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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jul 1901, p. 8

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Winmac. Indiana, for his list of nd m ftms. 5-0 was Alice Mom is " priAnt visit- ing her many fnends ind renting around here. Mrs Geo. Aljoe returned home last week alter a couple of weeks visit with her brother Mr. Thos. Armor, of Owen Sound. T . ”WW“ "o. “'W' 'u0uor, h" ”mm 1 We hear that some of the boys were out bound. ;ou the let of July especially Rev. H. Mr. E. B. MacMillan, of Toronto, l Childs who went to Fleeherton, and show- visited at Mr. D. Me Fa yden's for a t ed some oi the big bugs what he could do couple of days last week. l, He took first prize at the bicycle race, al- Mr. Geo. Moffat returned to his.though the dust was pretty deep on the home in Toronto Monday last, we a 5 {mod '2,h','f 3:323‘3‘3: We: _ . . . . _ , $233153; 'avgeaknsavitietrerith menus and i think it eould'nt have choked them because C'. . . , . ithey were so far behind. wauton Perk Miss Minttit , ox, .of .Dulzham. was _ cant be beat when it comes to somethmg the guest ot Miss Minnie Firth for a "tood. couple of days last week. l There was another wedding took place A number of the young le from ', at S. P. Misa Ida May “Mean, to Mr. around here attended the 5:31pm“ of ( Tom campbdh both of Proton. They Mr. Hugh Firth to Miss Lizzie Moore Were married In the Morman church " of the South Line last Wednesday, I the hour of half past two, and afterwards corikiatiiiiiiGG. ' . (drove to the groom‘s where a sumptuous M E M Ph f N h [supper was partakeu of, and from thereto o,',.?,.') e; “f :5; o,L?,t?lll., “We l Pq8orrtr11trts they mend to live. Miss Ada Banks came home from the city last week and intends to re- main tor some timo. Mr. C. C. McFayden returned home last week after 3 couple of weeks visit with friends in Port Elgin. “our“ PAnaetr.-It you want to buy u tum cheap, and on my terms, in a country where here is a market for everyhing that grows.” miles from Claim. write to Mr. M. A. Dim. Mr.E. McPhee, of Nenah accom anied by Mr. John Mc%uarrie. of All: Forest, yisited at Mr. . Meli'ayden's last week. Mr. Thos. Firth, of o. S. C. I. re- turned home last Friday. THE Bll0 STORE IIT Giii%iiiira" F.' I; TAFFETA RIBBONS are also very popular for neck wear. We carry a large range of ribbons and our prices are very reasonable. Are greatly used on all kinds of dresses, espec- ially with light summer goods, our stock is com- plete in the different widths in both COTTON and tiATIN BLACK qualities. Our boys 'clothing is all made by the Lion Brand people. You have often heard as speak of them. Come in and see them, that 's half the sale, once you see them you are sure to try. velvet Ribbons Then our men's Heavy Blue and Drab Overalls, Double knees, Double seat, Extra Pockets, at 81.00 is a dandy. J. A. Hunter. Edge mu. CASH FOR BUTTER & EGGS. Bays' @Zothing J. A. HUNTER. Men’s pants a. titte We have good reason to think that the public fully understand the unity that exists between our adver- tising and our goods. We make strong statements when the facts war- rant, but we never allow the desire for such statements to create imaginative facts. 82046111313 DOING- "ET"_r1NC4 I'XRaf/E9je"PCENrsCT We commenced doing the clothing business in Durham several years ago as it should be done and changed many of its methods, especially ad- vertising. Our success has been a brilliant one because discriminating men and women have been the Judges preferring merchandise of character linked with true economy to showiness and cheapness. The Advt'g of The Big Store has always been and is limited to exact facts. There were some of the girls from the South Line at Yeovil picnic, and have the latest style of coming home four in e buggy. They had 9. ml in through the bottom which we suppose mu convenient for two, but the mil meet have broken at Orange Hill. There we: e large raising at George Wright's e that time one Huge: and Creme were Captains Cronje getting the beetby hell stutter. There