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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1901, p. 2

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E. No -tieulars or the mitt-en: haw it. reached. United State- ”tubal PM binow at Silver out and m . ll tro to the Rue fore m hm. , Ann-hes Break Out and Murder New Mexico Sank-ts. Albuquerqu". N. M., Oct. 4.--Woru, In. jut born rccrivod that a rebel- lion hand of Apache Indiana from the San Canoe rmnrvatlun is in the Mo. gullou mountains, south ot this city, and that live pea-am were hired by the. on Willow Creek, near the old var patch [endeavou- d Hetero and Ego-lag :17ch (In. no. wmn that in ' Magistrate discharg- ed In. Pay an] told the girl that it was study a mistak: to take Jaunt- hlg cu- without asking the Pt'rmiss don of the owner. "Did you 'tjiet those this poor girl?" naked trats _ “You thlnk Jou have my hunting cu!” can! all». as she brushed off tho but of this young woman and took a wisp of tho hair along. Then the chants.“ the girl as welt, as l! Ibo were the cirt'te own mother. . There was such a crowd that the police had to clear it away. There was an ambulance called and Miss Nrard was tnk an to the Harlem Hoa- pltul. whorv hrr face was covered with plant am an! ttatt lag”. and the poor glrl wishxl that si: had never can a hunting car. In. Fuji was arrested. and Tmr. terday nNurztillt in the Morrlsanla emu-t, shu swim! in lwr wltchlng way. ' And with that Mrs. Catherine Far touched out, took the girl by the arm and pulled her down from the She wan gixing them up for lost. when what should she me coming up the “not hit the donkey and car, and a girl. trowing and smiling. driv- Ing the poor beast until he could hardly get his breath. . "Bo mum, Mam. Fay," said that worth: woman to herself. " think I have your gaunting car. In. "y," chirped the young woman an Ibo Cam" up to tho curb. “You think you have my hunting carp' crin-I Mrs. Pay. "You think you haw!" " wna going to taken; drive in my hunting Car, and hero, when I go out to tind it, tho our and the poor In.“ are driving without me," she said in appmJing tnnos to a police- man. "Go Mom: with your jamming ear," ho responded. "'Nere Is not a Jaunt- " our on this side» ot the Lakes of light-trey." Bee, and whvn she came., out the don.. key and ttw "ill? were nowhere, to be soon. ' In. Fay left the naming car landing in front ot her store, wait- Ing [or a [Hand who was to go with " did." tvéiill With that tl New York report: Sorry is the blight of Lillian Ward, who took awn In. Catherlna Fay’s Jauntlng on and donkey without so much as -rtatr "By your leave." ASIGHT FOR THE SPECTATORS. Story of a Borrowed Jaunting Car and the Sequel, Illilllllll SPANKS lllillllll, “II. was thrs strangest sight lever at. I cannot (Xpluin it. it was a study In [wyt'llology tor mp. and one 1000er for my intellect. That negro with that [rhnnngruph made a for.. “to telling tho tones of the dying - to other "agrees. ”Pliny aunt “an as if the horrible sounds would net 3% a deterrent in the lulu-e. 'I'lwy merely wanted to near tho sounds It was like an opera. or d the play or n. good prim tight to “other class of cltlzens." hear those cries come from the pho- non-awn. Thvsr didn't airplay any tuning for Hm man who was burned, III. tiny manifested the kecnest curb - to mun to the cries and the dyinggmoam. _ - .. r _ -".-"' r..v..‘,.,,........ "Tao “gnu-.4 for mixes around heard of an; em tturried to chip In their and: to the phonogrupu man to hour the dying cries ot the negro .wLo mu hmmd at Paris. There was a horrid curi:»i.y In those negroes to L...