West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jul 1901, p. 8

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h Pew _ " bug»: Mr and Mrs I Legget. of Kingston, are " mount “suing Mr L's old home and many friends around here. Last Saturday Wm Nelson mlnnged to get the remainder of his new barn raised. The Bean Bros have the con- traet, needless to say it will be done right. It was mised with block and ttsekler. Mr J Lothian. of this place and Mr J Moore, ot Normanby, took in the aporu at Flesherton on the first and report a wnm time. The weather continues warm and dry and the tarmers are beginning to thtnk that the turnip crop is going to tmffee if we dont get rain soon. The hay crop is coming in fast and will not be as heavy a crop as was spoken of at one time. Miss c, Kennedy. of Toronto, was n welcome all" on n few of her many friends around here lat week. Mr and Mrs Shawna. of Toronto. no at present visiting the Laughton family. Mr It Taylor Ind Mr J Laughton. who have been for some time in Owen Sound, returned home Saturday. Mrs It Renwick took 3 tap to Bel. gnvo last week to witness the induction of her brothel Mr J Hum into the ministry of the Presbyterian Church of that plm. h" GREY Paul»: LISTS. --Hare you got one? They were issued in June from the REVIEW otBee about 2 months earlier that they have been for years. Quite A number from around hero took in the trip to the Model Fun: [at week and report an instructive time. The Eminent Sunday School Conven- bon will be held in Fairbamt Chntoh on July 10th. ehernoon meeting at '2 p. m.. evening meeting " 8 p. m. A good Program in being provided. The annual picnic of S. S No. 18, Me Jan Coleridge. teacher. willhe held on the 9thinet end every arrangement is being made for e good time. Lis I; Don't. forget to mark a few of these interesting items on your 20 dozen prs. womens Black Cot- ton Hose 9c. a pr. These are also new and help to make a very attraetire costume out of n plain suit. THE BIG STORE Then we have a nice assortment of Lace Collars at 5 dazan Men's Cotton or dark Funnelleue Shuts. all 5120!. made 13 sell tttGoe. We bought them to sell It 25c. ea. 50, 65 d; 75 cts ea. I fllgli)llllllll IRRIY &, 100. up to Me Ms We do " best to publish cuts of the latest novel- ties, so that you may see.at a glance each week just what is being worn. We think this is what may be Proper- ly termed "up-to-date" advertising and if you notice the up-to-date people of to day .are doing the business. Everybody welcome at The Big Store. ' A a List us have your attention for a moment or two while we tell you of a fewto1relties. - Every time you buy from us you receive a statement showing exactly what business you did with us. Its business and you have a right to know where you spent your money and how much. 25 Men's Ready-made Vestl at Tangle Foot, Fly Paper, Fly Pads, Paris Green, Paints, Oils,. Wall Paper, Groceries, Hardware and nearly everything you want all under the one roof. WANT LIST. J. A. Hunter. CASH FOR PRODUCE. ' 50c. ea. Dromore. It " orcely peye to worry about a new collar for each oc- ceeion when you can get such I up iety of “moms ones here " small prices. These are the very newest in Ladi as collars. Prices from J. A. HUNTER. tsin, 15 pra. Men's Laced Boots and Gaiters, regular pace $2.50 and $2.75, to clear at $1, $1.50, $1.75, pr. During the most of last week the weath- er was extremely hot. The thermometer stood 125 in the sun on Thursday lust. 27th ol'June and 80 In the shade. Wed- nesday the 26th was sultry, a number of farmers were delivering hogs for Cook at Ceylon, one man had three died from the effects of the heat and several lost one or two. There is no danger if water is applied frequently on the way to cool them off. Road-makings about done. It is an unthankful business to the boss for In doing his duty he is counted as mean and hard to please, but it is a poor rule that that dont work two ways. Those that are grumbling should get a chance at the next road-making to be overseen then they will have the opportunity to return the comphment on the new boss. Mr Chas McDonald. of Bruce, visited his numerous friends in this neighborhood lately. Mr McDonald had the misfortune of losing his partner in life a few months ago, for which he has the sympa thy of his friends in this part. IE Illlllll [HIGH k, Rey M r Graham, Dornoch, preached two excellent sermons in the Presbyterian Church Sunday before last. C C James Esq.. of this town, is spend- ing a week or two in the vlcinity of Guelph He will be accompanied home by his daughter Musa Fanny, who is teaching in that district. :5? a We make this ffer to give us room