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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jul 1901, p. 6

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/tt r.- .1 " :- Theres an End. Wife tanitrilyy--r want you to un- derstand once for all that I Ihall can! my mind whenever I think " necessary. 'httrttetnu-Loh, that wlll be all right Ire will'only a?» whttt you real: Aaemrr-rt seems strange that you and Popleigh should be such good trternu, and yet neither his wife nor any of his relatives ever have a .003 word tor you. 'reiler--No They simply hate me. You see Poplelgh insists! on naming MI first born after mtv-Pulau-tii 'hfrrtr told her she was pt the deuee."-Phuadoiphi, Press, 'rpshCit'ifrntierGGustra, for htm to lose his temper. Did be any any Wis", "Longsute and his wife were part. ms at whlst the other night. She trumped his ace with the two spot 1n '_he cm pretty hot." "Martha, you are a Christian Sea 109 believer 't" 'O't course. Jonas." “Well, Martha, don't clean house --iut't all out In the yard, while I'm down town. turd tfre all the rooms tttr-tttt t!Tatment."-th!cago Re- oord-Herald. before 'serving-ost long enough to permit It to become chiltod.--tgntiie Joy White In the July Woman'g Home Companion. A fruit salad. crisp an! cold trom its lusting place! on the ice, will re- rrosn u ttred palate as nothing else wi.l on a hot day, uni it may be some] at luncheon or be used as the salad course at dinner. For a banana turn bun: a strip or the peel and carlvl'uJy scoop out the pulp with a Ismail spoon. it you (on get she short thisk variety Ol banana in either red or yellow-preferably the former- W'lt mil find it best for the purpose; brag failing in tuetrty--and they are dlf.icu.t to procure-you must mnke ttr, ordinary yel.ow Plantain banana serve the purpose. To nil the space lot: by the removal of the pulp-401- tho banana peels are to be the salad '1hrhet-preptire a mixture ot thinly dice! bananas, some truredded orange nml stoneJ cherries. and a few ker- no.3 ot English walnuts blanched and: broken into small places; all these lngrcllents must be mixed in a bowl with " generous supply of mayon- naise or boiled dressing after which the cases are filled with salad. laid on crisp lettuce lonv-s uni set on tlm lee until sewing time. This snlml shwuhl be prepare-l only a. short time Rich, red bland and strong nerves are tho keystone to health. Dr. Wil- llamv' Pt att Pill! an tho most willrly known and pvtiml of nrourHnos, be- cnum from first (hm to last they make new, life-ghing bin/Kl, and re- store weak and shattered nerves, bringing new hoalth and strength to hithurto dospondent sufferers. Do not tnkn any trubtetitutn-do not take anything that does not hear the full mun: .. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pam People," on the wrapper around th. box. 82H by all dealers or by mm port paid at 50 cunts a box, or six boxes tor 82 GO, by addressing the Dr. WIthH' Medlclne Cos, Brockville, Ont. told by himself. To a reporter the captain gave the following story: " Sacral years ago my heart began to bother me. At first [took little notice of it. but the trouble gradu- ally grew worse. until [had to Bum- nun mmiieal aid. I suffered much pain and at thine was attacked by .othering 3pm, which caused me great (unreal. Frequently these ”His attacked me during the night an! It was with difficulty that I mnaged to breathe at all. 1 con- sulted several doctors, but their momma fnl.ed to benefit me. I then trixl a. muuh mh’ortim-l remedy, but this also fuihd to help me. I had always been fond of smoking, but I was in such poor hoalth that a few puffs from n rig-n: Wnuld distress me so much that [had to glvu it up nl.. together. I grew Worm: day by day ami b Kan to think my and was near I and that 1woull dis from tho trou-‘ bl '. Sonya tlmva "gm Iwa.e advised to try Dr. vnurumy Pink Plils. After taking- ono box Inmi ved an improve- ment in my ennui m. and no I con- ttnu " Nil." um. Iiwpt on improv- lng till nmv fun as wvll and strong as In» was in my life before, and have not iron llewrM with the - sign of my toruru. malady for months. J um now ul-i~ to ('lljly a smolm as [new] to without fooling tin intuit diarrhea. All this I own to that greatest of all remwdivsz, Dr. William! Pink Pills." Keep Mlnard’a Linlment in the L..