West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jul 1901, p. 8

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Ii If] TINE BIO STORE 0tanhrupt WAa/esa/e We carry a very complete line of Underwear, Skirts, Drawers, Petticoats, ty Fancy Night Gowns, Bridal Sets, c. Made up to wear. No trouble to find your fit in our large stock. Fancy buying a nice Wrapper, Ready to wear for 7 5c. Woman Is 't0hite Soods NS It”, Gum»: with tra a"): a! 50 on. a 2tar. k PR CASH FOR PRODUCE. My ( Wouou’: Canola any , all" 0001' and comfortable. (Fumble): with tro, av" 50 m. a an. J. A. HUNTER. Was-lino thy 35 eh. a fallen. Boys' SWEATERS, Roll Collar, any regular shade at 50c. each. Boys' Running Shoes and Boys' Short Pants for 35c. each. MENS SWEATERS in ' NAVY BLUE, RED, GREEN, &c., at 50th, 75c. & 81.00 each. . Hunter. thuas, Jtouse JNO. CALDER & CO., Hamilton, manufactured Ready-Made Clothing but fail- ed in business. Their stock was sold at a low rate on the dollar and we went person- ally to Hamilton last week and bought a large stock at the lowest prices we ever saw. These goods are new and clean, never been out of the whole- saler's hands and in another week we will say more about them to you. We can sell you clothing cheaper than the Regular Merchant pays for it. Boys neat Navy Blue Serge Suits, 2 piece, size 22 to 28 at 81 r suit, No mistake. one deli; per suit. Men's Tweed Pants, regu- lar price $1.25, sale price 97e. a pair. Men's Suits, 3 piece, all sizes, new goods. neat patterns, ' So a suit, regular price $5. worth [at "rf - was Irate MePhail, at Toronto, is spending a. while with her tuber Kr. MLNichol’I oritt house is wad getting under 'torrthit' wegk. ' l Mr. Batten, who left for the old land . few weeks ago arrived safe in the land of the heather, elso Mrs Campbell and daughter Knee are en- Joying themselves in In 1Jampttttlits hitiviilandandwiummain there till an. It. MeArthur mute from the In point before, eateries the biz mill paid andbrthistisms He has owned” and will betteardfruninatew ya. Min May Little, of Cbnuworth. spent a. few days " Geo Cunpbell'l Iaat week and visited other friends. - Mr and Mrs M N cam. of Modem}. no holidaying with the farmer's pronto. Ber ll Cowan called on his sister Mrs Neil Clark lat. week on his way to O . B. to Visit bid puonts. - Mr and Mrs Lnnnoy spent guards] in Hanover with their daughter Mrs Spieoo. Mn Jno Morrison, of Dornoob. visited the parental home one day In: week. Intended for last week. Grand hay weather at present. 12th panned away very quietly Ut our town. Little M18! May Henrick from Toronto in on 3 vacation a her uncle's Mr Archie MoMillm's. M188 Annie Mokaon, who has been unending Owen Sound Coll. Inst. "turned home last Week. Much credit in due out tucker Misc McLean over the success of her pupils ct the recent nomination. tIver)tasvirts, pug- iTiiraiiGa." one Io! whom ii 'only clean years of ago. Mis- Jossie Peters, from Trtrvertston. spent . few days nth hands in our burg last. week. Mine M I? McLellan returned home after a. few weeks visit to Rochester and other points. Her sinter Mr: Evans and two children of Rochester accompanied her heck and Will spend A couple of months at the old homestead. Died at Pomona on July 2nd Mr Alex. ander McDonald, aged 70 years. We jam in sympathy with the family. (This Week’s Budget.) Miss Kata McMillan formerly ot this burg who has spent the past few years-m Guelph and other parts is on a. visit with her cousins and friends at. present. Mrs Pearie Pinnock 11) company with Miss Jennie M Benton spent. Saturday evening in your town. Mr Angus McInnis has faithfully served a term as hard labor in the peni- tentiary here. Kr J me: Even pnrohuod . tim, little pony last week. _ Miss H MoGtegor. from Durham. spept a. few days with Misses J euie and Maggie Benton lost week. Mr. D McDonnld, of Ceylon. spent Sun. day with his family here. He was