for the large stock of Men’s Boots which IS expected in every day, viz '. the Slater Shoe. Arch Butters left for his naive lull ttrt Tuesday the 25th of J two. We heartily wish him a safe return. We are sorry to but that Mrs Allen McInnoe in not improving much in health. She is u present With her daughter Mn Graham of this town. Alex McLeod is mention to move onto his new property It the mills and will be moving some of these days. tl Fe, ID ‘- It requires great care fa and ability to measure if?, make up, fit and com- , plete a Ladies Cos- bale, t tume. From our ex- 75 patience so far the C) Misses Hughes have (it given perfect satisfac- . CS" tion m the Dressmak- ing Department. Several brides have told us already that they really didn't know what they would have done had they not been able to get their wedding dresses made up here, as they could not get any one else to do it in as short a time. You never require to wait on anything at The Big Store, we have a splendid tstaff of obliging sale people and our goods are all ticketed in plain figures A number of our neighbors “tended the Farmer’s Institute excursion to the Model Farm on the 26th J une and were well "tisiied were it not for the heat. 200 yds. Crash. extra wide. just the thing for Fly Netting at 60. a yd. Priceville. A Couucillor MoCsunol wss letting road jobs in the neighborhood last week. Aug- us Blsck and Mr Paar O'Nell were the main contractors. Mr MoCsnnel undet- stsfds his business and is a hustler u we 1. Messrs Dan McCormick and John Mor- rlson it could be heard a long ways off on Friday at a. late hour at John Meplter. sou‘s corner. Louie Potloee alleges he heard them Itt Mt Forest. John McVicar says J ack ie not qmuifisrd. Julia McRae i, lartrbgsgut assisting Mrs H McLellan in her household and every day} dgty. --- _ - Mr Jas White and Master Geordie Heartwell had a small runaway on Monday last. 'Fortunately they were more scared than hurt. Mid, Margaret Stone has moved from our corners and is on duty as Bachelors Corpers at ptetput, Messrs Kir Black and Dan )IcInnis had tsutyyssrttLyrmsltbtes tletly, - _ Mr Alex McMillan is m the employ of Captain R, stone masoning in vicinity of Irish Lake. Our schools are all closed. Teachers went home on their way rejoicing that they had 7 weeks of holidays. No doubt there are some lonely hearts. who will be longing for the 20th August to come. The pleasant evening drives has to be suspended for a, time, but nevertheless could the dumb animals speak their querv would be why are we at rest for so long a. tune. Mr Arch McLellan ll making some improvements in the line of building and (ageing. 7 7 A grand pieme will be held in Sullivan's Grove two miles and a half north of this town, under the auspices of the Ancient Order of United Workman on Wednesday the 10th day ot July when an excellent time is expected to he spent in the various amusements of the day. No charge will be made as it is free to all and promises to be the best at the season as Workman always are a Liberal Society. Refresh- ments will be provided. Music and speeches by noted singers and speakers. So young men and maidens, wives and husbands are invited to come along and enjoy a. good afternoon's amusement free. Young wives try and convince your young husbands that they do not really love you as they promised at the altar, until they unite themselves with the A O U W Society, then their love towards yon sinks down deep into their very souls when they have made provision for you to meet the day of possible calamity. JohnJBlack sports 9. brand new top buggy. When you get the other thing Jugk w_e will C(rtuiuly eongtptulaus yoy Mrs Neil Black and daughter Mrs P Sullivan took in the Guelph excursion lust Week. Mr Mehrthur will be leaving for the Old Lend thus week. Scotch Town as usual was well to the front at the Irish Lake picnic on Tuesday of last week We noticed our old friend It J McMillan from Toronto in company with Donald Sinclair. bagpipe professor who gladdened the heart of the highland- er as well as the McDonald Bros of Price ville With their music on both pipes and violin. Mr Norman McLellau left on Moudav for his homein Sandon, B. c. and will spend a. few days with his sister Mrs Evans, of Rochester and his brother John h of Cleveland, Ohio. His sister Miss M F McLellun accompanied him an: far as Rochester, N. Y. Qadis a number from here attended the McKinnon barn raising at Pomona on Friday of last week. Some of the tuner: are commencing Urine this woek A way fair crop in our town this, sewn. Peter F Mehrthur, son of Commissioner McArtbur was made Field Sergeant at the recent drill at Niagara. Peter will make