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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1901, p. 3

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w, I at Wed [toque-t “0 hm “than. ED rlm-s at TI In mm mutt - mu m Baum HM F 1r) fell Where Joy SM Have Heigned. Otit w- mm ms mssm rwnxo. Oet. 11.- a proreitet M luv, and . "It“. don m d Jo. . mud "aiiyalit, Mr. Rankin mu the death of Ill l w). nggd -- mm- u- at " REMENT FROM EM". MES' Mill“ Pr 0- In I t In .tr-"'t- t pretty van. William Rel-on " _ "orttthtrr Jgngb‘ the He Gave 25/ltt beral Funds. ran RAZED BY " NH" of pi [wounnnnt "m “was Velma u H v'owtt, the u 1h. Invited m In. I (ton-l“ ‘pr {and left “I a a treegt_~ M has 5.. 'tlit M but the Th0 mt“ it the arrtti m-r. and. and a“: tor the ... " when]: called - . who tet tt oft "te c-nt to Q. " m to 3..., (mu-Al" I m 80km” Mun n. I bu h late ["1“ an ttttttb h n "" " of "- hr in t” _ Al party. - nth-got. NI that '.. a“) to a rnuon t” .Vrri no - 'i iiiidt as and Me no" - gnfl'm“ yin! lb. 0‘” tN mph Q. vote. u at true. by. M It! ter J oeitit'. Mr (D If. I But. " ' oder " in!“ a.“ q fiiirrrt" " I“. has»! . r wu- Ar in W MP!!! tht, mam -w- m iiiiy .rysu. Br; en _ _ v . - ttte t” nry “In mr ire.' all. " lo. it 1“" ‘l', 7iid sly I. "'0" “I! ttt 1h?! hum 3‘03» _ " INN!" «I. a ttM' Mr fir. an“ that If... .thl‘t os] M w “I -o.t tte yard "I don Innuuun++o+++¢+§omm++mn+u++++n+¢ooo¢d an; [in eourrly am qeBtt the Mt Malon- ot a: art Cl [ bring to 010 Case: r one awe-n 13% t Atty ton. tho nddlerg and pipe" Weil “We re brought into the big kitchen-- well cont! ”hi-nmvnt to tho barn being unl- " the, a leiy deelined-candleg are light- srartred in ll and what C(ln"ly Mn. Manon matte" bunnies rmpectfully as “the ow Anna 1tttt 'lnlmn o' the quality," commences. treemth an A quay-mo In organlxed on the, plies. Uneven clay noor, and Mr JaneSI They lot Its-o Opens the ball with LaAr I ptr 129.: A quadrillv- in -or allle on the lea. . . ”"3" Clay floor, “and Mr Jannsl plThey look like familiar friend? Ituiro Opens the ball with Lady: they look like lovers as ther Mid "Mono. and Mr. Dnnter with‘ and mile famlllarly together, a" "an 'l‘hmvsa; tho gnaw youth people begin to notice them. and PM" forth Miss Eglantine - the the gilded routh, wlttyre nam?. " 1'vet Miss Dnmnr but two-- Tighe, WNW to MIR! Eglautgae. Pd 'ansruldly; he votes the whole who “glen with all the g y , h tt "howid nuisance" to his mirthfulneu of ninf-and-twenty. L'll "an. as he dances with was “AN you tired? Capfnlp we! gnu“, and tells Oaptaln Lacy uh suddenly. M Gillian-n "133198 “2:222 w,w*hdo*anmd envr,thtrt; ".8 'i',",,'.",)?"';'," tarl'"tior.ty 9 i . . h‘-‘--__l ‘7‘. l A ”it"s” tol JS",',..', it. down, pleas“ by the 'rer languidly; he votes the whole It“, a "howid nuisance! to his L',t Drum. as he dances with Mills 'ttyet: and tplls Captain Lacy lanyard, with languid envmthat 'ttat little London gm seem to hoo tr good an! of ' so! " 0mm dances with her mid-on! Inna. when attentions to he: b..- mm devoted, no doll- ttet, ”on. " the m flJim/MJM/W fwd Mao/o -urrcrl: Ms The Coming of Gillian: ne, ,3" A. ' "io"""""""'""".