West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1901, p. 1

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guns BAN d W I 1.! if. I f,).f,Nr. It: r-" f, SHE OCTOBER " If Call 201W F sueweu. I " Ctao Cash or I hm cm - country M evefyhill‘ I” (w "u. Win-u. 1'. an - Che and!!!" _11 Is on)“ Restored EWELL t MI '1 ha I. w TUWD. (““.a all “DC d FLOUR FEED. _‘_ CAN READ E, WORK, td up” vital a w xhing anh- We luv“. you Farlane ' WING 0f A . GORDON. I I‘uatww-- -'-- - _ "Ito cal! #31. >. ew 3“. - - vke the m "t . new if“ ,t ahlic of but” are inland was heretofore ' A. She'd! will M Store. ”we" a in the net _ Intyre block it! the finn anticipate 1e goods. rices 1m Lenin!- "" 1m C” med S tic f fork ty.) Their present property has been; Mrs. Dr. Arthur Gun left lit-{Friday hought by Mr. Ford, who intends to; to visit her mother in Galt. Her hus- rent it. hand in attending to his father this t'LY:ANEI, THEM ott.--W"e not ice by i week, the latter being still Tery weak. the prize list of Benlinr-k Exhibitiou.- Messeis A. B. MacLaren. Strntford, that Mr. Herd took even- prize for the land P. W. ts'tanhope,Torvhto, Directors) Liecester class of sheep This is a re- (of the National Portland Cement Co., cord to he proud of in a communityivieited the Works here Wednesday in: noted for good sheep breeders. (company with five other gentlemen Tut. "uutmtr fhNoF.Rs.--These popu- i who ttre taking stock in the concern. lar entertainers were greeted with "i Me. Orchard attended the funeral of i-rowded house, Monday evening. in the i her meee Mttm 9"an on RIM"! at Mt. Town Hall and the committee of the Forest. Shedled T Detroit on Tuesday ' . Oct 8th of paring"; of the heart and Methodist church. who had the affair In l was buried at aplewood Cemetery. charge is ttratified. The playing until She visited here on y a few weeks ago ionizing was of the characteristic style. it,',r,t'g the Inte illness and death of Mr. l‘ i The melodies. quaint and almmt grotes- I Ogetutrd. Mitt'. weaned to us the best, though the” Among those taking in the visit of l trombone Jluying and the iiiii,7iliUi",rltg, Duke and Duchess last week were l ing was no good. Some touches of Hines Sophia Burnet, H. Wiggins. humor here and there ttratified the Nettle Brown. Mary McIntosh ind M. audience, and the f1neiy modulated Comer. Mrs. Cameron and dniighter ( nut-es were always pleasing. The Bella, Mrs. Limin and daughter thel. 1 1m. wit. .. Rocked in she Cradle at theiMrs. Jack-on. Mess-s- J. P. Hunter, J. I Deep" was a popular number. One re-IA. Hunter Geo. Kress. Geo. 2'gt"T l “leis frequently inability to catch the! A, Gordon. C. Bantu". W. Bell, . “with. but really when one reads them 1 Bell, Jas. Watson, Wm. Raninge. D. thew u no great loss. for. of all thefAllan. 1 eyctrorrit' if not irreverent doggere i CEMENT NOTE! -The lone machine their little book .. takes the cake. "hop on the trtoun_ds is nearing I')))',') HAIVY RIVER Ntswtr--We t5.1'it11.t1,rdi,o,ti, te,',i"i?dtr,,trr',.'eir,", for the ' thi, “wk an interesting letter from Mr nrge rotary tut "’8 '.".e m proe". i:' Jus. Ham... formerly of Egremont. now The deep trench T. which the. buckets t ..y' n, Frances. He writen with all the. wit.h.th.e red-hot clinkers ttont Is begun I' “”hmmm, of a citizen of a growing and Is to .he 14 feet deep, The earth I "M protoressivetuntntrr. The "co of reunoved II placed where the numerous ( the t. N. Railway have reached the nwitchen are to be, and hut for Rtl,i For! from the \Vinnipeg end and soon broke" weather of late thstt Ieuld l rpeedy transit will he afforded the en- t haveheen more advanced. Everything terprusirrKsettlers of this rich agricul- Is being ("g','l,ttf"gte"at,'i",,',o,', machinery 4 tural and mining region. The '.Yireexpeeted .oou. aat pMe. i1 moaned. In growing rapidly, amongst H L trr.