West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Oct 1901, p. 8

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H 1lobtr--Wtuu--Tut Com. McIntyro's report be “opted. and orders granted, and he receive " com. Carried. Cum. McFadden xeporkd a job of gruelling 16 rods for 90 eta. per rod, by Jno. Calvert. cost $14.40 ; a job of clear- ing road-bod " rods, 6 It. by Jon. Smith. cost 812 paymem reed. 1toFb--Walu--That Com. Mchden'a report be adopted. and orders given. and he be paid 02.50 com. {com Carried. Com. Robb reported jobs on Eg't and Proton townlino manning 46 rds. n te/ tb rd. by J. Bittort, cost 'Mun l tuling McFadden - McIntyre -.-. Thu Com. Walu report be adopted, and he receive 75 cu. com. fees. Carried. Com. McIntyre reported putting in a tile culvert, lot 26, con. 20 by Geo. Whit- ter jr. cost $1.20 Filling approach to bridge, lot 9, can 20 by J aseph Campbell cost $24.50. Underbrnshiug and cloning jam at budge by Jan. Tucker cost $3.00 payment rec'd. proved, 1leItnyre--Pcrbb--Tuat this Council supplement the grant of 925.00 made " Proton Council, to be expended on townline south of Cedarville.' Carried. Com. Walls reported putting in A trio culvert " lot 8, con. 11-19 md dnwing tile by W. H. Rogers. putting in eulyort and opening dutch ncrou the road cost $4.00 payment recommended. ‘ouncil met Sept. 24th, minutes up Raw”: iti)r6i)r6'qbiFqeegrsitqgrieieieiesirimtrsbieitrstrseieistrtg, ' $$$6§~U¢6§6°§6$$e Lion Brand (il) (ii) Boy’s Clothing Luiia' Cloth EGREMONT COUNCIL. CllEP"%r0EaMiiiiiis t Beautiful Goods Ct IT IS THE BEST. Double Knees, Double Seat, Sew- ed with Linen Thread, all Wool Cloth, Each Garment Guaranteed. Black and Fawn. We have not over L year, nor the little g for them all. This Department is full up with latest styles in D1--1_ -u , TIN, Fancy buying a man's FUR COAT for $10. We have better ones up as high as $45 each. Ladies' Fur Coats and Caperines. We handle Silverman Boneters Fur Jackets. Every coat is guaranteed for one year. Is a mild way of putting it. Our .7 latest novelties in Dress Goods t"iltt are the finest in the land. . There's nothing too good for any I of us, and we buy the best every daii I time and if you notice the best lilllBl ill goods always sell first. I , I ' r Do allow us the pleasure of I , g l showing our new suitings. They , 't if) , are all in single Dress or Skirt 'lilitili1 . Cl ends, no 2 pieces alike. Eli'illl ' ' Miss Hughes is right on the spot to make up any of our own goods immediately. No long waiting to have a Dress made. me, J?iry &ore ta, Jai, Gore r. If Jainism f sf. Jtuatter. not over looked the young lady this the little girl, nor the baby, COATS $sss5siN9eifs:4utseiyea5eirsgsqseirsgssgiyii"e Robb-Walls-That we now adjourn to meet on Friday, Nov. lat. Carried. Resolved that the following acc'ts be paid l Wm. Allan cruel 82 ; Jno. Hamil.. ton do 02.76 Mnn'l World, Registration Book etc., 84.Iol; A. Mitchell exprau charges 40 eta. I Mhlltr-Uunvsre--That the petition of Jno. Swanston Ind 25 others] nsking a grant of $10 to purchase wood for Mrs Barclay. and that the same be granted and said amount be placed in Jim. Swan- ston's hands to buy the wood. Carried. Me1ntyre- McFadden--. That an we have not received any tenders for the building of the bridge in Holstein this fall we decide to have it made secure for the public, ond that Felix Cur-au’a offer for securing the same, " once, be accepted at a cost of M,00. Carried. 