‘ AL- ,, , - and or!" could be heard tor blocks. The knowing- day he went around alt the towns in Texas close to Paris “ranking: that he had the cries of tttgrey 1"'t"t in lltat plnonqgraph. and has!!! to be In“; a Fort-Io it “Oral-ell; the Grim-no -u--t5toe', told by . Texan In. law York Hotel. In York report-Some time ago a negro was burned at the stake at Paris. Texas. A Texan was at the lion-an House tho other night, and not.” of tho conduct of the negroes vb assemble! to see the man lynched try tho hon-ibis death of burning. l t "One of News: neg-nee," said the‘ Texan, "hm! " phonograph with him, and Into that phonograph went the 830nt nil-4 ot the burning man. Ilia agony was u nine. an! his moans 1lfllllt new _,, Ill Mlllllglln, NERO "Ell! THE MACHINE, Cries of Man Burned at the . Stake Taken. ON l HE WARPATH. aha a??? ', those injuries on asked the Magis- and private banks capital In tho ham ot mwn Helms l third In ten your. and “Nun manna creased. The Prmntnr ine Tho sidAfi'si,omio, While Dr. Kuypqr i brt my: Conservati “an" 9 Why ol has been 'mrtrtlr in Mtreratc . _-. . .urxLIlWL‘J HIE Ell-1'0- strmnt of thr» 1113.5er in the recent ulrcttons. when feeling was Intense. "8 proving the good moral tone of the Ditch pesoplo. Premier Gives Figures Snowing Im- proved (Tuudluon ot People. London. Oct. 4.-Tho Brnnscls cor- nwpondnnt of the Tinrm says that in the dnbate on the Queen's Speech in tho Ntherdw States General, 1110 Prcaar,r, Dr. Rayner, gave facts and figures) showing the improved condition of Um Dutch Iwopie. The average Hollander. said Dr. Kuyiwr, was now taut-r. drong'ar and more prsoeroas than he was forty pears ago. Saving) hanks accounts had in- crmsm Sevenfold in sixteen years. and private banks had dnuhvlrd 11ml:- " Michigan Woman Shoclcinaly i Mutilated and Will me. Detroit, Oct. 4.-Mrs. Ansel Green, of Sebcwui Township. Mich., was at- tacked by hogs, and no (rightfully mangled that she will die. Mrs. Green was hunting for eggs in the barn- yard, wb::n three hogs suddenly turned upon lwr an! knocka her down. The animals apparently be.. came frenzied and began to tear at the woman's arms and body. Mrs. Green became unconscious and then the hogs moved away. When she regained CuJllrcouonetig Mrs. Green man aged to gain her feet and started to run for the gate. She had taken unly Mew Mops when she was ngun attacked ani knocked down. Her screams tin ror brought hip, and the hogs were mivcn away by her son. The iletsit was stripped from her right arm and it ham to be amputat- mi. Her left arm and hand were also terribly torn. One side of her turn was turn to shreds. Thero in, no i hope of her recover-v. wants $150 a' moth GG £750 tor her lawyer. Sim says that while she is penni- loss ho In enjoying an income ot $3,500 a your from a. legacy hrld in trust for his bani”, an] she was happy wuh her husbanJ and! last January. Un tho 18th of that ill-fated Mtorntt, she says her hus- band, Mrs. Cora Wilson, and Mrs. Cora Wiimon's child, were at the Hotel Bax-lucid! together. MM day Mrs. Wilson complained to the police that one had own robbbcd of Jew- elry worth 8-3300. On January 153 young Earl] “an ar- rested, hm Mrs. Milraon and nut up- pear against mm. and he wan hon- orably discharged from deerunn Market Police Court. Hope Booth shone radiant in the limelight when Hung pictums were the fashion. blue says In ha. com- plaint, one married young Earn at Paterson. N. J., Dccrmlmr w, 1895. York State tamLy. HU brnevohmt Earl] is the mum .! an old Nuw mother, who is reputed to be worth $700,000. gave a $00,000 drinking fountain to tho TLiage ot Kinder- hook, when: one ravines. Ttio 3'00!!ng Mm. Earn Hopo Booth, Who acknowledges rrlte is 26 years old, siectared to the court she PROSPERITY IN HOLLAND. 'awn New York, Oct. 4.