---, IE tt tt my 168 the Inn. and whet-on- blue sky. Inmp and parbouod waterproof." and A young men and d Lady Damer In.. he order to march A Pretty Irish Romance. elf WE fr; n n t 'm waitzl‘ng with t'aptnin Lucy fur the thlrd llme. H008 with surprise that Anne In dancing (HS!) l Anne‘s share of tho (entlvltim in this latter part of the prom-mnnw being the same as in the farmer. sig, hearing the brunt ot all petty discumforts. und bring in cans less nttrnlan‘e on Indy I)nattor. Captain Lacy's eyes follow (Milan‘s with n gleam of astonishment, with u gleam of something like anger. con- tempt. or jealousy as well, in his long, keen. Inquiring look at the pair who are dancing gayiy and gracefully to- gather. And then Gillian sees whoisAnne's spanner. In the dimly-lit room she has fancied. for an instant, It was 1mg. lair-haired. tFoad-shou1rittref Dick Mahon. tho farmer's eldest son: in the next whirl of the dance she new that it is George Archer. Anne and he are chatting and mailing together as they dance- well matched in height and ctep. well contrasted in face and figure as they are-they seem almost ab- sorbed in each other, and George mutter; to her occasionally, and Anne langhl irreprearttttr, u it seems. and whisper: back her re- ', yiieI. . ' - .__.- I“.- r-tttwr triends, And Gillian accepts his attent with a gay iadirferoeo, a m - Inlm no ion-ism to her usua tennely evident helium, as to p and astonlnh Captain Lacy dooper eartterrtnetue than he has felt or intended to feel. While in meantime It t'qutrlly delight»: and when Lady. Jeannette. "Po-itivsiy t had no idea the 1 child could be .0 very charming P In”. gunning”. “8hr may non one an: be quite a brilliant i one in the shadow or joeilnc; flroplaro nmr t A law minutm Intel wanting with Captain third time. was with Anne in dancing also l ; tho (estlvnies in this the programme being 1 "Are you urea: Lawn... "W, asks suddenly, as Gillian's mgglng nap hangs them to a puma. "Yea, very." Hhe says shortly. "Let me sit down, please. by the window." It in nearly dark over there away he. the candlelight. and she can nub than unseen. unnoticed. u {ntoh tht she think!- llllirll‘ ...- -e_We-"" tho m-xt whirl of the dance IS that it Is George Archer. and he are chatting and together as they dance- atchod In height and step. mtrnsted in face and figure r are-they seem almost ab- In each other, and George I to her occasionally. and laughs irrepreeoUrlr, an " and whispers back her re- al acreptn his at "indifference, a no lot-mm to her I tent helium, as “Ill Captain Ln lentneas than ho ndad to feel. Whil if? " attentions a Innmng er usual In- na to pique please," a} to Captain abruptly. and trtUlin He says at 0mm. 1 " Am Anne ttt Gillian, tr dow angl circling g th fut-“n and tilt- fair lit-n'i and the Ilnri; head so "loss' to- pivtlut :14 tin-3‘ talk "unfill- initly, and in tho fair, pale, young face that watcinw thmn there is the sadness of drum. The titat pure. pale flown-s ot her sprimrlinm of youth, the first blossoming of the in- nocent. virginui passions or her [mm-t have been crushed almost ere they bioomml: har dawn has darkened are it bo day. Sim in longing to he gonp, to hid." hersell, to be alone with tho new misery that has fallen upon hor-to rvaiizo it, to face it, and wrestle with it and crush it down, hidden out of sight tor ever-more. She la a trail, meal: young creature-- childish in all her nineteen Fetbt'tF- but there is u, brave, proud spirit within tho fragile breast. "I shall go, even if Lady Damer be displeaSed. I will go," she sayl. resolutely to herself, an aim modestly prefers her request ; but Lady Dunner is not displeased, nor unwilling, nor anything but sweetly sympathlzing. Wee-ti: indulgent and natural. "Bo grieved to hear you no tired out. dearest!" she says gulhtngly; "but what a charming day it has being utter all, hasn't it. love? Everylgody seems so phsaaed and “Sign," Gillian answered machin- cally. . ' "Bat £335 W2; g'i'a'tfpii: W q V a, . 