West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1901, p. 8

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, ii] """""ooa'soirsoeasooeirseasirsooooodlj New Stock WALL PAPER New Stock BED ROOM DISHES New Stock LAMPS New Stock LADIES’ CLOTH JACKETS New Stock MEN’S OVERCOATS New RAISINS. CURRANTS and (-/,s,'_'ii':' (lllllllllgllllf UNDERWEAR ',,'/'; _ FOR MEN Rt New Arrivaiirili"iiji=iii; BIG STORE one visit to our Big Store will convince you that we carry a really up-to-date STOCK of Fancy Dress Goods. The newest effects are to be seen here in Black and Colored Goods, Gulf Skirtings with plaid Linings 54 in. wide at $1.25 a yard. Homespnns in Blacks and Greys at 75c. a yd. 54 in wide. _,s,i.-;('i' STANHELDS a -'"'-""""""""'-Fee-el--eggi- ' **$°§?$¢iv°flv$$°flv°fi°fi°fl9$fiv$*$$$$$°flv* iFiis This Department is complete for Fall. Ladies' 'lttdKid Gloves, small sizes, at 25c. a pair. Ladies' Extra quality, Kid Gloves " ASCOT " Brand all guaranted, sizes 5% to 7% at $1.3 5 a pair, any shade. Men's Pure Buck Faced Gloves-L. Wool Lined $1 a cair. Men's Fancy Wool Lined mocha gloves, different shades $1.2 5. tu, Jiksr (ttore JllEP"eratitgiiiiis , Guaranteed all PURE WOOL and to be abso- 4% lutely unshrinkable and we have seen instances t where they wore customers for 4 years - They sie, are $1.2 5 per garment or $2.50 a suit. Beware 6 of imitations. None genuine unless they have g), STANFIELDS name on them. g, This store has the reputation of carryin most reliable GOODS of every description so with respect to FURS. Our Ladies' As an Jackets range in price from $25 to . guaranteed for I year. Our Men's Fur start at $10 each and run as high as 845 Don't be afraid to come in and inspect ourg Its a pleasure to show. ta, 2b .ittore C auntert GLOVES TEA I if funk); price from $25 to $45,311 Our Men's Fur Coats as high as 845 each and inspect our goods GOODS of carrying the Astrach.. 'ie, I Its Thtuhing " about over. of grain for amount of strum _ Arch. McEeehme, late postmaster and mail carrier, was going but chi-aged " mind. Mr. Devid Allen and wife are rejmcing over tho birth of I doubler. W. W. Bell had e good home kicked in the leg by mother and had to be shot. Cattle buyers are around end picking up each cattle as on be bought cheap. l J: hn MoEachnio. who was warki Little Current, Mnnitoulin Island, homo . few darts no and moved his ily there. Now Mh Edito', I "Gae Wynn pun- ish me fo' taking the place ob yo' rennin scribe. 'Enry. Mb Chas A'nott am getting ‘is 'ouae m shape fo' wintnh. Wont it be van t MI, Edwa‘ds must hub a big crop dis yuh. 'lil put up a new granny. Mb. l G Baton got back safe Pom o. Sound. '15 wer'nt taken up. 'tt Were sum- moned. Mh Cunpbell got back we too, De Holstein World's Fair. by I. few from heal]. Rev. Mu. Farquharson 'eld a prays]: meelin " de 'ome ob Minus Binnie, ob Ssngoen Valley last T‘uraday ebenin. I De ome ob Mistab John Fnilaise Were [ brightened by a o'gan some days ago. Do big chillem ob de Centah wum at Mistah Binnie'a one ubenin not long ago. parin‘ apples. Dore be lots ob games at. terwnrds. Mia. A. McGillivray hub gone to yo’ i' town fo' tt while. Sari' f, WL?, I Ware am yo' oder scribe t _ turns up wy we‘ll mm down, Thruhin‘u bout ober and de peopl glad. De trasbin ob do season were Uh MwMillan‘s. Ihoer. 