men en- joyehle time spent in the evening" Mr. John Mirth: the mail carrier hom 8. P. to Boothyillo that. to Proton Stat- ion. lost the bone that has carried the nail for some time. having broke it- leg while " puma so he had to shoot it. We no glad to see Mr. Currie back lgtin. m " visiting friends Iround hero The crops are looking very well accord- ing to the dry weather. a slope up aud'while coming tad, Bio; with I very and accident. Mr. Willie and Miss Amine. Chislett ac- companied by Mr John chislett tioru Ceylon. visited friends, at S. P. Sabbath last. While they Vega there Archie took The world wags on three things: Intended for last week. SWINTON PARK. Falh Cumm Suns. TT) A Mr Chas Fergncon bu the stonework completed for hie bun. Mr Joe Ecclel, the contractor ductyec credit for the ex- cellent work he has done. Of course Jim Boon we: chief men at the Corners. A very quiet wedding took phoe on 19th one day last week when Janet Ferguson and Colin McLean were united in merriege. They now take up their abode near Priceville. We wish the nunch repented couple every heppineee Alfred Ball, who first beheld the light at what is generally known as Ball’s Corner and whose father Mill lives on the old farm left home and friends several years ago to seek his fortune in a foreign clime. He chose the western states as the field in which to operate and are lohg centered in J erome. Arizona. Dame rumor says that dame fortune has smiled kindly on Alf, that sumac attended his labors and and he is a large mine owner in that place at present. He also second poeseasron of Life is one continued round of pleasure 0n the plain recently. for with having to hustle to save our hay between showers and tscuffle and weed our com and roots. besides taking in an occasional socinl. or a wedding we have to believe that titer all life is worth living. The recent rains ham greatly added to our prospects for this season’s crop and none but the chrome kicker is heard to complain. q Mr Anthony Mayer. the reputed ditch. er. and more commonly known as ‘l'ony is " present operating with two other men in John Diebal's beaver meadow. This marsh has never yet been drained, but if tiles end ditches will nuke it tit for culti- vation. John says he'll have it no and If tiles and ditches are all he wants '. Tony says he can pat them there, Quite a number from the Plain attended the social given in aid of St John's Church, Ayton. on Wednesday 3rd and report it to have been A very pleasant (gathering. The school grounds were brilliantly illuminated with all manner of lamps and torches and the visitor need not leave the grounds to satisfy the crav- ing of either hunger or thirst. Your scribe was among the number and noticed that everybody wore s. smile and good clothes. M K Richardson M P was pres- ent and delivered a. nice little fiatteriug aldress to the people of Normanby. We noticed 1n a recent issue of the Ay- ton Advance that among thedistinguished visitors from a distance at the Ayton picnic was the Rural Plain scribe to the REVIEW. We cettuinlv felt highly elated at being ranked in with clergy-men and candidates for Parliamentary honors. Take a cigar on me ye Ed of the Advance. Now they'i‘e standing at the altar ; a. treasure just by saying wnll you be mine and he has returned recently to the old come: end has brought evidence of the productiyeness of his tproperty. to verify the report. Arrived too late for last week. It is a. long time since a budget appear- ed from Belum Vslley and we have de- clded thst the correspondent has given up altogether so we hope the correspondent will not be offended by me writing this budget. Dry wetther and no rain has been the cry for some time and crops were suf- fering vastly. but the recent rains have given gins: n promising look. Haying bu not commenced in this vicinny yet. Ofoonm we Ire shay. . halo slow ”and hero. Beating hearts doth vowu renew ; They are pledged to love and cherish ', Each one swears they will be true. Another u those exceedingly happy events, which drives away all sorrow and dull