2'l'. m. acumm-yon dawn thing! I can sympathue with you entirely. donut. knowing “my too av n he 'II lli Palm mt (I tc but wit " all" says ii." Lacy tt " ing tlmr‘plvnu immense ls again mu. touch of \rnvsu in his tones, w' mud-rs at mfrpsh. the nothing. but t brat-him: pant bout "11th h x"roPTMt XV tl uly TI q lnutn alum Id q out reori',i', m- dancing still. th:, slim]! of the win- :m am,- the"tall figures .' round, Ben the smiling the fair head and head so close to- ;--out in the nir, , hurriedly, cunning and turning away room ls MF-MO hot HE; arnenae1.v." tell of hid- on. which l, though Jeep In her death, as the throng ' Crrepttute, tl ht " well what It In to feel worn out l" and Lady Jeannette Inhale. her vinalgre orientale, and than. her delicate white handkerchief with the perfumed essence to wave away the odor ot turf smoke. "This has been n little too rough on experlenoe for you, my love-t told Bluflmn I (cared tto-tttia rustle guiety I Jult what our con-ins, those dear Dunner glrll. delight ln-abaolutely delight Int Wonderful creatures they are! Yes, and now, dearest, you mint tro home with Bingham at once," her ladyohlp Hays tmpretmirely; " Bingham will take care of you. love; [know he la the dearest (allow in the world when one wants to be really nympathlzed with, and taken care of. I don't know what Ishonld do without the dear boy at thus-n. Good night, my sweet vhiltl y' . brentr up the party quite so trooti--. out ot consideration tor others, those young men and girls. though I should be delighted to go home with Tou--- quite out of consideration for them. dear! lean new at so many of the tender littlo hopes and dreams that are existing," her ladyshm says. with a grout many moaning nods and smiles. "l mm RPO, what this pleasant little rustic dance means to several pairs of tondnr Marts. and I can- not Imam-9 to be cruel to them," Imxg‘lll nor ladyahlp. amyly, “and W'r- hops blight blossoming love for- “You slt on the cushlonod shelf. and your foot rest on the narrow shelf," Captain Lacy says. laugh- ing: "and you hold on by tho bar at tho skin, and than the leather apron keeps you trom falling tor- ‘ward-thut is. if you have not a companion sutticlently careful to prevent sun-h a. catastrophe." Ho helps her to mount and than Beat" 1tuuselr beside her. "There is no lmther apron. noth- ing bat this carriage-tshawl to cover you," Ito, says, laughing again. But whilst she “are: Gillian's soft, white cheek she detains her to whlso nor, with a suppressed, arch smile on her thin, 'rhapely-cut lips, and no smile nt all In her keen, cold eyes: " You Bee, love, I really cannot hronk up the party quite so teoon-- "Good-night, Lady Damor," Gillian says. a little abruptly. "Good night, my dear child," Lady Damor says, klsulng' her once more, and onco more detaining ha. with her Ilpe at Gllllan'a ear. "Don't you notion anything f" she ask: with mysterious trreltnmsts. "Don't you notice how wonderfully well poor dear Anne looks this erenintr? And don’t they match each other wono dm'tttu.' well'? I can‘t toll you how phased I am at that! Don: Anne has boon the lust of truthful own- lures!" "It'tr an awful r just as I oxppcted Pttrs, hurrying up to gazing about hor, I to the hum of the , shrillm' notes ot the of the dancer-3' tee mentions thumping t to Burn In a an linn's face as sh misty twilight. "it'tr an aw! tl Patsy, " broadly grin lgnomnco, u watching he Glllinn wal times. but et "It looks hunk across looking my to sit Y' '"Don't bot will take car Gillian." :ronm " hope you will," Gillian