----) Cecil can}; l the I.” . . . bei " on: AT A . . . . T J'c,t',',th:r)"..itS"lit,'ert,?"i', yea; Wing“ home on Monday last, havtng given]: . . tr . up a good position on the hike: on Pltheve.thitt " to he . divisiemnt Imam of the verioul illness of his 1 "loirtt, mum: they have secured l "rank... -hn w. rooms to Maw. in not I “astu- prizes, Erwin d in 1 for su this week an r Jas. Hulk. fo of Ft. Frances enthusiasm of and pray-mi! the C. N. RI Port from the speedy ttantdt terpnsing sea} tum! and mini so “lied. II [I fir The Big , re has the heat mrtment- of Horse ankeu. Mike (to chum-t) t " The doctot aid: "Take wan ov these pills three mime. a day." I took wan or them w-nu, hull the man doesn't live that kin take Inn ' ov them three toimew," I Linolglt 4 rd. wide at J A Hunter's. I lt w a lifetime and you get. it all in onegtece. goe square yard for the best. . r. Ed. Burnett and family re::) moving this week to thetr new house beyond the station. Ithe Russell proper- I ty.) Their present property has been bought by Mr. Ford. who intends to: not it. _ Mr. Thos. WIIIOII. Glamoulen. is moving into town, hving bought Mr. Jas. Carson'- house opposite Mr. B. Nillimns'. Dr. Arth Gunn may be consulted n his In u once until Monday the 21:1 ins 1 ' p.37... and was; while Mr Wat- ttet captures tirst for the “Beat and Bolt nutritious" home made ttread. And bumeii socks. Mr Watson is Pteodent l the Socity. We congratulate our hands In keeping up the heat tandittooq 1 their South Grey home. The (you Advance an: A rumor is alum that Dr. Taylor, ot Hanover will be an independent undid“: for the Legit-lulu" " the next election: Scots Grey's Camp of Botw of Scot- land. Pricevitie, intend my"): their Durham brethren a visit on Friday. 1'igh inst. - “It Big box ti we for ale. cheap. apply at the Re ew once. or " NacFan-me's th " tit . It. D, lea n by public ' 30th inst. Perfect Wow,“ in mt hats and hon I at Mira Dick'u. Bishop Baldwin will administer Con . tirmation and preach in Trinity church next Sunday morning At eleven o’clock. Perfect Work Myod in mourning Alle Barnum in Pnpers with the Review. i'i'ii'i:i'i' your Fowl to The Big Store " day "can Saturday. w have. a few 'tttt Water- proofs for “It " 82.“). t Gum's. The Mphu “hiking Coats It the Big Btore Bee up to date. VOL. held " Much " 'ttost inc "ml tor unnvnidnhly EC res, . NO. 42 ; Amougthose taking in the visit of 'the Duke and Duchess Inst week were Mi-, Sophia Burnet. H. Wiggins, ‘Neuie Brown. Mary McIntosh and M. ~Uollwr. Mrs. Cameron and daughter (iiiiiii, Mrs. Limin and daughter Ethel, ‘Mrs. Jackson, Megs”. J.)?. Hynter, J. Home: AT LAwr.-Mr, Cecil Gun came home on Monday hast, having given up a good position on the lakes on account of the serious illness of his father. who, w" regret, to say, is not improving. In the. three years and four months of his absence he has ac- quired a good deal of experience and has seen a good bit of life. His sailings took him across both of the his: oceans. the Pacific and the Atlantic. and naturally of an observant nature. he has picked up some interesting infor- mation of men and things. Hits release parts from the various ships he has eaied on show him to have been a yelued employee. ind we believe his experiences and wide travel have developed in him I new; and eel!- reliant character. (That in parents and other relative: arsg11eiitrtited. to see tum home “all well goo. with- out It,',",','.',';, Bi. ttm sitter,','.",',: of his own rown n, papa-eon notified “leak! of police that they were W103. and we: thinking the story won reed: tour-any Durham went on " wey. We congratulate all parties on the reunion. f Mr. and Mrs. R. McGowan arrived in i Durham on Saturday returned from their trip to Scotland and looking as If it had agreed with them. a Go to the Teachers' Concert to-night, sure. The talent is f1rat class. Miss Whelpley, Mr. Will Whit/e and Don. C. 1 McGregor, all stars in their line. Cums? Norte-The [one machine shop on the grounds is nearing com- pletion. while the