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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jul 1901, p. 1

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will paper are pas. Here are l wall papers pupa market. re to the pur- batearcel1enee, “an put into Lice. We are at won want. CE 1901 n cut Lower Luzon) New ally duo CE. awn-n SELLERS tin " NI RTIONS d here " &C0. ca. " net" wis last week have been added to‘frbm ! Cril >()lll‘('(‘§. The following letter from Mr. Angus MrKelvia to his Parents l qixvs some idea of the terrible destruc- T tion. Writing July 7 he says '. .. Dear? Father and Mother. I make haste to I write you for we were afraid you would I see in the newspapers that Temiscaming was nearly all burned up and we thou ht i you would be anxious about us. #lf, l we are all right as we have lost scarcely I anything; that is except in standin . timbei. My bush is ri dled from ens; to end. Loss about 8000 My partner I has lost a music of thousand dollars in , standing tim r besides a house andl barn. Over 50 families have been burn. tl, ed out of house and home. The tire ran l into the village last Sunday in a wind il storm and burned three houses but bra; miracle the whole place was saved. ll We had seven thousand dollars worth 1 exposed with not one cent of Insurance [i but we will be better prepared again. 1 f of this whole t'g'f't/t burnt over. 1 t has rained at last. 0 are working ' night and day. We did not work last I night on account of rain but it is tine tonight”. Mr. McKelvie does not ex- t poet to get down this summer f,'T,'aiti' I cparntions he is making to hm n t lllCl'tl mill In the fall to enable him to I cut' lumber and shincles. and run a t 'et"" and sash and door factory as 'i we . Fun-m IN TEsuscAmxo--, Dry weather and coutlrustilrle material has given the settlers in this new district an awful ttet"Ityt. 'RLeporth In the {Mil}: pa- tions of friends and physwians. Mrs. Davidson. in company with her (laugh- ter Mrs. Grant left on Saturday for Detrmt. to attend the ohsequies of the much-loved child. whom she virtually raised and who has been so suddenly taken off. Miss Ena Patterson, well known in Ihuham. was visiting her at time. To all the bereaved ones we ex- tend sympathy. _ ol P., and Mr. Geo. Binnie are to he pres- ent. and Rev’ds Farquharson. Smith, McGregor. of Durham. Leslie Elmwood and Graham of Dornoch will also be on hand. Musw by Durham Baptist choir, and admission only 15 cts. preparation is being made for an intel- lectual feast. and the ladies of the church may hedepended upon to attend to the other kind. Dr. Jamieson M. P. GARDEN sNocraL.---Poeters are out announcing the Annual Garden Social of the Mulock Baptist co"ttregattoaurt Neil Meuan's. 3rd Com, Bentinck, on Friday, Aug. 2nd next. Extensive APPttEcurxo.-.arm, Allie Grant, who completed her term at Priceville school in J une last was made the recipient. of a complimentary address from her pupils and a. handsome bible. Mr. W. J. Hlakesrott, who, after 9h years in the Peincipal's chair resigns to continue his own studies, was also addressed in very I complimentary terms, and presented with a Morris chair and Secretary. 1 The Bruce county valuators have completed their work. Southampton. Lin-know. Teeswnter. Wiarton, Uhesley. have had their valuation increased. The other urban municumlities of \ankerton. Kincardine. Paisley Port Elgin, Triverton and Tara have been; reduced. The result is an increase of all?!» while the rural municipalities show a decrease of 12t,900. The Presbyterian young people are “hustling” to give every one a good time on Tuesday evening next week at the Garden Party at Mr. Gs. Ireland's. A program is arranged. All welcome. Come and see. Entrance results appear elsewhere. We must congratulate Miss Laidlaw in passing a very good percentage-le out of 16. Mr. Firth, Bunessan has the; honor of the highest In the county.‘ Hanover school has again passed a very , high proportion. I Mr. Wm. Lawson we are glad to know is recovering nicely. Mr. Jas. Edge is also recovering. We naturally connect. these two worthies and hope to see them both at their old stand when our lull show Comes around. BINDER Twme.