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Durham Review (1897), 3 Oct 1901, p. 5

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R 3, 1901 bds aes RISE Iota] mm , IlCV' HI low mus. nblisher Ye HG: . tld New!“ mill M10 $l.75 ore is the best - J,"de",te.fer ihrary. "is” IS Isolated no enld is bu. self-evident. H per of Baum Iv “WP“. “WM. and htt 4 must n- wrc'ul hum. Durham. .'l' cm we I" 99 and 2'00 has W Men's Wool Undershirts and Drawers from 500. up to 81.00 each. Man’s Heavy Top Shit-u from $1.00 up. .. Cardigan Jackets at 81.00 & $l.50. .. All Wool Sweaters Ited & Blue--. $l.fl0. Woman'" long sleeve Undervests-20c., 25c., 450. and NIC. each. Wotuun'u Fur I'otperittes at $4.00. $4.50. $5.00. $6 oo, $6.50. 87.00 and $9.00. All Wool Flaunel Red and White 25c yd .. .. Grey Flannel 20c a yd. Flaunt-I Blankets. large 5129. $1 a pair White Countevpiutes, large snza $1.00 and $1.20 much. . and $1.20 Gch. . Woman's and Misses Black Wool Mitts 250. a pair. Men's Wool Mitts. Mule Skin Faced. Nh. " pair. . Men's Wool Mitts 2.50 " pair. W. H. BEAN Huvs .. .. 21tc a pair. Mrs Poi, Sud Irons. nickle plated, $1 fur a sell of 3 irons Don't farm-r. us when you want. a pivir nf gum! Winter Shun. as we carry " full line of Sterling Bros. hand-made TWEEDS c} YARNS Big4 a GROCERIES ' (iii) We [18K Insueclinn 0| ()lll HHS S. SCOTT. F Undertaking Q PHOMP , JAKE KRESS ' '-s--t --"r AMERICAN AND CAN- ADIAN COAL OIL. MacFarlane 8100. We can give you Bargains. Hall and Library Hanging, Banqset, 336, Hand or Stand and Bracket. FOR Lower Town Durham HE SELLS CHEAP I 1 jake Kress. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, dee., 0f lust quality. The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Druggist & Booksellers. 3(i)j[ii] it is the bestinUe market. Fittings ot all kinds ---Try the Genuine Welsh, qhimneyr-- For a nice lamp of any kind come to us, we keep a large assortment of speci- ally good values, in FURNITURE PROM PTLY ATTENDED TO. (lhltft Illei AND 'mf " i 2Si; 3, 1901 SHORT WOOL Ram......] McDougall. G' Spence, W It Bowman. Shearling Ram...... J Spicer, T Brown, W R Bowman Ram lamb-- J Spicer, Hlove, T Brown Fair ewes--J Spicer. J Fairbairn W R Bowman. Shearling eaves--] Spicer, W R Bowman. Ewe lambs--H Love, J Fairbairn, T Brown. SWINE Aged Boar..J Robb, T H Reid. Spring Boar..w J Reid. Sow..J Me- Dougall, T H Reid. Spr Boar, White. If Love 1 &2. Spring Pigs..A Me- ...W J Adams. Braiding.. .N Klien, J C Adams. Embroidery on silk. . . . W Mountain Emb on cotton ....W Mountain, T Brown. Crochet work....J Sinclair. A Siam. Orna- mental work....J Dltoberts. Fancy knitting....J Caulfield. Fancy work any kind... J DRoberts, Col flow. ers....WTPetrie, W Kedslie. Cat flowers. . ..J Bruce, R Burrows. Best Coleus . . . . J C Adams. Hand painting landscape . . . .J D Roberts 1 and 2. Hand painting. t'1gures. . . .D Hamilton Hand painting flowers. . . .J D Roberts. Fancy cushion..W Mountain. Croch- et on co'ton .. ..W J Adams. Applique embroidery . .. _ W Mountain. Judges ..Mrs J Hampton, Mrs T Brown. . SHEEP LONG WOOL Ram....W J Adams Shearling mm.. ..G Snell. Ram lamb....Jno Stevenson Ist, 2nd and 3rd. Pair ewes . . . .J Stevenson. Shearling ewes ....JStevcuson, W Allan, G