'E trashed nigh: and bout 26 men wan: there bl gals could lm'dly be counted, :90 man, de fruk boat 80. Born, to Mr and Mrs Fred Runeiman, on Sept. Both, a. son. What we would like to know? If Neil was dressed up or why he did'nt got. there if ho like: Bachelor‘s , Why Thoare horse would not stwd still while attend. ing to his Vine , What did V. and S. do With their switzer’a after the show t It four was‘nt too many in one single rig P We were pleased to" see Mr and Mrs Davnd Leith of North East Normauby at aervnce in Swmton Park in: 3.1mm. Miss Bertha Wilson, of the Durham high school, visited the old homestead Sunday, and stands the work well Mr. W. Wilson, visited friends at Dor. uoch, and got home last Monday. Miss E. Benton. Dromore, spent a. day or met our burg. Miss Wilson of River Side accompanied her home. Mr C. Ferguson. of the valley, wan " Boolhville, last Monday night. Dealt Edilah' S Signed on behalf Katie McDonald. Sarah Ed e. _ Bella 's/ia'. Eva Banks. ' Allie Collier. We wish you much success in your fu.. ture career and ask you to accept of these articles as a. alight memento of the associations you have had with us, and trust: the sight of them may recall to your mind the troubles and trlum hs you had with the pupils of School £30- tion No. 3, Glenelg. A prom "ringed by the pupils tool: I plsee from 2 to 6, Mr. C. Home linking an "le ient t't'i'ptt"iiu,A/ 'atl"T,'geel stage Miss Sarah e step our end reed the address given below. Miss E McDonsld ranking the presentation. Mr. Collin-on has been very snoeeeslul here and " place is taken 'li', Miss MoCreoken of Aberdeen. He warm y thanked the do- nors for their sopreeiation and spoke ep- proprietely of his pleasant experiences in 8 t? Ne. 8 during the pest three years. The address was " follows t l l To Ma. Tues. COLLINDON. l l Dear Teacher and Friend, The separation about to take place between us as teacher and purils moves us to have a parting word o good-bye with you. For the last three years we, hare been favored with our abilities: as a teacher and your kincfnese as a friend and while we fear we have not reaped all we might have done from the former. we beg to assure you that both have been highly gpreciated and will be long remember.. This week came in tine. Friday afternoon. Sep. 27, was: taken advantage of by the pupils and ftionds of S. S. No 3. Glenelg. to hue an upprecie- tire word with their teacher of the put mm yours. Mr. Thou. Collmson. who is leaving to teke up the study of dentistry. names: um WWW Ill We Hill GLENELG CENTAH. Irttpevilte. Mr. T. Comnson Honored. :nton Park last siu,iGi,?' fl Ir and Mrs Fred Runeiman, u who was Working at BOOTHVILLE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO l A good -rieid THE ' of the tkhool-. Katie Kenny. Ethel Greenwood. Thomas Collier. Arthur Greenwood. 'E trashed itter I there but do ' so many nnd Jnauranco bushes: offended (a "e to yo (I: ttsteal and Wan-thy: £icon- a pnth :0: (lulled. people am tim. DURHAM REVIEW Ef 'e i South of Middaugh Home Mis- v". WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell. Dahertv, Thomas and Berlin mskos of PIANO and ORGAN SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond end W ams Sewing Machines amt supplies. CULT/VA TING, . Sd PN' " iltl Comer & 1titt,t, gm: rad, .- iiiilllilll a tivators. 180 an a e r Is, , , A: Td IR' rows, BtsMiisrs, like. Ago Scotch 'itlErrffl I ",j Diamond Han-own. v - .. m: .: Wilkinson f',tge,, number 1 to 20, and rep; of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not . genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PMUGH _Corrrurrv"i each piece. Wilkinmn Tlu.