West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Jul 1901, p. 5

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Int} to see, reduced in itivelv the easiest humble for Iassey Harris mprovements Harris Drill, lfllllhllll, rcHINris.-----. HAY FORKS, et c MIRIAM: Licenses 853.3)? {ESE-SE " 'Rl-Zl-INs, Y FORKS few ll, 1901 ore. Box IV! DER _,y:'y,yy,',Fg'A It am FORKS S! aths nd Carts very ther lyS, these hop where !II '"'P l'll'll Ir 3nd wo, V. "ii'r,rl."iii'riiaiAf/iw,d,ir. , to'ioc. a yd. White and Cream Silk Gloves 450. a pr. White Tntrett Gloves. . . . . .... 25c. " White and Black Silk Vita. . . . 250. " Ladies' and Children’s under. vests fyotn. . . . . . ... . .. 5c. to 250. ea. Table Ltuen {A in. wide. . . . . .. 25c, a yd. Table Oil Cloth 45 in. wide... 25c. .. Buggy Dusters from . . . . 600. to $1.50 ea. 1” only. Glass Table Sells... . . .. 'mc.ea. 30 only, Glass Berry Bowls. . . . .. IN. en. Glass and nappies trom.. 30 to Cw. doz. l only, genuine Oil Painti rigs on canvas 22 by till in wsth 4 in. gold leaf frames only-.---- 81.i50e" hunt forget in when you, want , pair " Show as we carry a full line of Sterling Bros. 'selelvrated make of Shoes. We always have "full ot best Groceries. Toilet Snaps Sc." cake and up. W. H. BEAN Pique-s m White and Fancy.. 13c. a yd. Dress Gipgtyuns. just. the t.hyt, , Big4w TWEEDS iryARhls GROCERIES MacFarlane t Co. We ttt Metllig tl om Jillll AHEAD OF TIME W atone. I’l'. - q...----" - w heel. of up when. and you can I buy: depend on them. They no in good can mo we! are sold at muon- 3ble prices. a.---""- R opalring of Watches. Jewelry. 4 We can give you Bargains. matiquari'ers Is a lwoyI boner nun Iona mun. u. ltis otin but" to be on mm. Our watches H'- in harmony with an - - _ .._a_..... .nd Inn 3.]. GREEN AND ALL Insecticides . SCOTT. DRUGS; BOOKS, Stationery, SEEDS, liv., culners CHEAP I 1 SUMMER GOODS DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOES, ae., 6riest quality. JULY 11, 1901 Druggists tt Booksellers. PURE - MacFarlane. 7" Welly/r0 $100k warm.“ ts?_bt,t.t1P'f,.i.'.: . specialty. Pot (ltlilift Illgtl( jewelry. Aer., 1Jumu Robb lepurbed a culvert on loch siderouu. can 1-1-10 by A ty' Dnewanl. cost 84, aioo ppmm; pluck on Wumur'a mm“ cm 2 m moo u, u hum. can» ad, us. Aie1uvete---hiobt' - That [mu council suppuemeub u. gnu! at $5.: given " Anh- ur A“). w be expcuueu on but: “Mum“. annur uuu ngmout. Curried Mclmyw - MqFaddcu - That Uom‘r Robb mm we move be instructed to build u briugo " lot 12. con 16 as soon as poss- lble. tamed. Wulu---luclutyre--That the reeve cou- suit our Solicitor respecting the formation ut tin, new Union ticltool a: Conn. as we consider that. WH have been unfairly dealt With. carried. Alcifaotsu- " ulle,-l'Lat Unm’r Kabul» repun be uuUpLeu and vrtieta., gamma uuu no xecene 't.oo cum Iuets.--1.jutaaea. Walla - Hun-u -. 'l'uut the new and Court Atchauaueu bu luahructed Lu bum: a budge at. wt. 1 can ll) an won a: cou- Veuieub. tinned. Wtuhs-uuutnyus---1'hat the new and clerk meet. 1\ledbl'e Uuwuu and Leggu at. our boucnur'a 011.00 up bunumuy mm: mm. at. ld p m tur the purpose at ueczumg we only ol um comma“ to road allowance through can; mm ot lug in, can 2. walls-Mendota-in Com'r McIn- tyre have the road at lot 16, con 22 repair- ed. Carried. - Resolved that the following accls be paid ..--Ja, Robertson. gravel, M; It Bye do 53.70; W Comm. do 9370; Thus Wilson, rep. scraper " qta; W Irwin adv‘t Court of Revision 01.00; reeve distributing pathmasters' Rolls 2 days " ; Clerk, do " ; clerk’s quarter salary 935 ; do postage and stationery 6 months " ; John Roberts gravel rake and shat- pening rods 81.25. MeIntyre--Wtlts--Titat the followmg omen, he uruwu i--ii8ti tor ules, 1517.26 tor height; nuu iiue, tor unlouulug pun. oi them. carried. - McIntyte - Robb - That we now nd- iouru to meet again on Tuesday July 30th. Carried. Uous'r Mur'uuueu layout-0 grading 27 run tor Mi by It Mcnleeuu. tio rap when M ; also uneuumg Uleuulg Uouucnl on hummus. 1iobo--. Wath,c-'l'tsut loregumg rayon. be adopted uuu omens granted bud Goun- Lucr'uuueu recenye 61.60 com lean. Uur. Wtsihi---Mch'tuldeu--'l'iuu thnu'r Mun. tyre's repuxt. be adopted and orders gram.