--g mt in at w Black's a. large shipment of N cCormack Binder Twine at low prices. Bee Hardware Ad. for other bargains. The Annual Presbyterian Garden. Party will be held on Mr. Ireland's lawn on Tuesday evening 23rd inst. TuBnARv.--A Public Meeting of the Directors of the Public. Library will he held on Friday evening at 8 p. m. SAFE Mon BALe.-A Taylor sale it good order will be sold at a bargain Apply to Mr. John Cameron. ing. VOL. XXIII. NO. 29 Remember the Garden Party at Mr. I8. Ireland’s lawn next Tuesday even- "'""""l'"rTHh.G UUUUQ ' n Fiiii,Tci7,i'crcrc:c,'riccl - - PRINTS, LAWNS and Men's Cotton _ Slxiltings, Some new patterns in Prints, the beet goods 121, as. Good value in White Lawns and Men's, Cotton Slxirtings. C. L. GRANT. :95 RETURN wvmro.-ahe party who found a. lady’s black waterproof coat on futurliar evening July 6, on the Dar.. ham Rodd near Allan Park, will please return it to the lady whose name is in the purse in the Socket of the coat or leave it at this o ce. A suitable reward is offered in preference to further steps. Rev. Mr. Philp. Petrolia. is visiting his brother Mr. John Philp, Dromore". He is an enthusiastic geologist. and gave us a call on Wednesday as he passed north to the Rocky Saugeen in compsny with Mr. Grooves. in search of fossils of the Guelph formation. I Mr. Alex. Ferguson. a nephew of the REVIEW editor, gave him a. pleasant can while in town playing with o. , team last Friday. He has been tench. ing in St. Joseph Island since New Year but has employment in Owen Bound for the holidays. _ Mr. Robert Watt. French Bay, was l home visiting friends in Normanby and (Durham for a. few days, and gave the ‘ REVIEW a call on his way back on Mon- !day. Pleased to see an old pupil now a i" stalwart man. Mr. Jas. Burt presented us the other day with the largest lettuce plant we ever saw. It was fully 18 inches across and had a wealth of curly crispness tmffieient for a hotel table on the 12th of July. l Miss Kate McPhail, Toronto. came home last week to spend a. month at her _father's home, South Glenelg. She is accompanied by her little neice Miss 5’ Edna McDermott. (, Mr. Jno Lawson. Merchant of Milton, ‘Mr. Joseph Lawson, Brampton, and ers. H. Hutton, of Walkerton. were 1visiting their brother Wm. Lawson in his recent severe illness. M P. Walter Cleave, Owen Sound, came down last week on a visit to his cousin, Mrs. anage at the REVIEW omee and other friends in Egremont. Miss Maggie Wallace and John Vollet of Durham, spent Sunday in Chesley the guest of their friend, Miss Helen Reaveiy. -ihtterprise Mrs. Lothian and son George, of Bro. more, passed through Durham last Thursday on their way home from Visi- ting friends in Keppel. Mrs. Pettigrew, after a ‘lengthened Vlsit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Arrowsmith, left for her home in Sag- irmw this morning. Mrs. Hamilton Irwin, Toronto Janet. ion, was visiting her father Mn Wm. Lawson, during his illness, and left for home. last week. Mrs. Gardiner and three children of Torcnto, visited her aunt. Mrs. Webher , in town and round her old home in Glenelz. Mr. w. L. B. Boynton left toi. Thron. to, last Saturday, having disposed of his business to Mr. John Robertson. Mr. Roht Sutherland and son at Tor- onto, are guests of the foemer's sister Mrs. W. B. Vollett this week. Mr. Wm. Cameron. of Publishing Co., Toronto, last week for the holidays. Mr. R. J. S. Dewar left this morning for " two weeks holiday. He will vial! Buffalo before returning, Mr. Kelly returned from his holiday trip this week which included a run through the Pan-Am. Mr. and Mrs. Tait and daughter Zelia. of Robb, were guests of Mrs. And. Mar. shall, during the 12th. John Reid and John McDonald left for the Sault Tuesday morning to tak e employment there. Mrs. R. P. Legate and son. Robert, of Ceylon, paid a. flying visit to Durham friends on Monday. Mrs. Geo. Best IS entertaining old Kincardine