care not only from the contracting parties, but also trout the whole neighbor- hood tor the tune being. occurred on Mou. day, 3th inst, when a gay young party of Rural lads and lassies alighted from their vehicles in front of St Peter's Church. Ayton. Truth-seeker happened to be on hand although nut mingling with the happy throng and soon gleaned the in- formation that the groom on this auspic- ious occasion is James Tone, a well to-do young farmer and that he is about to consummate the promises and vows which he has formerly made to Miss Jane Lynch, a well-to-do larmer's daughter. Now they are marching up the aisle to- gether, whlle the organ pealed an air in harmonious accord with the voices of the yillage church choir under the leader- ship of Miss Teresa Maddigan. The Bey Father Owens is the ooilieiatmg clergyman and he has securely tied the knot. A description of the bride's cos- tume is unnecessary tsuffice it to say that she looked charming as also did her sister Johannah. who acted as' bridesmaid. The groom has chosen his cousin Pat Doyle to be at his side lest he should weaken in any way and Pat sees that there is no noose in the knot which might slip in the future. Soon they are home- ward bound to the home of the bride's father Mr Michael Ls rich. where all kinds of good eating and drinking await them and after the cravmgs of hunger and thirst are fully satiated, then the sWeet sound ol music is heard t1oating on the, evening air, yes that same tune "Haste to the wedding" which touched the depths of our fathers souls is as sweet to-day as half a century ago. On, on through the midnight hours did Hughie Ball dexter- ously manipulate the bow and the music produced there by re-echoed out in the mid-night air and ever and anon the writer could distinguish the voice of Billy Golden as he hollered Chessey back and swing. Now they are otf in a Rush Polka or the Gaitey Shottiscl.e or gliding through the giddy waltz, while others perhaps have discovered a secluded corner and are at the old, ola caper. But oh the sad awakening, old Sol has not been at the wedding and is as punc- tual as usual. The grey dawn has ap- peared and they must disperse. Pellet- tations are once more extended to the young couple, gallant swains lay in watt for fair companions to escort them home and work, cruel work. again stares the reyellers in the face. Call again Mr Cupid. BALSAM VALLEY RURAL PLAIN. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW TBUTKSEEKER. CULT/VA TING, 'Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and S ado Har- rows, Btsufflers, Etc. AYso Scotch Diamond Barrows. .ams Sewing Machines and supplies. ON. WHEELS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons. Pnlmereton Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Belt, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS .. yi1inR9.hrAorqmiB., A large stock of New Raymond and Wil through life. lit Joseph Campbell has commenced to build his house and he has the fa- mous Joe Ecclos as builder. not forget- ting Jim as corner man. Anyone want- ing a good job and done up in short order will do well and save money by securing Joe Eocles. South of Middaugh House Mr Lauchlnn MeDougail accompanied by his wife and family paid a short wait It D MeTtttyre'sr last week. The sun poured down its heat on San. dsylaet and was considered the hottest day yet. The most of people are busy at their hay. Crop is fairly good. Fall wheat is turning to a golden color and will be fit for cutting about the 25th inst if not sooner. It: affected a little by rust. Spring crops will be short on ac- count of so much dry weather. Rain is much needed again to cheer the thirsty soil. Potato huge and grasshoppers are numerous. Turnips in some Instances are going to be a failure. pastures are getting dry and scorched with the heat of the Mr J McQueen. of Boothville. paid a. short’visit to the valley the other evening. A new kind of atovepipea arrived " Boothville on Saturday night. Mr Colin McLean bought the old Joe Aussum farm. no“ this town, lately from Mr Cook. who