West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Jul 1901, p. 4

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/tt G i " I‘ me mam REVIEW: iTh'tyie 40 cts to new snbscribersto end of year At the Fair grounds all conveniences have been improved, and exhibitors will be pleased to know of such additions in Prize List as are calculated to give the greatest amount of satisfaction to the exhibitors. The speeding in the ring. always a feature of the Western Fair, will this year. with enlarged pur- ses. be more attractive than ever, while the incidents? attractions are the high est-priced that could be secured. The gymnasts are all of the first-eta" In the vaudeville world to-day. and not the least interesting feature is a lull troupe of performing elephants. Prize Lists may: he had on application to Mr. J. A. Neues, Secretary. The Western Fair of the twentieth century promises to be a record-breaker in all the essential features that go to make up a varied exhibition of the products of the soil, the skill of dairr. men. the judgement and knowledge of our breeders of thoroughbred stock. the skill of the artisan, and the general per. fection to which agrarian operations and all that pertains thereto may be brought. It is only when such are con. centrated and brought within the compass of a day or two of pleasurable sight-seeing that one is enabled to realize ata glance the richness of the section from which the Western draws its patronage and the vast. possibilities of the land we inherit. A smiling Providence. a government Progressive. and a loyal and united People is iving this "Canada of ours" as hmun at the beginning of a new cen- tury, which, if lightly handled, will go a long way to tide us over the next cycle of depression. which political econo- mists say is bound to come. The revenue from Imports and exports continues to increase from month to month and in addltion to aiding and tmcouraging the development. of the country" grants to canals, railways. harbors, (it: . there should be something handsome toreduce the national debt this year also. yond all recedent. and it is expected ivfl?t1'l.'R')rg' bush. of wheat will be raised requning the labor of 15000 to Lilli" additional men to harvest it. All this taken in conjunction with inferior crops in European countries means a great deal for Canada. and will be the means of attracting immigration to our favored country. The reports as to the state of the growing crops collected by agent" of the railways, local governments, &e., are beginning to appear. and seldom have these been more favorable. The ramsoflast week in our own district caulemost tg,'",Q,'e',e.i, and through- outpntarlo t e pimpects are good for gram crops. At every stage rigid precautions are taken to ensure perfect cleanl'ness. Ilhe lymph is supposed to retain its vitality for five weeks only; after that time, if unused it is returned and re- placed with afresh supply; hut experi- ment has shown that it will last. under proper Conditions. for four on five. months t r longer. Everyone is familiar with the little "points" tipped with lymph, that are used in vaccinating. but not every one is aware that the points are made of ivoryuuude. in fact. often ftom the some tusks from which billiard balls are turned. They we not so expensive. thou h, as the use of such costly mn- terial‘ would indicate' because from their size and shape they can be cut from pieces of ivory that would be practically useless for any other pur- pose. They are made entirely by one cutting machine. and are packed loose in boxes. mum to a package. ings ill efteetiq whatever. Mags farmers whose animals have. been us here are convinced that the calves have recewed distinct benefit frun vaccinating. though the benefit is doubtless due to Rood feed and cotumetatslersurrov.nd. It is not generally know that the only Vaccine Farm In Ontario is located in Palmerston, the nmriotor of which is a Dr. Stewart. KI',' present small-pox scare has called attention to the institu- tion and the Palmerston Spectator has a very readable article from which we take. some extracts. The product he- t splendid reputation and this has been an active season in the making of "points." We quote: points at once, held in place in a frame, ike the teeth of a comb. The points, held in the frame. are then placed in a glass cane to dry. One animal will yield enough lymph to inoculate per: haps new people. It. might he expected that the calf Would be injured by being used as a tield for microbe culture. but asa nmtter of fact he thrives and fat. lens while being so used._§nd shows no ed. The calf In taken to a cement-floor. ed room built specially for the pal-pone. and the virtus is "mistened, taken up with a blush. and rubbed over a tow of CTS, "point" ts" seemingly the simrlest thing in the world ', it might pass on: a toot pic; _with. the mint touched with ....m.,..-.. m-.. my -F--- "m, Rum unbic; hut. rite many another little thing. its production in quantities calls for s at deal of preparation. care and shilfeAnd. unlike most other little things. an immense responsibity rests on the manufacturer. for error or incompetence on his part might do in. calculable harm. A healthy call is the primary "ma- chine" in the vaccine industry. Select- ed animals one taken, examined carefully and fed properly, and in due time are inoculated with the vaccine virus by purifying several square inches o their Hunks and applying the virus. At the end of SIX m eight days the matter formed is ready to be Tpor THE WESTERN FAIR. . London, September 5 to 14.1901. In Manitoba the estimate made is be- A PROSPEROUS COUNTRY. -------.