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Durham Review (1897), 15 Aug 1901, p. 1

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irke HAN Ket fop ‘S from â€"â€"Dilts t to AHAN re iDers RS ited. CE TC L m K. t a rA r'u-e ew V,. buy Â¥# 1% t . ~qptneigatiths cones en ie dn thadh 4 4 couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs larming can be carried on except by ip.| , Three ladies were out bathmg at’ a rigation. In Oregon and \\':;Lhin?zt::;x | the foot of St. Andrew Avenue, at the genton, and l';?l;‘.pa‘l;e;ts(,) Mr, and Mrs they haye rain, but not here or in Caliâ€" | Island. They had swum out to a axter, near istie EL 4). formia. _ California aside from the irriâ€" sandbar, where they rested. The| Dr.C. M. Culbertson, Meaford, arrivâ€" g:lte-l«l .p'n.r' ions is "["ll(] n-ms.t (lt‘\‘()l«'l't(t(:()lln- | wind became so strong that it drifted ed in town Saturday to visit his mother Cile onl baurks ‘s of sage hi *4 / them off the bar, and they thought | Mrs. Scott and other friends for a few only odd bunches of sage brush \VI"[th id im back to th beach. grow. The olive, grape and orange th°Y would swim back to the fac | days. Mrs. Culbertson and daughter groyes are irrigated and constantly culâ€" | They started across, _ but found? the Rita who have been here for some time tivated to produce fruit. The atmos.| Wwater was beyond their depth. They , returned home on Wednesday phere is clear and‘the‘ altitude high. | became fnghtened, but one of the 2 [ They have no malaria here but plent,{ of |ladies, who was a fairly good swimâ€"| Mr. T. W. Gibson, of the Bureaun of nervous and 5'!)‘1“"’*‘“0 t"(‘i’“"'es- Ne :mer, began to call for help. Mr. Brad | Mines, Toronto, was up last week and . " = E* |Jamieson, who had just then come | this on avisit to his sister rs Jas. ie o hi t "Aiee po J ho had Juse th his on a visit to his sister Mro 3 lowstone Park in the morning and w ill ';d:)wn for a d(xlp, grasped the situation Irelanc'l. Mr: G1ibson }:ad charge of the be there a week and we expect to get |af once, and swam to their rescue. Canadian Mineral Aisplay at the Panâ€" i h renmont dy eoaite,feomite |the latfeg wie sieae 9 s »eRt0,of | Amenin ‘iich has eallet forth o ay AS “.'e s Â¥ + + e attle to Victoria, B. C., and had supper | after dlseugagmg them, he hel(i one fn‘::;b fsvomb{:hcgimn}enltangnnfiii)){)day in Canada. We came back at night under each arm and kept them above | !" ©OmPpany wt r. Ire, & irecâ€" and slept on the boat and enjoyed the water while the other lady swam beâ€" | °O" McKechnie he drove out to the lake trip very much,. We are in the best of hind hi i11 | and thinks the marl properties there are alth while we are enjoying the him and pushed them along till :‘r‘:‘;' e do hnos expect to move out )they reached shallow water. One of| &D excellent proposition. We were west." Mr. Leeson is now settled in | the young women fainted while in the | pleased to hayve a call from him and Fowler, Indiana, has a large congregaâ€" | water and the other one also fainted hope a more leisurely visit may enable | tion and a handsome salary. when landed. C Rerlcatigliz & O E ipsatine i <> utsA .. .. Hooper, of North Egremont. and was a young woman of devoted characte, and possessed all the virtues of a faith ful wife and loving mother. Over a year ago she contracted a severe cold which left evil effects behind it, and since that time she suffered a great deal and bore it with exemplary paâ€" tience. Death has claimed her at last and the bereayed husband and | six young children will sadly miss and deeply mourn the wife and mother gone before. _ Mr, and Mrs. Jno. McKelvey left toâ€"day (Tuesday) to attend the funâ€" eral of their daughterâ€"inâ€"law. To ali the bereaved ones we extend beartfelt sympathy, A WESTERXN TrRriP.