~Hope Booth, the actrem, by her counsel, Maurice Meyer, yesterday asked J usucc O'Gorman, or the Supreme Court, tor 8150 a month alimony and 5750 counsel fees pending her sun for ab. solruto divorce against her husband, James A. B. Earl]. ALSO DIVORCE COUNSEL FEES. A Former Toronto Woman Wants $:50 a Month. HUPE ililillll ASKS jll.ilglllf continue. cause. At the slightest question re- garding his health Mr. Krutp r rt. hiblta intense Irritation and vehrm- entLy denies that anything la wrong. The approach of winter causes anx- iety as Mr. Kruger refuses to leave Holland. According to a remark made by a prominent Boer, the former Prol dent's condltlon long amen would have been much worse If hatred of Great Britain did not nerve him to The Bum Oct. 4.--h. D. w. Wot. mrnnq one of the Boer envoys. who ha. been tilting m. Kruger at Enversuln. found the mental con- dition of the rormer Preddent ot the Transvaal. to A by no u ans tiatitr- tory. K ' Mr. rage:- la slow” growing weaker, Musically and m Many. Hm slowness 1n reaching a d. cialon on important questions In (cum) to be a serious hindrance to those working P_Europrs In behalf of their LIVES 0N HATRtD 0F MnhlN. Even Wolmaratth' tho Boer Envoy, Says He Is Crazy. Mlill's mm 51m ATTACKED BY MOS. reripumipnt observes that , Ru.vpor is a severe Galvin- Conservative. during the 5119an ot the Government ruo banks, had doubicd {heir a the same period. The sales tictmu, had dun-eased one- ten ymrs. Imports, export. m tonnage had greatly 1n- hcr recovery. inataucmi the sell-ro- “lass."s in the recent 1he ttandiGFiiii .~Hope Booth, the counsel, Maurice y asked Justice M unvil yt that r hus- n! Mrs. at the Fear many young men from various parts ot tho empire tnmpiete their terms of military service in Berlin. When they depart for their homes they leave behind scores or broken hearts, and numerous unlined promise. of marriage. Never before, however, have. no appalling a number ot these daughters ot the regiment sought to end their disappointment in death." " Annually abat.Tiis' year many young men parts ot the empire ' Twenty-three Berlin Donn-mics Kill q hemselvrs in Two \Voeks, Berlin, Oct. 4.--The fondness for so- clety dLmlayed by the Kaiser's gully uniformed soldirrs is responsible tor an unprecedented l'pidOch or suici lea among Berlin Uomostitrs. Within the past fortnight thnty-thrge hone. maids and cook; have Ruled th m- selves on account of unrequited affec- tion, twenty or them by drowning in the waters ot the Spree. An official at police headquartdrs in explaining thrcireturprtanke said: DRIVEN TO SUICIDE BY LOVE __ -"e _.. "nu. usual-lad] Lure , lcumstnncen, and the net hbors have [louse or Bishops of u. S. Eplscopol done much to assist hang Church Approves of Them. San Franciaao. Cal., Oct. 4.-- The " 1house of Bishops or the Episcopal PREPARES SIXTH BALLOON. Trimmlal Convention, by a vote ot 'dautos..oumont to Try on Sunday to " to 21, has decided to accept the Win the Prize. report of the committee appointed Paris, Oct. 4.--The intorvasling and tit the ttttap'.":',:,',';',' {gait-‘12:; tl very laborious opr‘mtion of fitting up no mat-g _ ' t n H T . substituted for the present rea,d- the tkantcsuurtiont No. 6 lb bum, CMus inga of the scripture. With the con- nod out, and the framework carrying currencc of the Hour? ot tiy"lt' the motor and car, a total weight of the action ot the bumps w; six hundred kilos, his arrived. ' " mgima canon of the Church oil Dump; the p rind of inflation the . From tho attitude of the bishops! balloon was held down by a. int-go on this matter it ‘is FupporNi that, number ot I'DDUS attached to bags ot a majonty ot tho highvr house is sand. inclined to be liberal. and tit' arm}, As that as the mum,“ is filled much odox as t,',r.'