a good offieer Cattle buyers, tw,erits, péddlars Gd an (ceasional tramp are no new things on tht highway dpring tlstpast and present. Misses McLean. from Tiverton. are visiting at their friends in this place for the last few weeks. We are pleased to see John Summon able to be out again after a long spell of sickness lrom grip. The Cement boys of this burg have not made: fortune yet. They all board at home so far. Married at the amuse. Pricoville, by Rev J A Mathew“ M. A., B. D, on June 26th 1901 Colin MeLeamof Artemesxa to Janet Ferguson, daughter of Mr Arch Ferguson. of the township of Proton. The many friends of the young couple wish them a long and a. happy life togetlr er as both are 1siy,lsly respected. Messrs Dan McInnas and Dinnie Dan are again bash whacking for Com’r Chas McKinnon of your town. Ludayig McLeod. of Onllia. is visiting friends In Artemesiu. this week. Mr Me. Leod was an old resident of Artemesia. Scotch Town. Road Work 15 the order of the day in our town. Dan MoMlllen makes an A I pathmuster. E B McMillan an old and much res- pected resident of Priceville. but now of Toronto. is waiting fuenda in and around town for the lust tow weeks. Mr McMil- lan came to Prioeville in the you 1869 and kept hotel here for a number of years. m looks hula and hearty for a man of his yous. 1st July passed away quietly here as there were no amusements. Some went to Flesbetton and some elsewhere. Lest Sunday the gulio communion was dispensed in the Presbyterian Church in this plum when a. good many of that language were presenl on the occasion. English communion next Sundey. Ber Campbell. of Dromore, will preach on Friday at 11 in the morning. . A large number of the ratepayers' Ind other: of our school in this place easem- bled one dny recently at the school end presented our long and futhful teacher Mr Blakeetone with 3 beautiful escritoire, and any choir before taking his departure from us as teacher. Mr Blekeetone has served here for the last 9 years. Miss Grant was made the recipient of a bean- tiful Bible. She manifested herself during her term " teacher Mt the Junior depart- ment to have won the favor and love of the httle ones under her training. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO c-.. THE ON WH E E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons. Pslmerston Buggies. Buggies trom Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil arm Sewing Machines and supplies. 0 . M c KI N N O N . Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares. 8olep1titea, Eco. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PLOUGH Couprv’is out on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : South of Middaugh House CULTIVA TING. Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and Spade Har- tows, Beufflers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. Mr McKinnon. Chairman of Roads and Bridges. presented report No I ol Road and Bridge Committee. It, re- commended the payment to H Palmer of the sum of $145.00 for two bridges on townline of Sydenham and tit Vincent l of Messrs Anderson's account, for lum- her for bridge at Scone, county line of Grey and Bruce. $72.90. county of Grey‘s share, half if this amount. $36.15. The payment of he sum of 808 in fall settle- ment. of claim for damages by Arnold Bros. owing to defect in bridge on townline of Bentinck and Sullivan was confirmed. Several small amounts for averything for Farmers) At the residence of the bride's fath- er a sumptuous wedding breakfast was subsequently partaken of, at, which many good wishes were offered for the t,"t'rh,'e of the newly wedded pair. In t e evening over one hundred of the friends of the bride gathered at her home. There wnsa good old-fashioned dance ttt which all the young people joined with much zest and the morning hours had come before the music and merriment ceased. The bride is one of the most, amiable young ladies in Pundinch and Mr. Mor- risem is a progressive. popular farmer in Glenelg. The couple will visit the Pan-American oxposirion and other points in New York State on their honeyutoom-Guelpit Daily Herald. Mt Preston presented report No 2 of Finance Committee, which was on motion adopted. It recommended the payment, of the election accounts of the Clerk and Deputy Returning Officer: in Township of Sydenimm. incurred by the bye-election Itt Division No 8 on the 11th inst. There were nine pollivg places. and the fees :unounted altogeth- pp to $132.50. The Thwasurer's estimates for. 11112 were dealt with and passed. as sent in hy Mr Parker. in this report. The total amount, of the estimated ex- penditure is put at 83l,507.00 Council met at, two o'clock, the