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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jul 1901, p. 4

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In} dar' pa! tho the Jot lc' WN L14- The club and audience were eertmnly indebted to the Mnssea Smith for the excellent contributions the} made to programme. One of them was puller- mg from A cold the other displayed . powerful vows and both sang very needy and in good tut". with an er- ;istic p‘htform manner. Miss Jean Beimick as usual, delight. ed her audience with her purity of voice and Scotch selections and " Rolling home to bonnie Scotland " we partiea. lariy enjoyed. She did not seem so much " home in .. John Anderson My Jo 8t but the .. Highland mattht Toast " was done with spirit and etieet. Mr. H. Ruthven Lchoneld ceteinly made e hit 11 his first eppeerence in Durham end a subsequent eppemnce will we believe be heartily welcomed. He is e .gentlemen of conSIdereble aroirdupoi5, but he: e placing, stage presence with]. and end e face that lights up with eminetion in pathos or humorous sentiment. While hie hmmor is of the beet end refreshing his rendering of .. Me & Jim" and of " The bende O' Dee .. Will not soon be forgot- ten. 1n the tender low tonchee of thie lest he had his endience in perfect sympathy and hanging on bus voice. He excels as a story teller also. Mr. Jas. A. Hunter sang with the Misses Smith the daett "Hunting Tower" as an opening piece and it iost nothing by their rendering. Mrs McDonald and Miss B. McKenzie were ttceompanissts. The long looked for and much talked of picnic of S. S. No. 13. Dronime. took place in Mr. Jas. Geddes' bush amid beautiful surroundings and pleasant weather. A large concourse of people gathered from far and near to mingle With the good people of this good borough. An abundance of good things were provided for the inner man for which " sum" admission fee of 10c was charged adults. tr, help defray expenses. prize nrmey. &c. This generous sec- tion. unlike others near by, has its events open to the world. events which were keenly contested. and disposed of by an ettlctent committee to the satis- faction of all, with perhaps one excep- tion. . Following is the Prize List ' Boys’ Races. Flynn and under-.30 yds-A Pet C Renwick, D Harrison. l0 yrs-tl ar- rison. I' Hay, C Watson. 12 yi tr--A Martin. G' Findlay. A Renton. 14 yrs- w Weir. Geo Lester. N Clark. Girls' Races. lit yrs and under-S Halfpenny. B lienwick. D Watson. --12 rrtr--J. Eccles. Lizzie Clark. F Axum. It rrs--M t‘anipbell. J Eccles. M Brown. Catching the Jingler. Girls---,) Eccles. S Halfpenny. E Hoop- er. Boys- -h' Clark. G Findlay. J Weir. Obstacle Race. ti ltenwirk, G Findlay, C' Hay. Alrfour Mace. SnmllBoys A' Renwick. C Hay, H Lester. Larger Boys-Geo Hooper, L' Renwwk, Tom Harrison. The Lactosse boys had more that one stung to their bow on the 12th no the mom musical (to keep up too tigunn was certainly the evening cones“. The Mayor was Mt the choir and Ip- propriotely thanked the nudtonce for there interest in the club“ seen both in the support given in the afternoon and ovomng. opponents both in combination and checking. The first goal was scored by It Taylor in ll minutes. 2nd, w Lester in 3 minutes both goal keeper and ball bein shoved through. H Renwick Pot thinfgoul in trl, min and the fourth was made a few minutes before halftime was called. The visitors were urely on the defensive during this halfp and the two heavy weight backs of the home team (“sported themselves on the grounds of the "half-hacks." while the goal-keeper might ha re had a comfort- able snooze. On change of ends the right“: 11cftt1ed ip scoring a goal in 3 We 'l)llllillit REVIEW. Special for silk Handkerchief-Girls-- Jessie Kccles. Boys-Geo Campbell. Men's 100 yds race :--H Taylor. R Renwick, ll Renwick. _ A fast and lively game was played between llulstein and Dromore, result- ing in a score of 7 to 1 in favor of the home team _wh(_r clearly outclassed their visitors succeeded in scoring a goal in 3 min. the only ocmsion the hall was ever allowed to pm: the "hacks" of the home team. tith 1113mm" 7th in 15 min, 8th in 15 mm. Good feelmg prevailed throughout. The tanning qualities " the Dromore lads was freely comment, ed upon. The teams lined up as follows : Holstein. Dem J. Hunt ml J. L J Hays gawk J C'ol Geo Hartman .. J Lat J Lynett half-hack H J Boyle .. T lb, J Brown .. “r I Mrs and Miss Martin. of Swinton Park. Mr and Miss Leith. Normanby. Miss McKinnon and Miss E Matthews. Durham. Miss Axton. Toronto. Mrs. Cushnie, Mt Forest. Mr and Mrs Geo Binnie. Bunnessan and Mr and Mrs J A Snell. Wiarton. were among the many who were on the grounds from " dis- tance. CN--, Old men's ra .0. ilk t - Wslson. L' tH h Inderchlef Jno 40 cts to new tstttneribersto end of year A Mitchell " O'Connell “i“‘alkel M Bromi" - G Schwalm itre Paris Green PICNICING IN EGREMONT. (lil MINER]. " Dttrlinses' Drug Store Foot Ball. forward , 81 use" In a mum; Dromore J. Lothian J Coleridge J Laughton H Sterne T Renwick w Hunter It Taylor It Renwick