..r'e'yy, tof 1,1r'stit,?i.g', 33d of “mm curls ii rvpltvz'wl by a, etc-m 12.330 'ie,'1'e,',1i'.'/, f'l,,.t//'illli.2%eg,.',, I wire, wh.ch is [not In] to the frame- and oboervancos and the changing! 1'.rtitl')M,'g't",'.iiradt,tsti.iiij.'i to distrib- _ ot the name from Protestant Eprm. t There are in all. one hundred wires 1 copal Church to tho Catholic Church I {our-mum M n m” i or..-- l .. , ot America. I New York, Oct. 4.-Herr Kress, in- Iventor of an airship, started on lThursday afternoon on another I trial flight on the Tuiinbacher reser- voir, says tho Vienna correspond- ent of the Herald. The result was disastrous. After going a certain distance Herr Krona started his motor at full speed ahead. which caused the forward part of the fly- ing machine to ri.;e about thirty- five centimetres out of tho water. On rising to this height. the whole machine suddenly lent its equilib- rium and swung over to the right. This caused it to (ill with watea and it sunk like a stone. The water at this point it 15 metres deep. Herr Kress, who was nlone on the, flying machine; was carried downi with the ship. but thanks to the life preserves. he were. he came to tho surface and was no}: to grasp tho poles which the officer and rnv gluemen who were witnesses of the accident held out to him. The aged 'ttwoior-.he is more, than 70 years old-wat, in a very exhausted condition and sustained some slight injuries. He was going to Purltersdort. Tin? flying; m'lchine went to the bottom. It wil.’ be fish- ed out to-day (Friday); Wilen it will be seen if it‘s still in working order. BOT WILL BE FISHFD oo AGAIN. AGED jkllllll© WAS MII, But His Air Ship Went to the Boitom, ba 35. staying in” mi} ”smug-311.15 suixgxuoned to Balmoral. The Aberdeen HERE}: News King Edward is suffering from k.._A Aberdeen, Oct. 4.-Sh' James RUM. the 1)tti,tyru,r.heti physician, who in lino fact that the customary court circular does not appear in this week's papers adds to the un- easy feeling," which is not alloyed by tho explanation of the Ktng's indtspositioit given by Sir Frauen; Luking, His Majesty's physician. A story is in circulation among the clubs, purporting to come from a titled member of the late Queen Tietoeia'e household. giving eolorto the cancer story. and saying: that court circlPs are discussing thepms- sibility ot no coronation taking place next year. It is impossible,, however. to ob- tain tangible corroborative Widener“ of this report. I Ft r "E V ' . 2rltlrl ., ' " _ V it, " Ms “at ttly 'SFP) tr.r $335: . P Wi M, Wr >' "1"; ‘W‘- H..." U .l Ji: ' F" .14 ,7 =;~ od rumors regarding cancer, pub- lished in Copenhagen, from which city His Majesty has just. ro.tarnrs, and Where secrets ot the British court are more likely to break out than elsewhere. is causing some commotion here. " “Said to Have Come [from the Dual“: Court-No Court Circular tn This Week’s Papers Thought to be Mtrroeautt---attswasr " Makes London Talk. Londoh. Oct. _1.--'rhe coinendenee ot tho 'M1nottttcettt?nt ot King Ed- ward's indisposltlon with the reviv- Tlit GANGER STORY AGAIN. MARGINAL READINGS. Copenhagen Rumors London Gossips Agog. jlljllllllill fllll KIM} Mllllll, " In lmmhago. TORONTO Spawn of the says lum- been _ " _.. \IlUK?‘ U) muke it c Twin that tlrto wlll be no fol la in the blilux: and th " it will maintain tht' Kl,0ln“ll‘l(3:ll an we indis- pensable in such matters. ”In Sun-lay, it tho "tmoe,Titvie con- dltlnns are favorable, the committee of the Ann) Club wi l meet at Ila bal- loon park in or liar to witm‘m no nt.. tumpt of M. &1nttvs.Dumont" to win tho Grand Prix do l'Aerc» Club. M. Rantna-lmmont Dru-puns to crom the Longch'lmp racecourse abut 8 o’clock tn the t1tternoon--ttrit' In to any, at the mommt that the Grand Prix du Comreil Municipal will be run. ------. What the physicians diagnose a. a, case of smallpox has developed In Hickson. a village seven miles north ot Woodstock. he vlctlm I: “at. Smith. Ion ot Duncan Btntttr, III! is but . you: man. _ - _....._......