1 Merntyre---Waur-.That Com. McFad- deau report of wire-tones be adopted. and Mr Mack be paid 910.40 in terms of the By-law. Carried. Com. McFadden reported that he had inspected the wire-fence built by Jas. Mack and found 52 rods built as. per By. law, and recommended payment, bt 20 eta a rod in accordance with said By-kv. Walls-McFadden-That Com. Robb’s report be adopted and orders granted, and he receive 91.50 com. Curried. " hole mth stones by talal 840.00. Eg'ts rec'd. Jackets " 81.50 com. Currieil. , . McFaddep reported that he had s by E. Gulp. cost $1.00 g'ts share $20 payment @///}11 ‘\ V ALLEN. clerk Dated the 21th day of September, 1901, War. Ersosros, GEO. CALDER, Mount Forest, Holstein P o, his Solr. Assignee. And notice is further given that after the date of said meeting the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets " the debtor among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. and that he will not be liable for the assets. or any part thereof, so dis tributed to any person or person of whose claim he shall not have received notice. Creditors are required to file their claims duly proved by Statutory Dec- laration, with full psrticulars thereof and the nature and value of the security (if any)held by them before date of meeting. i In the mailer of Slimlml Orchard. of l the village nf Huhdein. in the County l of (In-y. Implement A.qeuf, Iicrulvcut. Totice is hereby given that the uhuve bi named Insolvent has made an as~ signmennt of all his estate, credits and effects to George Calder of Holstein, for the general benefit of his creditors. A "wetmg of his creditors will he held in Klempp’s Hotel, in the said village of _ Holstien. on Friday the 4th, Octoher, _ 1001, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. tp receive a. statment of affairs. to appoint inspectors and fix their remuneration, and for the ordering the affairs of the estate generally. . ASSIGNEE'S Notice to Creditors garden, vegetables, grain fields and fruit departments, got credit for being good, while willing hands phseed them very properly in arches and around the organ and pulpit. The Rev. Mr Bram! was chairman who with the Rev. Mr Kennel of Conn, deliver. ed addresses very fitting for the oeeaim. The string band of Cedar-ville and the Esplin choir rendered good selvctions. Several other selections were rendered in good style and it appeared that everybody was well pleased. Proceeds of the evening amounted to 855,00 which goes-l to help to swell the mama fund Lovers of the Christian religion can now'lto1cnstavd .. W .V,....‘.....,...1 that this Esplin Presbyterian cougregati has a good church. V“, a -- in... nu; nun UL Mr John Smith. 8 con. Proton, died last week, after a: few days illness, caused by blood poison. The remains were buried in the Espliu eoruetery. The Rey. Mr, Morrison tit' Cedarville otheiuiu,e. ' The eldest daughter, Mrs. Robert ' Wright, who lives in the village near , her parents and has two olive branches of her own to bless her, was a prime . factor and assisted materially in the cel- , shration. Mrs. Wright. together with ' her elder brothers. Robert and James, F presented their mother with a beautiful , silver tea service, while Robert, who is at present in employment in Owen ' Bound, presented his father witn a r Meerschaum pipe. Other presents _ which we may remark in passing were all silver. consisted of a butter dish, 8 pickle crnets and tongs. napkin ring, fruit spoon. g butter knives, cake plate, 2 sugar bowls and spoons. berry spoons. tea-pot, are. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mossup, Orangeville; Mrs Wm. Leggette and Miss Leggette. o. Sound , Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Twamley and Miss Mary Twamley. Crawford ' Mrs. J. W. Van Wyck. Annan l Miss tk A. Cole- ridge Teeswater . Mr. and Mrs. Ryder, Proton Station; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole- ridge, Holland Centre l Mr. Jas. and Mrs, D. Coleridge sr. mother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. D. Coleridge jr. l Mr, Robert Legnte Father of the bride- Broom and Misses Bessie and Annie Legate. Dromore :Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Raniage. Thistle; Mr. Peter Haulage. Durham ; Mr. and Mrs T.