Snell. Ewe, lambs....W Allan 1 and P., W Caulfield. LADIES' WORK. Coll quilts....W J Adams, J C) Adams. Cotton patch quilt . . . . Thos Stewart, W J Adams. Woollen Patch quilt. . . .T Stewart, WJ Adams. Log cabin qttilt-..'l' Stewart Rag: Carpet... . W Caulfield. Knitted Cov- erlet . . . . A Aitken, W Pinder. Crochet coverlet ...W J Sharp. Gents' hand- made shirt....N Klien, J C Adams. Gents' machine made shirt. . . . N Klien JC Adams. Home laundried shirt, ....J 0 Adams, J McDongall. Straw liat....N K'ien. Pillow shalns....J Ross. Woollen socks....J Bruce. W Mountain. Cotton soeks....N Klien, J Bruce. Mus....TStewart, F Rus- snell. Ovvralls....J Fairbairn, W J Adams. Table mat .. . .J R Dillon, W Mountain. Rag mat....H Reid.J R Dillon. Floor mat, any kind....N Klien. F1lussnell. Coll flooy mats ...W J Adams. Braiding.. .N Klien, J C Adams. Embroidery on Flannel, (cotton Wang) . ..H Reid, J Bruce. Satinette...J race. Blank- ets....ll Reid. A Aitkens. Stocking yarn....J Bruce, N Klien. Judges Tub bnttcr 50 lbs..W J Ecclcs. Crock butter 20 lbs..J McDougall. N Klicn, J Hunter. 5 lbs mod salted butter..WLDixon.J Sinclair, J W Eccles. Crock batter, 11t lbs..W J Eccles, Henry Reid. Dairy butter (sweepstake) ..W L Dixon. Cheese not factory . . J R Murdoch, J Swanston. Loaf bread..J C Adams T Stewart 3 lbs honey comb..A Ailkens. 3 lbs hrnev extracted..J Swanston, J R Murdoch. Maple sugar..] Sinclair, W J Adams. Maple syrup-J Hunter, W J Adams. Pie-d Walls, J Me- Dougall. Doz Bans-W Caulfield, W Mountain. Doz Tarts-J Hunter W J Adams. ....J Hampton, Wm Currie, A uik ger, R M Smith. FRUIT Nispy--D Hamilton, W Cat1lfield. _riyaeiii--J R Dillon, W Caulfield. Winter apples--A Aitken, W Cattlfiel. Fall apples-J McArrhur. Jos. Robb. Fall apples (small) - H Reid, J Hunt- er. Collar/ples-w J Eccles A Ait- ken. Peaiir--A Aitken, H Dunnet. Plums-m Reid 1 & 2. Crab apples--- A Aitkens, J Robb. Watermelons--G Spence. Tomatoes-N Kllen, J Bruce. Citron--..] Walls, W Finder. Judges ---C,' Firth, Thus Brown, G' H Schenk. FOWL Geese--0 Spence. W Finder. Ducks -T Stewart Brahmas-T Stewart, c, Spence. Barred plmouth ro.-Wm finder; Wh ply ro.--W Mountain I &2. ivhiekGrnsr.".o Walls Brown Ieghnrns..W J Adams. C,oehins..U Mountain I and 2. Wyandotts..T Stewart 1 and 2 Bantams .W Moun- tain 1 and 2. Judges..C Firth, G H Schenk, Thrown. Ross,'W J Eeeles. Jidies...Avm Smith, Alex M Martin. _---p Hamilton, J Walls, J Ross, W J ‘Adams. firedeturniptsi--W Chu1lfield FRussnell. Tar. any kind, WCaulfield J Sinclair. Mange] Wurtzel--D Ham- ilton, W Ctu1lfield. White earrots---ir ASwanston, W Caulfield. Red car- rots -A McCaw, A Aitken, Beets-- NKlicn, A Wiedman. Parsnips--ll Klien. G Spence. Seed onioim---G 'tr/et, Dutch tsets---] A Swanston, Klien. Potato onions-N Klien, H Reid. Ctu1lifiowers - William J Adams. Cabbages - I" Russnell, N Klien. Pumpkins-W Orchard. c, Spence. Washes-J A Swanston, Sweet corn-- L Dixson. W J Adams. gelcry-jw J Adams. _Sugar beet-J SEEDS Clover-W J Philp. Timothy-W J Adams, J C Adams. 