foundations for the large rotary building are in progress. Thedeep trench In which the buckets with the red-hot clinkers float is begun and is to he 14 feet deep, The earth removed is placed where the numerous switches are to be, and but for the broken weather of late these would have been more advanced. Everything is being rushed to prepare for machinery expected soon. See last. page. h." Hunter Gen. Kresa. Geo. Sparling, A. Gordon. C. Rama". W. Bell. A. Bell. Gs. Wtuaon, Wm. Humane. D. Allan. Miss Flo McCormack, from Bentinck and her cousin Miss Mecormnck, of Hamilton, left for Rochester Tuesday morning. Mr. Ju. Wataon, Normsnhy, paid . visit tarttit, sons in Detroit recently and finished his trip by taking in the Toron- to reception. Mrs Ed. Burnett returned but Tunn- day from Detroit ftom a two-Weeks’ Visit, to her sons and other friends there. Mr.'John McKinnon. nenr Chester, with hil mother came over Monday on a visit to relatives. Mr. and In. John ',A. Black. Mr. M. returned Tuesday hind before leaving he has purchased a. gfnucy thorough-bred Durham hull calf Thom Mr. Parker. Price about 875. ' Mrs. M. remains for a week or two. E Lon: AT It-on page 8 of this Uaue «we preocnt cuts of the yards and [grounds where no made the building 'bloch from Portland Cement now ‘heing med in the construction of the buildings at the Cement works. Stock- takers will tind the reading matter interesting also. Honor to Mr. Bradshaw “gluon. Rev. Mr Fnruuharson, is expected to preach on Sabbath at Cedarville. Rev. Mr Broad to an the work in Durham. MI. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson cums home last Wednesday from their honey- moon trip. Mrs.Chnn. Brown in visiting friends, in Mt. Forest. Ladi ' m- and Cloth Jackets at Hunt I. the Big Store. ithtttrg, DURHAM, _rriiijkiiiiiii,- "otyijiiiiiiirj-ii,"iii"iir.- ' c We Imam REVIEW, E: 21'lei, t6otato new subscriber.» end ofym (than. 1, 1903, with Canadian Annual, included, only $1.00. . Mr. John A, McMillan. Glenelx. re- turned on Tuesday of this week from visicing friends in Port Huron, Bad Axe. sud Nelson .Miety, use Pukhlll in Ontario. Hie trip extended for about three weeks and he was delighted mth it all, the McDoneld'I, of Nelson tuning got up a reception in his honor. at wh ch the Faun; ladies of the Katy did some bril iant donemg in Big land costume. tendance at the ' un poo le’s mgetin in the Presbytery; Churchpon Touring to hear the address, of Mr. Morrison on John Knox. After discussing the great reformer, all not down to wary s social talk over the tea cups. he model students were the guests of the evening, and msny a. beauty shske of the hand was given to the ullor boy welcomed home attain. Messrs Barclay and Noble who, as we noted. have got the Maxwell 339ch for this district. and Will handle stoves. churns and other lines Gf'tlf, u- to an- nounce that weir ad. wil appear next week. _ Canada is beginningto go into ce- ment making and in this country We have some of the best material to be found in the world, but a great deal of it. is l ying undeveloped. It is said that in Durham, Grey County, recent experiments show marl of the finest quality toa depth of' over sixty leet and of wide extent. Why simuld the operating company merely nibble at all this raw material when zipmight conduct a vast business? . thor ties on cement; and,indeed, thewthem- selves, neurons that it is,'". d long will be, impossible to produce “much good Portland cement. Cans her- self imports heavily 2,'hiftpptg. and from the United Statea,iand i our home demand were supp” th re- mains] a big demand In t 'ld’s market. t,, Let the cement people go ntot The chief {hitcheser is the United States, which ast year bought 70,620,- 000 pounds, after which the chief buy- ers are in the order named: Brazil, Cape Colony, Argentina, Chile and Canada. The United States each year buys less and lens from Get many. as her home products increase. Some of the big German flrmis are opening branch works in the United States. business on a big seine: In180t the export of Portland cement from Germany amounted to 700, 400,. 