- 4.... h VACCINE FARM. SEND IT To DAx---.We are uttering the Review to Jan. I, 10th? for 40e, Have yona friend who would uppre eiate its weekly visits? Give us his name and address on a post card Ian-day. 7 --Fire got into the Exhibition build- ings at Glasgow and nearly made Witte-spread ruin. Whenever your town sewer differs in the slightest with your i ens as to public policy declare that it has been bought u and promptly cut off your patronage. Tge editor will turn the other cheek and redouble his efforts in behalf ot the town and the " good people." Be sun e and buy all the goods you can from a travelling man who lives out of your town even though you get them at the same price from the one as from the other. It matters not If the home man spends his earnings in your town, pays taxes. and rossibly has an account with you every month. This of course, will encourage a great many travelling men to move to your town and aid you in the above matters. q When strangers visit your town let them wander around loose and enlight en themselves by reading signs and pumping the professional loafer. They will carry away a. delightful remem- brance of their visit and advertise the town wherever they go. "Cuss out" your publurofticials(behind their backs, of course) and accuse them of everything from petitlarceny to high treason, no matter whether you can stt1mtautinte your charges or not. This will prove an incentive to a complete fulfillment of their official obligations. Pour cold water on every new enter- prise predict its early failure and con. tribute to that end by patronizing its rivals in other towns. This will encour- age others to put their money in home enterprises. Impugn the motives of those. who join and always charge them with a desire to advertise themselves. Tins inspires patriotic men to work all the harder for the public good. Join no organization looking to the uphuilding of the town, This will he an encouragement to those who spend their time and money to sustain such organizations. Menford was appointed the next place for meeting. Averv cordial vote of til-mks was accorded the Church people of Deshoro for their unbounded hospitality. The Convention wat a success. Brief discussions followed on (I) "The Otalitieatiotts for S. Fl. Teachers", and (2) Do the Children attend the Church Services ? " Pure Paris Green 3. "Perseverence in our Work" by Mrs. C. McA rthur, Durham. 4. "Selectinga Sunday School Litr lary" by Mrs, ll. Jenkins. Owen Bound. G. "Infant Class Teaching" by Miss H. L. Bell, Meaford. 2. "The Religious training of the young in relation to our 8. B." by Mrs. A. w. Hale, Heathcote. The Anglican S. B. Convention of the deaner of Grey was held last Thursday at St folin’s Church, Deshoro. There were about 70 delegates in attendance at the encharistic service held at 11 o'clock. The Rural Dean was the preacher. After the. Service an excell- ent dinner was served in the Town Hall by the ladies of the congregation. At 2 o clock the delegates and others assem- bled in the Church. the rector, the Rev. G. w. Rislly in the chair. After de- votional services and the chaieruan's address the following papers with interesting discussions on each followed. l. "The Bible in the Sunday School" by Miss Essiv Mewilliamg, Owen Sound. Messrs w. Young and Andrew Derby. of Durham congregation were both in attendance at t e Presbytery meeting. The congregation of Guthrie Church has introduced the individual cup at the communion service and all seem enthusiastic over their first use of them on Sabbath last. The time occupied in serving is less than With the old method and they so arrange it that all at the same moment pledge, their faith hythe uplifted cup. An examination of all the equipment for the service was one of the "Hemting things of the visit to Harrison. The regular meeting of the Same“. Presbytery was held in Guthrie Church, Hmriston, on Tuesday at 10 O'clock. The resignation of Rey. Mr. Miller, of Holstein. was accepted to an etteet on August 12th. The lpulpit: to be declared ymnt on Aug. 8th by Rev D. L. Campbell, who is to act as interim mod- erator during the vacancy. The Pres- ty_ter.T,/,?pr,tytd “wit ”was!!! with Mr. Miller: in the state of his health, which has been one of the chief reagents for his resignation. and their high appreciation ot his services as a paator ind member of presbytery. A T,,'""."'