-- In the town of Lindsay and sur- rounding country no man is better known or more highiy respected than apt. George Grands". Forty-seven years ago he was owner and captain cl the first steamer that navigated the 80m. Since that time success has crowned his life both on land and water. For (arty-him years he was a member of the Lindsay Town Conn- cll. He is now 73 years of age, and aby- the best ot health, but it has mt always been thus. Sims years ago the exposure an] worry incident to his calling- began to tell upon " health, and his heart showed signs od weakness. His sufferings and com- plete restitution through the use ot! Dr. Williams? Pink Pills are best i Fruit Salad for Mot Weather. Us... Geo. Crude", of Lmdsay,Xelu Mow Mo Secured Rue-u Fro- an. Mont Dangerous lulu], _ (From the Watchman. Lindsay. Ont.) Brought on by Exposure and Worry. ot it: LctuGGr' “ling; There', an Whtrh She Wng. HEART TROUBLE A Sure Test. Ostraclu-d. WW5 playing The plant to which Willie direct. ed big mantra-'5 attnntl‘m was oer- talmy a wry cal-Mus one. It wa- M two Inche- above the mold: "rr ye please, air." he said, " ken ye’ve " rare knowledge o' plants o' every kind.” - _ ,.~ ”Hal. an: uucc more the first of April came round. Dur- ing the summer a scientific moiety had been started in tho village and many learned discussions had been huh in winch the minister. the school m-Istrr. Colonel Currie an! Farmer Brown had tak'rn a leading part. Early on this firat of April morning our frlpnd Wilila. a year oller. and more than a. year wiser. came to " meter with a grave and Import. ant air. Meeting some of his companions on the road he told them his adventures. when immediately their shouts of ‘Hunt the gowk," “Hunt the gawk." rang out upon the air, and Willie went back to Burnhcad. reached not to be so easily hoaxed next Mme. A year passad away. and once rum-n w, ‘v JV“ Haul-l “r-piease, my lord, baggin' yer lordship's Pardon, the meenialer sent me for a. book o' his ye've got a. len' o'. It's a hook cu'ed "Pile His- tory o' Atlatu's Grandfarther.'" The Colonel star-my oyel tho lack. ims messenger for n. little, then and. deniy seized him by the collar with one hand ant grasped a. riding whip which he curried with the other. "rou-oTu--,seoun,.rit You will play a trick on mp," he cried, wrath. tu.ly. INith one dextorous “wiggle Willie freed himself from the Colonel's grasp and wan tor his tire. Cmonel Currie was a retired In- dian officer, with a fierce temper, who it was said carried a couple of revolvers about with him Wher- ever he went. In his master's ser- sice, however, Willie knew. tco fear, and he cheerfully trotted up the hill to the Bungalow. The Colonel was walking aboutl in his grounds and saw him coming. “Hullou, you c'todhopper," he shouted. "What. do you wnnt?" "My ,oumrrrienu," he said, " just an up to 00.01101 Currie, at the Bungalow, and as]: him for. Hmf “There can be no doubt that the recent discoveries ot science have revolutionized the conclusions ot thoologr-- "It ye please, ttir".-..-. “Evomtion proves beyond all dispute that man has ascended from the lowest condi‘lons rather than that he has descended from astute of perfection. and"-.-..