â€"Rey. Chas. H. Leeson, an old Varney boy, and his wife attended the great International Epworth League Convyention held reâ€" cently st San Francisco, At the close they took & LOur of Fhik Vorleh ism eB evos pecre n Tns Latk Mrs. Da To day, Tuesday, we regret, that Mrs. Day passed away and is bei we write. The deceas daughter, Luey of M 100 YEARS AGo.â€"The Ulobe, day by day, publishes little extracts from its files of 50 years ago and also reproduces from the ‘"Times" of London, England, similar excerpts of 100 years ago. â€" An interesting item from the Times the‘ other day was * Colonel the Hon. & Wellesley of the 8rd foot is appointed . Brigadierâ€"General in the army serving ' in Egypt." Hon. A. Wellesley wasl afterwards the Duke of Wellinatam A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Durham Lacrosse clab was beld on Tuesday eyening to wind up the busiâ€" ness of the season. The Treasurer‘s Reâ€" port was unanimously passed. The reâ€" port shows a slight deficit but all were agreed that the club had been run in a very economical manner and means are being adopted to wipe out the deficit in order to leave a clean sheet for next serson. i | Of last w Barrist Garoex Party.â€" The nn-Im, the fir nual Garden Party of the Town congreâ€" | guq con., gation will be held on the fine groundsihlghly & of Mr. B. Warner on Thursday evening interdeno August 22nd inst. Should the weather | platform prove unfavorable, it will be held the | Camp bell following night. It will be conducted | loyally ar on the same lines as last year. Thefsa.cred thi band will be in attendance and other‘,.ied into t attractions. L No MIST’AKF. you make if you send that far away friend of yours the ReviEw for a year it only costs you one dollar, we pay the postage. From this date to January 1st 1902 only 35cts. Dr. Park, specialist in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat diseases, will he at his mother‘s residence in town after arriyal of evening train on the 17th inst., reâ€" maining till the 19th inst for consulâ€" tation. a | Wax. Brack. Diep x HAMILTOXN®,â€"Mr. Alexander. formerly of Bentinck, died as aboye on Monday last, and the remains were brought home on Monday eyening for interment in the family burying ground. NoTICE.â€"Parties intending to burn | Coal this winter will be greiatly benefitâ€"| ted by placing their order early. ' Big Store, 17 y TComter Shoe at the Big Store, ; J. A. H unter. New stock is in. | NOTICE.â€"Two good secondâ€"hand laâ€" ’ dies‘ wheels for sale cheap. ¢ | Waxt. Brack. | The ExMPRESS Shoe for Ladies and tbe} SLATER Shoe for Men are Canada‘s Best I New Stock just in at J. A. Hunter‘s, |, Yht .. ue l â€" 25% Discount on Ladies‘ The Big Store, Buy the Slater Shoe at J. A. H unter. New stoc} NOTICE.â€"Iwo oo sn ~ iess tde eelEC time she suffered a great bore it with exemplary paâ€" ath has claimed her at last llk;reawpd.“hush.and and six iesday, we learn with deep t Mrs. David McKelyie has y and is being laid to rest as The deceased was the eldest Luecy of Mr. and Mrs Jas, North Egremont, and was 'mlna:l] ‘(l)‘fA (}(:\'A()led character eneral in the army serving Hon. A. Wellesley was the Duke of Wellington. s Mrs. Davin McKELvEy.â€" NY AiPuinbs hifi ind ho 4 4 2. o 1 ill the virtues of a faithâ€" loving mother. Over a contracted a severe sold 1 effects hehm_d it, and e wile and mother gone| ___ Mr. Brad Jamieson Saves Three id Mrs, 3.}(:'0:12155(‘2;‘ Young Ladies from possible Drowning day) to attend the funâ€" esmmc wughterâ€"inâ€"law. To ali| Tuesday‘s Mail and Empire records es we extemd beartfelt| 3 praye story of Dr. Jamieson‘s son | Brad which sends a thrill of pleasure Trir.â€"Rey. Chas. U-;through his townsmen. _ While they Varney boy, and his} rejoiced at his intellectual succesess, at !f"( ,fi::“‘_‘:n('l'(‘)‘:'";:fil‘('lo';ffl his physical prowess winning yictories ancisco, _ At the close| 28 &D oarsman, they rejoice even more of the west and we take | that these qualities enable him to dare aking a few extracts| and do robler things. Congratulations etter. _ Writing from | Brad. Here is the item : . where he preached furl "Coolâ€"Headed Action of Mr_â€" RPrad companion, he says : 2 2 CENER Whitewear at _vooiâ€"neaded Action of Mr. Brad Jamieson a t the IsLand. What might have been a triple drowning accident last Saturday afterâ€" noon was averted by the courage and coolâ€"headedness of one man. P‘attorm and around it Pastor M. P. !