bell, Martha Lawrence, Hazel Caldwell, Jewel Little, Aggie Cameron, Emma Harvey and Carl Brown eq., Charlie Moore, Vida McLachlan, Thos. Morton, Annie Daniel. e PUPILS WHO â€"PASSED. â€" DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL. Names in order of merit, S$. S. NO. 12, Egremont ONTARIO ARCHI % TORONTO McC>omb, *Williamsford, SumyxEr Briors.â€"Will do well to call at the REvirw Office and see samples of cur wedding notices. Come in time many varieties tochoose froms« Those we dont keep in stock can‘t be procured in a day or so. No publicity Your Liast Cnaxcor.â€"16 i’hotps for 35¢ in 4 different sittings. This wn"il hold good until July 13thâ€".n Brown‘s Old Stand. Being lot No. 53 on the 3rd Con. 5. D. Road, Glenelg, containing 50 acres, 1} miles south of the flourishing viliage of Priceville. _A new brick house on the premises with pump near by. . Good land. Clear title will be given. Apply to Mrs. Mary McNulty, Lot 53, Con. 3, 8. D. R. SHEWELL & LENAHAN A Catt PRospoctfully Soticited. The public of Durham aud 8. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. Old customers are cordially invited to call fand see usfin our new store where we hope tomake the acquaintance of many new friends. * Lots of Butter wanted for which we pay the est market price. Call and get a box CGood Cooking PIGG} .41 14 . » . .25 a 22622 a 1242 . Nois of Dried Apples at.........:;.......; ;.. Canned mADPDIQSI2 :44 +r> ah 2 nas 4 in ies aial n . . Our bulk Tea is still in the lead. â€" Prices from Bring your jar and have it filled. 50 bottles of Life‘s Renewer, reg. pree $1,00 p LONCLCAT AL 3 2. 2 2 uw s a @ A 2# 4 x n iovs 4 s A Great Blood Tonic. W Diamond Baking powder, 1 lb tins Challenge Corn Starch , ... .. ..... Pickies?. };},", fls‘ N PI, P Farm For Sale. SHEWELL & LENAMAN. we are giving some extra values in Ladies‘ Hose, Prices range from 8¢, to 25¢. in fast colors. Ladies‘ Gloves, r5e, to 25¢c. â€" Ladies‘ Vests, 15ec. to 20c, Ladies‘ Blouses, 5oc., Soc., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. The price of cotton is much higher than it has been for years, but we laid in a stock at the old price and will continue to sell at the old price as long as it lasts ; buy a web and save money, Priceville, Ontario. Eayeaimdjedq jedtEutc l cdtByte a|Ediedtegtediteute ajLytEs Estt pamaimnip ue ficairacalimaica romrgrarairsirsaicairs‘fscolca‘r puleblex|as|av|eb| asl ob|es| as| on onl onl an| o THE POPULAR CASH STORE. :rocery BSpecial I. WWoMechnic. J%@ %@%%08%%4%%0%4 0. 4 0 @88443 4e%4%%%%% 04 4 p WHOLE NO. 1215 $1,00 per bottle, @â€"**+, + 2 for 25 ats. . 4 boxes for 25 cots. .. ... _ I5 ots per qt, pay the highâ€" t a box. . 6 lbs for 25 cts. s~»» 5 ots, a Ib, . . 25 ©tg, pera. . Jo to 35 cts. -Af\ C (4s) T AL Ti ApNar !i"‘." +A ci NZRNL sand e 35 ots & A." ails af I¢ i/ BC NCE JC x H t

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