000 pounds. and last year this had in. creased to 1,196,778,000 pounds. Agai we welcome South Grey Te h- )wt ur good town. -----H or ___ _,',ji:t':iij(,s,',,, SAIL RIGHT 'i-i-ri-i,,.',';',',,,:?""",",'.,':':", The Toronto Star of esday last, hay tle, following pertinent artiele.-- Mr Donald Currie " the Ptesidmt. but. may not be able to be pretent on account of weak health. Mr. Thos. Al- lan is Secy-Treas., and upon him has no doubt devolved a great. deal of Fl',',?',",',". tion work 2teP, ably assists hy In- spector Camphel and an efficient com- mittee. We hope our citizens will do all they can to make our visitors welcome, that they will look in upon them at their sessions and attend the titst class con- cert they have provided for Thursday evening. Messrs Will White and Don. ald U. McGregor with Miss \Vhelpley tsecomptusist, need no recommendation. T We used to have no patience with a 1clan». now we hope, extinct, who harp- ied on the loss to the section of teacher. going " two whole days to meet and discuss .. how to raise their salaries?! The invitation which has been constant- ly extended to trustees to attend the meetings must have completely killed that cry, for we can vouch for the tact from a somewhat extensive experience that no body of professionals ever paid less attention in their sessions to their material interests than did the teachers of B. Grey. ' To day, Thursday. from the 9 or 10 "nuttittipalitiet, comprising the Inspec- l,torate of South Grey. teacher: will lmemhle in Durham to meet in Annual é Convention. We extend to them on he. i halt of the town and on our own behalf, {cordial welcome. and hope they may i leave after their first Convention of the 'centuly plowed With the town and pro- 2 llted by their work. Y, P. 8. (h. Jll.-mtere wu_a_ larger pt- TEACHERS ASSEMBLE ' m m . iliittrittt), ( ItoaDsmrR--8pan, W Hutchinson, T O'Neil. Brood mare. J McLean Herb Weteon. 2 year-old colt. A Carson. 1 year-old ooit, John McLean, Donald McLean. tes colt. W Watson, T Ferguson. Ingles driver. W Hutchin- eon, T Weir. Fermers' trot, A Mo. Millan, W Molded. 22t colt. Pet- on’s epeoinl, F G no en'z e, Rioherd Allen. Spring oolt, Telferd’s apeohh W Wuhan. Ferguson. You ol colt, t?tsirtttsltetial, Oliver. Spring; colt, Celrne’ epoch], R Oliver. CATTLE Dtr---Bttl1 and, J Felrbeirn. Bull 1 year-old, George Snell, tt Eckbardt. Ball on", George _ , John motherdt. Much now, We Snell, A Muir, 2 yen-old helfen. Geo, pitA_ppr_T--rspan, J Patton, A McCon- nell, W H Allen. Brood mare, J Pat. ton, Angus McConnell, Angus McDon- ald. 2 year old colt, J Patton, D Mo. Millan. 1 year-old colt, Arch Me- Lean, J Nichol. Spring colt, G ' Me- Kenzie, J Patton. . GENERAL Pprteptm---8prn, John Fair- bairn, Joseph Shtrp. Brood nut-e. F G McKenzie. John McMillan, J Me- Phail. 2 year-old tso1t, D I1ttrrmr, W Fletcher. 1 year-old colt. J Fairbalm. Spring colt, A Holman, J Hellman. Hero is the prize list kindly furnish. ed by Mr. Thurston of the Adranee so Durham Editors : THE JUDGES. Hooes--Mesa" Hill and Marsh. Markdale. Sheep, Cattle and Piqr--Mesum, H. Tucker. Ceylon ind M Willis. Bentinek. Ladles' Work-Mrs lRev.) Vnrley and Mrs Grier. Grain, Roots. Fruit, &e,-itmr, J. Anaaum cud C. C. James. On the grounds during the any were: Dr. Sproule, M. P., Mr. Geo. Binnie, Dr. Menus. Homyer. Mr. M. Jacklyn. Editors Thurston and Irwin, Commie- Iionere McKmnon and Watson. The concert was a great success and the fact was once more emphasized that rl,'.rtittr,,t', e larger hall. As it was,$60 as realized and perhaps half an much more could have been made were there better eccommodntion. Miss Jean Renwiclr and Mr. he bus, were the stars of the evening and both Were " their best giying much pleasure to the Inge