West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Aug 1901, p. 4

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{ # 100 acre farm in Sullivan Township, No. 1 of 29, 4th con., 80 acres cleared. 20 acres good bush. First class buildâ€" ings, young orchard and good water» Clear of all encumbrances. Apply to Rost. A. Miuus, Valetta, Kent County. Either Markdale or Ower, Sound _we now lacrosse champions of this district. Messrs. J. Collinson and A. Laidlaw played in Port Elgin with that tear on Tuesday against Southampton. Mount Forest was defeated Monday at Fergus by that team by a score of 6 to 2. This is the first game that Fergus has won this season. An interesting lacrosse match was witnessed at Orangeyille Monday by 2,000 people, 500 being from Shelburne, between Shelburne and Orangeville. Score, 5 to 0 in favor of Orangeville. Tnux Lasor Gazetre.â€"This imporâ€" tant and useful magazine, issued by the Department of Labor by order of Parliaâ€" ment, entered on its 2nd yolumne in July last. For an unbiassed account of the numerous strikes, combinations, arbitrations, conciliations etc., its colâ€" umns should be examined. The Jaly number has an exhaustive article on the Dairying industry in Canada ; another on * Conciliation and Arbitration in New Zealand " shews progress in the island colony of rational methods. The C,. P. . strike, Oriental immigration in the west, are well written up and " District Notes " from special corres. pondents are interesting reflections of the Labor Market, The Gazette can be secured for 20 cts a year by addressing Lost.â€"On Monday, July 22, between Orange Hall, 8. Line Glenelg and Notice is herzby given that a Byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham, cn the Bd day of July A. D. 1901 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $1300.00, for the purpose of purchasing a site for the buildiags otf The National Portland Cement Company. Limited and that such Byâ€"law was registered in the Registry Oftice, of the South Riding, of the County of Grey. on the 25th day of Jury A. D. 1901, Any motion to set aside or quash the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months from the date of aegistration and cannot be made thereâ€" after. " The Accountant, Dep. of Labour, Ottawa." Tuxr Quick Dorcar.â€"This is what the publisher likes, Reader, it your label is slow please oblige us at the very first opportunity by a remittance or better still a call. Money left at Darâ€" ling‘s Drug store will be duly creditedâ€" There are a number who hayve overlook. ed this little matter. "W atson‘s Hill" Upper Road, a Robe. Finder will _ oblige by leaving at Review office or Gordon‘s store. THE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which you are Eoid. Changes and additions ave aâ€" gain been made and we ask our friend to examine closely. The price of the Review is 18 a year in advanceâ€"$1.35 if not so paid. The amount is small to subscribersâ€"to the publishâ€" er, many smalls count up fast. The eldest child of the late Queen, [ she was long known as the Princess Roval and was much beloved for her own character and abilities. _ It has, come to light generally of late that | King Edward and his sister were deeg- ly.attached to each other and an addâ€" ed tinge of sympathy goes on his acâ€" ecount. Her marriage to the crown’ Prince of Russia, afterwards Emporer‘ Frederick of Germany was a popular step and proved to be one of the marâ€" riages made in Heaven and not by the expediency of Kings and courts. Her eldest son the Emperor of Germany has shown some curious qualities but he has also shown that he has a tender loving hbeart and English speaking people everywhere will sympathize with him as they see him in one year tenderly linger at the dyâ€" | ing bed of mother and grandmother. | She was 61 years old and died of | dropsy induced by cancer, ! f British hearts in all lands will sincereâ€" ly mourn the death of the above Royal lady which took place on Monday at Cronberg. Clerk., Dated the 2th day of July A. D. 1901, THE LATE EMPRESS FREDEKICK. PUBLIC NOTICE. s Ramage,. *43 FOR SALE. . A. AxpERsox, & «tm + + Editor ard Pro prietor. otesâ€" Ne hS AexT en on NifZe» H. Sealey. Letter upon letter pours in from every point in