_,. There are in all one hundred wires, four-films ot n mil.i.uetre in dia- meter, each of whieU iN able to sup- port a weight rr.' tid kilue. But as the total weight is six hundred ki as, moi: wire only supports six. It is thcrtrore clear that the ens n len. of “our!” 15 wry grout, prodding the weight. is evenly Uutribated. At least a whole day will be requir- ed to verify everything in order to make " 0311:1111 that th "to n-Ill v., -7, Set As fast as the balloon. is filled each of than» curls ii rz‘pltlz'ml by u. trtvet wire, WILCh ls rust. and to tho frame- W( rk in SuCJ a ttuilron, as to distrib- ute the strain unimrmly. "‘L-A_- . - 1 On July Itch of this your Mrs. Ormsby tiptoml into the kitchen, where Ormsby was hard at work on his invention and whispered in his oar. What she still is not on record, but Ormshy started back with a nhrirk, and the wheels ot the ma- chine began to revolve rapidly of their own accord. Tlten Ormsby struck his wife, on the left car. she says. Immediately afterward he left the house, and has not been heart] of since. There is a. scar on the woman's war; and it is a curious fact that ouch of the quadruplvts is marked in a similar manner. Tho woman is in poor financial cir- cumstances, and the neighbors have done much to assist her. the santce-uumint No, _ w _,'ir",rti,' Mun-co might provide for tin-In. Dummy has not been seen by his wife since July 18th, and his whore- nbouts is not known to her. Ocursby is a perpetual motion ctr. tiiucist. He is n plantoer by trade. In addition to this he opened a nmnii grocery storm in front ot his cottage and put itid wife in charge of it. Chicago report: Mrs. Jos. Itrmg- by. of No. 406 West Forty-Third street. has again astonished the community. This time it is unad- ruplets. During the. seven years that Mr. and Mrs. Ormshy have been married fourteen children have been horn to them; and heretofore they have been either twins or trlp- lets. Seven children are now living. Tho latest arrivals at the Ormsby home are perfectly formed, and tin-re is an excellent prospect ot) their living, it they nre properly cared for. They will lack the atten- tions ot a father and the careful nursing which an income from that '11 USED TO TWINS AND TRIPLETS. Quadruplets Drove Chicago Man From Home. FUUH (fl KIND fllll MHEH. "Ne and nose. piercing his brain and causing death almost instantly. Dr. Urquhart was sent tor, but ho Could do nothing. Tho result of the shoot- ing was to almost unhingn the mind of the unfortunate young man who new the revolver. and he has since 1mm under medical carp. No Inquest inns bum ordtsreU, a.nd the funeral of tho victim will take plaoe to-mor- row morning. The two parties to the tragedy were engaged in the pursuit ot a mischievous cat, which had been a nuisance on the farms of both tami.. liea. They were under the barn at Mr. Hardy's farm,' the some: the lat- ter belug- armed with a revolver. Just how the accident occurred is not very clear, one version being that young Fisher in the semi-dark- ness was mistaken for the eat, and another that Hardy's revolver was accidentally discharged by striking an obstacle. In any event the bul- i-xt struck the lad between the right 91d son of George Fisher, was accl- dentnlly shot and killed by a com- panion, Gllby Hardy, aged 26, Son of Mr. George H. Hardy, a respected Mirna-r in Trafalgar Township. Oakville, Oct. 4.