West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Jul 1901, p. 8

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in / [I Imam. Our roads hare been well improved by stature labor. Mr Mellow: who formerly lived in Egre- mont but nowol Proton, went into E -' moat last week and took for i'li'l'dlril wife being I Miss Planar dough!" of Mr. I Pee. Plaster, of New Engine. Com-cu- l On the 26th of June the corner stone of the new church " Hopevillo wu laid by the Rev. Mr. Kenning in the prune. of tt large crowd of mph. During the name any qnm I number went to Dina-1k to “tend the luv-suit of Ball V. Poznan “a is now tknatir "ttled. m, uniUmtand Dom. other little dir mtg: we settled " homo and all in quiet bt A rrived too late for last week THE BIO STORE Deal with the happy crowd at took in 8000 lbs. butter in Bring yours in next week. supply them free. 4 pkgs. Corn Starch for . . . . . . . . 25 cts. 2 Cans Salmon.. .. .. .. .. .. ..25 cts. 6 Bars Comfort Soap for . . . . . . . . 25 cts. Bells Moth Bags perfectly safe, the only proper thing to put away furs in for summer. 200 Stone Milk Crocks bought to sell at IOC. We clear them at. . . . . . . . " - -- - ers _ese,,,T, the first 60 prs. in one week Men's Heavy Cotton Shirts, reg 5oc. at. . 25c- ea- Men's Extra Heavy Denim overalls, Double Knees, Double Seat, specially made at. . . " . . . . s I tt pr. We have just. completed a very heavy purchase of summer goods and offer the following bargains as long as they last: Extra Wide White Cotton. . . . . . . . . . . .5c_ 3 yd. ExtraWide Netting.................6 " Just the thing to keep the flies of your horses. 3 prs. Men's Sykt--cr--tttc,, Women's Black Cotton Hose. . . . . . . . 90. a pry Women's Summer Vests. . . . . . . . . . . .6c, each 60 prs. Women's Summer Corsets. . . . 26c.. 3 pr, This is the second order for these Corsets. We sold The shades that will prove protective and will protect the face of the wearer. We have them in plain and in spots and the prices are fixed below average as we bought heavily. Which we are selling our Summer Goods. Every lady in the land knows now she can get nearly every- thing she requires at The Big Store. We are sole Durham agents for the celebrated "Ascot" Kid Gloves. Every" pair is guaranteed. Full stock of sizes and shades. Our 15c. Black Taffeta Gloves are sold regularly at 20c. J. A. Hunter. 'r, MACHINE o1L 'iidak iifiiEiiir. ,:"utosrern" the best make the country can produce Hopevllle. Delicate Miscellaneous Do your chopping early. before 10 o’clock on the 12th if poe.ibteaatheretouttse abigymodmre. CURRANTS G cts a POUND, J. A. HUNTER. Unusually Low is the Price at Veilings march. 15th eon. Proton, by Elder Jun“ McLean. Mr Thomas Campbell to Miss Ida Wilson. The church was well filled After the ceremony the wedding party Last week a the lat church. Ilihtt can}. Ptotop, Mr and Mrs John MoArthnr. of Pm ville, hue been in our village visiti: trio-ul- In Geo McLouh. oungeliot. in hut. in place of Rev Mr Kenning who its", on a miniouury tour. _Stmok our town. Lima- r.o,,.-a, Miss Proctor, of Toronto i friends here. Returned home from Tom Sarenin Scarlett. From Link Mr H. Allan and daughter and compmiod back by Mrs D I and family. The Big Store. We the last three weeks. Pack it in a box, we (This town, Lioonu We ek’s Budget.) List . . 5c. each. Pye..yarpat Little curGiT, 1otont, Miss McKechnie is Visiting Inspector g) Mr and Mn Wm Mchmon L., no away attending the funeral of their sister Mr and Mrs Wm. Clark called Allan family one dny lately. Miss Tacy Gordon In: visising ulster: Mrs It. J. Eden's this wool: te J. Moreland MattheWS, well known here, has crossed the divide between btushelordom and benedictbood. The happy bride was Miss Plaster and we hope their lives may eyer be cemented by love and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lawrence visited friends in Glonelg the beginning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Henry drove out to Irerntsy to hear Rev. Mr. Sharp‘s fare- well sotmon a week ago Sunday last. John J. Henry. Hepwortb, was "siting his mother for a. few days. A stranger of the boy persua " " John Lawrence, jr's. on June 27. Congruttlatioias. The violent storm last Friday brought some welcome rain. but the wind worked mischief ttr1rttoting Peter Reid's barn, which was also struck by lightning, a. cow of John Whitmom's was killed in the bush and fruit trees suffered. One of Willy Brown's smaller buildings was sent careeniug over the fields, and windows in the school house were broken by the hail which was