- "It ye please, sir." (Seeing Willie for the first time) --"Well, boy, what do you want f"' “Please. air, the 'scltulemaister sent me for a. book ye ha'e the len' o' belangin' to him." "Yea. What's the name of it P' “It's a book ca'ed-ca'ed The His- tory of Adam’s Grandraither.'" The mlnlster had been a boy him.. self at one mm and; some recollec- tion of a lat of April joke. in which the same mythical book had; figured, came across his mind, andl he, too, resolved to “send the gowkl another mile." "Aweel, my laddie, ye maun jist Rang in. It'll no' be my taut gin tho meenistcr snap.) the held affen yr." Fro Willie boldly knocked at the study door, bat got no answer. Thinking this meant that he was lo go in he opnnml the door and stoppml inside. The minister was reading in a loud voice trom a piece of Walter--- "Aweel, my lad Rang In. It'll no' the meanister sue yr." wuue mndo his Heat bow and hur- ried ort to the mam-L1. The Rev. Mr. Longtext was busy writing his next Sunday’s sermon, and had given the strictest orders that hp was not to be tlItrturtred on any account. "Ay, but I maun see him." said Willie. in answer to the maid ser- vant'e PXpustulations. "Maiater Broon tell't me no' to waste ony time." "A Book. Willie-very well.” "Ar; it's a book they eau-eh- (searching In his pockets and Produc- ing the plecp ot 1raperr--itu a. book they ca' -The History o' Adam's Grandfather} " .. The History of Adam'l Grand- father,' Willie t That’a curiouI. Why, don't you know that Adam was the first man; that ever lived, and never had a trramttattter t" Inat, but here it's tor ye In black an' white." The schoolmaster Md round the room as It leeklnm for. nnmn mumm- “Woel. Willie, my laddle, what can I do for you I'" inquired the 0011001- master, pleuantly. “If ye pleaae. sir, Maitrter Broon sent me ov;er for the len' o' I book ye halo." l “Here, While, mu, I want " to rin owren to Mr. Tune. the Daimle- mnieter, an' get a img' o' a. book use him. Here’s the name o't written on this bit o' paper, no that 319'” not forget it. Bin as quick as ya can, non. an! dinna. waste yer time." "A' rioht. air." said Whiie, and tak- ing the piece ot paper he econpered on in the direction ot the school- house. Before reaching his destination he stopped and studied tho paper, so that he might have, the message at his tingrer-euaa. "Weei. Willie, my Iaddie, what can I do for van-m “mun-.. AE., __. . One the morning In sprint Mr. Brown. the farmer of Bullhead, atu.. lied forth and lulled his hardboy, Willie Paxton, a smart and promitrimr youth, all 'raid.. l crow! n t I it ever lived, LiifGeGi. uther t" LI “filmy: ken aboot t for the first time) what do you want ?" the schulemaister book ye ha'e the Jen' ask him isi" Giii I walking about! in saw him coming. c'todhopper," he io you want?" lbrd, twggin' yer the meenistor W. and once more ie an] Farmer a. leading part. J April morning year ol let. and collar with riding; whip le other. You will iretetr-Ott, It'll m iieFnext winter. She'll worry herself thin over lthy that timtr.--Philadelphu Press. The great art of learning u to '.1e1ltryeand but little at a 'tatt..... What Worry Witt Do. 1Ihtettb-Poor Polly Stout! Her rich aunt has left her a handsome Deal- akin coat and she finds It's several sizes top small for her. Earl of Peterboro married, 1724. Anastasia Robinson, died 1755. Baron Gardner married, " f8, Jung, Fortescue. Baron Trutrlow man-led. 18'8, Mary Bolton, died 1tr3tb-London Sphere. Earl ot Orkney miEr'fe'd, 1892, Con- stance fPt.!y,0t: ot the Gpretr, mm of Harrington married, 1881 Merit ngtq, died 1867, Earl of Derby married, 1797, Eliza. Farren, died 1860. Earl of Essex married, 1838, Kitty Stephens, died 1882. Em or Crtive, married, isor, Loulae Brunton, died 1860. Marquis of Aileatnfr/ married, 18841 DqltTe!rter, still alive. Earl of Clincarty married, IBM, Bt_lle Burton, of "the MIPS.” Duke ot Cambrldgé married Mlle Fe tettroyher, died 1890. Marquis of Hmulfort. who married Miss Rosie Route, of the Gaiety, has many precedents, for the following peers have married actresses: - Duke ot Button mdrpairriiu, La.. vinia Fenton. died 1760. "Dey [my 'tis so many billions an' aqnilllons o' miles tum hyar to de sun. How dey know? Is anybody been our? Bow do: know it take a cannon- ball a mont' to go dar , Ken " can- non-ball carry a cookin’ stove an' victuals tor s‘port. a man on de way dnr 't Gawd. folks, is dat any argy- mint '?"