-A shocking tra- tredy occurred near here yesterday, whereby Frank Fisher, the 12-year- A Sad Accident Occurs Near Oakville. SHUT tlllllhlllilt BEAU. HARDY KILLS FRANK FISHER morning. en‘thln'x in order to that (lyre will be no loan, and th a it will nmvtricnl dupe india.. 1 matters. tho "trnix,Thorie con- hundred wires, altrtre in dia- m able to_sup- "803 to crom '60 about tr “Wilt I6 to t 1ttGrand prune or 8 GP. mm, per the beau for their own With endangers, P: be“Hmonle Will rat: uuwers Price in Localllles Where Beet Sugar ts Sold. New York, Oct. G.--The Journal of Commerce says: As a result of the misunderstandings existing between tho Amnrlcan Bugar Retlnlng Com.. pany’s interests and the Beet Sugar people. It is understood that the beet augm- interests, whose pro- nto have been enacted by the re- auction of 1 1-2 cents In the price ot granulated anger in their terri.. tory will not recognise the out gm of 8 1.2 an". M- --‘“ ‘ ...H.. WV m u; \VWIBJ [wanna argumont barn-re Court on the mag-4s ran up; the validity of tho Michlr: Ju'krn Nonnuunll, in vm the met th Lt the divorce valid in Canada, remarked: were, there “mum be tl tr: exodus from Canada to th Stntm ot young couples w! dlrfprencee." Uowers Price “WM", EH we mun-:0. of Dr. Buru- hurdt and his wife. " was granted to the physician In net wit in April,19(1\ on the grounds of “enmity. personal pain, and lncouvt-nivm-e." The doctor claim“! that gh.., ----_- . - Under tlromr-vxruninatim, "e4m-husttand No. 8~denL had said, "Tho angels wil b fore I do." m, alan don abused her. Pendru 'twortu, that tho told him of hiring had cite Hugo from no fewer than. Mr. John Drummond. an trom Detroit. Rave the com ticulum ot the divorce of hurdt and his wife. it was 1 John Pendril to gone through a with the accused vember T, 11.mo. w still alive. owning, when a. Jury found Minnie G. Woods guilty of bigamy. The ac- cused was legally divorced according to the. law of the State of Michigan. and tho separation would have been considarod legal in all parts of the ‘United States. The judge charged against tho prisoner, and told the Jury that American divorces for causes not recognizal hero divl not hold good in Canada. Mr. ftohinette, the prisoner's conn- nel. admitted that his client had been three times married. At the time of the third marriage the second hus- band was living. Her first hus- band was a null-known commercial traveller of Detroit. Dr. Earnhardt was their physician, and when hus- band No. 1 died, she wedded the phy- sician. The marriage was celebrat~ ed in Windsor. July 5th. 1897. Toronto, Oct. 3..-hn important ver- dict touching the divorce law was given in the Criminal Sessions last JUDGE CHARGED AGAINST HER SUGAR TRUST METHODS. day. Michigan Divorces are Not Good in Canada. MII) GUILTY [If lliilllljlt Then he wan pulled up. The and of I the rope wan tied to the pole and the crowd dl-Pperscd. Later Sheri“ Mo- Gonnell cut the body down and placed it in a eottin. The march to tho hanging place wua quiet. There Brady was given a. ehanee to my a. word. m, dreiared that they had tho wrong man, al- though he was positively identified by his Victim and a. more ot othvr persons who had seen him with the child. He also asked that some money that was due him trom the Montana Central Railway be sent to n. niece. v um people will retalmto by in; their supptlec In competi- In the We": urketl. On gaining admittance they de- manded at tho point of a. gun the keys of the jailer. and threatened if ho did not yield the man they would kill him. The jailer thun got the man out of Ma cell, and he was given to thn mob. When they mart took him Brady need: "What is it, g-rntk men t" There were about 200 men engag- ed In the affair, and they were all masked. They attacked the jail door