-,,, m-i' " .. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : (2oorg thing for: EVEEYTHmG has IE massey-uarris Mowers, ( the latest and up-to-date.) 1 12 Hoe Massey-Harris Drill. l IO Hoe Massey-Harris Drill. 3 Gang Plows. 1 Mikado, (a beauty). 4 Buggies, (different colors.) 1 A few second-hand Buggies. 2 Democrats. , Sulkey Rakes. 10 Flows, (assorted and new.) 7 Cooking Stoves. 2 Coal Stoves. 6 Heating and Parlor Stoves. Light and Body Carts. Chums and Washers. 5 Fanning Mills. 3 or 4 Sewing Machines. Several Organs. A large assortment of Plow Repairs. 4 Massey Harris Mowers, Cheap alrtietes .- The pric'éJ expect G of the rush. ()leariiiii we 1!l?tf!i,i,i.!lli,if(, FF'," in"-.. u" not name a. new plow, and is making preparations for a new house. It wouldn't surprise us Should he take unto himselt a. new wife among oth- er improvements. Mr and Mrs Wm Reid, Artemesxa. are Aisitiug their relatives the Fergusona. this week. Wm J Rotor, Glonelg. bought a. cow from Walter Ferguson lowly. For good stock come to the Corners. Moan. Frocks, Phillip 1tvt'egt,t,t an making good rogms wit t sir i contact on the ' gomkok Hlll.' g de1 Wilson bu got home a. new plow. an m rm- ..- - _ -'--e- - - can-cull. "I mum. Wish; visitor! friends in Proton, the beginning of the week. Mr and Mn Chas Planner. of Durban visited Mr: Pe, mother, In Daley. lat Sundry. Mr and Min Andrew Hunter and Min Agne- Hunter rinsed Glonelg friends the beginning of the week. Mr tad Mr: Philip Lunenoe - of Mr and Mr, And. Rear ovopinglgst week. “MFA not? ,7a7iirrriciiz; Wine, Wuh.. visit-d frinnrl- " n _ -- n... valI-lUu I one. who in Attempting to pan rat Nelson’s bum. testing o wheel demolishing the top. Fortunately yet,leet and it should be a lesson Great potato crop round I: Wm Wilder. Sr,, left last week on e trip to Alpena. Michigan. to which plnce be any move in the near future e number of his family being then. Mr Wilder is the lost representative here of the once ttttttV eroue Wilder family who new their name to the lake now famous toe ite msrl. As John Nelson was returning from the Holstein show he wee overtaken by some one. who in “tempting to page no foul of Nelson’s buggy. toning e wheel off and demolinhmn Iain M- WN, I . _ John Fommon bu rec ltsalttt and u about again .nmu nus got to be sold. prices will be lower than you at nnmn th. AL I . - KHE-LELS. "H -_ .v-vvl yuan yUll Come with the beginning J, , CALDER. . - --_.. " museum rmuon COMPANY"i8 out on Wilkinson" Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. nun,- a uauuicl , mm LOOK In tl m REVIEW , 81 a year , Show. , In advance Things we would like to subscribers to end ofyear] Ehe 5'0qu fellow from this Henry's Corner. t'..eDei.i I Jr Math"? of recovered his usual Lawrence war. And. Henry on. 'ortnyatoly ni, ai; are. to the slow, . MCKINNON. ' Lower Town farmers f A New Map tis?,"," big Young men and women can- not do better than to take a course at this institution as a start in life. A post card will bring you full particulars. Address C. A. FLEMING, Prim, Owen Sound, Ont. .. ”H" --__%Fw. nu." mun pull, WHO lirova so far show day changed horses before he returned home? Why docs J. go North this while back instead of South as formerly? When is the wed. ding coming off. The Misses Maud and Orvilla Heb- den accompanied by Mr C Middleton, were out from Markdale, visiting the latter's mother, and took in the Durham CLA-.. Messrs M. Meloéh and K. Ukenaie, returned