()anmpbell and his Baptist flock work | loyally and harmoniesly together in | sacred things and the same spirit, carâ€" |’ ried into their social gatherings, makes them highly popular. Mr John Graâ€" ham, as chairman, of course was an attraction that is never disappointing white the same be said of the Durham Baptist chour though they desired exâ€" cuses on account of the absence of some of their membérs ‘Phaiw mmb L.i 0| _ _ Murocxk Garporx Party.â€"Tuesday of last week this annual event was held on the fine grounds of Mr. Neil McLean 3rd con., Bentinck, and was as usual highly successful, there being a fine interdenominational â€" mixture on the platform and around it Pastor M P ‘[ _ _ ITHE Lat® Mrs Joux ScotTr.â€"Al ~| deaths are saddening more or less but f peculiarly sad it is when the reaper | Death gathers in the young and the | useful. _Two weeks ago Mrs. Jno. Scott, ) North Egremont was attacked with | typhoid fever and notwithstanding | medical skill and assiduous care she has | been cut off in the prime of life leaving | to her sorrowimg husband the memory | of a happy home and the charge of their l | young child about 3 months old. Mrs. , Scott, who has only been married about | , fourteen months, was about 21 years of | age, and was the eldest daughter of Mr. ,' and Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, Glenelg. To her husband and the members of her father‘s home we extend sincere sym> pathy in the sad bereayement. Rural schools reâ€"open on Monday A HEROIG RESCUE seemed happy. inno the ea Durhd out bathing at Avenue, at the swum out to a 7 rested. The Mr. Brad a Mr. T. W. Gibson, of the Bureau of Mines, Toronto, was up last week and this on avisit to his sister Mrs Jas. Ireland. Mr, Gibson had charge of the Canadian Mineral display at the Panâ€" American which has called forth so much favorable comment. On Monday in company with Mr. Ireland and Direcâ€" tor McKechnie he drove out to the lake and thinks the marl properties there are an excellent proposition. We were pleased to have a call from him and hope a more leisurely visit may enable | him to see more of our country. 1 Dr. C. M. Culbertson, Meaford, arrivâ€" ed in town Saturday to visit his mother Mrs. Scott and other friends for a few | days. Mrs. Culbertson and daughter Mrs. Walton, Torcuto, with four chilâ€" dren, came up Saturday to spend a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Renton, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, near Thistle P. O. turning to her home in Canunington,. ‘dent,â€"t.he result of an electric shockâ€" Mrs. C. McLean and her sister Mrs ’while engaged in his duties, but is about Chas. Cameron, with their niece Miss | all right again, we are glad to hear. Rennie occupy their residence in Upper|: Rev. Mr, Rogers, Owen Sound, Town this week, having just come from ’ E)xeached two able sermons on Sunday iL.} %# . L & mlog‘s y d & 7 & % their Muskoka home. Mrs. R. J. Johunston, left for Midland on Monday, to spend a few weeks in & summer cottage on an island before re turning to her home in Cannington, Mr. George Gardiner, of Toronto, a member of the 48th Highlanders Band. was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jobnâ€" ston last week. Mr. and Miss Woodland, of Toronto, are in town. Miss Woodland is the guest of Miss Bella Hughes, 4 Mr. Wm. Coleridge, of Yeovil, visited his sister, Mrs. U. Ramage, at the REvIEW Office this week. The Baptist Sunday School hold their annual picnic today, (W ednesday), at Hamilton‘s Lake. Miss Lizzie McDo nesday to Toronto relatives here. j Lr'n.fl.:.i‘_“':-‘flhfi., { "AUnngk] |LIPFI l y i1fi ZTOEJ Lh. io oo oeek 00 0000 rvi EVEA NLISS