West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jul 1901, p. 4

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Li Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which You are paid. Changes and additions have a- gain been made and we ask our friend to examine closely. The price of the Review is 15 a yearin advamee--tt.3s if not so paid. The amount is small to subscribers-to the nublish- er. many smalls count up fast. Splendid crop of hay this year. Mr and Mrs N. Wilson returned home after spending a few weeks visiting in Toronto, Porthope. and elsewhere. which they enjoyed very much. Miss Florence McKechnie visited (Yollingwood friends last week. Miss Eva Booth and Mrs. John Mc- Queen were in Durham last week. BUNI'H HI'NTISH. _The system otl bonus-hunting which again prevails to such an alarming extent, notwithstand- ing thetestrictions placed upon it hy| act of narliament. ls aptly illustrated by the Laidlaw shoe factory of Aylmer, who have had a bonus by-law for $00,- Ill) ptwsetl in their favor at Orangeville. They have written to the St Thomas Council that they have not accepted the Urangeville bonus and would touch prefer St. Thomas. They therefore await the result of the voting in St. . Thomas on July 23. The '10,000 by-law in :e.'%i',',,vill,t, was carried a few days ago. T Is tirm would he sewed IJoly right. remarks the Stratford Hera d, if Urangeville and St. Thomas should both vast them over and let them stay in Aylmer. The game of bonus-hunting as practiced by this firm ought to bkel made distinctly unprofitahle. By what ' representations Orangeville Council was induced to submit a hy-law does not appear. but there is no doubt the Orangevllle people thought they meant business. though the Landan firm now unnlushingly admit practicaily that they were playing with them. the end aimed at being the St. Thomas bonus.- TERMS or SALE : lol' of the purchase money at the time of Sale. and the bal- ance within thirty days thereafter With- out interest t or tf the purchaser so de- sire, 10 per cent at the time of sale. and the balance to be arranged according to the terms and conditions then to be made known. For further terms and particulars. apply to After spending a few days with rein. tires the happy couple left for their home in Owen Sound followed by showers of good wishes. The popular Kounf bride will be much missed round er o d home in social circles as _wel1 " Mr. John t'aluphell rides in the finest buggy in this part, lately purchased from Miss Cochrane. " is " beauty. Miss Flora Stewa‘rt in company with Miss Galven. of Hamilton, visited at Neil Cameron',, last week and other friends. Mr. Neil Cameron', team ran away with the mower last Saturday and broke it all to pieces. No damage otherwise. mler and by virtue of the Power of Sale, contained in a certain Inden- ture of Mortgage which will be Produc- ed at. the time of Sale. there will be ottered for sale by Public Auction .by Hugh MacKay. Esq.. Auctioneer at the Knapp House, in Town of Durham, on The hridegrtom’s gift to the bride Was a beautiful rhinestone sunburst. Among the many costly and useful resents to the bride were three magm- IIT,','; white ostrich Iumes, the gm of her brother t't'i,fJ.ld' Geo. Ltdmghmn. a returned St ruthcunn from Africa. _ at the hour of 2 O'clock, p. m., the fol lowing lands and premises ".- The west half of Lot. No. titty in the second Concession east of the Ganfraxu Road 'n the Township of Glenelg. in the County of Grey, containimr by admeas. urement fifty acres be the same more or Vendor’s Solicitor. Dated 5th July, A. D., 1901, Mr. John McQueen spent the 12th with Staynel friends. Ty; “new” is on evotttoy of the ginning ui 5665 tkoiikroiidiikrGtui" the remodv um Guns a vain In 0-0 in, In -thi, dink-h; iriseie she was a devoted worker. One ot the prettiest home weddings of the season took place, at the resi- dence of Mrs. w. Ledingham. of Dor- noch, when her daughter Muss Elsie was married to Mr. James Manrty. of o. Sound. The ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreens and tosee by 'he Rev Mr Graham. of Dornoch. After the ceremony and usual congra- tulations the guests numbering about one hundred retired to the dining-room where a sumptuous repast was served. " The home was nicely decorated with roses and ferns and the bride who was given away by her him her, was daintily attired in cream cashmere and satin with trimmings of chiffon and troht lace medallions and carried bridal roses. Miss Jean Ledingham' acted as brides- maid and was neatly dressed m white organdie trimmed with valenciennes and carried pink roses. Little Willie and Katie Clarke, nephew and neice of the bride were quite attractive as flower children. The bridegroom wee ably pupporled by Mr D McKinnon. of Pais- MORTGAGE SALETf' FARM PROPERTY Wednesday, August 7th, md, TIIE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL C. Ramage, gg:2f, MARRIED IN JULY. BOOHVILLE. . P. TErsonD, Durham. Editor an! Proprietor Notice is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll ot the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at Elections for membets of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up at my otRce at Durham, on.the 6th day of July, 1901 and remains there for inspection: A woman who is constantly blushing must be terribly well mformed. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and. if any omissions or any other errors me found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said er rnrs corrected according to law. A loving woman will keep her henlt Warm as long as she lives, and her hair black as long as she dyes. . war. A. ANDERSON. Clerk. Durham, July 6th. 10)]. Apaomsms ABOUT Wounx. , Max O'Rell. ' However ill you may speak or think of woman you will always find a woman. able to do it better than you. i Municizmlily or the Town of Durham, County of Greg. mm IC NOTICE is hereby given that pursu- P ant to authority ot order: in Council. the lied and Whiw t in. A imber in the nonow- nu: townships Mt the Lsts'riUU't' oe ALGUMA, namely ..-ise Townships or Gullah: (part; Hart, Cartier. Levncx, Jarvis Anderson. Uhuley, Gillmor, W human. Curtis and lanthanum (part). nun curtain urns between the Pigeon River an“ the Arrow liner wnters in the Dutrict ot Thun- der bay, will be otrercd tor sale by L'ubnic Auction at the l’umument Buildings, ltl the City ot Tor- onto. on TUESDAY. the " FhiN'i'tghlN'h'H any of SEPTEMHLAG next,“ the hour of ONE o'caoc-k in the afternoon. At the same time and place certain forfeited uud abandoned Bertha m ttctt township: ot Diguy, Shel-Dome and Lutterwortts, in the District ox Huhhunun and County ot Victoria. will he uttered tor sale, the pun-chm“ of these latter, Bertha to have we right. to out all kinds ot timber. The "great holiday outing of West- ern Ontario" is a phrase' that some one once bestowed upon the Western Fair of London, and as the years go by the description seems to become more and more fitting. But it is more than a mere holiday. It is educational in its nature. N? man with his eyes and ears open can visit the Western Fen- without seeing something to which he had heretofor been a stranger, while the improvements on old devices, the improved methods of agriculture and the higher grade of stock and cattle all combine to show the rapid adyance be- ing made in Western Ontario, and to demonstrate that we in this section are fully abreast with the rest of the world. The entries for this year denote a large exhibit, and space should be secured without delay. The speeding in the ring as usual. will be one of the most attractive pastimes, and this will’b.e made doubly so by the engagement of the greatest coterie of high salaried a:robats. gymnasts and aerialists that ever appeared in one combination in Canada, while novelty is added by the introduction of a full troup of educated performing elephants. The fireworks display will be on a grander scale than ever, and will include a striking and novel representation of the "Fall of China" and “Taking of Pekin," together with the mast brilliant illumination and electrical effects ever before seen on the grounds. Spec-ml train service is being arranged over all railroads to leave London after the fireworks. None should miss this home exposition which can be so easily visited and at little expense. Department of Crown Lands. Toronto, J uue 1,1001 Sheets containing terms and conditions of Sale and iutormtttioutu, to Arena and Lots And Con- cessions comprised in each Bank will be tarnish- ed on appllcu tiou, either personal or by letter, to the Depunmont ot Crown Lands, '1'. ton to, or we Crown Timber Agencies at “mum, tiault Bte. Marie and Port. Arthur. VOTERS’ LIST. 1901. AUCTION SALE LONDON'S BIG SNOW. Oh' TIMBER BERTHS. E. J. DAVIS. Commissioner Crown Lands. ocvpv E's', Letter upon letter pours in from every point in Canada testitying to the marvelous power of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kid- ney and bladder troableifof the young, middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as find their origin in afaulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidencepnts ts power to cure these aff1ietionis be- yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. . This is what Mrs. J. W. Hutchins, 82 Portland St.. Toronto, has to say, "I cannot say too much for Dr. Pitch- er’s Backache Kidney Tablets. Be- fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the loins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck. Since using the -Tablets my back is " it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dis- appeared. Formerly when I did a washing I was utterly tired out, not having a bit of energy left, This morning I did my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Pittsher's Backache Kidney Tablets, for I never had anything do me so much good." . The Weak and Suffering are Liberated from Disease Any readers of this paper can test the merits ot Dr. Pitetier"s Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial ptuskatre.td The Pitcher Tablets tls, Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50e per bottle. Frost & Wood Show Rooms BEYOIN D A DOUBT. 