Canada testitying to the marvelous power of Lr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kidâ€" ney and bladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as find their origin in a faulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidence puts ts power to cure these afflictions beâ€" yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. The Weak and Suftering are Liberated from Disease This is what Mrs. J. W. Hutchings, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say, "I cannot say too much for Dr. Pitchâ€" er‘s Backache Kidney Tablets. Beâ€" fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the loins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck, Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has disâ€" appeared. Formerly when I did a washing I was utterly tired out, not bhaving a bit of energy lett. _ This morning I did my washing in two hours and I did not mind it I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tablets, for I never had anything do me so much good." Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, June 1,1901 Sheets containing terms and conditions of Sale and information as to Areas and Lots and Conâ€" cessions comprised in each Berth will be furnishâ€" ed on application, either personal or by letter, to the Depariment of Crown Lands, Toronto, or the Crown Timber Agencies at Ottawa, Sault Steâ€" Marie and Port Arthur. _ We are pleased to hear of Miss Lillie | M Leeson‘s success in Uncle Sam‘s | courtry. _ She passed a successful | teachers‘ examination and is now duly | qualified as a teacher. She is engaged | for a school near her sister‘s at a nice | salary. Mr Donald Black Sr is away to Cooks Mills, Miclhigan, to remain with his family there for a time. _ Unucle Dan, as he was familiarly ealled, will be much missed aâ€" round the corners. Harvesting will be about over with a few of our neighbors this week UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuâ€" aut to authority of Orders in Council, the Red and White rine 1imber in the toi10wâ€" mug townships in the DISTRICT OF ALGOMA, unamely :â€"‘Tue Townships of Grabam (part} Hart, Cartier, Levack, Jurvis Anderson, Chesiey, (Gillmor, W hitman, Curtis and Rutherford (part), aund cortain ureas between cne Pigeon River and the Arrow River waters ia tue District of Thenâ€" der Bay, will be offered for sule by rubiic Auction ut the i‘arhament Buildings, in vhe City of Torâ€" onto, on TUESDAY, the SE VISNTEENTH day of BSEPTEMBIGL next, at the hour of ONE o‘ciock in the atternoou. Atthe same time and place certain forfeited aud abandagued Berths in tke Townships of Digby, Sherborne and Lutterworth, in the District of HMaliburion and County of Victoria, will be oifered for sale, the purchasers of these latler, Bertbs to have the rignt to cus all kinds of timber. Any readers of this paper can test the merits of Dr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50c per bottle. Miss Alta Leeson came Saturday after a long visit tives in Ingersoll. Mr John J Black on Saturday last. Miss Annie Beaten, of Kob Roy, spent Sunday with her consin, Miss Maggie May Beaton, Berry picking was in full swing last week. Miss Katie McQuarrie and sister, Mrs Neil McDougall are at present on a visit to the old homestead. Some of our boys are talking of going west this week. Please renew early and ~blige the pullisher, Business may be transacted at the office in Upper Town or at the office in Darling‘s Drug Store, Lower Town, where we have phone connection Call at either place and have a talk. Upper Town Phone No 6 Lower " _ Phone No 3. Misses Alice and Agnes Dunn are now,home holiday ing trom the city. Misses Eleanor and Mildred Leeson are visiting friends in Bridgeburg this week and taking in Panâ€"Am. sights. Miss Alta Leeson came home last Saturday after a long visit with relaâ€" Miss Alice Watson had a pleasant evening party with some friends last Friday. Miss Mary Watson is visiting bersisâ€" ter, Mrs W Grant and other relatives about here at present. . Mr Chas Gadd we are pleased to say is getting better after a long spell of sickness. Miss Mildred and Theo Leeson visit ed Hampden friends Sunday. a fine solid brick house, A Smith a yven eered brick and M Mearns is adding : fine