friends, Mr. Siddon and Miss Avery, a sister. Mr. Geo, Hinds is erecting a house on Lamhton St on property bought fro m Alex. McComb. . Mr. Henry Cameron, of the Standard Bank. Alvinoton. IS home at present for his holidays. (' Miss Hannah Alexander is . guest of Iher sister Mrs. Robt. Lawson ( Miss F. McCormick, Bentinek, in a Iruest at Mr. and Mrs. GeO. Heikle’s. Mr. Louis Werner of Wiarton, visited his family here for a. few days but week and this. Mr. Rogers and family, of Toronto. are visiting at Mr. Robt. Larson’s at present. Miss Charlotte Baxter and mice from Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Wm. Ren- ton’l Mr. James McAuley, took a trip to Holstein. Monday night. the McLean came home ' men at his father's residence here. For 5 or 6weeks he haslbeen confin- I ed to the house with a kidney disease, but was, until a few days ago looked upon to recover but the relapse we mentioned last week has proved fatal. His removal in the prime of life from ahome where be was dearly beloved is a sad blow to his father and brothers I and sisters. Of a kindly disposition he endeared himself to all, and he leaves I no. enemy behind him, but a. keen 'seuse of loss among a. wide circle of I companions and friends. He leaves behind as chief mourners hie father. two sisteré, Mrs J. P. Hun- ter and Miss B. MacFarlane and four brothers, David, Caledon; George, Gleucoe; Archie, Picton . and Robert at home. In their sorrow they have the sympathy of all and the Review 'e in the tribute. ed up a good business and fast this spring had tine and extensive additions made to his.stock and "turea. His removal is also no small loss to the business circles of our town for by diligence and application he had work- Tuesday mormng about the midnight hour Mr. Jvm. MacFarlane, J eweller, died at his father's residence here. Durham must win on the 25th is the settled remark of Durhamites, but the boys themselves " say little and saw wood." Alex. Ferguson, who scored two of Owen Sound’s goals is a son of the late. Alex. Ferguson for many years of the 22nd Con. Egremont. He can handle nstick too as cleverly as his father could a handspike in his pioneer days, n..-.Ll._. --- _ ' . - Naturally Durham wins were with applause. though not a few ous cheers were given for hrilli; by the visitors. -- Me_-._rNeP I _ _ ___- _--... '""""f"""r and D. Munro worked like a" 1;ij act the Battle of the Dayna was celebrat- l'l','.fd', had the honor of scoring Tii a here by the brethren of 5 cr 6 ad- Durham's fire goals. Indeed from ljucent lodges and their friends. The Point to inside Home ever man seem weather was delightful and allowed full ed in the trpirat of the gafne and I; Mop e for the display of tegnlia. .fhttrtr, mistakes were made. 3:531:31 as for the holxdey attire of hMMkdal: may win on the 25th but tf I Souls diseppointment was felt at the t ev d t rill h . . . The Cdl',',,',',','.: wile é: 'i2,t,1. gt tlon-appearance of several lodges from . . . . . the south, but counter attractions at quarter: Grant m 5 mm." Brlggs in.10 Conn and at Stratford drew these any. l an". 2nd quarter. Briggs m 9 mm., However when meton Park Lodis) 1rant in l min., Dowkes, (O. S.) in 3 . . nninutes. 3rd quarter-Ferguson, (0. S.) {$311133 'tirg'/2"geggttroa 32%;: l?!“ Tmmes' 'e 11,'1'1C-B"imts L5 iwith a iGiiii band and a bran new n l 1., erguson,N 2'sn." ey. bsnner bearing the head of King Ed- o es. ward VII. This allken banner cost net The attendance was a flattering on e $100. l but considetiru, Hm hrait.-a.,.. _.-. __-i- -- -_.._..,.e F. Grant it will be noticed is a. new man since last match. and kept his man interested. Whitney was much in evidence even away from his own points and D. Munro worked like a Trojan. Briggs had the honor of scoring 3 of Durham's fire goals. Indeed from Point to inside Home every man seem- ed in the spirit of the game and few mistakes were made. The teams were lined up as follows.. Owen Sound Durham Thompson Goal A, Laidlaw Greenwood Point T. Collinson Bemner C. Point W. Glass Thompson lst Def. D. Winkler Purdy 2nd " A. Meredith Commings _ 3rd " C. McIntyre Hammond "I Centre J. Collinson Blaine ", l 3trd Home A. Whitney Booth if " 2ndst,-, D. Munro Do '. 