of unusual size. Quite a. number from here took Guelph excurslon and liked tk mu conslaered necessary for some disease. Jack \Vxlson lost a. good home about two weeks ago, and himself last week got thrown from another horse and had his wrist broken. Misfortunes never come singly. - Henry Tuckers's little girl went to Tor.. onto Hospital a few weeks ago. and has suffered the loss of her arm in an operat- ion considered necessary for some disease. Walter Ferguson is getting things ready for a new house this summer. The C. M. B. A. picnic held in Ayton on the 27th, was a. decided euccese. although the crowd was not as large as the grounds would accommodate. The day was un- comfortably warm and was in a measure responsible for some staying at home Mr. Pat Morrup new barn is now ready for his hay. Just one week elapsed from the date of raising unml it wag boarded in shingled and ready for use. Our beef ring has again com (partitions for the season, and the _ every patron of same, was light went for his first week's allowance of our farmers who were loath to, nag at fimt could not be induced out. Tho sound of the mower is not the most musical sound to be hesrd in this district. Above the tell grass which tnttffU, the mowers sound can be heard at intervals. which are always growing short- " the sound of wedding bells, and as they reverberste through the waving meadows, and the tall trees. a sound echoes back, which carries joy and glsdness to every listener. We selected a site. to listen one morning very early and quite distinctly detected the names of "tone and lynch" blended with these sounds. Once more the sound of the mower. in the mesdow fell upon the our of the passer- by, and reminds him that the tall timothy and the blooming clover, are doomed mom to fall before the swiftly monng knife of the latest improved mow- ing machine. The pioneer looks on in satisfaction and recalls to mind, the any the hay came down when he came to the bush. Then the "Arm-Strong" mower was the only one use, and the Sound of ‘to-whet" to-whet". on the grassy blade, was the only one to be heard in the meadow, but in the 20th century it in different. and who shall say how they'll cut their hay,ere the 20th one shell pass away. Quite . few of our citizens departed in different directions by rail otherwise. for different points to celebrate Dominion day. 1 drove to Mr. Hugh Wileen'l. “that ot the bride. when I plenum tune we. spent. Mr and Mrs Campbell have settled down on their farm near Swinton Park. Mr Peter Themes in engaged this week with Me Barry Alexander of Welbeck. Fred Lunacy he engaged Mr Sun Me- Cncken for the heymg Ind harvest. Thou. Morton and Wm. Scarf no on!) to nine 1 new born this week. Mr. Mort. on in both use: being tho Inner. Miss Clan McDomld leave: this week toe town. Her smiling {no ml! be missed in our burg. Mr Donn! McDonlld. Aberdeen. left Monday for Ceylon. when he Ins “and omploymont with Mr. Collinson. The tutor part of uit week we had . good min tint fro-honed up the crop. An accident at Sngemnn'e gravel pit 10th con. Proton, while the men were do. ing the statute labor, the urge grove! pit being high. I slide out» down catching Mr William McDonald tut. It took so minutes to dig him loose. m wee considerably brttiaedinbout the legs. but is not dangerously hurt. Our sick people we mentioned before are all improving excepting Mire How. daughter of Albert How. who, we ere sorry to my in very poorly. Henry’s Corner. Intended for last week Intended for last week. Varney. RURAL PLAIN. Aberdeen. Cl_uk tra11od on the boy persuasion arriv. has again commenced season, and the heart of snags, gas light, as he ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO were Jeth 1oioid i.trti, “Wing at home TRUTH SEEKER. THE DURHAM induced io Ja, Thursday at her . Some in the ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons. Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Oumpbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil mus Sewing Machines and supplies. . G. M " I H "OH . South of Middaugh House {everything for Farmers I . . -'-.qt. . . "a“ Wilkingon _P1oughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, iklepltitetr, Etc. Not genuine unless the words Bt WILKINSON Pumarr CoprNv"is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. CULT/VA TING. Coulter d; Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and left Har- rows, ikuffiera, Etc. A so Scotch Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : a barrister. Durham. "tfill" lSXiill&lillXlFiQgggggtggghlf A New Map