iiririeirir.,sssiseeeeeeeeeeseseirieeeririis 'tihiMMN1Mhqs4st1MMfhi1MMist3siMMNthgMNrtts $4699? HER WW; aw 04m, W/aéa/Mg Other IDepartmertts. Ibis sHor) is so_ well and favourably known in Canada that we only require to mention the nune to you and tell you we ate sole agents for Durham. They are The Very Best. Try one pair--U. so and $5.00. We also sell " Cotes " Rnberine waterproof Boots. Seldom will you see such a large and well assorted Stock of Furs in a town of this size. We realize that the best goods at the best sellers end we realize that we can 't sell the goods mum we have them to sell. Here are a few items of interest : Men's Fur Coats, Regular size at itro.oo and $12.00 each. Just the thing to pull on for a long and cold drive. Every tumstcr should have one. Men’s Black Curl Fur Coats, " 5 each. Men's Dark Wallaby Coats 025 each. Men's Finest Coon Coats at 045 each. Ladies' Black Astrachan Jackets 830 each. Ladies' Black Bokhoran Short Jackets-The newest styles Every week sea further increase in the sales of this Dept. Its only reasonable that it should do so for we certainly carro the finest goods the market can afford. We have the variety. the light and the room to show our goods. Pleasant sale people to wait upon you and then owe have our own dreasmakers to make up the goods right on the spot and at shortest notice. In this Department we are constantly offermg Remmants for sale at )4 price. Don’t forget to look through them. Ladies' Cloth Jackets, Girls' Cloth Jackets, Woman's Un- derwear, Wall Paper, Window Blinds. Hats an.d Caps, Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Gents' Furnishings, Oil Cloth and Linoleum: Carpets. ta, Jiiiry &ore ta, Jity Jinn? It"' -.-.. - -'et "7-.-"-.A. “m. V, _-------------- 'ii) FOR MEN f sf. Wanton , if flutter. THE SLATER DRESS GUUDS' DEPARTMENT all a77/M'cep Chopping Axes at 6oc. each. e)ui, . ear- The thou cut " t photographic vie'ol some of the cement building blochuow ou the mill site at Durham. Vida which the great buildings are .to “constructed. which will be a visible and permanent evidence of tho! econ. omv and utility of this form of con- “motion. Cement Blocks and the machine for mukxng them are inventions o' recent date rapidly coming into popular iavor. Skillfully operating this machine two men can make in a single day from cement concrete enough "tifieittl stone with which to lay up a wall 15 feet long and 10 feet high. These stones can be copied in {min led that they "i'vi'li ship this part of the titer natural HLOiie giving "tl exactimachinery toDurham, via "Steamer reproduction of any style. plain oriTeatonia tt this month. Other portions rough face. decorated surface. ehiseled l of the m.oehine.ry are rapidly reaching margin, or indeed any combination to {completion and Will be shipped and suit the lane} of the builder. and the,irt.eeiv,ed at.Darhan.t ready tor iugtall. extreme simplicity of producing [llellllauon from tuneto time its planned by enables the moat elaborate designs u/the management. be brought out With all richness and l The work at Durham is being push- distinctiye features possible to the led rapidly. The construction work at artist's chisel, costing no more than I Durham, towev,er: is buta Emilâ€. part I plum block. When uneolored, 'c'ir',liriiiiliiir'i.ii, and 15 only ptrl.imintut' ment Irtificinl stone in appearance (and pieparatorv for the "009":le and . . . l installation of the great machines now makes so nest an nominal. ot gray . . . " . that close inspection is neces- being bum m the vaiious factories. none . . . l 1 In the near future all will see and ap- ury to distinguisi between " 1lt preciate the wisdom and carefulman- naturol “mm And the rend: '"."" ligament ot the Board of Directors and capubility of the mixture P. renewal“.o experienced tnatfot engineers who my color or tint except white. reu-lhave the work in charge. the latter den it nttiactive enough to please the having superintended the construction moat oeuhetio taste. imitating all the of the t,ttgtir,i, and most modern varied hues of the most expensive cement mill int e world. "oe. or “WW while itg "Elms; Thctoundations and buildings will quolitiel are eqinl to those of griuiitehe models of strength and stability, imlf. land the treat machines tn be installed Furthermore, the hollow interior m- lility and skill of'this noted staff ofl sures I.,:",',',,:"],',',',','",,', In proportion l0 _ engineers i materia use t Ian could be obtained! . ' . . 