|Uhislett, Cey- lon G The evening was spent in vocal and instrumental music on piano and violin, interspersed with games, plays. charades, etc. Speeches were made hr several present in reply to toasts. A l wishing continued good health and expressing thankfulness at their having been spared and having met with such good success in their undertakings, and hoping to be present at their golden wedding 25 years hence. . Ju_m_es T. Smith, " _ _ Silver Wedding In Coilon. A lune and representative gathering of relatives and friends met at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Legste on the oc- casion of the 25th anniversary of their marriage. September 27th, and spent . most enjoyable and pleasant evening together. This bride-and brideeroom of25years ago. yet show a compen- tively youthful appearance. which was freely commented upon by those pres- ent, despite the fact that a. large family of Schildren have been born to them, and all bearing the impress of robust good health, to Hopeville. THE DURHAM REVIEW 11_ year old son of tio" AtReFm7tt?, TORONTO Ill Bell, ppherty, Thomas at SEWING MACHINES. ams Sewing Irvahines and supplies South of Middaugh House Palmerston mur/riei. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " Wm each piece. Wilkinson Famnne CULTIVATING, Coqlter & Scott Drills We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : everything for farmers f Inaurano: business ttttended to as usual and marriage act's-en- ses issued. EVERYTHING has got to be sold.) The prices will be lower than you ,' expect Come with the beginning ( of the rush. l Sulkey Rakes. 10 Plows, (assorted and new.) 7 Cooking Stoves. 2 Coal Stoves. 6 Heating and Parlor Stoves. Light and Body Carts. Chums and Washers. 5 Fanning Mills. 3 or 4 Sewing Machines. Several Organs. large assortment of Plow Repairs. Mikado, ( a beauty). 4 Buggies, ( different colors.) A few second-hand Buggies. 2 Democrats. and up-to-date.) 1 12 Hoe Massey-Harris Drill. 1 10 Hoe Massey-Harris Drill. 3 Gang Plows. 4 Massey-Harris Mowers, ( the latest Cheap alrtictes f Clearing v, W V ' SALE REVIEW and Weekly Sun...... $1.75 __ .. “a", unu...... $1 11122le and Montreal "Weekly! Mn- The Cosmopolitan for October is full of enter mining tietioa. Thomas A Jan- vier, for some time not seen in the mag'. azines. reappears in the Cosmopolitan with a. Mexican story of love and adven- ture, "Porfeit to the Gods.” Bret Harte whose “condensed norehP won him so [ much Lune, contributes a. tride-splitting parody of Halut3aine's "Ihe Christian." Irving Bacheller writes a. short sketch of a little New York inn, "The Shadow of Happiness." E. w. Kemhle tells a short humorous story of "How the Buz- zards Worked a Spell.” while Clara Morris’s love story reveals her as an ac- eoryphahed writer', capable of analyzing and '.Wrnpathiaintr with men’s deepest emotions. Caltisratdrs/bUe a rows, seuffiera, Etc. Diamond Barrows. The following is the standing for the week ending September 17th t Gnornseyso7.39 Bhorthorns .. . . . . 85.98 Jerseys ....7.36 Brown Swiss.....5.79 Holsteins . .7.U French Csnadian.5. 78 Ayrshires . . 6.45 Foiled Jerseys. . .5. 13 Red Polls..6.37 Dutch Beltetr.....3.88 The Guernsey: still maintain their in the Piur-Asmiriean Model Dairy and it is generally conceded that they" will win the Butter-Fat Test unless some accident befall them. Por the week ending Swazi)” 10th, the standing of the he was en follows: Guernseym.35 Brown Swiss....$6.10 IertseyC..h.29 Shorthorne...... .5.80 Holstein. . 7. 15 French Canadian. 5.80 Aynhires..tr85 Polled Jereevs. . . . 5.38 Red Polls..6.15 Dutch Belted.....4.08 aving decided to give up the I Implement business for the pres- ent, I will offer the balance ot my stock for the next thirty div-E at cost price. This consists of the latest and best goods in my line. Call at once and getzthe Enap's that are going. Here is a partial list, you can make money by buy- ing now instead of next year. Stan} . . fllll NEH llllliff DAYS. 2ite'r3'yrryr--- 'Sh.6._,-.