audience. Miss Christoe. Flesherton. made a brilliant “compen- iet. Mr. John McArthur was in the cheir and addresses were delivered by Messrs Sproule, D. McLean. Pres. Me- Cormick. Riley, Secy. Brodie and Dr. Hutton. Mr. Wm. Black. of Durham. bought seven fine horses during the day. The Ladxes' work both in the decor alive and utilitarian branches was well represented and excellent in m kind. A few of the enterprising stockmen went to work and built new sheep pens this year. and they were grudied to find them all filled, with fine specimens too, making It no easy task in some cases even for experiencedjndgeshko H, Tucker and M. Willis to decide. Socy. Brodie " usual runs off With a lot of grain prizes. The becy. seems to be " up " in the matter of just. when and bow to tickle the earth. to produce its best. The fruit show was a good one " might be looked for when the district includes the famous cuckoo valley. However. no will be seen, the lat prize for apples went to John Nichol of the Gravel Rood thus beating the valley. The roots were excellent. many good judges thinking they surpsased all sur- rounding shows this your. It [as long been observed that the lands round the head wnters of the Slugeeu are unsur- pasanble in this department. F ndoy Ins s delightful do] Ind the crowd has seldom been exceeded at my preyious show. The unuoxdsble ab. sence of the Duke and Duchess made not the least diiferemm to the good humor and the loyalty of the crowd who had princely pies, pumpkins, po- tetoes and porkors to look at, decked out with red tickets a. decoration much more valuable end close to every-tiny life than the bunting of the royal tour, though that is not to be despised. Thursday wu I droppy druzling dey. but the exhibitors of inside tstuff ceme out in fate force end were grati. fied to find their enterprise end that of others bed filled the lull nicely. The Anomeaia. Township show [no In energosic Bd. of Director. and "i. ciem offieers, and irthe weather in at all locommodoting their "orta my" foil in getting together I creditable show. PRICIVILLE HAS GOOD WEATHER. ARIEMESIA fllillillMi Continued on Page a HORSES 5.6 Romcmbor that place LAIDLAw s on: Sm if HEMEEEEEEQ-flflfigEEEEEEEEME'EE " dlbaadals in groceries $12.00 to $24.00 ilgggg 'imsammmaamsiaarsiixg'i; fas. Sreta,ut. a Fashionable Millinery E NEW Y0RKCCOFPEE, just to hand, per 1b.... . JAPAN TEA. four grades, perlb..roe, ISC, 20c. YOUNG HYSON. per lb..... ...... ...... ...... INDIAN BLACK, per lb..... o................. CEYLON GREEN, per Ib...... B..... .....q.... Full lines of the Best Canned Goods. Inspection invited at every counter. has been tried by discriminating iudres---the ladies of Durham-and NOT FOUND WANT ING. Attractive offerings in We handle the $g BAND A " Corsets, whose me is a guarantee of excellence. The " Band A " Comet Since our preliminary opening New Models have ar- rived and our show-room is now filled with the very choicest creations for Fall & Winter Wear. HAR. MONY, RICHNESS, TASTE in Color, Design and Arrangement, are brought here TO COMPLETE PERFECTION. It is our wish to have everytUdy with a taste for fine mi11inery--within convenient reach of Durham-come and see our splendid display. Our work-room is busy adapting the best ideas from abroad in the making up of hats to order. Ribbons suitable for Ladies' Neckwear-from 3 to 6 inches wide-All colors-At greatly reduced prices. From 3 cents a yard and upwards. Large Stock of GENTS TIES. String, Bow Four-in-hand, Flowing ends. SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. We have a large assortment of the very Latest Goods in this Department ---: SPECIAL IN RIBBONS o'---- : MENS NECKWEAR : : CORSET SECTION : fans: fre/amy WORTHY DRESS GOODS I, ftrm8k,utr. At Pleasing LADIES' KID;OXFORDS and TRI LBY, regular price $1. M, now only $1.00 WHOLE N O. 1230 25c 25c 25c Me

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