L&APSOD, Master Theodore Hamilton, Brantâ€" ford, is the guest of Mrs. John Firth for a few days. Miss Vida McLachlanr left Weanesâ€" day for Toronto. Mrs. Boyd, of Stratford, is visiting her mother Mrs. Sutherland. Miss Gertie King, of Mt. Forest, spent a few days with her friend Miss Carson. ’ Mr. Walker has commenced to feed the vast pile of stones into the massiy© jaws of his crushing machine, and the making of building blocks will goon be begun. *see Lk This "hum of ind ustry" is in progress as we write the first attack being made on the hill to the east of Mr. C. Lang‘s ‘ property where some 20 teams are at work making the cut through which a spur line will be run to connect with] the trolley line. The number of dumpJ carts in sight, about two dozen large scrapers, and heaps of small ones, wheelâ€" ‘ barrows, ploughs, &c. &c., makes one think it will be necessary to run an ex-‘ cursion from Manitoba to man tnem all, ; _ DURHAM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1901 _ One contract has been placed in Torâ€" ' onto, but necessarily the bulk of it had to be secured in the States. The super iâ€" ority and reputation of the Krupp Ball Mills however is so well established that that part will be © Made Jin Germany." Some of ths is to be deâ€" livered in 60 days consequently there will be a hum of industry round the banks of " Camp‘s Creek " if switch | aud buildings are to be ready for their ! reception. 1 novi ' city, Michigan, and giying a capacity of 25 barrels a day more foreach. Then there are the immense tanks necessary for the proper distribution and mixing of the marl and the clay, 13 in number. The interesting and complicated machinâ€" ery for the dredge and the scow ;thel ** wet tubes " and the " dry tubes;" thel "* Ball Mills " for the grinding of the clinkers ; the " Griffin Mills " etc. etc., ! far beyond the off hand writing of a| " â€" ‘ne board calleéd to open the tenders for much of the machinery required in the plant of the National Portland Cement Co. to be erected in our town. The machinery consists of 6 immense rotaries, 70 feet long, which is 10 feet longer than those at work in Cement Director Gilbert McKechnie went to Detroit last week to attend a meeting of the Board called to open the tenders § 4# ice. Big Purchosers for Cement Works. $50.000 WORTH O0F MACHINERY McDonald returned Wedâ€" _ part will be " Made in ‘ _ Some of this is to be deâ€" 60 days consequently there hum of industry round the * Camp‘s Creek " if switch tmb 4 o6 + after visiting her it 1 reâ€" C Mibiith in t Airctyalite cacte +3 i sat t W c 213( W. in Buffalo. Leaying them all well, she had one of the bitter experiences of life to meet at home for her daughterâ€" inâ€"law, Mrs, D, McKelvie, died the day of her arrival. While in Buffalofsho met Miss Mary Scott, Dromore, enjoy= ing the exposition with friends and sho too experienced the vicissitudes otRlife being called home owing to the fatal i11« l ness of her brother‘s wife. I Mrs. John McKelvie came home on Monday from a visit to her son, John _ Among the many leaving for Manitoâ€" ba and the Territories on Tuesday were Messrs Dan Campbell, Aberdeen ; Thos,. Scart, Rocky Saugeen ; Grant McComb, Bunessan ; John L. McKechnie, Durâ€" ham ; Arnold and R. Noble, Wm. Bratâ€" ton, Geo. Brown, Jr. and Jas.:Hopkins, all of Bentinck ; Edgar Reynolds and two Calder boys. * i Tow tm h: sviec, A last in the Presbyterian Church. Notâ€" withstanding his 84 years he is still vigâ€" orous, can rise into eloquencé as occaâ€" sion demands, and tackles a controverâ€" sial subject with youthful keenness, ! Mr. Henry Nason, wife and son, were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Meeson‘s, Rose Hill Farm. Varney, on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. Nason was born near Varney over 40 years ago and now resides at Gordonville, Arthur Tp. Mr. Alex. Crawford came home from New Ontari0 on Monday night. He lately met with a rather severe acciâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Little, Sr., left Tuesday morning for Lumsden, N. W.T, where their son Adam resides. Tney were the recipients of many handshakes and warm expressions of welfare as they boarded the train. | Mr. Ed. Kress has bought a piece of land from the Edge Estate, just south l of the Hughes‘ residence and will erect a house thereon. This will be one of the most pleasant sites in town. Mr. E. Geo. Brown of Ottawa was a guest at Mr. Jas. Ireland‘s last week,. Mr. Brown is an enthusiastic fisherman and succseded in capturing a few of the speckled heauties from the Saugeen, | Commussioner Jas. Allan left Tuesday morning by the Western excursion for Manitoba where be will yisit his sons and transact some other business. Rev. Mr. F orest, well known here, will preach in the Presbyterian Church for the next two Sundays during the absence of the pastor on his holidays. Miss Jessie Johnston and Mr. George Gardiner, of Toronto, spent a day yisitâ€" ing the beauties of Hayward‘s Falls and friends at Glenroaden. Messrs. J. Lorne and Chas, G. Watson, London, came up last week to spend a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mounâ€" tain and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thibedeau, of Markdale, spent Saturday and Sunday last visiting at Messrs. D. McDonald‘s and Jno. A. Black‘s. Rev, Mr. Farquharson left on Friday last to visit his old home in Kent Counâ€" ty, his brother in Chatham, and other friends. _ Miss Bella McLauchlan, near Priceâ€" ville, is spending a week with her relaâ€" tiyes, Mr. John Robertson and family, Misses Laura and Eva Young, who were guests at the Presbyterian Manse for a week, left Monday for their home. Mrs. Allan McKinnon spent a few days last wee.: end visiting her aunt, Mrs® Andrew Brown, Mount Forest. Messrs. Thos. Scart and Kechnie left Tuesday morni West to view the land. Mayor Calder is this week in Tilsonâ€" burg in the interests of the National Portland Cement Co. Mrs,. Jno. Cameron and daughters, Kate and Bella, visited Mount Forest friends last week. Miss Mary Marshall, reported ill last week, is recovering nicely we are pleasâ€" ed to hear. Miss Julia Weir has been secured as teacher in Stone settlement School, Artemesia, Miss N. Chadwick has been reâ€"engagâ€" ed as assistant for Ayton School for next year, _ Mrg, Jas. Laidlaw leayes Thursday to I | pay a visit to her son in Buffalo. l '1 Mr. Don. MceCormack, Jr., made a fly» f | ing trip to Stratford on Tuesday. | Miss E. Macfarlane left last week for a trip of a week or two among friends. Mrs. Dr. Hutton and two children are spending the week with friends in Priceville. Mr. John A. Graham has beén reâ€"enâ€" gaged in Hutton Hill School for 1902. icview ‘ _ and John Mcâ€" morning for the cce A CLEAN SWEEP Â¥zy C 1 S e oo S # C Likd <IO ARCHIVES TORONTO Remember the place CASH OR PRODUCE. \\'ANTEDâ€"Any quantity of good BUTTER, adies‘ vwrapperette shirt v L wrappers, flannelette go nelettes, french flannels, pa cloth dressgoods and suitings en‘s undressed white tinuous facings ba sleeves, double stiched, fo â€"â€": JUST OPENED OUtT : ood, heavy, wide, goods, new from G the mills. Buying in case lots enâ€" ables us to sell these regular 12 centiprints for.:.:... .. ... . . mc, en‘s heavy black twill top shirtsm M worth $1.00 for; ;. .":: :5 â€"_ _‘ " We insist on selling at a loss rather than carry goods over from one season to another and the more you analyse that fact, the more you‘ll apâ€" preciate the constantly increasing success of this business. Below we quote a few prices, but every department of the store will participate in this big sale. the lanning for fall business means with us cleaning out the balance of Laidlaw stock, absolutely without : VERY SPECIAL : as. Sretand LAIDLAW,$ O1d Stand : PRINTS : WHOLE NO. 1221 reland ute shirts, back and i SOK ; . ... . . T waists and gowns, flanâ€" , paris waist

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