-)eslie't: Monthly. Ask for Mlnard‘s and take no other. - -._.......-.vuu, vuul-yul In». vcl'lu 1. read, Mart I yaw ft ur angels standing on the four corners ot the earth.' Att' now, bredren an' sisters, we is livin' on n fo'-eorndered earth; an' et de earth In Rot fo' cornders, how in de fume n 1httttt ken it be roun' , “Ef‘de worl' is roun’ tut' turn over ev'y night, how we hol' rn ? Is we got claws on our. feet like pecker-woods 't "Breurcm, er de sun stood still once when 'twat, a-movin' an' den atahted to movin' ergin. hit is a-movin’ now I "Hey any de earth Is roun'. Dat nin' so. bredren ; it can' be so, tor de book o' Revelations, chapter vii., verse 1. “In de tenth chapter o' de book o' Joshwy, an' ' twelt, thirteenth an' to'teenth vex-5:8, dur is proof strong ernurr ter us all. De Lawd said, ‘Sun, stand thou stlll on Gideon, and thou moon in the valley of AJalon. and the sun stood Htiil and the moon stayed until the people avenged themselves upon their enemies. And there was no day Ilka that before it or alter It.' " The old preacher stopped there unld paused a long time. Finally, he an d ' r l Beginning with Geneais and going through to Iievelationn, he collected together all the verses that seemed to teach that the sun moved and that the earth was not a ball. Be felt absolutely certain that the Bible was true, and he could not see why anybody cotrd disagree with its plain teachings. "Bredren," he said, ' of de Bible say do sun rise an' set der it an rim tut' set! An' how ken it, rise, an' set et hit doa' move , The Famous Sermon of the Late Rev. John Jasper. One Sunday, about titteen or twenty years ago, alter a long series at his typical sermons, John Jasper arose In his pu.pit, looked significant- ly about him, and took his text trom tho book of Exodus, chapter xv., verse 'd : "The Lord is a man ot war; tbs Lord Is His name." Needless to say that lecture was never delivered, for at the next turn ot the spade the mouse came to the surface. Mr. Brown has not yet heard the last ot his great dls- covery, nor is he likely to do so for some tlme. As tor the mlnister he has given up science, and now preaches nothing but the most or- thodox discoartrca.--Peome's Journal. “This, my friends," went on the minister as he continued to ply the Spade, "is one ot the most wonder- ful plants known to the science ot botany. Now I will dig it up and give you a short lecture on its various parts." "I my. d'ye ken: What it is they're how%a"t Whisht. Plt tell ye. It’s a mooee-it'g a ueid moose. 1 buried it in the ground wi' its tail stick- Wyn" While this address was being de. livered Willie went to the outside of the circle of onlookers and whil- pered-- "My friends we are engaged in the pursuit of knowledge. Wisdom, saith the wise man» is the princi- pal thing. therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting get under- standing. We are studying the won- derful works or Nature, my trienda." When this implement had been brought the minister carefully re- moved his coat and began digging a. trench round the new discovery. The unwanted eight of their minister so engaged brought a. crowd ot his parishioners to the spot. and, see- ing: so large a gathering ot Ma flock, the reverend gentleman thought to improve the occasion by remark- "Tut tut," laid the minister, “it's nothing else than Obtmirlorus con- glomeratua. It spreads it root! tar around, and must be lifted with trte.a.t cathBtutme a spadetWiilie." "Rubbish!" cried the Colonel, "I can you it’s opltiotrlotrsuo Immuni- cunr. Any tool could see that at a glance." "Thu," said the schoolmaster, turn-inc over the leaves of his book. “911.13.; Mropitulqrie magroinetuta." Willie joyfully med upon hie er- rand, and noon he and the minister and the nebula unite:- and the In- dian veteran were hurrying to the epot where the wonderful (ll-cov- er: had been made. The Jehoolmae- ter carried under one arm a micro- lcope and under the other an im- menee volume ot botanical science. The strange plant was examined with great care by then learned gentlemen. who at length pro- nounced it to be both rare and wonderful. ‘oers Who Married Actresses. It. color m duh brown and It Ind no haven. “This in a. discovery indeed." cried the farmer in much excitement. "Bin. Willie, rin an' being the minister. and the mildew-tee. an' Colonel Currie. Bin u quick l" ye only." ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO SUN-DO-MOVE SERMON. was Lawyer-rt In reported that you have frequently expressed yourself as opposeJ to capital punishment. Deacon High-on! (drawn for Jury dtrtyr-a won't have no acruplea in that man's can. He cheated me on . bu trade can m-drew York Wuh- “ammo-£3}; 11:. ll than I ='lt.'.h'l 'gete..etty.e the m ,fi,_ ____ -._... u any, cub amen." After which he gave them the loi- lowing certlflznte: "rt was in dark and rainy weather I Join'd this man. and maid together. None but that God who rule- the thunder l ' Can [ant pu Rogue and Scold unn- er.’ many, concludes in the following whimsical manner : "O hora God Thuu that 1torurtttutrd matrimony UI Cana ot Galllee, made it a holy order; let us Thy let-wants constitute " on earth; and an the parties have agreed. I pronounce them Pet? _wlle, etc. Amen." A queer Marriage Couitietue. The papers are publishing events that occurred 50 years ago. The fol- lowing ls taken from an almanac of 1817, called "The New England Al- manac," compiled by Anson Allen, and pubaned and sold by Judd, Loomis & Co., of Hartford. Conn. A country justice, after Joining a couple in the holy bonds of matri- mony, concludes in the following whimsical manner: I believe MINARD’S LINIMENT will cure every case of Diphtheria. MM. REUBEN BAKER. Riverdale. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will produce growth of hair. MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON. Stanley. P. R. I. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the beat household remedy on earth. MA'I‘THIAS FOLEY. Oil City, Ont. IEiiitffiliii'iiiG%'liGll "f f.' " ‘He was taken to a. polka station, and was severely lectured by the Magistrate. Then he returned to the edits» and was prompttr dismissed tor lnoompetéiée. Thereupon the" lhnatic Rave 'rt11 ot tenor and confessed. l An enterprising reporter . for a New ion: paper posed recently as .a. lunatic in order to gain aumit. tunce to Bellevue Hospital tor the purpose ot obtaining {acts for a sensational "exposure." ' He started by rushing into the corridor of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, howling like a. dervish. He was prompoly arrested and clubbed by a policeman. Then he was taken to Bellevue, Where the alert medical man lost no time in tlitrcovoring the sham. This is what he. dii to the al. leged lunatic. Gave him a powerful emetic. Put him on a milk diet. Administmad ie void trltowerbatirz. Gave him injections of morphine. Would not let him sleep. Gave him stomach-pump treatment. Vaccinated him. Gave him an electric bath. . Pulled out two teeth. . Told him he had a cancer on his brain and that his head there would have to be cut open. ed. Two dollars spent. for Dodd's Kidney Pills wlll do more thtutmil- lions spent otherwise, for who holds anything In the world more dear than health, or would spare any means to save it?" I could not see by Iampliglrt. Hav- Ing taken only two boxes ot Dodd's Kidney Pills. I am perfectly cured. My eyesight is clear. I advise all those whose health is not good, from whatever cause. to try Dodd'u Kidney Pills. Nine! timetr out of ten tlyT will be exactly what is want- but each made me worse. I had n constant min in the back and limbtr._At night I cnuldn't rest and Here Is MY. M. Pierre's letter: "I am happy to-dw to see my health entirely re-eatubllshed by Dodd's Kliney Pill}. I owe ftlm't won- derful remédy a thousand thanks. Before usmg Dodd's Kidney l’llls I had consulted many physicians and faken medicines of various kinds. small ot the hack. That the eye- sight of Thomas m. Pierre was restored [a but another argument thwt Dodd’s Kidney Pills make the teod absolutely pure. Pie. Dodd'l Kidney "mi, -ilid just no infallible as where the poison at- tact, the Joint of the urn or the Them is no attempt made to us- sert Dodd's Kidney Pills are a cure for blindness. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the greatest kidney mediclne ever known. That: is the claim made for Dodd’s Kidney Pills. and there ls evidence enough to prove that claim. But in cases where Kidney Disease has left poisons in the blood, and the said poisons attack- lng tPr.. weakest spot. injure the ed by Dodd'a Kldnerf‘Pllls: whiléliis umthegpoht o! 'rirniltvrtV., A similar case has turned up In the village ot St. Epi, Que. Though this sufferer was not stone blind. his eyes, nevertheless, were utter- ly useless to, Mm by lamp taut. And 1lyT have been compiegely restor- Queer Adventure of a Reporter the neat criminal lawyer, regain- ed his lighb after having tor years been total: blind. His case was wbliahed throughout the length and breadth of America. and It at- traeted more attention to Dodd's Kidney Pills than any medicine ever got before. For, it was Dodd's Kid- ney If“? that restored his sight. neut- Elurel Be-eeubllehed " Dodd’e may", Pttm--Aaotttir Mel-pl tor an Wonderful Ben- qdr-HU Eyesight Man Been Strengthened. m. Ept. Qua. June 24.-Wpecia0-- om, your ago a Ink-mole was an- npunoed In mittatro. R. A. Wade, Ronni Gaul-cl Indebtedness to Dodd's Kidney Pills Acknowledged by Thomas St. Pierre. “WES MI EYESIGHI' Irll l MIRACLE No Scruple. In That One. 69%,,“ br, 53 Cete-ar. Bo-ogggbllojlovl‘ _ by 33M” '. rcu" E: " constitutrd Galilee, made Thy tenants . and as the I pronounce '2}; in. York iraai7, ht: Fott - " I “a. was: if“; and [all "llto'l,uel1'uea',lh'2,'tigt,ys, "Rocks is taking the Iron stone business to learn the hike. Just sought} new one." lave! wun new because he deserted her. He was led int'o the court- room, and being questioned by the Judge, said: "All happiness for me is forever gone. All is night." The girl suddenly cried out: "For- give' me and. I wil devote my lifes to Fou." He repled, “BI-lug luck my sight and then i will forgive you." To her repeated appeall he rep led: "No, I cannot depend upon you." The girl was untamed to the years. The sentence I: algnlfl cant as coming lmmediateiz utter M. sauvajol's speech. lunar-(1's Linlmeué Friend. There was a pathetlc case ot vlt- riot throwing in a Paris court Per- Gently. A gm had blinded her lover with acid because he deserted her. “eff“? led int'o the mart- SOZOIIOIT Tooth Powder - 7-.-...w “PM... No obj ctirm wlll tr, made to of automobiles on Sunday and worshippn-s attend sent-cs al tnkelong' rides in the counlr action will not be made the ot any pastoral remomrtranw, Herald. - _,___. - “.J u van: \leli‘UH. Th ' ct that come: 1m to twratti ttt century progress and comfort will be a room in the Mwmnnt, whore un- tomobilPs may tr, storori during ser- vices. Mrs. Stats”: numbers "mum; her dlsclphs many persons: of wealth, and tar tlwlr trutetit this innovutlon has been determined upon. \Y.. -c1 _a. r .-. - A twentieth century edition indeed will be the First Church of Christ Scientist. now being orrcted under the dlmctlon of Mrs. Eddy's chi"! disciple, Mrs. Augusta E Shawn. a few blocki above the Hotel Mnj‘stle, in Central Park Wart. I: is to ba " palace of granite, to cost in the neighborhood of 8600000, and L) to have musing columns in front sumrorting a huge dome and Inscriptions telling that It is Mrs._E‘jdy's own church. -- --"_-_ w- V.