says, laughing in reply, {Mung n Bittle thrill of friondiinrtruw toward him tor his frank klndllness. and n little thrpl of swift. intangible pain and shrinking from him, as Impala his arm around her to steady her as rvd-hrttred Patsy leads the mar" out of tho yard over the rough, un- even pavirut-stoewr'. Gillian and her emort are on the opposite Side of the car from the house. but as they pass by the kitchen door the wheels loudly bumping and biting along. and Gillian leaning over the cushioned well of the car, glances tttMK-one long wistful glance-at the bright- ly-lit doorway, and as she does so she sees some one come out hastily. It needs but one glance at the tall broai1-tshou1dered ruture, and tho big symmetrical limbs. 'She turns away with convulsive sudden- new, and gazes before her Into the shadows of the lofty sycamore trem and the misty dag-313933. "V .. "Hallo, Patsy! Hum on y' he calls In his clear loud voice with a. touch of humorous Ithnesa In the accent. “Dick dkhft tell me you were ready tor me, and so I----" Ho has reached tho car as he speaks. buttoning his coat. and pulling on his thick gloves. and Patsy's mouth opens in bewilder- ment, and he lets the man-e name to a. standatlll. “Dick didn't tell me nothln‘, Mis- ther Archer," Patsy begin. In a frightened apology, “on'y that the car ltd he wanted, he sod. and than wlgen pe gintlemun aa' lady cum, tut'----' ' "whs--hther) Was the our for you t" asks Captain Lacy, in avoxod, astonished tone. " am sure I be: your pardon tor appropriattytr tttn such a. manner? I hadn't the but idea. you wanted It, and m- " And tt " Lehman; I go baron , phaetor nking it Bra TO queer-ioohttngt inn walks rour I. but can mule looks liko t Id h I) tito rclhttepd youth, In grinning at the young lady's p, and deeply interested in , her attempts to mount. It on the cushioned uhelf. r foot rest on the run-raw ‘nptnin Lacy says. laugh- d you hold on by the but side, and than the leather ,‘ODR you from falling tor- tl melon bo frightened an bm stilim! W and on n rattl trm M and the mot-clung he harrie fr tl m *nthm- apron. noth- carriage-shawl to )ys, laughing again. ltenml, though; I mu Sha'n't fall on. n't tell you ll hat! Dear At of faithful cr, Lite whisper use ling [spot on I rries out into ht Wher Inep, y L‘aptatn "tlt -ning? And other won- "ll you how Dear Anne Ithtut own.- M isper mm ot on Gil- " into the tl " m via Donne was tired out, and Lid, Dama- wixhed to tun her home." "Pray don't amuse." George an. a. litUe atlifLy. raising his hat u be some; to the but ot the car. "It doe- not matter to me in the heart. I hope you will get homo all HEM. I am druid Mina Donne will find " rough m tho mountain 50nd. Ps sure you are very careful. "But-tturi-t --we are not to be tho mm of Inomtvettieqtety to Fmt-- Mr. Archer W' Gillian pays In a low, formal tone. "I cannot. mwrnlt that, Indeed. Can't we drive Mr. Archer home t" she asks. sudden”. Ln a dam. altered mice. Patsy." "certainty," Captain Lacy ways. formally. “Jump up, Archer. and we can go round by Dan-ugh and drop M at the foot of the t'turtle Hm. lf that will dot" "Oh. It (hasn't matter In tho least whether I walk home ordrivo home.“ George can In a cold. hauglny voice. "Don't let me detain you. Good night." And ho raises his hat I turning away. when G In an excited. unsteady "It you don't allow us let, Mr. Archer. I will car. , JLJLJLJLJLWWJLJLJLJI’JLALJ! .11, "Oh, do, his {rank i (By Dorothy Dix.) t "um-atv-ae-ea'"'-'-'"'"'"'- ”If"? Ject. nubi and new duct mum can: from wa by prod mstt-s. In a small and mode" done-- the establishment it in not alvnyu ontirr'ly convenient to furnish bottle! and bird» and chorus girls. or even first-chu" games ot roulette in order to enable the husband to pan a pleasant evening. Nor N it invariably advlnble tor the, wife to net up a, bar ln the drawing-room, replace the brie-a.