--Ai2Izr5r", "~me Pun-American Tats. WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons ries.. Buggies from Campbell of London. Winter Reading. . CALDER. 'iiliszszissiiiiii"i's'iiii'ii"k'ji'! the words " WILKINSON PLOUGH CouPAsv"is custcn Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. 3 and Spade Har Etc. Also Scotch Thomas and Berlin memes of PIANO and ORGAN EINES. . A large stock of New Raymond and W 1.75 O. MCKINNON. Young men and women can- not do better than to take a course at this institution as a start in life. A post card will bring you full particulars. Address Intending Student: should enter " beginning of term, or as won liter us ramble. FEES: 31.00 per month. Wm. Johnston, C. L. Grant. Chairman. Secretary. The School In equipped for full Junior Lenin: and 1dattHeu1.tion work, under the following Matt of Competent Teachers for that Dept-uncut ' THOB. ALLAN, mam. MR. MORRISON. B. A., (Specialist). Asst. Prlu. MISS LICK. B. A., Classics sud Modems. The Durham Public And Model School will now: on Tuesday. September 8M. Appliadom for Model School should be forwarded to the tn. spector, N. W. Comphell. Esq. on or before August the 24th Inst. l Durham School RIB-OPENS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER y3rt the 'lllllllllll REVIEW; it 'USU 25etato new subscribers to end ofyear J. B. BLACK, Clerk of the and MttniiTali..ty and Clerk of Court. Nocice is hereby given that a Court ‘will be held. pursuant to "The Ohmic Voterl' List, Act," by His Honor the J udge of the County Court of the County of Grey " Township Hell on the Eighth do] of October 1901, at 10.30 o'clock I. m.. to' hear and determine the covers! We. of errors and omin- Iions in tbe Voters' List of the Munici- pelityof the Township of Glenelg for 1901. All persons having business at the Court are requiled to attend at the aid time and place. Dated the Thirteenth day of Sep- tember 1901. 'onday,, Jkwt J, ' Wrare $0101: th, omen 60tend, Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE. . A. FLEMING, Prim, Owen Sound, Ont. sun and Equipment. #:7697159; AT THE Lower Town Isnusa FAnxs.~It you want to buy a, farm cheap. and on my ten“. in a. country where here is a. market for everyhing that grown.” mile: from Chicago. Write to In M. A. Dilts. Winamac. Indiana, for his lint of Indi- ana farms. Ctenn Grocery Store. Nothing Stale. and ttty-tnut.". invites a trial. SHBWELL d Illlihflhli “u: uuaersigned has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door toc. McKinnon) full lines of The undersigneg Ebower Town MacFarlane &C o . The prices lower than you will anticipate when you see the goods. We Invite you to COAL In our stock is a revelation of Beauty and Richness. YOU CAN READ, WRITE, WORK. Old customers are cordially invited to call :and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Durham and B. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises inthe McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahau. 'al/ 1mg stale. Everything New up-to-due and he cordially es a. trial. " garm.r.i GEO. an If there is any discomfort in your eyes, come to us soon for free ex- amination and advice. With [as strain and lens exertion whenyoureyes m and for u we can for eyes. SHEWELL & LENAHAN l GORDON, OCTOBER ' GROCERIm h 'ospocf/uMy Jolie-it'd. LAWRENCE. Jeweiler . C, Wriiii' WW 'irif, ghf mnuumy business r town is bushes Item" well kn changed Inning d new; to I the sum l the IO yet my e mien of l keepers i are pit-m his family and as it our (‘cuul widely kl: a hearty I ltr: IH E ') It E VI E y navigut skater t were th choose ting thi fixed In the ho her In root" " moped Mow d dun. farm at ('1 mart“. “VIN N on " the NI Knox. then-1 Tart ttttetw Rivets The n The dim-Q int " duriml 'een t 'pper 00cm! TVt "' 1 (H' "Anew or MCI E. Kn M r. Tl Than "ew tye I w adv T but h firm. has I the l lint-Ill M“! ‘lll Marl undo duit Tl Mi "tttit; " M “I1 tat Ho "t" Th unl

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