1 from a solid form. With such walls ( Pilt:g"t2tndfto.iutt i',ttt,itoal the expense for [Mining can be entirely lbe pleased tn learn iiiiit the ttreat Pen- eliminated. sine." n cement or plarteriutCinsniur Plant at Jackson. Mieh., or con can be applied directly to them. lwhich our plant is to be a duplicate, i The blocks no nude with one-third the Interior open space, and icinted no u to form continuous vertical Meg from bottom to top of wall. thus provid- mg dead mt chambers and reducing lo a mmlmun the conductivity for heat. cold and moisture. The" lines can " made the camera of wnrm air or pro- vide for a acady "stem of yeuLinOu. / FOR USE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF t C. / CeWi1'l', THE DUI-IR AM P. EVIEW Durham's Great Factory. 't When it is understood that cement lwalls are absolutely fire-proof, vermin- , proof, and nerd neither paint or repair. ;and built of these blocks. cost less ‘money than if built of most oi the inopular building material. the modern “milder needs only to littVe. Irs atten- "ionenlled to these beets, to find in :1 them an alisotlting interest. sure to rip- lett into enthusiasm as he pushes his l investigation. . . 3 The work of construction is now be- ling pushed rapidly in all its various (branches, and all of the mammoth 1 machinery " the great plant is now be 1 ing constructed in the various factories l, in Canada and the United States. The lGrinding Machinery is being built by [the celebrated Krupp Gun Works at ‘Esscn, Germany, and we are inform- icd that they will ship this part of the irnaehinery to Durham. via “Steamer 'Teatonia " this month. Other portions 10f the: machinery are rapidly reaching i The work at Durham is being push- led rapidly. The construction work at [Dun-ham. however, is but a small part lot the wholeand is only preliminary (and preparatorv for the receivingr and 1 installation of the great machines now being built in the various factories. In the near future all will see and ap- preciate the wisdom and ctreful man- agement ot the Board of Directors and ithe experienced staff of engineers who t have the work in charge. the latter 1'h';vvi'nirl'Up'l'li'lie"ldl)'i' the construction The toundations and buildings will} be models of strength and stability, l and the great machines to be installed I are being built according to the plansl and tspeeiMations of the engineers.‘ and we are statiatitd that the plant at Durham will, when complete, be the! must substantial, latest improved! economical and beat equipped cement' mill ever built. Then, and not untill then, will the stockholders, and those l interested in the company. be in at position tofully appreciate the ingen-l uity and skill of this noted staff of' engineers i 'MR, pf:?, .:.itlv1. Ct has been running day and night con- tinuously and is nimble to an in order: by many thousand barrel; We ere informed by e gentlemen who visited this plant lest Monday that unsoliciwd telegrnph orders for forty carloedl were received by the Peninsular Co. on that day of immediate shipment, they being able to ship the amount manufactured thatday. It is gntiiy- ing to know that the cement being made " the Peninuslar plant in stand- ing higher tensie and compression tests than any Portland Cement now on the market, either foreign or do- mestic. Many hundred ottieittt tests from the large cities ot both Canada and the United States are on tyle in the Company's office, proving the truth of this statement beyond the least per- adventure of 'a doubt. When it is understood that our mat-ls and clays possess all the essential good qaalities,ahd none of the poor ones, for the manufacture of the highest grade of Portland Cement, it necess- arily follows that with the same pro- cess and equipment of the parent plant our cement should be fully equal if not superior. to any hieh grade Portland Cement on earth. Numerous analyses made by eminent chemists of both Camuin and the United State: show our marl to contain 98 5/100 per cent pure carbonate ot lime. We have reason to know that the enttinoertsin charge have a personal pride in the work of constructing the plant,und we are ttatitrfled that Dur- ham's greet cement factory will, when completed. positively be far in the lead in improvement: and eqnigement ot any cement history on the trio . The day of ignorance regarding the true value of cement and its proper manipulation and application has pass- ed and the dawn of a new on. the Cement Age. has dispelled all doubts and fears ; and to those connected with building arts has come the full reali.. Zation that the stone of nature has " last. met a successful rival. and yields the palm to the IMPERIAL AGE of Cement. The demand for Portland Cement is increasing " a tremendous rate. and it now seems imamsible to place . limit to its possible turther growth. The eat below also shows cement blocks in construction and the build- ings for temporary ofBoea Read ' Bail Right In " on let pale. 3rd eot. a YOU CAN READ, WRITE, WORK, MacFarlane " SHEWELL t LENAHAi of Call gown/ally 6otieitU. 