no. companied by Mr l? Collmson. - - Miss Julia Melina. who has spent the plat few weeks in our town, returned to her home at Pomona. Julie made many friends while here. Mrs J as Darcy od three children. (nee Annie O'Neil) from Manitotm are at. present on a visit to her old home at Pomona. Buying in about over in this vicinity Ind fall wheat is in shock and is a good crop in general. A number of young boys in the neighborhood are away down to har- vest in the Lower settlement and are gettinghigh wattete,trorn880to $40 a month is going. Mr Hugh McArthur's house went up in smoke on July 2nd. We learn there was th small insurance. Miss May Martin horn 6th was a. caller with friends in the burg on Sabbath last. A small shower of rain passed through our burg on Sunday morning and was thankfully received. The Sunday School pienus in connec- tion with the Presbyterian Sabbath School here will be held in Matthew bush on Wednesday, July the 3lst. when a good time is expected. Mr Dan McCoskery. of Toronto, was a caller in our burg one evenmg last week. Haying is about done and in some instances harvesting has commenced. The dry weather is bringing the grain crop to maturtiy rather too fast. A slight shower of rain Sunday morning last cooled the air somewhat and is more pleasanter now than it was daring the last week. Among our many visitors;we find the following: Mr. Robert McDonald is renewing old friendship's away with his numerous friends in this part and istoremain for the moat of the fall. He looks hale and strong tor a. man of ms age, he is at present. with his cousin’s the McDonald’s. Gravel Road Glenelg.. Mr. and Mrs McCoskery, of Toronto, were at Mr. Malcolm MUnniig for a few days assisting at. the raising. Mrs Wright, of Buffalo, (Lizzie Simpson) is visiting her father of this place for the last couple of weeks and will be returning again soon. Mr. John Gray, of Toronto, visited Mrs McIntyre, ot the South Line, for a tow days recently, also Mrs Kelly and Regie Mathews, of Toronto, are spend- ing their holidays with Mrs McIntyre for the last week. Mr. Malcolm McInnis got his tine barn up on Monday' the 15th inst, and reiieeta much credit to both proprietor and contractors as the work done is ot first class material and workmanship. SCOTCH TOWN. Aberdeen. Pricevllle. THE DURHAM REVIEW 'ii,'ha" r, ,, Y'i'isag'cir ”is 'i'l, South of Middaugh House Wilkinson Plou hs, number - - V --- 1 to 20, and "pegs of all kindo. Shares. 2lghtt 2t, (tg, Put Coxrm"is out on enmne an ea 9 we " moon OOH _ Each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. ON WHE E Le, Chatham and Snowball Wagons. Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Gumball of London. Bell, Dollar: , Thoma end Berlin mien of PIANO and ORGANS Se ii'i'i'ti'ii,'ii?t?ii'il; A lug. stock of New Raymond and Wit on: w as en a up en. " . O. McKIINOI. John MicPhail. South Glenelg. Mr. Donald Malachi": is home after an absence of a. few years from the parental home and is to stav dur- ing summer and fall. Early on Sunday morntng the sad and unexpected news of the death of another early settler of this county came to our ears. in the person of Mr. Thee. Bell, of the 19 con. Egremnnt, whopaased away on Saturday night after a short sickness of a little over a week, Typhoid fever being the cause of death. Mr. Bell was a native of Dublin, Ireland, and cametoCanada when bat a young man. Some 43 yrs. ago he came to Egremont with the rest of the family and settled on the farm he died on. At the time of death he had passed his 68th birthday. He was generally well known all over this coutry as a dealer in horses and cattle. A few days ago he was by all appearancea man with many yearsibe- tore him. Re leaves to mourn, his loss an aged father now over 90 yrs. and one bro. Wm. who have the sympathy of the whole community. The funeral took place on Monday " 10 o'clock to Ebenezer cemetery accompanied by a