It It man canies a. colored umbrella, you know he is married and the um- brella belongs to his wife. tir. pt. 2nd to jr. 2nd-Neihe McGilli- vray. Elias Edge, Flank Collinson. Jr. pt. 2nd to sr. pt. 2nd-c-Viu McKech- nie. Rillie Dunsmoor, Smith Ewen. MAY L. McCLOCKle, teacher. Report of Promotion Exams. for S. S No. 2. Bentinck and Gleneig. Jr. 4th to sr. tth-Annie McGillivray. Slam-(1 to jr. tth-Alfred McKech'EiE. 2nd class examinations were held at Easter. I tir. pt. 2nd to jr. 2nd-Neihe McGilli- vray. Elias Edge, Flank Coliinson. J Jr. pt. 2nd to Sr. tth, 22nd-_\m.. Mnl'lnnl- Pfl At very considerable ex- Ill pause. the undersigned has prepared and had Litho.. if graphed a complete map of ii the County of Grey, showing H Towns, Villages, Churches, 3 Rural Schools, Rivers and X Streams, &e. The map is in size about 5 by 6 feet, is well Ill Lithographed, and shows the E ISI Townships in distinctive eol- W .._ ors. A Mr. Jos. Maxwell visited in the Park one Sunday lately. Wedding bells are ringing. Ill, of the COUNTY of GREY Mr. Robt. Ferris visited in the Park Sunday. Mr. Wm. Frock attended the horse racing at Jl'lasherton, on the lst and came in 2nd in the farmers' trot with his tine driver. W. says it pays to have a fast horse. (h32illlglMieggiggeggiigig iii JUST OUT! l, says. Lite Insurance agents were around last week, trying to get John E. Ferg- uson to insure his lite, bat Jack thinks his life is in enough danger now with- oat gettmg it insured. Road work is the order of the day in our burg. Mr. A. Ferguson makes an A. 1., pathmaster, so Chas. Moore Mr. Peter McDongall accompanied by his sister Mary L, visited the " Cormack ta‘mily one evening last week. Mr. George W. Graham, teacher 0 Booth.ville, visited at Mr. D. Fei‘gu son’s one evening last week. If a. - ‘7--- - - "-1 Pull. Councillor G. Wright was letting mad jobs in this neighborhood last week. W. Stewart and J. Ferris were the main contractors Mr. Will Metamuck accompanied by one of the fair sex took in the trig to the Model Farm, last week an reports a good time. Misses Sadie (andzMary E. Ferguson, visited their sister Mrs. Colin McLean on Sunday. Well Mr. Ed there has been no news appenring limbo newsy columns of the Review from MI le Park of late, so we thought we 'dflllll let the people know that we are still on the we: path. 'N-ri, " - _ ' was phyod 'GiaiiiTiirUi'i'i,', my. which We hour "nun-d in ing in favour ot Yancy. Mr C Gndd. who has been 1 of late is recovenng slowly. It will be mailed express prepaid, to any address, on receipt of price, $5: or on ap- Blication from any responsi- le party. will be sent forOn- spection. A call solicited from Trustees in and near the town. Dated Durham J mm 17 '01 J. P. TELFORD Barrister, Durham. SCHOOL REPORTS 'I-ule lune was spans the pie Lad“! whisk a. too; hall much ~‘---. Maple Park. _ N aging-35v -GiTi7 boon "" poorly 2 to noth. Clerk. Durham. Dated this 14th day of June A. D. 1901 _Take notice that a. By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Durham will he passed at. the expiration of one month from the date hereof for the purpose of dosing certain streets or highways. in the Town ot Durham. which streets are as follows.. Elm street on the east side of Garafraxn street. and that portion ot Albert street lying south of South street, and extend- ing south therefrom to a. point on Albert street, situate five chains south of Elm stteet. TOWN OF DURHAM. Throughout Ontario and Quebec gen- erally, the grain and root, crops are reported as looking well and I','J"r'1tie,r. fge,', returns. 80 also in t e Lower rovinces. where the abundance of rain and sunshine have caused a rapid growth of grain and root crops, although owever in some sections down by the sea severe Lhundemtorms followed by sharp frosts and even light snowfalls have' done some damage. N However all grain. crops and hay are [reported as looking well and only re- quiring heat to bring them on to ma.- turity. Cattle also are re rte! as look. ing well, but not 1'/l,'JC2otrf, be ready for export for some time yet on account. of the luscious nature of the grass this season. In Manitoba light frosts and even flarries of snow were reported to have occurred in the middle of Jttne---a fall of 4 Inches on the 7th at Brandon-hut no damage in consequence reported sure to some tender finite and veget- ab es. The range of temperature however was quite ditferent. being below the average from Lake Superior westwards being 60 at Winnipeg and 54 u Victoria hut above from Algonm eastwards to the Atlantic, reaching 82 at Halifax. 