4 Haney-Harris Mowers. , the late and tsp-tonne. , 1 l2 Hos Mi-y-HFS Drill. l 10 Hoe Huey-Harris Drill. 3 (hug Flows. l Mikado. ( n beauty). 4 Buggies. (different colors. 1 A few ascend-hand Buggma. 2 Democrats. " Bulky Runes. To Hon (am-tad and new.) T Cooking Stoves. 2 Cal but. 6 Ram Ind Parlor Stoves. Light Body Cuts. Churn- und Washers. lb Min; Milla. 8 or t 30m “chines. Seven! Orpm. A large manta! Plow chain. Cheap o1rtietes .' Jun-(nu tau-thou attended te a usual and Srerrwer.sre Iienw :0: (and. W. CALDER. l EVERYTHING has trot to be " The price will be lower than ya! on)“: Come with the barman: at We rush. Our Millinery Opening of the wtb andsth wen I decided ti"CCetl. . now that the season has upcncd earnest we are prepared to give) gun benefit of oqrrmetical apt-need ll any thing in the line of headwear. Clearing We wish to thank all thow srbt have already visited our showr and " for those who have not -a '% to thewiseis mum." Wc we! advise that you cat-early andm ymtreeleetioii while our stock is fun. Splendid meats in Ready War Hits, Bonnets, ac. Wuaaaam..--hs , u the! .0300 at aag.8lgttufr,,,t,t I all“. nu ma. edict at: MitiermiiiiiGuiiflitre, Iuattrartt-re, Dasha. on loud " “so Mr. and In. John Barker,' HCmgmmr-ahmraarr-..At “meow" B. o., on Get. In. mm. by Rev-1" Fouur, 1'"fdl?irt,rtei,n, China Mr. Aha. bun, formed! " a9-#Ai.1tikiiiijiL- to was: Mlrrtmm,-..tn G . at tu Atct IA Mi. " can. " t '- 7 l i, - - . Stews-{5f ihiiriai"'oirt " there is my discomfort eyes, come to us soon tor uninstion and advice. FMIlf ll With less strain and when your eyes are In cue for eyes. The public of Durham and 8. any are infonned that the â€he†heretofore carried on by I. A. Bhewell will now be unid on in the new premises in the Icintyre block next the Bulk under the firm name oi Stteqreil & Leash". ou customers ire cordially ittritedtocail and see us in our new Mote where we hope tomb the acquaintance of my new friends. "in: decided to gm up the Implement business " the pm ent. I will offer the bulenee d my stock for the next thirty day: at out price. This consists ot the latmt ind be; troods in my line. Call a - and get the any that ere gang. Here is a paid list, ya: an make money by Int. ing now instead of next yc-u. OCTOBER 17 1901 filll um "HRH Mt SHEWELL & LENAHAN MISS illllk SALE " ll chm. i kr n In I he: elm e! :“M'r Wrcuaar Sim-H I Mr. Jas. Rune†to Fort J h Vodka alto. he bo, Mild our aod implement Maine“ u . Gray. of Hamilton. men Ind bushels. 8256'}. "Jim to run the but". sin); J. H. Brow, uncanny In†af (ennui D ntmietsin ' Omen“ 'tr. 'to inte Tot no funeral of the late John m took pkcr Int Friday M “(I br I large number of I “bu he mingled will: in hi [huh Glenelg as well up by Betta" friendlin town. Them I " “lily prawn! from a d I'D &iqaHest sun. Dam. from M lulu- nunumn. Mr. and Sit but». In. um and Min. be. It. Farqulmraun conduc _ Mise Tet In Her Anna Church. n, "and" the an h - by the mun-mu Jan Renwick wi .e-reu,d me tro W chance prep" u our increased Iona that our t" I. " you are nu! . “me you to cu luck. We sue sud the it Mb yo J. “In we want the hens and duel Mets we will the high-at pr Donn Ann.“ M r. nad In. " ll D hen plungnd l â€dihir ynung: In tttq , queuim I-ouo is mu own - ", nin- Mr. Geo. Mes, " " MRI! his pm Council and Lin. will have I new PM all: obould hm We. i or Trude H for dau ttoat “may “mm _ the Me of li:. 3r. *‘IKO they luni I _ '" tgtothetvitss gun . their family tr,. , We. the [Hale who 304:“- gm. quit-r than. _ "m" (I the dawn _ ' 'oung girl l? ' “hunchâ€. p # .“. her Ptret Nortcr..--Ail pairs. to. Note he paid all. um batman. w iic,,isiiii:t,iil, of nous 1m no ‘M have ou',. w _ , WI. Tchm . l ' an" 1 Ii. 'De Ly , minim-r at Hominy fro a v Buffalo w uh and hero 1 ide, Mr. Geo. Rees wn unending to some I in connection with t M00 about the Big t tit st the v ie Ot u HUNT. Mar Caper n o animus ure r sd VOL. XXIII. N O , “I!!! 378%“; very Rush i .. u ine 1hr ' tiA'lldhrof, that IN -m. il in We hnpc- and wttiGidi, 2.}; att We Wlt,, r Val! loved % , tiiiift'rti-gt in ioyrull Aheirutt, JR“. J momma r IthJfMl-f. “or and l tthe, by it (Flt-gr - Brho attivr, -- We undemm . Burop nu ie tit.. of host Nu People over M) t 'iiRSiiiitii"r' Aha hm Malay. Blows. Nolan .10! n wirw otrit 'tmi, 3.513;: P“ lob-PHIL h CNMMrregr, y rxm " idea -All 'u" A get stock of Y“ Sci“. Mer children's Over" m, rubber lirr Waterproof coat P. "" Mre e. L. GRANT 'llle'y I [A comm ll I) A M "rt' Crt ttx Mo the members E) Mei ts Me mu