-- "' .... .uw- idays, Thursdays and Saturdays from Hume let to June 15th. inclusive. and from June 17th daily, except Sunday. Steamer Toronto and the new steam- pr Kingston will make the service on this line. They are the finest boats In fresh water. After leaving Toron. to the first port is Rmhostor. King- ston. Thousand Islands. and the pa. pids of the St. Lawrence to Mont. real. Between Montreal, Quebec. Mar. ray Bay. Tadousac. and the Same- nay River, and it is tho finest trip on the continent. The boata on this line cannot be surpassed. The Manor Richelieu Hotel at Murray Bay and the Tedousnc Hotel at Tadousacare the finest summer resorts in Canada. Both of these hotels are owned and operated by this company. For tur. ther information as to tickets. fold. ers. etc.. apply to H. Foster. Chaireep Western Passenger Agent. Riche-‘ lieu & Ontario Navigation Company” No. 2 King street east. Toronto,' Ont. nu. a lung sweet out. Toronto,' Oit. MLnnrd'l Liniment in and by Phy- “cunt. eta The TorontoMontreal Line steam- grs leave ijronto at 11.30 p: m. Tues. No finer trip can be tuten than the water route down the St. Lawrence, passing through the Bay of Quinte. Thousand Islands, and running the rnplds of the St. Lawrence River to Montreal. The HarituanaEtmtrBat Line steamers leave Hamilton at 1 p. m. and Toronto at T p. m. Tues. days and Thursdays. After June 5th. the boats will make three trips per week, the additional boat on Satur- day. We otter very low rates on this line for both single and return tick. shoe. I wanted women friends. but any advance I made In that direc- tion was declared to be Iimply an- other sly trick. It was so clever of me to pretend that I did not care for men. My husband's relatives came and advised me. cautioned me, criticised me. They had heard so and so. and they feared I had not been prudent. Finally I made up my mind to pay not a bit of attention to comment. Since then I have lived my life as I please, considering no- thing but my own inclination and conscience. and now I get along fairly well. Ot course, I am utter- ly misunderstood-wilfully by most of the women. But I am no warn: ott now than I was when trying vainly to please people. I only wish I could write what I think on this subject. It should be presented to the public --retum, of it." R? Whl NIAGARA To THE SEA. Automobile. In Church "1 ox myln In: ring "i'touy-Gl'ld'a2'c 'Wet ‘onld Not Forgive. hr You; Widows. mar-arm.) n M to tickets. told. to H. Foster. Chnffee. lager Agent. Riche- NavttratfiAt Company. (1y. 'tut? to the asp W. and should has and then eourttry their l? the subject Lutttbemnaen, iii I his r. He's -- -- an...” . ml 8 mp should an be not! for t.ilii1'lll;TdWgl'p. lemon . the (3th. mm the nuns. cur-1 wt an" ir thh _ 1'idr' for Dina-h... n u I“. may Foe, mm. gun-mm: b! - -‘_._.--, .yv. Lune lack: an tinny aha" canned b“ ll ruins ork ldnoy thou Me. Brown’s [hops wt waif cure you. " uple bottle and donor pun clrou " com. fort an“ to p" new“ and Ma... Ai"umuiiiioairdlkli'iTl'apl of price. - BROWN'S DROPS. I750 The Old Scotch Remedy IOOI HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. Authorized Capital - 01,500,000 The pot1eies of this company en- brace every good feature ot Lite Itt- nuance contracts. and guarantee the blatant ttenetlte In regard to loans can "rrernderra, and extended _ moo. Good agent. wanted in thin district. Hon. J no. Dryden, Ooo. B. Woods, President. General Manager. I}. VIII-gov. The Continental Life Insurance Company "I don't care a) much what you would have made then," wenrily " cared the younz lady, "but you In (ht lee what Ir'n l of a good M mt PP 09. make right now."-Baltimore American. “Don't you think tlua,t ir I had lived In the daroot old I Whu d th' I) "he n good knight t" asked the young man who and been talking; aucieut hirtots [you tt to It p. m.' PAN, P‘ v . , , {SEAL ) A. VA . GLEArioN. v Notary Public. HAW! (hum: Cure in taken internally And not: “not” on the Mood and mumns hurt“ at the am Send for tmstimottinls, frrc. P. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo. " m by Drunken. tse. Hotel Columbia Sworn to helm no iGiiiurd.i.i'dri plagues. this 6th (by of December. A. " Wuhan-y dictum of ONE Bl‘hhluih Dou LA for etch mud every uu-e or 1'hrARttre that ttttttot be cured by the use of HALI'I Cums! Cum; a ' L " FRANK J.ful.NEY. 81A": or Onto. Cm or TOLEDO } .F Luca Come". " . Fun J. CHENEY makes out; that he is m. unto:- putnerofthe arm ot F. J. ('mcutv & Co.. can; bushes: in the Cit of 'l‘olndo. County“ that. “mid. and 'da', w u! tirm ’91.”, melanin lrf ONE Bl‘hhrluih Dob The treat-out pent-tn in ttte a; nicotine of two canton, whi h are called- No. 1 and No. L SOLUTION NO. 1. Iodide ot pom-h. ISO grains. Iodine. 