J Renwick H Renwick w Lester The Council met July 6, pursuant to adiournment, all the members present, the reeve in the chair. minutes of last meeting read and eoMrmed. ,Com- municatlons read as follows t Jfrom Councillor Davis, report of special grants to townline, from Chas Rimage an account for printing, from Lucas, Wright & McArdle, relative to agree- ment with Cement Co., from the aw- yet Massey Co. re good roads machin- ery,trom the Canada Supply Co. re steel bridges, From the Attorney Gen- eral relative to changes in the Assess- ment Act, lrom.Wm L Young relative to statute labor, petition from John Jardine and 100 others praying for grant of money to open sideroad be- tween cons 5 & 6 at lot 5, petition from Ronald McDonald and 84 others pray- ing foragrant of money to improve sideroad at lot 20 between con. 's 5 & 10, Several gravel accounts road. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and. if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. WM. A. ANDERSON, Clerk. Durham, July 6th. 1901 Davis--MeCannel--That motion of last meeting ordering payment of FT, to Thos Jack tor gravel in 1900 be rescinded on account ot misunderstand- ing and that Uom'r for ward 4 see Mr Jack and settle matters by next meet- ing of Council. Carried, MeInnis--Davis-That Airs Dillon be put on charity list at " per month commencing July lat. Carried. Farther orders were issued as tol- lows ..--Thos Connelly, work on town line G & My cost $8.75; Jas Haley, gruelling at lot 17, con 6 t13.90; Herbert Walker, gravellmg at lots 90 at 91 W T R, 89.45; Joseph Black, fill at lot 26, con 8. 818.50 ; Jas Haley brushing at lot 20 & 21, con 7 $3.40 ; A Dimer, culvm at lots 10 & ll, con 14 94; Com'rg for wards I, 2 & 4 " each letting, &c. t15 ; The. Clerk, Oil & Postage, $1.58. Being lot No. 53 on the 3rd Con. B. D. Road, Glenelg, containing 50 acres. ll miles south of the flourishing Village of Priceville. A new brick house on the premises with pump neat tw. Good land. Clear title will be given. Apply to Mrs. Mary McNulty. 1401.53, Con. 3, B. D. R. t--7 Pricevme, ,Ontario. Notice is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections ii and 6 of the Voter s’ List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the ssid municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and " Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up at my office at Durham, on the 6th day of J uly. 1901 and remains there for inspection. Me1nnis--Mecannel-That Wm Loc- head be paid " , cost of building culvert at lot 1 of2 townline G. & B. Carried. Davis-McCartney-That J McMillan be refunded " overpaid by him.on jobs in 1899. Carried.' Davie-Ml-l-That the follow- ing accounts be paid l D Smellie, gravelling at lot 21, con 1, B. & G. 810.50 : Percy Lawrence. culvert $23.25 ', David Ritchie, railway at lot 70, townline G'. & Fl, $23.50: Samuel Ritchie, gravellingr at Lot l, con 4 S D RS725. Carried. Davis--Mecannel--That gravel ae- counts be paid as follows: Alex McEachern 83, John Barry 92. 60, Thos Nichol 34.90, John Fallace 33.60. M Quillinan " Thus Moenagh t2.75, Mrs Whitmore 25e, Thos McGirr 93, Joseph Firth 94.40, R Edge tl.25; Thos Greenwood Me, John Colbert $3. Carried. Davisr--MeInnis - That Mr Hcaly. Grocer, be paid " for necessaries fur- nished to Mrs Dillon. Carried. Arrowsmith--MeInnis---Thatc Ram- age‘s account for Printing and adver- tising amounting to $3.50 be paid. Carried. McInnis - Arrowsmith - That a cheque bvissued on the Treasurer in favor of James McNally tor the sum of 9220 being tor work done on Glencross bridge. Carried. 1leC'annel---MeInnis--That an order issue on the Treasurer for Statute La- bor fund amounting to F36. Carried. It is a mighty big man who cai, acknowledge a mistake. Arrowsmith---hleInnis---That cheque be issuvd in tavor of N Livingstone for gravelling at lot 11, con. 's l2 & 13, amount $20.20. Carried. The Council adjourned to August 10th at 10 a m. Davis --Arrowsmith-.That a cheque be issued in favor of Mr Dimer tor the sum of 323 special grant for gravelling as lots 12 & 13, con 12. Carried. Whenever you get a letter written on stationery printed witha rubber stamp, do not get excited. It doesn't amount to much. Municipality or the T mm of Durham, County of Greg. VOTERS' LIST, 1901. Farm For Sale. GLENELG COUNCIL. J. s. BLACK. Clerk. A 7 ---eu CN g Yr F. MORLOCK, Q ae,'. tttr' tlt--------' V To continue for 30 days, every alle') article reduced, this is an of- tte" fering of the most desir- sitii7t' 'dijitit' inferior able newest and very ca'lliii1', ttq" goods. Come 1: choicest millinery tttTit Jlltiir' and avail your- at prices lower . . 