from Manitoba, lately. The latter on account of sickness. Mr A. McKeehnie and daughter Miss Carrie, paid friends in Paisley a visit tor a couple of days last week. Mrs Henderson. from Lauriston. was visiting at her tltuqthter's Mrs D, lekie, for a. few days lately. Mr Thar. Scarf returned from the Westlately. m is not in love with that country. Miss Bessie McDonald, fibiiiBhluth. and cousin Jessie from Hamilton, were visiting " Mr A. McLean's and H. [McKechnie’s last week. I Mr W. Middleton' is has erecting 0. fine new house tor Mr D. have. Mr. R. Marshall's sister In. A. M. and daughter Mary are visiting at the former's this week back. Miss Dow returned missionary from China. occupied the pulpits for Rev. Mr Graham. " Dornoch. and thisl plge last Sabbath. Things P'!? xvould: like to know. If Mr and Mrs A Midiiiéién took in the Owen Sound Quip last Thursday. A tow took in the Toronto Exhi- bition, but more the Ptut-Amerissan, while mostly all took in the sight: " Durham last Wednesday. The threshing in this part " about wound up for this year. The grain turned out very well according to the amount of straw. That pest the pea weavel has put in an appearance this year. . 'ottday, t glswt J, Fa” germ JPers, Rocky Susan. A'a I this part who cilangfd horses on” “a - -‘ WWW m “I, " Am“ ' on “In. country where here minus-keg 'u tvervhing that snow. 92 mile- hom Chicago, write to In. It. A, DIN, Winamlc. Indians. for hi. lht of Indi- ana farms. ' mm“ Funqt you In; to buy a farm eheHr, “a on - s-» - Nothing Stale. Email: New """---. Cub " “an-“-0 Slr" - Town, (next do'oGirii', full 1isteo of The 'Ittdemigtted has and m in his new Wilding in Limrr Town, (next (Inn... A u- _ SHEWELL d Willi r,? YOU cu READ, :5 I WRITE, WORK. iii, nu SHOWING or muss: Bl5llllllliiiiiii, (l"i'i'i'ilil The prices lower than you will anticipate when you see the goods. We Invite you to Call. In our stock is a revelation of Beauty and Richncss. MacFarlane &Co. , GEO. 2) Grocery Store. If there is any discomfort in your eyes, come to us soon for free ex- amination and advice. With less strain and less exettion when your eyes are cured for " we care for eyes. ' 6300311135. a. OCTOBER 10 1001 f GORDON Jeweller 'ttair] i _ cell by pubh Oct. Mtth in- of Mrs. N. M R" Glenda. credit. on a” cent on for a tion hid fai it would Pe "tertl. to t to Count v ftrst {all sh success. F Fort Fran Hustle and prim. mo thrashed. and in (Era old huue to use hit In rugs. mi fruit,, and ten; figure prize or th work. An nor is " W on: takes I. n In room an hen MTN, of grains Ion moat nutri . damn-d owk of the , fricndu " k of their Sou Ruxv this week his. “as” of Ft. Fro: t'dh',t'tr, an "" t the 7.l 'il' Fort from speedy tt herpmsing Luml and so called. the other. $10.0” ho to believe point, mi tion Sntd It Has Mr. D, M Deep" u new fret words, bu were in I eccentric their little que. mm trombone ing was humor h} audience, voice. Bel has solo 1 Tm; " hi ettter cmwded‘ Tum H1 Metbodld charge in singing 1 The melot Mr. Ed moving t beyond tj tr.) Tha bought I iront it. ' CLEAN {he priu that Mr. Um Dr. A ' At his ti 21st ind Mr. , ‘Inoving In. cu . .Villiul cord to ( noted fo Linda It wear: one pica Pe mun 0v them Mikel "Take . any." I The of Hor Spots‘ J-and, I! Dal-haul 25th ing The afloat be 1m mm Perk but: In: Big I: M the th ug Bishd lining! i; next. til proof: The 1 More I 'VOJ every SAL Mac held " w . Bush Bar

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