only bought it last winter. It seems this part of the country did not suit Mr Cook and gave the place away. cropand all for Mo more then he paid for it himself. Mr Cook must be the loser. He is going back to his ain coun- try. down the country somewhere. You may be expecting a. large number from here to your town on the 12th. We heard of I. big time at Fleaherton on the Itrt where everybody saw the large elephant "ting peanuts. A number of road jobs are in pro- gress " present and they were much needed. The jobs are in good hands and the Commissioner will have no trouble in pasaxng them. John McKinnon, of Ehuls. B. C.. is spending a. while with his father Mr Arch McKlnnon. south line. Glenelg. Mr Mekinnon la in the mercantile b081- nels than and is dqing well. Wilkinson J?loughs,, number Mrs Fodder. of Woodbridge. and Mrs North. of Tomato. visited at Mrs J Me. Donald's last week. J McDougull. of Brownsville, was on a. business trip to the Valley last week. A number from this part took in the strawberrv festival at Dromore lust week and they poem well pleased with the em tertainment. John MoArthur, dt this place. left for the old country last week. Misses McCannel. of Top Cliff. are spending their holidays for . while with friends ut Staynor and elsewhere in that vieinity." Rev Mr Matheson will be leaving for his holidays on August lat. Rev Mr Conuelly Will occupy hu, pulpit. durum his absence. The trustees of our school in this place wt understand has accepted the applica- tion' of a. Mr McGill to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr Blake- stone. We are pleated to have Miss Gertie McLeod back again with us. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : A number from our neighborhood cele- brated the 12th at Durham on Friday last. As we intimated in a recent correspon. deuce. the picnic under the auspices at the A. O. U. W., Lodge 140 of this place came off on Wednesday 10th July at Sullivan's grove was quite a success. Mr Nixon. of Toronto, 9. Grand Lodge Officer. was pretr- ent and gave an excellent address on the good of the order. The committee spared no time in making everything an up-to. date affair and all seemed to on oy them- selves in it becoming manner. The good people of Pomona and vicinity cannot be excelled in any part of the country by way of assisting in providing for such gather- ings baskets full of palatable eatablea and other neceusaries required to make it a success. We have received the following note trom the Master Workmen and Ile- corder asking us kindly to have it placed amongst our items this week. "The pie- nic committee of Pficevillo Lodge 140 wish to extend to all those who so kindly assisted them by provisions and help. a hearty vote of thanks tor their kindness. also to the proprietor of the beautiful grove, Mr Sullivan. for his liberality in allowing them the use of his grounds. Signed on behalf of committee. James F Boyle. M. W. W G Watson. Recorder." Games of different kinds was indulged in towards evening and the following is the prize list. Throwing the stone lst E J Sullivan. 2nd Alex McDonald. everything for Farmers f Shares.' Soleplites, Etc. Nos '" genuine unless the words " Wmsox Phonon Porter, is eaten each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. [kinson r1'rif,',1,,1frt,,1i',', number 1.to 20, Eng! rppa rs ttttul kings. Pricevllle. RF ng iS’ E Barrister, Durham. 56 Wan.) 'h"ftgggegygggegMgMlgMlflf Running jump. The. McDongnll. Geo Campbell. Standing jump. Geo Campbell. Th0. McDougall. Running, hop step. &c ' Geo Campbell. Robert Andenon. Bicycle Race. Jae Turner. Hugh Me- Arthur. All went home highly pleased with the day's amusements. About 300 people were present on the occasion. but we ore sorry to say that the members of the Lodge did trot turn oat as they ought to. Boyifoot nee. Ned Whitaker. John McDonald. Mal McRet. of Elm sta eel. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale, contained in a certain Inden- ture of Mortgage which will be produc. ed at the time of Sale. there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Hugh MacKay. Esq.. Auctioneer at the Knapp House, in Town of Durham, on Wednesday, August 7th, l90l, at the hour of 2 O'clock, p. m., the fol- lowing lands and premises _ The west half of Lot No. fifty in the second Concession east of the Gamfmxa Road in the ToWnship of Glenelg. in the County of Grey, containing by udmeas- m-ement fifty acres be the same more or TERMS or SALE: 1011 of the purchase money at the time of Sale, and the hal- ance within tharty days thereafter With- out interest t or If the purchaser so de- sire, 10 per cent at the time of sale. and the balance to be arranged according to the terms and conditions then to be made known. For further terms and particulars. apply to J. P. TELF‘ORD, Durham, Vendot’s Solicitor. Dated 5th July, A. D., 1901, MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY kltiXlllgFlllfr, Ell of the COUNTY of GREY trtl At very Considerable ex- pense. the undersigned has prepared and had Litho- graphed a complete map of the Countv of Grey, showing all Towns, Villages, Churches, Rural Schools, Rivers and Streams, &c. The map is in size about 5 by 6 feet, is well Lithographod, and shows the Townships in distinctive col- . MCKINNON. It will be mailed express prepaid, to any address, on receipt of Price, sr. or on ap- plication rom any responsi- ble party, will be sent foriin- spection. A call solicited from Trustees in and near the town. Dated Durham J unc 17 '01 J. P. TELFORD Barrister, Durham. Lower Town made in heroic proportions. ”at a: the most shown beautiful wall papers ever seen in the wall paper whet. The idea has been to give to the pur- chaser of wall paper all that excellence, good taste and judgment can put into papers at reasonable price. We are sure you will find just what you want. All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE- "iiilA MacFarlane &Co. DRUGGSTS & BOOKSELLERS Any persons fishing on the property of the Durham Fishing Club will be prosecuted. Five dollars rewaed will he paid to any person furnishing such information as will lead to a conviction. J. KELLY. Ttma. A. HARRIS. Cash or Jyouuntt atale Everything New and u we and 'l','het. te,te b mly the undersigned has opened out In his new mum... h. r-__, in " new tmitdird1rTiii"i' T939. (next door to C. lemma) full lines of invites a. trial. 8EROO PROPORTIONS M new designs of wall paper are JULY 18, 1901 GEO- LAWRENCE. ',d) Grocery Store. NOTICE. GRotMmist an. Hercule WT?! ed to he sold on but m-n- " it Indu- of smallpox pvt-v en: from vxuni Several townshi Sault Ste M Mir townships have ttteat many y Bible Were not Now owmx to th inity of Scull, Ste up and the Conqu Minn nettle" any number are (oi exposed to therefore oonsid - of the pl townships can be or settlement may get the hen timber. the hm (In SPIN "'t will he th platform [ office thir Dr. Scum-I ll of the (“mm-in tir, Grnham's Bar on the uni vice day they will their IIIHIIII‘Y ulu being pursuit. I of we, autumn-H mourners his 'Mel ing on lot, and t md was plush-nu about I0 days ed fatal on Sn wow buried m Kheneot gnu‘ Glenda. amid large numlwr I among whom t Rev. Mr. TaHe the wervicers, I tmu ot mat: Tm: LAN to he milled wand "Inte ttbove well each an "trettit emu McIntosh: Nun-ma] Cotteql Tarball) there limb. Ala-um and Hie-u mm Mr. John Mn: Ottawa there Gietteig and ft Md papers (1 mluilm Normatitm,s " 1 We are pleased names from th each an "qettit Rtertms )l) found at lady's Saturday j::) luau Rum! "e return it tu IN the purse in IN leave it ttt (hm is otfeted in trel Slu‘mw-I,| e or?!“ Tm: ervu the publisher label us slow ' first uppm-Im holler still a ling's Dung at There m- a n lxnusa ["1 a farm cheap, country whet everyhing MN Chiraws, writ 1Vinnmnc. Ind Ktta latter. Artt ()me Hail ““ulum's H P'inder will Run-2w "ttic No Ills-u that far a Rarvmw for dothu, We I date tn Jun“ Ill SAFE FUR good order Apply to Mr. i this litm- Id VOL. Mt 'ot-ttttu PRINTS. “I'll“ We mld werwlk that I tihittitt Prints. ulna i ICE)! A N I SEA fit tl Atott m “or" " uit4 hi Tl

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