'ditgtit self of this onpor- , This is what Mrs. J. W. Butchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say, "I cannot say toomuch for Dr. Pitch. er's Backache Kidney Tablets. Be- fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness acrosstheloins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is " it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dis- appeared. Formerly when I dld a washing I was utterly tired out, not having a bit of energy lett. This morniug I did my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, for I never had anything do me so much good." Letter upon letter pours in from every point in CanaG testitying to the marvelous power of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kid- ney and bladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such Other troubles as find their origin in afaulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass otevidenceputs ts power to cure these afflietions be- yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. Any readers of this paper can test the merits ot Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50e per bottle. The Weak and Buftering are Liberated from Disease Frost & Wood Show Rooms BEYOND A DOUBT. Thousands Give Testimony. DREAM SEPARATUR John Livingstone, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW Farmers' will do well to see it before buying elsewhere, as it is the lightest running yet largest capacity and strongest and most durable machine made. A trial will convince anyone that we have the best at all points. THE Cstds.CFhqCE3'CD Bicycle Repairing ' Specialty BARRISTER. - SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. Aforatw PEI-Lie. COMMIIOIONER. ETC. OfBce, over Gxant’s store. LowerTown --Prinee Hohenlohe, the ex-German Imperial Chancellor. who succeeded Prince Bismark, is dead. OF. Fl CE-M clntyre Block. -Toronto is to be a. city of arches to flttinttly receive the Royalties in Octo- ber. The manufacturers are going to put up one costing 810,000. Now we are exuberantly loyal, but is not this a little too much ? Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgage: at lowest. rues of interest. Valuation made by ucompetent and careful Valuutor. moan" punuc courlnucul. ac. 0mge----LOWER TOWN. DURH‘M. Wills, Deeds, Mortgages. Lame, Agreements &c. correctly prepare . Estates of deceased per was looked otter and Executor', and Adminis- trators' Accounts prepared and tossed Surrogate Court Business Pmbete ot Wil . Letters, of Ad. mimstration Ind GutrrdUnahip Obtained. iltrtu'- ches made in Registry once and Titles reported arristor, Jrotarg, eon- . vegancer, etc», etc...” Money to Loan at reasona ole rates and on terms to suit borrower. .e'letiote ling Atysner_pemptiy uphnded to All Charges Moderate g. P. TELFORD, MONEY TO LOAN G. LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. W, l DAVIDSON. Fire Insurance. 'gOver the Bank WHGGONS. We have a new 1rgi/t Massey-Harris Binder we want you P. see, Tduced. in weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the easiest running Binder in the world. - Full line of PIANOS, ORGANS, and SEWING MACHINES.--- We are well stocked with TUItNIPSOWERS, SCUFFLiiRS, HAY FORKS, et t LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at til. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN M LDER Implement Warerooms. Our Warerooms are now fully stocked thn Massey mam.» Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improverper11s on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. ',a"aToTaTiuuot-o-"'"'""e The BLAG K SPECIAL Machine on is an rior to an th . . . In this part of the ,.ceeeehted, 'Jeff,',','.',',,',',',,',', in: r :gigilyhme oil nanny-a tn . ll. nnh..I---:A_ Examine our assortment ot SCREEN DOORS and WINDOW SCREENS Just to hand a large shipment. of HAMMOCKS. FLY NETS, BUGGY DUSTERS and LAP RLGS. which are selling at. Iidiculously low prices. Secure one of the w. Black, THERMOMEI‘ERS and your mind will he greatly relieved regarding the temperature. A great variety of Potato Bag SPRAYERS have just arrived. Even y farmer should haye one. We have an immense stock of MCCORMICK Binder Twine which we are selling at low futures. CHERRY PITTERS Only a few CHERRY PITTERS left. Make yum BINDER TWINE! BINDER TWINE! MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. urerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris; WM. BLACK. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, these were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop where you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. 1lllr Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. aaaaaaaaaaeseeessess At Special prices The prices make it i - - --_ a: BOOTS. SHOES and :EeTrxa:Eaxasas, Come ' McArthur, Durham Prices will surprise you. coming to {but conclusion SPEGIAL SALE“? BINDER TWI FE BUG SPRAY ERS THERMOHETERS MISCELLANEOUS and see us in our new store MACHINE OIL S left. Make your work a pleasure by getting one. SCREENS iteresting. JULY 18, 1901 E11 MacFaz-l Piqurs III Dress Git Table lam-n .u Xorie oil ('lnlll Buggy [lush-I1 24 only. (Haul manly. (Haul CHM and In” 4 only, gvnum! a by m in v White White Whit " duly . Bout forget M- Show 'v we Ci Beoas. Riel-rah We AII'Nyh In Toilet ts', MI"- 2 TWEH GRDCE ladies' m We [13K Hea stss Ins for cl Sta SE." Lower HE SELLS CHEAP sun qualit y uupnd 'QQQ DR Y BOOT MI Mm, ak can tf Whi Or it

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