1st " F. f.hant, Fergugon Outside ll. AJ. Elm _ Bmhuer __' Inside}! wmu‘i a n___L .. ... . The visitors at first were put on the defensive completely. the ball hovering around their goal most of the time. They gained as the game progressed we believe, but after the fine play that won 2 goals for Durham, it was practically certain thejhome team would win. The visitors made some good throws goal- wards, but Arthur Laidlaw objected LI vigorously that only 3 of them were] successful. l THE LATE WM. MACFARLANE. F Aiittsition is a worthy motiye and we are pleased indeed that our boys had theirs gratified in so brnlliant u manner and in such a way as to commend itself even to the defeated team. There remains only one further step to attain Brst place in the League and that is to defeat Markdale in the match on the 26th inst. and we have faith that the present team with judicious practice will accomplish that, difficult, thoughi it may be. I The match on the 12th between the two teams in the heading was one of the best games of the season eyen on the admission of the defeated team. It was clean, snortsmanlike work, with no undue roughness to muse resentment. the few cracks of a. severer nature given ‘ and received being freely admitted to‘ he'tgpnqiult of ambitious play. EARL THURSDAY, iin,ii 18, 1901. a at'),) C 1iiif ., Illlllllllll HMS l SOUND. VIVE MMI. Durham Goal A, Laidlaw Point T. Collinson C. Point W. Glass lst Def. D. Winkler 2nd " A. Meredith _ 3rd " C. McIntyre , Centre J. Collinson E l 3trd Home A. Whitney " 2ndst," D. Munro 1st " F. Grant were greeted a few gener- brilliant play ttiii The Lodges present were Bwiuton Park, South Glenelg. Gmneide, Far. ney, Durhem end I uprinkling from other Lodges. Severe! time: we heard feeling no- tice teken of the ebunoe of Christ, were now living and forget. -. ,7 -_-- runu - use" It cumpll- _ ment on their fine appearance and I lauded the principles of toleration and ,igiUnee which should be the charac- ( teristic of all true Orengemen. The weather and surroundings was altogeth- " too hot to take notes and it must offioe to say that the speeches were Vigorous 12th of July speeches. Rev. Mr. Ferquherson giving . unique turn to his by reminding them that he csme of s elm and nee that bed opposed the Dunne lenders of their time but who IT, now living samples of forgive i Brother Tho; McFadden acted as chairman and consudering the very hot weather there was the best of attention given to the speakers and no lack of interest in,tyefr remarks. Rey. Mr. Pomeroy ind the four resident clergy- man McGregor. Farquhsrson, Smith and Ryan spoke in turn, and at times their remarks, were received with loud applause. All paid the men a. compli- _ more! A... u.-:_ A - I ._._...b "a. “I": alvu erect- jf, by Mr Geo. Ryan at the Central Hotel by walking under it the proces- lsion streamed down town and drew up ultimately at the green west of the river where the speaking was carried on. ] The life and drum bands of the other lodges at intervals discoursed the usual loyal airs. though the numerous instru- ments in the S. P. aggregation and such players as the Haw Bros., th Hill at. and Others carried off the palm. The “walk" was duly carried out by old and young, equalling those of past years in all respects except in numbers. After duly honoring the fine arch erect- tligtl Mg gil Hum crowns l Smurf Clearing Eridgy last the (2llillillili tifllt]lfifr Continued on page s. Conditions of this sale shall be Cash or Produce. on until we have the neces- sary space. I will be pleased to see all the old friends and customers whom I have al- ready met and trust to add many new ones. This sale offers an oppor- tunity 'of procuring goods which does not often come your way. We will continue the business at this Stand, fresh Groceries are being added and to make room for them this sale will be carried William Laidlaw having sold his business to a