1i'lax--A Weidmann, J Ctutlfleld. ROOTS & VEGETABLES. Coll. Potatoea-D Hamilton, W L DiioqLWJ Adams. Bushel Potatoes DURHAM CATTLE I During the reading of m. Leding. I'.yr bull..JFairbairn. lyr bull.. fbam’s address at a suitable tune Mr. Bllllflt Mf WINNERS. Continued from Page I. DAIRY PRODUCTS M ANU FACTURES And while we regret seiasrating one from the other on this side of Eternity, yet we have the glorious hope set before us "that through Jesus Christ, bye and bye we shall meet in that happy land where there will be no more Mugs." signed on behalf of the lelll oongrmtation, Domoch, and neighbors and friends. GEO. Lrarntarraar, Je., Joann Bonn, RICHARD Esmasm We hope you will not look upon the intrinsic value of these things, but recognize the respect and heart interest of these who are sorry to bid you farewell. We wish you health and prosperity in the new locality where you may pitch your tent. Our prayer is that you may continue to tiCrTtt in God's Church with the ofBcieney that was manifest by your devoteduess here. We are sorry it has come the time when these happy relations are to be severed, but in the provi- dence of God these things come into our lives. We would therefore ask you, Mr. Lamb. to twee” of this fur coat, and Mrs. Lamb. this rocking chair. and Minnie, these gloves, Gertie and Ethel. these tputntlets, Sadie. this Parasol, Herb, this wedding tie, and John, (who is absent,) this Bible. We, the members and adherents of Lamina Presbyterian Church, together with your nelghboxs and friends, could not think of allowing you to leave our midst without in some way showing our respect and goodwill to you. You have been faithful members of our Church, kind neighbors, genial friends and good citizens. M r. Geo. Ledinghum j upon for an address from t tron and neighbors. To Mr. and Mrs. Lamb and family I'he evening of b'eit. 24th 1901, will long and pleasantly he remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Lamb and family. That evening to the mfoy's great surprise. about. 8 o'clock their door Was opened and close on to a hundred of their neighbors and church friends rushed in upon them with smiling faces and laden baskets. For. some time all was ex- citement, after which the dying Cinders ot the stove. were rekindled and me; ur- ations for tea proceeded with. Mr Lamb was requested to brush up a little and present himself similar in appear- ance to his guests. after which a sumci- ent number of chairs were placed along, the room. when Rev. Wtn. Graham conveyed Mr. Latnhtn the top chair and similarly plating the rest. of the. family in l'UlttllLll. and then calling the assem- bly to order he blielly explatned the ohjeet, ol the gathering together. Then he called upon Dr. Smith a repre- aentattve from the committee board to read an address which will explain it- self. We, the members of the Committee of Manage- ment of the Latotut Presbyterian Church could not allow you who has given to us sixteen years of faithful and ellieient service, to part from us, with- out expressing in mine manner our appreciation of your work, both as in Member of Comuiittce and as h1ccrc'tary of the t'ongrcgution, we must bear testi- mony to your faithfulness in attendant-e despite the drawlmek of distance. to your executive ability and (it-snatch which has done much to facilitate business. We also mn.