large number of friends w o gathered topay their last 11:3)th to one who was much thought by all who knew him. The Rev Mr Varley, of Price- ville conducted services at the house and grave assisted by the Rev Mr Campbell, of Dromore. The weather has been very warm and dry tor the past two weeks and a. fine lot of good hay has been housed. Within a. few days haying will be a thing of the past and another year the crop in general has been a. fair one and a titttt quality. Mr. and Mrs Shewan who has been visiting the Laughwn family returned to their home in Toronto last week. Mrs Cummings. of Dundas, is " pres- 'll', visiting her many friends around are. Mr. Peters, Normanbv, was actual- at the manna and the Lothian family one dny lat week. We are sorry to report one of Mr. M. tere',) little girls down is with Typhoi lever. - Mr. Wm, Riely and sister Maud, of Priegville, visited at J. Benson's last wee . Miss Aggie Renwick is " present visiting her uncle at Belzmve. Rev Mr Kenning has arrived home after a successful tour through some ot the eastern towns of Ontario. Miss Effie McArthur, of Prieeville, a former resident of this place renewed old acquaintances here. Business church meetings this last week " Esplin and Cedarville to ur- range tor a temporary amuse for the minister. A farmer on 10th con went with his family to his son‘s barn raising in the neighborhood, when they arrived home he found something wrong among his Rigs, a number sick and two of them ad died. He examined the pig We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVA TING, Conlter & Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and S ode Har- m's, Btsutrierts, Etc. Arno Scotch Diamond Han-own. . had died. He examined the pig trough and found paris green in the trough, whether it got there by aeei- dent or by some evil disposed person your cor. is not prepared to say. Brick builder W J Glcnister finished building the third brick house on Sat- urday 20th, all alone, only one attend- er, he can build and give good satis- faction. The stone work of the new church has been completed by the contractor Mr J Merchant and has given the best of satisfaction to the. architect. Mom. day morning contractor W J Glenister commenced the brickwork. The architect will view the work as it proceeds perhaps every day. Mr I W MeArdle, Barrister, &c., Markdale. struck our town last Satur- day night and stayed over Sunday with his parents. It has been ofBeially announced that the commumon will be held in the Esplin Church on Sunday. August 4th and the Friday previous services will be held, also a business meeting with the election ot two new elders. There istalk of the Esplin Church party having a pienie in the near fu- ture, but it is not decided upon yet. everything for Farmers I Hopeville. Dromore. 909 '1 'ilhggggggiteggXtggi4 of Elm street. Two or three novelties In shiwwsists are shown in August maatmAaott and will probe.th do more to create a. sale for the; number among women than my other style shown " this season of the year. The most notable. feature in shirt-waists is that in which a. diagonal direction of the fabric from the should- ers to the lower front is secured without cutting the fabric bias. It is a novel effect. anLTHE .DELINEATOR shows se"eTlAlr"iifi7'tTivicttis cut in this manner, Another great novelty in the August DELmEu'on is that of a shirt-waist cut to produces pouch effect. Itis called the Grecian Pouch Shirt Waist. Take notice that a. Bylaw of the Corporation of the Town of Durham will he passed at the expiration of one month from the date hereof for the r/JI',")",', of closing certain streets or tl2Tt in the Town at Durham, w ich streets are as follows': Elm street on the east side of Gnrufraxa street. and that portion ot Albert street lying south of South street. and extend- SEND I'r To DAv--We are offering the Review to Jam. l, 1902 for 400. Have youa. friend