large whole. sale firm, we made an offer for same; which was accepted at a big discount for spot cash. We now offer the stock amounting to over ($8000) eight thousand dot. lars and consisting of Gener- al Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc., at correspon- dingly low prices. ---Not- an itate _iibtgiit 211th annigefanry 'retand ONTARIO ARC TORONTO Ella miaraTai,: "Eng" iii; Tii4iir iii,.' F rank Hahn 636; John Bueneiitoerder (Bl; Ell: Owens 626; Geo Thiel ttak Samuel Meyer 614: 'ru'f,1'2's'sdllt,", 610; i'httlehf1r,',il,it, 610; Andrew Parks rmk Bdith eimbeckor 573: Sheldon Mater we. George Winghnm MIS, DUN DALK. 35 undidnm wrote. Gertie Human 778; Mary Watson 747: Beanie Moonehead 73): Eva Bundle 726; Sadie Kaela- 710; Alex. MacLean BM. Ethel Irwin MO,. Hannah Morrow (Bl; MARKDALE. 2t candidates wrote. Pearl Wickham 737: Wilfred Cullis 687: F ernie Watson 676; Bessie Carhert, 664: Eliza Burehiit 652; Ida E. Glhson 637; Leang Smith 627; Mary Butler ttlt; Reggne Wickham 610: Edward Heed 59.2: Myrtle King 591; Garrie Neshitt tiai; V.era Currie tm,. Chester Basket 583: Lillian McIntyre an; Edna Becket MO; , HANOVER. mundidttes wrote. ft%e,ti','g Nr.. Gertie Telford 7m: Eadie? insulin" Pure, 8219c 11.5; !. l We are indebted to Inspector Camp- bell for the list of successful Entrance Candidates and the marks taken by them. They are as follows C DURHAM. 54 candidates wrote. The names. of the pupils .who passed in Durham school are slightly indented. Annie Davis 798 Edith Allen 628 B. Putherhough 741 G. L. Sharp 627 Frank McNiece 739 Alex McDonald 6256 Esdon Wolfe 726 Iizzir Mcllvrideet C Parquharson 716 _ Arthur Allan 613 Sarah Edge 099 Howard Watson009 l Jessie McDonaidga0 Agnes Morton m2. Nat. Grierson 090 ‘L. \Vhitmore (it!) Jennie Derby tmil Grace Barclay 598 May Dixon 686 (Annie Smith 596 Edward Witeon 680 Bert Martin 595 Marrav Smith 668 Robina Fletcher 590 Lloyd Bean fk50, Edith Grant 58% Valerie Edge 651 Jlerh Campbell 587 Gray Wilson 612 fMatilda Pollock 577 Char. Hutton Ftr John Colville 573 Allister Gun em ‘Olive Cook 571 Andy William“ Myrtle Hunt 57” Harriet Lindsay 633 M gie Grant 330 I Minnie Orchard 629 Satigie Sharp 533 ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. 1901. rtedfr',o.1iy/?ts,rc--.................6msior2sct, LotsofDriedApplesat............................. 5cts.allo. CannedApples..................................25¢ts.perm}. Ourbulk'l‘eaisstillinthe had. Prices irottt......, 10mm "m'"--------.---. Lots of Butter wanted for which we pay the high. est market price. Call and get a box. Bring your jar and hav So bottles of Life's Renewer, reg. pr: toclearat.... ...... .. A Great Blood Tonic. John Colville Olive Cook battle Hunt gie Grant Sund‘gie Sham 'ttt1et"jttt'teTtettt-me Ltxit1ivetmkHiiihiiiii%ra hot-bum stall-cued.) of Cell gum/aria Jolt'eilol. SHEWELL 81 LENAHAN Maggiefmwell (If): Sadie Fina-ha 592; May Hales “all: Nellie M Hum) 702; Minnie Scan 672; Ruby tiharpe 5334 E. Sheppard (m; l. Sullivan 570; , Smith 55!; E. Whitten IG3: J Wilsot 638; G Blair (“5; T Chard 663; " Corn field 550: w Dingwall 601: I' Hales CGy w Hales 653: (J Long Mi,. L Munslmu MO: C, Ottawa" 651; H Scott G.59,. H h'teel ey 597; C Thompson 590. 4 candidates w: om Elmer, Brown Glo.. Chas. " Maggie Tone Mo. Louie Bell 625: IV Finlay wo,. Edith (lonsley 573: Ade (10min 568: Arch Hood Ki. Old customers are cordially invited to call :nnd see us:in our new More where We hope tomke the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises inithe McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Share“ & Lenlhan. ggr2f, MEWELL & MNhtthN. WHOLE NO.. 1217 m candidates wrol P, FLESH ERTUN 25: 1Viitie Builey617: Alma Edith Freenmn 579; Mary 's. Adela Bolen 571: Annie Archle Neilson rm; John NEUSTADT, (If); Sadie Flolclu-r m; Nellie M ”own 72: Ruby Slur A 5.39: I Sullivan 590; M Chas. “nether (H8: gram” cyl.: fiiifif88?ititi?ii:)p skier; 53: J Wilson tm.. It Corr» Cl Hales 65:); L Munslmw 35 cts gl.': It Fill! !tll 1'. Ik M

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