brick front. Mrs Simmons and children are visitâ€" ing ber mother, Mrs. Little Sr. Building uEerations are brisk on the back line. 1 McNaughton is building tw °+ oR in( AiL o BEXYOND A DOUBT. Thousands Give Testimony. PUBLISHER‘S NOTICE AUCTION SALEL North East Normanby TIMBER BERTHS. sCOTCH TCWN E. J. VAVIS, Commissioner Crown Lands OF <<@pe > commenced thrashing PUBLISHER he right g}. lutchins, e to say, % r. Pitchâ€" ts. â€" Beâ€" ‘%" ing pain | $3 an acute * bhad not between <§" c of my | B lets my %,, and the has dis | # I did a <§f out, not _ _ This | & in two %" I have <§t ing Dr. % Tablets, o me so Ԥ" £ can test ackache % ing two atg The ‘%’ to, Ont. Fa £ E. )lige th % e ansacted g c at the > IJOWCI‘ % t o ba B 4 t ds t oys s is t i oys c t ce ie ips tp t ty oip ip ip Ip ip Ipip ip tR 1 3Q e ofe choofe ofe cfaoke obe ofe obe obe oo obe ofe ofe obe ofe ofe ofe cfaofe ofe ofe ofe sfege L * ; $ 8. F.MORLOCK, uy 32 â€" ~ ’ ... ... J To continue for 30 days, every % article reduced, this is an ofâ€" = ~ fering of the most desirâ€" % inferior able newest and very Q N goods Come â€" mt choicest millinery \ Q and avail yourâ€" at prices lover ~9 self of this ocporâ€" a Frost & Wocd Show Rooms Telephone No 8. Ghe above Flours are equal to any Flour V)arket. All accounts past due must be promj will be placed in other hands for collection. Having adoptea the Cash Sstem I beg to quote Flour, &¢,, at the undermentioned prices, to my patrons and cash customers : Ohe Peopte‘s Hpilts Give us a trial and be convinced that our prices are right. Above prices are strictly cash. Goods deli: vered to all parts of the town. CREAM SEPARATOR John Livingstone Pure Manitoba Flour per bbl... $4.20 Strong Bakers g (% 3:50 Family 4 t 3.I10 THE DURHAM REVIEW Farmers‘ will do well to see it before buying elsewhere, as it is the lightest running yet largest capacity and strongest and most durable machine made, â€" A trial will convince anyone that we have the best at all points. TORONTO TEILE MAGDNET Bicysle Repairing a Specialty '03 OLUAT . pr 0’('[’"@ 4 M{‘J or Fire Insurance, & c on the AG WAGGONS. % We have a new light Masseyâ€"Harris Binder we want you to see, reduced in weight and Roller Bearings from ‘Top to bottom of it. Positively the easiest running Binder in the world. â€"â€" _ Full lineof PTANOS, ORGANS, and SEWING MACHINES.â€"â€" We are well stocked with TURNIP SOWERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, et c LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5%. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWXNX Implement Warerooms. Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don‘t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAN ie w A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, thes« were bought before the rise in waggons, No other shop wher you can buy a firstâ€"class Waggon at as Jow a price. ”.33334)393333662(-&!:"‘(»:(-:6@‘. ‘C. McArthur, Durham Mouse Traps ... Buggy Whips .. Tan Boot Polish Binder Twine .. Harvest Mits ... Scythes........ At Special_ prices The prices make it iteresting. The‘"Blacks special XXX" Machine Oil surpasses all other oils. Do not buy other inferior material while you can get this oil. If you have any respect for your horses buy a pair of our Fly Nets, We have a very large stock of Knives and Forks, Call and examine them. Just to hand an immense shipment of "W. Black" Silverware, and in qualâ€" ity is second to none in this country. If you require any ask your neighbor about it. Our sale is still going on in Old Country Scythes and Binder Twine. CEEECECCEEC®RRR3RR23323>*" Come and see us in our new store Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. â€" Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. xt SETOHBHS and â€"co O BB HARDWARE ! ! SPECIAL SALE ? W. BLACK Snaps: WM CALDER AUGUST 8, 1901 BJ MacFarl Table Limen . Table Oil Clo Puggy Dust« only, Gias «OQonly, Glas Glass and naj 4 only, genut 22 by 3) in only . . > Dont forget : Shoes as we Bros, selebra We always I Toilet Soaps Piques in WH Dress Gingha for childr White and C White Taffet White and B Ladies® and TWE GROC Hea hss\ P dgass We car Ins St HE SELL CHEA Qualit attend Low sUX DRY BOO‘ D)

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