~t not forget to thank your partner in life to whosc co-operation in the work we are indebted. and while cxprcssiug our regret at your departure from amongst us, We wish that wherever you may in the future east your lot, pros- perity und true htsppincts may attend you. signed on behulf of t'ommittee. JAMES L. SMITH. M. D. M r. Geo. Ledinglnun jr. was called upon for an address from the eongl ega- To Mr. (Eco AGRiCUL'Ir1'RA1, HORSES Brood mare..FRusnell. A MeGilli. vray, W Pinder. Spring colt..WJ Philp, J ll Dillon, J McDougall. ISwing filly..WPinder, J Troupe, A cGillivray. 2 yr Golding..W Caul- field 1 and 2, T Bunston. 1 yr. Filly W R Bowman. J Fawbairn, h" Russnell. 2 yr Filly..J Brown, J Caulfield, J Brown. Span farm horsor--J Fair- bairn. A McGillivray. Team heavy draught..WR Bowman, w J Philp. ROAD-HER Brood mare..WJ Philp, T Boston. Spring colt..W J Reid. 2 yr Gelding ..J Robb. 1 yr Filly-J R Murdoch, A Aitken. 2 yr Fi'ly..W J Philp. Buggy horse..W Seaman T Queen, P, Dickson. Pair drivers..CDrumm. Single driver..T Weir, T Caldwell, Lady rider. . Miss Maud Burrows. COACH & CARRIAGE. Brood Mare..\\'m Allan, W J Reid. Pair Carriage Horses..Wm Orchard, Alex Aitkens, W Finder. 1 yr Geld- ing..w J Reid. y. yr Gelding.. Thos Bunston. SpringColt.. WAllan. Spring filly. .W Allan, J Spicer. Most eomiealotattit..W Brown, A Moan. Best lady driver..Mis John Ross, Mrs Kedslic, Mrs John Hunter, Mrs C Drumm. Judges, horses-Dr Fortune, le' Ran- nie, Clifford. Bicycle Raee..Cameron, Ferry, di vided the prize. Judges. . . Joseph Tuck. II Brigham, T An erscn. Two year steers..J Swanswn. Milk Cow..H Reid, W Orchard. T Weir 2 yr heifer. .J Swanston, l & 2. 1 yr heifer.. J Swanswn. J McDougall. Heiter ealf..W R Bowman. T Weir. Fat heast..T Weir,) Ctutlfield, w R Bowman. Dairy cow.. W Orchard, W It Bowman. l G Snell. W Orchard. Bull calf..Ge0 Snell, W Mountain. Cow. . W Pinder, J Fairbairn, W Finder. 2 yr. heifer.. G Snell l and 2. 1 yr. heifer..J Fair- hairn, A Aitkens. Heifer calf..J Fairbairn, W Orchard. FOLDED ANGUS 181l.l--R Bowman. Cow..R W Bowman, 1 and 2. ARYSHIRE Bull . . W L Dixon, T Stewart, Cow . .T Stewart. . HEREFORD Ball..THReid. Cow..T H Reid 1 and 2. PRESENTATIONS AND ADDRESSES. Lam I p, GRADE. THE DURHAM REVIEW :"sheep--Wetts cloudy and sold well " " to 93.25 for export ewes. At this figttrtt all Were will. Lsasbo--Were steady at M.60 to 03.75 per cwt. . - ilogts- Wore fiun sud unchanged. Receipt. were bony. Mild: Cow-Good milehem were Want. ed. Sales ranged around 085. Feeders-- The Muuimm .hipmenla was usostly feeders and they an“ low. Stan and bulls brought 52.90 per "wt, and steers sold from 3.40 to M.7ti per cwt. according to weight. Prices were probe- ai, ly aunt-Had mmewhab by the report of anthzax nun-u: Northwest cattle. Stdckers--Were Andy and price: un- changed at $3.75 to " per cwt for beg“; annual» and " to 83.25 for ofreolors and bulk Tovonto. 1leceiprs'ut the Western Cattle Ifarlret to-das' were only fair. 50 loads waving. 