with a battering ram, and " noon yielded. Thrutened to [lug the "tter and This Got Their Victim-Took "In to Ma-rise' Squure, hot Hint Talk and The. lunged “In. Helena. report says - James Ed- ward Brady, a. man who manned ttver-year-old Ida Puguley. in Helena. yesterday. was taken from the MI by a mob at 1.30 this morning. and hanged to a telly-apt: pole in the haymarket square. about three block: from the MI. The crowd was orderly. and after the hanging quick- UL: dispersed. l There will be an investigation to- BROKE IN JAIL 0008, Hangs Ravisher of Five-Year- Old Girl. AN ntlllilllJ" lllEil(lill llllllll I pnymcmn. and when hue- 1 died, she wedded the phy- The marriage was celebrat- ndsor. July Gth, 1897. ‘endril testified that he had young et. G.--The. Journal of I: As a result of the ass existing between Sugar Rename Com- 1Pmlnatioo the '"minaVioE, the wit- No. 8~dnnied that he angels will hurt you He also denied having t that tho may had mg had Lure" ot mar- rewer than. tive men. meond. an attorney nun ihn -m.-s-_-4 "» Woman's 1081005.; tempcr Prevented practising his pro- -.c,___aa form of -lriarriii.iii; in Toronto. on No- hilo Earnhardt was rrull 1g respecting Michlgun divorce. the "cot/rt-tiii," Itt "mpham'zir. red oat on in" re a SupPrior to truprGii, the cut 90mm as ( (hauling-n oouttttrr- mt and " Git Ina smear!“ ie announced a; Oybll Prmroua. daughter 0 ed,' lavatory. to Earl ”new tom, to ease. Epidemlc "as Brat": Out and the "capitals are Filled. Stratford. Ont., tkt. 4.--An pp! demie of typhoid fever has brake-n out in this city. thero being at pro- sent between twenty and thirty cues or the disease. We levnr in also quite prevalent in the surroundv inc country. and In consequence the local hospital In very full. of nation». In capacity being uxed to the ut- moat. Few of the cue. prove fatal. but Pe mean?! Pufhartues new 'tqqhrr- wmumr. OM... (kt. '--Mr, am! Mr. Rr-hard T. Wig-la. of madame town "8l."J,'"th"G"v. their horse In from or an eastbound Mich car at th, z'ornPr of Mann avouuu an“ Lon dort street. about 8.30 o'clock lam night, and were (“and aroma: to draw. Tho bum was mined into fragments and the harness torn i!to khrudw. The Wino 0304mm! iniury The occupants were carried to Dr Branme's reu'Jonce. where thriv- injuries were droarred. Mrs. Wiglv was severely cut about the head and body. her scalp being torn open in a. [In-her of place-nod one rm wa- fractured. Mr. Wig-in occur-d with Home brakes on the body and a deep mum] on tho head. After receiving musical attention they wvre til-h"! to their home. Two Itutdtttome People 3 rlble “jun" Windsor. Ont, (kt. a ---] Rinhnrd T. Wide. a! laid Ttto he made the dimer, that her for mer husband. Malone, was alive yearn after her Osmond marriage. All! that we had been married to Ialom in 1878 under the ham" ot bhwty Thibtsuueau. Mr. Hmktura was marina to . Emu Thihd a: at. Guortre. Church in 18") by Rev. Dean Lurmhehaert, she Haul lung to In a. widow. In the registers her Irma appears at "Emily Thibu‘ and ama Malone. Two yuan an) after {is years d married me with Mr. Mon. ulna (ll-appeared. and {t '.e.t,yty? 1.11th to msd her tttnt he Montreast Mun Finds In: Wm Ila- Another Husband mun. Montreal, (kt. '.