War- den, and all the members present but Mr McDonald. who had been called to Owen Bound. Minutes ofTuesday were read and confirmed. Mr. Hampton. a. member of Welling- ton County Council. was also present, and was heard by the Council with reference to a grant; to aid in improving the county line between Proton and West Luther. The bride was attirtd in white or- gnndie with valencienes lace. insertion and white satin ribbon. She wore a. white Leghorn hat and carried a bog- net of cream roses and carnations. Her going away gown was of blue broad- cloth. Miss G'ribbon was gowned in blue and white Batiste with insertion and trimmings of lace and white silk. Her hat was of white chiffon trimmed with blue and she carried n. boquet; of pink roses and carnations. The groom's gift to the bride was a. beautiful gold watch and chain. Many other presents attested the popularity of the bride among her numerous friends. Dr Sproule. M. P. foe East Grey, was present on behalf of Lient. Col A G Campbell of the 31st Grey Regiment. to support the request for a. grant to the non-commissioned officers and men of the 3lst Battalion, and also a, grant to the Band of the regiment, to assist in defraymg cost of the instruments. The clerk presented a. large number of aeeottnts--from members of the council and othersc--the former to cover their time and mileage in tours of in- speetion in their respective divisions. looking after the bridges: the latter were, many of them. for repairs to bridges on the. various township and county boundary lines, and which are being looked after by the County Council. The nuptial mass was celebrated by Rev. Geo. B. Kenny, S. J., in the pres- ence of the relatives and intimate friends of the happy couple. Miss Margaret Gribbon. cousin of the bride, we: the bridesmaid, and the groom was attended by his brother. Mr. M. P. G. Morrison. of Durham. “In the Church ot Our Lady, Guelph, Wednesday morning, June 26, there was solemnized the marriage of Mr. William Morrison, of Glenelg Township, Grey County. and Miss Margaret Josephine McGarr. second youngest daughter of Mr. P. McGarr, of Puslinch. A recent issue of the Guelph Herald contains the following notice of the marriage ot Mr. Wm. Morrison, of Guelph. The Review extends warmest felicitations to the young couple on their union: MORRiS0tr--Met1ARR NUPTIALS. REVIEW \VEDXESDAY AFTERNOON. 600W (ilMll. Mr Gordon, Chairman ot County Property Committee. presented Report No 1 of mud committee. The large. items in this report recommended the, 1')'2."i'/,) of the account of Christie ms. for $236.03 for 704 metal boxes for flung instruments in North Grey Regis- try ottice. Also of the sum of $478.81 to Jars C', Grier for repairs to gun! walls. Nothing has been spent, upon the walls since they were ttpst erected. which must be over 30 years, and the weather had worked out the mot-tor in many places. A number of minor accounts were recommended for payment in this report. Take notice that n Ity-law of the Corporation of the, Town of Durham will be passed at, the expiration of one month from the date hereof for the purpose of closing certain streets or highways. in the Town ot Durham, which streets are as follows.. Elm street on the east side of Garafraxa street. and that portion ot Albert street lying south of South street, andextend- ing south therefrom to a. point on Albert street situate five chains south The various reports of the several members of the council as the result of their tours of inspection were ordered to be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. and will doubtless be the foundation for a future interesting report from the Road and Bridge Com- mittee. An idea of the. number of bridges maybe had when it is stated that John McDonald. of Chatsworth, a Commissioner for No 8 Division. cover- ed in his report on the bridges in his part of the division no less than twenty bridges. It is a blessing to have plenty of pure water flowing across the fields, but it costs money to keepup the bridges required in consequence. By-law ttoo, to confirm by-law No 59Ci, of Artemesia. closing up certain roads in that. town- ship. was intioduced and passed its second reading. Council adjourned till 7 p. m. \VEI)NESDAY Evans“. Mrs Wm Gardner. of Keinhle. the president of the North Gre Women's Institute. accompanied by It?” Beckett. also from Kemble, were present in the interest of their association, and pre- sented the obiects of their Society in it Well thought out and pleasingly pre- sented address by Mrs Gardner. So much time had been taken- up by the Owen Sound deputations that in order to catch the train for home the ladies had rather