who would appre cinte its waekly visits? Give us he name and address on a. post card (0-day, TOWN OF DURHAM. iith'ett therefrom to a. point on A rt street situate five chains south Mr. and Mrs. James Eden went Sun dsy Int with Mr and Mrs John Oman . Min Lizzie Foo was the guest of hot ulster Mrs W. MoCnlmon Italy. . Ur. Wm. Lennox was visiting friend in those parts a short time ago. Mr and Mrs MoAlli-ter culled on Mr W. Lauder on. (in last week. Min Bertha Gndd. from Ihtrimm, visit ed " Wm. Grlnt'a n day or to this weeks Min Alie. Dnnu. “rind home from Toronto, on day lust week. She looks " though city life mm: with her. She intends returning in a. short. time. Mil- Mary A. Gordon accompanied with Mill Kay Barkisy meat . few days with the ft"""" sister Mrs. R. J. Edna In: wee . _ Mr John Canon was “tilting the Caldwell bros. with their buy. Mrs. Pour Simon: In tho guest of Mrs. Wm. McCulmon on Sand-y lat. Clerk. Durham. Dated this 14th day of June A. D. 1901. W StmtT-Whisr STYLES. Public Notice. WM. A. ANDERSON, Yancy. Lower Town All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. <iMr tt, 'MII tim,' a: 40etBto =Thehav designs of wall pqer are made in heroic Wt. use are the most shown beautiful will papal ever seen in the wail paper market. Thezidea has been to give to the pur- chaser of wall paper all that excellence. good taste and judgment can put into papers at MEI: price. We a: sure you will find just what you want. otiee is hereby given that Byolew N No. 402 of the Town of Durban 3 by-law for the better unitary condition of the Town and claim: up otall pit closet: will come into force and take effect on the In day of July next. Cult or Printed copies of this By-lsw my beobtained " the Clerk's omoe and every mtepayer of the Town is re- quested to can and make himself acquainted with the pmvisions of the by-law, MacFarlane &Co. DRUGGSTS & BOOKSELLERS Heavy penalties for the infringement of this By-law are t'"l'ribed and will be strictly enforce Any persons tUhing on the property of the Durham Fishing Club will he prosecuted. Five doliam reward will he paid to any pennn furnishing such information as will lead to a conviction. J. KELLY. Trroa. A. HARRIS. War. A. Aunmsox. Clerk. Durham, May 27th, 1901. nothing Sale- Everything New and Wu: and he may knits-gum. LII‘J uuuunugneu nu opened out in his new building in Lower Town. (next door to C. Manon) full lines at The Pdetalottd bu opened Nothing Sale. If you want to have the right time get a Deuber, Hampden, Elgin or Walt- ham watch from Lower Town, HEROIG PROPORTIOHS im TIME fl ill. PUBLIC NOTICE. A. GORDO At, JULY M, 1901 0 Grocery Store. NOTICE. t2R0allitnitt an. Jeweller. in Tm: ltr' the Publis hhel Is do ttrst oppnd better stilll Iing‘u ”uni Then» are tt' ed (his tittt Datum 0mm " "Watson's Finder wl REVIEW at list of all He attend and can“: 1 Mr. Allan ( sun-central “Indium. We I Thursday died at. 2 o No Ills-I that far I Ravmwfa dotiar, we date to Jaw In Bram forty linen roll, and " on at the c theme men town for y up later "tl metqttr.t how we c Dunn “of once” to and {any} commit-Incl their “(an new in pan ORIENT I since host i the tirttt " has been}: out of I shipped he cement Imi new build has had In ing of th . crusher is to make hugely u machinery has, we any any w along the SAFE m good orde Apply to I Dims-rid the tttte be _ Rennie. (i out-hulk“ by fire. o lightning. _ on the l but “1‘5 uncle"! some wont in Port HI! the loss is 1 THANKS Snider h the Volul from Bali Cunp‘uell. Connnmd' express hi in drill a. - ha ill itant LAD" Toronto ment of a and "no: lady Mun They evi Village of treasurer t,ustitstactor icipnlity how muef dimes. the Indy we“ Donsm‘u day in the Dorian chm women tht brick char Mlmquy 1 was of thi [urge ""11 and hrizh intend Hex to any ad Whldl Itev m m mo VOL. PRINT 'ersomu Shh ti l'rinu value Cotta SE

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