---Att new hm been taken in the Superior Court tn Mess-rs. Quinn and Morrison on ts half cl Ernest Edward Mg“. cler- trkelan, " "in city, for tho annul mmt m the latter’s marriage with Emily Than. mu Emma Thin“: "cau, all“ Emma Dione, wife ot Wm "tata, alias Emma Mame. wife Maloue, formerly of this city. The no": on entering the camp Went straight tor the ”when. hul ware able to take awny only I low blncultc and hurdLy any ammunition. the Lancer- having ruptlnd their lmndoYiM-s. an the hundrvds of rapt) cartridges found on tho kopr ' uuently manned. The (anemv'n on» Miles wvrn wry heavy. The dead and wounded won. onrrh‘d ott by tho commando wlwn It mired" TVPHOID IN STRATFORDA COLLIDED wrriiioLuis pea." than to have been poured in from the rear. which In"! or wounu ed all Ito drfvndora. Finally Capt Sandonmn trind to reach the hubs in the vicinity ot tho camp. but mom of the man wtth him warn that down and ho hum!!! was wounded. Th» Boers than rush0d the camp. but not n. alngie nun mtrrrnderod; the any may 1eveited their rifles and tiron on any man they any. Upon Major Nick and squadron coming up they ti- tired quickly In the direction In which they had ©ogrtor. f “The camp wu plum on H». I soutlmrn slope of nut-nth rim, wh‘w in each-clad on the WI‘M by a uprm. running generally nortlmvvn up Joining the main rieor about two miles ditetaett. About 300 yin-doc from the apt-nit tho ground on whieh m camp stood rim Into a rocky Hop) about 100 yards long at tho crow This was dofr'njv'l with trreat m termination. and mowt of the cm.» unltlen occurred ttore. The Boers, loo mineral vary severely In their at their on Ulla posltlon. and it win: my until the "may unwind tho lull trom the real- that any lmprm-lon wanna to have been made on the m- !endpro. A pr-rlrct hall of bullet-a an IatqMttth Ott. W Mht$uott low. M tho 'tNimrbtq nth-Maths: - at a. mt at At. “do Blur Mt. “are m mi, Inner- mend no more”. "8an coo-nub "and I lunar m at an an: lancer- undo: Cap “All We. mated at Bauer lambda. mil. mo mum": or' {no Elam!- lava Boon and “O“M-r and. mm: the northeast hum; u Evan Moat, to prev-an the Burn from cam mum in to tit, (km chariot. The surprise “4.. due oltdefV to the Boer. being aircse od in litatri and he“): thut, Main for Contact GOI'I'II'O'I mun, win were, expected to ”The from (“may Net dug-mg the oottrtMt ot the "a: A mm watch hung aver Um km ground w: late that morning uh favoured the approach od the can“) On receipt of a. report that 5 Mn; - In advance of tho. camp hm been mailed I troop qubkly Inn-mu and rode toward- the poort 1m. althou- la coma“!!! aw sumo K'irt, clad mm [than two miles Iron camp. and. thinking that th , were a”, ‘of Colonel Gorrhmre'r oolumn, In: ma. forward to meet them. When Alum twenty yard- dhumt. seeing Mum levelling their rims, ho chanted no 'Dom’t fire. We are the 17th [was The on'ly answer was run” rttte ups, which emptied met-Al Milan. nor ing this time another body of tbr m emy had wot-km up tho dong... mm nine past tho cunp and approach.» it from tho rear. These men “my. dressed in khaki and were Lulu» a. friends. AFTER EIGHTEEN YEARS HANDS RIVER P00!" STRUGGlE. Story of the Attack " the 17th Lancers. was " ll (Elli. 7-â€"--v- a... nu Mfr check the spread of tho din 4.--An If!» haa “taken Nil!!! at pro- ud thirty The fever in Sun-um Fe r (I! EFF WM ”Blank not w: Ir. druid pulls [no .IId'N-Ia'. Gllllun ate. Inn glowing I llluulons. " Gupta} - of trunnion: hand-om" NI arm t "er-ttlot" the lull " Onhnzw e But hut! mud Ins-:1 he: Bligh! in: “a Ah- tr ”on? it n WT from w; brown " ft Iio'wl ”In (I. earn Kt, “to Got ty, Crm th" “will Ina word " " cr, CHI?! " - " Ptt Lacy bo " “W tih. drw ’00- my won't " nut (‘al th" Ch- an! MP, M er dainty. Ill-7. . I and do ADVI mum-r1 MINI] " tho "pt IDOL 'c) for whi haw-1L ti I]!!! “an M her m till a- in: on n her t Itetet,, min-5N 'MN or in Int curryn ”Pawn the up Nut .ft'r ‘IW to I mm hm fuming: and Gm in: not UN’W‘TS timing rm: 1 Oct ween 1tt u, 2,'tt, PI on". Pan MN " by a "It: “It 0 I. It" the d] (in. agrd ta, MM. si with a)” tttre h "lune." Dun-'1- I . slight um“. m, TIME!) Muslim Ph " lbw-d h ohm wry I: " U an m an Tn M In tl tri "

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