- brnc with aplttooni and sub-“tats a hamlet- for the plano because her hunbund doe. not feel at home any- where but in a. saloon. that up nverythi who put keeping, (has his peril. Thu three things a woman never forgive" are any suggestion about how sho should raise her children. manage her servants. or keep down the grocery bill. . Wlse is the man who eats what In set before him and can no questions and who never attempts to balance his wife’s accounts. 4. A wife should study and improve her mind and keep up with the times, no that She may be a companion tor her huobaud. Exception.--) course, women are apt to know too much nowadays. It doesn't entertain the mu who has only had time to read the headline. of the papers on the car as he went downtown to come home to a wile who ls a walking encyclopedia. on current topics. and who can make him look like thirty cents in a po- litical argument. ' 7 7 On the contrary. It makes him very, very weary, and many n. man is driven away from his happy home to the corner grocery in order to find an audience More whom he can pose as an oracle. tr. A man would make a ttur divide of the family titttuieete and given his wife In" at all he suns. Exetsptlon.--Ot course. this do" not refer to those cases In which she getl ninety-nine and nine-tent" per cent. ot all the pronts. That in the usual American an erage. Other- wise there would not be no any beautifully drmmed women Inna-lat- hag around at the summer retort. and In Europe. while their human toll In town like workhors- II a. treadmill. Tbree Bantoga trunh [all of "eonteetiotta" for the We and t pair ot reversible cut!- for the in- 3. Husbands should encourage and lwvr their wive- by taking an inter- at in dammit: almirn. Esicption.-U9t course. the one thing but aggravates a woman above everything elm on earth In a man vho pokes his nose into her house- ;ecping, and any husband who criti- lzea his wlte'a cooking does no at his Husbands Should Not Crtttrize a! HOW TO BE HAPPY EVEN THOUGH MARRIED. wire. Should be Up to Date wandering from mum: at home ks abroad. otion.-Or cour Keep Him A Fair Division. do that I" I: good-temper h o Sumo" ext ll on " ht mman reveal the " the professional husband has not xt and my noth- , n motto In do- ' in palm“. It again. and Is Gillian menial dy voice. no to drive you viii not take tho w to be happy. band am “not the no of the harm of the divide of tamil interest time thin cont". 'ustom stale. . Mendy married, ' 6 Tbs t2,"22d',t tbout to marry' sum-3...": Seed 'll'".."..."?, on war "orrte tl I, this depends on the man'- modeat done-- m not surly- furnish bottlel girls, or even ulette in order " a can. wit ad laugh. . .wn fireside attractions or even "'9 in order tgot pan a pink i. m Lble for m in the the, brie-a- prev tor pre- mrmvom 25c 1argeuqtridandPowder 2Se wllluzcepta. neat, MAM)“. Nb Datum" ' _ l He sue: ”and is ttse. Ado a! ttie un- thain and tuck: the rug tn ell.- tully beneath her toot. and In“... drou'...nd “noon hodoeuoohli ung’loved hand touches hen. And at the touch ot the m. mrong right hand the glrl'l aqat wake» into the pamion of a '0..." “to; the very pulses of her but Sozodont A Wlfe’u Welcome. 0. The win) would always meet In Ila-bum when he return. home It“: " glad, no“ Inna Exoeption.