35W Thousands Give Testimony. DREAM SEPARATUR John Livingstone ONTARIO Farmers' will do well to see it before buying elsewhere, as it is the lightest running yet largest capacity and strongest and most durable machine made. A trial will convince anyone that we have the best at all points. TORONTO THE MAGNET Bicycle Rspairing a. Specialty swims-rs». - soucrron m sun-Raul com". NDT‘RY Pull-IO. CO".I..’°NIR. m. OFFICE-Mite Blow}. OtBee, over Grant’s store. Lower Town Please renew early and oblige the putlisher. Business may be transacted " the office In U per Town or at th ofBee in Darlingg Drug Store, Lowe: Town, where we have phone connection Call at either place and have a. talk. Upper Town Phone No 6 Lower " Phone No 3. Company end private Funds to Loan on Mongege: at lowest. rates ot interest. anuetion made by a. competent nnd curetul Veluneor. HARRIS TER. SOLICITOR, NOATRY Any-Ln: conrlnnctn. ac. ott1ee------L0WER TOWN. DURH‘K. chug interim Real-61y one. in! Til; AU'iriiat Conections and Agency promptly attended to Wills. Deeds. MortgBgotr, Losses, Agreements are. correctly prepared. Estates of deceesed per- sons looked after and Exegator'ts and Adminis- trators‘ Accounts prepared Ind Ir."l,rtl Sumgete Court Business Prob-co ot Wit . Letters of Ad- minutrstgoq GF) qtyrrdteyhiv Qlltgned. sou- arristcr, A'oear , Gon- b' voyancer, tle., o..... Ion? to Loan at reasons ole rates an on terms to suit borrower. /'t"ikgktcii, All Charges Moderate tl, , TELFORD, MONEY TO LOAN G. LEFROY McCAUL. REVIEW E l DAVIDSON. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. 'r'S2,'li,'eiii?t,ti1, Fire I non ranch ‘c PUBLISHER. :(Over the Bank wfifi M ISCELLAN IOUS POTATO BUG SPRAY E " llllllll()liij, STEEL WIRE WOVEN FENCE GRANITE CREAM FAILS Every Farmer should hnve one of our Granite Cream Pails. which are N‘“ ing at the low sum of a) eta. M ACH I N E OI L Do not forget the quality of our Machine Oil Is it is second to none. P RESERVING KETTLES We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you P. see, reduced in weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the easrcst running Binder in the world. CO FFEE POTS - Full line of PIANOS, ORGANS, and SEWING MACHINES.---- We are well stocked with TURNIP SOWERS. SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, ct c LOTS " HONEY to Loan " 6%. Issuer of lARRlAGE Licenses We are always to the front with everything in our line PEA- PULUNG SCYTH ES Just to hand an immense shipment of Pea-Pulling Scythea, which we am- selling at 25 eta. each. BIN DE H TWIN E Our Binder Twine u going very fast. Ask your neighlmrq ttbout th '. quality and secure your supply before the stock is exhausted. HARDWARE ! ! LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooma. Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. we have a full angry of Cattle Oil, Whips and Harvest itts. Our Potato Bug Sprayers are l your work easy. If you require Fencing there is nothing to equal our American Steel Wire Woven Fence. Buy one of our Granite Preserving Kettle: and get a. ll). of Black's Baking Powder. If you enjoy 4rinhimrhrood Coffee call and inspect our '. Marion lieu-land (319mm 2t" " as they are the only reliable article of that description man - u new . MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, thesc were bought before the rise in waggons, No other shop when you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. k: v- "tRtN....qaI. vuu|...L: é; -seeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa§? it"'""'".:.:...:-..:-.., At Special prices The prices make it i --"_Ig- Come and see lls in our new store ' McArthur, Durham Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. SHOES and :Eiirt2r:EKEB:E:tEius gsiiigtitt_il,,jii""i.i,; . BLACK. WM CALDER I' very useful articles. Get one and Nuke it iteresting. Par", Green. Bug Finish. Hinder JULY M, 1901 Tsl': ' 'o'y"rl, W» we. BI] MacFa Piqnes Ill W Dunn-s (Sing! White, White Whit t Table Lou. Table oil C Buggy "u " only. Gl '30 only, Gl Glntos and t 4 only. W" a by Iii i "My .. Dont forge Slum as w Bros. t-rlel We Ala-my Toilet SUM He Lad it Twi, G ROE SRI ‘o N' Q... Keep , cverybod: tell them] O s. In for child We c St HE SELI CHE Lo Qua Sl' atte DIN 150( Taff “I uni and

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