- ed and no receive " 50 com Iceb- (Jun-lea Lum’r Walls reported mp culvert lot. 4. Can tf by Alex Mennon- was 750. “so umwmg 135 It, culvert. mes mm: MI. Fur- eat. to ma place by frank " nun, 25 loud. coal. Ird.oo. Mclutyrtr--auch'audeu - Ihut Uom‘r Waits report be Mound sum amen: gram.- eu uuu he recent: lit com tttdo. Uurrwu. Gom'r McIntyre reported grading road. lot 26. con 2o, Di was at M on a rd uy duo McQueen " ; underbrusbmg and top row 10t 11, Con 20 by om. timail 62.70 ; rep road, tut '25, can 22 by Juo Campbeh 81.50 ; do. Wm Frook 500 ; do. l' Ruuci- Luau, 5ue ; do. W .J Wutsou 50c. total Fd.ou; rep culyert lot 26. cm: 22 by Jno Small Mc,. 1tobb--Wthlls--'l'uat the reeve's report be adopted and onions granted and he receive " com fees. Canned Tue reeve submitted the lollowing reports ".--rtri? coverxng and approach to nudge tuit “darned con 5 by D Ferguson, 04.50; rep culvert. lot ld. con 6 by Archie McPhee " tio; covering culvert lot 16. con 9-10 by 1) hunter. 83.00 ; tiuing hole wttlt stones Egremont a Proton townliue, con 12 by In: Roberts " Eg'w share 81.oo. he also reported on meeting all the parties interested m the watercourse at Walker's budge according to notituw tion, bat tailed to come to an agreement as to cost ti clearing watercourse. 1tobb-Wnlu-'rtmt G Freeman‘s aec't tor 1449 in. lumber for sidewalk» aura“ to 814.50; Cums. 25 on and Thou Orobud‘s work on uidowulku, I); d-ya, be paid. Cu. Com'r Wells and the clerk reported on the contract of gnyelling the street in Holstein. to approximate the value of delivering gravel by the yard. They n. mined the liberty of engaging two teams and three venous With three thovellete u- totul cost of 011 including the man amending, and 40 yde were put out. Four tendon were xeceived and the nwnd was given to Thee Kirby at 19 ch; 3 yard. Robb - McIntyre - That foregoing lepon he "opted and order granted tor 911. Cnriod. i Jake Kress yNraihun--htet- - Th-t Conn- Bobb moot Proton Com’r to mad on town. litre between eons 10-11 and hue it re- puted and thu Council grant the sum of 820 to supplemem grunt from Proton. Carried p'-""'""" Walu-armaun--/rut Com'r McIn- tyre In.“ Proton Com’r to road on town. Yet YI con and buys the me repaired. McIntyre - McFadden - That Com'r Walls be authorizodto rep. red at I of " etttt I. Carried. Cunnilmct Jt'me 25th. Minute. proved. t" . . l: ' ‘f “33.0“ WWCIL. r' I I ' ia'ii,itt',lifit,hia(fisrgti'i'ti' *' ',e. D. ALLAN, (Hark. , Mr Richardson. M P, we: in the hull. end at the request of the Warden addresl. ' ed the Council briefly. He said that he didn't feel yet so much at home in the larger house as he had in the County ' lCouneil and was glad to ace them again. ' Council went into committee and adop- ' (the report of the iintutee committee, 1 which recommended puyment of the fol- up? Among many dedieatury inscriptions on the buildings Is one to these races. as follows f "To the ancient. races of America, for whom the New World was the Old, that their love of Freedom and of Na- ture, their hardy courage, their mon- uments, arts, legends and strange songs may not perish from the earth." Another dedicatory panel reads t "To the explorers and pioneers who blazed the Westward path of Civiliz- ation, to the Soldiers and Sailors who frught for Freedom and for Peace and to the Civic Heroes who save a Price- less Heritage." The statements and sentiment in these and many others give room for com- ment but there is no room for carping when mottoes such as these greet you ' "A Free State exists only In the Virtue of the Crtizen", "Freedom is but the first lesson in Belt-government" and " The Brother hood of Man-The Federation of Nations-The Peace of the Woe W'. Lite sized models illustrating the life and habits of the native races of Amer- ion are very graphic and utlmctive' much more so we imagine that the real thing to be seen on the Midway after nightfall. In " “Pan"-Auierican show these, of course, deserve it prominent place, and they get it. and to the stu- dent of ethnology is an inviting field. You can hardly-believe you are in Buffalo. Council met on per adjournment. Accounts werti'reeeived as follows c- Ayton Advance, printing promotion ex- amination papers. 