'l'here were 20 loads of MnniLoha. p, 'le on the market, however, which ' rived yesterday. and most of them w l . sold this Ina-nine. In the Gi) load more were 952 cattle, 1,142 sheep, 1,: " hogs and 8tl calves. Trade generally w T weak and tlmuxy llecuuw ot inK'rlnl rades. trod animals, as utsttstl, Raid ' nickly. Fuses generally showed no alter. Lions. Export C,attle---Trode was only is dium, Mane of the animals being of list best (pain). A ("w medium ones brrrwlst as high “5 t4.40 per cm. Butchers' Cot0--oeeritw were mostly of common grades, selling " $3 to $860 per cwt. and mane mixed butchern' selling at 33.85. “momma”: 30000.. t T. li. SEIGNER NEW HARDWARE SHIRE Smith came forward and presented Mr. Lamb with the coat: Mrs. Jos. Boyle. to Mrs. Lamb the chain t Mia-s Elsie Smith to Minnie the gloves . Miss Sarah Boyle to Gertie and Ethel the gauntlet: l Miss Annie Livingston to Sadie the pin-MOI I Mr. Wm. Boyle to Herb the wedding tie . John being absent the bible was forwarded by Mr. Graham. it is not onlyugalatable, but it is already diges and made ready for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with the hypophosphites,which ad)'t supply a food not only for 37%, the tissues of the body,lmt i "r for the bones and nerves, g and will build up the child l when its ordinary food ‘5' - does not supply proper N‘ nourishment. Be sure you get SCUTT'S Emulsion. So. tttatt" an and fsah are on the wrapper. All druggists; we. and $3.00. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemuts,T-to. by the use of Scottts Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hy hor. phites of Lime and 'sUP'%'ht it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex- istence, in $GOTT’8 EMULSION canuoveecome'tnahnostai1ease, Wasting in Children I. f, (llfllllfll. Live Stock Market For Union S. s. No. IO, Glenelg and; Egremont for 11112. Applications will ; he received by the undersigned to Octo- ', her 15th. Applicants must produce sat; I isfnctory testimonials: apply personally l, or by letter to any of the undersigned t J A. McCuaig J. McDonald I Pat. Sullivan }Trustees, Secy-Treu ( A. McEachern Priceville! Ulenelg Sept. 23rd 1901. The season for renewals is again with us and we ask out friends to consider the following offers and oblige. m by making them known to their neighbors. For 40 cts toJan. 1, 1902. Durham REVIEW and Weekly Globe. ‘l t6 66 l. Nutt. Shorta..................... Turkeys................... Polatms. pot ue....... Bran.. ..................... Beet, per ttwt............ Lambs..................... Dressed Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Batter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hides, per ttwt.......... Calfskiuu. per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard, per lb.............. Outa............... , iitluut f Baking t, @cwder Barley............... Peus............... Flour......... ............. Wheat......... f aver-y t Woman f, tthes , food " -- - DURHAM MARKETS. ---d ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Our icings are fresh. Askfor the Real Featherstrip Cocoanut. guarantor we Mun Coat thr. (Nr (tlun f ,fj2urnett. Teacher Wanted. J21 jlBlll(lllllf (MR8. bury It is a question of ingredients. If they are not good it is impossible to make it. good tBasit gm; AND NEVER FAIL. 825 Mon. Star. Weekly Mail 85 l2 ll) 18 10 62 40 7 {I 75 " le .