6 trains. Glycerin, a drama. Bone voter. 4 ounces. Dhaka the Iodide of potash In . anal! quantity of the rose water. add one drum of the gluon-3|». Aidan-n the iodine in a glass mortar with thin mixture, rub it down, gradually adding more liluid, until a complt‘te oolutlon in obtained. Then stir in the fremnlnder of the ingredients thor.. ( oghly and bottle the mixture. SOLUTION NO. 2. nmsn'phlte of soda, 240 grains. hose water, 1 pint. Dinolve and filter. Put into " hot- tle and cork. Tain- a on ttM I s-hrdr p n- cll or a tit of fine sponge an i “ML-v a little of solution No. 1 to thrs brown spot until a, uniform brownmh Jrllow color has been p o fuccd Let th .0 tt- tion dry and remain on the ban I for fifteen or twenty minutes. Then moleten a bit of nbsurlwnt cotton with Solution. No. 2, and lay it over the affected spot. remming and tak- Ing a. fresh Bit, dippinz it in the ll mid and applying it again. and re- penting this part of the [Inn-NH un- til the iodine ntnln has dirinpponrrsd. The treatment should br, ri'uted three times a. day. The dark an {a disappear in the couran of from three to tour day- In a fortnight. in lividu- ally canoe differ very muz-h. Anon-m on Sand for booklet. “41... Old lip-uni; 'l=eisaseaiitseaziiii'aezao-rsiearAll Will you kindly tell me what wil PB- no" moth patella- on the back of the Mad. wnlcn l have had tor acme tune, and they seem to grow worm: and wane t Br no doing, at you.- any- Ila-t oonvenlence, you wlll granny oblige _ Ida c. The use procu- which is b iag now much .41de tor the remmal of "soil“ will take the brown pat, he. ort the [not ot your hand, it you lov low up Pt trestmen‘t Ptrtsutraur. rfi'j1ti'T,'1Cft11""'"r-' ii Mrs. Symes’ "ii ,5 Beauty Hints. g, and "n'tgetelther. Pitytospak Mitt Scott's End-ion of cod-live oil In almost min itself! m Adm ta . 't'rh'lle'lttWtatg,,ten a hsmdmdte-Urhrifrmorenotone. Judwhntdoyxmthink they want? ISSUE NO 28 1901. AMERICAN VISITORS All the, Sum- to Her“ ”any n ', ”and Mo. L 380W): 1hpprater. BUGiTiG, in wmlngtow ' - of Bcrig in“. me in! In tt A , -tsttntr th no. "ie tie it the wind a: will was “I; or them We. 'Tl a - dr, “I“ may m] a. birds may .3 well as tht “given up " - Into tho, unit " will (to morrow 1 m direct“ man me an. "He “I not sum " much 1 mic times ”annoy, a may; stop w We I." wan: Md. but ha our endeavor atom for Fox I- n mod ml and he In am and he I: am to nylums. l mlntlona. I communities muted w - like nu aural in hir l. at-er vi hr thin or the churlub the Interim: doe. It: 1w! an for relie - trom t would hu-e - count! Met. but th the cut or agtatre the tit Muted m the wind sh There com Ill- The window and and then (“I nth. Inna .. a handful can the dri doorway 'tr; no putter l in! Icrmonl much. and ”yer while - sermon 1 “lb pmmu Owed. bu httt that he - not rel “We thel the destiny l Would lo ; , Question xx! , he: hon. '. ml) by ih : “red the t: Dummy; m. Mtttrch, Ito', it A good, sin-2' Waring “01: Kingdom 0" ”ole fann') - becamv ”Ch-Ills ot " profusion Molds. , M II . l Mumhn terse}: ' Better t (union “mm. C mun in l mu appetite Marne u mid have m. The “on: the aeeomplirtted C church ol up“ serm< -opte. But - properly Mk witl My day There Wit dot-my Fur “making 1 “temporisw mother " h human min mated to I it would ha “I. and ten would have. (an-hum; elc lax-ted a n III the he: “on can: - after r, ”ed the Hm. He W and and Ut 'ny and m It been Could have ”ring. B1 “army diret ml gospel tad acted I Dhaka. He out of the? I Old lame da whole awry Vivid Illustra m "He t “II not now Do Mink uricult wtthotr . tone ext! who ttittcoT ;,rea do Pl of

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