857.65; ll Watson, inspecting bridges 09.50; It J Doyle, inspecting bridges. 3.80 ', T Home“, in- specting bridges, 810.40; Jon Allen. attending special committee meeting at Hanoyer 04.70 ', communication from J no SAllen. chairman road and bridge com- mittee of the County of Dufferin. re pur- chasing devmtion on townline between Proton and Melancthon ; Andrew Schools, impacting bridges. 813. The late war experiences of our neigh- bors have given a military tinge to sev- eral of the buildings and areas. Great displays of field ordnance disappearing guns, shot, shell and torpedo tubes. &c., are in evidence, and very puny indeed beside the monsters look the captured artillery ft om the Philippines l among these IS a machine gun, deadly enough we doubt not, and a bamboo cannon bound with some kind of withes. Life sized models of the United States infan- try, cavalry, officers, &c dressed in the style of various periods from the Revol- ution to the present day are natural enough to he startling. A popular mil- itary femure also was the drilling of a company of United States soldiers on the broad plaza. a one-armed onicer while we were there putting them through. MeDonah1-shuto-Ctmt the applies. tion of the petxtioners linking to here lands removed from the corporation ot the town of Owen Sound and annexed to the township of Sydenham be grant- ed. and an arbitrator appointed by (In: Conner] to fix the terms by which the tirionere may withdraw, end that a r,TI: be prepared and passed to that "tset, Carried. i _ Continuing ttm' vetyimnihlinz notes ‘I'Ve made last trees, we would speak ttrat of the wonderful electric tower, said to be 409 feet high and is the chief feature and centre piece of the exposi- tion. It is an elegant structure. stand- in; square for over 200 feet and sur- C,",,",',',',',':.", by immense arched and col- umnar stories of classic beauty till the dome is reached. On a ball above this dome stands the goddess of light. a striking winged female ttttare and to be 28 feet high. Only the toes of the right foot rest on the ball, the bodyhes clean , forward. and the right hand In holding up a torch. The wonder to the novice is how the Boattng figure is secured so ttrmir in place with so small a point of contact. The tower is built of great ttt beams internally, and externelly is 1 a thing of beauty. Every circle. column hind all outlines from base to summit are covered with 40.000 incandescent lights, which are not lit till darkness is fairly on, and when at last the illumination bursts forth the thousands who have been waiting for it are constrained to greet it with applause, From a point an feet high an Immense search-light darts its rays into the night and is visi- ble we are told for tio miles. From a great round opening In the Tower. 40 ft up on the side of the court of the foun- tains a rush of water is continually gushing and falling in cascades in front of many vari-colored lights has a strik- ing effect. Numerous fountains play, and strips of electric lamps just below the surface of the water make a Sight not soon to be forgotten. Visitors should certainly stay one night to see the electrical display, and much of the stat nary, the Midway and other features have an enehaneed attractiveness at night. a” x ___,__A., _.-..- GOHNIY allllll,. THURSDAY EVENING. THE DURHAM REVIEW 229E An' 1 an; as' my lane, Nae frien' or fremit dauners in, lyot a' my folk are game. An' John-that was my ain gude man He sleeps che mools amang, An' Auld frail body like mysel' It's time that I should gang. The wm' moans roun' the auld house en' An' shakes the ac fir tree. An' as it sought; it wankens up Auld things fu' dear to me. If I could only greet, my heart It wadna' he sue sair t But tears are gene, an’ bairns are gane An' baith come back nae mair. An, Tum, WW' Tam, sue fu' o' fun. He fan' this warld a. fecht,, Au' sair. suit he was hadden doom Wi' mony a. Qil"t'lf wecht. He bore it a' until t e en, But when we laid him doon, The gray hairs there More their time, Ive're