‘RRIOT‘R. OOLICITOR IN .UPR‘UI COURT. NOTARY Wm. COD-IWONCI. m. once. over Guut'o store. Loves-1‘ 0FFICE~HcInIyre mer, ty company Ind private Funds to hour on Mortgage-q n Iowan noes of mm». Vuluuuon mm ' , noomxwuut uni aural Vgluuor. omee---LoWER 10WN. DURH‘I _ - V, --. V--. L'r""ril .wuwu, nun-semen“ he. eormctly linlM. Estates of deceased per son: loukod that 1nd Executor: and Adminis- tz'uoru' Account; prepared and mused 8111703th Court Bil-in Prom of wu . latte" ot Ad- l,1'i'l'dlrl'lll'll"hSt Guudhnship Obtained. WMU'- chu nude in My 01110. nut! Tides upomd ni- Collections of all kinda Farms bought prompfly allcndrd to and no!!! OFFICEuMcKonzio‘I on: sand Durham. Ont. OFFICE FleT DOOR EAST OF the Durnmn Pharmacy (Jalder‘o Block. Resident-e first door west of the old Post Oftice, Durham. Colhcuom and Annoy promptly “bonded to gun. Inga... 1?eteo.ei, {Amnesia Agreements ARTHUR H. JACKSON arristcr, otar , GOR- vcyanccr, te., gun... Ion? to Loan at reason- ole at» n on terms to "itlborrower. SAVINGS BASS mun-est ullmw.’ m savings bank deposits of $1.00 .mu up. wards Pmmpt uttentim .md m-m-y facilitt afforded t?tttetottsr,, Ming m " distance. J. G HUTTON. A general Banking business lrunsncted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits, received and inter. est allowed at "urn-m rates. v-‘ -... uvu In Win-l. B- “o .9 on Garnfrnxu Road convenient ham. This titty acres is a "up asked. Lot T, con. s, Ion-nanny. the 'Fee' farm. belong to a company. and in offer. ed " low tViurea. I have a. large number of other ree; ertien in town and country Md wit a“ or trade. MONEY TO LOAN .14 1-2 per mt s ttefii'iige',t2ti,"iii"i'otrai'i"xrti; [gut ham. cry cheap. " acres hour Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings. good Und. will sell cheapor trade. Lot 18. con. t6. “hunch m " Louise P. O. In hounds. of a Company. Fine place and must go to some one. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32,1 CAPITAL. Paid up........... 1,1 RESERVE FUND ........... 1 AGENTS in all principal pm Ontario. Quebec, Mullltolm. I States and England. W. P. COWAN. President GEO. P. REID. ltnmr. The Hanover Conveyaneer He hu 5 big list of Pmperty for Sale including the following: snd up'ssssrdln. is “0:011; Jia" _ INSURANCES fityat'PMeg CONVEVANCCNG " mil as or Flusnslsi businsss mull, - (llllllBli) BANK (lf CANADA a. P. TELFORD. All CMGI Mcdexato Mamba College Physician end Surgeon“. Ontario. OFFICE HOURS 9-32n. m. 2-4 pm. RESIDENCE eel OFFICE -old Bunk UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. Teleeheee qh"utoottoe, Ne. " ”nuance Agent, Fortunes BARRISTER. 8 C’LII'IOR, UOAYRV PUlLlc convunuczn, cc. 35-31 My. lot g.jstyt.t, E. a. a, (Hegel: pagan. s, yr, c. R., DURHAM AGENCY Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S- MONEY TO LOAN CONVEYANCER , VALUATOR DENTISTRY. d“ to. ' Mcr'Han.., G. LEFROY McCAUL. W. S. DAVIDSON. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c RITA!“ Road convenient to Dun.- This titty acres is a snap at price Head Office, Toronto: In! BygDe ialhi an H. H. Miller Licensed Auctioneer to: the County of Grey. D. IcPHAIL. Hopeville P. 0 C. RAIAGE Durham. Private Money to Loan J KELLY, Agent. Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,0oo Paidup........... 1.0mm) FUND ........... 600,n00 all principal pomta m we. _Mumtolm. United gave}- the Bank

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