?,', commission consisting of Rcv’s . Farquhu-son and T. MS t,Jelimy,r.l.t. unduleaars w. Young 9nd A meeting of the I'rertryteriat Y.' P. B. C. E. was held at the same lace on the afternoon and evening of tie same day. Mr. E. G. McDonald presiding. Rev. G'. Kendall was ciao-ens: pmident for the coming year and the place, tor the next Conv%ition thred at Cliftord. Jan. (B'row. elders. were 3:585:35}; Visit Cedarville and consider all dim- culties exuting. HOW TO BUILD UP YOUR TOWN. ANGLI CAN S. S. CONVENTION. SAUGEEN .PRESBy TERY. at Darlings‘ Drug Store. ------ .,‘__ -0- trro'. Any readers of this paper, can test the merits ot Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size NK per bottle. This is what Mrs. J, W. Hutchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say, "I cannot say too much for Dr. Pitch- er’s Backache Kidney Tablets. Be- fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the loins. I had not so much aching in my head asbetween my shoulders and in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dis- appeared. Formerly when I dld a washing I was utterly tired out, not having a bit of energy lett. This morning I did my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets, for I never had anything do me so much good." Letter upon letter pours in from every point in Canada testitying to the marvelous power of Dr. Pite,her's Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kid- may and bladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as find their origin in afaulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidenceputs ts power to cure these affiietiom, be- yond a doubt, and shows that the Tabletis the right thing in the right place. The Weak and Suffering are Liberated from Disease Frost & Weed Shcw Rooms BEYOND A DOUBT. Thousands Give Testimony. GREAM SEPARATUR John Livingstone, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW Farmers' will do well to see it before buying elsewhere, as it is the lightest running yet largest capacity and strongest and most durable machine made. A trial will convince anyone that we have the best at all points. TIE-IE MAGNET Bicycle Repairing ' Specialty ---Toronto is to be a city of arches to fittingly receive the Royalties in Octo- ber. The manufacturers are going to put up one coating $10,000. Now we are exuberantly loyal, but is not this a little too much ? --Prinee Hohenlohe, the eat-German Imperial Chancellor who succeeded Prince Bismark, is dead. OMee, over Grant’s store. Lower Town annals-ran. . souclron m SUPREMI counr. Aforage PUlLlc. con-ICCIONER. ETC. OFF] CE-M ef ntyre Block. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates ot Interest. Valuation mode by a competent and careful Valuator. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOATRY punuc corn-uncut, 4c. 0ttiee------L0WER TOWN. DURH‘M. Collections and Agency promptly attended to Willa, Deeds. Mortgages, Lenses, Agreements &e, carrectly prepared. Estates of deceased per- sons looked after and Executor's and Adminis- trators' Accounts prepared and fused Surrogate Court Business. Probate of Wil 3.110th ot Ad. minstmtion and Guardianship Obtained. smu- chm; made in Registly Dulce and Titles reported long)! to Loan at reasonaole rates an on terms to suit borrower. true, TELFORD, All Charge- Moderate MONEY TO LOAN G. LEFROY McCAUL. arristcr, Jfoear , Gon- veganccr, etc” 'ip,.?'.'.". E l DAVIDSON. Fire Insurance. be {(Over the Bank EmEmsmaagaamamsmmaammaflxsSE WAGGONS. We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you to see, " ducal in weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the ul>ir>l running Binder in the world. -.... Full line of I’IANOS. ORGANS, and SEWING MACHINES.----- We are well stocked with TURNIPSOWERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, d l LOTS OF MONEY to Loan " try. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses 3EEEEQEEEEEEEEEEEEEgggmsxxg ti ifi' a: @ 3tu,rdware. (ty :-E LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements; on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill then buy one and it will make you money. MISCELLANEOUS Another shipment of SCREEN DCORS. WINDO‘V SCREENS. LAP BUGS, LAP DUSTERS. HAY RAKES. HAY FORKS and PRESERVING KETTLES just to hand. EXTENSION . LADDERS READY-M12223 PAINT! The weekly supply of READY-MIXED PAINT is now in. Every person their own painter by using these PAINTS for either HOUSE, BUGGX . WAGUON or IMPLEMENTS. MlVES. FORKS ck SPOONS Don't forget that we carry the best assortment of KNIVES and FORKS that " to he found anywhere. In SILVER FORKS and SPOONS we can outclass all comers. We have a. few extension LADDERS in stock picking cherries. Our MACHINE OIL is superior to any other, being refined specially for our establishment. . MACE-3mg OIL: CHERRY Film -18 Every person should have one of our CHERRY PITTERS. early or the supply will be exhausted. ' SEC/11613338 If yott require BUG FINISH or PARIS GREEN, we have what is considered second to none. Jt MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. A biiiiiiijiiri'iijii"ij.i,i,i; A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, thcst were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop wher r you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. paaaaaaaaaeeeesceees At Special prices The prices make it 'itt:ett:e.s:sa:a:sara:s.ot' BOOTS. SHOES and. CEeTrCE3CEB:ETEae, Come and see us in our new store . McArthur, Durham Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and C 'trts to choose from. Goods bought six months ngu. Prices will surprise you. q BLACK. WM CALDER .. xxxxxx --;s it iteresting. ' very suitable tor tuil . M1 _ .,. if” [ill q.) 4 only 'do nl Glas Dam {mm Show as v Bros. WIN We ulvmy Toilet 5-bit Pique Ite- Bu 2t 1 Tut-h TWEJ GRUB MacF. Whit Whit Whit Tahh 5iRI MRil' Repairs ABE} ()f TIM ldit We c by 'd ouly ItU H I um" . has" a I"! I!) It HE SEI ctt Itil l , "ai DR "o sl

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