a poor opportunity of pre- senting their case. However. the address was couvincmg as to the utility of having such organizations. that the council readily voted them a grant of 810 to aid in their work. and this grant brings a similar amount from the Roy- moment of Ontario. The Women's Farmer's Institute had no reason to be. ashamed of the representatives w ho appeared before the Count y Council. The Report of Public Srhonl Inspec- tor t iamphell was presented and referred to the Education Committee. (Conlmm'd we.” week.) TOWN OF DURHAM. general repairs to bridges Ins covered In Mr McKinnon's report and a by-law to confirm a. hy-lnw of the Township Council of Arteinesin, closing up certain roads, was recommended for passing. cu Hy Irku WuuvI-Q u“-....v -. -_-- - No 11 of that township. which altered the boundaries of said section. be atiow- ed, and that urbitmtora be potrpted to settle the nutter. The i'ii!'il'i't'i'i1,'ii of the Board of Education of wen Sound for $123.22 as the county's share for extra maintenance; and of the High School Board of Meaford for $851.18 as county's share for maintenance, was recommended for passing. The .ttet iai""atiiiri"iri" Ti 'iiirGlindii" witliont amendment. Mr Watson. Chalr man of Education Committee plesented Report No l of said committee. It recommended that Public School Inspector Grier’s report on the schools in his 2rti,t't"'e be printed, in the minutes, an that he he allowed to change the place for holding departmental examinations from Kim- berly to Heathcote, there being a case of smnllpox at the former place. It also recommended that a petition in the na- ture of an appeal against. a bv-law pm- ed by Proton Council, dealing with B. 8. ..- -- - .. . ' ,_..-|_:.. _.I....I. glean-(I of Elm titaee Mr McArthur, Chairman of Special Committee. appomted to draft a. reply to the Reeve of Mnrkdnle's address of welcome in the Council. presented draft of replly. which was wcepted by the. gounci ' and ordered to he sent. to the ecve. WM. A. ANDERSON, (,‘Ierk. Durham. Dated this Nth day of June A. D. 1901 MIK Notice. Lower Town It covered Cash or Printed copies of this By-law may be obtained at the Clerk's office and every ratepayer of the Town is re- quested to call and make himself acquainted with the provisions of the by-law, The new designs of wail paper one made in heroic proportions. Here ate the most shown beautiful wtll papers ever seen in the wall paper market. The idea has been to give to the pur- chaser of wall paper all that excellence, good taste and judgment can pat into papers at reasonable price. We are sure you will find jvst what you want. otippishereby given that By-law N No. 402 of the Town of Durham a by-law for the better sanitary condition ot the Town and closing up of all pit clotsets will come into force and take effect on the lst day of July next. Heavy penalties for the infringement of this Bylaw are Subscribed and will be strict y enforce . Any persons fishing on the properly of the Durham Fishing Club will be prosecuted. Five dollars reward will he paid to any person furnishing such information as will lead to a conviction. J. KELLY. Ttrose. A. HARRIS, Wu. A. Asmrmsos Durham, May 27th, 1901. All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. "iENr MacFarlane & o. DRUGGSTS & BOOKSELLERS Nothing Stale. Everything New llld lib-Mlle and in “an"- tad lip-Mute and in Juan} invites a. trial. The ede"itrted bu opened out full [ins of HEROIG PR0P0RTl0lllS PUBLIC NOTICE. Pres. is new building in Lower ' (next door to C. McKinnon) " Warmer! Product tHilo. LAWRENCE. '0. Grocery Store. JULY 4, NOTICE. GROCERIE, de. l Clerk. he. " e t stranger in purpose- of should timi l followiug‘ tt further 9 a under SICK! is making h: country. I he bu been: on “'th benching an old (Jamie. the tsettletns themselves winter cold. much force ewdence of l god (unlit thc'pioum pimwh wort h men the-re vie whom tteMt of our th Sh til, NH Di It n, Wtt A Tum the days I "Illusion dandy l ite tied f lawn”! day helm Sound by says their Durham. well to ti win th which w ed " Anyway opera tioe THY. Y have which is on every l tot ical, " Ar., Arc., mills a an of the RN In the m " is issud "tte opera on Huuda} wu- the II tun Eta-rut found a Samoan} hum In return it the pu leave it is offeted INTER Junieaon "" ther day n In. the In! horril might th Fraud on his m1 menu of an Int-mg should as the t .let'k, (INTI! than a. A. can of " entire! " thing Repoe t A natural: 4 th [mum to new Ill Twine "yin m I‘m Ad. for Party w nh new the 12t In V0 ll " mu m I "WEN Ihsuw, In " 'etrt Pitlt til, Wt ttt' m il, tl " h fir lit

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