thick anumg the broom An' Jamie wi' the curly heid Sue huirly. big an’ brew. Was cut dam in the primed youth, The first mums them a'. If I had tears for thee auld een, Then could I greet fu' wee! To think o' Jamie lyin' deid Aneath the engine wheel. Wee Ratr--what can I any o' him ? He’s waur than deid to me; Nae word true him thee weary years, Has come across the sea. Could I but ken that he is weel, As here I sit this nicht. This warld wi' of its faucht an' (are Wed look a. wee thing licht. I sit More a half t tire, An' I am a' airline. Nae frien, he I to dunner in, For a' my fouk are gene. I wuss that He whit rules us 5’ Free where he dwells abune, Wad touch my cold grey heid. sn’ say "ro time to cuddle Mon." "Cuddle Doon" is one of the best known of Scottish poems. There are many who know it well who do not know that the author at that time was a railway tracknmn. Those who know it best will appreciate most truly its sequel. which was published, recently in a Scottish periodical and which we re- produce for Canadian renders. Alexan- det Anderson, the Kirkconnel surface- nmn, has won a high place among the poets of Scotland. Two volumes now before us contain real gems which the literary world has learned to prize. This new oem, 66 The Last of Cuddle Doon."tal;)es up the story of its fore- runner and touches with pathos the lives of the three hairnies. Jamie, Rab and Tam. Life has its tragedy for the old soul who is left alone "The Last to Cuddle Boon." I sit More a half-pot fire, An Invitation was received from the teachers and off1eitsls of the Msrkdale public school to visit the school any time on Friday. . Council adjouru'ed until following day M10 a m. WIS granted to North, South and Centre Grey Farmers‘ Institutes ; Accounts of G J Blynh and Mr Little for advertising bye election amounting to 613 were ordered to be paid, The different tsommimsiomsrn appointed at the January caution to examine the county hue bridges presented their reports. Alltur--Priugle-/Nao grant of $2oo each be made to North. South and East Grey Agricultural h'oeieties.--.Carritsd. The report of the Road and Bridge Committee WM presented and was tuiop- ted by the Council. Council went. into committee of the whole on by-laws 599 and Ooo. The former establishes the rules and proceed- ings governing the County Council pro- ceedings. and the latter is intended to tmnfirm a. by-law par-sod by the Council of the Township of Artemesia and dispos- ing of certain road allowances in that township. Both were pasred in committee. Councillor Watson introduced a motion to grant 9150 for certain improvements on the townline between the townships of Proton and West Luther, the County of Wellington having expressed their willing- ness to expend an rqnul amount. This motion created considerable discussion and was lost. several members objecting to establishing a precedent along this line. Preston-Allan-Nao grant of Moo be made to the Owen Sound General and Marme lwspital.-Curried. THE LAST T0 CUDDLE DOOR i57ii"j"i"iiit5 Airid5FlN ' TORONTO Trading at the Western Cattle Market to-day showed some improvement. The sums paid, while not entirely satisfactory to (hovers, were. on the whole. represent- ative of the Conditions prevailing in the cattle tlade at present ; cattle are cheaper now than they were two or three weeks ago. and the trade is beginning to see that stock must be purchased more cheaply in the country in order to " pan out " well here. . Export Cattle-The range of prices for choice stock was rather wide owing to the difference in the qu-lity. A few loads of stalHed cattle. which had but little grass. sold " MSO, while others sold down to 84.80. Medium cattle, including light weights. were steady at 84.40 to $4.75. Cows were very quiet at " to $4.40. Butchers’ Cattle-The demand was better and nearly all the cattle offered brought good prices. The range of quota. tions was not altered ; fine cattle sold at $4.40 to 54.60. For fancy stock a few cents more were psid in one or two in- stances. but these cattle were almost fat enough to use as exporters. Choice sold freely " $8.85 to M.40, end the supply at those