--A9t course that w on when and how Ina romeo Do... u mare wieeq met. thelr hush-ad; m a broomstlck or rolling». M I a. m. wand of with a water! “0. we should have some temp.“ re- form work that would work. lo woman romeo rolllng In at "" at looking tor I; glad, an“ UK ‘0 known better than to try It. Hubby Must be Atte.tf.q. T A man should new: I)“ - little atterttiot" after martin“ an he showed his wife when be In. Atwats 9. A human: puny bk wife want. to so placm ot am: Exoeptioo,-- budnesu or ' day. with en the ttres"ittg trot around h pink tau and in nothlng IN Good for But! Tooth Not Bad for Good Tooth! pink tau! and ill-ventilated on... in nothing short a! martyrdom. and well a. man should put him-cl! and. the protection of the variety tor the prevention of cruelty tn dumb man. All “It the Wingi. 10. A woman would in tL Ion. I. gel. with all her interest centre!“ In her brand and childrm. Excerptlom--Aud yet it in halo ll- geil who are generally mated to - These are. of course, only n law of the may aimple “has and their - ceptlonn gown-Mug dqmnsllq 11te.9tf As soon Ill you acquit. m onemles you may be sure you In 1:03qu ot Iomethlng Hubble. A conceited per-nu never W became he in alum" pert.“ hi i 0an eyes. Excerptlom--Aud yet gel. who are general]: bomb who are nr trip - A Ml, Md 3 douécuc tyrant-u much alike. A numbskull has been voted . I... because he knew enough to ttoM lb tongue nod wax hin bend. Poor Dame Grundy'. She In of all creaturel the mo" rigidly Winn“ uni yet who love. her? mough has been said to chow how very can It' in to be happy. w married. when you know the "I- governing the we. Folly in not sill-styling " all that. but one " better than Guam The beauty who wul malt no " tail mounts at her feet In. . “at upon her soul. “(any in tho chief motive - tttat moves the world nad was dettl laugh. - _ _ Th6 woman who doclnrmi due Inte- nattery in the one who retreats and), word ot it vouch-sled her. Autulnity and affinity an wont betiryntaplaeed. 7 - A If aiGirAGr. were CON' the I.” would be lined with printing - mankind. f It new?! wvre measur‘ one night such at the .. er" Hon when the cumin 7&3"me cultured nro er do. to cw ndmlratlnn; t “I!" only are “and ttbe nntu - __ 77117â€"031me to be goal in n glut city. but In the lone Cl M t. Forth one need. God in ‘ldwty: toning. if woman uncaring is. a hm Guilt. oo-cqunl with a man on" w-hs- .. _ - -unt, tho petty won-1m. no. mt sorrows or joys. um tultsri-egq- h (we. Joy show- in the even. a“ vulga- the bead-Pulls!“ .- I tau and wthlng Ibo h a man. all I protection. nation of c BALL & RUCKEL. "out“ Wrte Mus h every non kin; point. t and half the I md ill-Vent g short 0! u an. should pu action a! the m ot cruelty show. should always noel.- wire chow-fully when do , go out In auciety or to ammemmt in the evening. oe1,--Whan " mm» In on the or protesionnl rack - h every nerve stretched to king point, to {one kl. to Ind halt the night to m - . 25: h Powder 25c 25 F ad Powder Tsr c. Obuervntlons. we. it n an“ ame “out at (mud and hoituare t writing luv AT., , businell bun. barn "In In!" d would be three ht-r attahtt, that ' (My... he would wry court. mm have - hm mum-cut in the beer of lib. W of the M! u- girl’l “I of a. won-I'- of her heart Kp of In!!!“ r'vpted ratio nuance. ll infantile. Ital]! "er. curtly l when (In , love “It. I a woman dinner. at! new um- (1:11th ur not“ Ian he - rd Antony. vi b " blow. " any out: and love In- Pt mun- "*

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