92 at Montreal and 97 at Toronto. In the month of J une the rainfall was excessive from Lake Superior to the Pnciiic Coast and in the middle section of Quebec. reaching 10 inches at Winni- peg. 6 m. at Kaniloops and 5; at Victor- ia. but deficient in Ontario and the Lower Provinces. ** B......... 62 70 .. ts.......... 63 76 Rainfall for the week 1.28 in. Home of sunshine for the week tir.', Severe thunderstorms on the ith and iltdt with a rainfall of one inch on the t . General direction of the winds South- erly and moderate but very variable. Rev. Wray R. Sunth. of Durham. Methodist church conducted eel-Vic“ " the house and grave and the remain- were laid to rest In the English church cemetery on July the Ist, in the pmsence of a iurge number of friends and rela- tives. She leaves, to mourn her loss eight children. (our gout. John and Wm. of Zion, Thom. and Daniel of Edge mm {our daughters, Mn. M. Cameron, of Bottineau. N. D., In. In. Dun-moon. of Hamilton. Mrs. A. Hooper. of Bane- can. and Mrs. D. J. Dania of Guanine. Mieh., Blue aleo leaves two sisters Mrs. John Wales. “Toronto. and In. B. Hunter. of Loadeohom. Ont., and two brothers Wm, and Daniel Kinsman of Toronto. Although over a you! of use the was still hale and hearty till last February when she was taken with I lingering illness which hated till her death. The damaged was a native of Corn. wall England and emigrated with her husband to Canada in 1845. Her hus- band died of cancer in 1877 and about“ thus been I. widow for twenty four yrs. Gleuelg has lost another of its old Pioneem in the person of Mrs. Wm. Greenwood tee. who passed any at her have at Edge Hill on June m 1901. For the week endiii%ir" o, Temperature Mm. Max. June so.......... as 80 July 1.......... 67 94 Public Notice. VIEWER Bl,lill1 WM. A. ANDERSON, OBITUAIY. o1-.- Lower Town Any persons titrhittg on the property of the Durham Fishing Club will be prosecuted. Five dollars reward will be paid to any person furnishing such information as wilt lead to a conviction. J. KELLY. T308. A. Bums. PM Wu. A. Axonsox. Durham. May 27th, 1901. Printed copies of this By.huc be obtained " the Clerk's office every ratepayer of the Town i quested to all and make hi acquainted with the provisions 0 by-law, Heavy penalties for the infringe: of this By-law are reecribed and be strictly 'trr/f/UI. otioeisheruby given that By-law N No. 4020f the Town of Dirham a by-law for the better unitary condition of the Town and closing up of all pit closets will come into force and take effect on the lat day of July next. Town. (next door “a full lines ot The undersigned?” opened out in his new building in Lower Th-. 1---; ’ - All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. "eiiiMr nude in heroic proportions. Here "e the most shown beautiful wall paper! everseeu in the wall parersrtttrket. Theidenhaabeento give to the put- chatter of well papers" “excellence, good taste and judgment can put into papers " reasonable price. We are sure you will find just what you want. MacFarlane & Co. DRUGGSTS & BOOKSELLERS The new designs otwailpaper"e PUBLIC NOTICE. HEROIG PROPORTIOIS '0 Gracerg Store. tfshr,tSd'ir 0300mm an. NOTICE. hiui'jift' the gage” Giiie .3331 the Town-is-iii: d make himself' provisions of the .ittrritytynent ', Clerk. will n M u standing linl bum. Over . ed out of hull into the villa storm and bu miracle the We had new am with but we will I f of this wool t In- rained night and any night on and tonight". 1 pact to get dd [preparations l user mill im out: lumber phging cud gives mm:- t Lion. Wt iti Father and write you fe we in the we was nearly you would l we are all ri mymiug l Gumbel. M to end. bu lost a Finns IN 1 and comttutrt uelllmw in t experience. rot-n last we! ocalsourvem Mr. Angus Acid in mid dose proved tiomi of hi Davidmm. " ter Mrs. l Detmnt. to much-loved mined um] i taken off. i known in g time. To Lend hymn VERY Sm reached " Lizzie Mr! old Mrs. Dal prawn-at io! locum! feg churn-h 'e to the mine P.. and Mr, out and ll ”din-gm. and (ind-u hand. Mm wd admin: ell. (Mum; unnoum‘i of the St Neil MI: Friday. Arm in June a complim and n Blakesto Pl incipul' own slud' complim I with a I: The complet but-know have In The oth \de Elgin. Tl reduced. 084754 show a d wing t of Mk honor "1 Hanover) high pro] Emma We must The F “hundm time on I the Gui A prom: Mr. l know it Edge in! I connect we thee our la." t BIND! a large Twine Ad. for The Party on Tue Lm k) Directs! held on SAFE good " Apply I 'ome " ins. V0 Rem m. In mpa

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