figures were none too large. Cows, bulls end heifers were steady. Feeders and 8toelasrs--A load of med- ium weight teeden sold " $4.10 to $4.25, and n few smell lots nmong the liaht weights sold It 03.25 to $3.50. The merket wee inclined to dullness. however, and the ofhritW were not Inge enough to etimnlnte trade. Shockers were dull; the offerings were fully equal to the o. tntutd end place! were no higher. Milch oo-Good cows ere very eceroe and drown any that there no few In the ‘ country. They ere bully vented here and would sell " .50 or better. There; ere plenty of poor onel. end" they go; wander-mg around the yerdslooking for e; purchaser " my old price." according to) the stetement of one deeler. F Export Bulu-0furusg' were larger, and mute: was fairly active. Good) bulls were assist " $3.75 to 84.25, and‘ light. shock told at 63.50 to 03.75. _ ggafwsvsgusowwsawwabaewMwMuwefife 'thi""ie'ie'eeieiesieiesirseieirsieieiriririesiiVi/Tia" Wood........... Beef, per cwt......... Turkeys................... Chickens pe, pair..... Hides. per ttwt.......... Calfskins, per Ib........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard. perlb.............. Bran.. ..................... Shorts..................... Lumba..................... Dressed Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Batter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hay................ Potatoes. per bag....... Oats Wheat..................... Peas........................ Barley............... Flour......... ............. DURHAM MARKETS. and . m. above Aoarr, ”arid. Telephone No 8. Mit account: pert dam and to from will to prhroed in other land: for mstteertan, Having adopted the Cash S stem J beg to quote Flour] &e., at the undermentioned pnces, to my patrons and cash customers: Give us a trial and be convinced that our prices are right. Above prices are strictly cash. Goods deli- vered to all parts of the town. ta, Peopte 's 77/171: Live Stock Market Toronto. ?rRWN Pure Manitoba Flour per bbl. . . Strcng Bakers " " 140 325 80 12 25 l2 14 14 10 75 'iO an - to any Aoarr on Mo 12 10 00 7 25 6 " 14 " 10 M 18 90 40 62 " (llllilllllil BANK AA CANADA CAPITAL, CA PITA L, RESERVE w-- -.w, Ivy .. vvllnl. lb- U- I" V" on Gnrufrgtxa Road ounvvnwul. to on (inmfmxu Road convenient to nur. ham. This tifty acres is a snap at price asked. Lot T, con. 8, Normanby. the 'Fee' farm, belong to a company. and isofrer. ed at low figures, SAVINGS BAY.tt wheres!) allowed on savings hank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and awry facility afforded customer-u living at a distance. J KELLY, Agent. I have a large number of other prop- erties in town and country and will sell or trade. AGENTS in all principal points m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United States and England. W. F. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. REID, lanager. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at "Itrren' rates. Lot 18. com “a Bantinck. m :n- Louise P. o, In hands. of a Company. Fine place and must go to some mm. J. G HUTTON. M. D., C. M. 66 acres near Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings, Rood land. will sell cheap or trade. Lot 28, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck a splendid iT,',','.',)";), farm convenient, ta, Dulhnm. cry cheap. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING " well no other Pet'""' tgout... annuity atten- D. MoPHA/L.) MONEY TO LOAN .14 1-2 per cent and canteen-ding to security and urns. I" MI um: Ily Uliat In] H. H. Miller, The Hanover Conveyanccr He has a big list, of Property for tiale, including the following: Fortunes RESIDENCE and OFFICE-old Bunk up?” TOWNJH'RHAM. 35d .ll.it lot 1:99:11 E. G. tt, Glegelg DURHAM AGENCY. dad to. Member Coll... Plumb-m and Surgeon. ottt.eto. OFFICE HOURS '-" s. I. 2--4 pan. DENTISTRY. Telephone Connection No. 10 " cad Office, Toronto. '05 01mm. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. D. IcPHAlL. Hopeville P. 0 C. BAIAGE Durham. Authorized. . . . . . sauna» Paidup. ...e..... 1,000,000 FUND.,......... 01mm " IO

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